Higher plants of the Atlantic Ocean. The most unusual fish of the ocean - the best photos from all over the world

The sea and oceans are a house for several millions of species of amazing creatures. Such a rich biological diversity truly delights, because under water you can meet the inhabitants of all colors, shapes and sizes. Some of them seem crazy and dangerous, and others enthusiastically be loved by their beauty. In this selection you are waiting for one of the most spectacular marine creatures. No depth of space can be compared with what beauty is hidden in the bowels of the earth's oceans, and it is time to make sure that it personally!

25. Mandaris Fish

This colorful fish lives in tropical waters in the west of the Pacific Ocean. Mandarinka - small coral fish stretched shape up to 6 cm long. Fame This animal has acquired precisely for its saturated color and an unusual form, because of which it is even sometimes called "Psychedelic Mandarin". It is very popular as aquarium pet, but extremely pickyled to the content in captivity and often dies from hunger, refusing to eat shopping feeds.

24. Ceriantia

Before you, a coral polyp living in a variety of lights of light, mainly in subtropical waters. Being a tseritarian larch usually lives directly inside the plankton, and, mature, prefers to be buried into the ground and hunts with the help of the oral end with a multitude of sensitive supreets. This animal has very different fluorescent shades and color combinations, for which it is considered a popular pet aquariums.

23. Flamingo or Digital Language

Photo: Laszlo Ilyes / Flickr

The widespread among the reefs of the Caribbean and in the Atlantic Ocean, the Flamingo language is a brightly colored mollusk feeding with poisonous polyps. When the digital absorbs the poison of its prey, she herself becomes toxic, but it does not threaten her death.

22. Blue Tan.

Photo: Tewy / Wikimedia

One of the 70 varieties of the Surgeon fish, Blue Tan lives in coastal waters, on coral reefs and among stones or algae along coastline From New York to Brazil and even meets far in the east in the area of \u200b\u200bAscension Island. The fish is famous for its spikes that resemble a surgical scalpel, for which this kind and got its unusual name.

21. Shrimp-Bogomol

Photo: Prilfish / Flickr

This wrath lives in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and is considered to be one of the most attractive and bright types of underwater animals. This shrimp has very unusual and extremely complex arranged eyes. Cancer Bogomol sees in an optical, ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, and also capable of converting polarized, which is helping to help in total millions of photosensitive cells.

20. French Marine Angel or Scalaria

Photo: Brain Gratwicke / Flickr

Scalaria is found in the west of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Mexican Strait and the Caribbean Sea. This amazing tropical fish is easy to distinguish from other inhabitants of the underwater kingdom on the dark color with bright yellow stripes.

19. Listed sea dragon or sea horse-rag

Photo: Lecates / Flickr

This delightful creation is found in tropical waters. Indian Ocean From the side of the coastline of Australia. The favorite habitat of the leaf (sometimes deciduous) of the sea dragon is coral reefs and shallow water, where it is warm enough, but not too hot, and there are all the conditions for disguise during hunting, and to hide from predators. The horse rag grows up to 20 cm long, and is under threat of destruction due to industrial waste and poaching - it has become too popular among fans of aquariums.

18. Naval Spiderman

Sea spiders are in no way related to ground, and are a much simpler form of life. These small marine arthropods live almost in all ends of the world and in most seas. In the world, they are almost as often as their land objects.

17. Medusa Forma or Medusa "Floral Hap"

Photo: Chris Favero / Flickr

This animal is very similar to an ordinary jellyfish, but in fact it belongs to the class of hydraulic invertebrates, while the jellyfish refers to scoffoiding. Medusa "Flower Hat" is found in the west of the Pacific Ocean in the area of \u200b\u200bcoastal waters of Japan. The beauty of the Formosa is simultaneously captivating and dangerous, because it is better not to meet it closer, because this animal can very hurt.

16. Crab Harlequin

Photo: Bernard DuPont / Flickr

Crab-harlequin (Lissocarcinus Laevis) has attracted our attention to the amazing color, and most often occurs near coral polyps of coastal zones or in the midst of rocky reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. It is noteworthy that the last pair of legs has grown into a single fin.

15. Banggai Cardinal Fish

Photo: Bernard DuPont / Flickr

This charming fish lives in warm tropical waters and is easily recognized by silver color with vertical black stripes. Unfortunately, Cardinal refers to extinct species, and today its habitat has narrowed to coastal waters of the Indonesian Island of Banggai.

14. Spotted Orlyak


The flat body of the disk-shaped form of this impressive skate reaches up to 3 meters wide, which makes it the largest among Orlyaks, with the exception of only the Giant Sea Devil (4-4.5 m). Spotted Orlyak is very moving, he sails for his life long distances, hunting on marine invertebrates and little fish.

13. Cloon Fish

Photo: Ritiks / Wikimedia

She is orange amphiprion, she is anemonfish. Cloown Anemone is famous for its white-orange striped color, and is considered to be one of the most recognizable coral. Amphiprion grows up to 11 cm long, and his favorite referee is acti, the squad of coral polyps. In order to successfully hide from predators among the fractures of the felon of the Actinium, the Clown fish reproduces the composition of the polyp mucus and enters into symbiotic relationships with this type of sea scrubbing.

12. Shrimp-harlequin


Harlequin shrimp is a popular aquarium pet. This is a segmental genus from the tropical waters of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, and it is easy to learn about the White Taurus with large light blue spots. The males of shrimp-harlequin are fewer females of its kind.

11. Blue Dragon

Photo: Sylke Rohrlach / Flickr

The Blue Dragon is the form of the bruhogs of the mollusks and the representative of the Fubery Gastruphoto squad (snails). It is small in size and grows only up to 3 cm long. Blue Dragon is found in many seas of temperate and tropical belts.

10. Fish Discus

Photo: Biotopica, Criadero de Peces Disco / Wikimedia

One of the most beautiful tropical fish in the world inhabits in the Amazon River Basin in South America. The expressive form and bright coloring of the disc was the cause of its great popularity among fans of aquariums. The people discus even received the nickname "King of Aquariums".

9. Activity Venus Mukholovka

Photo: Noaa Photo Library / Flickr

Nicknamed in honor of the plant-target, this actinium has earned such a comparison by the fact that it has a similar digestive mechanism. Sea Veneree Mukholovka is a major deep-water polyp that hunts, capturing her "mouth" prey when she swims into a living "trap." Bright Actinia scares predators, but perfectly attracts the smallest underwater inhabitants.

8. Royal Starfish

Photo: Julie Worthy Photography

Before you, one of the most outstanding marine stars living at a depth of 20-30 m in the middle of the continental shelf in the west of the Atlantic Ocean. The starfish is a carnivorous animal, and feeds on the mollusks, which she catches her own rays, throwing their booty straight into the oral hole.

7. Slug View of Berghia Coerulescens

Photo: Wikimedia.

Conmpusive sea snail Berghia Coerulecescens - a view of a sea slope that lives in the central and western Mediterranean, as well as in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. This underwater animal of the charming color grows up to 7 cm long, and so far it is notated little by biologists.

6. Wolf Zebra

Photo: Alexander Vasenin / Wikimedia

It is also called fish-zebra or striped wipe. Wolf zebra lives on reefs and in the midst of the rocky clefts of the Indo-Pacific region, although for some times it began to meet in the tropical waters of other oceans around the world. In some countries, they are eaten, but striped clings are much more famous among fans of aquariums than among gourmets.

5. Short-line sea horse

Photo: Hans Hillewaert / Wikimedia

The short-cast sea horse is the inhabitant of the Mediterranean and the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This animal of medium sizes and grows up to 13 cm long. The Mediterranean Sea Konk loves muddy shallow water, limany and overgrown with seaweed.

4. Lagoon triggerfish or spinorogogo

Photo: Wikimedia.

This remarkable tropical fish originally from the Indo-Pacific region and prefers to hide in reefs. The lagoon triggerfish is sometimes called Picasso's spinorogogo, and in Hawaii, local residents name is Her "Humuhumunukunukuaaa". All read without a stick?

3. Green Sea Turtle

Photo: Brocken Inaglory / Wikimedia

Green or soup turtle lives in tropical and subtropical coastal waters worldwide. This is a large and heavy animal with a wide and smooth shell. The green turtle deservedly received the title of the largest turtle in the world, as some representatives of this species weigh up to 320 kg.

2. Hallbad Mollusk Phyllidia Babai

Photo: Nick Hobgood / Wikimedia

This native view of the sea slope is distinguished by a bright color and is found in the Pacific waters in the area of \u200b\u200bPapua New Guinea, South Korea and Australia.

1. Starfish "Ternist Crown"

Photo: Jon Hanson / Flickr

This pretty inhabitant of the DNA of the Indo-Pacific region is powered by coral reefs. Contrary to his attractive appearance, this starfish is considered to be a serious pest for its voraciousness, and is a greater danger especially for a large Barrier Reefa. For a person, this animal is also not the best friend, since its injections are painful and pretty toxic. The crown is very different colors from saturated red to orange, green or shades of blue.

Animals and more than 10 thousand species of algae live in it. Even now, when terrestrial animals and plants developed, in aquatic environment They live significantly more than on land. Here the largest animals live here, for example, whale, which is 25 times heavier than the elephant of the biggest animal sushi; The largest plants are algae, a length of many tens of meters. The conditions of existence in water of all lives are much more favorable than on land: there are no sharp temperature fluctuations, ambient water Well supports body body in space and he does not need such a powerful skeleton or roots, as the inhabitants of land, opposing the effects of air elements.

In the organic world of the seas and oceans, floating animals and plants - plankton and nekton, as well as benthos, i.e., the set of organisms living on the ground and in the soil of the seas, lakes, rivers. Bentos is divided into animal (zoobentos) and vegetable (phytobentos). More - Zoobenthos, especially in coastal shallow water.

Marine organisms are very diverse. These are mollusks, crustaceans, fish, etc. The main mass of phytobenthos is bacteria and algae. They form whole underwater meadows, stretching on a huge space. In our country, laminary and fukusoy algae thickets are especially significant among Murmansk, Belomorsky and Far Eastern coasts; They give a harvest here for the year on average 200 tons with 1 hectare. In shallow water, where the abundance of sunlight lives, cineural algae live - very small plants covering stones with a mucous film. The largest brown algae laminaries, fukus, macrocystides, etc. They are attached to the bottom and form thick underwater forests deeper. The most deep-for - red algae; They are also attached to the bottom, grow small bushes, sometimes a solid carpet of the bottom of the sea. For color they are called bugs.

The following division of living organisms is plankton. They are not attached to the bottom, but they are not able to actively move, but only passively tolerated the currents. Phytoplankton, represented by algae, is developed in the upper, illuminated water layer. Zooplankton inhabits the whole thickness of the water. It prevail in it crustaceans, numerous simplest (radolaria, foraminifers, infusoria), intestinal (jellyfish, siphofofors, swords), molluski, and others. Plankton serves as food for fish and many aquatic animals. In addition to the bulk of single-cellular diatoms among plankton algae, large, they form extensive clusters, for example, in the famous Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean.

Finally, organisms capable of actively swim, -necton. They oppose the flows and move at considerable distances. Nettle includes fish, cetacean, laston-either, penguins, squid, water snakes.

The conditions of existence for organisms at different depths of unequal. On coastal shallow water (littoral, littoral zone), where permanent excitement and surf, as well as tides and flows, twice a day, flooding the coastline of the coast of the width usually less than 1 km (in places 10-15 km), the organisms have adaptations to the change of stay on Air and in water, sharp changes in temperature, salinity, the effects of the Sun and the surf. In order not to be destroyed, mollusks, for example, are so tightly attached to the rocks, as it will be fastening with them, the crabs are equipped with tenacious clamps, and the fish of the surf zone, such as bulls, have fins-sucker. The inhabitants of or sandy and sandy shallow cats are shrimp, two-dimensional mollusks, starfishes and others - rumble into the ground. At depths of 200 to 2000 m, within the continental slope, there is a so-called battle zone (Batial). It takes 20% of the World Ocean Square, has significant slopes: here weak seasonal fluctuations in temperature, vegetable world Poor because of the almost complete absence of light, animals, mainly fish, transitional to deep-water, are often associated with the soil. Even deeper - an abissal zone (Abyssal), where depths are more than 2 km. This is the bottom (bed) of the oceans in the form of flat hilly plains, kitelin, plateau and mountain ranges. Water in the abyssal field is minus with constantly low temperatures (1-2 ° C, in high latitudes - below 0 ° C), permanent salinity (34.7%), density and almost complete absence of light. Vegetation - Gastera and algae. Peculiar deep-water animal world. The body of animals is gentle, fragile, with thin long appendages to ensure a swim or increasing the area of \u200b\u200bsupport on a viscous soil. Some have no eyes, while others are very big eyes. Many organisms are glowing. Predators are capable of collecting animals exceeding their own sizes. In 1957, the Soviet hydrobiological expedition on the ship "Vityaz" investigated the deepest Mariana Wpadin. With the help of tubes and trawls, it produced with this very large depth in the world at 11,022 m. And in 1960, the Swiss scientist J. Piccar in Batiscife "Trieste" fell into Mariana Vpadina to a depth of 10,919 m. Powerful spotlights helped a scientist to get acquainted with the life flowing in complete darkness and at a pressure of 1000 AT; He saw living beings similar to flat fish.

For oceanographic studies, Batiskof is used - deep-water autonomous self-propelled apparatus. It is managed by the crew located in it. Created a lot of designs. All Batiskofs consist of a float hull, from steel gondolas with control equipment, air regeneration system, radio station, ultrasonic telephone, cameras, scientific devices, a device for typing soil samples, photos and television equipment. The same destination and the batisper-a spherical camera with equipment and a crew cabin, but already descending on the cable from the board of the ship.

Life at small depths are studied using plankton networks. They are arranged so that they can be closed with alive organisms and breakfast at any depth. Dnocherters, drags and trawls are also used, which are descended on cables with winches and pull on the bottom, collecting benthos organisms. This drague along the bottom is moving a metal frame with knives for cutting and collecting organisms into a mesh bag attached to it. Lowering heavy ground tubes in ridicule bottoms of the bottom and take away the sludge columns up to 30 m long. Such soil columns serve as a scientist one of the sources of information about the life of the ocean and its history. Widely used for study of the sea and hydrostates - steel chambers in which the observer is lowered.

The biological riches of the seas and oceans have a huge nationality importance. They are a significant source of food. Fish, whales, seals, crustaceans, mollusks-all this is food rich in fats, vitamins and proteins. Proteins and fats can be produced from algae, especially from chlorella: 1 hectares are obtained up to 40 tons of its dry matter, from which 20 tons of full protein and 6 tons of fat are produced. Similarly, a small shrimp-krill, in the inconspicuous quantities, watering in the ocean waters of the southern hemisphere, can give significant industrial outlets of animal proteins and fat. Although the biological resources of the World Ocean can not be considered inexhaustible, but they make even large reserves, to the use of which humanity is only proceeding.

The Atlantic Ocean ishes the shores of Africa, Europe, America and Antarctica. This is the big ocean. Different and exotic fish are inhabited in its waters.
So loses the ocean from the side of Portugal.


Albula is a fish living in the Atlantic, which refers to the sight of the leisure and to the family of albulov, is called the white fox on another. The color of her body is light gray, length is from 90 to 100 centimeters. It eats worms, mollusks, shrimp, crabs and small fish.

American Beldug

American Belbuga is an unusual fish having a body of a coherent form. Its dimensions can reach 1.1 meters. These fish are distributed in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

American long-old shark

These sharks belong to the family of "gray", they live in the tropical waters of the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Their length can reach 110 centimeters, feed on fine fish, cephalopod, crustaceans.

American kunya shark

Otherwise, this shark is called "dogs", it belongs to the family of the Cunich, and lives in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Maximum body length - 150 centimeters. It feeds on crustaceans.

American Marine Angel

The American Marine Angel is a flat-wax shark, outwardly resembling a skate. The length of the body of this shark can reach 152 centimeters, the gills are located on the sides of the body, and the mouth is in the front of the digging. It lives in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Massachusetts and Florida in the United States, these sharks live off the coast of Cuba, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Venezuela. The diet is small fish and squid.

Atlantic halibut

This fish lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and partly in the Arctic Ocean. It is believed to the family of Cambal, it is considered to be deep (floats at a depth of 2000 meters). Atlantic halibut is powered by small fish and invertebrates.

Atlantic Blue Marlin

This fish belongs to the mind of the beamper and to the Marlinov family. It dwells in the tropical and temperate waters of the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, feeds on fish and squid.

Atlantic salmon

This fish lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its body has a bluish shade and a length of up to 1.5 meters. It feeds on fine and chest fish.

Atlantic Menhand

Atlantic Menhend is a fish, which refers to the amateur fish of the family of herring, living in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Body length can reach 32 centimeters. Ration - plankton.

Atlantic Pugwar

This fish belongs to the form of the ethipian family, dwells in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, prefers a tropical climate. It has a gray-shaped diskhead with black stripes. Food is invertebrate.

Atlantic Piloral

Atlantic Piloral is an unusual fish whose nose resembles a saw. It belongs to the skates, lives in the Atlantic and in the Pacific Oceans. Body size can reach 6.5 meters. The diet is crustaceans, mollusks, small fish.

The Atlantic Butterfly Skat dwells in the subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This fish is bottom. It feeds on fine fish, crustaceans and invertebrates.

Atlantic Skat Gurgesiella

The Atlantic Skat Gurgesielaye lives off the coast of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela and Bolivia. The body length can reach 50 meters. This is deep-sea fish.

Atlantic Tarpon

Atlantic Tarpon is a sea fish, it is widespread in the Atlantic Ocean. The length of the body of this fish can reach 250 centimeters. She is a predator.

African mackerel

This fish belongs to the family of skombing and dwells in the tropical, subtropical and moderate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, including in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The diet is small fish and invertebrates.

African puzzle is a slope in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. He lives under water at a depth of 30 meters. The body has almost white color. The diet is invertebrate and small fish.

Bahamask Akula

This fish belongs to the feline shark family and lives in the western of the Atlantic Ocean. This is a bottom fish. The diet is cephalopod, shrimp, small fish.

Baltic Peschanka

Baltic gerbil - small fish having a light, transparent body long up to 20 centimeters. It is common in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, for example, in the Baltic and Mediterranean seas. This fish is a mustache and keeps close to the bottom. It feeds on small plankton and algae.

Baked tower

The baked tail refers to skates that live in the tropical waters of the western part of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 10 meters. The maximum length of the disk can reach 100 centimeters. The diet is invertebrate and small fish.

White American Lavrak.

White American Lavrak is a small leaper fish, which has a length of up to 49.5 centimeters, belonging to the Moron family, which dwells from eastern coast North America, keeps closer to rocky coasts.

White Sarg.

White Sarg is a small staya fish, the individuals of which can reach length from 15 to 20 centimeters, which live in the Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, they live in the eastern coast of the ocean, as well as the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. The color of the body is the fish gray-green shade, dark stripes are noticeable on the sides. The diet is small mollusks and crustaceans.

Faded deep-water electric slope

The faded deep-water electric slot is almost a flat fish, the length of which can reach 50 centimeters. These slots are able to generate electric current. They live in the central western part of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 923 meters.

Bolshaya sandy shark

The Bolshaya Sand Shark is a predatory fish that dwells in tropical and warm temperate waters at a depth of 60 for 1000 meters. It can be found in the Atlantic Ocean. Fish size can reach 3.6 meters. The diet is bone fish and non-flashy. Does not be dangerous for a person.

Breeding Herring

Breeding Herring - a small fish having a body size - 100 centimeters, inhabiting in the northwestern and central-western part of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 50 meters. This fish is fishery. It can be found off the shores of the Bahamas, Mexico and the USA.

Bolsheld Alaebizavr

Bolsheld Alepizawa is an unusual fish with an extended and exhaust body. On her back there is a greater fin, two more fins are located closer to the head, there is an anal and tail fin. Fish body has a bluish shade. The maximum length can reach 215 centimeters. It dwells both in the quiet and in the Atlantic Ocean. The diet makes fish, crayfish, worms, squid, cephalopod and others.

Big Qaranx

Large Karanx refers to the leaf of fish. It is common in the Western and Eastern parts of the Atlantic Ocean, prefers tropical and subtropical waters. The body of the fish has a gray-blue shade, its size reaches 75 centimeters, it is rebuilt with sides and slightly extended. The dorsal and anal fin is almost the same size. Fish prefers to keep the depths of the ocean. The diet includes small fish and non-flashlight. Big Karanx is fishing fish.

Big sea dragon

The big sea dragon is a fish that lives off the coast of the European part of the Atlantic Ocean, it can also be found in the Black and Mediterranean seas.

The water of the Atlantic Ocean spread out from Antarctic to subarctic latitudes from the north to the south for a total of 16 thousand km. The wider part of the ocean is in its northern tip, gradually narrowing to the equator to 2900 km. In the southern part, the Atlantic Ocean is connected to the Indian and quiet oceans, and in the north with the northern ice. According to its size, the Atlantic Ocean is in second place after the quiet, and a large number of bays and peninsulas are located in its coastline. The water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic includes thirteen sea, which is 11% of its area.

In the Atlantic Ocean pool, which produces the fourth part of the total volume of catch, there are international fisheries conventions that make it possible to effectively use biological resources and regulate fish catch.

Fishery fish moderate latitudes

Piksha - a thermal-loving fish living at the bottom of the ocean at a depth of up to 1000 m. Lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the favorite habitat of the Pikshi is a warm shallow water of the Barents Sea.

Herring - whole genus of fish, numbering about 60 species. The middle scaly body of herring is compressed from the sides, and the edge of the belly is pointed. She has a small mouth, and the upper jaw does not protrude beyond the lower. Some types of herring live only in the ocean, the other belongs to the passing fish, which for spawning come in the river.

Cod belongs to the cream family. In length, fishing cod reaches 80 cm, its color varies from greenish-olive to dark brown with small brown spots. Cod habitat extends to most of the Atlantic Ocean.

Fish tropical belt

Tuna is perfectly adapted to an active lifestyle and constant movement. The powerful body of the tuna is dense and looks like a torpedo. Its spinal sick-shaped fin is ideal for tireless fast swimming. Tuns live big shoals and can overcome in search of food huge distances.

Sardin - a small fish up to 25 cm, a little thicker herring. Blue sardines with multicolored sardines in silver-white sides and abdomen. The lifestyle of this fishing fish is not yet sufficiently studied.

Haltus - Fish Family Cambalous. The traditional coloring of the halotus varies from dark brown to olive. The body is wide and flat with a big mouth. The length of the adult individual of this fishing fish is up to 130 cm, and the weight can reach 30 kg.

Amateurs active rest In nature, very often engaged in fishing. The abundance of rivers in Russia makes this kind of recreation popular among citizens. But not all novice fishermen know what kind of fish is found in the rivers, what conditions it prefers and what are her habits. Very useful in studying the inhabitants of river spaces, special identifiers and catalogs compiled by scientists can become.

Currently, more than a hundred species of river fish living in Russia are known. Not all existing species Made to the appropriate catalogs, work in this direction is still underway by scientists from the Academy of Sciences of Russia, which still find new types of river fish and make up their descriptions. The complexity here lies in the fact that some types of fish are crossing each other, which leads to the formation of hybrids. Such crossing mechanisms are widely used in industrial fish breeding.

The most famous inhabitant of rivers, of course, is a pike. This predator is usually in the coastal zone, replete with water thickets. Pike loves places with a weak flow. This fish is very sensitive to the content of oxygen in water, so in closed small reservoirs in winter it is often dies. Pike coloring can be the most diverse and depends on the characteristics of the habitat and river vegetation. Being a predator, pike feeds mainly in small fish.

Ordinary river perch is no less popular with lovers of wildlife and avid fishermen. It also applies to predators, so the bulk of the diet of the perch is other river fish. Being the potential prey of a larger pike, the river perch is trying to adhere to the plain reservoirs with a slight flow. In some regions, the perch is not only an object of interest of fishery lovers on the fishing rod, it also has a commercial value.

Widden in rivers and roach, which has several subspecies in Russia. This fish prefers to stay with flocks, using the protection of water vegetation, corping and hanging trees. The roach also does not like a very rapid flow. Fish of small and medium sizes is not so buggy, like large instances. Sometimes it is possible to observe hybrid forms that are obtained when crossing ordinary roach with red-pan.

Often in rivers you can find not only river fish, but also the so-called passing views. A significant part of the time such fish is carried out in the seas, rising into the mouth of the rivers only for a period of spawning. Test species include, for example, some types of families