Phan rang Vietnam description. Phan Rang city: what to do there? The road from Nha Trang to Phan Rang on the map of Vietnam

One day we decided to go for a weekend to the resort town of Phan Rang, 100 km from, approximately halfway between Nha Trang and Vietnam, the second favorite among Russians. Since the distance is quite short and the road passes mainly along the coast, a general decision was made to go there by bike, especially since there were several interesting places along the way that we planned to visit.

Our path ran through Cam Ranh, where we stopped at the local landmark Shell Temple (Chua Tu Van) and made a short detour to visit the beautiful and little-known Pearl Beach (read about these attractions here).

The city has a double name: Phan Rang Thapcham: the second part pays tribute to the local indigenous people - the Cham. The city was once one of the main cities in the ancient kingdom of Champa.

By modern standards, the town is very small and so calm that we felt bored already on the second day. It’s a good place to spend a week in a good resort on the coast, tired of the bustle of the city. But if you want not only a beach holiday, but also all kinds of entertainment, then there is nothing to do in Phan Rang.

Outskirts of Phan Rang: view from the Cham Towers

Beach in Phan Rang

Phan Rang main beach Ning Chu stretches along the entire coast. The beach itself is not bad, but there is no infrastructure on it. No sunbeds, no umbrellas, no cafes on the shore, practically no people. There are only a few equipped sites belonging to a few expensive hotels. The rest of the beach is deserted.

There is another one 30 km from Phan Rang Canna beach, which is famous for its good conditions for snorkeling (swimming with a mask), but we decided not to go there due to time constraints.

Sights of Phan Rang

Not far from the same beach there is Vinh Hao hot mineral springs, but we, spoiled by the mud baths of Nha Trang and, did not even want to go there.

Apart from the hot mineral springs, there are practically no attractions in Phan Rang. The city is famous only for its Cham Towers (remains of the ancient Cham civilization are located in several places near the city) and the craft village of Bau Chuk, where you can see how all kinds of products are sculpted from clay.

A map of all the attractions of Phan Rang, hanging at the entrance to the Cham Tower of Po Klon Garay

Having been impressed, we decided to visit the Cham towers Po Klong Garai Cham Tower in Phan Rang, located 8 km from the city.

It's beautiful here, the towers are impressive. But it still seems that they are larger and more interesting.

A long staircase leads up to the hill with the Cham towers

Sit on the steps of history

There is also a small museum of Cham culture: Other Phan Rang Cham Tower Po Ro Me Cham Tower is located 24 km from the city at the entrance to the city. Unlike the first complex, this is a single tower.

On the outskirts of Phan Rang (towards Nha Trang) there is a beautiful Buddhist pagoda on the mountain (on the map it is marked as Miếu Khánh Sơn). It is not considered one of the attractions of Phan Rang; we did not find any mention of it on the Internet, but I would recommend visiting this soulful temple.

It is very calm, peaceful and non-touristy here. You can see the life of the monks who live, work and pray here. The life of a monk is not only prayer; for example, in this temple they themselves cut bricks for buildings and pave paths from huge stone blocks:

Miếu Khánh Sơn Temple on the map:

You can easily spot this place by the large white Buddha statue on the mountain:

Beautiful view from the other side of the mountain:

What else to see in Phan Rang

We walked around the city and along the embankment for a bit. There's not much to see, but we found it abandoned resort Hoan Cau where it was interesting to walk:

Until recently, this hotel received visitors and was famous: in guidebooks we found recommendations for visiting this place with children - there was a beautiful park with cartoon characters. Today the hotel is closed, the heroes remain, but they look sad.

The only thing open in this once luxurious hotel is a cafe-buffet, where the security guard invites everyone passing by.

If we talk about cafes in Phan Rang, we really liked the small local seafood cafes right on the beach. Prices here are low, and it’s very pleasant to sit on the shore in the evening listening to the sound of the surf!

All attractions of Phan Rang on the map:

Phan Rang Hotels (Vietnam)

There are very few hotels in Phan Rang. If you want to spend your holiday in peace and serenity, you can choose one of the resorts on the seashore:

We chose a more budget option and did not live in the city itself, but 6 km from it, in Minh Duc Guest House - Ninh Chu Beach in a room costing $16 per night.

The hotel turned out to be a good family guesthouse, the owners were nice and pleasant people. This is a very quiet place, but we really liked the large number of beach cafes with seafood within minutes.

The crab that recently ran along this very beach

A standard dinner for a Vietnamese fisherman near the place of his catch

Also not far from this hotel there were several other cafes, in which we even found.

Perhaps in the future Phan Rang will become a popular resort. But while walking along the embankment, we got the strong impression that Phan Rang is a ghost town, there are so few people here now.

How to get to Phan Rang

We were traveling from Nha Trang on a bike, and with a child. We stopped and rested several times. The road left quite a pleasant impression, so we confidently recommend this method of transportation.

You can also take a bus from Nha Trang to Phanh Thiet. Ticket price is 100 thousand dong ($4.5).

Road from Nha Trang to Phan Rang on the map of Vietnam:

The Vietnamese city of Phan Rang opens up before us as a modest place. This is not a popular resort among tourists, which will attract singles or couples who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life. The golden sands of Ninh Chu beach will welcome the travel-weary tourist into their arms.

Phan Rang Thap Cham Resort

Two cities that make up a single resort and complement each other. The entire infrastructure is located in Phan Rang, there are hotels for tourists, and you can shop in markets and shops. Completely removed from the modern world, Thap Cham serves as an interesting place for sightseeing trips.

Healing Phan Rang

The tour to this town in Vietnam is distinguished by its special service provided. Here your body will rejuvenate and be filled with health for the whole year. This area is known for its abundance of hot springs, three of which are considered the most important. Near Cana Beach, Vinh Hoa hot springs emerge from the ground. In 1923, it was discovered by a Frenchman. Another one is located on Mount Hon Ba. The third can be found on the way from Phan Rang to Dalat. This hot mineral water spring is called Tan Son. It will be useful for people with skin diseases, joint pain and in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Attractions and entertainment

Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased with the excellent bite here. The abundance of diverse underwater world will bring the excitement of fishing. And joyful emotions will be brought by diving into the transparent blue waters through diving and kiting. Just like in other beach resorts in Vietnam, you will be rented equipment for windsurfing or offered to go on a water excursion.
On the hill next to Phan Rang are the Cham Towers - this is the main attraction and historical heritage of the local residents who were here before the Vietnamese. And it consists of several complexes.

If you are interested in the health and relaxation side of Vietnam in the form of the city of Phan Rang, then do not miss the last minute tour at a low price on this site.

Phan Rang is not as primitive as it might seem to a tourist arriving at the resort, who may even be offered a tourist card. It is not currently in stores.(???) There are resorts along the beach stretching for several kilometers, and across the road there are quite a few good hotels at a price of 15-18 dollars (if with breakfast). After a detailed inspection of the resorts, I was convinced that the best territory is 8 gk, the best balance in the restaurant price-quality, the best pool and bungalows on the first line are still at the LONG resort THUAN ***. The resort has many useful things, such as a hairdryer, in addition to bicycles. Is it really a waste of money? I took the Menu from the restaurant to the room and will translate it into Russian and leave it for future guests. By the way, the sea is clean, the beach is cleaned and no foreign objects are visible. For those who like to explore on their own, there is a place where there simply must be a secret - a riddle, and this feeling creeps into forcing your soul to rummage around the buildings surrounding the courtyard in search of a face watching you from behind a translucent curtain. Of course - this is a maid of a wealthy French official, looking at a rare visitor who accidentally appeared in her field of vision.

And there was also this

Phan Rang is not at all popular among foreigners, compared to another resort in Vietnam, Nha Trang. There are not many hotels and restaurants, no shopping centers and only a couple of travel agencies. At the same time, the plague called “fooling tourists” has not yet come to the city; bags are not snatched on the streets and things are not stolen on the beach.

The last time we were in Phan Rang was a long time ago and we had no intention of writing new posts about this resort in Vietnam. But there are still no adequate reviews about Phan Rang on the Internet, so having looked up the archives and asked our blog readers who had recently been to this town, we wrote an essay about the city, focusing on the beach, because the beach is one of the most important components of a vacation.

Phan Rang Map (Vietnam)

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How to get to Phan Rang

  1. Then by train, bus, plane or rented motorbike.
  • Train Ho Chi Minh City - Phan Rang (journey takes 7 hours, there are night trains);
  • , then bus Nha Trang-Phan Rang;
  • Bus Ho Chi Minh City - Nha Trang, then bus Nha Trang - Phan Rang.

How to get to the beach

If you looked at the map at the beginning of the post, you noticed that many of the objects we marked are quite far from the beach. And this is one of the disadvantages of holidaying in Phan Rang - the city is located 3.5 from the coastline. To get to the shore you need to either walk, rent a bike, take a taxi or ride with a motorbike.

  • Getting to the beach on foot is not difficult if you are not afraid of the scorching sun and heat of +25 +32. The sidewalks are good and wide. At times the sidewalks disappear, but it’s not difficult to walk along the roadway, the roads are half empty.
  • You can rent a bike for around 120,000 VND per day; a license is not required when renting. The police rarely stop.
  • You can also use a motorbike. A taxi almost always has a meter; with a motorbike rider you need to agree on the price in advance and always actively bargain.

There are only a few hotels, cafes and restaurants near the beach, and not the best. For example, a Russian restaurant with the proud name “Pushkin” is the height of bad taste. I don’t know how Pushkin’s barn with chairs and tables could be called, but the fact remains.

Most often, this place is visited by those who like to drink early in the morning (passing by, we more than once noticed glasses of vodka at 8 am on the tables of visitors) and women with children. Ordinary travelers eat in local cafes and restaurants that are not located near the beach, where the prices are more reasonable and, sorry, there are no drunks :)

There are several good hotels right on the beach that clean the shore adjacent to their territory. They usually clean once every 2-3 days. These sections of the beach are more or less clean, comfortable, there are sun loungers, umbrellas, and in some places even showers. Pleasant places to relax.

Phan Rang hotels such as Gold Rooster Resort, Aniise Villa Resort, Bau Truc Resort, etc. are located right on the beach.

Where there are no hotels, there is no cleanliness. Coconuts, sticks, leaves and other natural debris lie imposingly on the shore, no one removes them.

But it's not all that bad, actually. You can find good stretches of beach here, don't be discouraged. Phan Rang is a semi-wild resort in Vietnam, but our reviews about it are still more than positive, because we love unpromoted, cozy resorts that still have everything ahead, looking at which in 5 years you can say “But I remember how here instead of restaurant there was a mountain of coconuts lying around, but here, instead of tourist boats, broken fishing boats once moored.” Romance:)

Hotels, restaurants, cafes are being built. There is a park near the beach, but no one walks in it.

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