Anomalous zones of Crimea detailed map. Anomalous places in Crimea. Cave cities and beaded temples

The Crimea Peninsula is located on Russian territory. Once it was considered an all-Union health resort and a large number of tourists and vacationers visited this peninsula, but few of them knew about the anomalous places of this peninsula. Mystical places can be found in many corners of this amazing peninsula. This is Cape Meganom, the Valley of the “Ghosts” - Dimerdzhi, Cape Aya, “Bear Mountain” - Ayu-Dag, “Crimean Alantis” - New World, dormant volcano Kara-Dag, Crimean stonehedge, numerous gorges and caves. This list can be continued indefinitely. But let's look at some of the most interesting of them.

pathogenic places of Crimea

There are already quite a few stories going around about how sometimes people witness something unusual, unearthly, something that cannot be explained by acquired life experience and knowledge. This is how legends about UFOs, spirits and ghosts appear. There are certain places in the world where such cases occur especially often; they are considered to be places of power, anomalous zones. There are such anomalous zones directly and in Crimea. New trend modern tourism Anomalous tourism has become - traveling to places with energetic activity, ancient abandoned houses and castles. It has been proven that in such places a person can feel differently, he can be overwhelmed with energy or, on the contrary, feel a loss of strength and irritability. There is a whole list of places where accidents most often occur or people disappear. Are you ready to go on such a journey and tickle your nerves? If so, then our list of anomalous places in Crimea is for you.

Strange and anomalous places in Crimea

Cape Chersonese (Sevastopol)

Mount Zamana (near the village of Perevalnoe

Simferopol district)

Karadag Forest (Karadag)

Cape Meganom (surroundings of Sudak)

Kachi-Kalyon (remains of a medieval settlement near the village of Predushchelnoye, Bakhchisaray district)

Yaman-Dere Gorge (northern slope of Babugan-yayla)

Cave cities

Mangup (above the village of Zalesnoye)


(near the village of Krasny Mak)


(near Bakhchisaray)


(near Bakhchisaray)

Old quarries

(Kerch Peninsula)


(near the village of Lenino)


(near the village of Kamenka)


and Bagerovsky

(near the village of Bagerovo),

The mystery of “cold lightning”

In winter, the cave city of Mangup is especially attractive. Remains of walls, steps and graves carved into stone - everything reminds of the people who lived in these dungeons until the middle of the 15th century. A couple of years ago, a real Tibetan lama with his disciples wandered into the ancient city, who insisted that he had never heard of Mangup, but was simply going to a powerful energy source.

Former naval officer and now green tourism enthusiast Boris Svidlov lives in the vicinity of Mangup and says that he will not leave here. He often wanders around the cave city, arranging excursions for his guests.

I was told more than once, and I myself observed a phenomenon that someone dubbed “cold lightning,” says Boris Ivanovich. - Outwardly, it appears as a luminous spherical object of a soft neon color with a clearly defined internal structure. The balls appear and hover in the air at a height of up to one and a half meters. I tried to contact them, but they did not react and did not hang in the air for a long time - from 3 to 15 minutes. Then they simply disappeared. Balls do neither good nor bad to a person.

Moscow tourists tried to study the phenomenon of “cold lightning” in detail. It turned out that the balls were equally indifferent to both sleeping bags and canned goods laid out from backpacks. They are not afraid of crosses, gravestones, prayers, or spitting over their shoulders. But they are clearly not indifferent to people, especially at moments when they are overwhelmed by some kind of emotion: delight, joy, fear...

By asking his friends, Boris Svidlov found out that “cold lightning” was seen in many places in Crimea.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: they feed on emotions,” sums up Svidlov. “For them it’s like fish food.” But one person is still not enough, so the larger the company, the more emotional it is, the more attractive it is for “cold lightning”.

Gray-haired and wise Chatyr-Dag
Chatyr-Dag is a mountain of volcanic origin of very respectable age. Perhaps it is the most ancient volcano in Crimea and since its formation it has become almost twice as low. Wind, water erosion and earthquakes have taken their toll. His entire body is literally permeated through and through with cave labyrinths. That's why UFOs are rare here. What else can they take from the "old man"? And there are a lot of people. Extraordinary beauties. The caves attract speleologists. Yes, the spirits of caves are very capricious and capricious, they require a special approach, and do not tolerate frivolous behavior. The denser and taller the yew trees, the more fertile the places.
It is good to be in a yew grove if you have pulmonary-bronchial diseases, and it is always useful for a healthy person to breathe in the healing air. The water in the springs is also healing, and the medicinal herbs are special - they give strength to the body and make the mind clear. But Chatyr-Dag doesn’t like fuss. If you are in a hurry, you will get tired quickly, and then the road back will seem endlessly long.
If you climb to the top, you will feel the strength of the local winds. They blow right through - the body trembles... At night, a different life begins in the forest. Strange sounds are coming from everywhere. And if you understand the language of the forest, you will learn about many things that happen here this night. During the day it is good to sleep on the slopes facing the sea - strength is quickly restored and sunbathing is especially good here. Visit Sugarloaf, they say you can help your eyesight there. Amazing places.

Mount Ai-Petri

Ai-Petri is a security mountain. She protects South coast Crimea from cold northern and western winds, and not only. According to many geological and energy features, a tectonic fault passes through here.
Ai-Petri separates the energy zones of the Southern Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so anomalies are found throughout - from the valleys to the top, especially from the sea. On the road from Yalta to the weather station there is a small lake Karagol. It is known for its dark water. This water helps in the treatment of skin ailments: lichens, warts, calluses and others. However, wounds can be sprinkled with it only after boiling.
The water is saturated with iodine, phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide and other active elements. Not far from the lake is the Uchan-Su waterfall, an eagle shelter. There is a strong anomaly in the gorge. You need to be very careful to maintain stability while walking.
Even higher you will come across a “drunken grove”. The tree trunks in it are strongly bent and pressed to the ground. It is undesirable to stay here for a long time - this is a geopathogenic zone. At the very top is a wind rose. Stay there, don't rush to leave. Turning your face to the sea, you can make wishes.
On the descent towards Bakhchisarai, walk slowly; it is best to spend the night here in open clearings. And early in the morning, walk barefoot through the dewy grass in the fog. Inhale the air slowly too and be sure to wash yourself with dew. Your face will become not only fresher, but also younger. The daisies here are especially large, you can make a good collection. Try the fragrant infusion made from local birch bark and buds. Very helpful. The western side of Ai-Petri is very favorable for walking: the paths are smooth, the air is always fresh, the sun is gentle and not scorching. The energy of the earth is soft - calming, calming...

(Ukrainian Emine-Bair-Khosar, Crimean Tatar. Emine Bayır Hasar, Emine Bayyr Khasar) - a karst (washout) cave of a vertical type, located near Marble Cave on the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif, in Crimea.
The cave was opened in 1927. The main route is about 700 meters and takes about one and a half hours.

The most beautiful, but also inaccessible lower galleries of the cave are the natural mineralogical museum-reserve of Crimea.

The name of the cave is translated from Turkic: Emin - oak, Bair - slope, Khosar - well, all together this means: a well on a slope near an oak tree. The name reflects several features of the cave: geographical location, appearance and legend associated with the cave.

The Emine-Bair-Khosar cave is called one of the most beautiful caves in Europe. It is located at an altitude of about 1000 meters on the territory of the Crimean nature reserve, 11 kilometers from the village of Mramornoe.
The length of the cave is 1460 meters and the depth is more than 120 meters. The name translated from Turkic means “Emine’s well on the mountainside.”

Emine Bair Khosar, also called the Mammoth Cave, was discovered in the 1920s when a group of researchers discovered a huge hall, which was later called the Main Hall. For a long time, the huge underground halls of the cave, stunning in beauty, were tried not to be made public. This was done in order to preserve the cave, because very often vandals operated in other caves.

Only in 1994 the cave began to be equipped for tourist excursions. For a convenient entrance to the cave halls, an inclined 12-meter tunnel was expanded in the rock; previously, only speleologists using special equipment could descend into the cave through a wide 16-meter well.
Emine Bair Khosar is a real underground kingdom more than 10 million years old, with dozens of long galleries, narrow manholes, large and miniature halls.

UFO in Crimea

(Victor Kilyaev)

Good afternoon I live in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine (2011).

We have a fairly diverse terrain - there are mountains and plains, wonderful nature and air. That's why I really like to travel around South Coast. On the southern coast of Crimea, outside the city of Sudak (it is located twenty kilometers away) there is a small village of Mezhdurechye. This summer I was there. This village is located between two big mountains. The area is indescribably beautiful. There are also several ponds there.

One warm summer day I walked through this wonderful area. The time was not very late, so it was not yet dark. At some point, looking at the starry sky, I turned my gaze to the tops of one of the mountains and saw next to the mountain a luminous, incomprehensible object hovering in the air. The height of the mountain is about one hundred to one hundred and fifty meters, and it is quite steep.

A luminous object hung to the right of the top of the mountain. He didn't move. Its shape was triangular. The glow was bluish. I felt somehow scared and uneasy. Almost in the opposite direction there was already a rather bright round moon - it was a full moon. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The size of the object was approximately two times larger than the moon, and it was quite close to me, I think no more than two to three kilometers. And I stood in the middle of the street - not a soul around me. There was also deathly silence on the street, except for the chirping of crickets.

To be honest, when you can’t explain what you see, it’s scary. What do they need near the mountain? Or they are watching this village - it was spinning in my head. Then I remembered about my mobile phone (it has a camera). I thought - at least I’ll take something off. While I was taking out my phone and turning on the camera, the object disappeared without me even noticing how. I didn’t see this object for more than a week of living there, although I looked forward to seeing it every evening...

Overnight at Mount Karagach

I remember this very well...

It was in the spring of 2011, I traditionally went on an expedition to Crimea and the management decided to go to the suburbs of Sudak, they spent the night near Mount Karagach. I had nothing against spending the night, it was fucking beautiful there: the mountains, the sky, there were some megaliths on the mountain, I saw them when I went to get fuel for the fire. We were supposed to be there for a week, after which we left for Sudak.

The first night passed quietly, but now I’ll tell you about the second. It seems like we went to bed, everything is fine. At night I woke up from the cold because I crawled out of my sleeping bag. I was about to climb back in, when suddenly I heard a roar near the tent, well, I thought it was wild boars... I wanted to hit the tent to scare them... Suddenly, it went. I CLEARLY HEARD THAT IT WALKS ON TWO LEGS! I think, damn, what the hell is this?! He lay down and pretended to be asleep. I thought it was my imagination, but no! It was heard that he was not alone. There were several of them walking around the parking lot. Then I heard they began to unzip the tents. What the hell are boars?!

Then they started roaring again, one howled. My knees were shaking and I couldn’t stop them. I've never been so afraid before! Sleep like a dream! Suddenly I heard that our tent had been opened, well at least there was an outer compartment (vestibule for scarves) where things were stored... And between the vestibule and the sleeping compartment there was another barrier with a zipper. I felt it rummaging through things, and they flew. I felt them hitting the barrier, since we were sleeping with our heads towards it... I realized with horror that they were opening the bedroom barriers in other tents and looking at the sleeping people...

I realized that I would die of horror if they looked into our tent... OUR! Exactly! After all, I didn’t sleep alone, but with my friend, Ilya...

I pushed him away. Of course he asked what happened. I told him everything, he, like me, at first decided that these were wild boars, took his machete and told me to move with him to the middle of the tent, because “boars can tear the walls, and this is dangerous.” Then I told him that if this does not stop in 2 minutes, I will scream... He stated that he was not taking part in this, and pretended to go to bed.

After 2 minutes, the hellish performance was in full swing and I, gathering my strength, quietly shouted: “Help!” One of the creatures, hearing me, went to the tent, and, undoing the outer zipper of the vestibule, approached the inner barrier... I realized that the situation was critical, and again shouted, this time very loudly: “Help! Someone is crawling towards us.” to the tent!" A couple of seconds later, the parking lot was illuminated by the light of lanterns, exclamations were heard from the neighboring tents: “Now we’ll help, calm down!”, and the creatures hastily ran away to Karagach. The expedition leader looked into the tent and said that everything was in order.

Many, including us, found their tents unzipped and their things scattered... The management was discussing something on the street. Our guide, who had a gun, was sent to guard the parking lot until the morning. The management blamed everything on either wild boars or drunken tourists, but they never came to a common opinion. The next morning, everything was quickly wrapped up, although the expedition was planned for a week, the order was given to pack all things and equipment and have a quick breakfast. Then we hastily left for Sudak.
This is what happened...

In Crimea there are amazing, truly unique, mysterious places that amaze with their beauty.

All travel lovers should definitely visit these places.

Tulip fields

In the village of Yantarnoye there is an agricultural workshop number 55, which grows tulips. To get to this amazing place, you must first go to the office of this enterprise and obtain special permission from it. In the fields, which are located just three kilometers from the village, scarlet, yellow, pale blue and pink tulips grow. This place especially attracts the attention of couples in love.

Laki village temple

The Greek settlement of Laki is located in the Bakhchisarai region. This village was once completely burned, and the inhabitants were killed. The only building that has survived to this day is the Church of St. Luke. It is half destroyed, but even in this condition it is used for services.

Taraktash trail

It originates at the Crimean Observatory on Mount Ai-Petri and is not for nothing recognized as the most beautiful trail of the entire Crimean peninsula. The Taraktash trail reaches Yalta. The descent along it cannot be called difficult. Interestingly, in some places along the trail there are steps. Along the entire route, tourists will be treated to beautiful views.


This name is stone city, located in the vast expanses of Bakhchisarai. In the fifth century, this city was considered religious and shopping center, today only ruins remain of it. But even they were able to preserve the energy of well-being and prosperity.

Vorontsov Palace

Near Crimean mountain Ai-Petri is home to the Vorontsov Palace, built in the first half of the 19th century. This amazing monument history and culture, built from diabase and perfectly blending into the natural landscape. IN this moment this palace is used as a museum for permanent and temporary exhibitions. Today, prices for holidays in Alupka are quite affordable, and a visit to this place will allow you to see not only the Vorontsov Palace, but also have a wonderful relaxation at sea.

Cemetery Balta-Tiimez

This is an unusual place that not every tourist dares to visit. It is located in an oak grove. It is filled with ancient monuments that have become covered with moss over the years. By old legends, the roots of oak trees are connected with the dead and only when the crown rises high up does the soul of the deceased leave the earth.

Crimean nuclear power plant

This is an unfinished nuclear power plant in the village of Shchelkino. Its construction began actively, but work was completely stopped after the disaster that occurred in Chernobyl. This is a mysterious place that has gained notoriety among the locals. It turns out that the directors did not stay here long. No more than six months later, they left their high post and went to the “yellow house.”

Valley of Ghosts

There are many in Crimea mysterious places. A few kilometers from Alushta on the southern ridge of Demerdzhi there is the Valley of Ghosts. There are many legends about this place. IN bad weather in the fog you can see a lot of things here, and therefore visiting this valley is not recommended for travelers with a weak psyche.

Date Rock

In the eastern part of the Crimean peninsula towards Sudak you can visit the Date Rock. This place is one of the most romantic places in Crimea. The rock, whose height is 782 meters, is located above the Panan Uzen gorge.

Skel menhirs

In the Baydarskaya Valley, not far from the village of Rodnikovoe, there are ancient religious buildings. They were made a long time ago from marble-like limestone.

Sotera River Valley

To see the amazing stone mushrooms and other beauties of this valley, you will need to travel 16 kilometers east of Alushta. Many scientists believe that these mushrooms, whose height is 4-6 meters, are a work of art of nature itself.

Bay of Love

This name is given to a small bay, which is located in the Alushta region, or more precisely in the village of Rybachye. There will be no difficulties in finding it, since it is located directly under the lighthouse. The bay was given this name because of its distance from the beaches, which makes it possible for lovers to be alone with each other.

In Crimea, you can not only soak up the warm sand or stroll through famous palaces, but also visit the so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony and a charge of cosmic energy.

According to esotericists, such places should not be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly sense the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. Also, in the mystical places of the peninsula, you are not supposed to raise your voice, joke or laugh - it is better to remain silent and maintain calm, both external and internal.

Cape Meganom

One of the most favorite places for occultists and esotericists. Located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as “big house”, but no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also taken a liking to this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is the yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people within their radius feel bad. But then the rings gain color again (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become accessible again, people go to them for strength and energy. Meditation practitioners claim that it is on Meganome that one can make transitions to the past or future, and travel to parallel worlds.


The largest cave city in Crimea. Located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th centuries. Now there are only stones left here, and also the powerful energy of this place, which for so long served as a haven for generation after generation. They say that in winter you can see glowing neon balls on Mangup. They hover in the air at a height of one and a half meters for about ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. Mangup also has its own ghosts. Legend has it that on the eve of the Turkish invasion in 1475, a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from his enemies, found himself on the edge of an abyss. The Turks rushed towards him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child’s cry and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins hometown and is looking for parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on him, you won’t be able to look away - you’ll follow him and step into the abyss.

Temple of the Sun

This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), reminiscent of a giant open flower. The stones are positioned so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly at the core of the “flower”. At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who are allowed by higher powers can get here. If you are one of these lucky ones, find the central stone of the “flower” - this is the main place of power. After climbing on it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say the answer will come right away, and your wish will come true very quickly. In gratitude, you can leave some kind of souvenir, a small gift in the Temple of the Sun, reports Crimean Journal.

Skel menhirs

The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name Skelya, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks, covered with moss and centuries-old cracks. At their feet, people performed rituals two to three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing powers: they stand at points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. This energy can literally be felt with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of warmth will pass through your body.

Karadag (Black Mountain)

This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A sleeping volcano releases waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul, century after century, attracts artists, poets, and musicians who have a keen sense of the world. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle begins to jump like crazy. One of the ridges mountain range That's what it's called - Magnetic. This has a healing effect on some people, and from year to year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries.”

Kizil-Koba (Red Cave)

The only cave in Crimea through which an underground river flows. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered an energetically very strong place. At night you can see lights glowing in the air. And four times a year, when one season gives way to another, near the cave some manage to notice a “firebird” - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall gurgles - swimming in its icy water helps preserve youth and strength. Above the waterfall there is a clearing with such a view of the mountains that it will take your breath away. This is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

Dolmens on Mount Cat

Dolmens are ancient structures made, as a rule, of four stone slabs placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy exits and concentrates. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gateway to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi

It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has only been here for five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

Ak-Kaya Rock (White Rock)

Rising above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching in its highest point 325 meters. Concentrated in these places centuries-old history Crimea, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here back when their prey was mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep shore where ships moored, and iron rings for mooring were supposedly even preserved in the vertical walls of the rock. There are also ancient legends associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, who brought here the beauties he had kidnapped in the area.

Mount Chatyrdag

Located in the Big Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not without reason that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the peak of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians from the surrounding villages still come here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that here he was Holy Mother of God. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Mother of God; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

Mount Ai-Petri

Protects the southern coast of Crimea from cold northern and western winds. Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are an abundance of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Uchan-Su waterfall, many people feel severe dizziness. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are intricately curved) is actually a geopathogenic zone; it is advised not to go here. But at the very top of Ai-Petri you can stand longer and, turning your face to the sea, make a wish.

Stone mushrooms of the Sotera Valley

These are huge, bizarre boulders ranging from three to seven meters high. If ordinary tourists come here to photograph stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to recharge their energy and find inner harmony.


The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. Located near the village of Skalistoy, Bakhchisaray district. Exact time its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. Man-made caves and natural grottoes of this ancient city perfect for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock very reminiscent of this mythical creature), but at the end of the twentieth century it collapsed, and now the peace of this place is guarded only by the Snake Rock - its huge stone head rises above the surroundings.

All members of the Russian Federation more tourists trying to visit the peninsula. The warm sea, sandy beaches, famous estates and palaces - all this leaves an indelible impression in the memory. What else can you visit in Crimea besides the places listed? For lovers mystical phenomena, extraordinary natural complexes You can suggest visiting the most mysterious places of Crimea. The mystical places of Crimea do not like loud voices, laughter and noise. To visit such places you need an inner mood, calmness and tranquility. Local spirits do not like irritated or angry visitors.

What unusual places in Crimea can you visit to satisfy your imagination? In the southeast of the peninsula there is, perhaps, one of the most famous amazing places. This is Cape Meganom (“big house” - Greek). The bare rocks and lack of vegetation of the cape make it mysterious. They say that UFOs often visit here, and ghosts do not leave the cape alone. Here you can hear the voice of a lamb bleating on the edge of a rock, and see a boy calling you into the depths of the sea. And if you look from above, you can see burnt yellow rings on the grass. They either glow at night or dim. But then they become saturated with light again, and then people come to them for energy and strength. There is an opinion that it is from here that you can go on a journey to parallel worlds.

And in the south of the Bakhchisarai region, an entire cave city, Mangup, has been preserved in the mountains. It can also be brought into the most mysterious places of Crimea. The city was built in the 3rd century AD, and people lived here until the 15th century. Powerful energy is still present over the ruins of the city, glowing neon balls appear. Mangup also has his own legend. In 1475, the Turks invaded the city and destroyed it. Many people died then, but one boy managed to escape in the most extraordinary way. When the Turks wanted to capture the boy, he found himself on the very edge of the abyss. And the rocks opened up and swallowed the child. Since then, on quiet moonlit nights, many have seen the ghostly figure of a boy and heard the inviting cry of a child looking for his parents. They say that you cannot hold your gaze on a lonely figure for a long time, otherwise this image will be dragged along with you into the depths of the sea. These are the places of power in Crimea.

And also, if you want to visit the most mysterious places of Crimea, you should definitely see the unusual stone flower on Mount Ilyas-Kaya. The stones, laid in an unusual way, receive the first ray of sunlight into their heart - the center of the “flower”. It is very important to find this central stone, stand on it and make a wish. It will definitely come true in the very near future.

Interesting places in Crimea and places of power are the Skel menhirs. These are tall, from 1.2 to 2.8 m, ancient vertical stone blocks. The energy can be felt immediately after touching. You will feel a slight tingling and warmth in your fingertips. These stones transform your energy into positive. Another powerful place of power in Crimea is Mount Karadag. This is a sleeping volcano. The compass needle behaves unpredictably here, and people settle here or come every year to recharge their energy. Do you remember the fabulous firebird? So this is about the place Kizil-Koba (Red Cave). Four times a year, when the seasons change, a bright luminous cloud in the shape of a fairy-tale bird appears here. And water treatments at the Su-Uchkhan waterfall. located nearby, help maintain strength and eternal youth.

And, finally, the title “the most mysterious places of Crimea” is given to the dolmens on Mt. Koshka - unique portals to other worlds and Mount Demerdzhi. On its slopes a person gets lost in time. They say that it is here that energy flows intersect and the bizarre rocks paint eerie pictures that frighten the imagination.

There are many more wonderful places in Crimea. Come, find your place where you can replenish your internal energy and find peace and tranquility. Rest

Hello friends.

The Crimean Peninsula is considered ideal place for a wide variety of holidays.

Warm gentle sea with pebbles and sandy beaches, subtropical climate on the coast of the South Coast, which has healing properties, amazing mountain landscapes.

There are many ancient historical and architectural monuments that can be observed at almost every step in Crimea. Isn’t it a real paradise for a huge number of vacationers striving for this fertile land?

However, the Crimean peninsula is famous not only for its gentle sea, magnificent landscapes and healing climate.

Crimea is one of the most unique places on the planet, where there are a huge number of Places of Power - mysterious and unknown to the end to this day.

It is to such places that many people are drawn, trying to find answers to questions or fulfillment of their desires.

We will talk about some of these unusual and mysterious places.

Mount Karadag (Black Mountain)

I already wrote something about Karadag on the blog. See articles and for more details.

Karadag, from Tatar, is translated as Black Mountain. This is one of the most famous Places of Power in Crimea and the oldest extinct volcano in Europe.

The age of the Karadag peak is approximately 160 million years. This peak is famous for the fact that there are the ruins of an ancient Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Hecate and the desecrated tomb of a Muslim saint.

The fact that Mount Karadag was previously a volcano already speaks of the most powerful energies that once raged in its depths, and probably these energies are partially born there at the present time.

People who have been to this peak feel how its healing energy affects their condition.

Some travelers, having climbed to the top of Karadag, feel comfort and peace of mind, and their thoughts rush to spiritual purification.

Others, having received a charge of the healing energy of the mountain, feel a high emotional uplift and extraordinary vigor.

Esotericists believe that Karadag emits multidirectional energy flows of both light and dark energy. It’s not for nothing that since very ancient times, there was a temple at the top, which was dedicated to the dark goddess Hecate.

The ancient Tauri, even before the Greeks appeared on the peninsula, called this mountain Kalitra. This was the place where they worshiped the Black Goddess - Kali.

After Crimea was settled by the Tatars, they also considered Karadag a place of worship.

An ancient Tatar legend tells that in ancient times, a holy Muslim hermit who knew how to perform various miracles lived on the mountain.

The saint was also buried on this peak. At the site of his burial rests a stone slab, which was surrounded by a fence of ancient megaliths.

For many years, the Tatars performed healing ceremonies at the saint’s grave. First, people performed evening prayer, and then the sick person was left overnight on the saint’s tombstone.

In a dream, a saint came to a person suffering from an illness and gave advice on how to be cured of his illness.

This practice occurred almost until the middle of the last century. However, the grave was desecrated by someone, and the saint stopped coming to the suffering in dreams and giving his advice.

In modern times, the Tatars are looking for a way to restore the shrine and return the favor of the saint.

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain)

Many different stories have been written and told about this mysterious and even somewhat ominous peak.

This mountain is considered the most powerful Place of Power and has long attracted the attention of people.

Even today it is a very popular place where many tourists want to go.

But few tourists who want to visit this peak know about the mystical events associated with Ayudag, except that the steep cliffs of Bear Mountain are very dangerous.

According to parapsychologists, this mountain is a powerful source of negative energy, and prolonged exposure to it can lead to various negative consequences, dizziness, nausea, loss of orientation, loss of strength, etc.

Tourists who risk staying overnight on Ayudag for unknown reasons can often jump up in the middle of the night and rush to bottomless cliffs.

Why this happens and what frightens people to such an extent is unclear. Many of the tourists who visited Bear Mountain and stayed there overnight prefer not to visit this mysterious and mystically dangerous peak.

Temple of the Sun (Stone Flower)

This is perhaps the most mysterious and most energetically powerful place in Crimea. Sometimes this place is even called the Crimean Stonehenge.

The stone flower is nature education, however, it is somewhat reminiscent of the most famous megalithic structure England - Stonehenge. However, the energy of the sun temple, as experts say, is many times stronger than the energy of Stonehenge.

They say that it is in this place that you can make and then fulfill your cherished desire, learn about your destiny, learn answers to questions of interest and learn the path of spiritual development.

Laspi Bay, overlooked by the picturesque peak of Ilyas-Kaya, is located 30 km from the city of Sevastopol.

This mountain has a glorious and ancient history. On it, during the era of the Byzantine Empire in the 12th century, the monastery of Elijah the Prophet was erected. But in modern times, only ruins remain of this monastery, and part of the monastery foundation has survived. The Temple of the Sun is located slightly below the very top of Ilyas-Kaya.

From the place where the Sun Temple is located, a magnificent sight opens up. On the one hand, you can admire the blue expanses of the Black Sea, which seem to merge with the skies, and the picturesque Laspinskaya Bay in all its glory. And on the other side you can observe a chain of majestic, mountain peaks and the outlines of bizarre rock formations.

What is the Temple of the Sun!

This is a magnificent stone flower, stunning in its beauty and grandeur, which is often called a “space portal”.

Here, experts in anomalous phenomena believe, is one of the most powerful Places of Power on Earth. It is in this place that the most powerful concentration of the planet’s light energy is observed.

Such a power has the ability to activate areas of a person’s consciousness that are in a passive state.

Even a very short stay near the Temple of the Sun completely restores the balance of a person’s powers, and not only is restored, but even increases 2-3 times. The human body feels much more energetic, younger and stronger there.

Stone Flower is indeed not an ordinary place. A large number of mysterious and very interesting events are associated with it.

Here, Soviet scientists conducted secret experiments just before the start of the Patriotic War.

During the war, a group of specialists from Ananerbe worked here. Both Soviet and German experts believed that such an energetically strong place as the Temple of the Sun could influence events on a planetary scale. That is why attempts were made to influence this energetically powerful place in order to change the course of events in one direction or another.

But the most amazing and mysterious thing is that both the Soviet group of scientists and the group of specialists from Ananerbe mysteriously disappeared without leaving any traces.

Only by going up to the Temple of the Sun can you personally feel and understand all the power and energy of this unusual place.


The ancient cave of Ene-Sala is also very mysterious place A force about which little is known, but what is known looks quite sinister.

Before the war, there was an ancient Tatar settlement here, which was destroyed by the Nazis during the war.

In addition to the Ene-Sala cave, there are several mysterious caves. However, only one cave is open to tourists. The rest are simply inaccessible without special equipment and certain preparation.

It was first discovered in 1965 by two unknown boys. Later, exploring this cave, archaeologists established that on the territory of this cave there was an ancient temple of the Taurians.

It was here that the ancient inhabitants of Crimea brought their bloody sacrifices to the gods, atonement for their sins and paying tribute to the ancient gods.

The cave is simply saturated with dark energy, which is felt by many people who visit it. Many of them claim that they saw ominous ghosts in the cave.

Of course, there are still a lot of mysterious places in Crimea, with which a large number of legends and traditions are associated.

Some of them have a beneficial effect on a person, while others affect him negatively. But both of them attract people with their mystery and the opportunity to learn something new and very important, even something that can change the entire course of life.

That's all I have for today.

Best regards, Sergey Drozdov.

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P. P. S. You can familiarize yourself with the topics that will be covered in the near future at.