International event tourism. What is event tourism? Carnivals and holidays

Event tourism is a type of tourism focused on visiting an area at a certain time, associated with an event. There are many countries in the world, and in each of them events take place in the field of culture, sports, art - something of historical, cultural, sports value and importance.

In the case of event tourism, an event should be understood as a set of phenomena that stand out for their ambiguity and significance for a given society or humanity as a whole, for small groups or individuals. It may take the form of a one-time, unique phenomenon or a periodic observed phenomenon, observed annually or during certain periods of time. The tourism business always actively uses events to shape the tourism product and attract tourists to the event. The most important thing when organizing tours of this kind is, as a rule, advance planning.

If in the life of a tourist site there is no event that has developed historically as a tradition, it is specially invented. Consequently, there is a campaign to promote a tourism product focused on the event, attracting a mass of visitors, and therefore generating income from tourists who want to visit the area not only for the purpose of sightseeing, but also for the purpose of participating in the celebration along with local residents and share their joy.

During the period of a planned event, tourism activities of tourism industry facilities sharply intensify. Foreign countries occupy the leading positions in recreation of this kind, but Russia is no exception; there is a great desire and work is underway to become one of the countries with high “event” potential and obtain the rights to hold mass events, and accordingly attract many thousands of wealthy tourists.

What events can the tourism market offer for visiting in the current 2008? The answer to this question is formulated individually for each person wishing to attend the event, depending on his preferences (sports, art, carnival, film premiere, concert, etc.) and the funds available for this tour. Also of great importance is the desired place of visit, whether it will be a trip solely for the purpose of visiting the selected event, or whether it will be a multi-day tour, the event in which will only be the reason for the trip.

Event tourism refers to tourism activities associated with a variety of significant social events, as well as rare natural phenomena, attracting large masses of compatriots and tourists from foreign countries with their uniqueness, exoticism, and originality. The event tourism block includes a number of cultural, sports, ethnographic, exhibition (business) tourism events. But not all of the events carried out should be attributed to it, only those that generate some income and, therefore, can be considered a resource component of the place (country) where they are held.

Business tourism is a type of tourism performed by representatives of companies, organizations, institutions, etc. for commercial purposes. Such as:

· attending conferences and meetings

· conducting negotiations, including personal ones

· establishment of business contracts

· participation in exhibitions and presentations,

· business trips of administrative employees (mostly short-term)

Like ordinary tourism, business tourism can be external and internal.

An event tour is a bright, unique journey, the purpose or one of the purposes of which is to attend an event that interests you - a concert, a football match, a carnival, a film festival, a Fashion show, etc. Unique tours that combine traditional holidays and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet, including, for example, the carnival in Rio de Janeiro and the world football championship, are gradually gaining more and more popularity among travelers seeking to spend their holidays as interesting, fun and varied. Traditional acquaintance with history and sights, culture and features today can be combined with visiting wonderful events that will later be pleasant to remember. After all, the main feature of event tourism is a lot of bright and unique moments! These events may be included in the visit program during business trips to exhibitions, seminars, conferences and meetings, or be part of the incentive tour program.

Incentive - (English incentive) official encouragement as a reward for something (success in work, product promotion, etc.); motivational event. Incentive tour is one of the most effective ways to express gratitude to your customers, employees, distributors, dealers for excellent work, to encourage and stimulate your best employees, this is a great opportunity to unite and motivate the work team and strengthen its team spirit.

Incentive programs are that rare case when business is combined with pleasure.

Event tourism activities are of great economic importance. During the period of their holding, the activity of all objects of the tourism industry intensifies. Consumer demand significantly exceeds supply. There is a revival of local cultural traditions, customs, and the development of folk art.

Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable experience. It is promising and dynamic developing species tourism. In event tourism, several thematic types can be distinguished: 1) national festivals and holidays;

2) theatrical shows;

3) film and theater festivals;

4) gastronomic festivals; 5) festivals and flower exhibitions; 6) fashion shows; 7) auctions; 8) music festivals and music competitions;

9) sporting events.

Participants in event tours place increased demands on accommodation facilities, especially their classic type - hotels, transport (convenience of delivery to the event site), catering establishments and the services of interpretive guides. The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which from random become regular. The Olympics have taken a strong place in event tourism - summer and winter Olympic Games. Currently, “carnival” tours are a large and stable segment of event tourism.

When organizing "carnival" tours, a number of tourists' requirements should be taken into account: - hotel location - near the place where carnival events take place; - availability of restaurants and quality food; - hotel architecture - ancient style; - room interior and color scheme; - number of service personnel; - availability of shops or rental points for carnival costumes.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A number of experts believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.

Tourism is the basis of the economy of many developed and developing countries. The formation of a tourism business in a particular region, as a rule, is determined by the availability of tourism resources. Therefore, high and constant profitability of tourism is ensured by careful planning for the rational use, conservation, restoration and conservation of tourism resources. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that in Russia there is great amount cities and towns with rich cultural, historical and natural potential. But most of tourism resources of these regions is potential and unclaimed due to either the inaccessibility and absence of the tourism industry, or the impossibility of generating and organizing the consumption of a tourism product due to any other objective or subjective factors. Therefore, travel companies are faced with the task of targeted and reasonable use of all tourism resources in their region. Considering this type of tourism as event tourism, it can be noted that, having traveled around the world, at one fine moment you realize that you have already been almost everywhere. There is one way out - this is to join the few ranks of “event people”, tourists who focus on local holidays, fairs, and festivals. Of course, event tourism and international tourism are two compatible concepts, since you will often have to travel abroad.


The term “event tourism” first appeared in the 80s in Europe. Initially being part of such types of tourism as gastronomic, adventure, etc., event tourism later emerged as a separate independent industry. The very concept of event tourism has deep roots in the history of different civilizations, their traditions and customs.

In the difficult conditions of the current political situation, outbound tourism has previously popular destinations, such as Egypt, Türkiye, etc. is being questioned. In this regard, we should expect an increase in consumer interest in Russian destinations and domestic tourism in its various forms, including event tourism.

Our country constantly hosts a number of events of various types and scales (historical reconstruction festivals in different cities, Scarlet Sails in St. Petersburg, etc.), and sometimes events of world significance take place.

Event tourism on the territory of Russia has its own specifics, which will be discussed in this work.

So, the goals of the work can be highlighted as follows:

  • consider event tourism as a specific type of tourism;
  • consider the stages and features of event tour design;
  • conduct a study of event tourism in Russia using the example of the historical reconstruction festival “Iron City”;
  • draw a comparative conclusion about the features of event tourism in Russia.

When writing the article, the following sources were used: literature on tourism activities in general (Ilyina E. L. “Tour Operating: A Textbook” and Kaurova A. D. “Organization of the Tourism Sphere: A Textbook”), a book by A.V. Babkin. “Special types of tourism”, where the author examines the specifics of certain types of tourism and the organization of tours, electronic sources with information about the festival of historical reconstruction “Iron City” (thematic forums of participants, etc.), documents from the Institute of Regional Development on the characteristics of the tourist flow of the Pskov region, and also conducted a survey of respondents who took part directly in the event.

Chapter 1. Concept, thematic types of event tourism and their specificity.

Event tourism is a type of tourism focused on visiting a certain area at a certain time, associated with an event. An event is usually understood as a set of phenomena that are distinguished by their ambiguity and significance for a given society or humanity as a whole, for small groups or individuals. Events can be unique, one-time or periodic, for example, annual. Events are very often and actively used in the tourism business as a tool for attracting customers and as a resource. To organize tours of this kind, advance planning is necessary.

There is a practice of artificially creating events if there is no such thing in the life of a tourist site, such as historical fact. Thus, we can talk about using the event as a tool to attract tourist masses to participate and/or observe the event and to increase the attractiveness of the territory.

A major event in the country causes the activation of all objects of the tourism industry (hotels, catering establishments, transport companies, etc.). For Russia, such an event was, of course, the 2014 Sochi Olympics, and also, undoubtedly, the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship and the 2018 FIFA World Cup final.

The event tourism block includes: sports, cultural, ethnographic, exhibition (business) tourism events. However, they should only include events that generate any income for the territory in which they take place.

An event tour is a trip, the purpose or one of the purposes of which is to attend an event that is interesting to the client - a concert, football match, carnival, film festival, fashion show, etc. Thus, we come to the question of varieties of events. Event tourism can be classified by the size of the event (national or international level) and by the theme of the event. Babkin A.V. in his book “Special Types of Tourism” he gives the following thematic classification:

1) national festivals and holidays (for example, St. Patrick's Festival in London);

2) theatrical shows (festival on ice, Romanza show (Germany));

3) film and theater festivals (Cannes Festival);

4) gastronomic festivals (Oktoberfest, Munich);

5) festivals and flower shows (flower show at Hampton Court Palace, London);

6) fashion shows (Milano Moda Bouna, Milan);

7) auctions (Sotheby's auctions);

8) music festivals and music competitions (Eurovision);

9) sporting events (Olympiads, world championships);

10) international technical salons (aerospace salon in Zhukovsky).

Traditionally, the target audience of event tourism is wealthy tourists with above-average income, as well as companies consisting of several couples. Historically, one of the most important segments of event tourism is the Formula 1 race, since in terms of the number of visitors they are overtaken only by the Olympics and the World Championships, but the latter are held every two and every four years, respectively, and Formula 1 - 18- 19 times a year different countries ah peace. Thus, wealthy fans can travel with athletes around the globe, watching each new grand prix draw.

One of the largest, most profitable and stable segments of event tourism are the so-called “carnival” tours. Italy rightfully enjoys its reputation as one of the most “festive” countries. The Venice Carnival, held in February, is considered the most popular. More than half a million tourists from around the world visit it every year. The carnival opens with the Festa delle Marie, dedicated to the release of Venetian girls kidnapped by pirates from Istria. The festive procession starts from St. Peter's Palace and ends at St. Mark's Square, where a symbolic effigy is burned. The celebration continues with dancing and confetti fireworks.

It should be noted that the advantage of event tourism over other types of it lies in its inexhaustibility. It can be assumed that in the future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.

The main objectives of the regions for the development of this type of tourism are:

  1. Providing iconic, large-scale events with an established history;
  2. Refinement of existing events with high potential to the required level;
  3. Formation and development of new unique events that currently exist at the level of ideas.

Event tourism is both a promising type of development of tourism activities and quite capital-intensive, since the creation of new events, which is a necessary measure to revitalize the tourist life of a destination, requires great effort from government agencies and private entrepreneurs operating in the territory.

Chapter 2. Organization of event tourism.

When compiling and organizing an event tour, the operator may encounter some additional difficulties due to both the specifics of this type of tourism and the specifics of an individual event, including:

  • some difficulties with accommodating the group due to the large influx of tourists during the event, which poses a strict time frame for the company in terms of booking accommodation;
  • time limit for the event;
  • serious financial investment.

Stages of event tour development

The process of creating an event tour goes through the same stages as most other types of tours:

Stage 1 – Defining the goal

The operator must ask: what purpose should the new product achieve? This goal could be:

  • increasing the company's profit;
  • strengthening relationships with consumers;
  • when developing a tour with a new type of event - new target consumer groups;
  • season extension;
  • strengthening the image of the company and/or territory;
  • extension of stay - after all, tourists can continue their vacation in the destination even after the end of the event - you just need to come up with an interesting program for them, and the event will serve as an incentive to come;
  • preventing hotel vacancy;
  • increase in the number of arriving tourists.

Stage 2 – Definition of framework conditions

At this stage, the company should determine the financial and other framework of its activities to create and promote the tour:

  • conduct an analysis of existing products and activities of competitive firms;
  • compare the obtained data with each other;
  • conduct a SWOT analysis;
  • conduct an analysis of electronic sources that allow drawing conclusions about trends in modern tourism society.

Stage 3 – Definition of services

At this stage, the actual creation of the product begins:

  • it is necessary to create an overall picture of the tour, creating thematic summaries and groups of possible trip elements;
  • detailed elaboration of product elements - name, tour period, etc.;
  • calculation of the net price for the tour (without extra charge);
  • options for ways to purchase a tour by the client (through an agent, online, etc.).

Stage 4 – Setting the price for the consumer

Here you should already determine at what price the product will enter the market.

Event Tour Resources

Undoubtedly, the main resource for this type of tourism is an event. The very word “event” (event, event) in English language has several meanings, but in the context of this work, the most frequently used one should be considered - the sociocultural meaning. In Russian, both the transliterated version – event and the analogue translation – event are used.

So, an event is a planned social event/event that takes place at a certain time and for a certain purpose, and has a certain resonance for society.

At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that the event may be of a natural nature (for example, the shadow of a “huge bear” that appears twice a year in the mountains of the American state of North Carolina and attracts crowds of tourists who want to see this phenomenon), so we can say about the ambiguity of the term “event” or “event” in the case of event tourism and about the partial overlap of event resources with natural ones, etc.

Features of tour design

The operator needs to resolve some defining issues:

  • determine the time frame for attendance at the celebration;
  • develop an operational plan - as in any other tour;
  • develop all elements of the event;
  • Discuss with the client in advance all expected and desired additional services;
  • as when organizing any other tour, identify possible risks, troubles, ways to solve them and escape.

When organizing a city event tour, special attention should be paid to such aspects as:

  • sightseeing tours of the city with visits to various exhibitions, local history museums, etc.;
  • visiting temporary exhibitions in city museums;
  • familiarization with national cuisine through visiting culinary exhibitions (if any) or local catering establishments;
  • attending cultural events in the field of cinema, theater, opera, music and dance, etc.;
  • organization of shopping in large retail outlets, such as shopping centers, markets in eastern countries etc.;
  • organization of shopping at reduced prices thanks to an agreement with store owners.

When organizing “carnival” tours, the tour operator must take into account a number of tourists’ requirements:

  • location of the hotel (near the place where the carnival events take place);
  • hotel architecture (preferably authentic style);
  • room interior and color scheme;
  • number of service personnel;
  • availability of restaurants and quality food;
  • Availability of shops or carnival costume rentals.

It should be taken into account that event tourism is characterized by a relatively strict segmentation of consumers by age, nationality, gender, religion and other strata, since each of them is interested in their own, very specific events. For example, a group of avid motorsports enthusiasts should not include an elderly couple wanting to tour a city's temples simply because their destinations overlap, as differences in the itinerary could cause unpleasant scheduling conflicts and a decrease in the overall quality of the tour.

Chapter 3. Event tourism in Russia using the example of the historical reconstruction festival “Iron City”.

Since 2007, in the village of Old Izborsk in the Pechora district of the Pskov region, on the territory of the state historical, architectural and natural landscape museum-reserve “Izborsk”, the annual festival of historical reconstruction “Iron City” has been held.

The holiday program usually contains the following elements: reconstruction of episodes of war and life of a Russian fortress of the 14th-16th centuries, horse and foot competitions, a medieval fair, competitions and entertainment, reconstruction of a mass battle, a historical fashion show, an archery tournament, concerts of folk groups. For guests of the festival, master classes on blacksmithing and pottery will be held, there is an opportunity to independently make an exact copy of ancient Russian money, and get acquainted with dishes of ancient Russian cuisine.

As an example, we can cite the program of the 2010 event, which brought together a large number of both participants and guests:

"Fortress" site.

  • 10.00-18.30 Medieval fair. Historic tavern. Craft sites.
  • 10.00 Medieval attractions and games for participants and spectators. Playground.
  • 12.00 Ceremonial passage and formation of participants. Presentation of clubs.
  • 12.30 Mass staged battle.
  • 13.00-14.00 Walking knightly tournament.
  • 14.00-15.00. Defile of historical costume.
  • 15.00-16.00. Universal knightly tournament using 3 types of weapons.
  • 13.00-15.00 Demonstration performances of archers. Archer tournament.
  • 14.00-15.00; 16.00-17.00 Performances by folk groups.

"Camp" site.

  • 10.00-11.00 Horse training.
  • 15.00-17.00 Equestrian competitions (working with equipment).
  • 17.30-19.30 Assault on the field fortification “Oboz”, field battle.

"Val" site.

20.00-21.30. Folk concert, fireworks.

Groups performing:

  • Spiritual Seasons (Kharkov)
  • Reelroad (St. Petersburg)
  • Musica Radicum (Vyborg)

"Fortress" site.

  • 11.00-16.00 Medieval fair. Historic tavern. Craft and interactive areas.
  • 14.30-15.30 Medieval musical festival, dancing.
  • 14.00-15.30 Fashion show of historical armor. Demonstration walking tournament.
  • 16.00 Closing of the festival.

"Val" site.

  • 12.00-14.00 Equestrian tournament. Massive contact horse fight. Winner's reward ceremony.

Factual data

The price throughout the entire period of the event (2007-2015) remains at the level of 150-300 rubles for an adult ticket and 50-100 rubles for a child’s ticket.

Number of participants (approximate):

2007 – 350

2008 – 400

2009 – 500

2010 – 500

2011 – 200

2012 – 120

2013 – 200

2015 – less than 50

Participants are lovers of historical reconstruction, arriving as part of their clubs from different cities Russia (Tula, Pskov, Novgorod, etc.), and the same amateurs from neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). As can be seen from these statistics, the peak of festival attendance by participants occurred in 2009-2010, and the subsequent decline can be explained by the tense political relations between Russia and the participating countries.

As for tourists visiting the festival, the peak of attendance could be observed in 2011 and 2015 (≈6000 and ≈8000, respectively), which, in turn, has two different reasons. In 2011, a large number of tourists came to see the festival due to reviews of the entertainment and scale received after the successful events in 2009 and 2010 respectively. And in 2015, a powerful advertising campaign carried out throughout the month across all channels played a role.

We should also talk about advertising. According to the respondent: “in 2007, it was just the Internet and a couple of banners in Pskov on Lenin Square,” however, over the course of several years, advertising gained momentum, “and now, a month before the festival, all bus stops in the city are full of posters, and in the press too there has been a decent amount of advertising.”

Thus, we can observe a contradictory situation: despite a very powerful advertising campaign in 2015, tourists received much less entertainment than they expected. Thus, only 18 reenactors took part in collective battles, compared to two hundred in 2011. This cannot but have a negative impact on the overall image of the event thanks to word of mouth, and the consequences in the form of a decreased tourist flow can be observed in future years.

Analysis of tourism resources of the territory

There are 4 main aspects to consider:

1) accommodation;

2) food;

3) movement;

4) entertainment.

Accommodation: you should take into account the fact that Old Izborsk is located at a relatively short distance from Pskov - 30 km, therefore, tourists arriving by personal transport can stay in hotels in the city. Accommodation on the territory of Izborsk is extremely limited - there are only 3 hotels: “ Hotel Izborsk", "Izborsk Park" and "Holiday Home Berezovyi Hutor". Minimum prices are about 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. per night.

Food: also presented more than sparsely. There are only 4 establishments available.

Transportation: during the festival days, additional buses run between Izborsk and Pskov. Any stations railway are missing. The emphasis is on tourists arriving by their own transport, however, there are also shortcomings here, in particular, a severe lack of parking space.

Entertainment: in addition to the Izborsk fortress itself, there are several small museums, for example, a local history exhibition in the house of the merchant Belyanin. In addition, tourists are attracted by the famous Izborsk Springs - springs flowing from a massive limestone layer and are considered healing.

In general, this degree of underdevelopment of tourism infrastructure is quite explainable by the purely seasonal nature of the territory’s attendance. So, in normal times, only ≈70 people visit Izborsk per day.

Specifics of event tourism in Russia

It is worth drawing conclusions about the specifics based specifically on events on a regional rather than global scale, since the latter require compliance with world standards in many aspects of receiving guests, while local events, meanwhile, fully demonstrate the specifics of the country.

Of course, the main difference lies in the target audience: if traditionally these are wealthy people with an income above average, then in our country it is an ordinary family with an average income. Also, such tourists are less demanding about living conditions.

Further: given that during these events the emphasis is on independent tourists with your own transport, the activities of the tour operator are obviously limited. It makes sense to create excursion and educational tours for tourists already in the territory.

However, this same circumstance reduces the degree of responsibility of the company for the life and health of tourists, removing the road, where most accidents very often occur, from the risk factors.


During the work, the following aspects were considered:

  • the concept of event tourism and its varieties;
  • process of creating an event tour;
  • a real event;
  • a comparison of theory and practice has been carried out.

So, after considering event tourism as a concept and identifying its characteristic features, the information received was compared with data on a real-life event in Russia. Based on the work performed, we can conclude that there are not too significant, however, differences between event tourism in Russia and the rest of the world that must be taken into account when planning tours.

Tourism is one of the most dynamic phenomena modern world. Recently, it has acquired enormous growth rates and the scale of influence on the level of development of the world community as a whole, and in many countries it is a basic sector of the economy.

Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable impressions. main feature event tourism - many bright, unique moments. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism. Such tours are becoming more and more popular; more and more people are appearing who want to spend their vacation or weekend as interesting as possible.

Event tourism is gaining popularity among energetic, modern people who know what they want and plan their own vacation. After all, so many interesting things happen on the planet every day. Event tourism is a holiday chosen directly by the tourist and prepared specifically for him.

As a rule, the target audience of event tourism is wealthy tourists with above-average income, as well as companies consisting of several couples.

Event tourism is a type of vacation for those who want to spend their vacation as interesting, eventful and vibrant as possible, and enjoy new experiences. Event tourism is a unique opportunity to become not only a witness, but also an active participant in unique events of culture, art and sports.

The definition of “event tourism” first appeared in the 80s in Europe. At that time, event tourism did not stand out as a separate direction in tourism, but was part of such areas of tourism as adventure tourism, eco-tourism, gastronomic tourism and some others. Later it separated and established itself as a separate branch of tourism. However, the phenomenon of event tourism itself has very deep roots. Most modern festivals are based on historical events, holidays, and traditions.

Event tourism includes a number of cultural, sports, ethnographic, and exhibition tourism events. But not all of the events carried out should be attributed to it, only those that generate some income and, therefore, can be considered a resource component of the place where they are held.

Event tourism activities are of great economic importance. During the period of their holding, the activity of all objects of the tourism industry intensifies. Consumer demand significantly exceeds supply. There is a revival of local cultural traditions, customs, and the development of folk art.

Now event tourism is one of the most dynamically developing and promising areas in tourism.

There are the following classifications of event tourism:

  • 1. By event scale:
    • a) international level;

b) national level;

  • c) regional level;
  • 2. By event topic:

a) national festivals and holidays

b) theatrical shows:

c) film and theater festivals:

d) gastronomic festivals:

e) fashion shows:

f) auctions:

g) music festivals and music competitions:

h) sporting events:

i) Carnivals:

Events are an important motivator in tourism. Event tourism is based on attracting a large number of tourists to some event in the life of the region that is attractive to tourists.

Professor at the Canadian University of Calgary Donald Goetz classifies events that are a reason for tourism.

  • 1. Cultural celebrations:
    • - festivals;
    • - carnivals;
    • - religious events.
  • 2. Political and government events:
    • - summit meetings;
    • - official visits;
    • - elections.
  • 3. Events in the field of education and science:
    • - conferences;
    • - seminars;
    • - scientific prizes;
    • - student Olympiads.
  • 4. Arts and entertainment events:
    • - concerts;
    • - award ceremonies;
    • - exhibitions, fairs;
    • - business, trade.
  • 5. Sports events and competitions:
    • - professional competitions (Olympiads, championships, etc.)
    • - amateur competitions.
  • 6. Social events.
  • - holidays in the country.
  • 7. Private events:
    • - weddings and other holidays.

When organizing event tours, a number of tourists’ requirements should be taken into account:

  • - hotel location - next to the place where the event is taking place;
  • - availability of quality food;
  • - the opportunity to visit the main attractions of the area;
  • - presence of shops and souvenir shops.

The main advantages of event tourism are its all-season nature and high profitability. However, in Russia, event tourism, which brings profit, has not yet received widespread development. The country has not yet formed any periodically recurring socially significant events that attract large masses of not only Russian, but also foreign tourists.

Also, the advantages of event tourism include the fact that every year it is replenished with new event tours. Tourists visiting the region with the aim of participating in the event are potential consumers of other types of tourism in the region.

Event tourism is a unique type of tourism, as it is inexhaustible in content.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight only the impossibility of predicting demand for an event.

Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable impressions. The main feature of event tourism is the many bright, unique moments. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism.

The target audience of event tourism is wealthy tourists with above-average income, as well as companies consisting of several couples.

Event tourism can be classified by the size of the event (national or international level) and by the theme of the event.

In event tourism there are several thematic types:

1) national festivals and holidays:

St. Patrick's Festival in London (UK);

St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin (Ireland);

festival of cultures in Berlin (Germany);

Pride London parade of sexual minorities in London (UK);

Love Parade in Berlin (Germany);

Pride Amsterdam parade of sexual minorities in Amsterdam (Netherlands);

military tattoo parade in Edinburgh (Scotland);

celebration of the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte, Ajaccio (Corsica);

2) theatrical shows:

celebration on ice, show Romanza (Germany);

show Lord of the Dance (UK);

celebration on ice, Mystery show (Germany);

festival "Circus of the Future", Paris (France);

celebration on ice, Romanza show, Vienna (Austria);

3) film and theater festivals:

short film festival in Oberhausen (Germany);

Cannes Festival, Cannes (France);

theatrical festival Spierlart, Munich (Germany);

festival "Cherry Forest", Moscow (Russia);

festival opera art, Verona (Italy);

4) gastronomic festivals:

international beer festival, Berlin (Germany);

Great British Festival, London (UK);

Oktoberfest, Munich (Germany);

seafood festival in Grove (Spain);

celebration of young wine Beaujolais Nouveau (France);

Parisian chocolate salon, Paris (France);

5) festivals and flower shows:

Chelsea Flower Show, London (UK); - flower exhibition at Hampton Court Palace, London (UK);

Chrysanthemum Festival (Japan);

tulip exhibition (Netherlands);

Bonsai Festival, Nara (Japan);

6) fashion shows:

Ready to Wear, Paris (France);

Men's Fashion, Paris (France);

Milano Moda Bouna, Milan (Italy);

7) auctions:

Sotheby's auctions;

Christie's Auctions;

Druot auctions, Paris (France);

8) music festivals and music competitions:

Capricies Festival, Crans Montana (Switzerland);

Ars Musica Festival, Brussels (Belgium);

festival "Snow and Symphony", St. Moritz (Switzerland);

TDK TIME WARP festival, Mannheim (Germany);

Pink Pop festival, Landgraaf (Netherlands);

Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland);

Henley Music and Arts Festival (UK);

Jazz Festival in Stockholm (Sweden);

music competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Moscow (Russia);

music competition "Eurovision";

9) sporting events:

Olympics and international competitions;

Formula 1 auto racing;

NASCAR auto racing, USA;

motorcycle racing;

10) international technical salons:

air show in Le Bourget, Paris (France);

aerospace show in Zhukovsky (Russia);

air show in Zhuhai (PRC);

air show on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia);

Motor Show in Geneva (Switzerland);

auto show in Moscow (Russia);

"Watch Salon", Geneva, Zurich (Switzerland).

Participants in event tours place increased demands on accommodation facilities, especially their classic type - hotels, transport (convenience of delivery to the event site), catering establishments and the services of interpretive guides. The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which from random become regular. The Olympics - the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - have occupied a strong place in event tourism. Currently, “carnival” tours are a large and stable segment of event tourism.

When organizing “carnival” tours, a number of tourists’ requirements should be taken into account:

the location of the hotel is near the place where carnival events take place;

availability of restaurants and quality food;

the hotel's architecture is ancient style;

room interior and color scheme;

number of service personnel;

Availability of shops or carnival costume rentals.

Italy enjoys a reputation as one of the “holiday” countries. The most popular is the Venice Carnival, which takes place annually in February. For 10 days, the city recreates the festive atmosphere of the 18th century. - cavalcades, traditional ceremonies, all kinds of parades and masquerades tirelessly replace each other on the noisy and colorful streets. Every year more than 500 thousand tourists from around the world come to the carnival in Venice. The carnival opens with the Festa delle Marie, which is dedicated to the release of Venetian girls kidnapped by pirates from Istria. The festive procession starts from St. Peter's Palace and ends at St. Mark's Square, where a symbolic effigy is burned. The celebration continues with dancing and confetti fireworks. In February there is also a carnival in Viareggio. It begins in Piazza Macini, where festive processions, masquerade balls, and orchestras and musical groups perform. This carnival is famous for the participation of huge double dolls that parody famous people and famous political figures. The parade continues for several days, consisting of many floats with dolls. The parade ends with fireworks. The city of Cento (Emilia Romagna region) is a sister city of Rio de Janeiro, so here on holiday festivities Brazilian ballerinas dance. In the city of Ivrea, the carnival ends with an orange fight. This tradition dates back to 1195, when a resident of the city, Violetta, opposed the “noble right of the first wedding night” and cut off her master’s head and threw it from the balcony. The people supported her and threw beans at the nobles. Over time, beans were replaced by oranges.

In Germany, on November 11 at 11:11 am, carnivals begin in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf and Mainz. The most famous and popular carnival takes place in Cologne. Throughout November, meetings of carnival committees are held, at which the prince of the carnival is chosen. The mayor gives him the keys to the town hall. 3 months later, on the last Thursday of February ("Indian Thursday"), women dressed in carnival costumes seize the town hall and announce the beginning of the carnival. On this day, women are allowed everything. One of the most famous traditions is cutting the tie. The holiday reaches its climax on Pink Monday. On this day, about 1.5 million people take part in a festive procession carrying huge papier-mâché dolls. On Violet Tuesday, a large straw effigy is burned. The carnival ends on Ash Wednesday, when everyone draws ash crosses on their foreheads and eats fish dishes.

In France, the famous carnival has been held in Nice since 1294 in late February - early March. About 1 million tourists usually participate in it. They choose a king and queen. The central events are “flower battles” and the “Parade of Heads” (huge models of heads weighing up to 2 tons and measuring up to 12 m move around the city on carts).

In Spain, the center of carnivals is Canary Islands(Santa Cruz is the capital of the island of Tenerife). From the second half of the 18th century. Masquerade parades are held here. “Egg battles” (eggs filled with flour or powder) were also popular. These days, “battles” are fought with confetti and streamers. The central event is the battle on camels, as well as the famous "funeral of the sardine" ceremony.

In Brazil, the carnival also takes place in early February. It lasts 7 days and ends with the “Parade of Champions”. Representatives of various samba dance schools take part in the parade. In 1984, a special sambodrome was built with an alley 700 m long and 13 m wide. Very often, participation in the carnival is combined with a cruise Buenos Aires - Montevideo (Uruguay) - Porto Belo (Brazil) - Buzgos (Brazil) - Rio de Janeiro.

One of the most important segments of event tourism are tours to Formula 1 competitions. The interest of tourists in these tours is enormous; only tours to the Olympic Games and the World Cup are superior to Formula 1. But the Olympics are held every two years, the World Cup - every four years, and Formula 1 holds its grand prix 18 - 19 times a year. The first car race, called Formula 1, took place in 1927 in Italy. Since then, the number of countries with tracks for competitions has reached 20. Participants of tours to Formula 1 races have the opportunity to make real round the world travel throughout the year, moving with the athletes to each new Grand Prix. For example, one of the routes for tour participants is as follows: Bahrain - Malaysia - Australia - San Marino - Germany - Monaco - Hungary. Naturally, people with incomes significantly higher than the average can afford to participate in such a tour.

Recently, tours to the Red Bull slalom air race have firmly entered into event tourism - one of the most exciting and spectacular types of sports, a kind of analogue of Formula 1. The Red Bull Air Race was first held in 2003 in Zeltween (Austria) and immediately turned into a commercial triumph. During 2004, competitions were held in Kemble (Great Britain) and Budapest (Hungary), where in one day they attracted a record audience of 1.3 million spectators, of which 40% were tourists who came specifically for these competitions. Since 2005, the air competition has been called the Red Bull Air Race World Series, i.e. World Series of Air Racing based on the Red Bull formula. Since 2006, the series of air races has been held in 9 stages in various countries around the world.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A number of experts believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.