Where and with whom does Kazakhstan border? Who does Kazakhstan border with, is friends with and trades with? Show neighboring states on the border map of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The territory is the tenth largest in the world, with a low population density of about 6.64 people per square kilometer, which is 184th among 237 countries in the world. Most of Kazakhstan is located in Asia and only a small part of the territory is in Europe. Although Kazakhstan is washed by two seas, the Caspian and Aral, which are actually rather large lakes, the country is considered to be landlocked.

A little about the country

Kazakhstan is home to 18.5 million inhabitants, of which 64 percent are Kazakhs and 24 percent Russians; almost the entire population, 94.4 percent, speaks Russian fluently. The country's economic situation is much better than that of the Central Asian republics, mainly due to the presence of enormous mineral reserves and developed grain production. The country has the largest hydrocarbon reserves (the twelfth largest in the world), the production of which is carried out by almost all global American and European oil producing companies and companies from those countries with which Kazakhstan borders - Russian and Chinese.

Close and good neighbor of Russia

Kazakhstan has the longest border with Russia - 7,644 kilometers, passing through 8 Russian regions and one national republic, the border is very conditional, the regime of which was further softened after the country joined the Eurasian Economic Union.

Regions bordering Kazakhstan: Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Samara, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions,

The Altai Republic and all Russian regions bordering Kazakhstan have close economic ties with their neighbors, which are estimated on average at 25-30 percent of these regions' foreign trade. For Kazakhstan's border regions, the share of foreign trade with Russia is estimated at 50-60%.

Kazakhstan purchases more than a third of goods from Russia; machinery and equipment, metal products and food products are the main import items. Like most countries, whoever Kazakhstan borders with, the more it trades with, the only exception is that among the importers of Kazakhstani products, Italy is in first place, Russia is only in third place. And, of course, a symbol of cooperation is that Russia, together with the city of the same name, rents from Kazakhstan; they cost the Russian budget approximately 10.6 billion rubles a year.

Central Asian

Uzbekistan (border length 2,330 kilometers), Kyrgyzstan (1,212 kilometers) and Turkmenistan (413 kilometers) are the Central Asian countries with which Kazakhstan borders in the south. Relations between the countries are quite complex, the borders between them were established largely arbitrarily, but all issues regarding the territory have been settled by the parties. Economic relations are extremely weak because Uzbekistan and especially Turkmenistan are very closed countries, and Kyrgyzstan does not have much to offer.

For example, Germany (share - 5.7 percent) and the USA (share - 5.1 percent) have a larger share in foreign trade than the above countries with which Kazakhstan borders. Turkmenistan has a share of 0.5 percent, Kyrgyzstan - 0.9 percent, Uzbekistan - 2.4 percent.

Chinese partner

The Kazakh-Chinese border, 1,765 kilometers long, runs in the southeast of the country. Kazakhstan is trying to maintain cautious, friendly relations with China. Chinese oil companies were among the last to gain access to Kazakhstan's hydrocarbon fields, and an attempt to lease 1 million hectares of land to a Chinese company failed due to strong public outrage. Kazakhstan is participating in a global project initiated by China, which will create a transport corridor from East Asia to Europe. The country has traditionally close ties with the Chinese Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (with whom it trades most and with whom it borders). Kazakhstan, together with China, built a duty-free trade zone on Khorgos, which was visited by more than 2.5 million Chinese in 2016. China has a share of 14.5 percent in Kazakhstan's foreign trade and 11.5 percent in exports. Of course, the influence of China, which is becoming the world's largest economy, is rapidly growing in the region.

Tourist routes of Kazakhstan.

“Common land gives rise to common destiny and history”

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

​Natural and historical attractions of Kazakhstan.

The total length of the borders of Kazakhstan is over 14,000 kilometers.
Land with:
Republic of Uzbekistan – 2150 kilometers,
Republic of Kyrgyzstan – 1050 kilometers,
Republic of Turkmenistan – 380 kilometers,
Republic of China – 1660 kilometers,
The Russian-Kazakh border has a total length of 7,598.6 km. Of these, almost 6,467 km. falls on the land section, another 1,500 – on the river section, 85 km falls on the sea border in the Caspian Sea.
The territory of the republic extends from the lower reaches of the Volga in the west to the foot of the Altai Mountains in the east - 3000 km, occupying two time zones, from the West Siberian Lowland in the north to the Kyzylkum desert and the Tien Shan mountain system in the south - 2000 km.
The northernmost point of Kazakhstan - 55"26" latitude. - corresponds to the southern latitude of the central part of the East European Plain and the south of the British Isles (latitude of Moscow), the southernmost is 40"56"N. - latitudes of Transcaucasia and Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe (latitudes of Madrid, Istanbul and Baku). The state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is established:
- on land - along characteristic points and relief lines or clearly visible landmarks;
- at sea - along the outer limit of the territorial sea of ​​the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- on rivers (streams) - along their middle or along the middle of the main branch of the river in other reservoirs - along a straight line connecting the exits of the State Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the shores of the reservoir.
Over the past years, a solid legal basis has been created for the delimitation of state borders within the CIS, in particular, the Agreement on the Creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Alma-Ata Declaration, in which the parties recognized the inviolability of existing borders. Declaration on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of the CIS member states, bilateral Treaties of Eternal Friendship of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan
The total length of the Kazakh-Uzbek border exceeds two thousand kilometers, while the length of the border of the South Kazakhstan region with adjacent regions of Uzbekistan is about 800 kilometers.

Geographical location and population. Kazakhstan is located in the center of the Eurasian continent and in two parts of the world: the smaller part is in Europe, and the larger part is in Asia. For example, residents of the city of Atyrau, located on the Ural (Zhaiyk) River, can travel daily from Europe to Asia. The Russians have the same opportunity.
The area of ​​the republic is 2724.9 thousand km2. In terms of territory, Kazakhstan is one of the largest countries in the world: it ranks 9th after Russia, Canada, China, the USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina. The area of ​​the republic is 5 times larger than the area of ​​France, 9 times that of Italy, and 11 times larger than England. The territory of the republic could accommodate countries such as Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Holland and Japan combined.
The population of the republic is 15 million people, the capital is Astana.
The territory of Kazakhstan extends 3,000 km from the Caspian lowland in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east and 1,700 km from the West Siberian Plain in the north to the Kyzylkum desert and the Tien Shan mountain system in the south.
Based on its geographical location, Kazakhstan is equally distant from both the Pacific and Atlantic, as well as from the Indian and Arctic oceans. The distance from the oceans and the vastness of the territory of the republic greatly influence its climate.
The extreme western point of the republic (46°27"E) is located near lakes Elton and Baskunchak, and the extreme eastern point (87°20"E) is located near the Vukhtarma River.
The extreme northern point of the country (55° 26 "N) corresponds to the southern latitude of the central part of the East European Plain and the south of the British Isles, and the extreme southern point (40° 6" N) corresponds to the latitudes of Transcaucasia and Mediterranean countries Southern Europe.
Kazakhstan is located in the southern latitudes of the temperate zone. However, if the countries of Eastern Europe located in these latitudes are characterized by a temperate continental climate, and Western Europe by a subtropical climate, then the territory of Kazakhstan is characterized by a dry and sharply continental climate.
As you move deeper into the continent in the latitudinal direction from west to east, the continental climate increases. The mountainous regions of the southeast and east of Kazakhstan are distinguished by a wide variety of natural altitude zones. In accordance with the geographical location, four seasons of the year are clearly defined in Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan amazes not only with its size, but also with its natural contrasts. For example, when cherries and apricots bloom at the foot of the mountains in the south, frosts and snowstorms are still raging in the north of the republic. On the territory of Kazakhstan, harsh Siberia and sultry Central Asia seem to meet. Depending on the geographical latitude, relief and other factors, the natural zones of the republic are distributed. From north to south, the forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert zones successively change.
Kazakhstan has access to Azerbaijan and Iran through the Caspian Sea, and through the Volga and the Volga-Don Canal to the Azov and Black Seas. A significant part of our country is occupied by plains. This provides more opportunities for the development of human economic activity.
Boundaries. The total length of the borders of Kazakhstan is more than 15,000 km, of which 12,000 km are on land, and over 3,000 km are along the Caspian and Aral Seas.
Kazakhstan borders Russia in the west, north and northeast (6467 km). The eastern border of the republic from Altai to Tien Shan (Khan Tengri massif), with a length of more than 1,460 km, is also the state border with the People's Republic of China. Kazakhstan borders on the following independent friendly states: in the south - Turkmenistan (380 km), Uzbekistan (2300 km) and Kyrgyzstan (980 km).
In some places, the state borders of the republic coincide with natural boundaries - these are the Caspian and Aral Seas, the Tien Shan and the Altai Mountains.

1. Using a physical map, describe the nature of the surface along which the borders of Kazakhstan lie.
2. What countries does the Republic of Kazakhstan border with?

§2. Geographical location and borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan

" 1. Look at the political and administrative map of the CIS, determine the geographical position of Kazakhstan among the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. 2. Determine the latitude of the extreme points in the north and south and the longitude of the extreme points in the fuse and east of Kazakhstan.

Geographical position. Kazakhstan is located in the center of the Eurasian continent and in two parts of the world: a smaller part in Europe and a larger part in Asia. Therefore, for example, residents of the city of Atyrau, located on the Zhaiyk River, can travel daily from Europe to Asia. Many Russians have the same opportunity.

The area of ​​the republic is 2724.9 thousand km-’. In terms of territory, Kazakhstan is one of the largest countries in the world: it ranks 9th after Russia, Canada, China, the USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina. The area of ​​the republic is 5 times larger than the area of ​​France, 9 times that of Italy, and 11 times larger than England. The territory of the republic could accommodate countries such as Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Holland and Japan combined.

The territory of Kazakhstan extends 3,000 km from the Caspian lowland in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east and 1,650 km from the West Siberian Plain in the north to the Kyzylkum desert and the Tien Shan mountain system in the south.

Kazakhstan is an inland country, which is equally distant from both the Pacific and Atlantic, as well as from the Indian and Arctic oceans. The distance from the oceans and the vastness of the territory greatly influence the country's climate.

The extreme western point of the republic (46 * 30 "E) is located

is located near lakes Elton and Baskunchak, and the extreme eastern point (87 * 20 "E) is located near the Buktyrma River.

The extreme northern point of the country (55*26"N) corresponds to the southern latitude of the central part of the East European Plain and the south of the British Isles, and the extreme southern point (40*56"N) corresponds to the latitudes of Transcaucasia and Mediterranean countries Southern Europe.

Kazakhstan is located in the southern latitudes of the temperate zone. However, if the countries of Eastern Europe located in these latitudes are distinguished by a temperate continental climate, and Western Europe - by a subtropical one, then the territory of our country is characterized by a dry and sharply continental climate.

As you move deeper into the continent in the latitudinal direction from west to east, the continentality of the climate increases. The mountainous regions of the southeast and east of Kazakhstan are distinguished by a wide variety of natural altitude zones. In accordance with the geographical location, the country has four distinct seasons.

Kazakhstan amazes not only with its size, but also with its natural contrasts. For example, when cherries and apricots bloom in the south, at the foot of the mountains, in the north of the republic there are still frosts and storms raging. On the territory of Kazakhstan, harsh Siberia and sultry Asia seem to meet. Depending on the geographical latitude, relief and other factors, the natural zones of the republic are distributed. From north to south, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert zones successively replace each other.

Kazakhstan has access to Azerbaijan and Iran through the Caspian Sea, and through the Volga and the Volga-Don Canal to the Azov and Black Seas. A significant part our country is occupied by plains, which has a beneficial effect on Development of human economic activity.

Boundaries. The total length of land in Kazakhstan is 13,394 km. along the Caspian Sea - 2000 km.

Kazakhstan borders Russia in the west, north and northeast (7591 km). The eastern border of the republic from Altai to the Tien Shan, the Khan Taniri massif, with a length of more than 1,782 km, is also the state city of Rantsa with the Chinese People's Republic Republic. Kazakhstan

borders with the following independent friendly states: in the south with Turkmenistan (426 km), Uzbekistan (2354 km) and Kyrgyzstan (12 41 km).

In some places, the state borders of the republic coincide with natural boundaries: the Caspian and Aral Seas, the Tien Shan and the Altai Mountains.

9*1. Give a description of the political and economic significance of the geographical location of Kazakhstan.

2*. Name the most important features of the geographical location of Kazakhstan and prove that they determine the main features of the nature of our territory.

3.In what part of the Earth's Northern Hemisphere is Kazakhstan located? Prove it.