List of oversized (dangerous) places and service passages. Dangerous places on the contact network List of bottlenecks and dangerous places

1. Dangerous places on the contact network include:

mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths, inspection of roof equipment, etc.;

places where consoles or clamps of various sections of stages and stations approach each other at a distance of less than 0.8 m;

supports with anchor waste of catenary suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m;

common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles, stages and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m;

supports where two or more disconnectors or arresters are located;

piercing the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m, cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials;

places of passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars;

location of electrorepellent protection;

supports with a horn arrester, on which the suspension of one of the paths is mounted, and the arrester cable is connected to the other path.

2. Dangerous places on overhead lines include:

supports with joint suspension of wires of overhead lines 6, 10 kV and with voltage up to 1000 V with a distance between them of less than 2 m;

sections of overhead lines in the span of the intersection of two lines, if the intersection in terms of dimensions is carried out in deviation from the requirements of the PUE;

supports on which two or more disconnectors, two or more cable couplings of various connections are installed;

supports on which wires of intersecting lines with voltages up to 1000 V of various connections are attached;

sections of lighting lines pedestrian bridges, located above the contact network, and lighting lines of passenger platforms on a cable suspension attached to the lower fixing cables of the crossbars;

wooden supports with rotting more than acceptable.

3. Dangerous places must be marked with warning signs and posters "Attention! Dangerous place."

Appendix 4
1. On electrified areas of direct current in front of air gaps, where in the event of a sudden release of voltage in one of the sections of the contact network, the passage of electric rolling stock with raised pantographs is not allowed, signal light indicators “Lower the pantograph” are used, placed on the supports of the contact network or individual masts ( Fig. 58).

Rice. 58
When a flashing luminous strip of transparent white color appears on the signal indicator, the driver is obliged to immediately take measures to follow the fenced air gap with lowered pantographs. Normally, the signal bars of the indicators do not light up and in this position the indicators have no signal value.
2. If signal signs “Lower the pantograph” are used, a permanent signal sign with reflectors “Attention! Current divider” is installed in front of it (Fig. 59, A). A permanent signal sign “Raise the pantograph” with reflectors on it is installed behind the air gap in the direction of movement (Fig. 59, b).

The installation diagram for the “Lower the pantograph” signal signs and the permanent “Raise the pantograph” and “Attention! Current separator” signal signs is shown in Fig. 60. Their placement should not impair the visibility and perception of permanent signals.

When operating 12-car electric trains, the distance from the air gap to the permanent "Raise the pantograph" sign must be at least 250 m.

Rice. 59

Rice. 60
3. Contact network supports that limit air gaps must have a distinctive sign - alternating four black and three white horizontal stripes. The first support in the direction of train movement is, in addition, additionally indicated by a vertical black stripe (Fig. 61, A).

Signs can be applied directly to supports or shields mounted on supports (Fig. 61, b).

Rice. 61
On multi-track sections, it is allowed to install the indicated signs on the contact network structures above the track axis. Stopping electric rolling stock with raised pantographs between these supports (signs) is prohibited.

4. Warning signs with reflectors are installed in electrified areas:

"Turn off the current" (Fig. 62, A) - before the neutral insert;

“Turn on the current on the electric locomotive” (Fig. 62, b);

“Turn on the current on the electric train” (Fig. 62, V) - behind the neutral insert.

The installation diagram of these signs is shown in Fig. 63.

Rice. 62

Rice. 63
The signal sign “End of the catenary” (Fig. 64) is installed on the contact network in the places where the working area of ​​the contact wire ends.

Rice. 64
5. In places that do not allow the passage of electric rolling stock with raised pantographs (in the event of a malfunction of the contact network, scheduled repairs and construction work, when it is necessary to lower pantographs when moving trains), temporary signal signs with reflectors are installed that show:

"Prepare to lower the pantograph" (Fig. 65, A);

"Lower the pantograph" (Fig. 65, b);

"Raise the pantograph" (Fig. 65, V).

The installation diagram of these signs is shown in Fig. 66.

Rice. 65

Rice. 66
If planned track repairs and construction work are being carried out on a double-track section with the passage of trains along one of the tracks and the laying of temporary ramps that are not equipped with a contact network, the signal sign “Lower the pantograph” is installed at a distance of at least 100 m from the fenced section. The remaining signal signs are installed as shown in Fig. 66 scheme.

In the event of sudden detection of damage to the contact network, which does not allow the passage of electric rolling stock with raised pantographs, the employee of the power supply distance who discovered this malfunction is obliged to move 500 m towards the expected train and give the driver of the approaching train a manual signal “Lower the pantograph” (Fig. 67) :

during the day - by repeated movements of the right hand in front of you along a horizontal line with the left hand raised vertically;

at night - repeated vertical and horizontal movements of a flashlight with a transparent white light.

Rice. 67
The driver is obliged to: give a warning signal, when the electrical circuit is de-energized, lower the pantographs and, with special vigilance, follow the location of the damage, making sure that the contact network is in good condition, raise the pantographs and continue driving.

Appendix 5
1. The heads of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without warps, chips, gouges, cracks and burrs.

2. The handles of hammers, sledgehammers and other impact tools must be made of dry hardwood (birch, oak, beech, maple, ash, rowan, dogwood, hornbeam) without knots and cross-layers or from synthetic materials that ensure strength and reliability at work. The free end of the handle should be somewhat thicker (except for sledgehammers) to prevent the handle from slipping out of your hands when swinging and striking with the tool.

In sledgehammers, the handle becomes somewhat thinner towards the free end. The sledgehammer is placed on the handle towards the thickened end without wedges. Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handle are made of mild steel with notches (ruffs).

3. Shovel handles are made from wood without knots or cross-layers or from synthetic materials.

4. Impact tools (chisels, crosscutters, bits, cores, etc.) must have a smooth back part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels. There should be no damage to the working end. The length of the impact tool must be at least 150 mm.

5. When working with wedges or chisels using sledgehammers, wedge holders with a handle of at least 0.7 m in length should be used.

6. When working with impact tools, workers must wear safety glasses to prevent solid particles from getting into their eyes.

7. The dimensions of the jaw (grip) of the wrenches should not exceed the dimensions of the bolt heads (nut faces) by more than 0.3 mm. The use of shims when the gap between the planes of the jaws and the heads of bolts or nuts is more than permissible is prohibited.

8. Do not extend wrenches with additional arms, second wrenches or pipes. It is allowed to extend the handles of the keys with additional levers of the “asterisk” type only, or to use keys with long handles. To avoid falling, it is prohibited to place the tool on the railings of fences or on the edge of scaffolding, scaffolding, or near open hatches or wells.

9. The working surfaces of the adjustable wrench jaws must be parallel to each other. Deviation from parallelism is allowed, in the direction of widening the pharynx towards its base, not exceeding 2°. When turning the worm, the movable jaw of the wrench should move smoothly along the entire length of the jaw, without jamming. During operation of the adjustable wrench, it must be ensured that the worm is kept from turning spontaneously. There should be no loss of the sponge when opening the pharynx. When using adjustable wrenches, it is not allowed to use additional levers or use a wrench with a jaw size larger than that indicated on the wrench.

10. Tension couplings must not have bending screws, play, screws in the guide nuts, cracks or burrs on the coupling body

11. The handles of straightening wrenches must be smooth and free of burrs.

12. Files, hacksaws and other tools with the pointed end on the handle side must be mounted on wooden handles with tightening rings. It is prohibited to operate such a tool without handles.

13. Blocks of pulley blocks must have a stamp indicating the load capacity. The rollers in pulley hoists should rotate easily, for which they must be systematically lubricated. The block cheeks, roller flanges, tension hook and loops must not have cracks, chips or other defects.

Appendix 6
1. Measurements with a megohmmeter in installations with voltages above 1000 V are carried out by two workers, one of whom must have group IV.

In installations with voltages up to 1000 V, measurements are carried out by order of two persons, one of whom must have group III.

Measurements with a megohmmeter are performed on disconnected live parts from which the charge has been removed by first grounding them. Grounding from live parts should be removed only after connecting the megohmmeter.

2. Testing the insulation of a line that can receive voltage from both sides is permitted only if a message has been received from the operating personnel of the electrical installation that is connected to the other end of this line that the switch and disconnectors are turned off and a “Do not” sign has been posted. include. People are working."

3. Before starting the tests, it is necessary to make sure that there are no people working on that part of the electrical installation to which the test device is connected, to prohibit persons located near it from touching live parts and, if necessary, to set up security.

4. When working with a megohmmeter, touching the live parts to which it is connected is prohibited. After completion of work, it is necessary to remove the residual charge from the equipment being tested by briefly grounding it.

5. Megohmmeter measurements are prohibited:

on one of the circuits of double-circuit lines with a voltage above 1000 V, while the other circuit is energized;

on a single-circuit line, if it runs parallel to a working line with a voltage above 1000 V;

during a thunderstorm or when it is approaching.

Appendix 7

Poster or sign number

Name and purpose

Version, dimensions, mm

Application area



"Don't turn it on. People are working."

To prohibit the supply of voltage to the workplace

Red letters on a white background.

The border is red, 13 and 5 mm wide.

Portable poster

In electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V. They are hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators, load switches, on keys and remote control buttons, on switching equipment up to 1000 V (in automatic machines, switches, circuit breakers), if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be applied to the workplace. For connections up to 1000 V that do not have switching devices in the circuit, the poster is hung near the removed fuses


"Do not turn on. Work on the line."

To prohibit the supply of voltage to the line on which people are working

White letters on a red background.

Portable poster

The same, but they are posted on the drives, keys and control buttons of those switching devices, if switched on incorrectly, voltage may be supplied to the overhead line or cable line on which people are working.



According to GOST 12.4.026-76 (sign No. 2.5).

The background is yellow, the border and arrow are black.

Triangle side:

360 on room doors

100 for equipment and containers

Permanent sign

In electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V.

They are fixed on the outside of the entrance doors of the switchgear, with the exception of the doors of the complete switchgear and package transformer substations located in these devices; external doors of chambers of switches and transformers; fencing of live parts located in production premises; doors of panels and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V



In populated areas*.

It is fixed on the supports of overhead lines above 1000 V at a height of 2.5-3 m from the ground, for spans of less than 100 m it is strengthened through a support, for spans of more than 100 m and crossings of roads - on each support. When crossing roads, signs should be facing the road, in other cases - on the side of the support, alternately on the right and left sides. Posters are mounted on metal and wooden supports


"Caution! Electrical voltage."

To warn of the danger of electric shock

The dimensions are the same as for sign No. 3.

The border and boom are applied using a stencil to the concrete surface with indelible black paint.

The background is the concrete surface.

Permanent sign

The same, but only on reinforced concrete supports of overhead lines


"Stop! Tension."

To warn of the danger of electric shock

Black letters on a white background.

The border is red, 21 mm wide.

Portable poster

In electrical installations up to and above 1000 V.

In closed switchgear, it is hung on temporary fences of live parts that are under operating voltage (when the permanent fence is removed); on temporary fences installed in passages where you should not enter; on permanent fences of cells adjacent to the workplace.

In outdoor switchgear, it is hung during work performed from the ground, on ropes and cords enclosing the workplace; on structures, near the workplace on the way to the nearest live parts that are energized


"Test. Life-threatening."

To warn of the danger of electric shock when performing high voltage tests

Black letters on a white background.

The border is red, 21 mm wide.

Red arrow according to GOST 12.4.026-76. 280210

Posted with an inscription outside on equipment and fences of live parts when preparing the workplace for testing with high voltage


"Danger! Keep out!"

To warn about the danger of climbing structures, which may involve approaching live parts that are energized

Black letters on a white background. The border is red, 21 mm wide.

Red arrow according to GOST 12.4.026-76.

Portable poster

In the switchgear it is hung on structures adjacent to the one that is intended for lifting personnel to a workplace located at a height


"Warning! Dangerous place."

Background yellow, border and arrow black

IN dangerous places ah on switchgear structures of traction substations, on the contact network


"Caution! Oversized space"

The background is yellow, the border and the exclamation mark inside the border are black

Installed at the boundaries of zones where the space between the approach clearance of buildings and the clearance of rolling stock does not ensure the safety of workers



"Work here."

To indicate a workplace

White circle with a diameter of 168 and 68 mm on a green background.

Black letters inside a circle.

The border is white, 5 and 2 mm wide. 250250;

Portable poster

In electrical installations of power plants and substations they are hung at the workplace. In outdoor switchgear, if there are protective fences, the workplace is hung at the place of passage behind the fence


"Get in here."

To indicate a safe climbing path to a workplace located at height


Hung on structures or stationary ladders that allow access to a high-altitude workplace




To indicate the inadmissibility of supplying voltage to a grounded section of an electrical installation

Black letters on a blue background.

The border is white, 13 and 5 mm wide.


In electrical installations of power plants and substations, they are hung on the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches, which, if turned on incorrectly, can supply voltage to the grounded section of the electrical installation, and on the keys and buttons for their remote control

2.5.1. Dangerous places on the contact network include:

· mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths and inspection of roof equipment;

  • places where consoles or clamps of various sections of stages and stations approach each other at a distance of less than 0.8 m;
  • supports with anchor waste of catenary suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m;
  • common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m;
  • supports where 2 or more disconnectors, arresters are located;
  • piercing the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m, cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials;
  • places of passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars;
  • location of electro-repellent (bird-scaring) protection;
  • supports with a horn arrester, on which the suspension of one of the paths is mounted, and the arrester cable is connected to the other path.

2.5.2. Dangerous places on overhead lines include:

· supports with joint suspension of overhead line wires 6.10 kV and up to 1000 V with a distance between them of less than 2 m;

  • sections of overhead lines in the span of the intersection of two lines, if the intersection is made in deviation from the requirements of the rules for the construction of electrical installations;
  • supports on which 2 or more disconnectors, 2 or more cable couplings of various connections are installed;
  • supports on which wires of intersecting lines with voltages up to 1000 V of various connections are attached;
  • sections of lighting lines for pedestrian bridges located above the contact network, and lighting lines for passenger platforms on a cable suspension attached to the lower fixing cables of the crossbars;
  • wooden supports with rotting more than permissible, according to the instructions for the maintenance and repair of signaling power supply devices.

2.5.3. Depending on local conditions, by decision of the EC management, other dangerous places may be installed within the contact network areas.

2.5.4. Dangerous places must be determined by a commission headed by the deputy head of the electric control center in charge of the operation of the contact network, consisting of a labor protection engineer or a contact network engineer, and the head (senior electrician) of the electric control room. The results of the inspection of electrical installations are documented in a report indicating the reasons for the danger. Each dangerous place must be fenced off with a warning sign “Attention! Dangerous place”, in accordance with the regulations on safety signs at facilities railway transport.

2.5.5. The list of dangerous places and their cards (Appendix 6 to these Rules) must be approved by the management of the electrical control center and be kept by the energy dispatcher and in the electrical control committee. Instead of cards, the energy dispatcher may be given a list of dangerous places indicating safety measures when performing work in each place. A list of dangerous places with safety measures should be posted in the safety corner of the ECHK.

2.5.6. A dangerous place may be excluded from the list if the necessary technical reconstruction of the electrical installation is carried out to ensure safe working conditions without taking additional safety measures.

At power supply distances, work is carried out to identify dangerous places in the contact network. Lists and photographs of these places, indicating the necessary measures to ensure the safe performance of work, power supply distances approved by management, are located with the energy dispatcher and in the area of ​​​​the contact network, where they are posted in the premises of duty stations, in the occupational safety corner, and cards for the completion of work in these places are handed over to the work manager along with a work permit.

The following are considered dangerous places on the contact network (Fig. 12.5).

  • 1. Mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths, inspection of roof equipment, etc. (Fig. 12.5, A).
  • 2. Places where consoles or clamps of various sections of hauls and stations come together at a distance of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, d).
  • 3. Supports with anchor waste of contact suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work to live parts is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, g).
  • 4. Common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, e).
  • 5. Supports where two or more disconnectors, an arrester, a disconnector and an arrester are located (Fig. 12.5, V).
  • 6. Stitching the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m are the cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials (Fig. 12.5, b).
  • 7. Places for passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars (Fig. 12.5, d).

Rice. 12.5. Dangerous places on the contact network and layout of signage signs: A - mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths, inspection of roof equipment, etc.; b - piercing the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m, cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials; V - supports where two or more disconnectors, arrester, disconnector and arrester are located; d - places of approach at a distance of less than 0.8 m of consoles or clamps of various sections of stages and stations; d - places of passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars; e - common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m; and- supports with anchor waste of catenary suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m; h - locations of electro-repellent protection on the crossbars of the AC contact network to prevent nesting of birds; And - supports with horn arresters

  • 8. Locations of electro-repellent protection on the crossbars of the AC contact network to prevent bird nesting. The length of the antenna should be 180-190 m, the distance to the catenary wires should be at least 2.5 m, in addition, to protect the insulators from birds, special structures should be used on both sides of the insulator (Fig. 12.5, h).
  • 9. Supports with horn arresters, on which the suspension of one of the tracks is mounted, and the arrester loop is connected to the contact network of another track or feeder. Horn arresters mounted on a rigid crossbar, except for horn arresters, the loops of which are connected to the paths closest to the support (Fig. 12.5, And).


The list of dangerous places can be supplemented by the management of the power supply distance, based on local conditions.

The work order for work in a dangerous place must have a difference: a red stripe diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. The same strip should be on the map of the technological process of preparing work in a dangerous place. The routing number must be indicated in the upper right corner of the work order.

On the contact network, dangerous places are indicated by warning signs (red arrow) and posters “Attention! Dangerous place".

Control questions

  • 1. How is the contact network grounded for work?
  • 2. What electrical safety groups are there?
  • 3. What are the conditions for performing work on the contact network and what is their essence?
  • 4. Which devices on the contact network belong to dangerous places?
  • 5. What is induced voltage?
  • 6. How is compliance with safety rules monitored?
  • 7. What is the procedure for working from insulating removable towers and working platforms of railcars and handcars?
  • 8. Who has the right to issue orders, permission orders?
  • 9. Who is responsible for the safe performance of work?
  • 10. What is the responsibility of the observer?
  • 11. What is the responsibility of the work contractor?
  • 12. How are combined works performed?
  • 13. What organizational and technical measures are available?

At power supply distances, work is carried out to identify dangerous places in the contact network. Lists and photographs of these places, indicating the necessary measures to ensure the safe performance of work, power supply distances approved by management, are located with the energy dispatcher and in the area of ​​​​the contact network, where they are posted in the premises of duty stations, in the occupational safety corner. Cards for the execution of work in these places are presented to the work manager along with the work permit.

Dangerous places on the contact network include:

Mortise and sectional insulators separating loading and unloading routes, inspection routes for roof equipment, etc. (Fig. 11.2, A);

Stitching the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m are the cables of disconnectors and arresters or surge arresters of another section of the contact network with different potentials (Fig. 11.2, b);

Supports where two or more disconnectors, arresters or anchorages of various sections are located (Fig. 11.2, V);

Places where consoles or clamps of different sections come together at a distance of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, d);

Places for passage of supply, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars (Fig. 11.2, d);

Common racks of clamps of various sections of the contact network with a distance between clamps of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, e);

Supports with anchor waste of contact suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, g);

Location of electrorepellent protection (Fig. 11.2, h);

Supports with a horn arrester or surge arrester, on which the suspension of one track is mounted, and the loop is connected to another track or feeder route (Fig. 11.2, And).

Dangerous places on the contact network are indicated with special warning signs and indicators (red arrow or

Rice. 11.2. Dangerous places on the contact network and layout of signage signs

poster "Attention! Dangerous place", the arrangement of which is shown in Fig. 11.2. Work to ensure safety in such places is carried out in accordance with the “Card of Work in a Dangerous Place of the Contact Network”.

Card of work in a dangerous place on the contact network (example):

Name of the dangerous place and its location Diagram or photograph of a dangerous place Measures to ensure safe mining conditions
Sectional disconnectors Cl, C2 are located on one support, connected to the sectioning post directly and to the contact network through mortise insulators in the loops Station_____________ Sectioning post Fig. 11.3. General view of a dangerous place on a contact network with two sectional disconnectors on one support To carry out the work, turn off the sectional disconnectors Cl, C2 and disconnect the shunts from the mortise insulators of the disconnectors C1, C2. Install grounding rods on the loops on both sides on disconnectors Cl, C2 and install shunts on disconnectors C 1, C2. Performer of work - group V. Performers: when removing the shunt - group V, during work - IV