Geographical location and natural conditions of Montenegro. Montenegro Montenegro Geographical position

Economics and geographical position

Montenegro is a small state of South-Eastern Europe, located on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. Montenegro also includes 14 islands.

Montenegro borders with:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (North-West),
  • Croatia (West),
  • Serbia (northeast),
  • Republic of Kosovo (East),
  • Albania (Southeast).

The Adriatic Sea is washes Montenegro from the south-west.

The total territory of the country is 13,812 thousand square meters. km. The capital of Montenegro - Podgorica.

On the territory of the country allocated: plain central areas, mountainous arrays of the eastern part, the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

In the north-west Montenegro is the Boca-Kotor Bay, in which created the largest ports And famous beaches of Chernogorya. The main beaches are located on the Budva Riviera.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands is located northeast of Rivers Komarninnitsa, Beer, Morach. In the highlands, Dinarium Highlands, formed by mountain arrays, Durmitor, Visitor, Komoms, Belasitsa, Sinyavin and Crocker, or Cursed Mountains. In the south there are Karst Mountains Orien, Rumia, Lovechen.

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Mountain peaks (about 70) have a height of more than 2000 m. The highest point is the top of the bobs of Cook (2522 m) in the Dumer massif.

Over the Adriatic coast rises karst plateore. Sections of fertile land are found on separate small plains and in crater crater.

Plain is less than 20% of the country's territory. The plain region (Chernogorsk plain) with a drop of heights of 350 m is: fertile plain of the river Zeta, Belopavlitskaya plain, a swimming pool of the lake, Nikšich field.

Note 1.

In the industry of Montenegro, the enterprises of black and non-ferrous metallurgy play an important role. Woodworking, machine-building, tobacco and food industry are developed. In agriculture, crops of grain, viticulture, subtropical fertility, mining and pasture animal breeding are dominated.

Climatic conditions

Climatic conditions in different parts of the country are significantly different:

  • the central foothill areas of the country are a moderate-continental climate, a lot of precipitation, a soft winter and a hot summer;
  • the Adriatic coast is a climate of Mediterranean, characterized by short-term rains (winter and spring), in the summer of precipitation almost never happens; Winter is soft, and summer is moderately roast;
  • in the mountain ranges - climate subalpic, severe mountain climate, are characterized by cold winter and moderately warm summer.

On the Adriatic coast dominates dry and hot summer with rainy and soft winter. The average temperature in the summer is 25-26 ° C. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 7 ° C (Ulcin) and 9 ° C (Herceg Novaya). The total number of sunny hours per year is 2700. In summer, the sea temperature is 25-28 ° C.

In the central plain areas in winter, the temperature is lowered to 5 ° C, and in the summer it reaches 27 ° C.

For mountain areas are characterized by relatively cold winter (from -10 to + 5 ° C) and moderately warm summer (19-25 ° C).

Note 2.

A large amount of precipitation is due to the presence of mountainous terrain and the proximity of the sea. The average annual rate of precipitation depending on the area - from 500 to 1500 mm. In some parts, the annual amount of precipitation can reach 3000 mm. In the mountains, the height of the snow cover is 1-3 m, the snow here lies up to 5 months a year.

Natural resources

Water resources. Rivers of the country belong to the Basins of the Danube and Adriatic Sea. The strongest and significant rivers include rivers: Tara, Lim, Cheotin, Morach, Zeta, Boyana. Most rivers mountain Origin, flow in winding and deep canyons. The largest freshwater lake Skadar (369.7 square meters.) Located in Karst Vpadina and Shask Lake are the largest lakes of the country. Most mountain lakes of glacial origin.

Minerals. The country is rich in mineral resources. In sufficient quantities, only stone coal is present as strategic energy. The country has developed deposits of aluminum ore, zinc (ceup-wall, brisk, washing), lead, bauxite (Niksich). Oil and natural gas are imported from other countries.

Natural recreational resources. The purest Adriatic Sea, mountain landscapes, the mild climate make the area attractive to relax and recovery. Mountains are attractive to hiking hiking, mountaineering and ski slopes (in winter). Water in lakes crystal clear. For the transparent greenish-blue color of the lake is often called "mountain eyes". The presence of national parks and reserves causes favorable conditions for ecological tourism. On the Adriatic coast, the holiday season lasts from April to October.

Flora and fauna

Forest arrays occupy more than 40% of the country's territory. Mainly coniferous and mixed forest.

Numerous palm trees, various cacti (some up to 5 meters), olendra and magnolia are growing on the territory of the Adriatic coast.

Bananas grow in Herceg Novi. From fruit plants you can find grenades, kiwi, peaches, grapes, tangerines and oranges.

Many blooming growing on high mountain meadows rare plants, in particular - Edelweissy.

Skadar Lake is famous for water lines, lilies and lotuses.

Large animals live in Montenegro: deer, moose, bears, lavies, wild boars, wolves, lynx. There are cunits, turtles.

The coast is rich in a variety of fish species, a lot of trout and carp. Many octopus lives here, squid. In the Boko Kotorsky Gulf grow mussels and oysters.

Ornithofauna is represented by various types of birds: Pelicans, cormorants, herons, swans, black ibisa. You can meet the Golden Eagle.

Nearly 10% of Montenegro's territory occupy reserves and national parks:

  • Durmator. Heritage of UNESCO. A huge species diversity of flora and fauna. Natural monuments are located on the territory of the park: Canyon River Tara, Black Lake, Ice cave, invisible canyon.
  • Biograd mountain. Virgin forestscomprising unique ecosystems, a huge amount of various plants.
  • Caught. The park is represented by a variety of relief shapes.
  • Skadar lake. The largest reserve of swamp birds in Europe. In the park there are many vintage fortresses and monasteries.

Even within the framework of Europe, Montenegro is a small state. The distance from the northernmost to the southernmost point of the country does not exceed 200 km, and the length from the west to the east and is less than 173 km. But on such a small area, several natural-geographical and climatic zones fit immediately.

Where is Montenegro

The country is located in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. From the southwest, it is washed by the Adriatic Sea, in the West borders with Croatia, in the north-west - with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast - with Serbia, in the East - with a partially recognized Republic of Kosovo and in the southeast with Albania.

As it is clear from its name, the main area of \u200b\u200bMontenegro is mountainous arrays. Most of the country is a plateau, by the way, one of the highest. All territory of the country can be divided into three parts: the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the plain central region and the mountain systems of the East.

Map Montenegro

The overall length of borders is 614 km, of which approximately 300 km fall on the coastline. The composition of Montenegro also includes about 14 sea Islands. In the northwestern part of the country, there is a famous, 87.3 km² area in which the largest ports are located. Chernogorsk stretch almost 73 km.

About 70 mountain peaks in the country have a height of more than 2000 m, which makes them very attractive for, and scientific research, as well as for ski slopes in winter. The highest point of Montenegro is the Mountain of Bobot Cook (2522 m) in the Dumer Massif.

The most important Rivers of Montenegro are a container (length of 144 km), Lim (length of 123 km), Cheotin (length of 100 km), Morach (length of 99 km), Zeta (length of 65 km) and Boyana (30 km long). The part belongs to the Danube's pool, part - to the Adriatic Sea. Most rivers have a mountain nature, flow in deep and winding canyons. For example, with a depth of about 1,300 m ranks first in Europe and the second in the world.

The largest freshwater lake Montenegro, as well as the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar, located in Karst Vpadina below sea level. Its area is 369.7 km². Partly, one-third, the lake goes to the territory of Albania. Most mountain lakes have a glacial origin, such lakes are often called "mountain eyes" for transparent greenish-blue color.

Forests (coniferous and mixed) occupy 41% of the country area, pastures - almost 40%. Vegetable world Montenegro has 2833 species of plants. The population grows in a grape vine, olives, figs, oranges, lemons, grenades and other Mediterranean plants. The low population density contributes to the presence of large animals: bears, deer, cunits and wild boars.

According to the Constitution, Montenegro is an "eco-friendly state", almost 10% of the country's territory is assigned to national parks and reserves - such as, and. That is why Montenegro is the most suitable place for and relaxing in natural conditions.

Climate in Montenegro

Due to the presence of several geographic zones, the climate on the territory of Montenegro has differences depending on the terrain. On the Adriatic coast - Mediterranean, in the central part of the country - moderately continental, in mountain ranges - severe mountain.

On the coast dominates the roast and dry summer with soft and rainy winter. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 7 ° C in and 9 ° C c. In summer, the average temperature is 25-26 ° C.

In the continental plain areas, winter is somewhat colder. In the area, the thermometer column in the winter is lowered to 5 ° C, in the summer the air temperature is even above the coastal areas and reaches 27 ° C.

Mountain areas are characterized by moderately warm summer (19-25 ° C) and relatively cold in winter (from -10 to + 5 ° C).

The proximity of the sea and the mountainous area provide a large amount of precipitation, mainly in the form of rain, and in mountainous regions and snow. For example, the most rainy city in Europe. On average, precipitation per year falls from 500 to 1500 mm, in some places - over 3000 mm. In mountainous areas, snow lies up to 5 months a year, the height of the snow cover is 1-3 m, which contributes to the development.

The Adriatic coast is characterized by a large amount of cloudless sunny days, the total number of sun hours per year is 2700. Sea water temperature in the summer months is 25-28 ° C, transparency reaches 35 m. Beach season continues from April to October.

Montenegro is located in Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. The name of the state happened from the toponym Black Mountain. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 13.8 thousand square meters. km. The capital of Montenegro is the city of Podgorica (former Titograd).

Montenegro is washed from the south of the Adriatic Sea. The state in the West borders with Croatia, in the north-west, the borders are running with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the northeast - with Serbia, in the East - with Kosovo with Albania in the south-east.

The overall length of the land borders of the state is 614 km. With the Republic of Croatia - 14 km, with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km, with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo - 203 km, with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

Until June 2006, Montenegro was part of the Confederate State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The country occupied 13.5% of its total area. The independence of Montenegro received on June 3, 2006.

The territory of the country is conditionally consisting of three parts: the Adriatic Sea coast, a relatively flat central part of the country, as well as the mountain systems of the East of the country. In the central part of the country there are two of its most major cities - Podgorica and Nikishić.

Continental coastline Montenegro stretches almost 300 km. The state consists of 14 maritime islands. The length of the coastline of these islands is 15.6 km. In the north-west Montenegro, there is a major bay called Boca Kotor, who crashes into land by 29.6 km. The area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 87.3 km².

The total length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km, the transparency of sea water by places exceeds 35 m.

There are many rivers in Montenegro. About 52.2% of the countries of the countries belong to the Black Sea basin, the remaining 47.8% belong to the Adriatic Sea basin. The longest ones are: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km).

Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) on the entire territory of the country. The Boyana River used to be the only shipping river of the country. Currently, it is no longer navigable.

Almost all rivers of the country are mountain, they form enough deep canyons. The Tara River Canyon is considered the deepest in Europe and the second in the world. Its depth is about 1200 meters.

The famous Skadar Lake is the largest lake not only the country, but also the entire Balkan Peninsula. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km². Two thirds of this lake belong to Montenegro, and one-part belongs to Albania.

The second largest lake Montenegro is the Shask Lake, with an area of \u200b\u200b3.64 km². The lake is located close to Ulciny. There are also 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin. Them total area Makes 3.89 km².

Territory of Montenegro Goris. The highest point of the country is the Mountain of Bobotov-Cook, (Mountain Array Durmitor). Its height is 2522 m. Areas adjacent to the Adriatic coast are located in the zone of narrow coastal plains, which are interrupted by mountain spurs and rocky seeds.

Montenegro - A small country located on the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic Sea coast. Its area is only 13.8 thousand km2. Nevertheless, 4 different climatic regions can be distinguished on the territory of the country: coastal, plateau, highlands, and flat, leaving for the Skadar Lake.

In the West, Montenegro borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the coast - with Croatia, in the north and northeast - with Serbia, and in the east - with Albania. With the south, it is limited to the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coastline is about 300 km. The length of the beaches is 73 km, of which 56 km are sandy beaches.

The coast of Montenegro, the width of only 2-10 km, is clamped between the sea and cool the rocky plate converting to it. In Montenegro, there is one of the best harbors of Europe - Kotorsky Bay (go deep into the coast of more than 20 km), consisting of several spacious bays interconnected by non-sturdes. For a long time, there was a conviction that the bay is a fjord, but now it is believed that the Kotor Bay is the remnants of the river canyon once existed here. Strong tectonic and karst processes led to its gradual destruction.

Over the coast rises as Karst Plateau, the terrain here is harsh, but in its own way beautiful. Rocks dry quickly: even the strongest annual showers cannot significantly moisten the soil, so plants and animals are a bit here. Rare sections of fertile land are found only on small plains and crater depressions. Located here national Park "Loven".

Swimming pool of the Skadar Lake, the fertile plain of the Zeta River, Belopavlitsky Plain and the Nikšic field make up the flat area with a drop of 350 m. In the plain region, the main part of the population of Montenegro lives in the plain region. Here are the two largest cities of the country - Podgorica and Niksich, as well as the National Park "Skadar Lake".

In the north of the country northeast of the beer rivers, Komarninnitsa and Morach are the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands. In the highlands, 4 large mountain ranges can be distinguished: the visitor, the dumor and the commen (they form a dinarial highlands) and the pricker (damned mountains). The height of peaks reaches more than 2000 m above sea level. SAMI high Point Montenegro - Mountain of Cook Bobot (2522 m) is located in the Durmitor massif. In the highlands there are pastures and forests, numerous mountain lakes. The beer rivers, Tara, Morach and their tributaries were trained in the rocks narrow canyons with steep shores. Tara River Canyon - the largest in Europe and the second in the world, its depth reaches 1300 m. In this region there are also two national Park - "Biogradsk Mountain" and "Durmitor".

Geographical position countries

Montenegro is a state in southeastern Europe, on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula.

Geographical coordinates:42 30 N, 19 18 E

The territory of the country has the form of an incorrect trapezium facing its vertex to the sea. The length from the north to the south and from the west to the east of about 200 km, the Adriatic coast is about 100 km (not counting the coastline of the winding bay).

It was washed by the Adriatic Sea, it has land borders with Croatia in the West, Bosnia and Herzegovina - in the North-West, Serbia in the North-East, partly recognized by the Republic of Kosovo - in the East and Albania South-East.

The country's territory can be divided into three parts: the coast of the Adriatic Sea, relatively flatly central part of the country, on which the two of its largest cities are located: Podgorica and Niksich, and the mountain systems of the country's East.

The length of the land borders of the state is 614 km: in the West with the Republic of Croatia - 14 km; in the north-west with Bosnia and Herzegovina - 225 km; In the North-East with the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo 203 km; In the south-east with the Republic of Albania - 172 km.

The continental coastline of Montenegro has a length of about 300 km. Montenegro has in its composition 14 sea islands, the cumulative length of the coastline of which is 15.6 km. In the north-west of the country there is a major bay of the beamer Kothevich, which has an area of \u200b\u200bwater surface 87.3 km² and cut into land by 29.6 km.

The length of the beaches of Montenegro is 73 km. Sea water temperature for seven months ranges from + 12 to +26 ° C, seawater transparency places exceed 35 m.

Relief country

The Republic of Montenegro occupies the highest outskirts of the Dinar Highlands, consisting of separate mountainous massifs, ridges and intermountain catlovin. Here, many vertices rise above 2000 m above U. M.; In the south, on the border with Albania, there is the highest point of the country - Mount Järavitsa (2656 m). The edge ridges of Highlands have a cool drop in the direction of the Adriatic Sea.

Part of the mountain ranges are a naked karst plateau, others, and their majority are covered with thick coniferous forests, which gave the right to some philologists to bring the name of the country from the black of mountainous dark forests.

Rocky sheets are the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bMontenegro, which literally adjoins the coast. Mountain and sea air flows are found here. This region is weak. In the area located on which the level of precipitation reaches about 4800 mm per year: this is the highest figure in Europe. Here you can observe the strongest livne for many days.

Central plain. Skadar Lake, River Valley Zeta and Plains in the area major cities Montenegro Niksich, Danilovgrad and Podgorica. Her medium height - 40 m (in Northern. Fertile lowland and river valleys are an ideal place for settlements, so the largest number of the country's population is concentrated here. Here are the three largest cities in the country - Nixich and Podgorica and Danilovgrad, as well as the National Park Skadar Lake. Plains Do not occupy too large areas. For agriculture, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Skadar Lake, the valley of the Zeta River and the Nikšich field is well suited. Essentially, all the fertile lands of the country are restricted, so Montenegro is not an agricultural country. On the plain a very warm climate, summer is warmer than in Primorye subtropics . Warm air masses go from the sea along the valley and reached Podgorica, so it is the warmest city of the whole Montenegro.

Highlands. North of Montenegro occupy high mountains. These mountains are rich in pastures, forests and lakes. Rivers of Moraz, Beer, Tara and their tributaries, knotted canyons in the rocks - narrow canals with steep shores. In this region there are two national parks - Biograd and Durmitor. The highlands occupies the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe country and is its important attraction. Mountain plateau is surrounded by all sides here at an altitude of 1,400-1700 meters. They are divided by mountain peaks with a height of more than 2000 meters, including the most high mountain Bobots Cook is located on an array of DurMutor - 2522 meters. Besides majestic mountains The area is extremely attractive with its reservoirs. In total, there are 29 alpine lakes of rare beauty in Montenegro. Mountain rivers flow, such as beer, containers, morac, zeta flow. These rivers, as well as their inflows for millions of years of their existence, were trained in the rocks narrow, with steep banks - canyons, whose beauty and the size are unique. The Tara River Canyon is the largest in Europe, its depth reaches 1300 meters. More than the Grand Canyon in Colorado is more. The Tara River, the Purest European River, under the Protection of UNESCO, is suitable for active tourism, for example, alloy on the rafts.

Climate Montenegro

In Montenegro, the Mediterranean type of climate, which is characteristic of dry and hot summer and cool winter with abundant precipitation. Despite the fact that the territory of the country is small, here 4 climatic regions can be distinguished: the coast, rocky plateau, plain and highlands.

A narrow strip, 2 - 10 km wide along the coast of Montenegro, wears the most pronounced features of the Mediterranean climate. Summer there is roast (the average daytime temperature in July 28..30 o C), and there is little precipitation (25 - 50 mm per month). The rain period lasts from November to January, at this time drops 170 - 260 mm per month, in the north of the coast drops 1.5 times more precipitation than in the south. The average monthly temperature at night in January does not fall below 4..5 o C, and during the day 11..13 o C. Negative temperature is observed not every year. Bathing season It lasts 5 months from the end of May to October, water temperature is 20..25 o C.

Rocky plateau separates the coast from the country's internal regions. It falls here the greatest amount of precipitation in Europe, since its southwestern slopes are delayed with wet air coming from the sea. So, in the village of Krivosie, located above the Kotor of the Bay, 480 mm of precipitation was noted per day. In the town of Troli, the maximum annual precipitation fell - 5155 mm, and located on the plateau near the mountain, the Cetty Country Country Country is the maximum average annual (3927 mm / year). Just like on the coast, the summer of precipitation falls noticeably less (60 - 80 mm in July), and November (500 - 700 mm) is the rainy month. The height difference between the coast and the plateorest is 1000 m, and the height of some vertices reaches 1700 m. Therefore, in the summer it is cooled here than on the coast, the average daily temperature of July changes from 23 to 27 o C depending on the height. In winter, the average temperature at night -3 ..- 5 o C, and in the afternoon 5..8 o C. The snow usually falls in December and persists until mid-March.

The plain is protected by a rocky plate from the direct impact of the Adriatic Sea, so in the summer there is hotter than on the coast (the average daytime temperature in July 30..32 o C), and in the winter is cooler: on average 0..3 o with at night and 9..11 o Happy. The sediments fall predominantly in the fall and winter. In July, 30-60 mm of precipitation falls, and in November 250-300 mm.

The climate of the high mountain regions is the features of subalpine. In winter, the average temperatures at night -6 ..- 9 o C, and in the daytime 0..3 o C, but it drops with a height. Snow usually lies at the end of November and persists until the end of March. The sediments fall uniformly throughout the year, with a maximum in November (can fall from 100 to 300 mm per month, depending on the orientation of the slope). Summer cool, average temperature in the afternoon 19..23 o C (high in the mountains can be colder!), And at night 8..10 o C.

Rivers and lakes

Self long rivers Montenegro: Tara (144 km), Lim (123 km), Cheotin (100 km), Morach (99 km), Zeta (65 km) and Boyana (30 km). About 52.2% of Chernogorsk rivers belong to the Black Sea basin, the remaining 47.8% - to the Adriatic Sea pool. Three Montenegrin Rivers (Morach, Zeta and Beer) are on all over the territory of Montenegro. The Boyana River was previously the only shipping river Montenegro; At the moment it is not shipping. Most Chernogorsk rivers are mountainous, form deep canyons. The Canyon of the Tara River depth of about 1200 m, is the deepest in Europe and the second in depth in the world. The Montenegro Rivers have an energy potential of 115 kW per km² of territory, which is a very high indicator. However, for various reasons (including environmental), hydropower in the country is not developed.

The largest lake of Montenegro and the entire Balkan Peninsula - Skadar. The total area of \u200b\u200bits water surface is 369.7 km². Two thirds of the lake (in the area) are located in Montenegro, one third - in Albania. Over the lake glad, 40 mountainous islands rises. Second on the square of Lake Montenegro - Shask (3.64 km²), located near Ulzin. Also on the territory of Montenegro there are 29 small mountain lakes of glacial origin (the so-called "mining eyes"), the cumulative area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 3.89 km². They are called "mountain eyes", because the water in them is unusually cleaned and calm. They are not only a shape and purity resemble the eyes of nature. In them, as in the eyes lowered by the "Eyelashes" of the needles, are reflected mountain peaks. The most beautiful of the lakes is a black lake. Its area is 516,000 square meters. meters, it is located at an altitude of 1,418 meters above sea level. Its transparent water is viewed to a depth of 9 meters. The black lake consists of two lakes - big and small. During the flood, the water of a large lake leaves in the vicinity of the gowns under the ground, having passed not a small path in the depths, under the canyon of the River Tara, goes to the surface and becomes her right influx. Similarly, the water, leaving through the bottom of the small lake, goes to the surface in the Komarten Canyon, and together with it flows into the beer river. River Tara and Beer, merging, form the Drin River. Snake Lake is in a dense forest at an altitude of 1,495 meters, and a small lake is 1,788 meters above sea level. Many legends are associated with each of the lakes, the names of which are translated as fish, blue, wavy, enemy, green.

Vegetable world

Thanks to the mining relief and southern latitudes, the vegetation of this small republic is very diverse. On the territory of Montenegro, 1.2% of the entire world flora, approximately 3,500 species of plants are growing. The country takes the 1st place in Europe by the number of plant species per unit area. These are mostly rare, endemic and relices, among which there are healing, aromatic and honey plants. Most The territory (about 80%) occupy forests in which spruce, fir, beech, mites, oaks, maples, rowan are growing, limes. Also widespread meadows. On the coast of the Adriatic Sea and Islands - thickets of tonsidious evergreen shrubs (McWis) and sections of subtropical forests (from stone oak, Lavra, Mirta, etc.); Significant areas are covered with rigid herbs.

Due to the fact that the average height of Montenegro above sea level is 1500 m, a lot of light and ultraviolet rays fall on the plants, which is very important for the appearance of them medical properties. From climatic factors, a significant amount of precipitation should be noted. Most of them fall in spring and autumn.

Mountain plants are fueled by moisture due to night dew. On the other hand, and summer supu has its impact, because Promotes the formation of a large number of oily substances. The composition of the soil also affects the variety of vegetation.

Animal world

Thanks to the forests in Montenegro, a rich natural animal world has been preserved. In mountainous areas there are large beasts: brown bears, lynx, boars, wolves, deer, lows, sulfas, wild goats. On the coast of Shakaly, in karst areas - turtles, snakes, lizards. Lizards, snakes dwell on the stony slopes. The world is rich and the world of birds, herds, cakes, cucks, partridges, droinds live here. Numerous predatory (Berkut, SIP, etc.) are also common. Fish reserves, both sea and freshwater, are also significant. In rivers and lakes, carp, pike, perch, trout, eel. In the Adriatic Sea, Sardin, mackerel, tuna, palam, kefal have commercial importance.