How tourists are deceived in Bulgaria. What you need to know about Bulgaria before your trip What you must do in Bulgaria

Resort selection

The most popular beach resorts in the country are Golden Sands, Sunny Beach and Albena. The latter is very suitable for family holidays. At the resorts of Hisar and Velingar, you can improve your health by relaxing in the hot springs. And the resort of Saints Constantine and Helena, in addition to healing, also offers excursion holidays. In addition, large cities, and especially Sofia, are undoubtedly good for excursion holidays. The best places to go skiing in Bulgaria are Pamporovo and Borovets.


Brief information about the country

Bulgaria is located in the southeastern part of Europe and shares borders with Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania. In the east the country is washed by the Black Sea.

The capital of Bulgaria is the city of Sofia. Other major cities: Varna, Plovdiv, Ruse, Burgas, Pleven, Stara Zagora, Shumen, Sliven and Dobrich.

Time in Bulgaria is two hours behind Moscow.

The year in Bulgaria, as well as in Russia, is divided into 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter in Bulgaria is cool, but most often the temperature stays at around 0 °C. In spring it is much warmer and more comfortable than at the same time in Russia. Summer, especially on the seashore, is hot and sunny, and autumn is very warm compared to Russia.

The official language of the country is Bulgarian. Many words in this language are understandable to Russians, although some familiar words sometimes have unusual meanings, for example, “pravo” means “straight”. You can meet Russian speakers in the country.

There is no official religion in Bulgaria, but most of the population there are Orthodox Christians.

Holiday seasons

· From the end of May to August – high season with the most expensive prices and the hottest weather;

· From late September to April – low season;

· From June to September – beach season. In general, some people start swimming already in May, but at this time the water is still cool;

· September is a velvet season with not too high prices for tickets and comfortable, not very hot weather. It is worth considering that by the second half of the month the sea cools down significantly, so it is better to plan your vacation for the beginning of September;

· From December to March – ski season. At different resorts it begins and ends at different times, but its peak always occurs during the winter holidays.


What you need to know and do before your trip

Some cards that work in Russia and other European countries may not work in Bulgaria, so it is better to cash out the money. Rubles are difficult to exchange in Bulgaria, so make sure to change them into euros in advance.

There are no special vaccinations required before traveling to Bulgaria.


You can get to Bulgaria by plane. Direct flights regularly depart to Sofia from Moscow, and there are several rare flights from St. Petersburg. Tourists often fly to Sofia with a transfer in Istanbul. In general, charter flights depart from most major Russian airports to Sofia, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv.

A direct flight from Moscow to Sofia takes almost three hours, and from St. Petersburg – 3.5 hours. You can fly to Bulgaria by planes of Aeroflot, Aerosvit, Transaero, S7 and many others.

You can also get to Sofia by train - the journey takes only three days, and trains from Moscow depart regularly and pass through several major European capitals. Of course, traveling by train is not so convenient, but if you are afraid of airplanes or want to leisurely admire the landscapes of Europe on the road, then this option is just for you.


The flight to Bulgaria is not very long, so you are unlikely to get bored. For entertainment, you can take a book or other leisure activity with you. If you plan to sleep, make sure to wear a blindfold - the lights are usually on in the aircraft cabin.

Bulgaria Airport


If you choose to travel by train, then it is worth considering that you will be crossing the Romanian border, which means you will also need a Romanian visa. All borders are crossed directly on the train, so it is somewhat more convenient than when flying by plane. Trains can get hot in the summer, so be sure to bring water and don't dress too warmly.

Visa, Customs

If you have a Schengen visa, then it will be enough to enter Bulgaria. If you do not have a Schengen card, then obtaining a Bulgarian visa will take very little time.

Required documents:

· A foreign passport valid for at least three months after the planned end of the trip;

· A copy of the first page of the international passport;

· Color photograph 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters;

· A completed application form;

· For children, even those included in the parental passport, an application form and the entire set of documents are required;

· You will also need a copy of the child’s birth certificate;

· There is no need to provide proof of income.

The visa is issued within 5-7 working days, urgent processing is possible in three days. Tourists receive a six-month multiple-entry visa, and those who have already visited Bulgaria receive an annual visa.

If you apply for a visa yourself, you will also need a return ticket and proof that your income allows you to safely stay in the country during this time.

You can bring into Bulgaria duty-free 250 cigarettes or 50 cigars, a liter of strong alcohol or two liters of wine, any amount of foreign currency (amounts above 5 thousand levs must be declared). Jewelry and equipment are also subject to declaration.

It is prohibited to import weapons and drugs into Bulgaria, as well as chocolate, canned meat and non-canned food. Customs is usually easy and hassle-free.

Please note that Bulgarian customs officers treat accidental and deliberate violations differently. If prohibited items are in your natural places, they will simply be confiscated without issuing a fine. If, for example, you hide undeclared money in the lining of your suitcase, then if it is discovered you will also be fined.

Staying in a foreign country


In Bulgaria, a traditional classification of hotels by stars has been adopted. Please note that breakfast is almost never included in the room rate, so you will have to pay for it separately. A hotel room on the beach will cost significantly more than in the city. There are a lot of family hotels in Bulgaria that compete with large firms. These hotels offer guests home-cooked food, comfort and a particularly relaxing atmosphere.

On the coast, many locals rent out apartments and private houses. You can also stay in a bungalow, campsite or other cheaper, but less comfortable accommodation option.


The cuisine of Bulgaria is quite familiar to Russian people - all unusual and national dishes can be eaten without fear of getting an upset stomach.

The price of lunch varies greatly depending on the prestige of the resort. For example, in Albena, lunch will cost 30 euros per person, and alcohol and fruit are on average 1.5-2 times more expensive than in the rest of the country.

If you are staying in a less popular tourist city, then the prices there will, of course, be lower. This, however, also depends on where the cafe is located - eating in the city will be cheaper than on the beach. If you really like a certain cafe, you can negotiate with the administrator about permanent meals. Then you will pay in advance for five days, and you can easily come here for lunch. The price for three meals a day is 10 euros, since there is a serious discount for regular lunches. Also keep in mind that the dishes in the cafe will be chosen for you yourself, that is, it will be similar to eating in a canteen.

Bulgarian soup - chobra


Most people come to Bulgaria for a beach holiday on the Black Sea coast. The beaches here are clean, there are many free places where you can get additional services in the form of a towel or sun lounger for an additional fee. The beaches are well equipped and usually crowded.

Holidays at the sea can be diversified with various active sports: windsurfing, diving, volleyball, tennis, etc. You can also go banana boat rides, water skiing, etc.

Bulgaria also has all the opportunities for skiing - there are several ski resorts of European level with a very developed infrastructure.

In addition, in Bulgaria there are several health resorts where beach holidays can be combined with mineral waters and wellness treatments.


Recently, Bulgaria began to organize an excursion to the Turkish capital Istanbul. Such a two-day excursion costs about 180 levs. Tourists travel by bus from Sofia to Istanbul, where they leave their things at the hotel and travel to several popular attractions, and for an additional fee you can visit several more interesting places. In the evening there is also an entertainment program for an additional fee, and several more excursions are planned for the next day. It is worth considering that for such a trip you need to obtain a double-entry Turkish visa in advance.

Prices for excursions in Bulgaria range from 20 to hundreds of euros, depending on where you want to go. There are both excursions to monuments and entertaining excursions for children and adults, such as a yacht trip or a playful pirate battle.

Beach in Bulgaria


There are three main places for shopping in Bulgaria - bazaars, fairs and shops. Bazaars are constant, they are open from morning until 4 pm and are found both in small resort towns and in big cities. Fairs are organized according to a schedule, and tourists can only get to them by accident. Bulgarian stores are open on weekdays, sometimes on Saturday, and sometimes even seven days a week. There are 24-hour shops. Please note that Bulgaria is not a cheap country and you should not go there specifically for shopping - however, during your vacation you can treat yourself to buying souvenirs.

Here you can buy quite colorful pottery, jewelry, and inexpensive leather goods. At the market you can buy national sweets, wooden crafts and beautiful knitted items. Very high quality spices are sold here.

Prices at resorts are sometimes two to three times higher than in cities, especially for souvenirs, so it’s better to buy something in Sofia or other large towns. But at the resort, unlike in the city, you can buy delicious honey in clay pots.

The Albena indoor market sells silk scarves and stoles, as well as cashmere mufflers and scarves. And the Golden Sands resort offers tourists products made of stones and silver, as well as wicker bags and hats.

There are many Greek shops in Bulgaria where you can buy fur products at Greek prices.

What to do in Bulgaria

· Get ​​to know Alyosha - a monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator in the city of Plovdiv. In general, this 11-meter sculpture is nameless, but the Bulgarians gave it a name, and now it is one of the favorite monuments of both local residents and Russian tourists;

· Feel like a real Roman by watching a performance in an ancient amphitheater from the 2nd century BC. This amphitheater is located in Plovdiv - one of the most ancient cities in Europe;

· Visit the Valley of Roses - 30-meter-high flower fields planted with oilseed damask rose. The aroma here is simply magnificent;

· Visit the village of Rupite, where the famous clairvoyant Vanga was born;

· Look at the city under water - part of Nessebar, a city with a three-thousand-year history. During the earthquake, half of the peninsula on which the city is located went under water, and now from the boat you can see ancient buildings resting on the seabed;

· Dive to the sunken TU-154. This plane was sunk specifically to attract divers;

· Look at the strangest building in the world - a house in the shape of a multi-colored snail.

Snail house


Tourists in Bulgaria definitely need medical insurance - without it they won’t even issue a visa. Ambulance care for Russian citizens will be provided free of charge under a special agreement, but subsequent treatment will cost money. You can see a doctor at a hotel, but his services will cost more than the services of private doctors, and it is cheaper to go to government agencies.

The quality of medicine in Bulgaria is high, especially since it is profitable for local doctors to treat foreign tourists. The equipment is not particularly modern, but it is well maintained.

Bulgaria is a clean country, so for prevention here you just need to follow basic hygiene rules.


Bulgaria is a fairly safe country for tourists, but you still need to be aware of what may await tourists.

Often in Bulgaria, due to economic turmoil, demonstrations and rallies occur, so there are interruptions in the work of taxis and public transport. Rallies usually do not cause any other problems for tourists.

Tourists usually become victims of minor crimes. In transport, crowded places and on busy streets of resorts, you can easily become a victim of a pickpocket. To avoid this, constantly monitor your bag and pockets, and avoid carrying valuables in your backpack. It is also better to leave documents, valuables and large sums of money at the hotel - they offer special safes for this, often free of charge.

Fraudsters often try to deceive tourists near ATMs, so be careful that the PIN code from your card does not get into the hands of unauthorized persons.

Some problems are associated with Bulgarian taxi drivers - they often greatly inflate prices for services. It's better not to get into cars without meters - you'll lose more money than you really should.

Actions in case of emergency

If you have been robbed, you should immediately contact the nearest police station, where you may encounter an English- and even Russian-speaking officer. When applying, have at least a copy of your passport with you.

If you have lost your passport, immediately call the Russian Embassy - they will give you further instructions for action.


To call from Russia to Bulgaria, you need to dial 8-10-359 (country code) - city code - subscriber number. To call from Bulgaria to Russia, on the contrary, you need to dial 00-7 - the city code - the subscriber’s number.

City codes:

· Sofia – 2;

· Plovdiv – 32;

· Burgas – 56;

· Varna – 52;

· Dobrich – 58;

· Nesebo – 554;

Official contacts

· Firefighters – 160;

· Ambulance – 150;

· Police – 166;

· Russian Embassy in Bulgaria - (+359 2) 963-44-58, 24-hour number;

· Consular Section – (+359 2) 963-40-21;

· Consul on duty for emergencies - (+359) 884-510-955, 24 hours a day.


The official currency of the country is the lev, equal to 100 sotinkas. Money can often be exchanged without commission at exchange offices; it is not profitable to do this in hotels. Banks are open on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. In addition to lions, the euro is in use in the country. One lev is equal to approximately 20 rubles.

Prices in Bulgaria are quite comparable to ours, so if you want to relax comfortably, eating in restaurants and going on excursions, then for two the amount starts from 300 euros for 10 days. If you plan to buy gifts and attend expensive excursions, then the amount should be increased. You'll also spend more at a popular resort.

Bulgarian money


Public transport in Bulgaria consists mainly of buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. Sofia has metro and trams. Buses stop running at midnight; tickets must be purchased at kiosks or from drivers.

You can also get around the city by taxi. It is not customary to hail cars on the side of the road, but people often take taxis at train stations and bus stops. A taxi will cost an average of 25 cents per kilometer; you have to negotiate with some taxi drivers, which is not very convenient and does not always work out in favor of the tourist.

Buses, trains, and water transport run between cities. Some places can be reached by plane. Rail transport is usually more convenient than buses.

Renting a car in Bulgaria will cost $50 per day + gasoline. You can find it cheaper. To rent you will need an international license. Please note that the road condition in Bulgaria is not very good, and drivers often drive old vehicles, so you should be careful when driving. There are toll roads that you cannot enter without a special card.


Tips usually amount to 7-10% of the cost of the service. You can give rewards to maids and receptionists. It is customary for waiters to round up the bill, unless, of course, a tip is already included in it.


There are no specific clothing standards in Bulgaria - you can safely wear what you wear in Russia. Even the climate in this country is similar to Russia, so choosing clothes should not be a problem - just take what you usually wear at this time of year.

National characteristics and traditions

Bulgaria as a whole is very similar to Russia in terms of traditions and norms of behavior.

Remember that when they agree, Bulgarians shake their heads from side to side, and when they deny, on the contrary, they nod. However, in tourist areas it is sometimes the other way around, so to avoid misunderstandings it is better to use words, especially since “yes” and “no” sound the same in Bulgarian.

Bulgarians are generally very friendly and tolerant of people, their religion and worldview. They are also very proud of their homeland, so try not to accidentally insult their country or hometown when talking to them. Also, Bulgarians are not known for their punctuality. Bulgarian men are very temperamental, almost like Spaniards and Italians, so they often show signs of attention to girls, but, as a rule, unobtrusively.



Items of historical or artistic value cannot be taken out of Bulgaria without special permission, so before purchasing an expensive piece of art, be sure to find out whether you can take it home. Also, you cannot export more money than was declared upon import. To export undeclared equipment and jewelry, you will need a receipt for their purchase.

Bulgaria is one of the few countries in the world that has never changed its name. Convenient geographical location: in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, washed from the east by the Black Sea, a variety of landscapes, an abundance of natural and historical monuments - that’s all that attracts tourists from many countries. Mountains attract climbers in summer, skiers in winter; sandy beaches of the coast - lovers of spending time by the sea and water sports; healing mud, springs, salts - those who came to improve their health. The mild climate also contributes to an unforgettable holiday in Bulgaria. Reviews note the friendliness and hospitality of the Bulgarians.

State at the crossroads

There are different ways to get into the country. The fastest is air. From Moscow airports you can fly to Sofia, Varna and Burgas; the flight time ranges from two and a half to five hours. According to experienced travelers, it is more profitable to take flight tickets to Sofia, and from there use any transport to get to your desired destination. Many people recommend flying to Istanbul and from there taking a train or bus to Bulgaria.

Train travel can only be done with transfers. An acceptable option: go to Belgrade (Serbia), Budapest (Hungary) or Prague (Czech Republic) and change trains to Sofia there. Such a trip will take ten, twenty and twenty-seven hours.
Traveling by car is also possible. Travel time from Moscow to Sofia is on average thirty hours. It is more profitable to go through Hungary or Romania.

You can choose the sea route. Since 2016, a ferry has been running from Novorossiysk to Burgas, on which you will have to spend three whole days.

Lots of fun at a great price

The optimal period to relax in the country without fuss and crowds is the beginning of autumn. There is no more summer crowds, the sea caresses with warm water, and the sweltering heat will not interfere with sightseeing. Unforgettable and varied gives Bulgaria vacation. Prices, according to reviews tourists, and for the plane, and for accommodation, and for food are significantly lower than in the summer months. The savings will be 10 or even 20 percent, especially if you choose last-minute tours. And this is understandable, because the tourist season is nearing its end.

Indian summer

The weather in Bulgaria in September can be hot like summer, cloudy and rainy like autumn, or comfortably warm - depending on your luck. Until the middle of the month, a mild continuation of summer usually reigns on the coast: during the day up to +26 degrees, sometimes higher, nights become cooler - up to +18, the sea is still warm - up to +24 degrees. In other territories, especially in mountainous areas, the climate is completely different - up to +21 during the day and up to +15 degrees at night. Rainfall is likely in these regions. Therefore, when going on an excursion deep into the territory, for a walk in the mountains or on an evening promenade, tourists in their reviews advise taking warm clothes with them and wearing comfortable shoes.

From the middle of the month the wind becomes fresher, the water in the sea gradually cools down to 19 degrees above zero. The daytime temperature is still pleasing - up to +20, the nights are already much colder - up to 12 degrees. There are more cloudy days, but rain on the coast is still rare. The return of warmth may please us in recent days holiday in Bulgaria in September. Weather reviews vacationers reported that from the 26th the air temperature reached +26 degrees.

Golden Sands

Bulgaria at the beginning of autumn attracts, first of all, the opportunity to enjoy sandy beaches, a warm sea like fresh milk with clear water, and the gentle sun. Of the more than 230 Bulgarian beaches, eleven were awarded the Blue Flag in 2017 - recognized as environmentally friendly, clean, comfortable and safe. Tour operators introduce a clause on the condition of the beach, offering holidays in Bulgaria, and reviews rested people help to compile their rating. The best beaches are in Sunny Beach, and the healing mud is in Pomorie.

The sunniest place

The beaches of Sunny Beach stretch for six kilometers between Burgos and Varna, reaching forty meters in width in some places. Their advantage: golden sand, gentle entrance to a calm sea with crystal clear water. The nature is beautiful: the Stara Planina mountains, covered with coniferous and deciduous forests; sand dunes of the coastline with unique plants.

The best place for water lovers choosing holiday in Bulgaria - Sunny Beach. Reviews tourists testify to their favorite trips on yachts, catamarans, water skiing and biking, parachute jumping, hang gliding, diving and surfing. Here is the Action water park with thirty different slides and attractions. Travel agencies offer boat trips, extreme jeep trips, visits to wineries, and sightseeing in nearby cities. There are many options to diversify holiday in Bulgaria in September. Reviews full of photographs from parties and shows, night illumination of the resort.

Black sand Pomorie

Pomorie, located between Burgas and Nessebar, attracts with the opportunity to combine a stay by the sea with treatment with mud from Lake Pomorie. A narrow spit separates the reservoir from the Black Sea, the coast of which is occupied by the city. But not only mud has a beneficial effect, but also mineral water and the air itself, saturated with ozone and iodine. The fine coastal sand has an unusual gray-brown, almost black color.

It offers various attractions, conditions for diving, surfing, parasailing, and yachting. There are several excellent golf courses here and avid golfers flock herefans of this game. There is a winery where white wine and the famous Black Sea Gold brandy are produced. You can diversify your visit to the monuments of the resort and neighboring Nessebar. holiday in Pomorie in Bulgaria. Reviews they talk about wine tasting in the Pomorie cellar, wonderful cuisine, original interiors and stunning views from the restaurants of the resort, which is called a fairy tale city.

Valley of Roses and Stone Forest

September days are conducive to excursions, which are organized at all resorts. Travel to the Valley of Roses, to the botanical garden in Balchik, to the water lilies in the Ropotamo Nature Reserve, to the Rila Lakes cannot fail to impress. And how many unusual things can be seen in the mountains: Stone Forest, Nebet Tepe Hill, Magura Cave.

There are many museums and architectural monuments, some of which were created many centuries ago. This is the rotunda of St. George (Sofia), and the Roman baths (Varna), and the amphitheater (Plovdiv), and the ancient windmill (Nessebar).

The opportunity to hike, bike or horseback ride along stunning routes provides tourists holiday in Bulgaria. Reviews indicate the popularity of visiting churches and monasteries, especially Rila and Nessebar.

September is a month of holidays and festivals

September in Bulgaria is full of events. In the first month of autumn, the whole country celebrates two public holidays:

  • 6 - Unification Day;
  • 22 - Independence Day.

Events that are worthy of attention from tourists, taking place in individual cities and regions:

  • Burgas- Festival of sand sculptures.
  • Plovdiv- International Puppet Theater Festival, Autumn Art Salon, International Technical Fair.
  • Varna- “Golden Rose” film festival, international animated film festival, “Varna Summer” music festival.
  • Trojan- Plum Festival.
  • Kazanlak - Festival of the Valley of the Thracian Kings.

Participation in festivals and holidays, even as a spectator, will make your holiday in Bulgaria memorable for a long time. Reviews from tourists note the uniqueness of folk traditions, the colorfulness of national costumes and furnishings, and the general mood of fun.

Cheese, vegetables and herbs are the highlights of Bulgarian cuisine

In September, shops and markets are filled with freshly picked fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and herbs are an integral component of not only all kinds of salads, but also soups and main courses. Vacationers love stuffed eggplants and cabbage rolls in grape leaves. Salads here are not dressed with mayonnaise, but with a special sauce. Judging by the reviews of tourists, Shopska salad is especially preferred - with tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with grated cheese.

The peculiarity of the first courses is that fatty meat is not used in preparation. Pileshka vermicelli soup in chicken broth with vegetables and eggs is popular. It is customary to eat soups in the first half of the day. For meat dishes, they prefer kabcheche - chopped cutlets with seasonings; for fish - plakia: fish baked with vegetables. Another feature: an abundance of cheeses, which are added to salads, when preparing meat and fish, and even to baked goods. Delicious and varied food tasted in restaurants and cafes will be remembered holiday in Bulgaria. Reviews they talk about very large portions of the dishes served, which can easily be shared by two.

are developing at a rapid pace. New hotels are being built and old hotels are being reconstructed. Their comfort is increasing, approaching the European level. At the same time, the price of holidays in Bulgarian resorts is much lower. Another advantage is a relatively short flight, only 2.5 hours, and the language is close to Russian.

In Bulgaria the local currency is Lev. Upon arrival at the airport, tourists need to exchange rubles for local currency. You should only change it at an official exchanger. You should immediately pay attention to the exchange rate. The commission on the exchange amount can be 1% - this will be written in capital letters in the exchanger. But, usually this concerns large amounts, so read carefully everything that is written in smaller letters. Small amounts can be exchanged for you with a percentage of 15-20. Be sure to keep receipts when exchanging.

It is prohibited to take levs out of the country, so all remaining local currency will need to be exchanged for rubles, and for this you need to have a receipt from the exchanger. In large cities, rubles are accepted for exchange; you can first find out whether our currency is accepted at the resort where you are going. Local “business people” may offer to exchange rubles at a very favorable rate. This should not be done, since for your currency they may give you old-style banknotes that are out of circulation.

There is another way to cheat. At the exchange office they sell magnets with symbols of the European Union and the USA, and next to it is the price that tourists accept as the exchange rate. As a result, the currency is exchanged at a very unfavorable rate. Look for exchange offices that say “no commission” - here you can change currency without commission. Tourists also need to know that they can receive a VAT refund (20%) in the TaxFree system when purchasing goods for at least 1000 leva.

Resort hotels

When purchasing a full board tour, you should keep in mind that there will not be a variety of food. It is better to take a trip with breakfast or half board. You can get acquainted with local cuisine in numerous cafes and restaurants. If you are vacationing with children, you should choose hotels with a children's menu. Tourists should know that on their second purchase in the same store, they can get a discount of 5 to 20%. Ask the seller about this, some may simply not inform you about this.

In recent years, a lot of money has been invested in the reconstruction of old “Soviet” hotels. But the service leaves much to be desired. Still, some “three rubles” suffer from nostalgia of Soviet times. Especially in cheap hotels, you can still see that everyone who enters is asked for documents. You may encounter poor quality room cleaning and a pitiful breakfast. Many of us think that since we are vacationing in a southern country, then the juices here are of course only natural. This is not true, often these are concentrates. It is better to wash fruits in such a hotel before eating.

Pay attention to how the hotel pool is cleaned. If this happens irregularly, and this can happen, then it is better not to swim in this pool. When leaving your hotel room, close the balcony and windows. In Bulgaria, hotel thefts occur during the tourist season. No one can penetrate closed doors and windows, but an open balcony is a bait for thieves. Therefore, when choosing a vacation in 2019, in particular a hotel, think about what you need to pay attention to. Reviews from tourists will help you take into account all the pros and cons and help you avoid troubles on vacation.

About beaches, weather

Going on vacation in your own car is a certain independence; you can visit several resorts. Don't ignore paid parking. Car theft and damage are quite common in Bulgaria. You should carefully consider your route and stops in order to protect yourself. Fans of camping should be attentive to the surrounding area. There are quite a lot of flying and crawling species here.

It is believed that this is almost our south and the sun is not as hot as in Turkey or Egypt. This is true, but in May and June you should beware of sunburn and sunbathe only with protective cream. According to tourists, the sea is not clean everywhere. Also in August you can find jellyfish, algae and insects that resemble caterpillars in the water. This phenomenon is seasonal, however travelers should be aware of it. The Black Sea in Bulgarian resorts warms up by the end of June. In May, you can only bask in the already burning sun, but you will have to swim in the pool.

The beaches are mostly public, but you will have to buy sunbeds and awnings. Prices are very different; a cheaper package of a sunbed and umbrella can be purchased near an inexpensive hotel. But there is one minus. In Bulgaria there are many holidaymakers on social packages, German pensioners. If this neighborhood doesn’t bother you, then you can sunbathe on such a beach and save money.

About communication, shopping

There are no problems with telephone communication; you can call another country from a payphone installed on the street. To do this you need to purchase a calling card. Here you may encounter a problem when cards from one company do not work in telephones of another. Bank cards can only be used in the resort area. If you go inland, you won’t need a bank card.

It will not please those who love shopping, the goods are mostly Turkish, you can buy local souvenirs in the form of a magnet or crafts from local artisans and Bulgarian Rose cosmetics. In large supermarkets they can deceive you; if you take loose products (fruits, vegetables), they weigh them at the checkout. This is where you need to be more careful and check the numbers on the receipt with the actual weight. This is more difficult to do in small shops. If you are eating with a child, then you should take into account that the choice of baby food in supermarkets is small and you may not find the brand you need.

There is an opinion that everything is very cheap in Bulgaria. This was the case until the exchange rate of the dollar and euro began to rise. Now it's not so cheap anymore. Especially at famous resorts. Be sure to check with the tour operator everything about the hotel where you want to relax. Very often, a vacation can be ruined by construction nearby. But construction is going on everywhere and this creates inconvenience. There is very little or very poor entertainment for children.

The climate in Bulgaria is mild, with moderately cold, wet winters and dry, hot summers. Precipitation in summer is rare; if it does occur, it is heavy but short-lived downpours.

The main population of Bulgaria (about 85%) are Orthodox Christians.

They speak Bulgarian in Bulgaria, but many local residents understand Russian well and can even speak Russian. Young people, most often, do not know Russian, but, as a rule, they know English well. Just in case, it’s worth taking a Bulgarian phrasebook with you or learning the simplest questions and expressions in Bulgarian before your trip.

The sign language of the Bulgarians is different from ours - for example, nodding your head here expresses disagreement, and shaking your head - on the contrary, agreement. But many Bulgarians know this discrepancy and use these gestures the way we are used to.

Bulgarian emergency phone numbers are police 166, ambulance 150, fire brigade 160, roadside assistance 146.


The currency in Bulgaria is the lev. There are 100 stotinki in one leva. The lev to ruble exchange rate is one lev equals approximately 19-20 rubles. For one euro during exchange they give approximately 1.95 leva. For one dollar – about 1.5 leva. It is better to check the exact exchange rate immediately before the trip.

It is best to change money in Bulgaria in banks, which are usually open on weekdays from 8.00 to 18.00 with a break for lunch, and on Saturday - only until lunch. Find out in advance at the bank what commission is charged for the exchange.

The certificate you received when exchanging currency must be kept. You will need it if you want to exchange unspent leva for dollars or Euros.

You should not change money at street exchange offices; there are frequent cases of customers being defrauded.

You can withdraw local currency from major credit cards at ATMs. However, the conversion rate into levs may not be very profitable. You can pay with plastic cards only in large hotels and restaurants, when renting a car.

Traveler's checks are not exchanged at all banks.

If you are going to relax on Bulgarian beaches, you need to know that all beaches in Bulgaria are state-owned. That is, hotels do not have their own beaches, and hotels have no relationship with renting sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach. And if they promise you something different, then most likely it is a deception. Any information on the beaches can be obtained from lifeguards or from people “managing” umbrellas and sun loungers.

On many popular beaches, if you need them, you should book a sun lounger and an umbrella in advance, because by 11-12 o'clock all the places closer to the sea are already firmly occupied. If you plan to relax on the beach every day, it is better to reserve a sun lounger for several days at once, this way you can be guaranteed to get a good place on the beach and, in addition, get a discount.

Public transport in Bulgaria is buses, trolleybuses, and in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, there are also trams and metro. It is not customary to stop taxis on the roads; they get into them at parking lots or call them by phone. The fare is paid according to the meter, but the price seems quite low to us. Buses and minibuses run between the resort towns of the coast, which are cheaper.

Bulgaria has many natural and historical monuments. You can visit them either with excursions or on your own, which will cost less.

The cost of living in Bulgarian hotels is low, but sometimes foreigners can be charged more than local residents.

As for souvenirs in Bulgaria, you can buy clothes and home textiles with embroidery, leather goods, silver, copper and handmade wooden products. Prices for souvenirs are quite reasonable. Cosmetics based on rose oil are popular among tourists.


Food in restaurants and cafes is quite cheap for us. In mid-level restaurants you can have lunch for 5-10 dollars. In some street cafes it is even cheaper. In general, prices in the most luxurious and simplest establishments do not differ very much. At the same time, in many unpresentable-looking establishments the food is very good. In general, food in Bulgaria is very tasty because it is prepared from local, natural products. Some dishes are spicy. Among the traditional Bulgarian dishes you should try: tarator - cold yogurt soup with fresh cucumbers and garlic, grilled eggplants and sweet peppers, moussaka - casserole of minced meat with potatoes, meat cutlets - kofte or kebabche. Local or Greek fruits and berries are inexpensive all year round. And for dessert you can choose banitsa - puff pastries with different fillings, most often with cheese.

The most common drink here is coffee. And even in street coffee machines it is very tasty. Tea is not widespread. Among alcoholic drinks, rakia is popular in Bulgaria - a strong drink that tastes like brandy, Pliska cognac, and red and white local wines. Among the local beers, it is worth trying “Kamenitsa” and “Zagorka”.

National-style restaurants often host programs with folk dances and folk music in the evenings.

What to watch out for

In many Bulgarian resorts, many petty street crimes are committed, mainly thefts, in which foreigners are often victims. You should be careful on shopping streets and other crowded places. At train stations and airports you can come across scammers selling various services. In large cities and airports, taxi drivers may be deceived, so it is better to negotiate the price of the trip in advance.