Topic on the German language. Im deutschen Hotel. In a German hotel. Hotel in German: complaints and claims Hotel service competitions German

When learning a foreign language, you should pay great attention to dialogic speech. Dialogues help to quickly learn new words and expressions and develop oral communication skills. And dialogues in German, equipped with translations into Russian, allow you to use them for self-control (you can translate from German without looking at the Russian text, and then, on the contrary, translate from Russian and test yourself using the German text).

Frau Frolova reserviert Hotelplätze

— Hier Hotel “Merkur”.

— Ich möchte bitte 2 Hotelzimmer reservieren.

— Einzel-oder Doppelzimmer?

— Zwei Einzelzimmer bitte auf den Namen Dubenko.

- Mit Bad oder Dusche?

- Mit Bad bitte.

— Wann kommt Herr Dubenko an?

— Wie lange bleibt er in Dresden?

— Alles erledigt. Auf Wiederhören.

Frau Frolova books a hotel

— Hotel "Mercury".

— I would like to order 2 rooms.

— Single or double?

— Two singles, please, with the last name Dubenko.

— With a bath or shower?

- With a bath, please.

— When will Mr. Dubenko arrive?

— How long will he stay in Dresden?

- Everything is fine (settled). Goodbye.

Am Empfang

— Guten Abend. Wir haben auf den Namen Dubenko zwei Zimmer reserviert.

— Sie sind auf Geschäftsreise von der Firma Avis, nicht wahr?

- Sie haben Recht.

— Füllen Sie bitte dann das Anmeldeformular aus.

— Wie teuer sind die Zimmer?

— Die Übernachtung mit Frühstück kostet 26 Euro pro Nacht.

- Haben Sie Vol- oder Halbpension?

— Leider weder noch. Aber unser Restaurant hat warme Küche fast den ganzen Tag. Wir haben auch ein Solarium, einen Fitnessraum, eine Dampfsauna, eine Kegelbahn, einen Tennisplatz.

— Hier sind Ihre Schlüssel. Zimmer Nummer 32, 34 liegen im 3. Stock. Um die Ecke befindet sich der Fahrstuhl.

— Können Sie uns morgen früh wecken?

— Gern. Das macht unser Zimmermädchen. Um wie viel Uhr?

— Um Viertel nach sieben.

- Geht in Ordnung.

From the administrator

- Good evening. We ordered two rooms under the name Dubenko.

— You are on a business trip from the Avis company, aren’t you?

- You're right.

— Please fill out the registration form.

— How much does a hotel room cost?

— Per room per night with breakfast – 26 euros.

— Do you have full or half board?

- Unfortunately, neither one nor the other. But the restaurant is open almost all day. We also have a solarium, fitness room, sauna, bowling alley, tennis court.

- Wonderful!

- Here are your keys. Rooms 32, 34 are located on the 3rd floor. The elevator is around the corner.

— Could you wake us up tomorrow morning?

- With pleasure. Our maid will do this. At what time?

- At a quarter past seven.

- Will be done.

- Thank you.

I'm Zimmer

- Darf ich herein?

- Bitte, komm rein. Setz dich. Ich muss noch auspacken. Ich bin fast fertig.

Darf ich dir helfen?

— Nett von dir. Lege bitte auf den Schreibtisch die Unterlagen. Meine Sachen hänge ich in den Schrank. Das Waschzeug – ins Bad. Den Koffer – ins Regal.

— Dein Zimmer ist nett. Modern und gut eingerichtet. Mein Zimmer ist auch gemütlich und komfortabel. Ich habe bloß keinen Fernseher und nur einen Sessel. Aber ich habe ein Bett und eine Couch.

- Nicht so schlimm. Dann siehst du bei mir fern. So, that's all. Los! Gehen wir!

In the room

- Can I come in?

- Please come in. Sit down. I still need to unpack. I'm almost ready.

- Can I help you?

- Nice of you. Please put the documentation on the desk. I'll hang my things in the closet. Wash accessories - in the bathroom. The suitcase is on the shelf.

-You have a nice little room. Modern and well furnished. My room is also cozy and comfortable. Only I don’t have a TV and only one chair. But I have a bed and a sofa.

- Not scary. You will watch TV with me. That's it, it seems. Forward! Went!




OGSE.03 German Language

The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO) 02/43/11 Hotel service (basic level) / Service sector, professional standard “Leader/manager” hotel complex/hotel chains”, content of WorldSkills competency 57 “Hotel Reception”
Developer organization:
State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Ekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology”, Yekaterinburg

Morozova Ekaterina Andreevna - teacher
1. Elena Anatolyevna Barantseva, teacher, deputy director for academic affairs, GAPOU SO “Ekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology” ____________________

2. Bystrova Liliya Faritovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution SO "Ekaterinburg Assembly College"
Surname I.O., position, full name of the educational institution, signature
· Print location

1.1. Scope of application of the work program
The work program of the academic discipline is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty vocational education 43.02.11 Hotel service (basic level) / Service sector
The work program of the academic discipline can be used in vocational education and advanced training and retraining programs in the specialty “Hotel Service” in the “Service Sector” direction.
1.2. The place of an academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: a discipline of the general professional cycle.
1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline:
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:
communicate (orally and in writing) in a foreign language on professional and everyday topics;
translate (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts;
independently improve oral and written speech, expand your vocabulary;
speak a foreign language taking into account the characteristics of regular customers of the hotel complex at a level that ensures effective professional communications.
As a result of studying the academic discipline “German”, the student must know: the lexical (1200-1400 lexical units) and grammatical minimum required for reading and translating (with a dictionary) foreign professional texts.

full-time education
extramural studies

mandatory classroom load for students

independent work of students

2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work
Type of educational work
Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


laboratory classes

practical lessons

test papers

course work (project)

Independent work of the student (total)


Preparation of reports

Compilation of dictionaries of professional terms by topic

Drawing up a mind map

Preparing a presentation

Final certification in the form of differentiated credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline German language (basic)
Name of sections and topics
Contents of educational material, laboratory and practical work, course work (project)
Hours volume
Level of assimilation

Section 1.
Introductory course.

Topic 1.1.
Introduction to Business German.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introductory lesson. Introduction of vocabulary, cliches of speech forms of address, dating, etc.
Homework: Compiling a dialogue using new lexical material.

Grammar workshop: “Prдsens”. Working with the text “In the office.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Present tense”.

Lexico-grammatical workshop. / Compiling dialogues on the topic “In the organization”, “Receiving calls”.
Homework: Creating a mini-situation using business German expressions.


Independent work of students

Topic 1.2.
Business German in the service sector.


Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “Business German in the service sector.” Compose dialogues on the topic.
Homework: Compose a dialogue using vocabulary on the topic “Business German in the service sector.”

Grammar workshop “Numerals, fractions, dates, percentages.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Numerals, fractions, dates, percentages.”

Lexico-grammatical workshop.
Homework: Complete lexical and grammatical exercises on the topic


Independent work of students

Section 2.
Service documentation.

Topic 2.1.
Working with clients in the service sector.
Contents of educational material.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “Working with clients in the service sector.” / Compiling dialogues on the topic.
Homework assignment: Compiling a retelling on the topic “Working with clients in the service sector.”

Complaints, conflict situations, problems. Working with grammatical material “Adjectives and adverbs, degrees of comparison.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Adjectives and adverbs, degrees of comparison.”

Writing practice. Drafting a response letter to a customer complaint.
Homework assignment: Compiling a monologue on the topic “Analysis and resolution of conflict situations.”

Grammar workshop: “Degrees of comparison of adjectives.”
Homework: Doing lexical and grammatical exercises on the topic.


Independent work of students

Topic 2.2.
Telephone conversations.
Contents of educational material.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “Telephone conversations”. / Compiling the dialogue “Call of a business partner.”
Homework: Compose a dialogue “Telephone conversation”.

Working with grammatical material “Partitions”. / Doing exercises. Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Partipulations.”


Independent work of students

Topic 2.3.
Work with incoming and outgoing documentation. Organization of business meetings.
Contents of educational material.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “Incoming and outgoing documentation”. Grammar workshop “Pronouns: demonstrative, personal, possessive.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Pronouns”

Study reading of the text “Organizing business meetings.”
Homework: Prepare a message on the topic.

Development of dialogical speech on the topic: “Working with incoming and outgoing documentation”, “Organizing business meetings”.
Homework assignment: Compiling dialogues on the topic “Organizing business meetings.”

Grammar workshop. / Writing a test paper on the topic “Pronouns”. Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Pronouns”.


Independent work of students

Topic 2.4.
Features of translation of documents and business letters in German.
Contents of educational material.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Lexical difficulties in translating texts. Pseudo-internationalisms.
Homework: Doing lexical exercises on the topic “International words and pseudo-internationalisms.”

Practice of written translation. Translation of the response letter to the complaint.
Homework assignment: Writing a response letter to a customer complaint.

Working with grammatical material: “Dependent infinitive and infinitive groups.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Dependent infinitive and infinitive groups.”

Consolidation of the completed grammatical and lexical material. / Performing exercises to translate documentation in German.
Homework: Doing exercises to translate documentation into German.


Independent work of students

Section 3.
Pleasure to travel

Topic 3.1.
Pleasure to travel
Contents of educational material

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic. Introductory reading of the text “Journey”. Homework: Compiling a retelling of the text “Reise”.

Dialogue speech practice. / Dramatization of dialogues on the topic. Grammar workshop “Verbs in the passive voice.”
Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Verbs in the passive voice.”

Working with the text “Types of transport for travel. / Performing exercises based on the completed grammatical and lexical material.
Homework: Compiling a monologue-opinion on a topic

Presentation of reports on the topic “Types of recreation in Russia and abroad.”
Homework: Compose a dialogue on the topic “Travel.”


Independent work of students

Compilation of a dictionary of professional terms on the topic “Pleasure of Traveling”.

Preparation of a report on the topic “Types of recreation in Russia and abroad.”

Section 4.

Topic 4.1.
Holidays in Russia and abroad.
Contents of educational material

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic. Introductory reading of the text “Holidays Abroad.” Homework: Doing vocabulary exercises on the topic

Summary of the text “Holidays in Russia”. Grammar workshop: “Perfect”. Homework: Doing grammar exercises on the topic “Perfect”.

Lexico-grammatical workshop. / Composing monologues “Where to spend your vacation?” Homework: Compiling dialogues on the topic

Presentation on the topic “Foreign resorts”. / Preparing questions for reports.
Homework assignment: Compiling a monologue-opinion on the topic “Foreign resorts.”


Independent work of students

Compilation of a dictionary of professional terms on the topic “Recreation in Russia and abroad.”

Prepare a report on the topic “Foreign and domestic resorts”

Preparation of presentations on the topic “Recreation in Russia and abroad.”

Topic 4.2.
Travel by sea, train.
Contents of educational material.

Laboratory works

Practical lessons

Introduction of vocabulary on the topic “Travel by sea, train.” / Reading, translation of text on the topic.
Homework: Doing vocabulary exercises on the topic

Compose dialogues on the topic “Buying tickets for a cruise.”
Homework: Compiling dialogues on the topic “Cruise”


Independent work of students

Compiling a dictionary of professional terms on the topic “Travel by sea, train”

Make a mind map on the topic “Travel”

Preparation of a presentation on the topics “Advantages of traveling by sea”, “Advantages of traveling by train”.

Differentiated credit

To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:
1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);
2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)
3. – productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic problems)3. CONDITIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE PROGRAM
3.1. Requirements for minimum logistics
The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a “Foreign Language” classroom;
Classroom equipment:
a screen with an adjustable tilt angle for the projection of banners, slides, textbooks (according to the number of students in the group); dictionaries (bilingual, according to the number of students in the group), thematic card index containing individual and group assignments for students
Technical training aids:
VCR, TV, interactive whiteboard, computer with a license software, multimedia projector, a complete set of technical documentation, including a passport for the technical device and safety instructions.
3.2. Information support for training
List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature
Main sources:
N.V. Basova, German language for technical universities: Textbook M.: KnoRus, 2013.
V.G. Dolgikh, German language: Rediscovering Germany=Deutschland neu entdecken. Level B2: Textbook on speech practice M.: MGIMO-University, 2012.
V. M. Zavyalova, German Grammar: a short reference book Ed. 7th. – M.: KDU, 2012.
V. M. Zavyalova, Practical course of the German language. For beginners: textbook Ed. 9th. – M.: KDU, 2012.
E.S. Koplyakova, German language for students of technical specialties: Textbook M.: Forum, SRC INFRA-M, 2013.
T.S. Yarushkina, Conversational German. Intensive course St. Petersburg: IPC KARO, 2013.
Internet resources:
Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, and students completing individual assignments, projects and tests.

Learning outcomes
(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)
Forms and methods of control
and assessment of learning outcomes.

communicate (orally and in writing)
foreign language into professional and
everyday themes;

translate (with a dictionary) foreign
professional texts;
using professional texts of varying complexity, observing student activities when performing translation, interpreting the results of students’ work, performing extracurricular independent work

independently improve oral
and written speech, replenish vocabulary.
homework assignments of a problematic nature, practical assignments on working with information, documents, literature, defense of individual and group assignments of a project nature

speak a foreign language, taking into account the characteristics of regular customers of the hotel complex at a level that ensures effective professional communications
interview, interpretation of interview results, observation of student activities during practical work, interpretation of observation results, testing, test, checking the performance of extracurricular independent work

– lexical (1200-1400 lexical units)
and the grammatical minimum required for
reading and translation (with a dictionary) of foreign languages
professional texts.
performing practical work, testing, control work, checking the performance of extracurricular independent work

Requirements for the results of mastering the work program of the academic discipline in accordance with the requirements of professional standards and the content of WorldSkills competencies are highlighted in italics.

Considered at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission of general humanitarian disciplines and physical education
Chairman of the P(C)K
____________ N.S. Mareninova

Protocol No. dated " " ____________2016

I affirm:
Deputy Director
on academic work
__________ E. A. Barantseva
" "___________2016


A.V. Zaitseva
" " __________ 2016



conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline program

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline

13 PAGE 141115

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 315


Topics and situations:

In a hotel, getting a room, apartment, furniture, in


restaurant, food and eating. Letter-

Reading texts:

Complex past tense (perfect).

Imperative mood.

Present tense of modal verbs (müssen,

sollen, wollen, mögen),

Prepositions with dative and accusative cases.

Complex sentence.

Soziale Sicherheit.

Sind Ossis die besseren Menschen?

- Guten Abend. Wir haben ein Zimmer reserviert, auf den Namen Dubenko.

- Sie sind auf Geschäftsreisevon der Fa. Avis, never mind?

Sie haben recht.

- Füllen Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular aus.

Was bekommen Sie?

- Die Übernachtung mit Frühstück kostet 89,- DM pro Nacht.

- Haben Sie Volloder Halbpension?

Leider weder noch. Aber unser Restaurant hat warme Küche von 11.30 Uhr to 14 und von 18.00 to 22.00 Uhr. Wir haben auch

einen Fitneßraum, eine Dampfsauna, ein Solarium, eine Kegelbahn, einen Tennisplatz.

Hier sind Ihre Schlüssel. Zimmer Nummer 32, 34 liegen im 3. Stock. Der Fahrstuhl ist

From the administrator

- Good evening. We booked a room under the name Dubenko.

- You're on a business trip from Avis, aren't you?

You're right.

- Please fill out the registration form.

How much do we have?

- Per room per night with breakfast - 89 marks.

- Do you have full or half board?

- Unfortunately, neither one nor the other. But the restaurant is open from 11.30 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 22.00. U

We also have a fitness room, a sauna, a solarium, a bowling alley, and a tennis court.


- Here are your keys. Rooms 32, 34 are located on 4th floor. The elevator is around the corner.

Darf ich herein?

Bitte, komm rein. Setz dich. Ich bin fast fertig. Ich muß noch auspacken.

Soll ich dir helfen?

Nett von dir. Lege bitte die Unterlagen auf den Schreibtisch. Meine Sachen hänge ich in den Schrank. Das Waschzeug - ins Bad. Den Koffer- ins Regal.

Du hast ein nettes Zimmer. Modern und gut eingerichtet. Mein Zimmer ist auch gemütlich und komfortabel. Ich habe bloß keinen Fernseher und nur einen Sessel. Aber dafür habe ich ein Bett und eine Couch.

Nicht so schlimm. Dann siehst du bei mir fern. So, that's all. Los! Gehen wir!

Bitte schön, meine Herrschaften. Ihr Tisch ist dort in der Sitznische. Ich bringe sofort die Speiseund Getränkekarte Es hat Zeit. Unsere ukrainischen Gäste sind noch nicht da.

Hallo, Freunde! Habt ihr euch etwas ausgeruht?

Danke, Herr Hoffinann, etwas schon.

Waren wir nicht schon per Du?

Ja stimmt. Wir haben schon "du" zueinander gesagt.

Gefällt euch euer Hotel?

Danke, wir sind damit zufrieden.

- Haben Sie schon gewählt, meine Herren?

Wir sind gerade dabei.

- Was gibt"s heute? Ich möchte deutsch essen.

- Dann rate ich dir zur Ochsenschwanzsuppe.

In the room

Can I come in?

- Please come in. Sit down. I'm almost ready. I still need to unpack.

Can I help you?

- Nice of you. Please put the documentation on the desk. I'll hang my things in the closet. Wash accessories - in the bathroom. The suitcase is on the shelf.

- You have a nice little room. Modern and well furnished. My room is also cozy and comfortable. Only I don’t have a TV and only one chair. But I have a bed and a sofa.

- Not scary. You will watch TV with me. That's it, it seems. Forward! Went!

At the restaurant

- Please, gentlemen. Your table is there, in the niche. I'll bring the menu right away. There's still time. There are no Ukrainian guests yet.

- Hello friends! Have you rested a little?

Thank you, Mr. Goffmann, a little.

- Weren't we on first name terms?

- Yes, that's right. We were already on first name terms.

- Do you like your hotel?

- Thank you, we are pleased.

- Have you already chosen, gentlemen?

- This is exactly what we are doing.

- What is there today? I want to eat German.

- Then I will recommend you ox soup

- Ich möchte bitte Pfeffersteak mit Reis und Gemüse.

Möchten Sie keine Vorspeise?

- Doch, bringen Sie mir bitte einen

Gurkensalat. Und als Nachtisch bekomme ich Eis. Das schmeckt mir immer so gut.

- Ich hätte gern eine Brühe, und als Hauptgericht Heilbutt.

Mit Kartoffelpuree?

- Lieber mit Pommes frites. Die esse ich sehr gern.

Und zu trinken?

- Vier Bier bitte und eine Flasche Weißwein.

Laßt es euch gut schmecken!

- Danke, gleichfalls. Trinken wir auf unsere Gäste! Prost! Auf Ihr Wohl!

- I would like entrecote with peppers, rice and vegetables, please.

- Would you like a snack?

- Want. Please bring me some cucumber salad. And for dessert I'll have ice cream. I always like it.

- I would like some broth and cod for main course.

- With mashed potatoes?

- Better with French fries. I love him so much.

What about drinking?

- Four beers, please, and a bottle of white wine.

- Bon appetit!

- Thank you, mutually. Let's drink to our guests! For your health!

der Empfang (-es, -fange)

ausfüllen A (-te, -t) *

die Übernachtung(=, -en)

der Schlüssel (-s, =)

der Fahrstuhl (s, -stuhle)

der Stock (-s, Stockwerke)

bekommen A (bekam, bekommen)

kosten (-te, -t)

(trat herein, hereingetreten)

auspacken A (-te, -t) -

sich setzen in A (-te, -t) -


1) reception, meeting (of guests); 2) acceptance, receipt (of goods, money, letters...); 3) hotel office; der Empfänger - recipient,

destination; der Empfangschef, die Empfangsdame

Administrator (in a hotel) - fill out (form, space), fill out; die Ausfüllung - filling, filling

Overnight, overnight stay; pro Nacht - per night;

übernachten - to spend the night

1 key; 2) code, cipher; schlüsselfertig

Ready to move in (house), ready for operation (factory), turnkey

Elevator; synonym: der Lift, der Aufzug (der Personenaufzug - passenger elevator)

Corner; in der Ecke - in the corner, an der Ecke - on the corner, um die Ecke - around the corner, around the corner

Floor; syn.: die Etage, das Stockwerk; das Erdgeschoß - first floor (in Europe)

- receive, acquire; Besuch - guests came; Hunger, Durst ~ - to get hungry, thirsty

1) cost; Was/wieviel kostet? - What is the price? 2) taste it.

Enter; syn: (he)reinkommen. Komm herein! Trit herein! - Come in. Darf ich herein? -

Can I come in?

- unpack; ant.: einpacken - pack, fold things; syn.: packen, verpacken; den Koffer auspacken-

unpack a suitcase; die Verpackung - packaging

1) sit down; synonym: Platz nehmen; sich in

helfen D bei D (half, geholfen)

fertig (mit D) -

legen A in/an/auf... A (-te, -t)

hängen (-te, -t)

Verbindung - to contact; 2) settle, settle

Help someone in smb.; die Hilfe - help; um Hilfe bitten - ask for help

Ready, -a, -o, -s; synonym: bereit (auf A) (fertig

used if something has been completed. work, bereit - if a person is ready to do something)

- put; liegen (lag, gelegen) -

lie; Wert auf (A) to give to something. great importance

Hang; hängen (hing, gehangen) - to hang.


1 . Types of hotels and temporary housing in Germany:

- das Hotel, das Luxushotel, das Fünf-Sterne-Hotel;

Der Gasthof, das Gasthaus (cheaper hotel, often in rural areas), die Pension (boarding house);

Die Appartements (furnished rooms);

Die Ferienwohnungen (private sector during holidays, holidays);

Das Privatzimmer (private sector);

Die Jugendherberge (youth camp sites);

Der Campingplatz (equipped camping parking lot);

Das Motel

2. What the hotel offers (Was bietet ein Hotel an):

- das Restaurant, die Bar, das Weinrestaurant, das Cafe;

Die Konferenzräume und -säle, Tagungsräume;

Die Garage, das Parkhaus;

Das Schwimmbad;

Die Sauna;

Der Fitneßraum;

Der Frisiersalon;

3. Hotelausweis.

Alexanderplatz, Berlin 1020

Telefon 2 10 92 11 Zimmerreservierung

Bei Inanspruchnahme von Dienstleistungen ist dieser Ausweis Vorzuzeigen

Name 18/19.12.97

Land 122,-VM

4. Types of hotel services:

Garni wohnen (room with breakfast);

Halbpension nehmen (room with breakfast and dinner);

Vollpension nehmen (room with breakfast, lunch and dinner)

(Die Mahlzeiten)

Es gibt: das Frühstück (breakfast), das Mittagessen (lunch) und das Abendessen (dinner). Zum Frühstück (for breakfast) ißt man belegte Brote (sandwiches): Käsebrote (with cheese), Wurstbrote (with sausage), (n) Brot (bread), (n) Brötchen (buns) oder (m) Toaste (croutons) mit (f) Butter (with butter),

(f) Marmelade (jam) oder (m) Honig (honey).

Einige essen gekochte (n) Eier (boiled eggs). Zum Frühstück trinkt man (m) schwarzen Kaffee (black coffee) oder Karree mit (f) Milch (with milk) und (m) Zucker (sugar) oder (m) Tee (tea),

(m) Saft (juice), (f) Milch/Buttermilch (milk), Joghurt (yogurt, kefir). Oft nimmt man ein zweites Frühstück zur Arbeit mit, wenn man sehr früh zu Hause frühstückt. Für viele Leute ist das Mittagessen die Hauptmahlzeit (main meal). Man ißt zu Mittag (have lunch) zu Hause oder in einem Restaurant. Das Mittagessen besteht aus einer (f) Suppe (soup) oder (f) Brühe (broth), dem Hauptgericht (second): (n) Fleisch (meat) oder (m) Fisch (fish) mit (n) Gemüse (with vegetables ) und mit der Beilage (with side dish) - und aus dem Nachtisch oder der Nachspeise (dessert): (n) Eis (ice cream), (m) Pudding (pudding) oder (n) Obst (fruit). Einige essen auch eine Vorspeise (appetizer): einen Salat oder kalte Platte (cold fish or cold cuts). Nachmittags trinkt man oft Karree oder Tee mit (m) Kuchen (cake, pastries). Zu Abend ißt man zu Hause. Man ißt oft kalt (cold dishes): Brot mit (m) Schinken, (m) Käse, (f) Wurst, (m) Salat oder (f) Tomaten, (f) Gurken. Abends trinkt man auch (n) Bier (beer) oder (m) Wein (wine).

Types of food establishments:

- das Restaurant, das Weinrestaurant(restaurant);

Die Gaststätte (cheap restaurant);

Die Kantine (canteen at the enterprise);

Die Mensa (university cafeteria);

Die Schülergaststätte (canteen at school);

Das Cafe (cafe), der Speiseraum (dining room);

- die Bar, die Tanzbar, die Nachtbar, die Trinkstube, die Bierstube(beer);

Die Eisdiele, die Eisstube (ice cream parlour);

Die Wirtschaft (tavern), die Pizzeria, die Kneipe (beerhouse).


1. Tell your friend that he should do the same:

Ich will ein Hotelzimmer reservieren. -> Reserviere auch ein Hotelzimmer!

Ein Doppelzimmer mit Bad reservieren; das Anmeldeformular ausfüllen; den Namen und Vornamen schreiben; den Wohnort angeben; die Paß-Nummer eintragen; das Formular unterschreiben; den Ankunftstag und den Abreisetag angeben; das Zimmer bezahlen; den Schlüssel bekommen; den Koffer auspacken; sich ausruhen; (sich)duschen; zu Abend Essen

2. Tell your friends they should do the same:

- Wir wollen ein Hotelzimmer reservieren.-> Reserviert auch ein Hotelzimmer!

(See exercise 1).

3. You and your colleague stayed in different hotels, yours is bigger and better. What will you answer to his remarks?

- Mein Hotel hat ein Restaurant.

-» Und in meinem Hotel gibt es zwei Restaurants.

(Ein Fahrstuhl; ein Konferenzraum; eine Garage; ein Parkhaus; ein Fitneßraum; eine Sauna; ein Tennisplatz, eine Bar; ein Solarium; eine Kegelbahn; eine Nachtbar)

4. Book a hotel room for your guest. Find out from the administrator whether the hotel is comfortable enough.

Gibt es in Ihrem Hotel ein Restaurant? -> Ja, wir haben ein Restaurant im 1. Stock. (See exercise 3).

5. Fill out the hotel registration form. Anmeldeformular

Geburtsdatum Wohnort

Wohnanschrift: Straße

6. Tell us how you fill out the form:

Zuerst schreibe ich den Namen. Dann schreibe ich den Vornamen. Danach... Darauf... Nun...

Dann... Schließlich...

7. Now tell the guest how to fill out the form.

- Hier muß man den Namen schreiben/angeben/eintragen. Hier...

8. You hear a telephone conversation between the administrator and the client. What did the administrator say?

Empfangschef (E):

Gast (G): Haben Sie ein Zimmer frei? E: ...?

G: Ein Doppelzimmer für mich und meine Frau und ein Einzelzimmer für unser Kind. E: ... ?

G: Mit Bad bitte. E: ... ?

G: Für 5 Nächte. E: ... ?

G: Lieber Halbpension. Am Tage essen wir in der Stadt. Wann gibt es Frühstück und Abendbrot? E: ...

G: Was kostet Halbpension? E: ...

G: Prima! Ich nehme das Zimmer.

9. Tell me what furniture is in your hotel room and where.

In meinem Zimmer gibt es einen Tisch.... Der Tisch steht an der Wand vor dem Bett.

10.Guests love their hotel rooms and the hotels themselves. What do they answer?

Im deutschen Hotel.

Wenn Sie eine Reise nach Deutschland geplant haben, kümmern Sie sich im voraus nicht nur um Fahrkarte, Einweisung und Visa, sondern auch um eine Nummer im Hotel.

Heute gibt es gute Möglichkeit, ein passendes Hotel leicht und einfach online zu reservieren. Schneller verstehen Informationen über Hotels Ihnen helfen Topics in Deutsch.

Im deutschen Hotel warten auf Sie schön ausgestaltete Gästezimmer. Dort gibt es alles Notwendige für richtige Erholung: Bad mit warmem Wasser, Bar mit entzückenden Kühlgetränken, Fernseher, Kühlschrank, Bügeleisen und sogar drahtlos Internet-Zugang.

Hier arbeitet nur ein freundliches, hochausgebildetes Personal, das allseitige Hilfe für die leistet. Ganz kostenlos können Sie Schuhputzservice, Textilreinigung oder Bürodienst benutzen oder Hilfe bei der Tourenplanung bekommen.

Nette Atmosphäre, luxuriöse Zimmer und kostenlose Frühstücke jährlich ziehen im deutschen Hotel Reisende aus aller Welt an, obwohl Preisen sehr hoch sind.

Viele Restaurants und Bars schlagen von morgens bis nachts eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Getränke und internationalen Gerichte vor. Sehr populär sind Tee-zeit und Lunch in Lobby-bar.

In Freizeit nutzen Hotelgäste Sauna, Bowlingbahn, Fitnessstudio, Tennis- und Spielplatz. Besonders aktuell ist heute Fahrradverleih.

Fast alle deutschen Hotels verfügen heute über Innenhof, Parkgarage, Garten, Dachterrasse, Gepäckaufbewahrung, große Konferenzräume.

Viele Hotels bieten Transferservice vom Flughafen oder Bahnhof. Es muss im voraus mit Hotel direkt abgefragt werden. Um Ihr Gespräch erfolgreich war, benutzen sie einen Gesprächsbuch oder Topics in Deutsch.

In a German hotel.

If you have planned a trip to Germany, take care in advance not only of your ticket, voucher and visa, but also of your hotel room.

Today there is good opportunity, easily and simply book a suitable hotel directly online. Topics in German will help you understand information about hotels faster.

The German hotel offers well-equipped guest rooms. There is everything you need for a real holiday: a shower with warm water, a bar with delicious soft drinks, a TV, a refrigerator, an iron and even wireless Internet access.

Only friendly, highly qualified staff who provide comprehensive assistance work here. Completely free of charge, you can use shoe and clothing cleaning services, as well as information desk services or get help planning your tour.

The pleasant atmosphere, luxurious rooms and free breakfasts annually attract travelers from all over the world to German hotels, despite the very high prices.

A large number of restaurants and bars provide a wide selection of different drinks and international dishes from morning to evening. Particularly popular are tea breaks and lunch in the lobby bar.

In their free time, hotel guests enjoy using the sauna, bowling alley, fitness studio, tennis and playground. Bicycle rental is in particular demand.

Almost all German hotels have a courtyard, parking garages, a garden, an attic, luggage storage, and large conference rooms.

Many hotels offer pick-up at the airport or train station. This must be discussed directly with the hotel in advance. To make your conversation successful, use a phrasebook or topics in German.