Airline "KD Avia. Airline "KD Avia" Airline "KD Avia"

Almost 7 years ago, the Kaliningrad airline KD avia closed down. As often happens, all the negativity, and there was quite a lot of it, is forgotten and what remains is a clean, bright picture-dream, which is simply pleasant to remember. I will share my experience of using the first and, so far, the last private Kaliningrad airline. I will also add that Kaliningrad is a special place for Russian aviation - it was in Koenigsberg, at the Devau airfield, that the first flight of Aeroflot (then Dobrolet) arrived from Moscow in 1922 with refueling in Riga.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, I made more than 60 flights to most KD aviation destinations. That is, just when the Boeing 737-300, stylized as a killer whale, appeared. There can be a lot of discussion, but at that time the liveries of most Russian airlines resembled “Belarusian European-quality renovation,” while the board of the Kaliningrad airline at Domodedovo could accept a “foreigner.” Watching his appearance, I was filled with pride for our airline - our old killer whales looked so much more profitable than others.

Despite the fact that all the Boeings were over 20 years old, the interior was new, and the distances between the seats in width and for the legs were significantly greater than today in Aeroflot A 320. Flight attendants and stewards of KD Air are a separate matter. Starting from the fact that next to them, colleagues from Aeroflot looked like collective farmers and ending with the famous headdress of the flight attendants, which, in my opinion, is an example of the elegance and style of flight attendants. The staff was well-trained, courteous and absolutely customer-oriented, as was the whole company. Not once did I hear anyone being shouted at or snapped at, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon today on flights of the country's largest airlines. The pilots, for the most part, were graduates of a flight school in Belarus.

In fact, the flight map created, not without some rough edges, allowed Kaliningrad residents to visit London, Paris, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​Tel Aviv, Dusseldorf, Munich, Astana, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Ufa without transfers, and residents of the listed Russian cities, with a connection in Kaliningrad, flying to European capitals is almost two times cheaper than with a transfer in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Traditional flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg from Kaliningrad were carried out at a very convenient time and allowed the business part of the passenger to organize a so-called “Working Day” in St. Petersburg or Moscow, since the departure from Kaliningrad was at 6.00, which means at 9.30-10.00 in the morning you could be in the center of the main cities of our country. The flight back was, if I’m not mistaken, at 23.40, which made it possible to stay late at any meetings and conferences without the danger of being late home.

The feeling of complete transport freedom, affordable prices, and constant promotions (when I launched a flight from Munich, I bought a round-trip ticket for 2,500 rubles) made the famous jokes about “grab your passport in the morning” or “fly to London for dinner” a reality. At the same time, KD Air did its main business on transit passengers. Until 12 am, all Boeings flew to Kaliningrad from Russian cities and at lunchtime flew to Gatwick, Charles de Gaulle, Fiumicino, Tegel, Girona, etc., returning in the evening and late at night back by Russian routes. cities.

To be continued...

Main destinations

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Berlin, Kyiv, Rome, London, Paris, Astana

Fleet size Number of destinations Headquarters Supervisor

Gennady Boldyrev



KD Avia airline was created on September 6, 2002.

Since June 15, 2007, the airline has tripled the number of daily flights, starting to operate flights to more than 20 Western European and Russian cities. The first stage of the new airport complex was put into operation, including a transit passenger terminal serving both domestic and international flights.

At the end of November 2008, at a meeting in the government of the Kaliningrad region, a decision was made to divide KD Avia JSC into two independent legal entities: the airport and the airline “with subsequent separate financing.”


Passengers who had tickets for KD Avia flights at the time of bankruptcy were transported by Aeroflot, UTair, Transaero, and Sibir airlines. The costs of transporting these passengers were subsequently reimbursed to these airlines from the federal budget in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2009 No. 1177. KD Avia ground equipment was partially put up for sale.

Owners and management

In 2009, the main shareholder of KD Avia OJSC was the chairman of the board of directors of the company, Sergei Grishchenko - the shares belonged to several legal entities affiliated with him. 9.1% of the shares belonged to the Kaliningrad Region Property Fund. However, in fact, operational and financial control over the company's activities was carried out by OJSC Bank St. Petersburg, whose shares are pledged as collateral for loans.

Since December 2008, the General Director of KD Avia has been Gennady Boldyrev.


Boeing 737-300 "KD Avia" (tail number EI-DJK)

KD Avia began by operating ten Tu-134A and two Tu-154M aircraft, which it inherited from the bankrupt State Unitary Enterprise Kaliningradavia. Then the carrier began to take operating leases of Boeing 737s, since half of the TUs were almost exhausted. On June 19, 2005, KD Avia completely abandoned Soviet aircraft (then the last Tu-134 A, owned by KD Avia, made its farewell flight).

As of August 2008, the KD Avia aircraft fleet consisted of 17 Boeing 737-300 aircraft of the same type. As of August 2009, the flying fleet consisted of 13 Boeing 737-300 aircraft of the same type, four of which are equipped with a business class cabin. Another 3 aircraft are in storage. Each aircraft was given its own name.

The average age of aircraft in the company's fleet is 22 years. The oldest aircraft is 23 years old.

KD Avia had plans to expand its fleet. At the end of May 2008, the company ordered 25 new Airbus 319 aircraft for $1.7 billion. According to an Airbus representative, the contract provided for the start of deliveries of aircraft in 2014 or 2013.


Based on the expert opinion of the business community of the Kaliningrad region, KD Avia airline was recognized as the winner of the PROFI-Itogi 2007 project in two categories: “Project of the Year” (for the creation of an international air transport system based on the Khrabrovo airport) and “Brand of the Year” .

At the end of 2007, KD Avia airline became a laureate of the “Public Recognition” award and entered the top five best companies in the Kaliningrad region.

The number of passengers transported in 2008 was 1.36 million people. Passenger turnover in 2008 amounted to 2.271 billion passenger-kilometers.

Aircraft accidents

On October 1, 2008, an EI-DON Boeing 737-300 aircraft made an emergency landing at Kaliningrad airport. The landing was carried out “on the belly”, with the landing gear retracted; There were no casualties or destruction, the plane was damaged.


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    AVIA (group)- AVIA Years 1986 to this day Country ... Wikipedia

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    air- aviation The first part of compound words, a) adding meaning to the word. conveys the meaning of sl. Aviation) aviation gasoline, aircraft engine..; b) with the meaning: associated with movement by air (airborne troops, air mail... c) with the meaning: carried out in ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    air- (new). Abbreviation, used. in new complex words in meaning. aviation, for example air base, air park, air warehouse (aircraft supply warehouse), aerial photography, aerial reconnaissance, etc. Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    AVIA:- AVIA: AVIA... The first part of complex words with meaning. relating to aviation, aviation, e.g. air base, air bomb, airborne assault force, aircraft designer, aircraft technician, air transport, air communications, airline, aerial photography, air unit, air route, aircraft instruments,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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KD Avia airline was created on September 6, 2002. Since June 15, 2007, the airline has tripled the number of daily flights, starting to operate flights to more than 20 Western European and Russian cities. The first stage of the new airport complex was put into operation, including a transit passenger terminal serving both domestic and international flights.

On November 27, 2007, a new terminal for domestic airlines (DAL) was opened at the Kaliningrad Khrabrovo airport. The facility was built as part of a large-scale reconstruction program of the transit terminal of the Khrabrovo international airport.

At the end of November 2008, at a meeting in the Government of the Kaliningrad Region, a decision was made to divide KD Avia JSC into two independent legal entities: the airport and the airline “with subsequent separate financing.”

On September 1, 2009, the company stopped selling tickets for all flights due to the threat of stopping operations due to high debt, which at that time amounted to more than 14 billion rubles.

KD Avia began by operating ten Tu-134A and two Tu-154M aircraft, which it inherited from the bankrupt State Unitary Enterprise Kaliningradavia. Then the carrier began to take operating leases of Boeing 737s, since half of the TUs were almost exhausted. On June 19, 2005, KD Avia completely abandoned Soviet aircraft (then the last Tu-134A, owned by KD Avia, made its farewell flight).

As of August 2008, the KD Avia aircraft fleet consisted of 17 Boeing 737-300 aircraft of the same type. As of August 2009, the flying fleet consisted of 13 Boeing 737-300 aircraft of the same type, four of which are equipped with a business class cabin. Another 3 aircraft are in storage. Each aircraft was given its own name.

The average age of aircraft in the company's fleet is 22 years. The oldest aircraft is 23 years old.

KD Avia had plans to expand its fleet. At the end of May 2008, the company ordered 25 new Airbus 319 aircraft for $1.7 billion. According to an Airbus representative, the contract provided for the start of deliveries of the aircraft in 2014 or 2013.

One of the Tu-134A-3 aircraft previously operated by KD Avia (tail number RA-65011) on December 31, 1988 at Odessa airport set an unofficial “world record” for the landing speed of aircraft - 415 km/h, but despite this , remained in use for a long time.

Domestic flights:

Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk

Flights to CIS countries

Astana, Kyiv, Odessa

International flights:

Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Hanover, Dusseldorf, London, Milan, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome, Sofia, Tel Aviv

Contact details:

Address: 238315, Kaliningrad region, Guryevsky district, Khrabrovo Airport
Phone: +7 800 200 01 61
Fax: +7 4012 355 083

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    Indicate the route, travel date and number of passengers in the required fields. The system will select the option from the hundreds of airlines.

    From the list, select the flight that suits you.

    Enter your personal information - it is required to issue tickets. transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a bank card.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After paying on the website, a new entry will appear in the airline’s database - this is your electronic ticket.

    Now all information about the flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Modern air tickets are not issued in paper form.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but the itinerary receipt. It contains your e-ticket number and all the information about your flight. sends an itinerary receipt by email. We recommend to print it and take it with you to the airport.

    It can be useful at passport control abroad, although you will only need your passport to board the plane.

    How to return an e-ticket?

    Ticket refund rules are determined by the airline. Typically, the cheaper the ticket, the less money you can get back.

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    To do this, you need to respond to the letter that you will receive after ordering tickets on the website.

    Please indicate “Ticket Return” in the subject line and briefly describe your situation. Our specialists will contact you.

    The letter you receive after ordering will contain contacts of the partner agency through which the ticket was issued. You can contact him directly.

The airline "KD Avia" (until June 2005 - "Kaliningradavia") was formed in 2002 as a result of the bankruptcy and collapse of the state enterprise "Kaliningradavia".

On February 28, the company received an operator's certificate, after which regular flights began. The fleet inherited from the Kaliningradavia State Enterprise consisted of six Tu-134 and two Tu-154M aircraft.

In September 2009, due to financial problems, the airline stopped flying and bankruptcy proceedings were initiated.

The political situation around the Kaliningrad region in 2003 became significantly more complicated after the Lithuanian Republic abolished visa-free transit through its territory. As a result, the demand for air transport has increased sharply, and Kaliningradavia introduced 4 daily flights to Moscow. However, the insufficient capacity of the Tu-134 aircraft did not allow the airline to solve the problem completely.

This fact, among other significant reasons, became the basis for a grandiose enterprise transformation program. The shareholders of OJSC Kaliningradavia noted two main directions of development: the replacement of outdated aircraft with more spacious, economical and comfortable Boeing aircraft, as well as a large-scale reconstruction of the passenger terminal of the Kaliningrad Khrabrovo airport. The goal of the changes was to create a powerful air transport hub at the Kaliningrad airport, operating on the principle of a hub, offering passengers convenient air connections between major cities of Russia and Europe.

The implementation of the program began in 2004: construction of a new terminal began, the airline pilots underwent retraining and simulator training to fly a new type of aircraft at the Boeing facility in Denver, USA, and on February 12, 2005, the first Boeing 737 arrived at Khrabrovo airport. 300. This and subsequent new aircraft were purchased by the airline on lease.

The last domestic aircraft was taken out of service in June. At the same time, the airline received a new name - “KD avia”. KD is the airline code assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

At the end of 2005, the airline's fleet consisted of six Boeing 737-300 aircraft operating regular flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Berlin. In addition, KD Avia began to implement a charter program from Kaliningrad, Moscow and some Russian cities to Europe and the Middle East. The volume of traffic in each direction experienced intensive growth: the Transport Clearing House included KD Avia among the ten largest Russian airlines in terms of passenger traffic on international routes in January-February 2006.

In June 2006, the airline opened two new regular flights - to Kyiv and Sochi, which are in great demand among passengers. The aircraft fleet was replenished with the seventh Boeing 737-300.

In the summer of 2007, the first stage of the new passenger terminal was put into operation, and flights began according to the hub scheme. The geography of flights covered cities such as Samara, Kazan, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Omsk, Rostov, Tyumen, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astana, Yerevan, Baku, Kiev, as well as Paris, London, Rome, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Vienna, Warsaw, Prague, Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Berlin, Hanover, Munich.