The capital of the country is Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda on the world map: capital, flag, coins, citizenship and attractions of the island state. Where is the state of Antigua and Barbuda located and what are tourist reviews about it? Office hours

General information

Official name - Antigua and Barbuda, translated from Spanish - “ancient” and “bearded”. The state is located on the islands of the same name and the island of Redonda in the group of Lesser Antilles (Caribbean Sea). The area is 442 km 2. Population - 86,654 people. (as of 2009). The official language is English. The capital is St. John's. The currency is the East Caribbean dollar.

An island state in the West, Eastern Caribbean Sea. The length of the coastline is 153 km. The country consists of three islands - Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda (virtually uninhabited).

The climate is tropical marine with slight seasonal temperature fluctuations. All year round, the air temperature ranges from +26+27°C (January) to +30+32°C (July). Precipitation is approximately 1300 mm per year, with the maximum amount of rain falling between August and September-December. Winds blow almost constantly on the islands, significantly softening the heat. In the period from June to November, tropical hurricanes may pass over the country's territory, accompanied by stormy winds and heavy rainfall.


The first inhabitants of the islands of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda, which is now occupied by the state of Antigua and Barbuda, were Siboneans, whose origins are still unclear. In the first century AD. The Arawak Indians, who arrived in these regions from the mainland lands of the South American continent, moved to the islands. In the 13th century The Arawaks were replaced by the Carib tribes, famous for their warlike character and vast territories of conquest.

In 1493, the islands of the Lesser Antilles group, which included the territories of Antigua and Barbuda, were discovered at sea by the voyager Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). True, the Spaniards failed to find a common language with the local residents: the Caribbean warriors resolutely blocked the path of foreigners.

Europeans managed to gain a foothold on the islands of the future state of Antigua and Barbuda only in the seventeenth century. In 1632, the first English colony appeared on the island of Antigua. In 1663, the lands were granted by King Charles II to Lord Willoughby, under whom a small plantation farm was established here (the main crops grown at that time were indigo, ginger, and tobacco). Slaves from Africa began to be brought to the island to work in the fields.

Already in 1671, a full-fledged colony of the Leeward Islands was formed, which included not only the island of Antigua, but also Barbuda, St. Kitts, Montserrat. By 1689, each island had its own apparatus of power, which was an Assembly (its members were local landowners and planters) . In addition to the previously cultivated spices and tobacco, sugar cane began to be grown in the territories of the colony, which later became the main export crop of the Leeward Islands. The slave regime was abolished in the English possessions only in 1834, but in fact slave living conditions remained ineradicable for many years.

Hard times for the English colony occurred in the 1930s - a period of global economic crisis. During these years, the general economic downturn was accompanied by a decrease in demand for sugar, the islands' main export product, which caused serious problems on the islands of Antigua and Barbuda. Due to the crisis in 1940, the Trade Union and Workers' Union was formed on the islands, which immediately began organizing workers' protests.

In 1967, the shackles of Antigua and Barbuda's colonial dependence were formally loosened: the islands received the status of a state associated with Great Britain with the right to full internal self-government. Since then, gradual democratization began in the former colony, but diplomatic issues, defense and trade still remained under the responsibility of the British government. The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, George Walter (1928-2008), continued the fight for the freedom of the “state associated with Great Britain”, while the islands experienced another crisis: the sugar factories that fed most of the local population were simply closed.

Antigua and Barbuda gained full independence quite late - on November 1, 1981. However, the British monarch is considered the formal head of state.

Sights of Antigua and Barbuda

Columbus named Antigua island in honor of the Church of Antigua de Santa Maria in Seville. The most beautiful island With picturesque coastline, with many bays and rich vegetation, for a long time became an arena for the struggle of European colonists with aggressive Indian tribes and the forces of nature. Only in the middle of the 17th century did life begin to improve for the settlers, and today the islands of Antigua and Barbuda are one of the largest resort areas in the West Indies.

Barbuda Island lies 42 km north of Antigua. This quiet, pastoral and rustic island, home to just 2% of the country's population, is very rarely visited by tourists - mainly bird watchers and yachtsmen come here. But nevertheless, this small piece of land in the vast expanse of the sea is considered one of the most picturesque islands on the planet, and its eight-kilometer Long Beach is also one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The capital of the island is more like a village, Codrington was named after the Gloucestershire family that once leased Barbuda to the British Crown for "one fat pig a year." Barbuda, composed almost entirely of limestone rocks, is replete with caves.

A tiny and virtually uninhabited volcanic rock known as Redonda, located 56 km southwest of Barbuda. The island is practically not visited by tourists, only yachtsmen are frequent guests of these waters. Currently, Redonda is home to a natural park.

Spanish Port, surrounded by coral reefs, in the extreme southeast of the island, most likely named after the accident of the Spanish merchant ship Santiago de Cullerin, archaeologists believe was the main area of ​​settlement of the Arawaks five hundred years BC.

Dickenson Bay in the north west coast The island of Antigua is especially attractive for tourists coming with children. Thanks to clear waters and a wide beach area with soft and delicate sand. Although, of course, while beaches throughout the island tend to be relatively quiet, this is not typical for the Dickenson Bay area. Large resort hotels, located in Dickenson Bay - Antigua Village, Healthy Cove (with Vorey Pier), Siboney Resort. The coastline is lined with restaurants, beach bars, concessions aquatic species sports Not far from the coast there are several uninhabited islands and an extensive coral reef.

English Harbor, a village located in the south of the island whose name comes from the nearby harbor, is a center for water tourism, especially yachting and rowing. English Harbour, located nearby (on the eastern shore), and Falmouth Harbor on the northern shore of the island are two natural sheltered harbors for long-distance ships.

Nelson's Dockyard Museum, housed in a building built in 1855, offers a remarkable journey into the era of privateers, pirates, and majestic battles at sea. The museum's collections are constantly updated with exhibits thanks to archaeological and historical research in Antigua. The park itself has excellent sandy beaches, lush tropical vegetation, mangrove forests with a migrating colony of Egyptian heron, and many cactus species. The best tourist route that starts at the Galleon Beach Hotel is from English Harbor to Shirley Heights. Reaching a height of 150 meters, travelers will be rewarded with amazing panoramic views.

Cuisine of Antigua and Barbuda

The indigenous cooking traditions of Antigua and Barbuda are based on the use of products and cooking methods typical of the Caribbean.

Among plant products, sweet potatoes and corn play a huge role in Antiguan cuisine; rice is slightly less popular. Fruits grow in a wide variety, but the most commonly used are coconuts and bananas, as well as the exotic tamarind or Indian date - a tropical plant of the legume family, the pulp of which is used in sauces, savory dishes, desserts and snacks.

An important place in the diet is occupied by fish and seafood: flying fish, berix, red snapper, delicious lobsters and shrimp. They are fried in coals, stewed and baked. Salted dried fish is very popular.

Meat dishes are represented by all kinds of meat, but the most used are lamb and poultry. Due to its high cost, beef is cooked much less frequently.

Traditional local breakfast includes salted fish, eggplants known as Troba, eggs and lettuce. For lunch, they prefer starchy dishes - rice or pasta, as well as fresh vegetables or salads from them. For lunch, a main course of meat or fish is served with side dishes such as pasta casserole, baked sweet potatoes, or fried bananas. For dessert, people most often eat ice cream, jelly, cake or pie filled with apples, pineapples or mangoes.

Funji- a dish made from corn flour, reminiscent of Italian polenta. It is a thick porridge that is sometimes boiled with okra and served with fried flying fish or stew.

Dukan- dumplings made from grated sweet potatoes, sugar, flour, coconut, vanilla and nutmeg. They are cooked wrapped in foil or banana leaves. Serve with salted Bakala cod or with Chop-Do - a mixture of spinach, eggplant and okra. Can also be eaten cold or cut into thin slices and lightly fried.

Peanut roast- a popular dessert in Antigua. To prepare it, sugar syrup is boiled until caramelized, then peanuts, spices, and baking powder are added and poured onto a flat granite or marble surface for cooling. The cooled grillage is broken with a wooden hammer.

The most popular local soft drinks are Maubi (from the bark of the Colubrina tree), Simoss (a drink made from red algae, milk and cinnamon, considered an aphrodisiac), tamarind, hibiscus, raspberry, mango, passion fruit, guava, soursop, and ginger beer juices.

Alcoholic beverages are produced on the islands High Quality: Beer, whiskey and rum, including the famous Wadadli beer, named after the ancient name of the island, and English Harbor rum.

Antigua and Barbuda on the map

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There is a place on Earth where there are beaches with white sand, the clearest azure waters of the Caribbean Sea splash, the breeze plays with palm branches and the islanders smile good-naturedly. There is almost always excellent weather, developed infrastructure, plenty of recreational opportunities for every taste and such alluring, such attractive exoticism. This is what Antigua and Barbuda is like. Where is this small state, like heaven? How and what do people live there? What impressions does this paradise leave on tourists?

Geographical position

A state with an unusual and slightly exotic name Antigua and Barbuda on the map can be found in the northeastern region of the Caribbean Sea, where the Lesser Antilles group of islands is located, just 480 kilometers from Puerto Rico. Geographically, it occupies three islands - the largest Antigua, slightly smaller Barbuda and the very tiny, plus completely deserted, island of Redonda. You can get there by water and by air. Antigua has both marinas and international Airport. Barbuda also has a small airport and marina for connections with its neighbor Antigua. You can fly from island to island by plane in 20 minutes. The journey by ferry takes one and a half hours. Flight times from the mainland to Antigua vary depending on your departure point. From Moscow it takes almost 16 hours to get there. Please remember that the islands are in a different time zone. Local time differs from Moscow by 8 hours.

History of the state

The indigenous people of Antigua and Barbuda call their country Wadadli, which translates to “our property.” The name is associated with historical events that took place here over more than 5 centuries. Since the 2nd century BC, the Sibonean Indians lived on these islands, mainly engaged in fishing and hunting. Later, the Arawaks, who specialized in agriculture, moved here from the continent. In the 13th century, both were supplanted by the Caribs, a brave and warlike people. In 1493, during another expedition, he came across this heavenly corner of the globe. He named the larger island Antigua in honor of Saint Mary, the patron saint of Seville. The little one was named Redonda, which means round. The middle island received the name Barbuda, that is, beard. Discovered by Columbus the lands became In 1632, the Spaniards were pushed back by the British. On the conquered lands, they organized farms for growing tobacco and coconuts. The black slaves they brought worked on the plantations. Slavery on the islands lasted 200 years and 2 years. The country fought for its independence for a long time and finally, in 1981, achieved it.

Flag of Antigua and Barbuda

The deer was chosen as the country's animal symbol, and national symbols are the coat of arms, anthem and flag. Antigua and Barbuda has a flag unlike any other in the world. It is a rectangular panel depicting the rising sun, symbolizing the beginning of a new free life, as well as the sand of the beaches - the national heritage of the country. The black background is the skin color of the indigenous population, because it is mainly represented by the descendants of former slaves. The blue and white stripes are the waves of the sea and are also the colors of hope and purity. The red color on the flag signifies the energy of the people, and the V-shape of the design symbolizes victory.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of the country of Antigua and Barbuda was created in 1966 by Gordon Christopher. His drawing is very complex, but numerous details provide almost complete information about this state. The picture of the coat of arms is a shield supported by two deer - animal symbols. At the top of the shield there is a pineapple and some types of plants that predominate on the islands. On the shield are the same as on the flag, the sun shining on a black background and the white and blue stripes of the sea. At the bottom of the shield is a sugar factory. All this is crowned with a ribbon with the inscription “Through the efforts of everyone, the common goal is accomplished.” This is the country's motto. This is such a wonderful coat of arms.


The state of Antigua and Barbuda, whose capital is St. John's, is very small in population. There are just under 87 thousand people here, with 31 thousand of them concentrated in the capital. It is located on the island of Antigua. There is an international airport at a distance of almost 8 km from the city, but, unfortunately, there is no connection with Russia. Russian tourists can get to the island from America, Canada, Germany and England. You can only get to the city by taxi or by renting a car here at the airport. All you need is rights and money. But you can travel around the city by bus. They ply almost the entire territory of the island, except for its northern part and Dickenson Bay. Tickets are very inexpensive, although on weekends the number of buses is sharply reduced.

The city has a well-developed tourism business, many hotels have been built, there are wonderful beaches, shops, restaurants, nightclubs and casinos.


Antigua is the country's largest island. Its area is 281 square km. The climate of the island is very favorable. The temperature in winter does not fall below +25 degrees, and in summer it is between 30-33 degrees. It rains only from September to November. They are usually very powerful, but short-lived. Sometimes the island experiences strong hurricanes. The relief of Antigua is flat. Only in the southwest are there hills, the highest of which is Boggy Hill, recently renamed Obama Hill. Its height is 402 meters. The forests and wildlife are poorly preserved, but there are many exotic birds here, and the coastal waters abound with amazingly beautiful marine life.

Barbuda is 48 kilometers away. This island is so flat that even with small waves it is difficult to see from a mile away. Its area is only 161 square km, and the only town - Codrington - looks like a village. Less than one and a half thousand people live on the island, there are almost no asphalt roads, but the beaches are as good as those on Antigua, only more deserted. The nature on this island is much better preserved. There are several caves worth visiting here. Schools of frigates are also of interest.

Antigua and Barbuda - the photo demonstrates this perfectly - is composed mainly of coral reefs, forming multiple amazingly beautiful bays and lagoons. The disadvantage of these places is the lack fresh water. It is taken from wells or sea water is desalinated.

Redonta is a small volcanic islet 40 km from the central island of Antigua. Its area is about 1.6 square km. There are no people here, only animals and birds, which is especially appreciated by lovers of nature and secluded recreation.


Antigua and Barbuda strives to become world class in the quality of health care and education. There are medical schools in the country, where qualified medical personnel are trained, and a medical university; construction of a modern hospital is underway, which will be equipped with modern instruments and equipment. Currently, there are 10 excellent hospitals on the islands, where they can provide almost any medical service. For the convenience of tourists, hotels employ doctors who speak English. However, it is highly undesirable to get sick while on vacation in this country, since many medical institutions require a contribution of $4,000 before providing treatment.


Antigua and Barbuda has its own currency - East Caribbean dollars, issued by the Eastern Caribbean Bank. Banknotes exist in denominations from 1 to 100 dollars. All banknotes feature the Queen of Great Britain. 1 dollar equals 100 cents. Antigua and Barbuda coins are minted from aluminum and copper-nickel alloys. They differ in diameter and weight. On one side of the coins the denomination is indicated, and on the other there is an image of Queen Elizabeth II or a sailing ship

In addition to the national currency, you can pay in the country with credit cards and American dollars, the import of which is allowed in unlimited quantities. Change is always given in local currency.

According to the unwritten law, when paying for the services of a porter, taxi driver, maids and waiters, you are supposed to leave a tip, so some change in your pocket can always come in handy.

As part of the investment program, the laws of Antigua and Barbuda allow it to be issued to everyone who can make investments in the country’s economy under one of the three provided programs.

  1. Investments are made in the amount of 400 thousand US dollars.
  2. A charitable amount of at least 200 thousand US dollars is contributed to the state economic fund.
  3. An amount of one and a half million US dollars is contributed to one’s own or to any existing business in the country at this stage.

In addition, those wishing to become citizens of Antigua and Barbuda are required to pay a special fee for each adult family member and each child over 18 years of age for 50 thousand dollars, and for children under 18 years of age for 25 thousand.

The second fee is called the Due Diligence Fee. It provides for different amounts, depending on age and status in the family.

Citizenship gives you the right to enter many countries without a visa.

Holidays and festivals

Antigua and Barbuda are very fond of cricket. It even hosted 8 matches during the World Championship in this sport. The islanders are also big fans of football, diving, surfing and sailing. Almost every month there is some kind of sports tournament or holiday in the country. In January, the Grand Regatta and volleyball and cricket tournaments start, in February the second regatta and dog and horse shows, in March Easter celebrations, in April the traditional Yacht Week, a boating tournament, in May fishing and tennis competitions, in June badminton competitions and bodybuilding. But the most significant and vibrant is the carnival dedicated to the independence of the country of Antigua and Barbuda. The capital blooms with hundreds of colors during Carnival week. There are various musical performances, a masquerade, a fair, and at the end the selection of the queen.

Hotel business

Tourism is the main source of income in Antigua and Barbuda. Therefore, everything that concerns tourism business, quite well developed. Antigua and Barbuda offers its guests a variety of modern hotels, designed for different budgets and operating according to the BB system, 365 delightful beaches with the purest white sand and clear water, a lot of excursions, amazing cuisine, the fun and excitement of discos and the romance of remote quiet corners. Reviews from tourists overwhelmingly confirm high level service at relatively low prices. Those who have ever visited Antigua or Barbuda forever leave in their hearts memories of this wonderful country and a delightful vacation.

Sights and excursions

Every country has its own attractions. Antigua and Barbuda boasts St John's Cathedral and English Harbor, which has the largest number of historical monuments in the country. The main one is Nelson's Dockyard, associated with the name of the famous Nelson. Now it's set up there National Park. The Clarence House mansion and the old cemetery are of interest. The Dawes Hill Center is popular with tourists and hosts theatrical performances. Another attraction is Fort Berkeley, which once protected the entrance to the harbor and was subsequently destroyed. It is currently being restored. In Barbuda, in addition to natural beauty, you can admire the Martello Tower, considered the country's historical value, and the remains of the once large Willie Bob estate. The caves of the island with huge petroglyphs of ancient Indians are preserved in the Indian Cave. And in Derby Cave there is a huge underground lake.

Tourists will not be bored. They are offered safaris to the far corners of the islands, swimming with dolphins in Marina Bay, sailing on a catamaran, flying over active volcano by helicopter, cruise on a real pirate ship with a stop in a quiet, remote bay and much more.

Antigua and Barbuda is considered a relatively prosperous country in terms of crime. However, pickpocketing still happens here. Therefore, in places with large crowds of people you need to be careful. It is also not recommended to walk alone in remote corners of the islands and at night.

No visa is required to enter the country, and a tax of 20 US dollars is paid upon departure.

The islands have a huge number of beaches. There are special places for nudists. It is possible, but not accepted, to be topless on public beaches. And in the city and even in some hotels, wearing swimsuits is not welcome. In public places, it is advisable for women to wear dresses, and for men to wear trousers and shirts.

You can photograph indigenous people, but only if they agree to it.

Everything can be imported into the country except drugs and weapons, and items of national interest are prohibited from being exported.

Top 5 best beaches in Antigua and Barbuda

1. Diana beach & Coco Point - the best beach on the island of Barbuda, as well as in the entire Caribbean. Endless White sand and coconut palms are the perfect recipe for a tropical retreat. It is customary to highlight the Coco Point cape, which ends in an excellent sandbank.

2. Jolly - the best beach on the island of Antigua in the Caribbean. Perhaps this is not the most beautiful beach on the island, but the most soulful.

3. Curtain Bluff - the best hotel beach on the island of Antigua. There is a surfer's beach facing the open sea, and a closed part of the beach located in the harbor. In both places there is a classic tropical landscape with palm trees, white sand and clear water.

4. Lighthouse bay - the beach of the luxury hotel of the same name on the island of Barbuda. It is part of the huge 17 Mile beach.

5. Mamora Bay - another luxurious hotel beach on the island of Antigua. In fact, these are two beaches. The first one is located in a bay and is well protected from waves and wind. The second one looks out over the open ocean.

Antigua and Barbuda is a complete snow-white beaches with turquoise water of the Caribbean Sea and 365 sunny days per year. This paradise place annually attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world who want to enjoy the picturesque seascapes or the beauty of the coral reefs.

Lovers active rest will be able to have a blast at endless parties and discos, dive underwater with scuba diving and see the beautiful undersea world, feel yourself Robinson Crusoe on a desert island or conquer the sea on a luxury yacht. There is everything that anyone needs here, regardless of age and status.

Antigua and Barbuda on the map

The exotic state of Antigua and Barbuda is located in Northern on the islands of the same name in the Caribbean Sea and is part of the Lesser Antilles.

Geographical data

This state is washed Caribbean Sea in the west and Atlantic Ocean in the east and north. It has no natural borders with other countries. To the south of Antigua and Barbuda is Guadeloupe (an overseas territory), to the southwest is Montserrat (a British overseas territory), to the west are St. Kitts and Nevis (also Great Britain) and the Dutch Antilles.

Most of the country's territory is located on the two largest islands of Antigua and Barbuda, the distance between which is 48 km.

It also includes several small uninhabited islands. The basis of the landscape is made up of lowlands. Highest point countries - boggy hill(altitude 402 m) in the center of the island. Antigua, where the country's capital and largest city is located, St. John's.


The islands are in power tropical climate with almost constant temperatures throughout the year. The average temperature in January is +28°C, in July +31°C. The driest period lasts from to April, the wettest from September to November. Although there is little precipitation even at the rainiest time.

The islands are constantly dominated by easterly winds from the Atlantic, which reduces the heat of the tropics and brings freshness. Exactly wind period(September-) and light rains are considered the most favorable for relaxation.

The islands are often subject to severe hurricane wind, capable of causing serious damage to agriculture and maritime vessels.


To enter the country you must have with you:

  1. international passport, which is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the host country;
  2. Return ticket;
  3. Hotel voucher;

To get to Antigua and Barbuda no visa required. But the period of stay in the country is limited to 30 days.

If you need to stay longer, then in this case visa is issued.

How to get there from Moscow?

There are two ways to get from Moscow to Antigua and Barbuda:

  • British Airways flights with transfer in London;
  • Direct flights airline Lufthansa-Condor via Frankfurt.

International Antigua Airport VC Bird is located 6 km east of the capital of St. John's, with daily 20-minute flights to Codrington Airport on the island of Barbuda.

There are no buses from the airport, you can only get to the hotel by taxi. Some hotels provide free shuttle service.

You can find a suitable flight using the ticket search form. Specify departure cities And arrival, date And number of passengers.

General information

The capital of the country is St. John's on the island of Antigua. It is the largest city and port in the country, as well as an economic and cultural center. The population is about 31,000 people. The capital is home to all the main municipal buildings, many colonial-era landmarks and beautiful sandy beaches.


The main islands of the country. Antigua and about. Barbuda were open Christopher Columbus during his second voyage in 1493. At that time, the Caribs lived here, who were soon completely exterminated by the Europeans.

In 1632 the islands became part of Great Britain as overseas territories. Soon the first trading posts were founded here and sugar cane plantations appeared.

To work on the plantations, slaves from Africa began to be imported into the colony, who formed the basis of the population.

In 1958, Antigua and Barbuda became part of West Indies Federation, separated from . In 1962 the federation dissolved and from 1967 the state was again part of Great Britain as an associate member with broad autonomy.

Since 1981 Antigua and Barbuda declares independence However, to this day it is under great influence from the British Crown, which appoints its governor. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy.

Political system

Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the British Commonwealth. The functions of the head of the country are performed by British monarch, currently Elizabeth II, whose representative is an appointed governor-general.

The state is divided into 6 counties(Antigua Island) and 2 dependent territories(Redonda and Barbuda).

The total population is approx. 90 thousand people. Most of them are descendants of African slaves or Europeans mixed with them (Antilleans). Official language- English or Creole (a mixture of English and other languages).

The majority of the population professes Christianity, of all possible forms, the largest share of which (25%) belongs to the Anglican Church. Although, at the official level, not a single religion is enshrined as a state religion.

The state currency is East Caribbean dollar(equal to 100 cents).

The coat of arms consists of a shield and a pair of deer, which symbolize the wild nature of the islands. At the top are: pineapple, sugar cane, hibiscus and yucca, which are found in abundance on the islands.

On the shield you can see Sunrise over the blue sea illuminating the sugar factory with its rays. The sun is on a black background, which symbolizes the black skin color of Africans who came from overseas.


There are few attractions in the country and all of them are mainly associated with the capital, St. John's. Here you can see:

Apart from the capital, there is no major cities. The rest of the population is evenly distributed along the coast of the islands in small villages and towns built in a beautiful Caribbean style, which reeks of exoticism and heavenly life.

There are many picturesque bays, and the waters near the island of Barbuda are truly teeming with a variety of marine flora and fauna, which is a valuable find for diving enthusiasts.

Holidays in Antigua and Barbuda

The economy of Antigua and Barbuda is one of the most prosperous in the region thanks to tourism and gambling. The islands have about 300 well-maintained sandy beaches with many resorts and hotels of different levels.

Moreover, all this concerns mainly Antigua Islands: in the northern part, life does not calm down for a minute, even at night, and in the southern part there is peace and quiet.

This flavor was created purposefully so that everyone could find a resort to their liking, both young people thirsting for “drive” and married couples seeking solitude.

Barbuda Island usually deserted, although there are also resorts there, but they are not intended for beach holiday, but rather for nature lovers, thanks to coral reefs and a huge number of species of fish and other sea ​​creatures.

Major resorts

Local beaches are absolutely safe. There are no sharks or other predators here, as the islands are isolated by coral reefs.