The most ancient cave drawings. Masterpieces of rock painting

To the reader

Man comes into contact with art every day. And, as a rule, not in museums. From the very birth and throughout the lifetime, people are immersed in art.

Hotel Building, Station, Store, Apartment Interior, Clothes and Jewelry maybebe the works of art. But maybe not to be. Not every picture, a statue, a song or porcelain service is considered to be masterpieces. How to distinguish works of art from craft crafts? There is no recipe, where it would be accurately set out that in what proportions need to be connected to make a work of art. However, you can develop your ability to feel and appreciate the beautiful, which we often call the taste.

What is art? Why does it have such a magical power over man? Why people go thousands of kilometers to their

eyes to see the great works of world art: palaces, mosaic, paintings? Why artists create their creations, even if it seems that they do not need anyone? Why are they ready to risk their well-being to embody their intention?

Art is often called a source of pleasure. From a century in a century, millions of people enjoy images of beautiful human bodies on Rafael canvas. But the image of Christ, crucified and suffering, is not intended for pleasure, but this plot is common for thousands of painters for many centuries ...

It is often said that art reflects life. Of course, this is largely true: often accuracy, awareness of what the artist is striking is striking. But hardly a simple reflection of life, her

copy, would cause such a strong interest in art and admiration for them. And how "reflects life", for example, the art of medieval calligraphy or lace ornaments on the walls of medieval mosques?

You can talk about the reflection of the art of life in a broader sense. On the works of art imposes an imprint site and the time of their creation. Greek amphora, a fragment of the frescoes or a statue, turning into a museum exhibit, do not lose their beauty, but often "shut down", being cut from the medium in which they were created. It is quite natural to admire the subtlety of the lines and the richness of the column gamut of the frescoes in medieval Christian temples. However, the meaning of them becomes clear, only if you look at the frescoes through the eyes of those for whom they were written. The murals of Christian churches are a kind of "Bible for illiterate": the one who did not know how to read the Sacred Scripture of Christians, could see its content on the walls and pillars of the temple. As almost all works of medieval European painting, frescoes are part of the Christian perception of the world and are incomprehensible out of connection with it.

In essays dedicated to individual art monuments, it is described why they appeared at this time and in this place. The history of their occurrence sometimes allows you to look at the art monuments completely in a new way. Barbara Goths, winning the land belonging to the Roman Empire, were admired by the architecture and art of the defeated power. In the VI century They tried to reproduce the construction of the Romans with a high dome, when the monument to the Mausoleum was erected by the famous King theodorich. However, the secret of the dome design was lost. Desperate to compare in architectural art with great masters of Rome, the builders of the Mausoleum found a truly "barbaric" solution to the problem. They no longer tried to build a dome, but simply pushed him out of the colossal solid stone blocks ...

Art is the form of knowledge of the world. But the methods of art are absolutely not similar to scientific. The movie compresses the whole human life until a two-hour action. The Russian icon painter will thin and lengtheys the human body to the extremes to show how holy and angels are far from earthy world And close to the world of heaven. It is such "wrong" allows the viewer to focus on the main thing, consider what in everyday life he simply does not notice. And sometimes a miracle happens: art changes man. He thinks over what he seemed unimportant to him, begins to evaluate the actions of people and his own, takes a different image of action. The whole point of his life can be completely different. Creativity is able to transform not only the viewer, but also the Creator himself. So, working on the picture "Night Watch" completely changed the identity of Rembrandt and gave the maturity of his artistic manner. Maybe this is the main purpose of art: to allow a person to know and change himself.

There are many answers to the question of what art is, but each of them shows only one of the faces of truth.

Each true work of art is deeply individual, unique. Before adopting a specific form, artistic image is developing, it is launched in the author's plans. All that is survived, comprehended by the Creator, his understanding of peace and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare manifested in the work of art.

An authentic artist is able to express that others only vaguely feel. The best monuments of art can be viewed by clock, finding all the new faces of perfection. Real connoisseurs

sites advise to go to the museum not in order to "run" for all the halls in two hours, but to devote this time to one-sole masterpiece, comprehending, as Nikolai Gumilyov said, "all shades of meaning", nested by the Creator in the work. This book presents the most famous monuments of world art - everything is brighter, the best thing is created by humanity for several millennia: paintings, statues, icons, temples ...

Usually arts are divided into spatialand temporary.The spatial art includes architecture, decorative and visual art (sculpture, painting, graphics). These arts are devoted to the first two books of Tom "Art" in "Encyclopedia for Children". To temporary, unfolding in time, include music, theater, dance, cinema and television - they will become the theme of the third book. Temporary arts sometimes include literature; In "Encyclopedia for children" is devoted to her separate volume.

In the spring of 1997, the publishing house "Avanta +" celebrated its five-year anniversary. And this book (the first part of the Tom "Art") is also an anniversary, tenth in a series of "Encyclopedia for children."

Billing Tom "Art", we want to wish our reader to enter the paradoxical and attractive world of art, for / to think about the secret of beauty, feel the most striving for creativity.

Happy instant: chief editor of Maria Aksenova signs Tom in print.

The creation of the anniversary, the tenth of the "Encyclopedia for Children". Editors for work.

Art of the paleolithic era

Art of the era of Mesolita

Art of the era of Neolithic

Primitive(or, otherwise, primitive)art geographically covers all continents, except for Antarctica, and in time - the whole era of the existence of a person, preserved in some of the nations living in remote corners of the planet, to the present day. The appeal of primitive people to the new activity for them is art - one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. Primitive art reflected the first ideas of a person about the environment, thanks to him, knowledge and skills were passed and passed, people were communicated with each other. In the spiritual culture of the primitive world, art began to play the same universal role, which pointed stone performed in labor activity.

What accepted a person to imagine certain objects? How to know if the coloring of the body was the first step towards creating images, or a person guessed the familiar animal silhouette in the random outline of the stone and, having tried him, gave a greater similarity? Or maybe the shadow of an animal or person served as the basis of the picture, and the handprint or foot precede the sculpture? There is no definite answer to these questions. Ancient people could come to the idea of \u200b\u200bportraying objects not one, but in many ways.

Until recently, scientists adhered to two opposing views on the history of primitive art. Some specialists considered the oldest cave naturalistic painting and sculpture, others - schematic signs and geometric shapes. Now most researchers express the opinion that those and other forms appeared at approximately at one time. For example, to the number of the most ancient images on the walls of the Paleolithic era, the hands of a person's hand, and a dislarous interlacing of wavy lines sold in crude clay with the fingers of the same hand.


Residues glinian sculptures.


Cave Montespan.


In the cave of the copspan on the territory of France, archaeologists found the statue of the clay bear with a shock tracks. Probably, primitive people tied animals with their images: they believed that, "killing" them, will ensure their success in the upcoming hunt. In such finds, the connection between the oldest religious beliefs and artistic activities is traced.

Art of the paleolithic era

The first works of primitive art created about thirty thousand years ago, at the end of the epoch paleolithicor ancient stone century.

The most ancient sculptural images today are the so-called "Paleolithic Venus" - primitive female figures. They are still very far from real similarity with human body. All of them are inherent in some common features: enlarged hips, belly and chest, lack of feet feet. Primitive sculptors did not even interest the features of the face. Their task was not to reproduce specific nature, but to create some generalized image of a female mother, symbol

floral fertility and keeper. Male images in the Paleolithic era are very rare. In addition to women depicted animals: horses, goats, reindeer and others. Almost all Paleolithic sculpture is made of stone or bone.

In history cave painting The Paleolithic Epochs specialists allocate several periods. In ancient times (approximately from the XXX millennium BC. E.) Primitive artists filled the surface inside the contour of the black or red paint.

Later (approximately from the XVIII and XV Millennium BC. Er) Primitive masters began to pay more attention to details: they portrayed parallel strokes, they portrayed wool, learned to use additional colors (various shades of yellow and red paint) to draw spots on the skins skulls, Horses and bison. The contour line also changed: it became brighter, then darker, noting the bright and shadow parts of the figure, the folds of the skin and thick wool (for example, horses, massive bison squeezes), thus transmitting volume. In some cases, the contours or the most expressive details ancient artists emphasized the carved line.

In the XII millennium BC. e. The cave art has reached its heyday. The painting of that time passed the volume, perspective, color and proportion of figures, movement. At the same time, huge pictorial "canvases" were created, which covered the vaults of deep caves.

In 1868 in Spain, in the province of Santander, the cave of Altamira was opened, the entrance to which was covered with the collapse. Almost ten years later, the Spanish archaeologist Marcelino Suguola, engaged in excavations in this cave, discovered primitive images on its walls and ceiling. Altamira became the first of many dozens of such caves, found later on the territory of France and Spain: La Mut, La Madeleine, Troy Freer,

Venus from Villendorf. Paleolithic.

Naturally historical museum, Vienna.

* Stone Age - the most ancient period in the history of mankind (more than 2 million years ago, continued until the VI Millennium before and. Er), when the guns and weapons were made of stone; It is divided into Paleolithic, Mesolith and Neolithic.

Bison Cave painting. Paleolithic. Cave Altamira. Spain.

Background de Gom, etc. Now thanks to targeted search only in France, about a hundred caves are known with images of primitive time.

An outstanding discovery was made quite by chance in September 1940, the cave of Lasco in France, which became even more famous than Altamira, found four boys, who, playing, climbed into the pit, which had opened under the roots of the tree fallen after the tree storm. Painting cave shops - images of bulls, wild horses, reindeers, bison, rams, bears and other animals - the most perfect artwork from those who were created by a man in the Paleolithic era. The most effectively images of horses, such as small dark low-speed steppe horses resembling pony. Interesting also located above them is a clear volumetric figure of a cow who prepared for a jump through a hedge or pit trap. This cave is now turned into a well-equipped museum.

Horse and deer.

Cave painting.


Cave shops.


Bull. Cave painting. Paleolithic.

Cave shops. France.

Bison Cave painting. Paleolithic. Cave LASC. France.

Horse. Cave painting. Paleolith

Deer. Cave painting. Paleolithic.

In the future, cave images have lost their liveliness, compound; Stylization (generalization and schematization of objects) increased. In the last period, realistic images are missing at all. Paleolithic painting, as it were, returned to where it began: a disorderly interlacing lines, dots, obscure schematic signs appeared on the walls of the caves.

Art of the era of Mesolita

In the epoch mesolitis,or medium stone Age(XII-VIII millennium BC), the climatic conditions on the planet changed. Some animals on which they hunted, disappeared; They came to replace others. Fisheries began to develop. People have created new types of labor instruments, weapons (onions and arrows), tamed the dog. All these changes, of course, influenced the consciousness of a primitive person, which was reflected in art.

This is evidenced by, for example, rock paintings in the coastal mountainous regions of East Spain, between the cities of Barcelona and Valencia. Before the focus of the ancient artist were animals on which he hunted, now - the figures of people depicted in a rapid movement. If the cave Paleolithic drawings represented separate, not related figures, then in skatal painting Mesolithic is beginning to prevail multifigure compositions and couples, which vividly reproduce various episodes from the life of the hunters of the time. In addition to various shades of red paints, black and occasionally used white, and egg protein, blood, and possibly honey served as a resistant binder.

The central place in the rock painting occupied the scenes of hunting, in which hunters and animals are associated with a vigorously unfolding effect.

Archer. Skatal painting. Valtort gorge. Spain.

The hunters go along the trail or pursue prey, a hail arriving at it in it, they apply the last fatal blow or surprised from an angry wounded animal. At the same time, images of dramatic episodes of military collisions between tribes appeared. In some cases, we are visible, apparently, even the execution: in the foreground - the figure of a lying man pierced by arrows, on the second, a close number of shooters raised onions. Images of women are rarely found: they are usually static and lifeless. Small picturesque works came to replace the large picturesque works. But affect the detail of compositions and the number of characters: sometimes it is hundreds of images of man and animals. Human figures are very conditional, they are more likely symbols that serve in order to portray mass scenes. The primitive artist freed the figures from everything, from his point of view the secondary, which is

lo would pass and perceive complex poses, the action, the very essence of what is happening. A man for him is primarily embodied movement.

Art of the era of Neolithic

Melting of glaciers B. neolithic, ornovom stone Age(5000-3000. BC), led to the movement of peoples that began to settle new spaces. Increased inter-barred struggle for possession of the most favorable hunting grounds, for the seizure of new lands. In the era of Neolithic, a man threatened the worst of dangers - another person! New settlements arose on the islands in the ray of rivers, on small hills, so on. In places protected from a sudden attack. The rock painting in the neolithic era is becoming more schematic and conditional: the images are only slightly resemble a person or an animal. This phenomenon is characteristic of different areas of the globe. Such, for example, found on norway's territories Frame drawings of deer, bears, whales and seals reaching eight meters long.

Herd of livestock at the village. Skatal painting. II. millennium BC e. Mountain Plateau Tassilin-Agere. Sahara.

Casual art existed in all parts of the world, but nowhere it was so widespread as in Africa. Cut, knocked on the rocks and paints written images are found on huge

spaces - from Mauritania to Ethiopia and from Gibraltar to the Cape of Good Hope. Unlike European art, African rock painting is not exclusively prehistoric. Its development can be traced

approximately from the VIII-VI millennium before and. e. Up to our days. The first rock images were found in 1847-1850. In North Africa and the Sahara Desert (Tassilin-Agere, Tibest, Fetzan, etc.)

Stonehenge. II. millennium BC e. Salisbury. England.

Stonehenge. Reconstruction.

In addition to schematics, they are distinguished by negligence. Along with stylized patterns of people and animals, there are various geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, diamonds and spirals, etc.), images of weapons (axes and daggers) and

movemention (boats and ships). Reproduction of wildlife is moving into the background. Primitive art played an important role in the history and culture of ancient humanity. Having learned to create images (sculptural, graphic, lively

Mengir. Neolithic. Brittany. France.


In the III-II millennia BC. e. There were structures from huge stone blocks - megalithi(from greek.Megas - "Big" and "Lithos" - "Stone"). Megalithic facilities include mengira- vertically standing stones with a height of more than two meters; dolmen.- several stones in the ground, blocked by a stone slab; cromlehi- Difficult buildings in the form of circular fences with a diameter of up to one hundred meters from huge stone blocks. Megalites were widespread: they are found in Western Europe, North Africa, in the Caucasus and in other areas of the globe. In alone, France was found about four thousand. The appointment of these structures is unknown.

The most famous of them - Cromleh Stonehenge (II millennium BC. Er), not far from the city of Salisbury in England. Stonehenge is built from one hundred twenty stone blocks weighing up to seven tons each, and in diameter is thirty meters. It is curious that Mount Verevly in South Wales, from where it was supposed to deliver building material for this construction, are two hundred eighty kilometers from Stonehenge. However, modern geologists believe that stone blocks hit the neighborhood of Stonehenge with glaciers from different places.

Dolmen. Neolithic. Corsica. France.

watching), a person acquired some power over time. The imagination of man was embodied in a new

the form of being - artistic, the development of which is traced in the history of art.

Fine art There are so many years, so much the leg of a person steps. It is inextricably linked with the life and life of people, both in the distant era and today. Ancient artists wanted to save and pass important information Futive generations, so chose the simplest and understandable form - drawing.

Ancient rock paint images or petroglyphs are a bit of ancient culture that helps learn more about our ancestors and their lives. Primitive masterpieces can be found not only in the territory of modern Europe, they are in abundance and in other points of the globe.

Encrypted messages

Most often, petroglyphs are found in the caves and in rocking grumps that were formed due to the natural process of motion earth crust. Also fairly common rock paintings under open sky: Scribed stones and boulders, steles, etc. In most cases, places with ancient painting had sacred values \u200b\u200bfor ancient people. They can be called the first temples, where our ancestors spent their sacred rituals. The main characters of petroglyphs were birds, animals, signs, different human-like creatures and geometric shapes (lines, circles, stains, rhombus). Some images can easily understand, and figure out what they mean, but some cause quite a lot of questions and cannot be interpreted unequivocally. The main motives are hunting, life, holdings. Petroglyphs rather accurate some scenes from life. For example, images of hunting is clearly allowed to understand how much a person needs for catching and murdering Mammoth.

Technique execution

As paints used exclusively natural dyes, because there were no other materials at hand. In most cases, they painted okra, which is one of the iron oxides. We also used hematitis, limonites, gheetites, which mixed with blood or fat animals. In some pictures, you can trace a primitive, but still technique. For example, lines have one thickness (1-2.5 cm), similar to the type and location. Often, petroglyphs are under the cave ceiling or at a considerable distance from the ground. This indicates one thing - in the process of creating the rock image, used any primitive designs (such as stairs or construction forests). Some petroglyphs are made using an ancient tool (such as the chisel), because the traces of work are visible in the rock.

List of them interesting places with petroglyphs in Europe

  • France, Valley of Miracles
  • France, Pesh Merl Cave
  • Italy, Petroglyphs Val Camics
  • Spain, Prehistoric Cave El Castillo

Rich heritage

Petroglyphs are found worldwide, in a variety of places: caves, steppes, mountains, etc. In the old world (Europe) there are quite a few places where you can get acquainted with the art of primitive people. Among the most famous places are mostly cave: Shaw (France), Nerja Cave (Spain), Lasco Cave (France) and many others. All of them are listed in the valuable list of UNESCO organizations, since they are the property of all mankind. Basically, animals are depicted on the variance of the caves, but there are also different ornaments and imprints of a set of palms. The first people were able to convey important, in their opinion, information, because a huge number of petroglyphs remained to our time.

Petroglyphs in Europe - Photo

Copies of the Late Paleolithic Epoch Rospise from Altamir Cave are available for inspection in the Museum Complex of the same name. "Buffalo":

Magagura Cave, unique samples of primitive art in the Balkans:

Sycstine Chapel of Primitive Painting - Ware Cave:

Portugal, archaeological complex with petroglyphs in the Valley of Coa:

Fold images of the period of Madelene and Green Culture in Pesh Merl Cave:

Petroglyph in the Italian Province of Breshia on the territory of the picturesque Val Camonic Valley:

One of 435. creme pictures Animals in the seam cave - drawing of a wool rhino:

Archaeological open-air museum next to the Norwegian city of Alta:

Images of large animals knocked out on the stones from the Norwegian River Etna (Möllerlaffosssen):

The complex of petroglyphs in the Swedish city of Tanum is part of the world heritage:

Finland, Petroglyphs Astavansalmi on the shore of Lake Josesi:

Cromanonians who live on earth 30 thousand years ago, simple drawings used to express their feelings and emotions. But the rock paintings of primitive people can not be called primitive because they were created by people with extrrevous artistic talents. Pictures of primitive people in the caves are graphic and bulk images, bas-reliefs on the walls. There are many such drawings today: in France (southwestern), Spain (northwestern part of it), Italy, even in Russia, Serbia and England are available in single specimens.

Skatal painting and pictures of primitive people are unique and most often resemble a two-dimensional image. At the same time, techniques that help convey the volume began to be applied only during the period of rebirth. Skatal painting is replete with the image of rhinos, bison, mammoths, deer. Also in the drawings there are scenes of hunting, people with arrows and spears are depicted. Occasionally there are drawings of fish, plants, insects. The paints with which drawings are made will not fill and fully transmit pristine brightness. It is difficult to submit a person who has no idea what kind of rock paintings is (photos will help to understand this).

Where did the first people painted?

The hard-to-reach sections of the caves, located in the hundred meters from the surface, were a great place to draw. This is explained primarily by the cult value of the crewing images requiring the execution of a certain rite. Such a rite was drawing. In the colors flooded a melted and still hot fat of wild animals, moss beams or wool. Then the artist began to work with the light of stone lamps.

What are the rock paintings?

The rocky drawings of the ancients are called Petroglyphs (Greek. - Cut a stone). There are drawings made in the form of symbols or conventional designations. Figures contain a huge amount of valuable information about the everyday of representatives of the most ancient population, reveal the traditions and historical events that have influenced the ancient person.

Later pictures were performed in the form of symbols or symbols. The man initially sought to express his thoughts with the help of signs, letters. Painting brought the onset of this moment, becoming a transition period between graphic patterns and writing. Images were named pictograms. For example, on the territory of Armenia, archaeologists discovered in the army, resembling all the well-known ancient alphabets. The most ancient images found here are created more than 9,000 years ago. Fashionable drawings of primitive people - pictures created by the first people.

Machining technique and materials

What did people encourage people to draw? Just the desire to create beauty or the need to make and capture a special ritual? The rock engraving was not so simple, especially if the paint was applied to deep slits, which an ancient painter carved a rude cutting tool. It could be a major stone cutter. Such a tool was found in the parking lot of the ancient people le Rock de Ser. During the middle and late Paleolithic technique of performing fastening painting of primitive people is thinner. The contours of engravings were evicted several times in shallow lines. Already then a hatching and combined painting was used. There are similar images on the animals and bones of animals, which are also related to the same period.

Frame drawings, photos in the cave of Altamira

The paint of primitive person is all shades of ocher, which were used as a red dye, charcoal and manganese ore. Used and chalk, guano volatile mice. Future paint rubbed with bone or stone. The resulting powder was mixed with fat animals. Ancient people had even prototypes of modern tubes. Paints they stored in the hollow parts of animal bones, both sides of which were sealed with a hardened lump of the same animal fat. Other colors, such as green or blue, was not.

Brush with primitive artists served bones or sharp sticks whose ends cleavened. Used and pieces of wool, which tied to the bone. They painted the contour first, and then painted. But there are other images. For example, an imprint of the hand, which was sprinkled by paint through the Costa.

Ancient people did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition or proportions of the body. They painted large predators and on their background - tiny mountain goats. But it did not prevent them from creating masterpieces, comparable to the modern idea of \u200b\u200bpainting. The accuracy of the transfer of objects and animals is amazing, and the drawings of ancient people in the caves captured in the stone of ancient animals that have long been extinct. The visual effect was intensified due to the fact that the image was applied to the ledge of the rock.

What did primitive people paint?

The rock paintings of the ancient people are the manifestation of emotional and vivid figurative thinking. Not everyone could create similar masterpieces, but only those in the subconscious of which appeared visual images. Those who overwhelmed bright images were transferred them to the cliff plane.

There is a suggestion that vision has been transmitted with the help of rock painting, the person immediately was transmitted and passed the life experience gained. But most scientists adhere to the version of the cult values \u200b\u200bof the drawings: they probably were created before the hunt. Thus, a person tried to influence the result, attract a preferred beast during hunting.

The disappearance of some animals, climate change led to a serious change of human activity. Now he spent more time, growing animals and treating the earth. For hunting remained less time. This affected both rock painting. Pictures have now been performed not deep in the cave, but outside. The images of a person now met more and more. Animals that are domesticated, also depicted on cave engravings (scenes of hunting foxes). Schematic drawings have spread: triangles, straight or winding lines, ragged colored spots.

If earlier often depicted scenes of hunting, now it was both ritual dancing, battles, grazing. There are many such drawings in Spain.

Where can I see rock painting?

In France, drawings are found in the caves of Lasco and Shaw, which dating about XVIII-XV millennia BC. e. They depict horses, cows, bulls, bears. In Spain, in the cave Altamir, the scenes of hunting are depicted by ancient artists as skillfully that if you look at them with a burning fire, it creates the impression of the movement of objects. In Africa, there is a whole range of caves with rock painting. This is Laas-Galw Somaliland, and Tassilin Adjer in Algeria. Folded drawings and in Egypt (Plovpets Cave), Bulgaria, Bashkiria, Argentina (Cave-de Las Manos Cave) and many others were found.

Objects of art or primitive reflection of reality?

Between primitive "art" and modern it is impossible to put a sign of equality. But, considering the ancient images, modern art historians rely on the usual wording, far away from the specifics of primitive art. Today in the world of art is the author of the work, and there is a consumer. Ancient artists created their creations only because they had the ability to draw and felt the need to display the surrounding reality or significant events. The ideas about art were absent or blurred, but the overwhelming consciousness of the image found an exit to the world through their creator, which, most likely, the tribesmen were considered to be endowed with supernatural strength.

So what is the fastener painting differ from the usual modern? The only difference is that the first drawings were performed by the artists of the Paleolithic era, and the rock was used as a canvas. Of course, the phenomenon of creativity is associated with the interaction of all the spiritual forces and the release of specially emotions. A person could create something new and important for himself, but the awareness of this phenomenon occurred gradually. Kromanonets lived in such a cultural environment in which there was no separation into certain areas of activity. And the leisure in our understanding ancient people did not have, since their life was not shared on the strict performance and rest. The time when a person did not fought for existence, he devoted to the fulfillment of rituals and other actions important for the well-being of the tribe.

1. Cave Shaw, France

When exactly 19 years ago, Jean Marie Shaw went down to the Pond Gorge "Ark, that in the French department Ardash, he did not suspect that from this day his name will go down in history. It was in honor of the French speleologist Gallery with the on-hand drawings was chosen (FR. Chauvet-Pont-D "Arc Cave).

I discovered it by chance - the lantern wall illuminated by the wall, Jean Marie stumbled upon a ocher stain. Looking around, he saw that it was "spot" - an image of a mammoth. In addition to him, more than 300 ancient drawings were discovered in the cave. Among them were horses, lions, rhinos, wolves, bison ... With the help of the method of radiocarbon dating, scientists managed to establish the estimated age of the rocky "zoo". So, the age of some drawings has 30-33 thousand years! It is no secret that the south of France is famous for the caves with petroglyphs (for example, the cave of Lasco, Cro-Manon, Troua-Friere, the background de-Gom), but the Shaw Gallery exceeds them and in size and safe.

However, unique paintings are closed to visit in order to save fragile "paintings" from damage to which the slightest changes in temperature and humidity can lead to the penetration of light. Even archaeologists are allowed to be in the cave just a few hours. One of the lucky ones, who managed to admire the oldest samples of cave art, became the German director Werner Herzog. Together with four assistants he took off documentary In the format of a 3D "Cave of forgotten dreams." By the way, the filmmaker had to receive permission from the Minister of Culture of France and to shoot at a limited time using technology that does not radiate heat. This film is perhaps the only way to look into the seam cave.

2. Newspieper Rock, USA

40 km north-west of Montisello in the US state of Utah amazing Scalaon which one of the most impressive collections of petroglyphs per square meter is concentrated. Because of the abundance of the drawings, the stone art panel resembles a bandwidth that can be read.

"Printed" her allegedly ancient Indians of the Premont and Anasazi. Scientists believe that told on the "newsstand" (from the English. Newspaper Rock) The story "was fighting" both in the prehistoric period and after acquaintance with the Europeans. Judging by numerous images of animals, such as bridges, boars and mammoths, the story of the stone "newspaper" tells about the hunt, taking horses and bulls, as well as the invention of the wheels and instruments of labor.

In total, about 650 different images of animals, people and symbols are numbered on the Newspieper-Rock. However, in the ancient "newspaper" it was not possible to find an answer, why for such a large number of petroglyphs was chosen a relatively small platform.

3. Cueva de Las Manos, Argentina

The literal "hand cave" (from the Spanish Cueva de Las Manos) has retained on its stone walls of prints of hundreds of hands, and, mostly left. It is located in the south of Argentina in the province of Santa Cruz (163 km from the city of Perito Moreno) in the Valley of the Pinturas River.

Approximately from 800 rock drawings, more than 90% depict the left palm. Photo by marianocecowski.

At first glance, the palm with estimated fingers look very modern, as if someone sprayed a spray with paint about stencil. In fact, the rock paintings were created presumably from 13,000 to 9,000 years ago. By the way, scientists suggest that this creamer "autograph" was left by spraying the paint around the palm attached to the wall.

Probably, in his right hand, the artist kept bone tubes to splash the dye. Left, respectively, served in kind. Most of all the hands are located on the entrance stone - as if they welcome the woven in the Patagonian cave. It is believed that the image of the hands meant the transition to adulthood, so on the walls of this the ancestors of the Indians the places are printed the palms of teenage boys.

In addition to the images of hands in the cave, animal drawings are found, such as Ostrich-Nanda and Guanako (genus Lam), as well as hieroglyphic inscriptions. Photo by joanbanjo.

4. Altamira, Spain

Many people call the cave located in the north of Spain, the Sistine Chapel of Primitive Art. Her walls are painted by unique squeezing "paintings" of the Paleolithic era. The age of Altamira depicted on the walls and ceiling (with Isp. La Cueva de Altamira) drawings numbers about 20 thousand years.

Due to the large stream of tourists, the drawings began to collapse. To save rock painting, Altamira was closed for visiting. In 2001in the museum complex, located next to the cave, copies of the Panel of Big Plafon were opened, which can be admired without harming the fragile petroglyphs.

Located 30 km from the city of Santander (Cantabria), it was opened in 1879 by the Spanish lawyer and an amateur archaeologist Minestino Sans de Sautola. Rather, it is him attributing to the opening of rock paintings. Minestino investigated Altamira before (in 1875), and before him about unusual ancient finds (tools, bones, horns), found in the cave, notified the local shepherd. One day, when Soutouol took a 6-year-old daughter Maria on the excavation, he smiled good luck. The girl was extremely inquisitive and the first saw the rocky picture of the bison. So the world found out about the 270-meter cave, the arches of which are filled with polychrome images of animals and human palms.

It is noteworthy that for giving the color ancient artists used coal and ocher, and to give the volume - the relief of the walls. The authenticity of primitive painting Many scientists questioned and accused Minestino Sans de Sautola in a forgiveness. And only after the death of the discoverer, in 1902 the world recognized the uniqueness of Altamira.

5. Alta, Norway

Petroglyphs found near the Northern Polar Circle in the city of Alta in the 1970s prove that it is presumably in a period of 4,200-500 years BC. This area was populated by people. They remained about five thousand delicious rock paintings on 45 archaeological sites.

The largest and only open for visits is located 4 km from the city of Alta. About 3000 images that are open-air have been listed on the World Heritage List. By the way, this is the only monument to UNESCO prehistoric period in Norway. Petroglyphs tell about how the ancient ancestors of the Scandinavians were fishing (the image of a fisherman holding a big fish in her hands), hunted (scenes that show how hunters were driven by herd of deer into the water, where they were more vulnerable, and overtake them with spears) and rested (dance plots). In addition, many petroglyphs depict religious rituals, such as shaman rites with tambourine.

6. Kalbak-Tash, Russia

Kalbak-Tash (Talbak-Tash) is located on the right bank of the Chii River at the 723rd kilometer of the Chui tract between the villages of Inya and Iodro. This is a tract - the largest cluster Petroglyphs in the Mountain Altai, its length is about 10 km. In the Altai gallery there are over 5,000 drawings and runenic inscriptions.

Animals motifs - the most popular in Kalbak-Tasha. Most often, images of bulls, deer, wolves, bans and other animals common in Altai are found in the tract. Photo by Zouave M.

Kalbak-Tash was an ancient sanctuary for people of different centuries: from Neolithic (VI-IV thousand years BC) to the ancient Turkic era (VII-X centuries. BC). In addition to the Scythian Images of Animals, People and Scenes of Hunt, in the Kalbaktaschsky sanctuary there are also generic signs Tamga, belonging to the ancient Turkic era, as well as ritual plots depicting shamans with their animal satellites Ker-Tyutpa, carrying owners in the underground world.

The Kalbak-Tash's tract is part of the Chui-Oozia Natural and Economic Park - the particularly protected natural territory of the Republic of Altai. Photo by Zouave M.

The cave was opened on December 18, 1994 in the south of France, in the Ardesh Department, in the climbing bank of the Canyon of the River of the same name, the tributary of the Rhone, near the town of Pont d'Ark, three speleologog Jean-Marie Shawa, Elometh Brewnell Deshams and Christian Hillair.

All of them have already had extensive experience in research of the caves, including those containing traces of a prehistoric person. A half-plated entrance at then the nameless cave was already known for them, but the cave has not yet been surveyed. When the Ellet, squeezing through a narrow hole, saw a big cavity, leaving in the distance, she realized that she had to come back to the car behind the stairs. Already in the evening, they even laughed, do not postpone them further examination, but still returned to the stairs and went down into a wide passage.

The researchers came across the cave gallery, where the lantern beam snatched a olver spot on the wall from the darkness. It turned out to be a "portrait" of Mammoth. No other cave of the rich in the "painting" of the south-east of France will not compare with the newly discovered, called the name of Shaw, nor in size nor the preservation and skill of the performance of drawings, and the age of some of them reaches 30-33 thousand years.

The soulologist Jean-Marie Shaw, by whose name the cave received its name.

The opening of the seam's cave on December 18, 1994 was a sensation, which was not enough of the fact that the occurrence of primitive drawings 5 \u200b\u200bthousand years ago, so also overturned the concept of the evolution of Paleolithic art, based, in particular, on the classification of French scientist Henri Lerua-Guran . According to his theory (as in the opinion of most other specialists), the development of art went from primitive forms to more complex, and then the earliest drawings from the seach would have to treat the recruitment stage (points, stains, stripes, winding lines, other doodles) . However, researchers of painting Shaw were face to face with the fact that the oldest images are almost the most perfect in its fulfillment from the Paleolithic (Paleolithic known to us - it is unknown that Picasso would say, admired by Altair bulls, bring him to see Lviv And Shaw's bears!). Apparently, art is not very friendly with an evolutionary theory: avoiding all the stagnencies, it is some kind of inexplicably arise immediately, from nothing, in highly artistic forms.

This is what the largest specialist in the field of Paleolithic art Abramova Z. a.: "Paleolithic art is written as a bright flash of flames in the depths of centuries. Extremely quickly developing from the first timid steps to polychrome frescoes, art is also disappeared as sharply. It does not It finds yourself a direct continuation in the subsequent epochs ... It remains a mystery as Paleolithic masters reached such high perfection and whatever the paths for which the Ice Picasso's Brilliant Creativity penetrated "(Cyt: Sher Ya. When and how did the art arise? ).

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Figure of black rhinos from Shaw is considered the most ancient in the world (32.410 ± 720 years ago; in the hallway there is information about a certain "new" dating that gives painting seam from 33 to 38 thousand years old, but without credible references).

At the moment, this is an ancient sample of man's creativity, the beginning of art, not burdened by history. Usually in the art of Paleolithic prevailing pictures of animals, in which people hunted - horses, cows, deer, and so on. The walls of the seam are covered with images of predators - cave lions, panther, owls and hyenas. There are drawings depicting rhino, tarpanov and a number of other animals of the ice age.

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In addition, neither in one other cave does not have such a number of images of a woolly rhino, an animal, on "dimensions" and the power of not inferior to the mammoth. In size and strength, the woolly rhino is almost not UAS-Pal Mammoth, the weight reached 3 tons, the length of the body is 3.5 m, the dimensions of the front horns are 130 cm. Dimensions of the rhino at the end of the Pleistocene, before Mammoth and Cave Bear. Unlike mammoths, rhinos were not herd animals. Probably because it is a powerful animal, although it was herbivore, had the same evil temper as their modern relatives. This is also evidenced by the scenes of fierce "rocking" rhinos fasteners from Shaw.

The cave is located in the south of France, in the climbing coast of the canyon of the Ardezh River, the influx of Rhone, in a very picturesque place, in the vicinity of Pont d'Arch ("Arched Bridge"). This natural bridge is formed in a rock with a huge span of up to 60 meters high.

The cave is "molded". The entrance to her is open exclusively for a limited circle of scientists. And that is allowed to enter it only twice a year, in spring and autumn, and work there for only a couple of weeks a few hours a day. Unlike the Altamira and Lasco, Shaw has not yet been "cloned", so the ordinary people seem to be with you to admire the reproductions, which certainly do, but a little later.

"For fifteen years old, who have passed after the discovery, people who visited the top of Everest were much more than those who saw these drawings," writes Adam Smith in the reviews on the documentary of Werner Herke about Shaw. Did not check, but it sounds good.

So, by the famous German filmmaker, some miraculously managed to get permission to shoot. The film "The Cave of Forgotten Dreams" was filmed in 3D and shown at the Berlin Film Festival in 2011, which, it must be assumed, attracted the attention of the general public to Shaw. Noine and we will fall behind the public.

Researchers agree that the caves containing drawings in such quantities were explicitly designed not for housing and did not constitute prehistoric art galleries, but were sanctuations, places of rites, in particular, the initiation of young men who enter into an adult life (about it Specify, for example, preserved children's traces).

In the four "halls" of Shaw, together with connecting passages of a total length of about 500 meters, more than three hundred beautifully preserved drawings were detected with the image of various animals, including large-scale multifigure compositions.

Ellet Brewnell Deshams and Christian Hillair - Participants in the opening of the cave Shaw.

The painting responded to the question - tigers or lions lived in prehistoric Europe? It turned out to be expensive. Ancient drawings of cave lions show them always without the mane, which suggests that, unlike African or Indian relatives, they have it or not, or she was not so impressive. Often, this image shows a tassel characteristic of lions on the tail. Coloring wool, apparently, was one-color.

In the art of Paleolithic, the pictures of animals from the "menu" of primitive people - bulls, horses, deer (although it is not exactly exactly: it is known, for example, that for the inhabitants of LASC, the main "feed" animal was the northern deer, while on The walls of the cave is found in single copies). In general, one way or another, comrades are prevailing hoofs. Shaw in this sense is unique in the abundance of images of predators - cave lions and bears, as well as rhinos. In the latter it makes sense to stop more. Such a number of rhinos, as in Shaw, no longer found in any cave.

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It is noteworthy that the first "artists", left their trail on the walls of some Paleolithic caves, including seam, became ... Bears: engraving and painting places are applied right over the marks of mighty claws, the so-called Griffad.

In the late Pleistocene, at least two types of bears could coexist: the brown prosperously lived to the present day, and their relatives are cave bears (big and small) extinct, and failing to adapt to raw dusk caves. A large cave bear was not just great - he was huge. Its weight reached 800-900 kg, the diameter of the found skulls is about half a meter. From the fight with such a beast in the depths of the cave, a person most likely could come out by the winner, but some zoologistics specialists tend to assume that, despite the frightening dimensions, this animal was slow, non-aggressive and did not imagine real danger.

An image of a cave bear made by a red hoora in one of the first halls.

The oldest Russian Paleozoologist Professor N.K. Vereshchagin believes that "in the hunters of the stone century, the cave bears had a kind of meat cattle that did not require worries for grazing and punctures." The appearance of the cave bear was transferred in Shaw as anywhere clearly. It seems that he played a special role in the life of primitive communities: the beast was portrayed on the rocks and pebbles, his figures were sculpted from clay, the teeth were used as suspensions, the skin, probably served as a bed, the skull was stored in ritual purposes. Thus, a similar skull is found in Shaw, which rests on the rocky basis, which most likely indicates the existence of a bear cult.

Woolly rhino is extinct a little earlier than mammoth (according to various sources from 15-20 to 10 thousand l.), And at least in the drawings of the Madelene period (15-10 thousand l. BC.) He is almost Meets. In Sova, we generally see the counnogo rhino with larger horns, without any traces of wool. Perhaps this is a rhinoness of the Merka, who lived in the south of Europe, but much more rare than its woolly conifers. The length of his front horns could be up to 1.30 m. Word, the monster was then.

There are practically no images of people. There are only chimerically like figures - for example, a man with a head of bison. In the seam cave, there were no traces of habitat, but in some places on the floor, the prints of the feet of primitive visitors of the cave were preserved. According to researchers, the cave was a venue for magical rituals.

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Previously, the researchers believed that several stages could be distinguished in the formation of primitive painting. At first, the drawings were very primitive. The ability came later, with experience. It was supposed to pass not one thousand years so that the drawings on the walls of the caves reached their perfection.

Nakhodka Shaw defeated this theory to the suture. The French archaeologist Jean Clott, carefully researched by Shaw, said that our ancestors were probably learned to draw even before relocation to Europe. And they arrived here about 35,000 years ago. The most ancient images of the sew cave are very perfect works of painting, in which you can see the prospect, and lightness, and different angles, etc.

Interestingly, the artists of the sew cave used methods that are not applicable to anywhere else. Before applying the wallpaper, the wall scratched and smulk. Ancient artists, at first, pumping the contours of the animal, the paints gave them the necessary volume. "People who drew it were great artists," confirms a specialist in rock painting French scientist Jean Clotte.

A detailed study of the cave will take more than a dozen years. However, it is already clear that its total length of more than 500 m at the same level, the height of the ceilings from 15 to 30 m. Four consecutive "hall" and numerous lateral branches. In the first two halls, images are made in red okra. In the third - engraving and black figures. In the cave many bones of ancient animals, and in one of the halls - traces of the cultural layer. About 300 images were detected. Painting perfectly preserved.

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There is an assumption that such images with multiple contours, enjoying each other, are a kind of primitive animation. When the cave was quickly drilled in the darkness of the cave, the rhino "came to life", and you can imagine what impact it had on the cave "viewers" - the "arrival of the train" of the Lumiere brothers is resting.

There are other considerations on this. For example, what is thus depicted in the perspective group of animals. Nevertheless, the same Herzog in his film adheres to "our" version, and he can believe in matters of "moving pictures".

Now the seam cave is closed for public access, since any noticeable change in air humidity can lead to damage to wall painting. The right of access, only a few hours and with the observance of restrictions, can only receive a few archaeologists. The cave was cut off from the outside world since the time of the glacial period due to the fall of the cliff before its entrance.

Pictures of the sew cave are striking the knowledge of the laws of perspective (overlapping the drawings of Mammoths) and the ability to put the shadows - it was still believed that this technique was discovered for several millennia later. And for the whole eternity, before the idea was painted sulfur, primitive artists opened Pointertism: the image of one animal, it seems that the bison is completely composed of red dots.

But the most amazing thing is that, as already mentioned, artists prefer rhino, lions, cave bears and mammoths. Typically, the animals that were hunted by the models of rock painting. "From the whole of the whole festival of that era, artists choose the most predatory, most dangerous animals," says the archaeologist Margaret Konds from the University of Berkeley in California. Pictures of animals that were clearly noted in the Paleolithic kitchen menu, but symbolized the danger, strength, power, artists, according to Clotte, "learned their essence."

Archaeologists drew attention to how exactly the images are included in the wall space. In one of the halls, the Red Out is depicted a cave bear without the bottom of the body, so it seems, says Clott, "as if he comes out of the wall." In the same hall, archaeologists also discovered images of two stone goats. The horns of one of them serve natural crevices in the wall, which the artist expanded.

Image of a horse in niche (source -

Skatal painting obviously played a significant role in the spiritual life of prehistoric people. This is confirmed by two large triangles (symbols of female start and fertility?) And the image of a creature with human legs, but with the head and body of the bison. Probably the people of the stone century were hoping in this way to assign themselves at least partially force of animals. The cave bear, apparently, occupied a special position. 55 bearish skulls, one of which lies on the sovereign boulder, as on the altar, suggest the thought of the cult of this beast. What explains the choice of cave seam by artists - dozens of rivant in the floor indicate that it was the place of winter hibernation of giant bears.

Ancient people again and again came to look at rock painting. On a 10-meter horse panel, a footprints left by torches, which were reinforced in the wall after it was covered with painting. These traces, according to the kondes, are on top of the layer of mineralized sediments covering images. If painting is the first step towards spirituality, the ability to appreciate it is undoubtedly the second.

The sew cave is published at least 6 books and dozens of scientific articles, not counting sensational materials in a wide press, published and translated on the main European languages \u200b\u200bfour large albums of beautiful color illustrations with the accompanying text. On December 15, the documentary film "Cave of Forgotten Dreams 3D" is coming out. Director of the picture - German Werner Herzog.

Picture "Cave of Forgotten Dreams) Ratched on the 61st Berlin Film Festival. More than a million people came to the film. This is the most cash documentary for 2011.

According to new data, the age of coal, which draws drawings on the wall of the Cave Cave - 36000 years, and not 31,000, as it was previously thought.

Refined methods of radiocarbon dating show that the settlement of the modern man (Homo Sapiens) of Central and Western Europe began 3 thousand years earlier than was considered faster. The time of joint residence of Sapirens and Neanderthals in most areas of Europe has decreased from about 10 to 6 or less than a thousand years. The final disappearance of European Neanderthals may also have happened for several millennia earlier.

The famous British archaeologist Paul Mellars (Paul Mellars) published a review of the latest achievements in the development of the radiocarbon dating method, which led to significant changes in our ideas about the chronology of events that took place more than 25 thousand years ago.

The accuracy of radio carbon dating in recent years has increased dramatically due to two circumstances. First, methods of high-quality treatment of organic substances appeared, primarily collagen secreted from ancient bones, from all foreign impurities. When it comes to very ancient samples, even an insignificant admixture of foreign carbon can lead to serious distortions. For example, if in a sample of age 40,000 years will be only 1% of modern carbon, this will lead to a decrease in the "radiocarbon age" by as much as 7,000 years. As it turned out, there are such impurities in most ancient archaeological finds, so their age systematically understed.

The second source of errors, which finally managed to eliminate, is due to the fact that the content of the radioactive isotope 14c in the atmosphere (and, consequently, in the organic matter formed into various epochs) is not constant. The bones of people and animals who lived during periods of high content of 14C in the atmosphere initially contained more than this isotope than was supposed, and therefore their age was again undertaken. In recent years, a number of extremely accurate measurements have been made to reconstruct 14C fluctuations in the atmosphere over the past 50 years. For this, unique marine sediments were used in some parts of the world ocean, where the precipitation accumulated very quickly, Greenland ice, cavelagmites, coral reefs, etc. In all these cases, it was possible for each layer to compare radiocarbon dates with others obtained on the basis of The ratio of oxygen isotopes 18o / 16o or uranium and thorium.

As a result, correction scales and tables were developed, which allowed sharply increase the accuracy of radio-carbon dating of samples over 25 thousand years. What did the refined dates tell?

Earlier it was believed that people of modern type (Homo Sapiens) appeared in Southeast Europe approximately 45,000 years ago. Hence, they gradually spread in the Western and North-West direction. The settlement of Central and Western Europe continued, according to "defective" radiocarbon dating, about 7 thousand years (43-36 thousand years ago); The average speed of promotion is 300 meters per year. Refined dates show that the settlement occurred faster and began earlier (46-41 thousand years ago; the rate of promotion up to 400 meters per year). At about the same speed later, agricultural culture (10-6 thousand years ago), which also came from the Middle East was distributed later. It is curious that both waves of the settlement walked two parallel paths: the first - along the Mediterranean coast from Israel to Spain, the second - along the Danube Valley, with the Balkans - to South Germany and then to Western France.

In addition, it turned out that the period of joint residence of modern people and Neanderthals in most areas of Europe was significantly shorter than those believed (not 10,000 years old, but only about 6,000), and in some areas, for example, in the west of France, and is less only 1-2 thousand years. According to updated dating, some of the brightest samples of cave painting turned out to be much more older than it was believed; The beginning of the Orignac Epoch, marked by the appearance of various complex products from the bone and horns, also moved into times (41,000 thousand years ago on new ideas).

Paul Mellars believes that they need a revision and previously published dating of the latest Neanderthal parking (in Spain and Croatia; both parking, according to the "unspecified" radiocarbon dating, have age 31-28 thousand years old). In fact, these finds are most likely over several thousand years older.

All this shows that the indigenous Neanderthal population of Europe Palo under the onslaught of Middle Eastern aliens is much faster than it was believed. The superiority of the Sapirens - technological or social - was too large, and neither the physical strength of Neanderthals nor their endurance, nor the adaptation to the cold climate could save the doomed race.

Painting Shaw is amazing in many ways. Take, for example, angles. The usual case for cave artists was to depict animals in the profile. Of course, it is characteristic of the most part of the drawings, but there are breakthroughs, as on the above fragment, where the muzzle of the Bizon is given in three quarters. In the following figure, you can also see a rare image in the FAS:

Maybe this is an illusion, but a clear sense of composition is created - lions in anticipation of production are sniffed, but they still do not see the bison, but it is clearly strained and frozen, feverishly thinking where to run. True, judging by the stupid look, it is bad.

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In the recently released fantastic film "Prometheus" of the cave, which enlightening the opening of an extraterrestrial civilization, who once visited our planet, was copied to the sow, including this wonderful group to which people are completely inappropriate here.

Frame from the film "Prometheus" (dir. R. Scott, 2012)

We know with you that there are no people on the walls of Shaw. What no, there is no. There are bulls.

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During the Pliocene and especially in Pleistocene, the ancient hunters had a significant pressure on nature. The idea that the extinction of mammoth, woolly rhino, a cave bear, a cave lion is associated with warming and the end of the ice age, for the first time, was questioned by the Ukrainian paleontologist I.G. Pidopouschko, who appealed the seemingly cramless hypothesis that a man was convinced in the extinction of Mammoth. Late openings confirmed the validity of these assumptions. Developing methods of radiocarbon analysis showed that the last mammoths ( Elephas Primigenius.) I lived at the very end of the ice age, and somewhere they lived before the start of Golocene. At the pregedmost parking lot of a Paleolithic person (Czechoslovakia), the remains of thousands of mammoths were found. Known mass finds of mammoth bones (more than 2 thousand individuals) in the parking lot of the mane, under Novosibirsk, who have 12 thousand years old. Last Mammoths in Siberia lived only 8-9 thousand years ago. The destruction of the mammoth as a species is undoubtedly the result of the activities of ancient hunters.

An important character in Painting Shaw was a bigged deer.

The art of upperopelyolithic animalists serves as an important source of information on what animals our ancestors hunted on which animals. Until recently, the oldest and most complete late-altitic drawings from the caves of the LASCO in France (17 thousand years) and Altamira in Spain (15 thousand years) were considered, but later the cave sew was opened, which gives us a new spectrum of the mammalian fauna images of that time. Along with relatively rare Mammoth drawings (among them, the image of a mammoth, strikingly reminiscent of the Mammoth Dima found in the permafrost of the Magadan region) or Alpine Capricorn ( Capra Ibex.) There are many images of the cough rhinos, cave bears ( Ursus Spelaeus.), cave lions ( Panthera Spelaea.), Tarpanov ( Equus Gmelini.).

Images of rhinos in the seam cave give rise to a lot of questions. This is undoubtedly not woolly rhino - drawings are depicting a counnogo rhino with larger horns, without traces of coat, with a pronounced skin fold, characteristic of the living species for a single Indian rhino ( Rhinocerus Indicus.). Perhaps this is a rhino measure ( Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis) who lived in the south of Europe until the end of the late Pleistocene? However, if there is a rather numerous hair remnant to the beginning of neolith from a woolly rhino, a rather numerous volume of skin with hairproof, horny thighs on the skull (in Lviv, even the only stuffed stuffed in the world), then from the rhinoness of measure to us Only bone remains, and keratin "horns" are not preserved. Thus, the opening in the seam cave puts the question of us: what kind of rhinos was known for its inhabitants? Why are the rhinos from the sew cave depicts herds? It is very likely that the Merka rhino disappearance is also members of Paleolithic hunters.

We do not see them with vacationers. Always hunting, and always almost a whole pride.

In general, it is clearly admirable for a primitive person around him with huge, strong and rapid beasts, be it the biggest deer, bison or bear. Even somehow ridiculous next to them to put yourself. He did not put. There is something to learn to us fill in your virtual "caves" with our own or family photos in immeasurable quantities. Yes, that, and the names of the first people was not peculiar. But the same bear was portrayed with the greatest care and trembling:

Completes the gallery the most strange drawing in the shaw, definitely a cult destination. It is located in the red corner of the grotto and is made on a rocky ledge, having (not known, it is necessary to assume a phallic form

In the literature, this character is usually referred to as the "sorcerer" or a tavochefal. In addition to bullish head, we see another, lion, female legs and deliberately increased size, let's say, the LONO, which is the center of the entire composition. On the background of their colleagues on the Paleolithic workshop, the craftsmen, painted this sanctuary, looks like fair-made avant-garders. We know separate images of the T.N. "Venger", male sorcerers in the image of animals and even scenes hinting at the soiling of an unlucky woman with a woman, but that all of these listened to miss ... is assumed (see, for example, Francech auvet.htm) that the image of the female body was the earliest, and the head of the lion and the bull are given later. Interestingly, there is no overlay of later drawings on previous ones. Obviously, the preservation of the whole composition was part of the artist's plans.

, as well as take a look at and