Karelian rocks. Beautiful places in Karelia Rocks of Karelia

Greetings to all nature lovers and those who are in one way or another interested in beautiful Karelia and they want to visit here (after all, you do?)! 😀

I’m starting a series of articles dedicated to this beautiful land of rivers and lakes, and I’ll start with a selection of the very best places that, in my opinion, are worth visiting. I’ll make a reservation that this list was compiled based on the places I personally visited. I still have a list of places I want to go (after all, I haven’t seen everything in Karelia yet). But knowing them, I’m almost sure that the list presented in this article is unlikely to change. These places are cool and deserve your close attention!

I admit, it was very difficult for me to choose 10 places, and then also select photographs. But I did it! 🙂 The places on the list are not arranged according to any of my ratings, but simply randomly. But the first two are still the best for me.

I present them to your attention!


If you ask me which place in Karelia impressed me most, then without hesitation or hesitation I will answer - Paanajärvi! Yes, this amazing, fabulous and beautiful place has forever won a strong first place in my rating and, of course, in my heart.

Paanajärvi – national park, a conservation area in the north-west of Karelia. Here is the most high mountain, the most powerful waterfall, one of the deepest and most picturesque lakes in Karelia and the coolest landscapes! Indeed, everything here is the best.

I want to come back here. Very much. I highly recommend for nature lovers, especially northern and wild ones, to come to Paanajärvi!

I visited here this summer (summer 2018), I was so impressed that on my blog I now have as many as 4 detailed articles on each of the park’s attractions with all the details and my recommendations. There are several attractions in the park, and it is simply impossible to touch on each one in a couple of sentences. Therefore, I won’t write much here, but will give a link to the first of the articles in this series:. Links to the other three articles are at the end of the first.

I'll show you a few photos here.

Stunning view from Mount Kivakka.

This is the view from the highest mountain in Karelia - Nuorunen.

Kivakkakoski Waterfall is the largest unregulated flow in Karelia.

The picturesque Mäntykoski waterfall, which can only be reached via Lake Paanajärvi.

Nice paths in the middle of the forest. It is convenient to cross the swamps.


And this is perhaps the most mystical place in Karelia. Mystical, amazing and beautiful! I'm sure everyone has heard about Vottovaara at least once.

This is a mountain in the Muezersky region of western Karelia. What attracts people, ordinary tourists and even scientists here? First of all, these are numerous seids - sacred stones of the ancient Sami, according to one version. The second most unusual phenomenon is twisted dry trees. They are truly extremely amazing and amazing. At least for them it’s worth coming here.

There are rumors of strange phenomena occurring on the mountain. It supposedly has an effect on some people.

I was very impressed by the visit to the mountain. Of course, I didn’t notice any particular impact on my consciousness, unfortunately or fortunately, but I want to go back. Here you feel at least unusual. Not like any other place or mountain. Well, the views from it are incredibly beautiful!

Over time, the appearance of the mountain, as it is now, will change, so everyone should go there urgently! 😉

Unusual twisted trees are the highlight of the mountain.

Megaliths of glacial origin are impressive.

The views from the mountain are some of the most beautiful in Karelia!


Already very popular and famous place. Crowds of tourists from all over the country flock here. And for good reason – it is truly unique. Most often they begin their acquaintance with Karelia with him. Majestic marble rocks, turquoise water, the opportunity to take a boat ride through the marble canyon, visit its grottoes and see the magical illumination of the rocks, learn how marble was mined, fly on a zip line over the canyon or bungee jump, just walk around, enjoying the views, sometimes feeling in some fairy tale - you will get all this after visiting Ruskeala.

I've been here in winter, summer and autumn. You can read about winter Ruskeala at. Admire Ruskeala in autumn. And here I will attach summer and autumn pictures.

To this same point I will refer AKHVENKOSKI waterfalls(they are also called Ruskeala, because they are located very close to the canyon, on the way to it, so you won’t miss it). These waterfalls attract, firstly, with their beauty, and secondly, films were filmed here, for example, the Soviet “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Hanging bridges were recently built over the rapids and a route was laid out. There is a fee, but you can just look at the general view of the waterfalls for free. Waterfalls are traditionally visited by everyone who travels to the marble canyon. Convenient because it's on the way.

Coordinates mountain park Ruskeala: 61°54’5″N 30°37’53″E

Ahvenkoski waterfalls coordinates: 61°54’58″N 30°37’38″E

In the water you can see stone blocks that have fallen from above.
Dangerous areas are fenced off.

Magnificent and so different marble!

The boats are still in service.

Ahvenkoski waterfalls. Walk over the stormiest rapids.

The bridges over the waterfalls were made quite recently.


This is a high mountain Paasonvuori , which is located in the Sortavala region (immediately after Sortavala near the village of Helyulya), a place where ancient Karelians lived in the 12th-13th centuries, and maybe earlier. Excavations were carried out on the mountain and evidence of this was found: ceramic fragments, arrowheads, jewelry. Now we will no longer find any traces of former settlements, but the very awareness that we are in historical place, excites the imagination. This is usually what happens to me. 🙂 But it’s worth climbing the mountain primarily because of the beautiful views that open from it. On one side we see the highway, the lake, railway above the lake, the river going into the distance, and the village of Helyulya. If we look in the other direction, we will see views of majestic spruce forests. Below I will attach one of my favorite photographs that I took in Karelia. The sight of forests is endlessly inspiring!

A safe and at the same time picturesque path to the top goes around the rock on the right, if you stand with your back to the road, there was also a tiny bridge over a ditch near the road itself. On the route itself there will be a sign “Paaso Settlement”. Leave the car in the parking lot - there will be a turnoff from the highway - and walk back, you will find the beginning of the path. We didn’t know this and climbed straight up the rocks. It is possible to climb this way, but it is difficult.

You can visit the settlement while heading to Ruskeala. It does not take a lot of time.

Coordinates of the Paaso settlement: 61°43’56″N 30°41’54″E

The path to the top of the mountain is very picturesque.

View of the highway and the village of Helyulya.

View from the mountain to the railway.

View of the spruce forests from the other side of Mount Paasonvuori. I probably like this look even better.


We visited this wonderful place a year ago and were very impressed! The island is located on Ladoga, or more precisely, in the Ladoga skerries. It attracts with its uncharacteristically chic sandy beaches and, of course, breathtaking views from Leshego rock. There are also pine trees on the island, bizarrely twisted and growing directly on the stones or from the sand. There are also mixed forests. You can set aside a whole day for a leisurely visit to the island and a picnic on it, and you won’t regret it. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a whole day, we walked quickly, but we still spent 4 hours on the island. We had a longer route that went around part of the island.

You can go from St. Petersburg to Koyonsaari in one day if you get up early. It takes about 3.5-4 hours to get to the island. You can leave the car near it on the road or, if there is no space, for a small fee on the next tour. bases (for example, “Annushkin Prichal”). There is a bridge from the mainland to the island, since the distance is only 150 meters - yes, it’s funny, but you don’t have to swim to the island, you can only take a few steps.

Coordinates of the bridge to Koyonsaari island: 61°17’07.2″N 30°05’27.0″E

Koyonsaari beaches.

Pines grow not only on rocks, but also on sand! Still hardy trees.

View from Leshego rock in the other direction. Numerous islands are visible everywhere.

Crazy beautiful view from Leshego's rock. It's worth coming here just for this!


This place also belongs to the Ladoga skerries, only to the north. The cape is located in the southernmost part Hunucca Peninsula in the north of Ladoga. The nearest village is Impilahti.

What is interesting about the cape? First of all, with its relief - flat, bizarre rocks that go into the water cannot leave anyone indifferent. It's really very beautiful! Also here you can see open Ladoga with its crazy sunrises, sunsets and other weather and natural phenomena. You can even see Ladoga seals in the lake! There are also elevations here, and from the elevations, of course, the views are even more beautiful. And on the cape there is a small internal lake, closed by rocks from Ladoga, where it is calm and quiet. Many people like to relax on it, but I would choose a place to set up a tent right next to Ladoga, on the cape itself, with a gorgeous panoramic view. We didn't spend the night here, but we had a wonderful day. The place is one of my top favorites! And I really want to come here for longer.

This time we were very lucky with the weather: at first it was cloudy, but then the sun came out, making the landscapes around us even more beautiful and brighter. There was calm. But on Ladoga there are often storms, when it is dangerous to go out into open water on a boat. You definitely need to keep this in mind and watch the weather forecasts.

How to get to Impiniemi: you need a car here. Heading from St. Petersburg, we pass Sortavala, turn to Ruskeala and drive along north coast Lake Ladoga to the village of Impilahti. The road that leads to the cape starts in Impilahti and is approximately 6 km long. But to get to the end by car, you need a very large and passable jeep. At some point, one might say, the road ends and something like it begins: mud (very serious mud!), puddles, rocks and roots.

But there is a good option, which we also took advantage of: transfer by boat to the very cape. We turned to the guys from "Karelia Park" (this is an extreme park with its own zip line and bungee) and they dropped us right on the cape. They can also take it back. Vkontakte community . And we decided to walk back. It was quite creepy, as we were told that bears live on the peninsula. That's why we walked with the radio blaring. 😆

Rocks on the cape.

Flat rocks going into the water - business card Cape Impiniemi.

It is from Impiniemi that you can see Valaam. We saw)

The views here are amazing, I'm telling you the truth! 🙂


This mountain is my favorite of all the mountains I have been to in Karelia at this point in my life. Bye) The views from Lynx Mountain seemed the most beautiful to me. It's easy to climb the mountain. In the distance we see a lake and endless beautiful forests. Of course, there are rocks covered with moss and the ubiquitous pine trees of unusual shape. Here you want to sit on a bench built by someone kind at the very top, and, turning off your brain, just look into the distance and dream.

The name of the mountain was given simply for beauty, and there are no lynxes here, as a local guy we met told us. But there are lynxes in Karelia! And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they are here too. They say they were met further south, closer to St. Petersburg.

Lynx Mountain is located near lakes Janisjärvi (a very beautiful lake, by the way!). The nearest village is Vyartsilya (you need to go north of Ruskeala). You can only get to the mountain (well, almost to it, you have to walk a little, about 5 minutes) by car. There are clubs on the Internet that organize trips to the mountain on ATVs. If you search, you can find it. There are also several recreation centers on the banks of the Yanisjärvi, and some of them probably rent bicycles, and maybe, if you ask, they will take you there. But you also need to get to the bases somehow. The mountain is quite remote from the main “tourist” places, so it is still most convenient for auto tourists to visit it.

Important! These places are a border zone - Finland is only 5 km away, so you need to have passports (a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is sufficient). Most likely they will ask where you are going, you can say to the Arsenal recreation center, for example (we were just there).

Rysya Mountain coordinates: 62°8’4″N 30°45’53″E

Breathtaking views from the mountain!

Northern pines, cunningly twisted and growing right on the rocks, are something incredible!

View from the mountain.

Centuries-old rocks of glacial origin.


Located in the Pitkyaranta region of Karelia. Most high waterfall southern Karelia– its height in different time year ranges from 15 to 19 meters. It is especially full of water, of course, in the spring. In fact, there are two waterfalls here, few people know about the second one, but if you walk further along the beaten paths, you will see it. The second waterfall is smaller. The main attraction is still the first one, which is in the photos below. It is named “White Bridges” because once upon a time there really was a white stone bridge built by the Finns. Now a new wooden bridge has been laid, painted white.

The waterfall is really very beautiful! And the surrounding area – picturesque forests – adds even more charm.

To get to the waterfall, you need to go towards Pitkäranta and then turn off the main road. Everything is pretty clear there, just follow the coordinates. But there is one thing: previously there was a narrow dirt road along which you could still get to the parking lot at the waterfall itself (or almost to it). But last year, when we were there for the last time, we saw the beginning of active construction of a large road to the waterfall. We were able to get through, but the road was being widened, there were a lot of trucks with sand, and we had to periodically let them through. I don’t know how it is now. Unfortunately, this place will soon become very crowded with tourists, just like Ruskeala.

If you don’t have a car, most travel companies include this waterfall in their programs.

Coordinates of the White Bridges waterfall: 61°45’12″N 31°24’37″E

Waterfall and me, to understand the scale and height.

Top view of the waterfall. The photo, of course, does not show the height.


And this is the largest flat waterfall in Karelia. It is called the pearl of the republic. It is located on the Suna River in the Kivach nature reserve. Although Kivach is not as high as White Bridges, it is unique and beautiful in its own way. In the old days, the waterfall attracted many historical and creative figures, such as Alexander II or the poet Derzhavin, who even dedicated a poem to it.

On the territory accessible to tourists, there is also a museum and an ecological trail telling about various plants and trees.

I have a personal story connected with this waterfall. I've wanted to come here since school! 🙄 Every year my parents and I drove from the north and back past the turnoff from the highway to Kivach, and I always asked: “Well, let’s stop by, come on, it’s nearby!” But we were always in a hurry, and my entreaties were not heard. Can you imagine my joy when I finally got here? This was already in adulthood and quite recently. But I want to come back here again and again.

Recommendation: there are a lot (sometimes too much) of tourists here! Several buses arrive at once. Therefore, it is best to go to the waterfall right from the early morning in order to calmly admire its beauty and take normal photographs without cropping other people’s arms, legs, and heads.

All tours are also taken to the Kivach waterfall now. companies from St. Petersburg.

Kivach waterfall coordinates: 62°16’4″N 33°58’49″E

A stunning view of Kivach from the observation deck higher up.

Kivach waterfall. It was once more turbulent. But even now he is very handsome.


We bet that when you heard the word “volcano”, you probably imagined a huge spiky mountain with a crater in the center? Yes, yes, that’s exactly how volcanoes seem to me too. And our Girvas, once upon a time very long ago (3 billion years ago), most likely was like this. But over such a long time, all traces that resembled a classic volcano were destroyed by nature. All that is left to us are petrified lava flows in the bed of the Suna River, which we can see and even walk on. This gives you a very unusual feeling. Well, it’s also beautiful here!)

Surprisingly, the volcano was discovered quite recently - in the 60s of the 20th century. There is a hydroelectric power station here, the construction of which helped to discover this unique place, which is sometimes called the oldest an extinct volcano planets. The bed of the Suna River became bare and these same lava flows were revealed to the eye.

Girvas is located in the village of the same name and very close to the Kivach waterfall, so visiting them can be combined. It is very easy to find and there is no need to turn off the main road. There is parking here.

Girvas volcano coordinates: 62°29’9″N 33°40’26″E

Solidified lava in the bed of the Suna River.

A small waterfall.

Girvas. It's beautiful here and there are always people.

— Take protection against mosquitoes and ticks. Anticipating questions, I will add: no, there are no more bloodsuckers here than anywhere else. I didn't notice this! Of course, the deeper you go into the forests, the more of them there are, but I repeat, they are here just like everywhere else. There are a lot of midges in Paanajärvi in ​​the summer, yes. And in some of the places listed above they were not observed at all. But it’s better to take the funds, it will be calmer.

— If you are traveling as a savage and go to places remote from residential areas and/or to forests (from my list these include Impiniemi, Koyonsaari, Ladoga Skerries and Rysya Gora), it is better to always have repellers for wild animals with you. 😯 Just in case. These could be, for example, false flares. Thank God, we haven’t encountered bears, lynxes, or wild boars yet. And we are afraid of them. But as they say, if you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest. And we want to go!)

— It’s really best to come to all popular tourist places at the very opening, while there are no people.

— Take paper maps. Sometimes phones fail or glitch and show geolocation incorrectly. We have several such cards. It is maps of Karelia that exist.

— Take memory cards for larger cameras and clean your phones in advance) Because you can take pictures here endlessly, especially if this is your first time.

To be continued. Stay with me!

Shuyskie rocks are located near Shuyskaya station, about 20 km away. from the city. It is convenient to get here by train, bus or car. From the station to the rocks it takes about 40 - 50 minutes. First, from the fork in the highway near the railway station, to the left along the asphalt road to the gas pipeline pipe, then along the country road running along the pipe to the left to the distribution point, from here a path marked with blue paint goes to the right into the forest. There are convenient parking areas under the rocks. The rocks have been used for training tourists, speleologists, rescuers and rock climbers for many years, and are an excellent training ground for practicing rock skills.

The height of the massif in the main part is up to 20 meters, the length of some climbing routes is up to 15 meters. Most of The main massif with the most interesting and difficult climbing routes was cleared relatively recently - in 1994. True, due to its low location (the Shuya rocks are a fault in earth's surface) and a huge amount of moss and lichens on the rocks requires constant cleaning of the rocks.

The massif is characterized by a highly dissected, destroyed relief, with big amount overhangs, cornices and positive mirrors, which are of great interest to climbers of any skill level.

Historically, the local rocks have been explored by the Karelian public for quite a long time. The sport climbing history began relatively recently, in the early 90s. It was then that our representatives began to systematically make trips to such climbing centers as Crimea, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with the basic principles of this sport took place there. There, in communication with the best representatives of the climbing world, an understanding of the aesthetics, psychology and tactics of rock climbing as an independent sport was formed, which was very different from the views that reigned in the tourist environment.

Then, based on the experience of passing numerous classic climbing routes of various difficulty categories in such a climbing mecca as Crimea, the first climbing routes on the Shuya Rocks were developed and climbed, set in accordance with the accepted standards and categories in rock climbing.

Since then, rock climbing in Karelia, and the Shuya Rocks, as the main training place for Petrozavodsk rock climbers, has gone through different times. The number of rock threads is constantly increasing, their complexity is growing, and the development of new types of climbing in the world; Drytooling - rock routes traversed in winter conditions with the help of ice tools - has not passed our city by.

Since 2000, many climbing routes have been climbed on our rocks using this promising technique, which has violated the canons and greatly expanded the limits and limitations. With the help of this technique, the scale of difficulty of passable mountaineering and ice climbing routes in large mountains has greatly increased. And the aesthetics, value and sportiness of this type of climbing puts it on par with classic rock climbing and bouldering, which has been very popular lately.

Shuya rocks massif- for ease of orientation and description, it is divided into several sectors, separated on the ground by corridors and pronounced landmarks. The total length of the massif is about 150 meters.

Sector "A" - the leftmost part of the array when viewed from below. In the very left part, the rocks are heavily destroyed, covered with moss and grass, their height gradually disappears. Separated from sector B, on the right, by a depression and heavily overgrown with moss, is a fault along which a large number of winter routes pass, and currently the simple climbing route “Cherchet la femme”. Sector A in the main part has a very interesting topography with a slight overhang along the lower tier and a cornice in the upper part. Height up to 18 meters. The cornice in the form of a ceiling on the right side is an excellent reference point. The characteristic mirror underneath is characterized by technical and careful climbing in winter conditions, and even in the summer it is worthy of the category. This area of ​​rocks, overgrown with moss, has not yet been cleaned; there is still a large number of new difficult drytooling routes possible here in the winter, and after serious cleaning, even rock climbing routes in the summer.

Sector "B» - the central and currently most developed part of the rocks. On the left it borders with sector A, on the right it is separated from sector C by a deep couloir along which a simple winter route passes, and in the summer beginners sometimes learn to climb. This is the highest part of the Shuya rocks. The first technical routes were climbed here, after thorough cleaning of moss and poorly placed stones, back in 1994. Unfortunately, since then they have become thoroughly overgrown, but still allow for targeted climbing training.

Sector "C" - a magnificent section of rocks, characterized by a pronounced huge cornice, located along the entire length of the sector. On the left and right it is marked by deep couloirs, the lower part, in some places simple and positive, in some places overhanging and difficult. The cornice in the middle section is stunning. There is an old bolted path, made for training climbers and speleologists. All routes currently traversed along the cornice are tied to cracks and faults; the passage of the cornice along the surface is possible, but is still waiting for its pioneers; such options will attract the highest climbing categories. This section of rocks is the most difficult and has great climbing prospects, provided that the skills of future athletes increase.

Sector "D» - the rightmost part of the Shuya rocks, on the left there is a couloir with several trees, on the right side there is the main path to the top of the rocks. The positive relief with various cracks is simple, but from left to right the solidity of the rocks increases, a cornice appears below and routes on the right side of the sector are of interest even now. Once this was the main area for climbing and competitions, recently, with the increase in the general level of skill of climbers, it is almost not used, and is gradually becoming heavily overgrown with moss.

Everything on the right, separated from “Sector C” by a large internal corner with growing trees, was once of great interest. A positive monolithic rock face with a small cornice in the lower part, dissected by numerous cracks. The easy Bike route used to be popular. In winter, this section of the rocks is covered with snow, in some years with firn, now it is often traversed using the dry-tooling technique. In summer all the interest for rock climbing is in modern conditions concentrated in sectors A, B, C. The first ascents of the main rock routes were made in the 90s. . The difficulty assessment was made on the basis of a large number of difficult classic routes climbed in the Crimea and partly in Karelia on the rocks of Khiitol and Yastrebinoye Lake.

The left part of the Shuya rocks massif - sector " A»

Routes of sector "A"
Name C/s Year Description Author Pioneer Year
1. 6C 2010 Start along the ridge to a large hollow under an overhang, straight up under the mirror, pass on the left. Minin Stas Savchuk Kirill 2010
2. 6B+ 2010 Up slightly to the left, limited gaps on the left and right, overhanging forehead go to the right through the hollow, mirror to the left. Minin Stas Savchuk Kirill 2010
3. (no limit) 6A+ 2006 There are no restrictions, gaps and cracks are open, the mirror should pass on the right side. Balagurov Igor Balagurov Igor 2006
4. (with limit) 6A 2008 Positive smooth wall, strict restrictions, at the start there is a large hollow, in the middle part there are two large shelves on the left and right, in the upper part the cornice runs straight up. Bykov Alexey Bykov Alexey 2008

The central part is the sector " B»

Routes of sector "B"
Name C/s Year Description Author Pioneer Year
1. (with limit) 6A+ 2010 Straight up under the overhang where it connects with route #2. Then it goes around the edge on the left and goes to the left under the protruding edge of the edge, limiting the positive part of the rock, the base of the edge. Minin Stas Minin Stas 2010
2. (with limit) 6A+ 1994 Start along the overhang with a traverse to the left, under a characteristic edge, up it a couple of meters and traverse to the right under the cornice, which runs on the left. Up - stay 2 meters from the edge of the rock. Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
3. 7A+ 2007 Start with “Keep your ass”, but immediately straight up the minis, to the first key, then under the cornice, which goes straight along the edge to the top part. Minin Stas Korablev Sergey 2007
4. 7B? The beginning is slightly to the right of route No. 3, the middle is on its own path, the cornice is strictly in the middle, and then along the edge Minin Stas
5. 7A 1997 A very beautiful technical start and then a simple overhang. The cornice is not complicated, but it requires some thought. The top is simple and positive. Minin Stas Minin Stas 1997
6. Most best route 7A+ 2010 Fully move along the minuscule below, the smooth forehead in the middle and the positive area above. Minin Stas Garder Alexander 2010
7. 6A+ 2002 The “Parallel cracks” option is more complex without using the right crack. Start with the limitation, without using, the shelf ledge on the right. Minin Stas Minin Stas 2002
8. 6A 1994 Strict limit at the start, limited by simple rocks on the right, key in the center, top positive. Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
9. Right crack 6A+ 2011 The “Parallel Cracks” option is more complex without using the left gap and a large patch between the cracks. Start with the limitation, without using, the shelf ledge on the right. Minin Minin 2011
10. Shorty 6A 1997 The shortest one is here, starting along an overgrown shelf, then a very complex movement in dynamics from a hollow. Minin Stas Minin Stas 1997
Routes of sector "C"
Name C/s Year Description Author Pioneer Year
1. (with limit) 6A 2002 Restriction: you cannot use a shelf at the bottom; exit from under the cornice on the right through the gap, then straight up through the overhang, without going to the sides. Minin Stas Minin Stas 2002
2. (with limit) 6B+ 2010 The limit is a crack forming a cornice, everything is open on the right, above the cornice strictly along the right slab. Minin Stas Minin Stas 2010
3. Large cornice 7C? 2008 It runs exactly in the middle of the main overhang of a large cornice with access to the cornice at a pronounced edge, and straight up along it. Minin Stas Korablev Sergey 2008
4. 6A 1994 A very simple destroyed beginning, in the middle there is a passage to the left of the break at turnout No. 5. Top positive Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
5. 5 B 1994 Down along loose large blocks, then a key with access to a pronounced overhanging stone, you can use the gap above. Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
6. 6A 1994 Start 2 meters to the right of the “Left Tangle” up the overhang with an original tense movement reaching the landmark - a stone on the right. The gap above is completely open. Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
7. (with limit) 6B+ 2008 Before reaching the cornice, go the same way as route No. 6. Then exit from under the overhang. Further, along the smooth surface of the wall, leaving a pronounced gap on the left. The top is through a simple cornice. Minin Stas Korablev Sergey 2008
8. 7B? 1997 The large cornice is cut by a smooth inner corner and covered with 2 cornices on top; the exit to the cornice is folded into the corner. Minin Stas Bykov Alexey 2010
9. Fontainebleau 6B+ 1994 A very interesting long traverse above the ground, starting from route No. 8 to the end of the sector rocks and back, the key is a cornice, it is important to return to the starting point. Vozniuk Vozniuk 1994
10. Nose (with limit) 7 Start along the nose-shaped overhang, then along the gap through the cornice.

Sector D - the rightmost part of the Shuya rocks

Routes of sector "D"
Name C/s Year Description Author Pioneer Year
1. Bike 5A 80s It goes along the faults from left to right, very simply positively. 80s
2. First move 6A 80s It goes along a smooth wall next to the Bicycle fault, which is limited. 80s
3. Second move 1994 Walks along a smooth wall along the second crack from the “Bicycle” 1994
4. Third move Walks along a smooth wall along the third, implicit crack from the “Bicycle”
5. Fourth move The cornice at the start, then along the implicit gap and the top strictly between the two gaps without using them.
6. Festival 2010 2010 Was cleaned for the 2010 Extreme Festival for dry-tooling. Bykov Alexey Bykov Alexey 2010

Mixed - Dry tooling

Rock routes traversed with ice tools and crampons. This technique has been used for a long time by climbers exclusively as specialized preparation for winter and high-altitude technical ascents. Winter, serious cold, ice, snow that covered all the holds and shelves of rocks, this kind of climbing found few fans.

Over the past few years there has been a dramatic rise in ice climbing standards; Most of the icefalls were completed, and the difficulty scale quickly increased upward. This was also due to the fact that many previously impassable rocks were overcome using ice axes and crampons, which made it possible to combine the passage of several disparate areas of ice. This method is known as dry tooling, and accordingly entailed the appearance new system categories of complexity. Due to the lack of information on the classification of routes and an insufficient set of reference routes in iconic drytooling areas. There is no way to classify these routes in numbers. Therefore, we present here a ranking of the routes completed to date in our own feelings. Based on the system adopted in Soviet mountaineering. The difficulty of free climbing is assessed according to gradations: I - very easy; II - lung; III - average; IV - difficult; V - very difficult; VI - extremely difficult. Each gradation has steps: lower (-) and upper (+).

On all diagrams, routes covered in different techniques and conditions are highlighted in their own color. Red trails- rock-climbing routes, climbed for the first time, using a technique typical for sport climbing of rocks. (highlighted in red) Yellow trails - Mixed - Dry tooling; dry-tooling routes, climbed for the first time in winter, in harsh conditions, and using climbing equipment; (highlighted in yellow).

Name C/s Description

4 ks - difficult


Clearly divided into 4 parts, very physically intense, from power training at the beginning to technical minuses on a smooth mirror at the top.


3+ ks - average


Below is a limit on the right, a gap related to mt 3, in this case a very technical start and end along the mirror.

From the small overhang at the bottom along the moss to the shelf, from here up to the right there is a technical section and unpleasant picking at the top.

8. 2+ ks - easy 2+ Winter version of the route “Cherche la femme”.
9. 2+ ks - easy 2+ A short forceful overhang at the bottom, then strictly along a pronounced angle, the cornice is strictly upward without going to the shelf on the right.
10 4 ks - difficult 4 Climbing 6a+ “Keep your ass” with independent start. Above the upper cornice, do not go to the left on the shelf.
11 3 ks - average 3 Winter version of the “Parallel Cracks” route.
12 1 ks - very light 1 A simple short couloir climbed using the climbing technique of pushing.
13 3 ks - average 5+ Winter version of the “happy end” route.

3 ks - average


2 - ks - light

2 Competition track - Festival extreme species sports 2010

The Republic of Karelia is located in Northern Europe, on the border of Russia and Finland. It is called the center of wooden architecture, a pantry of mushrooms and the most mysterious land in Russia. A lot has been done here beautiful photos, but they are not able to convey the full range of feelings that these places evoke in the traveler. Fabulous taiga forests, clear lakes, pristine nature, an abundance of historical and architectural monuments - all this must be seen with your own eyes.

Mount Vottovaara

In the central part of the republic, 20 kilometers southeast of the village of Sukkozero, there is a curious place - Mount Vottovaara, the most high peak West Karelian Upland (417 meters).

Local residents call this place of power Death Mountain and consider it a portal to the other world - an anomalous effect on electrical equipment, nature, and the human body has been noted here. The dead silence, as well as the depressing sight of trees bent, broken by the wind and blackened after a fire, add to the ominous feeling.

In 1978, a complex of ancient cult seids - rolled stones-boulders, located in groups - was discovered on the mountain. In this case, huge blocks lie on smaller ones, creating the impression of stones on legs.

Also on Vottovaara there is a mysterious stairway to heaven - 13 steps carved into the rock, ending in an abyss.

Mount Kivakkatunturi

Located in national park Paanajärvi, in the Louhi region. The height of the mountain is 499 meters, and the name is translated from Finnish as “stone woman” - at the top there are many seids, one of which resembles the head of an old woman.

The climb to Kivakka is quite easy and takes 1-2 hours - in addition to the trodden path, there are wooden beams laid down for the convenience of tourists. When climbing, you can see around the landscape features characteristic of these places - hanging swamps and high-altitude lakes lying on the slopes of the mountain and indicating the water-bearing nature of the rock.

From the open top you can clearly see the beauty of Paanajärvi Park. This place becomes especially picturesque with the arrival of autumn, when the plants color the mountain in yellow-purple colors.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" (Marble Canyon)

The basis of this tourist complex in the Sortavala region of Karelia is a former marble quarry. The blocks mined here were used for cladding palaces and cathedrals in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Now these quarries have turned into man-made marble bowls, filled with the purest water and cut through by a system of shafts and adits, reminiscent of mysterious caves and grottoes.

The mountain park is 450 meters long and about 100 meters wide. It is equipped for tourists - pedestrian paths have been cleared, observation platforms have been created, there is parking for cars, and boat rentals. It is from the water that the most impressive views of the surrounding rock formations, up to 20 meters high, open up. You can also take a boat into the marble grotto and admire the bizarre reflection of the water in the translucent arches.

Marble Canyon Caves

No less interesting are the mines and adits of the quarry, which can be visited on a guided tour. Most of these caves were flooded, but there are also dry ones - the higher the air temperature on the surface, the more deadly cold it feels here.

For its unique acoustics, one of these grottoes is called Musical. However, the greatest interest is caused by the Proval cave, in the roof of which a hole measuring 20 by 30 meters has formed. Another name for the Gap is the Hall of the Mountain King or Ice cave, it is best to go down into it in the cold season, when the 30-meter thickness of water in the grotto is hidden under ice. Drops flowing from the vaults formed numerous ice stalactites and stalagmites, the beauty of which is emphasized by lighting.

Ruskeala waterfalls (Akhvenkoski waterfalls)

Not far from the village of Ruskeala, where the Tokhmajoki River divides into several branches, there are 4 small waterfalls. Falling from rocky ledges 3-4 meters high, the kvass-colored water foams and rumbles.

The area around is landscaped, there are wooden gazebos, a cafe, and a souvenir shop. Once upon a time, the films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” and “The Dark World” were filmed in these places; now kayaking (kayak) is carried out along the Tokhmajoki River, overcoming waterfalls.

Paanajärvi National Park

This corner wildlife is located in the north-west of Karelia, in its most elevated part and occupies about 103 thousand hectares. The park owes its name to unique lake Paanajärvi, which arose in faults rocks, the boundaries of the park run along the line of this lake and the Olanga River.

The landscapes here are picturesque and varied - mountain peaks alternate with gorges, turbulent rivers and noisy waterfalls coexist with the calm surface of lakes.

The park contains the most high point Republic - Mount Nourunen. Here you can also see the Kivakkakoski waterfall - one of the largest and most powerful in Karelia.

Daylight hours in winter are very short - the northern lights can be seen from the end of August. But in summer the sun sets only for 2-3 hours - the time of white nights comes.

National Park "Kalevalsky"

This park was created in the far west of Karelia in 2006 to preserve one of the last tracts of old-growth pine forests in Europe. On an area of ​​74 thousand hectares, pine trees occupy about 70%; the age of many trees reaches 400-450 years.

For thousands of years, these places have been the constant habitat of various species of animals and plants; the pristine beauty of the forests still fascinates today. In the park you can see many large rivers with picturesque waterfalls and deep, clean lakes.

There are also several villages located here - Voknavolok is considered the cradle of Karelian and Finnish cultures, where the songs of the Kalevala epic were born, many historical and cultural monuments have been preserved in Sudnozero, and Panozero is considered one of the oldest settlements in the area.

Archipelago Kuzova

It is a group of 16 small islands in the White Sea, near the city of Kem. In order to preserve the unique landscape and diversity of flora and fauna, the Kuzova state landscape reserve was created here. Now there are special places for visiting tourists on 3 islands - Russian Kuzov, German Kuzov and Chernetsky.

In addition to the beauty of the surrounding nature, the archipelago attracts with the abundance of seids, labyrinths, ancient sites of people from the Mesolithic and Bronze Ages, and religious buildings. The islands are shrouded in many legends and are still a mystery to historians and archaeologists.

Girvas volcano crater

In the small village of Girvas, Kondopoga region of Karelia, there is the world's oldest preserved volcanic crater, its age is about 2.5 billion years.

Previously, the full-flowing Suna River flowed here, but after the construction of a dam for a hydroelectric power station, its bed was drained and the water was sent along a different path, and now petrified lava flows are clearly visible in the half-empty canyon. The crater of the volcano itself does not protrude above the ground, but is a depression filled with water.

Kivach waterfall

Translated from Finnish name waterfall means “powerful”, “swift”. It is located on the Suna River and is the fourth largest flat waterfall in Europe. Kivach consists of four rapids with a total height of 10.7 meters, of which the vertical drop of water is 8 meters.

Due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station in this area, there was a large outflow of water, which somewhat reduced the attractiveness of the waterfall. The best time The best time to visit this attraction is spring, when Suna gains strength, feeding on melt waters. In 1931, a State Government was created around the waterfall. nature reserve"Kivach".

White Bridges Waterfall (Yukankoski)

This waterfall, located on the Kulismayoki River in the Pitkäranta region of the republic, is one of the highest and most beautiful in Karelia and reaches about 18 meters in height. In summer, the water in the river warms up well, which allows you to swim in it and stand under the falling streams of water.

In 1999, the hydrological natural monument “White Bridges” was established on the territory adjacent to the waterfall, the area of ​​which is 87.9 hectares. Due to its location in the forest, far from the highway, Yukankoski is not very popular among travelers.

Marcial waters

This name is given to a balneological and mud resort, as well as a village in the Kondopoga region. The resort was founded by Peter I in 1719 and is the first in Russia.

There are 4 wells here, from which flow mineral water, their main feature is the amount of iron, greater than in other sources in Russia and abroad. Each source has a different concentration of iron, and the waters also contain calcium, magnesium, manganese, and sodium.

Sapropelic silt sulfide mud extracted from the bottom of Lake Gabozero also has healing properties.

The resort is visited for the treatment of diseases of the blood, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and musculoskeletal systems, and respiratory organs. Here, according to the design of Peter I, the Church of St. Apostle Peter was built, and opposite the temple is the building of the local history museum “Marcial Waters”.

Valaam Island

The name of the island translates as " high ground“- it is the largest of the islands of the Valaam archipelago, located in the north of Lake Ladoga.

Every year, Valaam attracts thousands of tourists - its rocky territory, 9.6 kilometers long and 7.8 kilometers wide, is covered with coniferous forests, large and small inland lakes, and cut by numerous channels, bays and bays.

Here is the village of Valaam and a monument of Russian architecture - Valaam Stavropegial monastery with many hermitages (buildings located in hard-to-reach places).

Island of Good Spirits

This island, located on Voronyo Lake, is not marked on any geographical map, for which it is often called Karelian Shambhala. You can get to it while rafting on the Okhta River and only with the help of tips from the guides.

The place is a traveler's paradise and is famous for its convenient parking areas, excellent fishing and picturesque surroundings. However, what attracts people most is the abundance of wooden crafts on the island - a real museum under open air, created by the hands of tourists. Some products date back to the 70s of the last century. According to legend, this place is inhabited by spirits who guard the island and inhabit every craft, bringing good luck to its maker.

Solovetsky Islands

This archipelago, which includes more than 100 islands, occupies 347 square kilometers and is the largest in the White Sea. It is located at the entrance to Onega Bay and is included in a specially protected protected area.

Here is the Solovetsky Monastery with many churches, Maritime Museum, an airport, a botanical garden, ancient stone labyrinths and a whole system of canals that you can navigate by boat.

The White Sea beluga whale, the white whale, lives near Cape Beluzhy. Beautiful nature and the abundance of historical and architectural monuments attract many excursion groups to these places.

Lake Pisan

This reservoir is located in the central part of the Republic of Karelia, and is of tectonic origin - the lake was formed as a result of a fault earth's crust, as clearly evidenced by the symmetry of its banks. The name of the lake translates as “longest” - occupying up to 200 meters in width, it extends 5 kilometers in length. In some places the depth exceeds 200 meters.

On the northern shore of the reservoir there are parking areas, convenient places for fishing and launching boats. As you move south, the banks become higher, forming a gorge with rocks rising 100 meters above the water. Virgin nature, silence and lack of nearby settlements make this place especially attractive for lovers of solitude.

White Sea

This inland sea, located in the north of European Russia, belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin and has an area of ​​90 square kilometers. Due to the cold water even in summer (up to 20 degrees), there is not too much tourist flow on the White Sea, and nature in many places remains untouched.

Blueberries and mushrooms grow abundantly on the islands of the sea coast; in the water you can see jellyfish, fish, seals and beluga whales. The seabed after low tide is a unique sight - it is filled with a variety of living organisms.

Lake Ladoga (Ladoga)

Located in Karelia and Leningrad region and is the largest freshwater body of water in Europe - the length of the lake is 219, and its greatest width is 138 kilometers. The northern shores are high and rocky, with many bays, peninsulas, large and small islands; the southern coast is shallow, with an abundance of rocky reefs.

Along Ladoga there are a large number of settlements, ports and recreation centers; numerous ships glide along the water surface. Numerous historical finds from different eras have been found at the bottom of the lake; even now these places are popular among diving enthusiasts. Mirages and brontides also occur here - a rumble coming from the lake, accompanied by the seething of water or weak vibrations of the earth.

Lake Onega (Onego)

This lake is called the younger sister of the great Ladoga - it is the second largest freshwater body of water in Europe. On the territory of Onega there are more than 1,500 islands of different sizes, dozens of ports and marinas are located on the shores, and the Onega Sailing Regatta is held annually.

The water in the lake is clean and transparent thanks to the shungite mineral that literally lines the bottom. In addition to fish, there is a bivalve mollusk that grows nacreous pearl balls in its shell.

Taiga forests rich in mushrooms and berries, the charm of northern nature, a huge number of historical monuments, architecture, and folk art attract many tourists to these places.

Onega petroglyphs

On east coast Lake Onega in the Pudozh region of Karelia are located ancient cave drawings, dating back to the 4th-3rd millennia BC. They are collected in 24 separate groups and cover an area of ​​20 kilometers; more than half of the petroglyphs are located on capes Peri Nos, Besov Nos and Kladovets.

In total, about 1,100 images and signs were carved into the rocks, mainly drawings of birds (especially swans), forest animals, people and boats. The dimensions of some petroglyphs reach 4 meters.

Among the mystical figures is the mysterious triad of “demon, catfish (burbot) and otter (lizard).” To neutralize this evil spirits, around the 15th century, the monks of the Murom Holy Dormition Monastery knocked out a Christian cross on top of the image.

Kinerma village

The name of this ancient Karelian village, lost in the Pryazha region, translates as “precious land”. The settlement, founded more than 400 years ago, has up to two dozen houses, half of which are architectural monuments. The buildings are located in a circle, in the center of which is the chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God and the old cemetery.

More recently, the fate of the village was in question; only 1 person lived here permanently. However, thanks to the efforts of local residents, it was possible to restore the buildings, improve everyday life, and attract tourists. For the preservation of its historical appearance, Kinerma is recognized as a complex monument of wooden folk architecture of the Karelian-Livviks. She also won the competition “The Most beautiful village Russia."

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

The main part of this unique open-air museum is located on the island of Kizhi in Lake Onega. The heart of the collection is the Kizhi Pogost ensemble, consisting of the 22-domed wooden Transfiguration Church, the smaller Church of the Intercession and the bell tower that unites them; the complex is now included in the List world heritage UNESCO.

The museum is constantly replenished with chapels, houses, icons, household items, outbuildings brought from the surrounding Karelian, Russian and Vepsian villages; it also presents a number of historical objects of Zaonezhye and Petrozavodsk.

With a height of 42 meters, it became the tallest wooden church in Karelia. Interior decoration has survived to this day and, with its modesty, contrasts with the rich modern churches.

A visit to the Assumption Church is not included in the list of obligatory routes; there is no invasion of tourists here, but newlyweds get married and children are baptized local residents. It’s worth coming here for the surrounding beauty and special atmosphere of this place.

G. Pakin: [email protected]

No synthetic blende can replace the living, breathing stone of a natural rock.

Grandfather Shchukar.

Karelian routes can be made more interesting and varied. if you include in them visiting natural climbing walls and conducting training there with working out mining equipment. Below are the walls that the author found interesting:

1. Impilahti rocks. Northern Ladoga region.

2. Kollasjoki River Canyon.

3. Mount Lysaya (peak Kupinas 409.3 m) in the area of ​​the station. Peninga.

4. Coastal rocks of the lake. Pisan.

5. Wall of Unut (316 m).

Impilahti rocks.

A dirt road runs south from the highway on the eastern outskirts of the village of Impilahti.

The shore of Impilahti Bay in the area of ​​the village is swampy and overgrown with reeds. From the highway, 4 km along a country road past the beautiful lake Neuvosenjärvi and further along the trail bypassing the town of Pullivuori (87.6 m). A ridge of rocks 40-60 m high approaches the shore of the Impilahti Bay of Lake Ladoga. The rock wall stretches for 1 km and breaks into the water at a negative angle. These are the famous rocks of Impilahti:

They are composed of red granite, up to 60 m high, with a steepness of 70-90 degrees. Overhanging rocks go into the water:

The most difficult routes are laid here, with marks 6C+ and 7B on the wall.

From the top there is a panoramic view of the bay. On the right bank you can see the houses of a trout farm:

At the top of Pullivuori (86.7 m) there is a burnt forest. In a clearing under the rocks there is a place for overnight stays True, the place is damp (previously there was a camp for participants in all-Union competitions here). Nowadays the rocks are rarely visited.

Along the coast, bypassing the town of Pullivuori, there is a picturesque path to the rocks of the town of Haukkavuori (76.8 m). A wall of gray granite 40 meters high breaks into the water of the bay:

To the south, a black 12-meter wall goes into the water at a negative angle, hanging over the surface of the lake, drops of water fall into the lake 1 m from the shore:

Canyon of the Kollasjoki River.

Located 14 km above the river mouth. The length is about 1 km, the canyon walls are 15-20 m high and have a steepness of 70-90 degrees. There are descents to the water. There are 3 waterfalls in the canyon, 2-3 m high. The river is popular for rafting during floods, but is low in summer.

Fault at the summit of Kupinas (409.7 m).

Located in the Bald Mountain massif, 6 km west of the station. Peninga.

It is more convenient to climb it western slope Lysaya from the logging road, which goes to the (NW) along the slope along the valley of the right tributary of the river. Cabinet. Opposite the top you can cross the stream along a beaver dam (ford), from here there is a 2 km gentle climb through overgrown clearings. The summit with a fallen wooden tower is located on a vast plateau covered with moss and overgrown with dwarf pine trees. Close to the forest border. East of the summit A fault 1.5 km long runs from NW to SE, with rock outcrops along the western wall. In the area of ​​​​Kupinas, the depth of the fault sharply increases to 35-40 m. There is a smooth quartzite rock with a steepness of 60 degrees and a height of 30 m.

There are few cracks, the ridges are smoothed, the shelves are licked - right on the sole of El Capitan in California, where most beginners end their route.

Rocks of Lake Pisan.

Approach from the lake Top. Myarat.

Deforestation in front of the lake View of the lake from the spur at elevation. 280 m

The road from the village of Gumarino, going around the northern tip of the lake. Top. Myarat, deviates to (B) towards the foot of the hill, then goes along it for 3 km to (C), gradually gaining altitude. On (W) Karelian views open from the clearings; 30 km on (SW) a dark strip of the town of Vottovar is visible. The road comes out onto a wide saddle and passes onto the (B) slope. Before this, a logging road goes to (W). It first goes down, but after 200 m it turns to (C), to another hill. After 1 km, it descends between rock outcrops to a new cutting, running from (S) to (N) along the (E) shore of Lake Pisanets. At the cutting site, the logging road is divided into (N)- and (S)-ends. Along it 500 m to the (N), then to (W) in the direction of the coastal spur (elevation 280 m) at the (S) edge of the lake. The lake itself is not visible; it lies at the bottom of the fault in a narrow gap at a depth of 100 m. Only from the “ram’s foreheads” at the top of the hill is the (3) wall of the fault visible. Only from the very edge there is a grandiose view of the lake in the rocks of gray quartzite.

There are several on the spur observation platforms. They are connected by a path, which then descends to the bottom of the fault between two small lakes (the water from them flows into Upper Märat). The lakes are extremely beautiful, framed by rock walls and pine forests. (W)-shore - a rock wall 50-70 m high, steep 70-80 degrees, (E)-shore - large-block scree, turning into destroyed rocks. When you look from above, the 10-meter blocks of stone look like children's blocks. You won't see anything like this in the North. Ladoga, nor in Collas Canyon. I remember the flooded canyons of tributaries on the large dammed lakes of the Tien Shan and Pamir. The scale is unusual for Karelia.

The path crosses a stream at the bottom of the rift and climbs the rocks of the (W) walls. They offer no less interesting views.

In the (South) part of the lake. On the (W) bank of Pisan there is an interesting rock formation with long overhanging sections and complex cornices. There is a parking lot under the rocks near the lake. Difficult routes for climbers suggest themselves:

1 km beyond the next spur into the lake, 10-meter tongues of ice hang from the rocks (B) of the shore. I really didn’t think that on May 25 it was still possible to go ice climbing in Karelia! During the winter cold, a stream flowing down the rocks formed these hanging “glaciers” that will last until mid-summer.

Rock wall of Unut mountain (316 m).

On west bank Unutozero stretches a high wooded rock-talus wall of the town of Unut. An unpleasant swamp stretched under the wall. For some reason, rocks in Karelia like to fall into riptides. It is more convenient to climb to Unut from the logging road coming from Maslozero. A dirt road stretches from it along the summit plateau, in some places coinciding with the viewpoint.

If you climb from the side of Unutozero to cross the swamps of the southern part in bottleneck, you need to move along the lake along the (W) shore to big island, go around it to the right. Here, from the shore of a small bay, begin your ascent. The shore is made up of large stones, then immediately a swampy forest begins. It gently rises to the foot of the wall, giving way to open areas of moss swamp. The wall is a large-block scree with a steepness of 60 degrees, with outcrops of destroyed rocks.

Quartzite blocks are covered with moss, and in the valleys there are small pine trees. The height difference is 150 m, the steepness of the rock wall is up to 60 degrees. Not bad for Karelia. More reminiscent of the slopes of the Central Sayan mountains.

Along the wide sloping shelves you can quickly ascend to a wide wooded plateau, at its edge there is a beautiful view of the lake. On the hills there are “Hiisi gardens” - scatterings of large boulders.

The main peak is hidden in the forest; a long, gentle climb leads to it. On the wooded plateau there are boulders, the remains of a wooden tower.

There are other walls. For example, a rock mass at elevation. 76.8 m in the middle reaches of the river. Northern (Belomorskaya) Shuya, 30-meter “ram’s foreheads” on the right bank of the Kumsa River in the Medvezhyegorsk region:

Kiviristi Canyon on the river. Okhta, coastal rocks on the river. Chirka-Kem at the Krivaya and Tahko rapids:

There are rocky cliffs up to 35 m high on the western side on the islands of Filin and Bol. Petik on the Knyazhegubsky reservoir is already in Murmansk region and many others.

The quarries of Ruskeala and the Northern Ladoga region in the area of ​​Pitkyaranta, the rocks near the station are not considered here. Shueretskaya and on Lake Onega in the Medvezhyegorsk region, about which there is a lot of information in other sources.