Armenia beautiful places attractions. Sights of Armenia. Historical places of Armenia. Sights of Armenia on the map

The Khor Virap Monastery, 45 km from Yerevan, stands almost at the foot of Ararat - the mountain is so close that it seems you can reach it. And yet the symbol of Armenia is located abroad, in Turkey

There are cafes on every corner in the capital of Armenia, but if you want to get the maximum experience, you shouldn't sit at a table: walk around the hospitable city, where summer lasts from May to October, and then take a ride or excursion bus in its surroundings.

1. Think about the soul

It’s worth going to Yerevan if only to look at Ararat. In clear weather, it can be seen entirely, from the foot to the top, and there are no other mountain ranges around that obscure this unusually majestic, even exciting spectacle. The mountain to which Noah’s Ark landed in Old Testament times is always different: it changes color from blue to pink, then suddenly disappears completely, or shows only the peak with clouds clinging to it. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off the mountain. Against such a powerful background, everything around is filled with a completely different meaning and it becomes clear why for Armenians around the world Ararat is more than a beautiful mountain. This is our soul.

-----BR-----2. Worship the saint

A trip to the capital of Armenia is rarely limited to the city itself - Yerevan is surrounded by amazing sights. One of them, the Khor Virap monastery, stands almost at the foot of Ararat - here it is good to sit on a low stone fence and, looking at the mountain, immerse yourself in thoughts about the eternal. The temple was built on the site of an underground prison into which King Trdat III threw St. Gregory the Illuminator to certain death. But when, 15 years later, a surviving prisoner cured Trdat of his illness, he unconditionally accepted his faith, and Gregory the Illuminator became the first Armenian Catholicos. At this place, a chapel was first built, and then a monastery with a theological seminary.

There are countless stone khachkars decorated with carved crosses throughout the country.

3. Touch the stone lace

Wherever you go, you will see khachkars everywhere - stone slabs with openwork crosses carved on them. In the village of Noraduz on Lake Sevan alone there are about 900 khachkars. The Armenian cross itself is also noteworthy - the sign of suffering bushes and sprouts flowers, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ and the tree of life. Khachkars are not only a testimony of faith, but also a kind of prayer to the Lord, which explains their general style with an endless variety of ornamental solutions. It is believed that one of the most beautiful khachkars, dating back to 1291, is located in the Goshavank monastery complex. If you don't make it there, go to the National History Museum, where another masterpiece by the same master Pogos is on display.

4. See the world through the eyes of a genius

An Armenian from Tbilisi who lived part of his life in Kyiv, Sergei Parajanov was going to live in Yerevan after perestroika. After the director’s death, the works bequeathed to Armenia were placed in the house built for him. This is how this amazing museum appeared in the city, which is a must-see. Someone said about Parajanov that he was not a talent, but he was a genius. Looking at collages, installations and sculptures made from scraps of paper, shards of glass, shreds, slivers, wire, you really begin to understand the difference.

The Parajanov House-Museum in Yerevan may well compete with the Dali Theater-Museum in Figueres

5. Try dolma where they know how to cook it

Remember “Mimino”: “You just don’t know how to cook dolma”? So, in Yerevan, of course, they know how to cook dolma. It’s delicious almost everywhere, but the Dolmama restaurant is especially famous for it. (Pushkina, 10, dolma - 500 rub.) - favorite place foreign guests of Yerevan. In addition to the perfect dolma, the menu includes almost all the best dishes of Armenian cuisine in an impeccable modern interpretation. In addition, Dolmama has exemplary service, and in the summer the tables are set in a cozy courtyard. However, there are many places in Yerevan where you can eat deliciously. Excellent cuisine and atmosphere - at The Club (Tumanyan, 40, dolma - 285 rub.), which has a shop, tea room and cafe. Excellent kebabs and kebabs - at the Artash tavern (Moskovyan, 31, average bill - from 250 rubles.), classic Armenian cuisine with Georgian inclusions - in “Caucasus” (Hanrapetutyan, 82, average bill - from 400 rubles.), khinkali of all possible varieties - in the Khinkali restaurant (Tumanyan, 21/1, average bill - from 30 rubles.).

Some researchers consider Armenia to be the birthplace of dolma

6. Make sure that dolma is not everything

Not everyone knows that Armenian cuisine exists in two versions: Eastern Armenian is widespread on the territory of modern Armenia, and Western Armenian is eaten by Armenians, who have lived in the Middle East since time immemorial. When the repatriation policy began after the war, people coming to the Armenian SSR also brought their food with them. So in Yerevan they began to eat lamaj (flatbread with minced lamb), isli kebab (cutlets in the shell of fried bulgur) and hummus (chickpea paste). And thanks to the current wave of Armenians from Syria, new places with Western Armenian cuisine have begun to open, for example Anteb (E. Kokhbatsi, 30, average bill - from 40 rubles.). And don’t be fooled by the modest interior – there is an excellent menu and the best lamajos in the city. Order plenty of appetizers - they are the most delicious in Middle Eastern cuisine.

7. Visit the spiritual center of the country

On the list of must-see places in the vicinity of Yerevan, first place, of course, is Etchmiadzin - the spiritual center of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which includes Cathedral, theological seminary and residence of the Supreme Patriarch-Catholicos of All Armenians with a wonderful museum. As you know, Armenia was the first state in the world to officially adopt Christianity in 301. The cathedral was founded two years later, so it can be considered the world's first state Christian church. The territory of this complex, planted with shady trees and flowers, is unusually beautiful. On the way, stop at the temple built in honor of the Great Martyr Saint Hripsime. This is a real architectural masterpiece.

The buildings of Noravank are made of the same stone as the surrounding rocks

8. Find a monastery among the rocks

The Noravank monastery complex is located 112 km from the city, but the road to it is so picturesque that it does not seem tiring. In addition, it is worth making a couple of stops to explore the Areni caves and buy fresh pita bread at the village bakery. Noravank itself is the same yellow-red color as the rocks and gorges surrounding it, because it was built from stone that was mined in the neighborhood. In the 13th–14th centuries, Noravank was the residence of the Orbelian princes. There are two churches, a chapel and khachkars of rare beauty. And the Church of Surb-Karapet is decorated with a bas-relief depicting the face of God the Father, which is something you rarely see anywhere.

9. Take home the carpet

Every weekend, the section of the boulevard from the Republic Square metro station to Khanjyan Street turns into a large fair or, as Yerevan residents say, vernissage. Here you can find an unprecedented variety of things: antiques of varying degrees of value, antique carpets, silver, designer ceramics, dishes, national musical instruments, onyx vases - the list goes on and on. Nearby there are rows of artists and second-hand book dealers. At the opening day, of course, it is customary to bargain, and bargain cheerfully and with pleasure. There are plenty of souvenir shops in the center of Yerevan. The most pleasant one, called “Agsak” (Abovyana, 3/1), literally bursting with high-quality ceramics, silver, graphics, bronze copies of archaeological finds and other treasures. And books, albums, posters and CDs with ancient and modern Armenian music are sold in the cafe-gallery Artbridge Bookstore Café (Abovyana, 20).

At the vernissage in the center of Yerevan - souvenirs for every taste and color

10. Swim in the overturned sky

Lake Sevan lies so high in the mountains that when you stand on its shore, it seems that the water surface is about to touch the sky. Clean fresh water It warms up only in the middle of summer, so coming here on a hot day is salvation and joy. Around the lake, which locals call the sea, there are solid mountains, and the water changes color every hour from azure to turquoise and dark blue. It’s a good place to spend the whole day, go to the peninsula and explore the Sevanavank monastery complex, built in 874. If you find yourself on the west bank, don’t miss another wonderful monastery - Hayravank. In addition to sunscreen, take something warm with you: no matter how hot it is during the day, a cool wind always blows in Sevan in the evenings.

According to legend, from alpine lake The stars and gods drank Sevan

11. Visit the first museum of modern art of the USSR

It’s hard to imagine now, but the opening of the Museum of Modern Art in Yerevan in 1972 was an unprecedented phenomenon for the Soviet Union: the building itself, as if raised above the ground, seemed unusual, not to mention the contents. Before the collapse of the country, the museum was the only one of its kind. In general, Armenia has a strong painting tradition, and here it is easy to see the diversity of its trends. Now the museum has about 2,300 exhibits, including a collection of works by Armenian artists: Minas Avetisyan, Yervand Kochar, Rudolf Khachatryan, Garzu, Gayane Khachaturyan... Exhibitions of young creators are regularly held.

12. Study the history of the Eternal City

This year Yerevan turns 2,795 years old, making it 30 years older than Rome. In terms of eternity, it's not that big of a difference, but it's still nice. The city was founded by the Erebuni fortress, built on a hill of the same name in 782 BC. e. King Argishti, ruler of the ancient state of Urartu. As evidenced by the plate with the text written in Urartian cuneiform, all Armenian children learn it at school. Now at the foot of the hill there is a beautiful museum with archaeological finds. Climbing the stairs to the hill, you will get to the excavations themselves, begun by the expedition of Academician B.B. Piotrovsky.

The Erebuni Museum displays objects from the times of the Urartu state

13. Listen to duduk in his homeland

Probably no other musical instrument is so strongly associated with the self-identification of the Armenian people as the modest-looking duduk. Made from apricot wood (this is another national symbol!), it has an extraordinary sound - soft, soulful, almost unbearably aching. For many years this music was listened to only in their native land. It accompanied all significant events in people's lives: birth, baptism, weddings, funerals. But thanks to the brilliant performer Jivan Gasparyan, duduk has entered the musical mainstream over the past 20 years. Now the original Armenian instrument can be heard in Hollywood cinema, sometimes completely unexpectedly, as, for example, in the film “Onegin”. And if you are lucky and your trip coincides with a Gasparyan concert, be sure to buy tickets in advance - this is not to be missed.

14. Drink the most delicious water in the world

It is not difficult to make sure that this is the pure truth - just drink from the stone fountains located throughout the city. Which are called “pulpulak” - by analogy with the sound made by a babbling source. There is generally a special attitude towards water, perceived as the most valuable gift of nature. In ancient times, it was in short supply and sellers with jugs walked around the city: a monument to such a peddler boy stands in one of the city parks. And in the middle of summer, Yerevan celebrates the Vardavar holiday, when it is supposed to pour water on everyone. Don't be offended by jokers - it's better to spray them back.

Fountains on central square Republic

15. Descend into the gorge right within the city

Yerevan is one of the few cities that have their own gorge, and of quite impressive proportions. It is called Hrazdansky in honor of the river that flows there. Once upon a time it was a completely untouched and very picturesque corner, where there was nothing but fruit trees and a children's room. railway. Yerevan residents had picnics here, cooling watermelons and mineral water right in the river. Now this is not the case: in the evenings the gorge is full of life - a record number of restaurants, cafes, and hotels have been built here. But thanks to its size, there is always room for those who just want to take a walk. For example, to the Yerevan Brandy Factory above the gorge, where the famous “Ararat” is produced (Tsovakal Isakovi Ave., 2)- since 1998, after the purchase of the plant by the Pernod-Ricart concern, it is called not cognac, but brandy, but the essence has not changed.

16. Climb to the top of the Cascade

Right behind the Opera and Ballet Theater, between Baghramyan and Mashtots avenues, there is a square called Cascade. Here stands a monument to the architect Alexander Tamanyan, the founding father of modern Yerevan, bending over the general plan of the city. And behind it is a park with a collection of sculptures from all over the world, several cafes and a long staircase leading high to the hill, where the main observation deck of the city is located. On the way up there are five tiers, each with museums, galleries, fountains and flower beds. The Cascade is one of the favorite places of Yerevan residents; there is always something going on here. When there are concerts, the audience sits right on the steps. If you're lucky, you will witness a cheerful flash mob, when all those gathered dance folk dances together - where else in the world will you see this?!

The lower tier of the Cascade, where Yerevan residents usually fleece

17. Sit on a bench next to Frunzik Mkrtchyan

Unusual sculptures were brought to Yerevan from all over the world, such as the famous fat men of Fernando Botero. But among them there are also purely Armenian ones. You already know about the water seller; his brothers are the characters in the cult film “Men” and the backgammon player immortalized in bronze, without whom not a single Yerevan courtyard can do. In addition, there are benches around the city with celebrities sitting on them. For example, at the Moscow cinema you can join everyone’s favorite Frunze Mkrtchyan. But perhaps the most touching is the monument to Karabala on Teryan Street. This strange man in rags went out every day into the streets of post-war Yerevan with a bouquet of roses and gave a flower to passing girls and couples in love. No one shunned or offended the eccentric - on the contrary, everyone loved him. And in 1991 they erected a monument to Karabala, because thanks to such people the spirit of the city is formed.

18. Ride the cable car

The Tatev monastery complex is quite far from Yerevan; a one-day trip is not enough. But if you have time, be sure to arrange this trip for yourself - it will be remembered for a lifetime. You will have to go to the south of Armenia, to its most beautiful part Zangezur, through continuous mountains, alpine meadows and waterfalls. The Tatev Monastery itself, built in the 10th century, seems to grow out of a giant cliff right on the edge of the cliff - Armenian medieval architects knew how to fit their creations into the landscape. Previously, a serpentine road led to it, but now you can climb a cable car, unique in its length, going through the picturesque Vorotan Gorge - this is where it will take your breath away. The cable car is part of a large project to revive Tatev, and in the future it will have its own hotel. In the meantime, spend the night in the charming town of Goris, 30 km from the monastery. For example, at the Mirhav Hotel (Mashtots, 100).

A unique length cable car leads to the Tatev Monastery

19. Be surprised by the brightness of medieval miniatures

20. Look into the temple built with Nero’s money

According to historical sources, the Armenian king Trdat I built the Garni temple in the 1st century with money he received after a trip to Rome to visit Emperor Nero. This unique example of Hellenistic architecture in the territory of the former USSR stood in ruins for a long time until it was restored in 1976. And then the small Parthenon with 24 columns and bas-reliefs appeared before everyone. Nearby are excavations of the summer residence of the Armenian kings with chambers, baths and mosaics. Garni is spectacularly located on the edge of a huge gorge with an extraordinary view of the steep slopes and the Azat mountain river. If you come by car, go down the gorge and look at the basalt columns soaring into the sky, hanging in clusters directly above the road. And one more thing: halfway to Garni, stop at the Charents Arch. From the hill where it is built, a postcard view of Ararat opens up, and the arch serves as its frame.

21. Evaluate the calculations of ancient engineers

Garni is usually combined into one trip with the Geghard monastery complex. But that's where their closeness ends. Founded in the 4th century, Geghard was a place of pilgrimage because of the relic stored there - the spear (now in the Etchmiadzin Museum), which was used to pierce Jesus crucified on the cross. It is also notable for the fact that part of it was carved inside the rock adjacent to the main temple and decorated with khachkars carved into it. The premises inside - the main church, chapel, funeral room, etc. - are decorated with amazingly expressive reliefs. Particularly impressive is the sacristy, with four columns supporting a vaulted stalactite dome with a round opening that lets a piercing beam of light into the dungeon. How it was possible to calculate and implement such a complex project without a single mistake is impossible to understand. But the fact remains a fact.

22. Listen to jazz

High-quality live music is only at first glance an unexpected attribute of the city. They always loved jazz here and knew how to play it - in Soviet times it was an expression of inner freedom. In the legendary cafe "Poplavok" (Isahakyan, 41) The famous musician Levon Malkhasyan performed, around whom other performers gradually began to gather. Subsequently, he opened his own jazz club “Malkhas” (Pushkina, 52/1), where wonderful concerts are held in the evenings, to which the whole city comes. Another club - Mezzo Classic House Club (Isahakyan, 28). If you don't mind listening to a real concert, look at the poster for the Kafesjian Center for Contemporary Art - it is located on the last tier of the Cascade (there is an escalator leading there).

23. Wander around the city at night

One of the unchanging Yerevan traditions is an evening walk. Here they meet friends and learn the latest news. The building of the Armenian Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, which locals simply call “Opera,” is especially crowded. All around are open cafes, there is a nice pond and a large area suitable for games and roller skating. In the evenings it is so lively that tourists often feel like they are on a holiday. After sunset, a lot of people visit the pedestrian Northern Avenue, Mesrop Mashtots Avenue, Abovyan and Sayat-Nova streets, and what have you - throughout the center. So feel free to walk until late at night - the brightly lit streets of Yerevan are completely safe and the atmosphere is the friendliest. In addition, Russians are not only treated well here - they are sincerely loved.

Armenia is an ancient state with a fabulous nature and a multifaceted history.

By visiting monasteries and temples, you can completely immerse yourself in the past and feel the breath of time...

After all, it was here that Noah’s ark landed on the shore, it was here that early Christianity gained strength, in the country that was the first to adopt this religion. And from the beauty of the surrounding nature you are filled with peace and admiration. Let's look at the most popular attractions in the country.

Lake Sevan - the most beautiful high Mountain Lake in Armenia with the purest water. However, not everyone will decide to plunge into it, because even in the heat of the day the water here is quite cold.

The lake is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level and is fed by mountain streams. Swimming season not long, only two months a year, in July and August. And the weather here is very changeable; it can change several times a day.

There are local cafes along the lake where you can try national cuisine. Including deliciously cooked freshly caught trout.

Karahunj Observatory (Zorats-Karer)

The Karahunj or Zorats-Karer Observatory is located in the south, 200 kilometers from Yerevan. Sometimes it is compared to the English Stonehenge. But it is not so popular among tourists. However, in its antiquity and historical significance it is not inferior to the English observatory.

Scientists have not yet fully figured out what her actual age is. The name Zorats-Karer is translated from Armenian as “warrior stones,” since the rows of pointed stones, lined up in a certain order, resemble an army of warriors. However, historical expeditions, having examined the place, came to the conclusion that the place is in no way connected with defensive structures, and this ancient place stargazing and the sun god.

Location: Sisian.

Mount Ararat is the pride and symbol of the country of Armenia. According to Biblical legends, it was here that the famous ark of Noah landed on the shore during the Great Flood.

The mountain consists of two peaks: Small and Big Ararat. And they are clearly visible from the observation deck in the city of Yerevan. However, to visit the mountain itself, you will have to enter Turkey. The fact is that the territory on which the mountain is located came under its jurisdiction. However, Mount Ararat is still considered a holy symbol of the Armenian people.

On the site of a pagan sanctuary, on the edge of a gorge, along the bottom of which the mountain river Vorotan flows, is an ancient monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Its name comes from the nearby village of Tatev.

The monastery is surrounded by beautiful mountain landscapes, and from a certain angle, you get the feeling that it seems to be floating above the gorge.

The monastery was founded in the 1st century AD, and ancient frescoes are still preserved inside the temple.

The Tataev Monastery can be reached either by car or by cable car from Yerevan, which is the longest in the world, thanks to which it is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

This ancient monastic complex, founded in the 10th century, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite the earthquakes it experienced, the monastery was well preserved. Here you can see the cathedral with its surviving paintings. In the courtyard you can see the bell tower, tombs and a 13th century bridge with sculptures of cats.

At one time, the complex was not just a monastery, but an educational center. A very rich library was collected here and an academy was founded.

The so-called Lesser Caucasus Mountains pass through the territory of Armenia. It is a system of mountain ranges and plateaus. Their length is no more than 600 kilometers, and their height does not exceed 4000 meters.

Between the icy ridges you can see beautiful valleys and untouched forests. Tourists love to enjoy the beauty here, and climbers test their willpower and physical endurance by conquering peaks.

This is a fairly “young” building compared to all the other attractions encountered.

According to legend, a Christian girl who fled persecution from Rome was killed here by the local king. But then the king repented and built this majestic church in her honor. Here under the altar is her grave.

Since 2000, the church has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Location: Vagharshapat.

Matenadaran is the largest repository of ancient manuscripts in the world. Despite the fact that the repository has been looted more than once, more than 17 thousand manuscripts and more than 100 thousand ancient documents are stored within its walls. Of course, most of them are in ancient Armenian, but about 2000 chronicles are written in other languages ​​of the world.

You can find the building on the mountain at the end of Mashtots Avenue, whose sculpture greets the vault at the entrance to the building. And not by chance. It is Mesrop Mashtots who is the creator of Armenian writing.

Location: 53 Mashtots Avenue, Yerevan.

Etchmiadzin Cathedral is a church built in the 300s of our century. Many legends are associated with its origin and construction. One of them says that Christ himself chose the place, having dreamed of Gregory, the first patriarch of Etchmiadzin, and showing him the place of construction. Thus, the cathedral was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple.

In the annex you can find a museum where exhibits are presented in one way or another related to religious rites - church vestments, crosses, staves and much more. Important relics are also kept: part Noah's Ark and the spear that pierced Christ.

Location: Vagharshapat.

A defense complex was located in Garni, which once protected ancient city. Mihra Temple is one of the surviving structures of this fortress. In appearance, the building resembles the ancient Greek structure in Athens, the Parthenon. In pagan times, the sun god Mihra was worshiped here. Later the kings used it as a summer residence.

In the mid-17th century, after a strong earthquake, the building was severely destroyed. And only at the end of the twentieth century it was recreated literally brick by brick, which were collected throughout the gorge. The missing elements were restored using modern materials. But this made it possible to preserve the integrity of the temple.

Currently, historical performances are held in the restored temple.

This is one of the oldest fortresses not only in Armenia, but also in the world. Archaeologists are still unearthing interesting artifacts in this area. Once upon a time, the ancient city of Armenia was located here, and it is from here that the history of the entire state begins.

The fortress is located on a hill dotted with poppies. And when they bloom in the spring, it feels like the hill is flooded with blood. Hence the name of the Arin-Berd hill. Translated, this means “Bloody Fortress.”

This is a museum complex built on the site of an underground prison where early Christians were thrown. And this prison-well has still been preserved, into which you can go down and feel what it was like for the prisoners.

One of the famous prisoners was Gregory the Illuminator, who spent 15 years in a well. And then he cured the king of a clouded mind, thanks to which he saved himself, and changed the ruler’s attitude towards the Christian religion as a whole.

Tsitsernakaberd is a memorial complex built in the mid-20th century in memory of the genocide of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Republic, which began in 1915 and continued for 9 years. During this period, the Turkish military deported many Armenians from their lands, and some entire families were killed.

The complex includes a 44-meter stele symbolizing the spiritual revival of Armenia, an eternal flame in memory of the victims, a wall of mourning engraved with the names of the cities affected by this disaster, and the genocide museum itself.

Geghard Monastery is ancient temple, partially carved directly into the rock. A very atmospheric place. A holy spring gushes right out of the rock, and patterns are carved into the walls.

The monastery was founded in the 4th century, and the name comes from the word “spear”. It was here, according to legend, that the spear with which Jesus Christ was pierced was brought.

The famous mountain resort is lost in a gorge among forests and valleys, reminiscent of the nature of Switzerland. It is known for its healing mineral springs and equally healthy mountain air.

And the city of Dilijan itself resembles an ethnographic museum under open air its narrow streets and preserved ancient houses.

The village of Areni is famous for its wines. Here, in almost every home you can buy homemade wine made according to a special recipe.

At the Areni factory itself, you can listen to a tour about wine production, and also taste not only wine, but also apricot vodka. And every year after the harvest, wine festivals are held, where wine is poured in unlimited quantities.

And this is not the entire list of beauties of the country of Armenia. There are also many ancient monasteries and unprecedented pristine nature that you don’t want to leave. And the capital Yerevan itself is a tourist attraction. With its pink houses, man-made cascade with sculptures, stairs and fountains. Or Republic Square, where you can admire not only historical buildings, but also in the evening to enjoy the singing fountains with changing lighting.

Armenia is a country with a very ancient culture that has survived to this day. The varied sights of Armenia and the unusual but very tasty local cuisine will not leave you indifferent. Returning from Armenia, you will take a piece of this country with you forever. And after some time, you will want to come back again. And to be completely tempted, we offer you a list of the most interesting sights of Armenia that are worth paying special attention to.

What to see in Armenia?

The main and most interesting places countries with photos and descriptions.

1. Blue Mosque

Today, the Blue Mosque is the only Muslim symbol of faith in all of Yerevan. The history of this famous landmark of Armenia began in 1766. Built by order of the Great Khan Huseynali Khan Qajar, it was the adornment of the city throughout its existence. Unfortunately, the mosque did not survive in its original form, and only one of the four minarets has survived to this day. Many pilgrims, leaving the mosque, feel overwhelming happiness and peace.

The temple is quite inconspicuous and almost impossible to see from the street. To do this, you will have to go through the arch and, after passing the apricot grove, go straight to the mosque. The blue dome will leave you in no doubt that you have come to the right place.

2. Noravank monastery complex

The Noravank monastery complex was built back in the 13th-14th centuries. The literal translation means “new monastery.” At one time, this monastery received bishops within its walls and was last refuge princes Orbelyan, whose graves can be seen on the territory of Noravank. All parts of the monastery include two church buildings and one chapel. Surb Astvatsatsin Church is the main attraction. With its unusual entrance on the second floor and an unusual double staircase without railings, it significantly limits tourist visits. Not every person decides to climb it, risking falling to the bottom.

Surb Karapet is the second church, it looks less elegant, although it was built in the 13th century. The architecture was seriously damaged several times by local earthquakes. Given its historical significance and location surrounded by picturesque nature, Norvank is a landmark in Armenia that is worth visiting for tourists.

3. Grand Cascade in Yerevan

If you come to the capital of Armenia, be sure to visit the most important attraction of Yerevan - the Grand Cascade. As you climb this man-made structure, you will see many ordered sculptures and stone staircases of varying lengths and widths. Fountains and flower beds pleasantly refresh and fill the air with unique aromas. All this man-made beauty is located on one of the slopes of the Kanaker Hills in the heart of the city itself. The cascade is undeniably considered the decoration of the city, and from its top one of the most best views to the city and the peaks of the famous Ararat. If you come to the Cascades at night, you will be able to see the fabulous landscape of night Yerevan.

4. Ararat

Each country has its own pride, which its people admire and this attraction makes many tourists come. For Armenia this is famous mountain Ararat. The mountain consists of two peaks: Small and Big Ararat. The highest of them divides the mountain in half, giving part of it to Turkish possessions. The mountain is considered sacred, and according to legend, it was on the top of this mountain that Noah’s ark found its refuge. Pilgrims strive to get to the top, and the inhabitants of the country themselves consider this matter ungodly. In order to climb the mountain, it is enough to obtain special permission from the country's authorities and be in good physical shape.

5. Lake Sevan

We have already seen that the natural attractions of Armenia are amazing. Sevan is another proof of this. This high-altitude lake spreads its clear and clean waters at an altitude of 1916 meters above sea level. Surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks and lush shores, the lake attracts lovers of contemplation, and for good reason. Once on the shore, you can look at it for a very long time, and not even feel that time has passed unnoticed. Local residents revere this sacred lake and believe that the gods themselves drink from its waters. About 250 thousand residents currently live along the shore of Lake Sevan. They have created excellent conditions for tourists to live and relax, which any traveler can take advantage of.

6. Erebuni

For those who want to travel by time machine, in Armenia there is an opportunity to visit the ruins of the Erebuni fortress. As mentioned above, this is an ancient country, and the first stone capital was built 2.7 thousand years ago. It was not only the capital of ancient Armenia, but also a fairly serious defensive structure that protected local residents. Situated in the picturesque Ararat valley, the ancient fortress is a treasure trove useful information for archaeologists. To this day, they find many useful and unusual artifacts at excavations. It is enough to walk around the fortress on your own to be convinced that the people of this country could perfectly stand up for themselves many centuries ago.

7. Geghardavank Monastery

Geghardavan Monastery is a truly unique and inimitable place in Armenia, included in the UNESCO heritage list. According to legend, it was in this monastery that for a very long time the monks kept the spear with which one of the guards pierced Jesus Christ while he was hanging on the cross. The first stone monastery was founded on this site back in the 4th century. But regular Arab raids did not go unnoticed, and the monastery was destroyed. At the moment, the complex consists of several churches and a special cave with a spring. The Geghardavan Monastery does not attract attention with its bright decoration; it is a true abode of hermits who decided to devote their lives to the Orthodox faith. However, this place is very popular tourist destination in Armenia.

8. Garni Temple

The Garni Temple is another proof that the architectural sights of Armenia are worth the attention of tourists. Anyone who enters the territory of this temple for the first time comes to mind with orderly rows of Greek and Roman columns. And indeed, even within the country the name of the temple “Armenian Parthenon” took root. But oddly enough, it has nothing to do with Ancient Greece. And the slender columns, perfectly preserved mosaics and porticos were erected by order of local kings by local builders. For many centuries, the Temple of Mihra in Garni was used as a summer residence, and great people regularly rested in its vaults. After the last earthquake, the temple was completely restored and is available to tourists as a historical site.

9. Historical Museum of Armenia

Located in the capital, the Historical Museum of Armenia was founded back in 1921 together with an art gallery. If they decided to leave the paintings on the upper floors of the complex, then the museum itself is located on two underground levels. If you are interested in the history of the country from its inception to the present day in interesting details, the guides will be happy to take you through all the halls and tell you everything in order. You will be able to see with your own eyes the archaeological department, the department of numismatics and historical architecture. It is difficult to list all the artifacts that a modern museum owns. Moreover, the exhibition is constantly updated with new finds from archaeologists. As they say, it's better to see once.

10. Echmiadzin Cathedral

To get to this sacred place, you will first have to get to the city of Vagharshapat. Despite its plainness, the temple is an excellent example of 4th century architecture, and after many alterations and improvements it has reached us in its original form. But this did not in any way affect its attractive and ascetic architecture. No wonder the building was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Etchmiadzin Cathedral is not just a temple, but a stronghold of faith of the Apostolic Church of Armenia, and attracts many pilgrims to its walls. You can explore the temple not only from the outside, but also go inside. The pointed bell towers stand out a little from the background of other religious buildings, but do not spoil the overall impression of the visit.

11. Sevanavank Monastery

This beautiful Armenian landmark is located on the shores of the high-mountain Lake Sevan. Like other monasteries in Armenia, Sevanavank attracts tourists and pilgrims with its unusual view and landscape. He has a very unusual story. For centuries, Sevanavank was located on an island surrounded by the waters of Sevan. But in 1981 they began to build a special drainage tunnel, completed in 2003. He sharply reduced the size of the lake, and the island turned into a peninsula. But this did not in any way affect the unique view of the lake, which opens from the territory of the Sevanavank monastery and the view of the snow-capped mountain peaks. Near the temple there are the remains of an older structure, which you can touch with your own hands.

12. Zvartnots Temple

The Zvartnots Temple has not survived to this day. On the hill you can only see grandiose ruins, from which a majestic structure can be easily discerned. Numerous archaeologists have found many artifacts, including a miniature model of Zvartnotsok. Built in the mid-600s, the temple stood on top of the hill for almost 300 years. It was only during a severe earthquake in 930 that it was completely destroyed under its own weight. At the moment, in the area of ​​the complex it is possible to consider possible reconstructions of the temple according to historical descriptions.

13. Tatev Monastery Complex

Of all the monastery complexes in Armenia, Tatev is perhaps the most visited and unusual. In order to get there, you will need to travel 20 km from the village of Goris. And together with hundreds of other tourists, get into the walls of an ancient Orthodox monastery. Tatev began its history in the 9th century AD, but it became famous not only for this. For those who are not afraid cable cars, can visit “Wings of Tetev” and experience the greatness of the ancient builders. Surrounded by mountains, a natural bridge and cave formed under the general name Satani Kamurj. This unique object also attracts curious glances. Several ancient temples of some of the first Christians and other interesting sights will not let you get bored during the day.

14. Khor Virap Monastery

Near the highest and most beautiful Mount Ararat, the Khor Virap Monastery spreads its ancient walls. Its walls were a medieval prison, keeping criminals behind thick walls and secure bars in the 4th century AD. Since then, everything has changed a lot, and the monastery is used only for church purposes. But for curious tourists, the cells of the underground prison have retained their pristine gloom and forever absorbed the state of hopelessness of the prisoners. The contrast of the dungeon is incredible beauty landscape that opens from the walls of the monastery to the snow-capped Mount Ararat. Thanks to clean air and the absence of clouds, the mountain is perfectly visible most of the year. This is one of the most visited attractions in Armenia.

Armenia is called an open-air museum - it is a real paradise for travelers who are not afraid of long routes, who are ready to leave the city road to climb a mountain or descend into a hard-to-reach gorge. Here you can feel the passage of centuries and get in touch with both the past and the present.

5 things to do in Yerevan

  • Step into the holy of holies of Yerevan - the citadel of the Erebuni fortress.
  • Take a photo in front of the magnificent five buildings on Republic Square.
  • Visit the Matenadaran Museum of Manuscripts - one of the world's largest collections of ancient texts.
  • Try the khorovats kebab and wash down your meal with homemade wine.
  • Buy an excellent carpet with meaning from the legendary “Tufenkian Carpets”.


In ancient times, a beautiful fortress was erected in the village of Garni - a monument to the history of Armenia in ancient times. It was located on a high rocky cliff, surrounded on three sides by deep gorges of almost vertical rocks. On the flat side, the builders erected a powerful wall 26 meters high from large basalt blocks connected with iron brackets and filled with lead. For almost 7 centuries, the fortress served as the residence of the kings of Armenia.

On the territory of the fortress there was also one of the few pagan temples of the Hellenic era preserved in Armenia - the Temple of the Sun, dedicated to the god Mithras (known in this region as Mihr), built in the 1st century AD. Greek slave builders. During the earthquake of the 17th century. the temple was seriously damaged, but in the middle of the 20th century. this historical site has been completely restored. During the Christian era, Armenian kings used the Temple of the Sun as a summer residence or “House of Coolness.”


Geghard Monastery is an ancient building of the 4th century. was originally the Ayrivank monastery. Its buildings have practically not survived, since the monastery was repeatedly attacked and looted. In subsequent centuries, new buildings dating from the 10th to 13th centuries were erected in its place.

The new name of the monastery Geghard is translated as “Spear”. According to legend, it contained the spear of Longinus, with which a Roman guard pierced Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Most of The beautiful churches and monastic cells of Geghard are carved into the rocks of the Garni River gorge.


Ashtarak is a beautiful town surrounded by gardens, which is considered one of the most ancient settlements in Armenia. The gorge of the beautiful mountain river Kasakh divides the city into two parts, offering many cozy places to relax on its banks.