Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Valentina Matvienko visited the Artek International Children's Center. I'm glad that Crimean news is information about business

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Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko visited the famous children's camp "Artek" as part of a working trip to the Republic of Crimea. The speaker of the upper house noted that after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the legendary place was transformed beyond recognition.

The entire infrastructure has been restored, buildings and sports grounds have been updated. What remains the same is that children from all over the world vacation in Artek, as before.

A forgotten tradition has been revived at Artek. Now here every day at exactly noon the horn will be blown. Valentina Matvienko took part in the first ceremony and handed over the instrument to the bugler. The revival of this tradition is a significant event for the children's center - a symbol of the revival of the entire Artek.

On the square in front of the renovated sports complex building, the emblems of all nine Artek camps are displayed. In two years they were completely repaired and rebuilt. The leaders of the center plan to reconstruct another building in the next few years and build a new solar camp with a capacity of more than a thousand places.

“In a very short time after the order of the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in almost two years, Artek has improved so much, changed so much, a completely new, modern infrastructure has been created - for education, recreation and sports,” noted the Chairman of the Federation Council.

“It is very important that Artek develops, continues, and indeed federal funds are being invested very large, and here today is this “Artek” spirit. And even the transfer of this forge is very important, very significant. Because the forge has returned to Artek. I don’t I present “Artek” without a bugle,” said Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva

No sanctions affect the work of the children's center and its international status. This year one and a half thousand foreign guests will come to Artek.

“Children from Syria, killed Syrian military personnel, rested here, children of the DPR and LPR, who found themselves under blockade, in terrible conditions, rested here. Children from Europe and from all countries rested here. And sanctions, fortunately, do not affect the strengthening of children’s friendship, children's recreation and creativity," Matvienko said.

This year, children from Syria have already visited Artek. And in the first summer shift, more than twenty schoolchildren from Donetsk are now resting here.

Valentina Matvienko at the children's center met with teachers from different regions of the country who came to a seminar on teaching the Russian language. The conversation also turned to the problem of textbooks - there are a lot of publications, but parents and teachers have many questions about the quality of many of them.

“Many of them, unfortunately, are of a poor level, of poor quality without scientific substantiation. We need such a good line of Russian language textbooks that are verified, popular, attractive, scientifically based, etc.,” -

Valentina Matvienko, together with Artek residents, planted an alley of olive trees. The action was timed to coincide with Ecologist Day. The Chairman of the Federation Council, together with the vacationers, also laid flowers at the monument to Alexander Pushkin and presented the children with a complete collection of his works as a poet.

Over the past two years, good conditions have been created for the education and health of children, noted the head of the upper house of parliament.

Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko Matvienko
Valentina Ivanovna
representative from the executive body of state power of the city of St. Petersburg
visited the International Children's Center "Artek" as part of a working trip to the Republic of Crimea to participate in the III International Livadia Forum.

The event was attended by the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey AksenovAksenov
Sergey Valerievich
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir KonstantinovKonstantinov
Vladimir Andreevich
Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, Director of MDC "Artek" Alexey Kasprzhak. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, a representative from the legislative (representative) body of government of the city of Moscow participated from the Federation Council Zinaida DragunkinaDragunkina
Zinaida Fedorovna
representative from the legislative (representative) body of government of the city of Moscow .

During the visit, the head of the upper house of parliament got acquainted with the work to revive the “Artek Horn” and “Growing Artek Together” campaigns.

Speech by V. Matvienko before Russian language teachers at the Artek International Children's Center

Valentina Matvienko inspected the residential buildings and sports infrastructure of Artek, visited buildings for children with disabilities.

“Over the past two years, good conditions have been created for the education and health of children. The children had the opportunity to discover their talents and find friends. Artek has become the territory of a happy childhood,” she said.

The Chairman of the Federation Council met with Russian language teachers - guests and participants of the seminar “Factors for successful mastery of the Russian language: integration of general and additional education resources”, held as part of the Third International Livadia Forum. The head of the Federation Council congratulated those present on the upcoming holidays - Pushkin Day in Russia and Russian Language Day, thanking them for introducing young citizens of Russia to the achievements of Russian literature and Russian culture.

“You are all doing great and very important work,” she said, noting that the Russian language is the unifying principle of our people.

Valentina Matvienko reminded that the Decree of the Head of State on the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy defines the key directions for the development of the Russian language and domestic literature. The federal target program “Russian Language” for 2016–2020 is being successfully implemented. Russian language councils have been created under the President and Government of the Russian Federation. A decision was made to develop the concept of state language policy; on the initiative of the President of Russia, the Society of Russian Literature was founded, headed by His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. In order to implement the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children, the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children was approved.

The head of the Federation Council noted that every year in the Russian Federation All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in Russian language and literature are held. The process of updating training programs and schools themselves is underway. The President's May decrees aimed at increasing teachers' salaries are being implemented.

“Taking into account the role of the Russian language in deepening integration processes, conceptual documents have been developed and approved to promote the Russian language abroad. In particular, projects such as the International Pushkin Competition for Russian Language Teachers are being implemented,” she emphasized Valentina Matvienko.

At the same time, she drew attention to a number of serious problems. There is still a shortage of Russian language teachers in the country. Especially in rural areas. Regional authorities should pay more attention to the issue of attracting and retaining personnel in rural areas and ensuring appropriate conditions, the head of the Federation Council believes.

“We must not forget that our native language is a living organism that is constantly developing. The educational environment must also be improved. The modern generation of teachers needs updated training programs, teaching aids and appropriate working conditions,” noted Valentina Matvienko.

She also named the excessive abundance of textbooks on the Russian language as a pressing problem, many of which frankly do not stand up to criticism. It’s time to create a line of high-quality, attractive, scientifically developed school textbooks in the Russian language for Russian schoolchildren, believes the Chairman of the Federation Council.

She added that the resources of the general education system alone are not enough for successful mastery of the Russian language. Additional education should be a great help in this process. “Today we also lack a serious, large-scale project. For example, such as the Quantorium technology parks. The creation of such a multi-level system of extracurricular work in the humanitarian field will help identify and develop children’s literary and philological talents.”

In her opinion, the experience of the Artek International Children's Center is very indicative in this regard. The center is extremely popular not only among Russian children. Almost every shift, teenagers from different countries of the world relax here. Children can study in children's art studios, sports sections and specialized teams, and participate in a variety of educational projects. It is especially pleasant that in this work much attention is paid to the Russian language and literature,” she emphasized Valentina Matvienko.

V. Matvienko, O. Vasilyeva and A. Kasprzhak about the International Children's Center "Artek"

According to the Chairman of the Federation Council, Artek has its own scientific and pedagogical school. The synthesis of traditional and innovative teaching methods made it possible to create a modern education system, adapted to the needs of the time and aimed at the future.

The Chairman of the Federation Council paid special attention to the Artek school and its wonderful staff. “The creative atmosphere created here allows us to conduct classes not only at desks, but also to use the full potential of Artek in the learning process. We must strive to ensure that all children in the country can study in such conditions. It is imperative to disseminate the experience of Artek in the regions,” noted Valentina Matvienko.

On June 5, the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko visited the Artek International Children's Center. The focus of the visit is an assessment of the implementation of the Artek Development Program approved by the Russian Government, including the results of infrastructural transformations and the content of the activities of the children's center. An important point was the discussion of state policy issues in the field of child protection, including the agenda of the Decade of Childhood 2018-2027, announced in accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Beginning of the visit Valentina Matvienko together with the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Zinaida Dragunkina, Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov was a meeting with Artek residents on Pushkin Square of the Lazurny camp, where a ceremony to revive the tradition of the Artek bugle took place. The boy with the bugle, as one of the symbols of Artek for many decades, from this day on will continue the mission of cohesion and unity of Artek residents of all generations.

“The Artek horn is more than a musical instrument. Its sounds are a call for friendship, for unity, for creation. I am glad that now every day at 12 o'clock the bugle will sound. Take care of the traditions of Artek! – addressed the modern Artek residents in a welcoming speech Valentina Matvienko.

Then the Chairman of the Federation Council inspected the residential and educational buildings, the sports infrastructure of Artek, and visited places where children with disabilities live. Guests took part in the “Let’s Green Artek Together” event in an ancient olive grove.

“What I saw amazed me. In a very short time, in two years, Artek has improved and changed so much. A new modern infrastructure for education, recreation and sports has appeared. "Artek" is landscaped. We looked at what buildings the guys live in and how they eat. There is no better international children's center in the world. Both in scale and in content of the work. There is a team of wonderful counselors and educators here,” noted the Chairman of the Federation Council.

At Artek, Valentina Matvienko met with Russian language teachers and teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Crimea - guests and participants of the seminar “Factors for successful mastery of the Russian language: integration of general and additional education resources,” which was organized by the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin and takes place within the framework of the third International Livadia Forum. She discussed issues of the quality of education in the field of Russian language and literature, as well as the prospects for integrating general and additional education resources for successful teaching of the Russian language, including in the system of children's camps. The head of the Federation Council congratulated those present on the upcoming holidays - Pushkin Day in Russia and Russian Language Day, thanking them for introducing young Russian citizens to the achievements of Russian literature and Russian culture.

“You are all doing great and very important work,” she said, noting that the Russian language is the unifying principle of our people.

Valentina Matvienko noted the successful implementation of the federal target program “Russian Language” for 2016–2020. “Taking into account the role of the Russian language in deepening integration processes, conceptual documents have been developed and approved to promote the Russian language abroad,” she emphasized.

In her opinion, “the experience of the Artek International Children’s Center is very indicative in this regard. The center is extremely popular not only among Russian children. Almost every shift, teenagers from different countries of the world relax here. Children can study in children's art studios, sports sections and specialized teams, and participate in a variety of educational projects. It is especially pleasant that in this work much attention is paid to the Russian language and literature,” she emphasized Valentina Matvienko.

Rector of the State Institute of Russian Language Margarita Rusetskaya spoke about thematic sessions in the Russian language, the methodology for which was developed by the institute’s specialists. “The format of summer children's recreation is very effective for promoting and popularizing the Russian language, fostering a love for the Russian word and Russian culture, developing communication skills, friendships and cooperation between Russian and foreign schoolchildren.”

This was confirmed by the commentary from the director of Artek. Alexey Kasprzhak: “Artek” is the world of childhood, a world without borders. This year more than one and a half thousand children from different countries, from different continents will come to us. These are children who have an interest in the Russian language and Russian history. They participate in international competitions organized by Russia.”

The Chairman of the Federation Council drew special attention to the Artek school and its wonderful staff: “The creative atmosphere created here allows us to conduct classes not only at our desks, but also to use the full potential of Artek in the learning process.” According to the Chairman of the Federation Council, Artek has its own scientific and pedagogical school. “The synthesis of traditional and innovative teaching methods made it possible to create a modern education system, adapted to the needs of the time and aimed at the future. We must strive to ensure that all children in the country can study in such conditions. It is imperative to disseminate the experience of Artek in the regions,” noted Valentina Matvienko.

The Chairman of the Federation Council highly appreciated the activities of the Artek teaching staff and presented the Certificate of Gratitude of the Federation Council to the director of Artek Alexey Kasprzhak and teacher of Russian language and literature at the Artek school Lyubov Kalinichenko.

NOVO-OGAREVO, March 27 – RIA Novosti. Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko proposes to give the Artek camp, located in Crimea, the status of an International Presidential Children's Center.

“We believe that it (Artek) should maintain its uniqueness as a center for interethnic communication between children of the CIS countries, non-CIS countries and, of course, our best children, where we can prepare future leaders from them,” Matvienko said at the meeting of the Russian President Vladimir Putin with the Council of the Upper House.

According to the speaker, she proposed to assign Artek the status of the Presidential International Children's Center. Matvienko asked the president to consider this proposal.

"Artek" was created in 1925, and now it houses 10 children's health camps on 208 hectares, of which 102 hectares are parks. The coastline with children's beaches stretches for 7 kilometers. "Artek" was given the status of an international children's center under the auspices of UNESCO. In one shift, Artek receives about 3.6 thousand children, and over the course of a year - more than 30 thousand.

In mid-March, the Crimean authorities announced that Artek, which previously belonged to Ukraine, would be nationalized by Crimea.

A political crisis erupted in Ukraine at the end of November 2013, when the Cabinet of Ministers announced the suspension of the country's European integration. Mass protests, called "Euromaidan", took place throughout Ukraine and in January resulted in clashes with law enforcement agencies. The result of street battles, during which the opposition repeatedly used firearms and weapons, resulted in dozens of casualties.

On February 22, a violent seizure of power took place in the country. The Verkhovna Rada, breaking between President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders, changed the constitution, changed the leadership of parliament and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and removed the head of state from power, who was subsequently forced to leave Ukraine, fearing for his life. On February 27, the Ukrainian parliament approved the composition of the so-called “government of people's trust”, Arseniy Yatsenyuk became prime minister. Speaking the next day at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, Viktor Yanukovych said that he remains the legally elected head of state.

A number of regions in the east and south of Ukraine, as well as Crimea, did not recognize the legitimacy of the Rada and decided on the possibility of holding referendums on the future fate of the regions. In Crimea, a referendum on the status was held on March 16; according to its results, 96.77% of voters who took part in the voting were in favor of the republic joining the Russian Federation. On March 18, Russia and Crimea signed an agreement on the entry of the republic and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation. On March 21, the President of Russia signed the law on the ratification of the treaty and the federal constitutional law on the formation of new entities in the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.