How many seats does Airbus 319 have? The best seats in the Airbus A319 S7 Airlines. General description of the aircraft

Today, Airbus airliners are in demand by air carriers in Russia and the CIS countries. The A319 model is operated by market giants " Aeroflot», « Russia», « S7" To find out the location of seats on the plane, it is advisable to consider the specific modification of the aircraft on which the trip will take place. However, here it will be possible to identify similar features in the interior layout when considering a single sample. Let’s take an airline board as a standard “ Aeroflot».

This model is suitable for covering short and medium distances. An aircraft of this class is capable of flying 6,845 kilometers without refueling.. This value is an excellent indicator for an airliner, the length of which is 33.84 meters with a wingspan of 34.1 m. The developers released the first A319 in 1992, and production of the aircraft continues today. Aeroflot has 7 Airbus A319 models on its balance sheet - the Rossiya cabin layout is identical to the described modifications; there are 26 such aircraft.

Based on the main model, the designers developed the production of several modernized models of this type of board and. Moreover, individual aircraft are capable of covering distances of up to 12,000 km – let’s take the Airbus A319 Corporate Jet as an example. The fuel tanks here have been increased, and the board can accommodate 39 people. If we compare the aircraft with other modifications, among its competitors aviators name the Boeing 717. However, this airliner is no longer produced.

When designing the base model, the designers included two classes for passengers in the interior layout with a total capacity of 124 seats. Variations of the liners involve changing the number of passenger seats in the range of 116–156 units. Moreover, the share of comfortable seats here is 17%.

In this review, we will look at the Airbus A319 Aeroflot aircraft, the cabin layout, the best seats and technical parameters of which allow you to take 132 passengers on board. Here the developers took into account the installation of 12 high-comfort seats and the equipment of 120 economy-class seats. Let's study the features of the layout of such a side in order to determine which seats are appropriate to book and which are better to refuse. Let's start with an overview of the general selection rules.

Principles of finding a place

To ensure that the flight does not cause discomfort, it is advisable for airline customers to determine the specific position of the seat. In models of this type, the designers took into account the seating arrangement according to the 3:3 pattern in the standard cabin and 2:2 in the business class compartment. Let's talk about the advantages and weaknesses of the seats near the windows and aisles - after all, it is from this factor that the traveler determines the fundamental one.

Seats next to the windows allow you to take videos while traveling or simply enjoy the unusual landscape. However, it is important to take into account the need to disturb your seatmate in order to walk to the restroom or stretch your legs. These seats are suitable for tourists who plan to work or sleep the entire flight.

Seats installed in the middle of the row are not the best solution for single travelers. There is no “personal” armrest. In addition, throughout the journey, such passengers are periodically disturbed by neighbors on both sides.

Block of chairs with 11 to 20 rows - standard places. The negative and positive aspects of choosing such places are not expressed here. The only caveat is that on the seats that are installed from line 15, shaking is felt more strongly.

Places 21 "C" And 21 "D" cannot be called comfortable. These chairs are installed near the aisle, and due to the proximity of the restrooms, a large number of passengers periodically pass through here. Accordingly, it is noisy and crowded throughout the flight. The last, 22nd row is the worst choice. Seats in this line are occupied only if there are no other options. Here the seats do not recline, and the toilet blocks installed behind the seats prevent a calm and quiet flight.

To ensure a smooth travel experience, many tourists follow airline instructions to reserve a suitable seat. Let's start with people who prefer . In this situation, during the check-in process, the passenger opens a schematic image of the cabin indicating occupied and free seats. Here you can see the installed technical blocks and restrooms.

It is advisable for single travelers to refuse to book seats installed in the middle of the row

Try to avoid proximity to such utility rooms - it is crowded here, and constant noise can ruin your flight experience. Also, pay attention to the location of emergency exits. Typically, the seats near the hatches and the previous line are limited in comfort. Finally, the seats in the last row in any model of airliner are the worst places on board.

For people who prefer to check in for a flight at the airport, it is advisable to print out in advance the map of the plane on which the flight will take place and consult with the airport terminal staff. Please note that this model offers a different number of business class seats, so it is appropriate to choose a seat on a specific board.

If you want to take “space seats” at the emergency exits, the client checks in directly at the airline counter. In addition to the current restrictions, these airline seats are considered the best seats in the economy cabin, so a separate surcharge is set for them. Finally, for those wishing to select a menu, it is appropriate to look for a seat in the front part of the cabin. It is also advisable for passengers with children to sit here.

Passengers complain less about shaking at the front of the plane

As you can see, studying the diagram of the plane on which the traveler will go to the desired corner of the planet is a mandatory stage of pre-flight preparation. Such actions help passengers choose the best seat option and spend the flight with the necessary comfort. Keep in mind that spoiled impressions at the beginning of the trip darken the upcoming vacation, so avoid negativity.

The basic model of the Airbus A319 is designed for short and medium distances - the airliner flies 6,845 km without refueling
In the business cabin of the airliner, the seats are installed according to a 2:2 layout, and the economy class sector assumes a 3:3 layout
For passengers planning a business class flight, it is appropriate to book 2nd row seats
Layout of the Airbus A319
The best seats in the economy cabin of the Airbus A319 are seats 10 B, 10 C, 10 D and 10 E

S7 Airlines is one of the most reliable and popular airlines in Russia, which operates international and domestic flights. It has 58 aircraft at its disposal, which are on average 9.7 years old. 20 of them are Airbus A319. This aircraft has a short, narrow fuselage. It can carry 134 passengers at a time. Before purchasing air tickets, you can familiarize yourself with the best seats in the cabin layout of the Airbus A319 S7 on the website in order to choose the best option for your flight.

Characteristics of the passenger compartment

The Airbus A319 is available in several configurations, but the s7 airline's fleet includes those whose cabin is divided into 2 classes: business and economy.

Business Class

1st and 2nd row– this is business class. There are only 8 places in this section. The chairs are very comfortable, with a wide seat and back that recline to almost 180°, they have a footrest. There is a dressing room in front of the 1st row, so some may find it uncomfortable to look at the wall for the entire flight. But they will bring you food faster than anyone else, since it is from these places that its distribution begins.

Economy class

Economy class is divided into 2 parts: from the 3rd to the 9th row and from the 10th to the 23rd.

  • 3rd row: considered one of the best seats on the airline's Airbus A319 aircraft cabin diagram. It is quite spacious here. Because there are no other seats in front of you, other passengers will not recline the seat back towards you. There will be quite a lot of space in front of you to place your legs comfortably. In addition, you can place your hand luggage on the floor or under your seat. And you'll get food first. These are also ideal seats for those traveling with a child, since you won't have to lift your neighbors out of their seats every time to go to the toilet with the baby. The only drawback is that the tables are on the armrests, so the seats will be narrower.
  • 9th row: It is located in front of the emergency exits, so the seat backs either do not recline at all or are very limited in this. You will have to sit upright for the entire flight, which will be painful and tiring. And it is almost impossible to sleep in this position.

On some websites, passengers note that the distance between the seats in the first part of economy class is slightly greater than in the second. For this reason, if you are tall and have long legs, but do not get a 3rd or 10th row ticket, travel in seats closer to the front of the plane.

  • 10th row: there are also seats of increased comfort here and these are the best seats on the cabin diagram of the Airbus 319 aircraft of the S7 airline. There are emergency hatches in front of them, so there is more space to place your feet. However, it is strictly forbidden to place bags either in the aisle or under the seats. Also, those traveling with a child or animal, pregnant women, people with disabilities and the elderly are not allowed to fly in these seats.
  • 22nd row: The seats here are no different from the rest in the cabin. There is only one significant drawback - the proximity of the bathrooms. Those who sit on seats near the aisle may be disturbed throughout the flight by the constant movement of other passengers who need to go to the toilet. In addition, there is a possibility that your feet will be stepped on, brushed against, leaned on the back of your chair and create a queue.
  • 23rd row: is considered the most inconvenient and is the last to be sold out. The main disadvantage is that there is a toilet wall right behind you. Firstly, because of this, you will constantly hear the door knocking and water being flushed from the tank. As well as all sorts of extraneous sounds and smells. Secondly, the back of your chair most likely does not recline or has limited ability to do so. This risks the fact that you will spend the entire flight in an upright position, which will negatively affect your back and mood.

On top of everything else, you will be the last to receive food, and you will have to choose from a meager selection of what is left after other passengers. But there is one small advantage to flying at the end of the cabin. These seats are the last to sell out, so there's a good chance you may be traveling without neighbors. And this will allow you to get a good night's sleep and rest.

Despite the abundance of airliner models that are widely used by various companies today, air carriers still prefer Airbus brand aircraft. These creations of European designers are ideal for passenger transportation, and they are equipped with the most modern electrical equipment and navigation devices.

Of all the models of this company in Russia, the Airbus A319 is most often used. The interior diagram of this airliner is often found on the Internet in several configuration options. This variability allows aircraft to be placed on routes of different distances. Today we will tell you in detail about which the largest airlines in our country use in their activities. You can also find out which seats in the cabin can be considered the best.

General description of the aircraft

The Airbus A319 (we will provide a diagram of the interior of several models in the following sections of the article) belongs to the Airbus A320 family and is the second most popular airliner in the world. This plane is four meters shorter than its brother, so the number of passenger seats is reduced. The development of this model began in the early nineties of the last century; the airliner made its first flight in 1995. A year later, it received a certificate of conformity and began mass production.

We can say that it was from this moment that the triumphant march of the Airbus A319 across the planet began. Foreign airlines began to actively purchase it, and gradually this model became the most popular among Russian carriers. Currently, such aircraft make up the majority of the fleet of S7 Airlines and Rossiya. It is noteworthy that throughout the twenty years of use of the Airbus A319, its design engineers have been constantly modernizing it, and it has not yet lost its relevance.

Aircraft modifications

Currently, there are three modifications of the Airbus A319 on the market. A diagram of the interior of each model can reveal the differences and similarities between these aircraft.

But experts know that airliners of the same family differ significantly in technical characteristics:

  • The Airbus A319-100 is considered a classic model and can fly almost seven thousand kilometers.
  • The Airbus A319LR is one of the more modern airliners, which are equipped with several and can cover distances of over eight thousand kilometers.
  • The Airbus A319ACJ was released as a business class airliner, in which no more than thirty-nine people can travel over a distance of up to twelve thousand kilometers.

Recently, the Airbus company presented the latest modification of the airliner - the Airbus A319 NEO. The aircraft differs from previous models in having a different wing structure and updated engines.

Brief technical specifications

Aircraft of this family are equipped with engines of two modifications; they are manufactured by different factories. About twenty percent of the structure is composite material. The airliner is designed for medium-range routes and has appropriate fuel tanks. On the body you can see four passenger doors. The total capacity of the Airbus A319 (the interior diagram confirms this) is one hundred and twenty-four people. However, there are models that can carry up to one hundred and fifty-six passengers at a time.

Aeroflot: interior diagram of the Airbus A319

The largest Russian airline actively uses aircraft of this model. Therefore, passengers fly on them quite often and are always interested in which seats are best to choose. In order to clarify this issue, we will need a diagram or photo of the Airbus A319 interior, indicating the rows and the most comfortable seats for travel. The Aeroflot company uses airliners of two cabin modifications: for one hundred and twenty-four passengers with two types of cabin, and for one hundred and fifty-six people, accommodating only in economy class. We will consider a two-class version of the aircraft.

The interior diagram of the Airbus A319 presented by us clearly shows which seats can be considered the best. They are marked in green and yellow. The sixth row can be called convenient, but with some limitations. Here you won’t be able to stretch out freely, but due to the wall located in front, you can sit quite comfortably. In addition, passengers in this row are the first to receive a hot lunch. In the seventh row, the seats have some restrictions on reclining, so these seats are suitable for short trips. The eighth row is considered the most comfortable; there is a lot of free legroom, and even a long flight will not cause any inconvenience.

S7: interior diagram of the Airbus A319

This carrier was one of the first in Russia to begin purchasing Airbuses. Currently, the airline has about twenty aircraft of a classic configuration. They provide eight seats in business class and one hundred and twenty in economy class. As you can see from the diagram, the best places here are also marked in yellow and green.

In front of the third row there is a small curtain separating the salons. Therefore, travelers will have plenty of free space during the flight. The seats in the eighth row are comfortable, but keep in mind that you cannot recline the backrests. Therefore, you should board here only in cases where your flight will not take more than two hours. The ninth row is the cherished dream of most passengers - there is a lot of space here, and the flight turns into a complete pleasure.

Rossiya Airlines: the best seats on the plane

The Rossiya air carrier already has twenty-six Airbuses in its fleet. The cabin diagram of the Airbus A319, given just below, will tell airline passengers where they will fly most comfortably. Keep in mind that the airline operates with two types of cabin layouts. The first is identical to the previous option, which is used by S7. But the second one is a little different from its brother.

In this modification, the single-class aircraft has been redesigned, so travelers can choose seats in business and economy. The tenth row is considered the most convenient. It is marked in green. The remaining places are ordinary and do not deserve a detailed description.

The Airbus A319 is the most popular of the entire Airbus family - a narrow-body passenger aircraft for medium-range flights. It has two lines of seats, four main doors and two emergency exits. The maximum number of passengers in a single-class configuration is 156. Before a flight, passengers often ask questions: how to choose the best seats on the Airbus A319, what to look for when booking and purchasing tickets? We'll talk about this further.

Airbus A319 - description of the aircraft

The A320 family of medium-range airbuses with passenger capacity appeared in the nineties of the last century. These were the first narrow-body aircraft with 150 seats created by the Airbus Industrie corporation since the Boeing 737 (1960). This includes four main models: A318, A319, A320 and A321.

Airbus Idustrie began developing the A319 program in 1992, and the aircraft made its first flight in August 1995. Compared to the base model (A320), the Airbus 319 is almost four meters shorter, but has a longer flight range. In other respects (cockpit, flight control systems, engines), both models are practically no different.

The latest technologies are used in the cockpit: digital displays, by-wire command control system (commands using electrical impulses). To reduce the weight of the liner, high-strength composite materials are used in its design.

According to pilots, the aircraft is very reliable. In 2011, at Pulkovo airport, immediately after takeoff, one of the engines of the A319 failed. Despite this, the pilots managed to land the plane successfully. In general, over all the years of existence of this model, there has not been a single case of failure of two engines at once.

The Airbus A319 has a modification with larger fuel tanks - the A319 LR. The flight range of this model is 8,350 km. The A319 LR's competitor is the Boeing 737-700ER.

Flight performance


  • Length: 33.84 m
  • Height: 11.76 m
  • Fuselage diameter: 3.95 m
  • Cabin width: 3.70 m
  • Wingspan: 34.10 m

Flight data

One of the most popular cabin layouts of the Airbus A319 in Russian airlines is two classes. The number of seats depends on the specific airline and ranges from 116 to 134. Consider, for example, the layout of the Airbus 319 cabin for 128 passengers.

Identification of places by color:

  • Green – good places.
  • Yellow – places with a shortage.
  • White – standard seats.
  • Pink - bad places.

In the nose of the Airbus A319 there is a business class cabin. There are 8 seats here, arranged 2-2.

Business class has the most comfortable seats: wide seats, a large distance between the rows (from 90 cm), allowing you to recline the back at a wide angle, individual service. For lunch there is a choice of several hot dishes and a large selection of alcoholic and soft drinks.

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The first row seats are highlighted in yellow. There is a partition in front of them, which may be inconvenient for tall people.

The Economy Class cabin of the Airbus A319 starts from row 3. In the diagram, these seats are highlighted in green, because there are no other seats in front of this row, which means no one in front will recline their backs. In addition, there is more space in front of the seats than in standard rows.

Between rows 8 and 9 there are emergency exits. The 9th row seats are very comfortable. In front of them there is increased space for free access to emergency exits.

Not all passengers are provided with seats near emergency exits. The restriction applies to: passengers with children, disabled people and passengers transporting animals in the cabin.

In the 8th row, the seat backs do not recline, and you cannot place luggage under the seats of the 9th row.

Seats 21 C, D are inconvenient as they are located in the aisle next to the toilets. The entire flight will be disturbed by passengers passing through.

All seats in the 22nd row do not have reclining seatbacks.

Best places

In order to determine the best seats in the Airbus 319 cabin, you need to familiarize yourself with the layout of your airline's aircraft cabins. The best seats have plenty of legroom and the seatbacks recline to a comfortable angle.

In the interior diagram discussed above, the following places:

  • 3.9 A B C D E F

Worst places

It is better to avoid seats with a blocked backrest. Sitting for several hours without being able to relax your back will make the flight very tiring. Such places in our scheme:

  • 8, 22 A B C D E F

In addition, passengers sitting in row 22 will be disturbed by people going to the toilet.

  • Porthole seats: A, F.
  • Middle seats: B, E (least comfortable seats).
  • Aisle seats: C, D.
  • A quieter area is the nose of the aircraft. Some airlines sell such tickets at an increased rate.
  • In the front rows there is more opportunity to choose from the proposed lunch options.
  • Those sitting in the front rows will be able to get off the plane faster after landing.
  • Near the emergency exits the temperature is a little lower, it is better to take a warm jacket with you.
  • The area above the wings of the aircraft is the most stable.
  • Noise and turbulence are felt more in the tail section.
  • If you get an uncomfortable seat, you can change seats after boarding has been announced (of course, if there are empty seats in the cabin!).
  • If you like to look out the window, think about which side the sun will be on before checking in (if you are flying during the day). Choose a place on the opposite side.
  • If window seating is important to you, check to see if your seats are above the wings. In such places, the wings partially obscure the panorama.
  • Passengers with infants usually fly in the first row (you can install a cradle there), and passengers with animals in the last.
  • It is better for tall people (185 cm or more) to sit in seats located next to emergency exits.

According to passenger reviews, overall the Airbus A319 is not bad. But due to its small size, turbulence is felt strongly in the cabin. In addition, comfort very much depends on the pitch of the seats; often on this plane it is small and it is very uncomfortable for people of large build and height.

If you are planning to fly on an Airbus A319, be sure to familiarize yourself with your airline's aircraft diagram. The configuration of seats in the cabin is always slightly different. We hope that our tips will help you choose the best places. Have a good flight!

Rossiya Airlines uses Airbus A319 aircraft with three different cabin layouts on its routes. There are planes with one and two classes of service. We'll look at them all.


More details about the age of each board:

Airbus A319-100+

Let's look at these interior layouts so that you can easily navigate the choice of good and comfortable seats.

Two-class cabin of Airbus A319 “Russia”. Version 1

Onboard aircraft with this cabin layout: EI-EYL, EI-EYM, EI-EZC, VP-BIQ, VP-BIT, VP-BIU, VQ-BAQ, VQ-BAR, VQ-BAS, VQ-BAT, VQ-BAU , VQ-BAV, VQ-BCO, VQ-BCP.

Airbus A319 "Russia" cabin diagram version 1

The first two rows on this plane are business class.

Economy class starts with 3 rows. We assume that the distance between classes in this arrangement is quite large. Also, probably, a screen serves as a partition. This means you will have plenty of legroom. Another advantage of this row is the absence of a “front neighbor” - during the flight no one will throw the back of their seat towards you.

A small minus of these places is that the tables are located in the armrests.

8 row— the seats in this row are located in front of the emergency hatches. Most likely, the seat backs do not recline or are limited in this.

9th row of seats located behind emergency exits. For safety reasons, so as not to obscure the hatches, the distance between the rows has been increased. These are places of increased comfort. Here you will be comfortable during your flight.

21 rows, seats C and D— these chairs are located near the aisle, near the toilet section. Passengers will walk and stand past you throughout the flight. This may not be very pleasant.

22 row— the backs of the seats in this row rest against the wall of the toilets and may have a limitation in reclining. Also, being next to a restroom does not provide any particularly pleasant sensations.

Two-class cabin of Airbus A319 “Russia”. Version 2

Onboard aircraft with this cabin layout: VP-BBT, VP-BBU, VP-BIS, VP-BIV, VP-BNB, VP-BNJ, VP-BNN, VP-BQK, VP-BWG, VP-BWG.