Educational tourism as a type of recreation Types of features. Recreational tourism - what is it? Types and development of recreational tourism. Natural recreational resources

Concept of tourism. In modern scientific literature, many approaches to the definition of the concept of "tourism" are described. All these approaches are considered in the most detailed in their works I. V. Zorin and V. A. Kvartalrins. One can only say that there are geographical, economic, marketing, industrial and other approaches.

In Russia, this concept is enshrined by law. Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in Russian Federation"" Determines tourism As "temporary trips (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from a permanent place of residence in medical and wellness, recreational, educational, physical education and sports, vocational, religious and other purposes without exercising activities related to income From sources in the country (place) of temporary stay. "

1. Temporary departure of people with a permanent place of residence in vacation, wellness, educational or professional and professional purposes without practicing paid activities at a temporary stay (recommendatory legislation "On the basic principles of cooperation between the CIS participating States in the field of tourism", 1994).

2. The activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside of their usual environment during a period not exceeding one year for rest, business and others (UN Statistical Commission, 1993).

3. A special form of movement of people along the route to visit specific objects or satisfying specialized interest.

4. Type of travel committed for recreation, educational, business, amateur or specialized purposes.

5. Movement (movement), finding out of permanent residence and aspect of the time of stay in the object of interest. The Manila Declaration on world tourism proclaimed: "Tourism is understood as an activity that is important in the lives of peoples due to the direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic areas of the life of states and their international relations."

6. The form of mental and physical education, implemented through the socio-humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, wellness and sports.

7. Popular form of recreation organization, leisure activities.

8. Industry of the economy of servicing people who are temporarily outside the place of permanent residence, as well as the market segment, on which enterprises of traditional industries agree on the proposal of their products and services to tour operators.

9. A combination of all types of scientific and practical activities for the organization and implementation of tourist-sightseeing, resort and hotel business.

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by Professors of the University of Bern University, V. Hunzicker and K. Krapf and later, was adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scientists are determined tourismas a number of phenomena and relationships arising as the result of the travel of people as long as it leads to a permanent stay and is not related to receiving any benefit.

According to one of the first official definitions adopted by the UN in 1954, tourismthere is an active holiday that affects health promotion, the physical development of a person associated with movement outside the permanent place of residence. The academy of tourism in Monte Carlo presented a wider characteristic of this concept: tourism - the general concept for all forms of temporary departure of people from the place of permanent residence in health purposes, to meet the cognitive interests in free time or professionally business purposes without exercising paid activities at the place of temporary stay.

At the World Conference on Tourism (Madrid, 1981) tourism Determined as one of the types of outdoor activities, which is traveling for the purpose of knowing certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports. At the same time, it should be noted that tourist travel will be only subject to temporary (more than a day) and spatial (moving to another place) criteria.

In the Hague Declaration on Tourism (1989) tourism It is defined as the free movement of people from their place of residence and work, as well as the scope of services created to meet the needs arising from these movements. From a legal point of view tourism Represents a set of relationships and services related to the temporary and voluntary shift by the traveler of residence on non-commercial or non-professional reasons.

From the standpoint of economic science tourism It is considered as a large economic system with a variety of connections between individual elements within the framework of both the national economy of a separate country and the relations of the national economy with the world economy as a whole; As a scope of economic activity, including the production and implementation of tourist services and goods by various organizations with tourist resources.

In the socio-cultural sphere tourism It appears as a special kind of interpersonal activity, which in the conditions of internationalization of life has become a form of use of free time, into a means of interpersonal relations in the process of political, economic and cultural contacts, into one of the factors determining the quality of life.

As a type of leisure activity tourism - This is a temporary movement of people from the place of its permanent residence to another country or terrain within its country in its free work time in order to meet the needs in holiday, entertainment, knowledge, recovery, and to solve professional or any other problems, But without paid work in the visited place.

In 1993, the UN Statistical Commission adopted the definition approved by the WTO and widely used in international practice: " tourism It covers the activities of persons who travel and stay in places located outside their ordinary environment, during a period not exceeding one year in a row, with a goal of rest, business and other purposes. " This definition includes three main tourism criteria: a) departure beyond the usual environment; b) the temporary nature of movement; c) travel targets.

All existing tourism definitions can be divided into two groups: 1) highly specialized (sectoral) definitions intended for private tasks, that is, used in legal regulation, statistical accounting, social policy, etc.; 2) Conceptual definitions that serve as the basis for the first group and reflect the internal content of tourism.

An example of a conceptual definition of tourism can be considered the following definition: tourism There is a combination of relations and phenomena arising from the movement and finding people outside of its permanent residence for reasons that are not related to labor activities, but in order to meet cultural, wellness, relaxation, entertainment needs and for the sake of obtaining pleasure, as well as for other reasons, They are not associated with profit.

We now give the classical definition of tourism. Tourism - Temporary movement of people from its place of permanent residence to another country or other terrain within its country in free time in order to obtain pleasure and recreation, health and medical, guest, educational, religious or professional purposes, but without classes in the place of temporary Stay by work paid from the local financial source.

In the process of tourism development, various interpretations of this concept appeared. Nevertheless, the following criteria have special significance in determining this phenomenon:

Changing place. Trips will be considered tourist if they are carried out in place located outside the usual environment. However, it is impossible to be considered tourists of those who daily travel between the house and the place of work or study, since these trips do not go beyond their normal medium.

Stay elsewhere. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long stay. In addition, it should not be associated with labor activity (pay). Another condition is that travelers do not have to be in the place where more than 12 months visited. The person who is 12 months and more in a certain place is considered a migrant.

Wage from the source in the visited place. The leading goal of the trip should not be the implementation of activities paid from the source in the visited place. Any person entering some country for work paid from the source in this country is considered a migrant, and not a tourist of this country. This applies to both international tourism and inland tourism.

The three of these criteria based on the definition of tourism are basic. But there are special categories of tourists, in relation to which these criteria are not enough - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers, which are not formally entering the country, and persons accompanying or conquering these groups.

Many domestic and especially foreign specialists consider tourism from the point of view of the system approach. According to the Swiss scientist K. Kaspara, the tourism system is based on two subsystems: subject of tourism (tourist as a consumer of tourist services) and tourism object, consisting of three elements - the tourist region, tourist enterprises and tourist organizations.

Analyzing the concept of "tourism" using a systematic approach, allocate concept N. Luper (Professor of the Maissen University of Auckland). He considers tourism by a system consisting of the following basic elements: a geographical component, tourists and the tourist industry. The geographical component includes three main components: a region that brends tourists; Transit region and region of tourist destination.

Destination The territory offering a certain set of services that meet the needs of the tourist, satisfy its demand for transportation, overnight, food, entertainment, etc., and is the goal of his travel. Consequently, Destination to be so must have: a) a certain set of services; b) attractions; c) information systems.

So, there are five clearly allocated important signsseparating tourism from travel and other actions and processes:

ü Temporary movement and visit of Destination and an indispensable return back;

ü The presence of deesting as another area (country) other than the place of permanent residence of a person;

ü Tourism goals, distinguished by humanistic content and focus;

ü Tourist travel to free from work or study time;

ü Prohibition of the tourist to engage in prediction of activities paid from the local financial source.

Tourism and recreation: general and special. Currently, there is a very complex terminological problem - the problem of the ratio of the concepts of "tourism" and "recreation". For several decades, scientists have been trying to dissolve these concepts. At the same time, the problem remains unresolved. Within the framework of this section we will try to determine the general and special features of recreation and tourism, which are allocated and recognized by the majority of specialists.

Recreation It is usually defined as "rest, restoration of human forces spent during the labor process." In this case, the concept of recreation is less well-known and emotionally painted compared to rest, and therefore more accurate. It best meets the tasks of empirical and applied research, while the rest is more convenient to use as a fundamental concept in one row with the category "Labor".

Recreation boundaries are very wide. It covers short-term recreational activity (from micropause in the work of muscles to smokers at work and other routine recreation forms) and long-term recreational activities during annual work holidays and vacations, as well as weekly rest. In the first case, recreation does not go beyond the everyday life, human production activities, in the second, it assumes a long change of the usual lifestyle. And the first, and the second types of recreation are necessary for the normal life of a person, regardless of his social status.

In contrast to recreation, the concept of tourism on a meaningful, socio-economic filling initially to the category of leisure is initially. Tourism is a multifaceted concept reflecting the complexity of the phenomenon itself. This is a kind of migration of the population, and the business sector of the world economy and the national economy, and the sphere of intercultural interaction. The presented list does not exhaust the entire variety of tourism interpretations.

In the domestic and foreign special literature, tourism often appears in the form of a kind of "conceptual frame." Its internal space is filled with specific human practices during their stay outside of its usual environment - recovery, knowledge of the surrounding reality, entertainment, visiting relatives and acquaintances, participation in business and professional events, worship of religious shrines (pilgrimage), treatment, etc.

As tourism came out of the "shadow" of recreation and tourist issues received its own, independent sound, the understanding of the need for a clearer conceptual difference between tourism and recreation and the elimination of strong scientific differences in the correlation of these terms. The differences between them relate primarily by the volume of concepts and meaningful filling. The main difference between tourism from recreation, consists in a different ratio of social (socio-economic) and biological components.

Tourism and recreation differ in the scope of concepts. Recreation includes short-term recreational activity within everyday life. Tourism, on the contrary, denies any manifestations of ordness, everydayness, routine. Its indispensable condition is a relatively long change of the situation, the usual way of life of a person. On this basis, short-term wellness, cultural and educational, entertainment and other classes that are motivationally similar to tourist activities, but are carried out within the usual environment for people, turn out to be outside the "conceptual framework" of tourism.

The volume of concepts in question varies also by the fact that traveling with official goals (without receiving income at the community location) are an integral part of tourism, while recreation does not include professional activities of a person. Thus, tourist activity is not always recreational, and recreational - tourist.

An interesting look at the ratio of work, tourism, recreation and leisure is the point of view of English geographers S. Holla and S. Page. They presented their model in the form of a picture (Fig. 1.1.). Dotted lines in the figure show that the boundaries between the concepts under consideration are blurred. The work is opposed to leisure, but two spheres of their interpenetration and integration are allocated - business tourism and "serious" leisure (advanced training, social activities, creative and intellectual activity, etc.).

Fig. 1.1. The ratio of the concepts of "work", "Leisure", "Recreation" and "Tourism"

In the development of this idea in Western Science, "clean" tourism is allocated (business, educational); "Pure" recreation (short-term recreational activity within everyday life); Transitional form - recreational or medical and wellness tourism and border tourism. Some of them are a cultural and educational, sports, religious - occupy an intermediate position between "clean" and recreational tourism, others (trips to the cottage) are located on the border between recreational tourism and "clean" recreation.

In domestic practice, a model showing the essential foundations of recreation and tourism is often found quite often. According to this model, the internal essential forces of a person include: the need for physiological rest (recreation); The need in motion (spatial activity). When stimulating from knowledge, recreation is formed widely understanding and tourism as a travel form; When stimulating from labor activity - migration.

The social component of people's activities can be attributed primarily to recreation, travel and tourism to a lesser extent can be defined as social phenomena. Tourism has an economic nature, and recreation is social. And the question of their volume correlation is not entirely correct due to the fact that tourism includes activities that are outside the recreation boundaries. At the same time, recreation includes a number of occupations that are not tourism in essence.

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What is recreation and its types

Tourism as a type of recreation

Recreational tourism


List of used literature


Recreation, from Latin "Recreatio", means recovery. The restoration industry of spiritual, physical, moral, moral forces provides for ample opportunities for the provision of services when a person chooses, and professionals suggest, in which direction it is best to recover and, most importantly, carry it out. The recreation industry is the famous phrase on one side, and on the other, it is constantly filled with a new meaning.

What is recreation and its types

Recreation is a combination of phenomena and relations arising in the process of using free time for the health, cognitive, sports and cultural and entertainment activities of people in specialized territories outside their constant residence.

In Russia, especially recently, the culture of recreation, leisure, sports is rapidly developing. At the same time, most of the various types of recreation are mainly carried out outside the house, in the open air, in the open sky. Such types of recreation as hiking, for example, do not require any special costs, but at the same time depend on weather conditions. All types of recreation can be divided into two categories of popularity: to more popular species and less popular species. The first category of recreation includes the three most common types, dominant among which are hiking. The second common form of leisure outside the house is a vacation with family and friends in nature, rivers, seas, lakes. Hiking in historical places and sightseeing are very popular.

It is not surprising that hiking became the most common type. As already noted, this type of recreation does not require special costs and devices, it is relatively low, but it is useful for health and strengthen the body, especially for the elderly. The rapid growth in the popularity of foot walks suggests that the number of supporters of this type of recreation will continue to grow. Visiting the beaches for several hours, days or for a whole vacation has long been a favorite way to leisure Russians. It should be noted that the attractiveness of this type of recreation is ensured by the comfort of beaches, high quality Services in hotels and motels, in public catering points, a device of various types of entertainment for children and adults.

Part of the types of recreation outside the house, such as hiking, are obliged to their popularity of their low cost, their proximity to cities and a wide view of all sorts of services, that is, the average citizen does not need to spend big funds and move away from the city to just relax and take a walk in nature, He can do it in the city park.

But there are also other types of recreation and recreation, which are less popular, combining people mainly on their hobbies. This group includes all sorts of campaigns, fishing, hunting, etc.

Some types of recreation combine rest people with knowledge of nature and the environment. These are the so-called learning and spiritually enriching recreation types. These include visiting natural and cultural monuments, historical sites, archaeological excavations, as well as observation of birds, wildlife, nature, the study of various natural features of water bodies, etc., visits to cultural centers, historical places, natural monuments bring not only the charge of energy, but also a lot of useful information about a variety of Natural resources, environment, history and culture of various nations. There are a large number of types of recreation of the second group related to visits to various water bodies, such as visiting swimming pools. It should be noted that swimming is highly popular in the people of old age, as they find it useful for health and consider good to a tool Rejuvenation.

Fisheries and study of nature near water bodies belongs to the types of recreation related to water. Types of water recreation include swimming on simple and engine boats.

Some types of recreation, based on land, such as cycling, running, sports walking, can be as required, and do not require special conditions. Some prefer specific cycling, such as mountain cycling, while many others deliver pleasure to ride from one place to another on an ordinary country road. Run popularity also inexorably continues to grow. A feature of this type of recreation, which ensures its popularity, is that it can be engaged in almost anywhere, be it a lawn near the house, an open stadium or a municipal park with special tracks for running. In addition, the increase in the popularity of running is influenced by its benefits and wellness effect.

The remaining types of recreation, such as campaign, sports orientation, etc. require a large number of different conditions and devices, which complicates participation in them, and, therefore, somewhat reduces their popularity, but still the number of participants in these species is still pretty high. Recently, the popularity of these types of recreation is growing, which causes the demand for an increase in the number of trails, routes, campgrounds.

Some types of recreation, recreation and ways to conduct an open-air leisure, such as climbing or windsurfing, can be attributed to the so-called special types of recreation. These kinds are mostly required for their device not only special conditions, such as the presence of mountainous terrain, but also the availability of various sports equipment and inventory. However, such traditional types of recreation and recreation can be attributed to this group, as hunting, horse riding, high-speed descent, etc.

With the climatic peculiarities of our country, snow and ice recreation are associated with skating, snowboarding, various types of mountain and flat ski skiing, riding on ordinary and aerials, etc. Among the listed types of recreation and recreation is the greatest popularity, if Strange, riding simple sleigh. The second mass is skiing, and skating ranks third in the participants.

Regardless of the types of recreation, they are all aimed at ensuring a full-fledged person. Rest is the process of restoring mental and physical performance flowing in conditions of termination of activities that caused fatigue. There are passive and outdoor activities. Passive rest provides for the termination of the preceding activities and the full physical peace of the organism, active rest - switching the activity of the body on a different type of activity.

Rest is one of the essential conditions for preserving and improving health, maintaining high working capacity and achieving active longevity. A full-fledged rest is an integral line of a healthy lifestyle and is provided at the expense of a rational organization of free time, as well as special recovery activities that are included in labor activity. One of the common types of outdoor activities is tourism.

Tourism as a type of recreation

Tourism in its content coincides with such a concept as long-term recreation. In modern scientific literature, under tourism, it is customary to understand the combination of relations and phenomena arising in the process of traveling and staying people outside its permanent residence, if the stay does not turn into a long or temporary activity for the sake of earlier.

Tourism (from Latin - ride) - a trip to his spare time, one of the types of outdoor activities - is the most effective means of meeting the recreational needs of the population, as it combines improvement, knowledge, communication, etc. Traveling within their country is united by the concept Internal (national) tourism, beyond - foreign (international) tourism. Widespread excursion tourism. Depending on travel purposes, tourism is divided into informative, sports, natural, amateur, tourism with social goals, business (fairs, congresses), religious, etc. In international statistics, it is customary to consider tourist trips to resorts, in cottages, as well as massive Short-term departures of teams, individual groups and individuals in special recreation areas. Depending on the means of movement and the use of equipment or other types of transport, water, pedestrian, skiing, equestrian, cycle, motorcycle, auto and airlisturism, mountain tourism, etc.

Recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time in the aims of rest required to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and massive. Recereatment resources are needed for its development. Recreational resources are the most important part of the natural potential of the region. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

The assessment of recreational resources is made on the basis of the assessment of each of its components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetable cover, climate, mineral and unique natural resources, (historical and cultural potential, etc.), considered in terms of using its specific type of tourism .

Recreational tourism can be divided into two types:

1. Tourist and wellness;

2. Cognitive-tourist.

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Under recreational resources, a complex managed and partially self-governing system is understood, consisting of a number of interrelated subsystems, namely: resting people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems serving personnel and management organs. Part natural characteristics The area and capacity of the recreational territory, climatic conditions, the presence of water bodies, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary foundation for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type - these are climatic factors that combined with sources mineral Water and therapeutic mud create favorable conditions for the formation spa complex. For the second, except the above, - historical and cultural potential. In a territorially, in the Russian Federation, several basic recreational areas can be distinguished. The forest-steppe, forest, mountainous and seaside zones have the opportunity to organize both a massive recreation and tourism and the medical and rehabilitation resort holidays almost all year round. Medico-biological assessment climatic conditions At the seaside resorts is based on the determination of the possibilities of various types of rehabilitation and recreational activities under these conditions. The main types of climato recreational activities in the seaside resorts - aerotherapy (Breathing with sea air, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar irradiations and their special types), kinesotherapy. The latter includes walking along the seafront, sports games on the shore, active swimming, rowing and other types of water sports.

Common combinations of these types of recreational activities. Despite the marked diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types of it can be distinguished, in different ways depending on climatic conditions.

Recreational activities of the first species can be called passive. These include sun and air baths taken alone. They are usually carried out in the conditions of the beach. This type of recreation makes tight weather requirements.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. From passive recreation, active is distinguished by, firstly, the fact that physical activity determines the increased heat-product. Secondly, during active recreation, people are usually dressed. And although in this case lightweight clothing is used, in combination with high heat products, it makes comfortable lower air temperatures than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less rigid in comparison with passive recreation.


Recreation is the restoration of human physical and spiritual forces, improving the level of health and health. Almost under recreation, they understand the rest after the working day, the working week, during the next vacation or holidays.

Recreation is closely related to the problem of free time, a variety of occupations of people in their free time, aimed at restoring health and physical forces, the full development of the personality is called recreational activities. Constant changes are in the content and forms of recreational activities, the importance of active types of recreation is gradually increasing.

Recreational activities are based on the application of recreational resources, which include natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, vegetation, water bodies), rare natural objects (waterfalls, karst caves, beautiful landscapes, exotic plant types of plants, deposits of semi-precious stones, etc. .), Cultural and historical monuments, cities and other settlements, unique technical facilities.

For recreation and recovery of the population, sports and health complexes are widely applied, available in cities and villages both in large enterprises and institutions and in areas at the place of residence. In a complete set, the wellness complex includes a swimming pool, a bath, gyms for popular games such as volleyball, basketball, mini-football, large and table tennis, halls of simulators, rhythmic gymnastics and leaf.

Recreation tourism is considered as a form active tourism As part of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical exertion.

The program of the organization of this type of tourism should have a multifunctional nature: rest, leisure - entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the life tone of vacationers, to satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are distinguished:

1. Changing the situation;

2. Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

3. Stimulation of natural immunity - the irrevocability of the body to pathogenic bacteria.

It is worth paying our attention to intensive pollution and environmental degradation, observed in many regions of our country, and spread to the most popular recreational areas and zones. Recreation areas should be reliably protected from pollution.

recreation Tourism Active Natural

List of used literature

1. Senin V.S. Introduction to tourism. M. B. I., 1993;

2. Glyaev V. G. Organization of tourist activities. M. Nolide, 1996;

3. Venenin Yu. A. Evaluation of natural conditions for recreation organization. M. Mercury, 1969;

4. V.S. Senin, "Organization international Tourism", Moscow, 1999;

5. "All about national parks" R. Bobrov. Publishing house "Young Guard". Moscow. 1987


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Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time in the aims of rest required to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and massive. Recreational resources are needed for the development of this type of tourism. Recreational resources are the most important part of the natural potential of the region. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

The recreational resource assessment is made on the basis of a pactor estimate of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetable cover, bioclimat, hydromener and unique natural resources, historical and cultural potential, etc.), considered in terms of using it with a specific type of tourism.

Recreation tourism can be divided into several types:

Tourist and wellness type

Cognitive-tourist type

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Under recreational resources, a complex managed and partially self-governing system is understood, consisting of a number of interrelated subsystems, namely: resting people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems serving personnel and management organs. The composition of natural characteristics includes the area and capacity of the recreational territory, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily the balneological properties, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary foundation for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, it is climatic factors that, in combination with sources of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a spa complex. For the second other than the above - historical and cultural potential. In a territorially, in the Russian Federation, several basic recreational areas can be distinguished. The forest-steppe, forest, mountainous and seaside zones have the opportunity to organize both a massive recreation and tourism and the medical and rehabilitation resort rest almost all year round. Consider a more carefully seaside mountain zone. The seaside zone mainly refers Black Sea coast Caucasus from Anapa to Sochi, and Mountain Caucasian Mineral Waters. Medical and biological assessment of climatic weather conditions in seaside resorts is based on the determination of the possibilities of various types of rehabilitation and recreational activities under these conditions. The main types of climato recreational activities in the seaside resorts - aerotherapy (Breathing with sea air, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar irradiations and their special types), kinesotherapy. The latter includes walking along the seafront, sports games on the shore, active swimming, rowing and other types of water sports. Common combinations of these types of recreational activities. So, when staying on the beach, aero-helium-thalasso-kinesovozovozovozovostimos are usually combined. Walking along the shore is aero-cinema-or-level aero-helium-kinesovozoas, etc. Despite the marked diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types of it can be distinguished, in different ways dependent on climatic weather conditions.

Recreational activities of the first species can be called passive. These include sun and air baths alone. They are usually carried out in the conditions of the beach. People at the same time are naked. This type of recreation makes tight weather requirements.

Second type - Active recreation: Walking, Sports games, etc. From passive recreation, active is distinguished, firstly, the fact that physical activity determines the increased heat-product. Secondly, during active recreation, people are usually dressed. And although in this case, lightweight clothing with heat shields of 0.5-1.0 kllo is usually used, in combination with high heat products, it makes comfortable lower air temperatures than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less rigid in comparison with passive recreation. Consider each zone separately.

Alekseeva Victoria Igorevna
Materials of the International Scientific Conference
"Problems of the modern economy" (Chelyabinsk, December 2011)
Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomolts, 2011. - 190 p. - p.176.

The concept of recreational tourism

Tourism is one of the largest and dynamic sectors of the economy, an important part of the foreign economic activity of many developed and developing countries of the world. High rates of its development, large volumes of currency revenues actively affect the various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of the tourist industry. According to the data on the sphere of tourism accounts for about 6% of the global gross national product, 7% of global investments, every 10th workplace, 11% of world consumer spending, 5% of all tax revenues. By 2020, the number of international tourist trips will increase to 1.6 billion, that is, almost 3 times, and the revenues will amount to about 2 trillion. dollars per year.

In the Osqual Millennium Declaration, adopted at the Conference of Tourism Leaders' Conference (September 2001), it was noted that the economic impact of the tourism industry, as well as its influence on the social and natural environment, determine the need to deepen research of the state and the prospects for the development of tourism, taking into account the principles Sustainable development that allows you to balance and comprehensively solve problems of the survival of local communities, as well as tasks related to the protection of natural resources and cultural facilities. Sustainable tourism contributes to the resolution of contradictions, which are caused, on the one hand, environmental needs, and on the other hand, the need to ensure the development of the economy of local peoples. These purposes are most responsible for the topics of tourism as (ecotourism). The importance of tourism as a factor in achieving sustainable development was confirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (South Africa, September 2002). At the same time, "sustainable development" is understood as "supported and improving the satisfaction of the needs of the population without negative impacts on the natural environment." At the first World Summit for Natural Tourism (Quebec, 2002), he was characterized as a "responsible journey to natural objects while maintaining a natural environment and improving the well-being of the local population."

In the forecast of the development of tourist destinations, made by the WTO and presented in the Tourism 2020 Vision study, the most promising directions and types of tourism of the 21st century are identified. One of the most popular types of tourism by 2020 will be recreational tourism.

Recreational tourism is an innovative destination of tourist business in Russia. The relevance of this problem is determined firstly, extensive and unique in many criteria for the implementation of tourism development programs in our country. SecondlyThe region, intended to use as a zone of recreational tourism, is usually a weakly developed its own socio-economic structure. This causes the importance and promise of a special analysis of the processes arising from the inclusion of the objects of the tourist service in this structure. It is primarily about to establish quantitative assessments of environmental equilibrium conditions and the development of economic and mathematical models that take into account the socio-economic structure of the region when processes in it ensuring the development of tourism in recreational zones.


1. Tourism Management: Tourism as a control object / Ed. V.A. Quarterna. - M.: 2004.
2. Pankratov R.G. Commercial activity: textbook. - M., 2006.
3. Directory of the Entrepreneur: Retail, Wholesale, Trucking, Public Catering and Hotel Economy. - M.: Science, 2004.
4. Tourism in Russia: Stat Sat. - M.: State Committee of Russia, 2000. - 164 p.
5. Tourist services - demand. - 1996. - №3.
6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the reorganization and development of tourism in the Russian Federation" of December 22, 1995.
7. Fedotova L.N. Advertising in society: What is the effect? // Socis. - 1996. - №3.

The recreational potential of the national economy can successfully exist and develop if there are not only excellent natural-climatic and infrastructure conditions, but not less important, with sufficient material means to organize the fruitful use of free time and recreation.

In Russia, the resorts have always been part of the national culture.

In the former USSR, recreation was also an important part of the social policy of the state and was carried out primarily by trade unions. In 1930, the All-Union voluntary society of proletarian tourism and excursions (OPTE) was established. Since 1936, the direct leadership of the excursion, tourist and sanatorium-resort work in the country was assigned to the WCSPS.

In 60-80 The country has created a system of cheap, but efficient mass sanatorium-resort service.

For several generations, the Russians enjoyed sanatorium-resort services, the need for which was an integral part of national culture.

The maximum deployment of the material and technical base of the Sanatorium-resort and recreation complex of Russia falls at the end of the 80s.

At this time, more than half a million beds were deployed, which ensured about 6 million people. - months of treatment and recreation. The capacity of the sanatorium-resort complex reached about 3.8 million people / months.

However, the comparison of the material and technical base of the sanatorium-resort complex with a minimum need for it shows that in the late 80s. The scientifically based need for sanatorium-resort treatment was satisfied with a maximum of 60-63%.

However, it should be emphasized that at this time the recreation services were available to the majority of the country's population.

It is also necessary to emphasize the fact that the level of qualification of the medical staff has developed and maintained at a sufficiently high level. The effectiveness of treatment conducted in sanatorium-resort institutions allowed 2-6 times to reduce the number of diseases of diseases in both adults and children.

Under the transition to market relations, the situation in the recreational complex of Russia has changed. There was a sharp rise in price of recreational services against the background of a significant reduction in the life level of the main part of the population.

After the collapse of the USSR, recreational tourism significantly decreased, because traditional routes, as a rule, were held through the centers of several republics, and outside these routes, individual regions are not always attractive for tourism. As a result, recreational tourism in the Russian Federation over the past decade was in a state of deep crisis.

But this does not mean that the needs of the population in recreational services has really decreased. As the incidence of population increases, including children, and the objective need for sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery increases.

The general regulatory need (ONP) in sanatorium-resort assistance is defined as:

ONP \u003d NP: 10.000* CH,

where NP - specific (by 10 thousand people. Population) standards of scientifically based needs;

CN - The population of the country.

Then for Russia, this indicator will be equal to: 396.6 * 147.4 \u003d 5.85 million people. places.

However, this regulatory need may well be classified as obviously understated.

To adjust this indicator, it is advisable to identify a number of factors:

If in 1987 there were 4.5 million people with disabilities in Russia, then their number was currently exceeded 8.5 million people.

This objectively means that the real needs of the population in recreational services are quite large.

The study conducted by the Eastern European Institute for Social Technologies and Tourism, devoted to the study of the recreational activity of the Russian population in the direction of travel and motivation of their accomplishment, also indicates the fact that domestic resorts have a certain chance to attract Russians to rest (Table 11.2).

Table 11.2.

Dynamics of trips to rest of Russian citizens

(share of the number of respondents)

Recreational activity




Holidays in the country

in the village

Amateur tour

Independent excursion trip to another city

Recreation "Dick" in the resort

Russian sanatorium, boarding house or other recreation facility

Rest abroad, using the services of travel agency

Rest abroad without using the services of travel agency


Did not go from home to rest

The situation with recreational tourism fundamentally began to change after the financial and economic crisis of 1998. Now Russia's resorts are experiencing a second birth, the interest in traditionally Russian resort places of relaxation has appeared again. As not paradoxically sounds, but the crisis in Russia went clearly for the benefit of the inner segment of recreational tourism.

According to certain Russian tour operators, about 40-50% of tourists leaving in 1998 to rest abroad, in 1999 spent their holidays in Russia.

As the reasons that caused Russia's growing interest in their country in their own country, the following can be distinguished:

However, the demand for tourist services in Russia is limited not only by the material possibilities of the population.

Possessing the richest and unique on the healing force natural resourcesRussia loses profits of health facilities at the expense of low quality service.

According to the sanatorium and resort association, each 14th bed in health resorts - without amenities, each third - with amenities on the floor and only 57% - in the wards with all the amenities.

Data on the cost of rest in various regions of Russia in 1999 is given in Table. 11.3.

Table 11.3. The cost of rest in various regions of Russia in 1999(rub. per day per person)

The choice of recreation places is still limited. These are mostly Black Sea Resorts (Sochi, Anapa), Pension and Sanatoriums of the Moscow region and the Kaliningrad region. The Black Sea coast and Moscow region enjoy the greatest demand.

In the Urals or in Siberia today, horseback or water tours are mainly offered for tourists who are undemanding to comfortable accommodation.

One of the most overwhelmed categories of tourists is parents with young children. In most Russian sanatoriums do not take children up to three years, naturally parents who have not to leave the child, do not go to the sanatorium.

Thus, the appeal in 1999. The population's demand for the domestic market of recreational services contributed to the reorientation of tourist firms to work with domestic organizations and enterprises.

Currently, 487 travel agencies in the Russian Federation specializes in domestic tourism, of which 159 are in Moscow, 134 in St. Petersburg. Approximately half of the operators in domestic tourism are engaged in the organization of children's rest.

Suggestions of the Recreational Tourism Tourism are currently quite diverse, and are not limited to the offer of recreation in the resort. Excursion tours (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the city of Golden Ring, Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod, Kiev, Rostov, Great, Pskov) occupy a particularly weighty place in the number of proposals and sales. In the peak season, the demand for such trips among Russians exceeds the offer. Traditionally a large flow of tourists to Petersburg, and first of all from Moscow. Theoretically cognitive - excursion travels are all-season, but in practice in winter the demand for them is significantly higher. We enjoy massive demand in winter and around Moscow. 90% of traveling sightseeing groups in Russia make up schoolchildren. It is from school tour tours And the revival of the domestic market of recreational tourism began.

Some specialization has already been determined among tourist firms. The ratio of this: 72% of travel agencies - only rest and treatment sell; Only excursions - 10%, excursions and rest - 18%.

As for proposals for the organization of winter hunting and fishing, in almost all regions of Russia, such proposals are quite expensive and the demand for them, naturally, is small.

It should be noted that in recent times there are some shifts in the development of such a segment of the recreational services market as adventure and environmental tourism. Alloys in Altai rivers, equestrian routes on the banks of the Volga, in Altai, Bashkiria, Nizhny Novgorod region are organized.

Ecotourism began its development in the Kostomukshsky Reserve, where tourists make a fascinating journey through specially developed routes of the reserve and are melted along the stone river.

It is quite promising in this connection the Olkhon district of the Irkutsk region. There was already a unique base for ecotourists, where they can enjoy communicating with wildlife. And adventure lovers can make a unique tour of jeeps from Irkutsk through Buryatia in Mongolia.

The uniqueness of the ecosystem of the Krasnodar Territory is currently one of the main factors that determine the high demand for recreational services in the region.

IN Krasnodar Territory Such types of recreation and tourism, like swimming in the sea, rest on high-quality beaches, water sports And traveling by sea, mountainous tourism and mountaineering, deltalanenism, visiting exotic natural objects, monuments of history and culture, balneological places in resorts.

In order to solve the tasks facing the social sphere of the Russian economy in a timely manner, and to ensure the successful development of the recreational complex of the National Economy, it is necessary to develop and implement effective management tools for this profitable sphere, engage in effective leverage on this sphere as a whole and separate included in Its composition, industries and divisions, anticipate the coming and more distant consequences of decisions taken.

All this requires the formation of new approaches to the management mechanism in the recreational complex of the country's national economy, developing a holistic regulatory mechanism, adequate to the requirements of today.

The first steps on the transformation paths of this complex showed that this process may turn out to be quite long, complex and contradictory, requiring the indigenous breakdown of the established economic and social relations, as the modern economic mechanism is characterized by a combination of both new market elements and the preservation of remnants and rudiments of the old Systems.

However, it should be noted that the new system-forming elements currently operating in the recreational services market have been formed mainly in the difficult conditions of the transition period in the absence of an adequate economic mechanism capable of sufficiently ensure intercommunication of all interests.

The degree of state intervention in the market space and the forms of such intervention are determined by the nature of the problems experienced by the country's economy.

In the conditions of the transition economy, the market for recreational services arises the need to determine the borders of the application of market mechanisms and the development of social policy state. And that is especially important, all transformations should be carried out in order to increase not only the economic, but also the social efficiency of the recreational services market.

The modern independent development of the recreational complex of Russia without state support led to the survival of predominantly commercial forms and views of the population. Under these conditions, social tourism as a phenomenon has almost ceased to exist.

As a result, the modern market of recreational services, unfortunately, is not interested in meeting the needs of socially vulnerable segments of the population. Thus, the positive effects of psychophysical recovery, an increase in cultural and educational potential, which means and social justice in society are significantly limited to the possibilities of many types of recreation, especially children's, youth, elderly.

Meanwhile, the motive of recreation, as the main thing in satisfying the need for the internal segment of the tourist market, should have in the first place social meaningSince the welfare of society as a whole is from satisfying the recreational needs of individual groups of the population, its social stability

Therefore, it is necessary to determine the reasonable measure of the regulatory impact of the state into the market of recreational services, to develop a mechanism for implementing the state policy to equalize the elements of the market.

Currently, the implementation of state regulation of the development of the recreational complex of the National Economy is entrusted to the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Despite all national tourism programs the bulk of Russia's population In recent decades, can't afford to rest at the Russian resort. The market excludes low-income population from consumption. Meanwhile, recreational tourism should not be a branch of the economy for rich people.

Social tourism has never been, and should not be at least in the foreseeable future, revenge item budget. His main task is to ensure the poor part of the population with accessible services on the organization of rest in the country.

In order to preserve and develop the internal segment of recreational tourism in Russia, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for state parthenalism in providing services for the active recreation and treatment of citizens and establish state guarantees of accessibility them for consumption by all members of society.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", adopted by the State Duma on October 4, 1996 introduced the concept of social tourism. According to Art. 1 of this law "Social tourism - travels subsidized from the funds allocated by the state for social needs."

However, as already noted, the budget financing of the development of social tourism is practically not carried out. Although the budget tariff for payments to the social insurance fund, from which 80-85% is funded spa resort complexes Russia is maintained at 5.4% of the wage foundation.

Currently, the State Committee for Culture and Tourism of the State Duma of the Russian Federation addresses the draft draft law "On Social Tourism", which determines the principles of state policy in the field of social tourism, the legal basis of activities aimed at the formation, implementation and consumption of social tourism product, regulates relations between Participants in social tourism, establishes the main sources of its financing and the procedure for managing them.

The Developers of the Law believe that its adoption will increase the volume of internal tourism 8 times, to revive over 5,100 boarding houses, rest houses and sanatoriums, more than 1.3 thousand hotels and turbases, 122 thousand stationary pionerolergers will provide from 1.5 to 5 million . new jobs.

It is through social tourism that an increasing number of citizens of the country and the establishment of tourism can be involved in the market of recreational services as a truly massive phenomenon of a new market economy.

This also requires preferential taxation of Russian resorts. According to numerous estimates, it follows that if cutting the load on utility payments and taxes, it would really be possible to reduce the cost of a ticket by 20-25%, which would allow more Russians to realize their right to rest.

Meanwhile, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma, "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Value Added Tax "" provides for the exclusion of tourist and excursion vouchers From the list of goods and services not subject to value added tax (VAT). Currently, a 10% VAT rate on internal tourism tickets was introduced (compared to the departure, where this rate is 15%, this step can be regarded as a protectionist measure of the state).

Transportation costs are the most "painful" point of internal tourism, so it is very important that the Ministry of RF communication and the Federal Aviation Service of Russia will develop a system of discounts provided during the passage of Russian citizens to the place of recreation, treatment and tourism through the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is impossible not to note the fact that, despite its social and humane role, the development of the recreational complex, nevertheless, modifies the environment.

Causes serious concerns of the current environmental situation at a number of resorts. There is a real threat to preserving a number of natural hospitals from exhaustion, pollution and ultimately their loss.

For example, intensive visits to unique thermal springs on Kamchatka (without compliance with environmental activities) led not only to the change in their water-temperature balance, but also to the termination of the fountaining of some of them.

The strongest pollution is subject to atmospheric resorts due to all increasing roads of road transport. So, on climatic resort Kislovodsk in atmospheric air In addition to exceeding the maximum permissible amount of carbon dioxide, even photooxidants are found, which indicates its strong contamination.

Yadochimikats and organic fertilizers used in the conduct of agricultural work are found in the healing mud of the lake Tambukan (Caucasian Mineral Water area), Vityazevsky Limana (Anapa resort), the bay of the corner in the Far East.

In this regard, the objective of the state is to develop and implement urgent measures for the sustainable development and preservation of the country's natural heritage. Consequently, the relevant federal and regional executive bodies must develop specific programs for the development of recreational tourism, including the mechanism of protection of the environmental and cultural medium; determine the possible boundaries of their use for recreation; Stimulate the development of tourist products imparting an environmental equilibrium.

In this way:

1. Analysis of the functioning of the internal segment of the recreational services market made it possible to conclude that after a multi-year recession in 1999, a certain increase in interest in Him was first noted. Although the situation that develops today in the recreational complex of the country is not simple: the demand for these services in Russia is limited by the material possibilities of citizens, a small number of recreation bases that provide a sufficient level of comfort. The inconsistency of interests in the relationship between the tour operators of the domestic market and enterprises of the recreational complex of the country leads to dissatisfaction with the needs of Russian citizens, an exception to the consumption of low-income groups of the population.

2. On the internal segment of the tourist market, the motive of recreation i.e. The restoration of physical, psychological and intellectual forces of a person should be considered not only as the main, but also accessible to all sectors of society.

3. Recreation tourism has never been and should not be at least in the foreseeable future, revenge articles of the budget. Therefore, even in market conditions, not everyone should be measured. The health of the nation is the matter of state importance.

4. Only with the real help of the state it is possible to involve an increasing number of citizens of the country into the process of the formation of recreational tourism on the domestic segment of the market as a truly massive phenomenon of a new market housekeeper.

5. The real sustainable development of the recreational complex of Russia will not be held without a clearly planned state policy in this area. The prospect of the preservation and development of domestic tourism in the country causes the need to develop a mechanism of state parthenalism, the main strategic goal of which is to support the internal tourism segment with specific state protectionist measures. This is, first of all, the development of regulatory documents establishing organizational, financial and tax assistance to enterprises of the recreational complex.