Dessau-Rosslau, Germany: interesting sights and best restaurants in the city, reviews and tips from tourists. Dessau is a city in Germany Chapter xx surrender of Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey. revolution and death of the monarchy in Germany

DESSAU, ch. mountains Prince of Anhalt Dessauskago, on the river. Mulde, near its confluence with the Elbe. On April 1626 (see Thirty Years' War1) military. actions between the troops of Wallenstein and the Protestants. contingents of Christian IV, cor. Danish,... ... Military encyclopedia

I Dessau Paul (b. 12/19/1894, Hamburg), German composer and conductor (GDR). Member of the SED since 1948. Since 1950, member of the German Academy of Arts (in 1959 69 vice president). He performed in concerts as a child. In 1910 12 studied at... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Dessau) Thirty Years' War Place of battle April 25 1626 between him. Protestants under the command of Count von Mansfeld and the troops of the Holy Roman Empire (20,000 people) under the command of General. von Wallenstein. Von Mansfeld besieged the fort... ... Encyclopedia of Battles of World History

- (Dessau) the main city of the Duchy of Anhalt and the residence of the Duke, near Mulda, 3 km from its confluence with the Elbe. Inhabitants 34658 (1890). the Ducal Palace, with valuable collections of paintings and antiquities; Ducal library, public places (50,000 each... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Dessau) Paul (b. 19 XII 1894, Hamburg) German. composer (GDR). Member German Academy Suit in (1950). Member SED since 1948. Began performing in concerts in early childhood. In 1910, 12 studied at the Klindworth Scharwenka Conservatory (Berlin) in the class of php. And… … Music Encyclopedia

- (Dessau), a city in Germany, the state of Saxony Anhalt. About 100 thousand inhabitants. Port on the river Mulda, at its confluence with the Elbe. Railway junction. Mechanical engineering, light industry, food industry... encyclopedic Dictionary

Dessau P.- DESSAU (Dessau) Paul (18941979), German. composer. The author is political. songs for workers' choirs. He emigrated in 1933. Since 1939 in the USA, he collaborated with W. Disney. Since 1948 in the East. Berlin. Music for B. Brecht's plays; operas, including The Condemnation of Lucullus (1949) ... Biographical Dictionary

Dessau- (Dessau)Dessau, an industrial city in the state of Anhalt, Germany, at the confluence of the Elbe and Mulde rivers, approximately 112 km southwest of Berlin; 95,100 inhabitants (1991). From 1925 to 1932 in D. there was the Bauhaus the famous higher school of construction and... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

DESSAU- Bernhard, violinist, b. March 1, 1861 in Hamburg, student of Schradick (Hamburg and Leipzig), Joachim and Wieniawski; occupied the position of accompanist in Görlitz, Ghent, Königsberg, Brunn, Prague, Rotterdam (he was also a teacher of canning) and Bremen... ... Riemann's Dictionary of Music


  • Army of Frederick the Great. Issue 1 (set of 15 postcards) Category: Art and photography Publisher: Pechatnaya Sloboda, Sunday Day,
  • Army of Frederick the Great. Issue 2 (set of 15 postcards), The army of King Frederick II of Prussia, or Frederick the Great, is presented in sets of postcards in three issues. Imitating either the style of pen drawings of the Rococo era, or the style of military illustrations... Category: Art and photography Publisher:

The city is about an hour's drive from Berlin.

A little history

It was in this city that the Junkers aircraft production factories were located. The Allies made every effort to destroy all the factories by air bombing, which they managed to do just 6 weeks before American troops entered the city. However, they no longer entered the city, but into ruins: Dessau was almost completely destroyed along with the famous factories. After the end of World War II, Dessau became a territory of East Germany, of which it later became a major industrial center.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Dessau

The main attraction of Dessau is Georgium Palace.

This is a wonderful, almost textbook example of the classical style in architecture. Today, the premises of the palace are given over to the State Art Gallery, which has a fairly extensive collection of paintings and artistic treasures created by European masters. This, of course, is not the Dresden Gallery or the Munich Pinakothek, but the museum undoubtedly deserves attention: paintings by A. Durer, P. Bruegel, L. Cranach the Elder, P.-P. Rubens, F. Hals are the subjects of his pride.

The palace is surrounded by a magnificent park, also called Georgium. The paths of the park are enlivened by copies of ancient sculptures, and in the depths of it there is a small palace called Luisium, built in the pavilion style in the 18th century. The palace itself is not as interesting as its interior decoration, which gives an excellent idea of ​​the art of designing interiors characteristic of those times. Near the palace there is a Chinese bridge and a greenhouse.

The historical city museum fully and thoroughly introduces visitors to the 800-year history of the city. Like many cities in Germany, Dessau has a good, extensive zoo, which, as is known, is an indicator of the well-being of the city. The local Zoo has an area of ​​about 11 hectares and annually welcomes more than 100,000 guests.

Mosigkau Palace

Mosigkau Palace, built in 1752-57 by the architect Knobelsdorff in the Rococo style, which was then very much loved by the nobility. Here is another collection of wonderful paintings, including, among others, paintings by Dutch artists P.-P. Rubens and A. Van Dyck.

Landscape Park Dessau-Wörlitz

16 km from the city there is a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site - the Dessau-Wörlitz Landscape Park. The park was founded in the 18th century at the direction of Prince Leopold Friedrich Franz, and today it is one of the most beautiful parks in Germany. This was the first English-style park on German soil, and it attracted many prominent people. Alexander Humboldt, Johann Winckelmann, and Johann Wolfgang Goethe were here. In the southern part of the park is a palace, famous for being the first architectural structure in Germany designed entirely in the classicist style. Like almost all palaces in Germany, it has a rich collection of artistic treasures, in particular, rare examples of ancient sculpture and works by Dutch, Italian, German and French artists of the 17th and 18th centuries.

In the northern part of the park there is a Gothic house, originally intended for gardeners, but rebuilt into a princely residence (it turns out that this happens...). It also has its own collection of masterpieces, including several works by Lucas Cranach the Elder, an excellent selection of English engravings and Swiss stained glass from the 15th and 16th centuries. The park is decorated with small copies of architectural landmarks of Italian cities and a pond with an island rich in rare plants. You can get to Wörlitz Park in about half an hour by bus, which runs 1-2 times an hour from Dessau.

Palace Louisium with park

Künau Palace with park

Oranienbaum Palace with park


Dessau is the birthplace of the world famous Bauhaus building style. The city has preserved several examples of the Bauhaus style, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

Bauhaus Museum, Houses of Masters (Kandinsky, Gropius, etc.).


Zoo with Mausoleum

Churches: St. Mary's Church, St. John's Church, Georgenkirche, Petruskirche, Auferstehungskirche, Pauluskirche, Christuskirche, Propsteikirche St. Peter and Paul, Dreieinigkeit, St. Josef.


Athos. Kornhausstr. 1, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau, Ziebigk

Kornhaus (on the Elbe). Kornhausstr. 146, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau, Ziebigk

Pachterhaus. Kirchstrasse 1

Hellas (Greek). Heidestrasse 386

Ratskeller. Zerbster Str. 4a

Brauhaus zum alten Dessauer. Lange Gasse 16

El Greco. Antoinettenstraße 37

Erstes Dessauer Kartoffelhaus. Zerbster Straße 17,

Chinesisches Restaurant Chai-Huo. Auenweg 18, 06847

Nearby cities

Leipzig(35 minutes drive) - Baja city. Very beautiful center.

Zerbst(25 minutes drive) - the city in which Catherine II was born and raised.

Wittenberg-(45 minutes) the city of Martin Luther, where he proclaimed Lutheranism

Köthen(30 minutes drive) Baja city

Halle(35 minutes drive) ancient city

Potsdam(50 minutes drive) - city of palaces

Quedlinburg(1 hour 15 minutes) - Harz Mountains and the city of half-timbered houses

Ferropolis- city of iron

Rohkaepchen sparkling wine factory in Freiburg/Unstrutt- 1 hour 15 minutes

Saxon Switzerland- 2.5 hours

Berlin−1 hour; Dresden- 1 hour 45 minutes; Munich−4 hours; Hamburg- 4 hours; Frankfurt- 4 hours.

Prague- 3.5 hours Karlovy Vary- 3 hours.

Are you looking for a city in Germany where you can have a good holiday and learn about the country and the people living in it? Well, a good option for a trip would be the city of Dessau.

Geographical location of the city of Dessau

Dessau is a German town of land subordination. It is located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt on the Mulde river flowing into the Elbe. Dessau has more than 90 thousand people living there, this figure is correct as of June 30, 2007. The area occupied by the city is 182.81 square kilometers. The height of the city center is 60 meters.


As for the climate in Dessau, it is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is 1 degree above zero. But isn't the weather capricious? In Dessau, these vagaries are manifested by the arrival of arctic air after warm and pleasant weather that has lasted quite a long time. Even from the name of the air it is clear that it is not warm. Consequently, the temperature in the city drops; thermometers can show 10-15 degrees below zero. The warmest months are, of course, July and August. At this time, the temperature outside remains at +18-20 degrees above 0 degrees.

Historical information about the city of Dessau

The first mention of the city of Dessau dates back to 1213. After the founding of the Principality of Anhalt, the city became a center of special importance in 1570. The city became the capital of this same principality within the Holy Roman Empire. But this entity (Anhalt) collapsed in 1603 and was divided into four principalities. Later there were five of them. Dessau is designated the capital of the small state of Anhalt-Dessau, which existed until 1918.

The city's fame was brought by the Bauhaus College of Architecture, which moved to these lands in 1925 after being forced to close in Weimar. Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Walter Gropius - these and many other famous artists were listed as teachers in this city. But the college was closed in 1931 and opened only in 1986. It's all the fault of the fascists.

March 7, 1945. This date commemorates the Allied air raids during World War II that occurred six weeks before American troops occupied Dessau. As a result of these hostilities, it was destroyed, and the factories where Junkers aircraft were produced did not survive. Later the city was rebuilt; its architecture could be called concrete-tile. It was typical for the German Democratic Republic. As a result, many cultural objects and things of historical importance were lost. Only some paintings from the collection of ancient paintings, a theater at the court, documents that speak of the existence of a large number of scientific and charitable communities in Dessau, and books from the ducal library remained intact. After these events, Dessau became a major industrial center in East Germany. Many buildings that are historically important were also restored with the unification of the country in 1990.

The city of Dessau is also distinguished by its talented natives. Among them are the composer Kurt Weill, Leopold I (prince of the small state of Anhalt-Dessau, field marshal of Prussia) and philosopher Moses Mendelssohn.

Sights of the city of Dessau

The list of attractions in the city of Dessau includes the already mentioned Bauhaus College. Let's take a closer look at it.

The building is an architectural landmark in Dessau. The architect Walter Gropius, who is the creator of this object, had a very meager supply of funds, materials, space and time. Consequently, having a small amount of resources, he built the building according to the principle “function determines form”, guided by which Gropius used the simplest style and primitive color scheme.

The Bauhaus is now a museum, and you can see the building plans from 1930. They are called "Socialist City".

There is another architectural structure that Dessau is proud of. This most important attraction is the Georgium Palace. It is considered the true embodiment of classicism. Currently, this building is equipped as a State Art Gallery. So a visit to this cultural site will be interesting both for connoisseurs of ancient architecture and for connoisseurs of painting. There is a wonderful park around the palace; several noteworthy architectural objects have also been preserved on its territory.

For example, the Luisium Palace. It was built in the 18th century and is a pavilion that attracts people's attention with its interior decoration. Walking through the park, you can see an ancient bridge in the Chinese style, several interesting creations of sculptors, which are more than two hundred years old (meaning statues).

There are even larger attractions in the city of Dessau. Wörlitz is a landscape park that is one of the world's landmarks. Founded at the beginning of the 18th century, the public space follows all the canons of the classical style of England and is considered the most beautiful of parks around the world.

Excursions from the city of Dessau

In addition to the attractions listed above, you can visit other places in Dessau and its suburbs on excursions that are undoubtedly worthy of no less attention.

For example, a visit to the Mosigkau Palace will be interesting for city guests. Its construction was completed in the mid-18th century. This architectural object was made in the Rococo style. Today the palace houses an art museum. Art lovers, artists and collectors from all over the world come to the palace to see the works of Rubens and Van Dyck.

On the territory of the above-mentioned Wörlitz Park there is a palace, which is the very first architectural monument in Germany, decorated in the “classicism” style. In its halls, the tourist can see an interesting collection of paintings, which contains works by famous painters from Italy, Holland and France.

The Gothic house, formerly a princely residence, is also an important architectural landmark in Dessau. It, like the rest of the city’s palaces (in Wörlitz Park, Mozgkau and Louisium), was converted into an art museum.

Based on everything read in this section, we can conclude that Dessau is a paradise for art lovers. They will be happy to go on excursions to these castles with a huge number of paintings.

Places for entertainment and shopping in the city of Dessau.

There are also places for entertainment in Dessau. For the most part, you can spend your leisure time, in addition to sightseeing, in restaurants. Dessau is famous for them; there are a great many of them in the city. There is a place for everyone to have a wonderful evening and try dishes of both German cuisine and culinary masterpieces from other countries of the world.

The Landhaus Dessau restaurant, serving excellent national dishes, is on the list of the most visited establishments in the city. The menu of this restaurant includes meat dishes, magnificent desserts, and outlandish side dishes.

The Pachterhaus restaurant also deserves the attention of hungry travelers. Visitors are allowed to enter there until late in the evening. The pleasant atmosphere and rich list of dishes on offer will help you relax and unwind from your exciting trips around the city.

Couples with children also have a place to sit and discuss what happened during the day. A place called Taverna Zorbas has been created for them. For adults, the menu has a huge selection of German beer and delicious homemade dishes, while the younger generation will be delighted with soft drinks and delicate pastries that exude a wonderful aroma. Thanks to the calm atmosphere, spending an evening in this place is even more pleasant.

For those with a sweet tooth, Eiscafe Palermo is the place to be. According to the residents of the city of Dessau, this establishment offers visitors the most delicious ice cream in the whole city. Your favorite ice cream is probably on the menu, because there are dozens of varieties of this delicacy in the cafe.

If you want to try dishes of European cuisine, then you are welcome to the Ratskeller restaurant, where the quality of the dishes corresponds to their cost. For connoisseurs of Italian cuisine, the city has the Don Vincenzo restaurant, you can drink beer in the Antik pub, and you can taste oriental dishes in the China-Restaurant Hang-Zhou.


A trip to Dessau will be enjoyable for both young people and families with children. Everyone will be able to recognize Germany as it is. But most of all, the city will be of interest to connoisseurs of art and those who like to sit in a restaurant in the evening over a delicious dinner.

Dessau from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Dessau.

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The first mention of Dessau dates back to 1213, and already in 1570 it became a significant city in the life of the German state. Dessau is located approximately 120 km from Berlin, in the territory of Saxony-Anhalt, slightly less than 100 thousand people live there, buses run strictly on schedule. It would seem that the detail is insignificant, but it very well illustrates the regularity and orderliness of life in this city.

A little history

It was in this city that the Junkers aircraft production factories were located. The Allies made every effort to destroy all the factories by air bombing, which they managed to do just 6 weeks before American troops entered the city. However, they no longer entered the city, but into ruins: Dessau was almost completely destroyed along with the famous factories. After the end of World War II, Dessau became a territory of East Germany, of which it later became a major industrial center.

16 km from the city there is a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site - the Wörlitz Landscape Park.

The government of the German Democratic Republic did not so much restore the destroyed buildings in the city, but rather took care of the construction of monotonous gray concrete boxes in it, so characteristic of the architecture of the socialist countries of Europe. After the reunification of Germany in 1990, many of the city's historic buildings began to be restored at an enviable pace, and today Dessau has a discreet but quite attractive face with typically Germanic features.

Entertainment and attractions in Dessau

The main attraction of Dessau is the Georgium Palace. This is a wonderful, almost textbook example of the classical style in architecture. Today, the premises of the palace are given over to the State Art Gallery, which has a fairly extensive collection of paintings and artistic treasures created by European masters. This, of course, is not the Dresden Gallery or the Munich Pinakothek, but the museum undoubtedly deserves attention: paintings by A. Durer, P. Bruegel, L. Cranach the Elder, P.-P. Rubens, F. Hals are the subjects of his pride.

The palace is surrounded by a magnificent park, also called Georgium. The paths of the park are enlivened by copies of ancient sculptures, and in the depths of it there is a small palace called Luisium, built in the pavilion style in the 18th century. The palace itself is not as interesting as its interior decoration, which gives an excellent idea of ​​the art of designing interiors characteristic of those times. Near the palace there is a Chinese bridge and a greenhouse.

The historical city museum fully and thoroughly introduces visitors to the 800-year history of the city. Like many cities in Germany, Dessau has a good, extensive zoo, which, as is known, is an indicator of the well-being of the city. The local Zoo has an area of ​​about 11 hectares and annually welcomes more than 100,000 guests.

Mosigkau Palace

In the immediate vicinity (9 km) from the city, it is interesting to explore the Mosigkau Palace, built in 1752-57 by the architect Knobelsdorff in the Rococo style, which was very much loved by the nobility at that time. Here is another collection of wonderful paintings, including, among others, paintings by Dutch artists P.-P. Rubens and A. Van Dyck. You can get to the palace by train, which leaves once an hour from the city railway station, the journey time is about half an hour.

Landscape Park Wörlitz

Landscape Park Wörlitz

16 km from the city there is a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site - the Wörlitz Landscape Park. The park was founded in the 18th century at the direction of Prince Leopold Friedrich Franz, and today it is one of the most beautiful parks in Germany. This was the first English-style park on German soil, and it attracted many prominent people. Alexander Humboldt, Johann Winckelmann, and Johann Wolfgang Goethe were here. In the southern part of the park is a palace, famous for being the first architectural structure in Germany designed entirely in the classicist style. Like almost all palaces in Germany, it has a rich collection of artistic treasures, in particular, rare examples of ancient sculpture and works by Dutch, Italian, German and French artists of the 17th and 18th centuries.

In the northern part of the park there is a Gothic house, originally intended for gardeners, but rebuilt into a princely residence (it turns out that this happens...). It also has its own collection of masterpieces, including several works by Lucas Cranach the Elder, an excellent selection of English engravings and Swiss stained glass from the 15th and 16th centuries. The park is decorated with small copies of architectural landmarks of Italian cities and a pond with an island rich in rare plants. You can get to Wörlitz Park in about half an hour by bus, which runs 1-2 times an hour from Dessau.

  • Where to stay: In the most technologically advanced and modern city in Germany - Frankfurt or in the city of exhibitions, parks and architecture - Hannover. Wiesbaden is waiting - can't wait for those who want to improve their health "at the thermal bath" and simply relax in peace and tranquility. The spirit of Goethe, Schiller and Liszt is in the air in Weimar, and Naumburg can be recommended to lovers of excursions with an architectural bias. The Wartburg Castle is a direct route for romantically minded people; as for Erfurt, it will be appreciated by those seeking a peaceful holiday.

Dessau is a German city of the Duchy and seat of Anhalt, located on the Mulde River, which flows into the Elbe. The 18th century brought great popularity to the city - a large number of factories for the production of wallpaper, curtains, fabrics, paper, sugar, alcohol, equipment for cars and carriages developed there, as well as due to the founding of philanthropic and chalkographic societies by Bazedov.

Since those times, after the 2nd World War, nothing remained of the princely residence and the buildings, magnificent in their architecture. Only a few valuable collectible paintings of ancient painting, books from the ducal library, the court theater, and documents indicating the existence of many charitable and scientific societies in Dessau survived. Now this is a city of gray houses that are not distinguished by grace, but there is still one attraction here - the Bauhaus.

Bauhaus is an artistic and architectural association that appeared in Dessau in 1925. Architect Walter Gropius created this building guided by the principle “function determines form”, using simplicity of style and selection of colors, with a minimum of materials, money, time and space. The Bauhaus became a museum, which today displays the building plans from 1930, called the Socialist City. Copyright

In the immediate vicinity of Dessau there is a unique natural attraction - the Wörlitzer Park, several years ago it was recognized as a World Heritage Site. This luxurious park was founded back in 1773 by order of Prince Leopold III. The park was originally formed to serve as an example of gardening and farming, and over the years it has been used for educational purposes. Several interesting architectural objects have also been preserved on its territory.

The most beautiful is the Werlitz Palace - a luxurious residence in which Prince Leopold lived with his wife Louise. This palace was the first building in Germany built in the neoclassical style. Over the years, the beautiful residence has retained some of its luxurious interior decoration, including a collection of antique furniture and porcelain.

Nearby there is another interesting architectural monument - an ancient synagogue, the construction of which was completed in 1790. It is built in the shape of a rotunda; according to official data, the Temple of Vesta located in Tivoli served as a model for the construction of this synagogue. In the first half of the 20th century, the building was partially destroyed, however, it continues to look very attractive.

There are many beautiful old churches preserved in Dessau; St. Peter's Church is considered one of the most interesting. Its construction was completed in 1809, and it is now considered one of the most spectacular neo-Gothic monuments in the region. The height of the tower of this church is 66 meters; it miraculously managed to survive during the Second World War.

Fans of walking through historical places will be interested in visiting the Mosigkau palace and park complex. It was built in the mid-18th century and is a striking monument in the Rococo style. Nowadays, in the halls of the beautiful palace there is an interesting historical museum, where visitors can admire collections of antique dishes and furniture, and also see unique objects of art. After visiting the palace, you should definitely take a walk through the beautiful park surrounding it.