What kind of fish are found in the Pacific Ocean? Interesting fish of the Pacific Ocean. Grouper recipes

The water world is diverse, filled with amazing creatures living at various depths. Only a professional diver can meet this (bovine) living at shallow depths, shallow waters, and deep-sea luminous ones. We decided to talk about the diversity of waters in the oceans and seas in this article.

"White Death", or man-eating shark

The largest representative of the ocean's predators is the great white shark (Carcharodon). It can reach eight meters in length and weigh more than three tons. Its mouth is so huge that up to eight people of average build can fit in it. It was nicknamed the white shark for the color of its belly, but the back of this monster is gray. Such characteristics help it remain unnoticed in any, even the most transparent water.

The great white shark (carcharodon) is an inhabitant of the oceans and can most often be found off the coast of California. It lives in coastal waters, the temperature of which does not fall below twelve degrees, does not like lightly salted seas and, fortunately, is not found at all in desalinated waters. In search of food, the predator can swim very far from the shore and dive to a depth of more than one thousand three hundred meters.

This predator is indiscriminate in food and grabs everything that comes into its field of vision. There have been cases when, when opening a dead shark, glass bottles, whole dogs, pumpkins, and various garbage were found in its stomach. Not only ocean fish are included in her diet. The white shark feeds on both large and small creatures, these can be quite large fish, mammals, small ones (turtles, mollusks and others). The monster swallows smaller prey whole, and tears larger prey into pieces, which can weigh up to seventy kilograms. This predator was nicknamed the cannibal for the huge number of attacks on people. But a person is not a tasty dish for a shark; it can only attack him if he confuses him with a seal. When the predator recognizes that there is a “tasteless” person in its mouth, it leaves him. Not many people survived a shark attack.

Bull shark

The fish of the seas and oceans are diverse; there are more than three hundred and fifty species of sharks alone, of which one of the most interesting is the bull shark. This creature is much smaller in size than Carcharodon, but is more adapted to existence. Thus, it is found not only in salty waters of seas and oceans, but also in fresh rivers and lakes. This species stays in coastal zones and rarely swims to a depth of more than a hundred meters, which is why it is the most dangerous for people.

The maximum recorded length of the bluntnose shark is four meters, and its weight is four hundred kilograms. It was this predator that became the “muse” for the creation of the legendary “Jaws”, as it is the leader in the number of attacks on humans.

The gray one is very lazy and prefers to hunt in muddy waters, which make it as invisible as possible. She swims slowly, when attacking her prey, she initially pushes her, and then bites her until she loses the ability to resist.

Tripod fish

The fish that live in the ocean are so diverse that there is simply not enough time to list and describe them. We have collected information about the most interesting and unique creatures, including: Its appearance really resembles this device.

Ocean fish inhabit all layers of water, and the tripod is one of the deepest sea creatures; it can be seen at a depth of up to six thousand meters. It is small, can grow up to thirty centimeters in length, and its distinctive feature is its long and thin lower fins, which it firmly fixes in the muddy bottom in order to stand against the current and wait for the food to swim into its mouth. There are three of these fins, and they serve not only for support, but also for swimming. This fish has ray-like fins on top, with which it captures prey floating from above and, after making sure of its suitability as food, directs it directly into its mouth.

In appearance, this fish resembles a foreign creature that, by some miracle, ended up in the depths of the seas. This is a really interesting creature.

Saber fish

This fish, which resembles a large worm in appearance, can be found in warm tropical seas. It is quite large; it can grow from one to almost two and a half meters in length. It is long and completely devoid of a caudal fin; in its place is a thread-like appendage. The physique resembles a saber, which is why the fish is called that. The dorsal fin is wide and long, growing from the head to the very caudal appendage. The hairtail (the second name of the species) lives near the coast, and at night it is on the surface of the water. It feeds on crustaceans and small fish. For humans, this fish is a delicious product.

Idiokant - glowing monster

The fish of the oceans in their diversity have not only beautiful creatures, but also truly monstrous ones. This is exactly what an idiot is. This creature resembles a worm with a huge mouth, which has long and sharp teeth. It is found in the temperate waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, living at a depth of five hundred to two thousand meters.

Females are brown and black and grow up to fifty centimeters. Males are much smaller (only seven centimeters) and their color is light brown. These fish have no scales. Interestingly, not only the bodies of these fish glow, but also their teeth. A long, luminous process hangs from the lower jaw, which serves as bait for fish lost in the dark, deep waters.

During the daytime, these fish are at depth, and at night they rise to the surface to dine. Females are especially voracious. They can swallow quite large prey, and their entire body is adapted to such a diet: the jaws open like a snake, thanks to the non-ossified first vertebra, the stomach can stretch to incredible sizes. When swallowing large food, all organs are removed so as not to be subject to possible damage.

Deep sea anglerfish

This is another representative of deep-sea luminous creatures, and is the most terrible fish in the whole world. The angler fish lives at depths of one and a half to three thousand meters, where there is absolutely no sunlight. Their color varies from dark brown to black; in females, a long process with a luminous tip extends from the head, serving as bait for prey, hence the name of the individual. These fish glow thanks to the bacteria that fill their covers.

The body of this monster is spherical; on its large head there are huge jaws with razor-sharp teeth. Females can grow up to a meter, while males do not exceed four centimeters in length. It is the females that are the predatory creatures.

Anglerfish are very gluttonous and often die from their gluttony. They can swallow food that is several times larger than their size, and due to the inability to spit it out (their teeth get in the way), they simply die.


It is small in size - only seven centimeters in length. The physique resembles an axe. The luminous organs are located on the abdomen of this creature and serve as camouflage, not bait.

These fish of the oceans, living at a depth of five hundred to six hundred meters, are predators. Hatchets can regulate the intensity of their glow.

The Pacific Ocean is a complex natural system, the history of which began long before the appearance of civilization on the planet. Occupying 1/3 of the surface of the entire Earth, it surpasses all existing oceans in area and depth. Scientists associate the history of the appearance of the name “Quiet” with the name of the Portuguese navigator - F. Magellan, who sailed through this ocean in calm weather. Nature has generously rewarded these waters with rich biomass. The animals and plants of the Pacific Ocean are incredibly diverse.

The fauna of the Pacific Ocean in its species composition exceeds that of any other ocean. Almost all the inhabitants of the World Ocean are found here. The main food of mammals and many fish that inhabit these waters are octopuses, oysters, zooplankton, crayfish, squid, mussels, jellyfish and many others. Some of them are part of the commercial resources of the Pacific Ocean. The fauna is also rich in mammals such as sperm whales and various species of whales. Among the inhabitants there are also quite rare species of sea urchins, horseshoe crabs, as well as ancient fish that are no longer preserved in other oceans.

Vegetable world

Ocean phytoplankton mainly consists of single-celled algae, which together comprise 1,300 species. Most of them belong to the so-called diatoms and peridineans. The bottom fauna of the Pacific Ocean includes approximately 4,000 species of algae, concentrated in coastal waters, as well as up to 29 species (sea grasses) of flowering plants. In temperate and colder parts of the ocean, there is a massive proliferation of brown algae, in particular from the kelp group.

Vegetation in tropical regions consists of mangroves and coral reefs. Most of the fucus, large green and red algae, which together with coral polyps are the main reef-forming organisms, are concentrated here.

The population of gray whales living in the Pacific Ocean is currently in critical condition. That is why this ancient species of marine mammals was listed in the Red Book. The most serious threat to their population is the adverse effects of oil and gas projects. Today, coalitions of many environmental organizations are fighting for the safety of gray whales.

Brief commercial and environmental characteristics of the Pacific Ocean

The basin of the Pacific, or Great, Ocean occupies approximately half of the water area of ​​the entire World Ocean (together with the marginal seas, this amounts to about 179 million km2. Its volume is 710 million km3, the average depth is 3980 m, the maximum is 11022 m (in the Mariana Trench ).

Shelf zones are poorly developed, their area is only about 2.5% of the entire ocean area. The shelves are most developed in the north and west of the Pacific Ocean, where the most bioproductive and commercially significant Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese, Yellow, East China and South China seas are located, as well as areas adjacent to the Indonesian archipelago. In addition, more than 2 million km2 are occupied by shallow waters off the coasts of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.

The shelf is narrowest off the coast of America, especially South America. In the central part of the ocean, slightly south of the equator, there are numerous bottom rises and archipelagos of islands. In the high latitudes of the ocean (in the north and south), currents form cyclonic gyres, in the tropics and subtropics - anticyclonic.

The role of the Pacific Ocean in the global fishery of aquatic organisms is great. If 82.5 million tons of fish and game animals were caught in the World Ocean in 1992, then in the Pacific Ocean - 51.3 million tons, or 62.2% of the total world catch. The most important fishing areas in the Pacific Ocean are: NWTO (47% of the total catch in the Pacific Ocean), SETO (27%), CZTO (15%) and NETO (6%). Poor shelf development has led to the dominance of pelagic fisheries (about 90% of the total catch in the Pacific Ocean).

The current average fish productivity of the Pacific Ocean (in terms of a unit of water area) is 180-200 kg/km2, which is lower than the fish productivity of the Atlantic Ocean, in which bioproductive shelf zones are relatively more developed. Based on biological productivity in the Pacific Ocean, the following most productive areas can be distinguished.

1. NWTO region (Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas). These are the richest, mostly shelf, seas of the Pacific Ocean. In particular, some scientists consider the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to be the richest in the world in terms of fish resources and biomass of food benthos (220-400 g/m2). The main Russian fisheries for pollock, ivasi sardines, saury, herring, salmon and other valuable commercial fish, and among invertebrates, the famous Kamchatka king crab, are located in the Northwestern Territory.

2. Kuril-Kamchatka region with an average annual primary productivity of more than 250 mg C/m2 per day and with a summer biomass of food mesoplankton in the 0-100 m layer of 200-500 mg/m3 or more. This is the main fishing area for saury, squid, myctophids and a feeding area for Far Eastern salmon.

3. Peruvian-Chilean region with primary production reaching several grams C/m2 per day in upwelling zones and a mesoplankton biomass of 100-200 mg/m3 or more, and in upwelling zones up to 500 mg/m3 or more. The area has large reserves of Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens), the annual catch of which exceeded 12 million tons in the record year of 1972, as well as Peruvian horse mackerel and eastern mackerel.

4. Aleutian region, adjacent to the Aleutian Islands in the south, with a primary productivity of more than 150 mg C/m2 per day and with a biomass of food zooplankton of 100-500 mg/m3 or more. This is a marine feeding area for Far Eastern salmon. In addition, there is fishing for sea bass and flounder fish here.

5. Canadian-North American region (including the Oregon upwelling), with a primary productivity of more than 200 mg C/m2 per day and a mesoplankton biomass of 200-500 mg/m3. This is a massive fishery area for California sardine, California anchovy, California mackerel and Pacific hake.

6. Central American region (Gulf of Panama and adjacent waters) with a primary productivity of 200-500 mg C/m2 per day and a mesoplankton biomass of 100-500 mg/m3. The area has rich fish resources that have not been sufficiently developed by fishing. In most other areas of the Pacific, biological productivity is somewhat lower; Thus, in terms of mesoplankton biomass it does not exceed 100-200 mg/m3.

The main fishing objects in the Pacific Ocean are pollock, iwasi sardine, anchovies, eastern mackerel, tuna, saury and other fish. In the Pacific Ocean, according to scientists, there are still significant reserves for increasing the catch of aquatic organisms. The USSR and Russia actively conducted and continue to conduct fishing in the Pacific Ocean. Until recent years, the main fishing areas were the NETO (our Far Eastern seas) and SETO (a vast oceanic fishing area for Peruvian horse mackerel, the commercial aggregations of which were discovered here in the early 80s of the current century by Kaliningrad fishery scouts).

However, in recent years, fishing in the SETO has decreased significantly due to the remoteness of the area from the fleet’s home ports, and the basis of Russian fishing in the Pacific Ocean remains only the Far Eastern seas - the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas, as well as adjacent areas of the open part of the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world and covers about a third of the Earth's surface area. The depth of the ocean varies from shallow shores to the Mariana Trench, the deepest point of which (Challenger Deep) reaches a depth of almost 11 thousand km. Due to its sheer size, the Pacific Ocean is home to countless species of sea creatures, and some of the most famous animals are:


The Pacific Ocean is home to numerous species, including Galapagos penguins, Humboldt penguins, Magellanic penguins, crested penguins, and yellow-eyed penguins. These animals vary in size, from 1 kg in weight and a height at the withers of about 40 cm, to a weight of 35 kg and a height of about 100 cm.


Elephant seals

The largest genus distributed in the Pacific Ocean. It includes two species: the northern elephant seal and the southern elephant seal. The northern species is distributed in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean along the North American coast, and the southern one is found near. These enormous marine mammals exhibit sexual dimorphism, with adult males being much larger than females. The average weight of an adult elephant seal is about 2 tons, with some individuals growing up to 4 tons.


The largest stingrays live in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean - representatives of the Manta genus. They are found near coral reefs, where they hunt fish and tiny fish. Adult manta rays can have a body width of up to 9 m and a weight of 3 tons. The stingray is a solitary animal and surprisingly calm, despite its impressive size. Stingrays are hunted by large sharks and killer whales.

Sea otters

The sea otter is a common inhabitant of the North Pacific Ocean, especially on its northern and eastern coasts. Sea otters are relatively small in size compared to other marine mammals, and adults can reach a maximum weight of about 45 kg and a body length of up to 1.5 m. They feed on small marine animals and seaweed.

sea ​​turtles

Sea turtles are a general term used to describe seven species in the order turtles. These species include: flathead sea turtle, green turtle, hawksbill turtle, Atlantic ridley turtle, leatherback turtle, loggerhead turtle and olive turtle. The leatherback turtle is the largest of all sea turtles, with adults weighing up to 700 kg. Sea turtles are found in tropical areas of the Pacific Ocean.

Sea slugs

Sea slugs are the term used to refer to marine species known as nudibranchs, as well as several gastropods that closely resemble terrestrial slugs. Sea slugs are primarily found in coral reefs and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most are partially translucent. Most sea slugs have feather-like structures on their backs that act as gills. Sea slugs are carnivores and they prey on fish, anemones, and planktonic organisms.


It is one of the most common cephalopods in the Pacific Ocean. Different species live in different parts of the ocean. The octopus has one of the largest brain-to-body ratios of any species, and also possesses a complex nervous system. Species of octopus vary in size, with the largest being the giant octopus, which can grow up to 50 kg.

Giant squid

The giant squid is a member of the architeutid family ( Architeuthidae). This squid is one of the most elusive Pacific creatures and one of the largest invertebrates in the world (the other being the large Antarctic giant squid). Adults grow up to 13 m in length, and females are relatively larger than males. Giant squids are found in the North Pacific Ocean near Japan.

Pacific white-sided dolphins

Pacific white-sided dolphin - found in the North Pacific Ocean. Animals of this species have a gray back and a creamy white belly and neck. Adult females grow up to 100 kg and have a body length of about 2.2 m, and males weigh up to 180 kg and are 2.3 m long. These dolphins are quite mobile and become victims only of killer whales.

Sea lions

The sea lion is the largest member of the eared seal family ( Otariidae). Adult males can reach a weight of 1000 kg and a body length of 3-3.5 m. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism, and males are larger than females. Males have a massive neck covered with a lion-like mane. These marine mammals are found in the North Pacific Ocean.

Hammerhead sharks

The hammerhead shark is one of the most common sea creatures in the Pacific Ocean. These sharks are easily identified by their head shape, which resembles a hammer. Thanks to this feature, the shark has 360-degree vision. Adult sharks can reach a mass of more than 500 kg and a body length of about 6 m.

The world's oceans are the waters that fill planetary landforms such as ocean basins. The antipodes to them are continental uplifts. The water area of ​​the object under discussion is conditionally divided into several parts. This was done not in order to diversify stories about life in the ocean in school lessons, but because all the components of the World Ocean are really different from one another, demonstrating their own “face”, way of life, character.

Versions of the composition of the World Ocean

Version one, Soviet model. In this case, the gigantic body of water is divided into 4 components.

  1. The Pacific Ocean is the largest.
  2. Atlantic.
  3. Indian.
  4. The Arctic Ocean is like the smallest.

Version two, adopted in a number of countries in Europe and Anglo-America. In this case, we have a 5th ocean - the Southern. It is located between Antarctica and the conditional southern limit of the Western Winds. In this way, the southern edges of the three largest oceans are “cut off.” The appearance of the Southern Ocean is justified because the hydrological regime of the water area adjacent to Antarctica is qualitatively different from that located beyond the Western Wind Current.

Version three, circulating in scientific circles. According to it, the Arctic Ocean should be removed from the list. Cause? Modest size and lack of a full-fledged oceanic depression. In this case, it is proposed to consider it a large inland sea near the Atlantic Ocean.

Pacific Ocean

Traditionally, any study of facts about the ocean begins with this body of water. Yes, he is the biggest. Its area is 178.8 million km². This territory exceeds the total area of ​​all land - the continents and islands of the Earth.

The Pacific Ocean contains the maximum number of islands compared to other parts of the waters of our planet. Its bottom consists of several tectonic plates. Where they interact, volcanoes and trenches are formed. The deepest is Mariana. Depth – 11,022 m.

The Pacific Ocean could have been called the Great Ocean, but because of the first impression, surprised by the calmness of the endless expanse of water after the very turbulent Strait of Magellan, it received its modern name - Pacific Ocean.

Unusual and typical inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean

Due to the fact that the Pacific Ocean occupies a third of the earth's surface and half of the other waters of the planet, it is distinguished by the maximum species diversity of fauna. By the way, the Sea of ​​Japan, located in a temperate climate zone, became the champion in species diversity.

A description of the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean should begin with a description of the coral reef system. They are formed as a result of the vital activity of coral polyps - organisms with a hard limestone skeleton. The best conditions for the reproduction and growth of coral polyps are a layer of water permeated with sunlight up to 50 meters deep, with an average temperature varying between 23-25°C. In addition, a condition with a salinity of 35-42 ppm must be maintained.

Coral polyps feed on plankton. If a colony has taken root on the slope of a volcanic cone, then it can form a ring-shaped atoll. Numerous colonies of coral polyps in the equatorial part of the central Pacific Ocean and off the coast of Australia became the reason for the “construction” of numerous islands grouped into archipelagos.

The most impressive is the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches along the east coast of Australia. This is a special world in which fish, worms, sea urchins, stars, squids and octopuses of various shapes and colors live. Naturally, dolphins, killer whales, and sharks “keep an eye on” all this wealth and regulate its numbers.

If we talk about the Pacific Ocean from the point of view of an industrialist, then in the northern part of its waters significant resources of valuable fish species are concentrated. We are talking about salmon - salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, which the fleets of several countries are focused on catching.

In temperate latitudes, the Pacific Ocean is famous for its reserves of tuna, herring, and anchovy. In total, the Pacific Ocean provides 50% of industrial fishing. Plus – shrimp, shellfish, crustaceans. All this abundance attracts birds. Therefore, the Pacific coast of South America is famous for its bird colonies. For example, cormorants, penguins, pelicans. Mammals such as seals and sea beavers will not refuse to eat fish either.

Another feature of part of the “population” of the Pacific Ocean is gigantism. Its waters are home to the legendary tridacna clam, king crab, whale shark and blue whale.

In addition, the Pacific Ocean has become a testing ground for experiments in the genre of aquaculture. It was here, on the underwater farms of Japan, that the first plantations of algae and shellfish appeared.

This body of water got its name in honor of the Greek titan Atlas. The area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is 91.7 million km².

Atlantic Ocean Map

It includes 16 seas. Some of them - Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean - are considered civilizational centers of humanity.

Unusual and typical inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean

The following can be said about living organisms in the Atlantic Ocean:

  • Their species diversity is lower than in the Pacific Ocean. For example, in the Atlantic there are no horseshoe crabs, ancient fish like coelacanths, or sea snakes. Or fungia-type corals in the Atlantic Ocean are represented by only one species, and in the Pacific Ocean - three.
  • The Atlantic Ocean produces only 20% of the world's fish and seafood catches.
  • Animals are concentrated within the shelf and surface waters.
  • There is a clear zonality in the distribution of representatives of marine fauna.

If we go through geographical zones, the picture will be as follows. In the waters adjacent to Antarctica live notothenia, rhinoceros whitefish, Antarctic silverfish, blue whiting, and deep-sea flatnose. Benthos and plankton are poor in species, rich in quantity.

In the temperate climate zone, the biomass is represented by copepods - krill, pteropods. Plus - whales, an abundance of pinnipeds and nototheniid fish. For example, mackerel, herring, haddock, cod, tuna, halibut, sardine, sea bass, anchovy.

In the tropics, the biomass of the temperate zone is enriched with squids, octopuses, siphonophores and jellyfish. Fantastically beautiful worlds formed in the coral reefs of the Caribbean and fragmentary Mediterranean seas. Crustaceans, echinoderms, sponges, hydroids, and specific transparent and luminous fish were found in deep-sea trenches.

Important point. This is a real tragedy of the Atlantic Ocean. Man was the first to begin the development of its biological resources, so they suffered more than living organisms in other parts of the World Ocean. For example, in the North Atlantic, after the invention of the harpoon cannon, the number of whales was minimized to almost zero, and sperm whales were exterminated.

Most of this geographical feature is concentrated in the Southern Hemisphere.

Indian Ocean Map

The following can be said about life in the Indian Ocean. A decent area - 76.2 million km², sufficient depth and an original system of currents have formed an amazing world of animals.

Unusual and typical inhabitants of the Indian Ocean

In the northern part of the Indian Ocean, where the powerful rivers of Eurasia - the Indus, Ganges, Tigris, Euphrates - carry their waters, there is an excess of nutrients. In combination with relatively high temperatures of the water masses and moderate depth, they cause a real riot of microorganisms and algae. Plankton and algae - brown, green, calcareous, red - multiply at an accelerated pace, coloring the waters in the corresponding color.

The fauna is distinguished by significant species diversity, but a relatively small number of individuals of the same species. Here you can find coryphen, tuna and a whole galaxy of sharks of different sizes.

In addition, giant sea turtles, multi-meter and very poisonous sea snakes live in the Indian Ocean. In temperate and southern latitudes, toothless and blue whales, dolphins, sperm whales, elephant seals, and seals are preserved.

Another feature of this particular reservoir is the coelacanth fish, a real living fossil that lives near the east coast of Africa. The animal is a lungfish, but cannot survive without water for more than 2 hours. In addition, its limbs resemble walking ones, rather than typical fish fins.

Such facts about the oceans for schoolchildren will be of interest to those who are interested in the origin of species, explore evolution, and understand the emergence of life forms from the ocean to land.

The smallest. Total 14.1 million km². Fundamentally not deep - most of the bottom of the reservoir is occupied by the shelf. It has many mainland islands. The central part is covered with glaciers all year round, and pieces of ice, such as icebergs, torn off from them, cruise along the outskirts. Therefore, the living world here is distinguished by an extremely sparse set of species and a huge number of individuals of each taxon represented.

Arctic Ocean Map

The most striking representatives of the fauna of the Arctic Ocean are whales. We are talking about a five-meter beluga whale, a bowhead whale, a bottlenose equipped with a narwhal horn, a fin whale and a gray whale.

What do those who don't like plankton eat? Bug-eyed cod, beautiful dalia, salmon, small-eyed cattunculus. Yes, and let’s not forget about the polar shark, which in these conditions is not only a hunter, but also a desirable prey for the inhabitants of the small nations of the North.

These fish attract ringed seals, bearded seals, lion seals, coots, hokhlochas and walruses. And, of course, only here you can see luxurious bird colonies created by crowds of geese, long-tailed ducks, skuas, red-throated loons, buntings and gerbils.

We can talk endlessly about the World Ocean. The only problem is that man has aggressively invaded this rather fragile world. Therefore, if development proceeds in the same vein, it will be possible to forget about life in the ocean, studying it from pictures and old photographs.