The most visited countries in Europe according to the World Tourism Organization. The most visited countries in Europe according to the world tourism organization The most popular countries in the world

Among all existing global tourism destinations, there are a number of leading countries in terms of the number of travelers in 2019-2020. Such popularity is usually due to the various benefits of holidaying in a particular country.

These can be unique attractions, architectural monuments and natural objects, as well as the country’s tourist-oriented policy, which makes it easier to enter it. An important factor is the total cost of the trip. The ranking of the TOP 10 countries for 2020 is as follows.

When considering the most visited countries in the world, you cannot ignore. According to statistics, this year the state was visited by up to 22 million tourists, which allowed it to take a leading position among similar destinations. Guests of this country are given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with ancient culture vanished Mayan people, bask in the hot sun or swim in clear water.

The cost of a holiday here varies depending on living conditions. There are many hotels, and all of them are able to satisfy even the most demanding guests thanks to exceptional service and affordable prices for accommodation.

Fascinating Mexico (capital - Mexico City)

Mexico will also delight tourists with its loyal attitude towards guests, thanks to which the latter have the opportunity to visit these states without the need to obtain visas and other permits.

Tours to this country are in incredible demand both from tourists from the Russian Federation and CIS countries, and among citizens of other countries. The secret of such success is extremely simple - excellent weather, unique culture and low cost of vacation.

In addition, we should not forget about the loyal policy of this country towards tourists: visa-free entry for citizens of most countries this is a huge plus.

When planning a trip here, travelers note that most of the budget planned for a vacation is the cost of the flight. In the same time, prices for food and other expenses are incredibly low. In comparison with other inexpensive analogues, it boasts excellent quality of service, which makes visiting it competent and rational.

Additionally, it should be noted that the specifics of this country provide excellent opportunities for nature tourism, which certainly includes visiting local natural wonders.


Russian Federation also included in the list of countries with the highest numbers of tourists. This interest is due to cultural characteristics, as well as rich history states. Due to the climatic specifics, this direction is more preferred by amateurs winter holiday and related sports such as skiing, snowboarding and others.

Among the adherents extreme recreation Trips to Siberia are extremely in demand, where tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the unique beauty of this corner of Russia.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are very popular among lovers of historical excursions, while lovers of the hot sun often go to Kazan or Sochi. There is quite a large demand for tours that include a number of cities and provide the opportunity to form the most complete impression of the country.

This direction is incredibly popular due to a number of features. First of all, these include a huge number of ancient attractions from the medieval period. Also here awaits tourists:

  • high quality service in hotels;
  • a huge number of architectural monuments;
  • unique original culture.

An additional advantage in this direction is that official language English here. Since it is international, travelers have no trouble navigating the city and communicating with local residents.


Romantic Paris has been holding a leading position among popular ones for many years tourist destinations, and is perhaps the most visited country in the world, along with the USA. Holidays in France allow you to balance your tourist program by including many various events and just admire the most romantic city in the world.

Fans of excursions will certainly not refuse to visit the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower, and sea lovers will certainly turn their attention to Cote d'Azur. In addition, this state is fraught with many cultural characteristics, including unique local cuisine, interesting customs and many other factors that attract tourists in this direction.

Video about traveling to France.

France is more suitable than other countries for a romantic pastime.

If you come here with children, it is easy to make the trip interesting for all family members. After all, Disneyland is located here, which will certainly leave many bright and pleasant impressions and give children joy.


This country can truly surprise travelers with its unique diversity, which cannot be compared with any other destination. First of all, it includes several climatic zones, strikingly different from each other, which provides excellent opportunities for nature tourism. This is facilitated by the huge number of national parks, which occupy a significant part of the country’s territory.

The USA is the longed-for dream of many

In addition, there are many architectural and historical attractions. Tourists most often give preference to San Francisco and Washington. Often package tours include visits to all these cities, which allows you to fully enjoy the diversity.

Don’t forget about Las Vegas, which is very popular not only among foreigners, but also among US residents due to the unique opportunity to plunge into an atmosphere of unbridled fun and excitement.

People's Republic of China

Despite the fact that this destination began to be in demand relatively recently, it quickly gained enormous popularity among tourists from all over the world. First of all, travelers here are interested in the local culture and flavor. It's no secret that this civilization seems to be one of the most ancient, which is why it boasts a huge number of attractions.

Great Chinese Wall

Another feature that makes travelers come here is the rapidly growing economy. Local hotels are able to provide excellent accommodation for a relatively small fee, and the number of goods and services that can be purchased profitably in this state has made it popular among shopping enthusiasts.

The Celestial Empire - majestic and mysterious

In China, you can observe a unique combination of the dynamic rhythm of life in the metropolis and the peaceful tranquility of small settlements. Therefore, when visiting this country, you should definitely find time to explore not only the capital, but also less major cities.

Ranked among the most visited countries due to its excellent service and suitable weather conditions. Tourists from various countries come here more often than others, which is explained by geographical location country and ease of visiting.

The best conditions for relaxation are found in Ibiza and other popular southern resorts. A unique combination of the sea, clean beaches, colorful local cuisine and big amount attractions guarantees high demand for trips to Spain.

Ibiza is a holiday every day

Ibiza often hosts various club electronic music festivals, which attracts young people from both neighboring states Europe and from other countries.

It is impossible to leave Italy without trying original local dishes prepared in accordance with all the rules and traditions.

In addition, only here you can appreciate the grandeur of the Colosseum with your own eyes, take pictures near the Leaning Tower of Pisa and admire the beauty of the mountainous regions of this country. A holiday here will certainly appeal to shopping lovers, as in Milan you can buy many exclusive and unique items from the world's leading fashion brands.

For lovers beach holiday the best place to go is Sicily. There they can count on:

For sightseeing, it is better to go to Rome, and for shopping, of course, to Milan. Thanks to such a tempting combination, this destination is popular even among experienced travelers. The best option would be to alternately visit several cities, which will allow you to get the most out of your trip.

Every person sometimes wants bright emotions, new impressions, but where, no matter how on vacation, to look for them? Only there can you shake off your daily routine and gain strength for new achievements. By changing the environment while traveling, a person rests his soul and body, and new impressions do not allow him to become sour.

1. Thailand

Over the past few decades, the Kingdom of Thailand has made it one of its main sources of income. international tourism. Only for Last year 27 million vacationers came there from all over the world, of which 15 million were in Bangkok, which is a record for cities in the world. Thailand has a rich cultural heritage, vibrant national cuisine, luxury hotels were built here near snow-white beaches. Thanks to all this, new travelers flock there, and many return to Thailand more than once.

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2. Brazil

The whole world knows the cheerfulness of Brazilians, who literally ignite at the mention of the words “samba” or “football”. For tourists, Brazil is a real paradise: here you can take part in a jaguar hunt in the jungle or just lie on a beautiful beach, sipping a local Caipirinha cocktail to the whimsical rhythms of bossa nova. On Atlantic coast Brazil has over 2,000 beaches, and along it there are thousands of small islands - here you can find a secluded lagoon and wonderful places for surfing. In general, there are so many interesting and unusual things in Brazil that it’s impossible to list them all. You can take a risk and go on a long journey deep into the Amazon, where you can catch a huge pirarucu fish. Much less effort will be required to visit Rio de Janeiro - a magnificent South American city with its famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, where you can listen to plenty of bossa nova and samba, engage in extreme local sports - ride a piece of plastic from a high sand dune straight into the ocean.

3. Australia

Australian Big barrier reef is the largest coral formation on the planet. It is even considered one of the wonders of the world. Here is a real paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts; divers here can see a huge variety of fauna of the Pacific Ocean: amazingly beautiful fish, cetaceans, mollusks and the corals themselves. But environmentalists believe that due to global warming, the water temperature is slowly rising, which, together with its pollution, leads to the death of corals. The most pessimistic forecasts give the reef life for another few decades, and after that it may happen that there will be nothing to see. So hurry up to Australia!

4. Croatia

Having joined the European Union, Croatia, beloved by Russians as a holiday destination, has become more accessible to them, since it is constantly introducing the abolition of the visa regime. Therefore, compatriots happily go there to relax in the mild Mediterranean climate of Croatia. It's never too hot here, just just right. An excellent addition to the climate are the picturesque Adriatic beaches and the surrounding landscapes. Croatia is a very “homey” country that did not build huge all-inclusive hotels, at the entrance of which there is a constant doorman in livery. Instead, there are many apartments rented by local residents, in which tourists truly feel at home.
Croatia has a lot of greenery and very fresh air, in which subtle aromas of pine resin and sea salt are felt. Local beaches are framed by lacy tree crowns. You just have to move away from big cities in the outback, how you can enjoy peace and quiet even at the height of the tourist season. But Croatian beaches are not the only entertainment here, because Croatia is rich in historical and natural attractions - it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe.

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5. Morocco

Morocco is considered the pearl of North Africa, and even relatively recently it was closed to tourism, but recently it has been making up for itself, receiving a huge number of travelers from all over the world. This country has a variety of natural conditions: the sands of the Sahara here face the sea, and on the other side they run into the mountains. Therefore, it makes sense to come here for those who like to soak up the beach near warm sea, and those who prefer to spend their holidays more actively.
Among several Moroccan resorts, Agadir is especially famous, which is located in a valley on the shore Atlantic Ocean. There are beaches of golden sand, camel rides into the dunes and a lot of other entertainment are organized. In the town of Essaouira there is one remarkable fishing port, in which colorful boats of fishermen crowd, and clouds of seagulls fly above them. Islam is widespread in Morocco, so Russians who do not profess this religion are not very comfortable here during Ramadan, because at this time even foreigners are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages.

6. Bulgaria

In the wonderful country of Bulgaria there is a gentle sea, sandy beaches and green parks. Local beach resorts and club hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. This country can be called ideal for a family holiday - here you can find... mineral springs, and sports facilities. The pride of the country is its endless vineyards and rose plantations. Although Bulgaria is a fairly close neighbor, it has a highly developed tourist service that is of European quality and offers decent entertainment program. The beaches in Bulgaria are clean and well-groomed.
While vacationing in Bulgaria, you can’t help but come to Sofia, which is one of the oldest cities on the continent - settlements from prehistoric times have been found here. An important landmark of the capital is the Church of Hagia Sophia, which even appears on the city’s coat of arms.

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7. Greece

Greece can be called the golden mean in all respects. There are many small home-style hotels here that maintain hotel service with daily cleaning, and offer a buffet breakfast, but at the same time make you feel welcome with good friends. Greece has given the world many great historical attractions, but it is also rich in a variety of beaches: sandy, pebble or sand and pebble. You can have fun going from beach to beach and comparing them. On many of the countless greek islands you can stay in a hotel where instead of a veranda there is a small swimming pool, in which you can spend the whole day without leaving your home. In addition, you can take easy walks on the sea on various boats, exploring picturesque bays and looking for new beaches. It is also worth mentioning the excellent Greek cuisine, which is famous throughout Europe. Dinner at a national Greek restaurant will give both adults and children a lot of gastronomic delights.

8. Tunisia

Tunisia can be called quite young tourist country, since it began to widely attract travelers only in the 80s of the last century. But these days it boasts 1,200 km of beaches, near which there are numerous modern hotels, and many historical monuments. Also, popular thalassotherapy centers have been created on the basis of local thermal springs. There are resorts here that are already teeming with crowds of tourists attracted low prices and excellent beaches, but there are also those that are just gaining popularity - in these you can relax in a much more relaxed atmosphere.
Tabarka is just such a sparsely populated resort, located in the north of the country - the “coral coast”. Diving lovers should come here. The small resort town of Magdia, located on the Mediterranean coast, offers a peaceful family vacation on snow-white beaches. A holiday in Tunisia can be a solution to problems for those who are afraid to fly by plane, since you can sail here from Genoa or Marseille by ferry, taking your own car in which you can travel around the country.

9. Cambodia

Cambodia is incredible picturesque landscapes, there are a lot of antiquities and very cheap food here. Until recently, prices here were probably not just low, but indecently low. This was explained by the fact that tourists did not come here due to the terrible recent fate of this country, and only recently the situation began to change dramatically in better side. Now it’s mostly young people who are flocking to Cambodia, who like a lot here.

10. Italy

With its incredible history, Italy could not help but become a tourism destination associated with educational excursions. Countless routes around classic Italy will always attract tourists who prefer not to fry on the beach all day long, but to get to know the country with their ears and eyes, constantly traveling around it. The most curious seek to leave the beaten path and climb into unfamiliar villages of the Italian outback. Those who need sun and sea can head to the resorts of the Adriatic Sea, Amalfi and Naples, or settle in the resorts of Tuscany and Lazio. Russian tourists have long mastered such destinations in Liguria as Portofino, San Remo or Santa Margherita Ligure, where bohemians and the elite prefer to have fun. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the Italian islands: Sicily, Sardinia, Ischia can reward you with magnificent views of nature and allow you to enjoy a quiet, relaxing holiday.

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TRAVELERS' CHOICE AWARD is the most important travel ranking of the year compiled by, the largest travel service in the world. The winners were selected using an algorithm that took into account millions of reviews and ratings from online users of thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know which cities won? See the top 25 best places in the world to travel.


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1. Marrakech in Morocco has become number 1 on the list of best places to travel according to “A stunning old market bustling with life in the city center” is the most attractive place in the city, according to users of the portal. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Reap in Cambodia is number 2 in the ranking of the best places to travel. Tourists are especially delighted by the sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple, because it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic journey through different eras, styles, religions, tastes and aromas. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call it a lively, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" Czech Prague. Here on every corner you can come across “strange shops” that will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. “Eclectic” London is a mixture of lifestyles, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy. “Such a huge piece of history in one city.” (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Cool, hip, absolutely amazing city.” (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France. Nowhere in the world will you find such an amazing atmosphere as Montmartre, a beautiful and colorful area with its small shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is Botanical Garden Kirstenbosch, about which users write only admiring reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to users, the city's top must-see attraction is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland. “Once you reach the top of the Matterhorn glacier, you will feel like you are standing on the roof of the world.” (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, ​​Spain. “In some corners of this city you will feel like you have traveled back in time... 500 years into the past!” (Photo: CNN).
14. Goreme, Türkiye. “This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!” (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. This the best place for those who love SPA: massage, acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru. "It's a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very welcoming people and good restaurants." (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of its main attractions is Saint Isaac's Cathedral, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire city. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral gives tourists “goosebumps!” In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street is "the heart and soul of Bangkok, the ultimate destination for all travellers, with lively streets and bars at every turn." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is first and foremost a city Buddhist temples, unique monuments that are worth visiting. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The calling card of this city is the “spectacular” Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, was called “Queen of the Danube” by Internet users. (Photo: CNN).
22. Queenstown ( New Zealand) is the best place for lovers of sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is a one-of-a-kind city, characteristic feature which are floating restaurants that serve delicious dim sum (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) is a cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic cityscapes that rises above the Arabian desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will appeal to both history and modernity lovers. Business card city ​​- this is the opera building (Sydney Opera House), which looks like a sailboat peacefully floating in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).

Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from traveling to new cities and areas are priceless and often stunningly unforgettable.


There are also many attractions in India that are considered objects World Heritage UNESCO: cave temples Ajanta, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.

Most Unique Country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the biggest Island state in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much smaller.

Large islands are characterized by a combination mountainous terrain with plains covered with thick wet tropical forests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the very shore and end in peaks.

One of natural features Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano Indonesia - Krakatoa, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

Most Unique Country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia is that it can be called the highest mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. It’s not for nothing that Bolivia is called the “Tibet of America.” Unfortunately, the exit to Pacific Ocean the country lost as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest de facto capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries most of its population is indigenous, Indians - one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is more than 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia to meet representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Photo: open sources on the Internet, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova

In the morning: drink a cup of coffee at Harrods department store. In the afternoon: visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum at the fictitious address Baker Street, 221-b. In the evening: go to the opera at the Royal Theatre.

3. Marrakech, Morocco

In the morning: explore the cramped courtyards of the historical part of the city - the Medina. In the afternoon: ride a bicycle along its ramparts. In the evening: find peace in the serene Majorelle Gardens.

5. Siem Reap, Cambodia

In the morning: take a photo at dawn temple complex Angkor Wat. Afternoon: Get a feel for the local flavor in an ordinary Cambodian village. In the evening: learn to bargain at the Angkor night market with many Khmer stalls.

7. Rome, Italy

In the morning: throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain for luck. During the day: marvel at the majesty of the Colosseum and Pantheon. In the evening: refuel with an espresso for the rest of the day in the shops of Campo de' Fiori or Via Veneto.

9. Ubud, Indonesia

In the morning: try Bally massage and spa treatments: acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy and others. In the afternoon: visit the monkey park, where hundreds of playful macaques live. In the evening: Don't miss the Gunung Kawi Tombs.

11. Tokyo, Japan

In the morning: go to the live fish auction at the Zucchini market. Afternoon: Stroll under the cherry blossoms along the Sumida River or in the Imperial Palace Gardens. In the evening: turn up the heat at the karaoke bar.

13. Dubai, UAE

In the morning: wake up in a seven-star hotel. Afternoon: Lose a couple of hundred at the Nad Al Sheba racecourse, where the camel races take place. Evening: Dine at one of Dubai's 400 restaurants.

15. Amsterdam, Netherlands

In the morning: start the day with a bike ride. Afternoon: visit the Vincent Van Gogh Museum. In the evening: find out if the red light district actually has lanterns of this color.

17. Hong Kong, China

Morning: Enjoy traditional Chinese architecture in Ngong Ping village. In the afternoon: take a tram to the top of Victoria Peak, from where you can see the city. In the evening: find unity with the world at the Chi Lin Buddhist Monastery.

19. Playa del Carmen, Mexico

In the morning: go diving. Afternoon: Explore the ruins of Coba (an ancient Mayan village). Evening: Watch the locals while shopping along Fifth Avenue.

21. Sydney, Australia

In the morning: wander the cobbled streets of the Ross district. Afternoon: Watch street performances at the Sekula Que tourist center. In the evening: get a bird's eye view of observation deck Sydney TV Tower.

23. Kathmandu, Nepal

In the morning: wander among the monuments of Durbar Square. Afternoon: Chat with climbers in the vibrant Thamel area. In the evening: have dinner at one of the Nepalese restaurants.

25. St. Petersburg, Russia

In the morning: wake up to the noise of Nevsky Prospekt. In the afternoon: stand in line at the Hermitage and walk along it for a couple of kilometers. In the evening: book a tour of the St. Petersburg rooftops.
