Taganay National Park. Taganay National Park in the Urals (23 photos) The highest mountain of Taganay

Date of foundation: March 5, 1991. This day is considered to be the date of foundation of the nature protection zone. Mount Taganay, and the entire stone site, has a history of over one and a half billion years. Initially, the ridge extended upward for 15 kilometers.

500 million years ago the Urals began to “sink”. Constant processes in the earth's terra firma have led to a significant decrease in the level of "high-rise buildings". Mount Taganay was finally formed 25 million years ago. Moreover, the old Ural mountains are still active today. The last earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 was recorded in the Zlatoust-Taganay triangle 7 years ago.

From history to legends

Legends have long enshrouded National Park Taganay and all its surroundings. The toponym for the place was given by the tribes of the ancient Bashkirs. The local population called the rock mass “a stand for the Moon” (from “ai” - Moon, “taga” - to put, to hold). The way it is...

Today Mount Taganay is part of the so-called “anomalous Ural zone”. Here traces of the “Bigfoot” were discovered, here they come into contact with the Higher Mind and see ghosts, here the course of time changes and aliens land... The Zlatoust-Taganay link often becomes the end point of reconnaissance expeditions of the ufology society.

Taganay Park is extremely often visited by ball lightning. On the Itsil ridge, any equipment refuses to work at all: the photographic film is exposed, people see who knows what... In the valley of the Bolshoy Kialim River, the “Taganay Grandmother” often appears to travelers: an old woman without teeth, barefoot and with a hump.

Mount Taganay: characteristics

Mount Taganay is a stone chain composed of three ridges: Big (west), Small (east) and Middle Taganay. All of them together make up a ridge over 20 kilometers long.

The first ridge is marked by the following heights: Dvuglavaya Sopka (1,041 meters), Ottliknoy Greben (1,155 meters), Kruglitsa (1,178 meters - the highest point) and Dalniy Taganay (1,112 meters). The second ridge is marked by the “high-rise buildings” Mont Blanc and Sabbat. The middle ridge is low - 960 meters. The named points are within walking distance. The closest (from Zlatoust) is eastern Maly: 6-8 kilometers. Next - Big and Medium. Both start at a distance of 8,000 meters.

Taganay National Park: location

Taganay National Park occupies the territory of two districts of the Chelyabinsk region: Kusinsky and Zlatoust. The natural complex extends from north to south for 50 kilometers. From east to west - at 15.

Nearest locality- Chrysostom. Those who want to go on a hike to Taganay should focus on it. Chelyabinsk is 130 kilometers away. Taganay Park comes close to the Europe-Asia border.

Hike to Taganay: traditional and anomalous routes

Mount Taganay is the most visited Ural “high-rise”. The range of altitudes, the length of the walking route, the sights encountered - all this is entirely up to your taste. Let's look at traditional transitions first. Currently, the top five most popular routes are:

  1. traditional “To the foot of Ripheus”: 3, 4 or all 5 days. The total length is 50 kilometers. Start and finish - in Zlatoust in the Taganay forestry. Route attractions: Mount Kruglitsa, Valley of Fairy Tales, the northern side of the Otklikny ridge, the most “ancient” and highest Ural weather station, granite Three Brothers and Itsyl.
  2. geological "Into the stone pantry." Length - 25 kilometers. Somewhere you will have to walk, and somewhere you will have to take a bus. Natural monuments: Evgrafovsky mine (copper was once mined here), Akhmatovsky, Eremeevsky and Nikolae-Maximilianovsky mines. Moreover, the listed mines are only a small part of what the Taganay National Park hides.
  3. zoological "In the Rysiny Ravine". The route is circular with a distance of 6 kilometers. Start and finish are at the mountain weather station. Along the way there are martens, hares and even lynx.
  4. health resort "Mont Blanc". This trail includes a 20-kilometer hike. Sights of the route: the western slope of the Maly Taganay ridge, the Big Tesminskoye reservoir and Mont Blanc itself (eastern part, Taganay National Park). Recommended as landscape therapy.
  5. ecological “To the Top of the World”. A trip to Taganay would not be complete without visiting the White Key spring and the Two-Headed Hill. The “Top of the World” is reached through a 15-kilometer one-day promenade. Visibility from the highest point of the route is 100 kilometers or more. The Taganay National Park makes your stay comfortable: all trails are marked with colored stripes, and information stands are equipped along the way.

Mount Taganay is being intensively explored by “adventurers”. Fortunately, there are plenty of similar places here. All the routes described below also follow the Zlatoust-Taganay-Zlatoust scheme. So, where should you direct your steps if you intend to conquer the “Ural Atlantis”? List of the most anomalous zones parka:

  1. Responsive comb. Height - 1,155 meters. In December 1947, a military plane crashed into a vertical cliff wall. On board were experienced pilots and army officials. The plane was flying through Taganay Park to Moscow. There were no survivors after the disaster. Tourists sometimes find engine parts, landing gear, and fuselage fragments in the vicinity of the ridge. This place is unique for its luminous pillars, ball lightning and short-term visions. Taganay Park is famous for chronomirages, when two spatial and temporal planes intersect at one point - right before your eyes.
  2. Big Moss Swamp. The most mysterious place of the anomalous zone “Taganay Park” is located between the northern tip of the Small Ridge and Itsil. total area- 36 square kilometers. At this point, the human psyche cannot stand it and begins to present various “surprises”. Thus, the phrase “Taganay rest” acquires the status of extremely dangerous. Those who have been here note loss of space and numerous hallucinations. Foresters come across footprints of Bigfoot here.
  3. the oldest and highest altitude weather station. The place on Far Taganay is marked by the appearance of luminous balls and the “walks” of the snowy Ural man. Taganay Park keeps many stories about encounters with him: a large head, no neck, long arms, gray hair and gigantic growth.
  4. Mountain ledge "Three Brothers". Location: Little Kialim Valley. The rock is solidified magma. Height - 50 meters. Old Believers held ritual ceremonies here. There is no “living life” around the attraction: birds do not fly, animals do not run by... Inexplicable glows have been noted. The mental state of the travelers is difficult. In general, welcome to Taganay Park!
  5. Mount Kruglitsa (northern slope). This trip to Taganay is interesting from the point of view of esotericism, occultism and extrasensory perception. Ufologists consider this place to be a telepathic plateau from where one can connect with the Cosmos and the Higher Mind. The path is Zlatoust-Taganay-Zlatoust. Magical symbols and letters are laid out on the mountain. A special energy magnetically attracts emotional pilgrims here: psychics, clergy and esotericists. Taganay Park often becomes a meeting place for Roerich's followers. Spiritualistic seances are held here at an altitude of 1178 meters!

It is widely famous for its beauty due to its picturesque mountain ranges.

This is a haven for tourists. Here you can admire high mountain ranges and bizarre stone outcrops, placers of kurums and an amazing stone river stretching for several kilometers, relict forests, subalpine woodlands and mountain tundras. There are also ancient mineral mines here.

Taganay National Park was created on March 5, 1991. He became the first in the Urals. The park occupies the northern part of the territory of the Zlatoust urban district and a small part of the Kusinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. Its area is 56.8 thousand hectares.

Let's talk about its most interesting attractions.

Big Stone River

You can get to Taganay along the upper and lower paths. The lower trail runs along the Big Stone River, a huge scattering of stones. Its length reaches 5-6 kilometers, width from 20 to 700 meters, and its area is about 90 hectares. There are more than 2.5 million blocks of stone lying on the surface alone.

Double-headed hill

This is the southernmost peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and the first Mountain peak, which is encountered on the way of tourists approximately 7 kilometers from the start of the path. A metal staircase goes up, then turns into a regular path. The two-headed hill is the most visited peak of Taganay. There are always a lot of tourists here, all year round. In winter, after a long, tiring climb, tourists quickly and cheerfully slide down to their fifth point. But at the same time, you need to remember about precautions: there have been accidents when colliding with trees and stones.

The double-headed hill is divided into two peaks: (1034 m) and Ram's foreheads(1041 m). The path leads to the first of them. At the top of the Feathers you can see the remains of a metal tower that once stood here. This was the first television repeater of Zlatoust, installed in 1958. He received the signal all the way from Sverdlovsk. However, he did not work for long - until 1961.

On one side the city of Zlatoust is visible, on the other - beautiful view on the Sheep's Foreheads and what appears behind them grand wall Response stone.

The southern slope of the mountain is called Climbing wall. As you might guess, climbers love to train here.

At the foot of the Double-Headed Hill a spring flows - White key. It got its name from the white quartzite that covers the bottom. This is the most famous water source of Taganay. Its water is clear and tasty. The softness is even higher than that of melted snow. The water is very cold, even in summer its temperature does not exceed 3-4 degrees. In the past, the White Key was revered as a holy spring; a wooden cross stood near it.

Nowadays, the White Key shelter has been created near the spring. To the north of the Dvuglavaya Sopka (between it and the Otklikny ridge) rise small Mitkiny rocks.

Response comb

The next peak of Bolshoi Taganay (and outwardly the most spectacular) is the Responsive Ridge (1155 m). It is named for its ridge-like outline and loud, repeated echoes caused by sound bouncing off the nearly vertical rock wall. From a distance, depending on the angle of view, it resembles either a prehistoric lizard, or a sea wave frozen on takeoff, or an elongated scallop. The length of the rocks is about 800 meters, the relative height from the foot is 150 meters. In the northeastern part of the Otklikny ridge there is a large tectonic fault along which underground fissure waters are discharged. There are also three ascending springs here. True, in the summer they often dry out.

On December 30, 1947, a plane flying from Chelyabinsk to Moscow crashed on the rocky wall of the Otklikny ridge. All five people on board died. The body of one of them, found only a few months later, was buried there. Even today, you can still find the wreckage of this plane between the stones.

Mount Kruglitsa

The trail from the Otklikny ridge to the next peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge - Kruglitse - passes through the so-called Valley of Fairy Tales. This place is a section of sub-alpine low-growing coniferous forest, surrounded by bizarre remains of sugar-like quartzites. Many remains have their own names, depending on who or what they resemble. The rocks that make up this section of the mountains easily crumble under the feet of tourists and the paths here are covered with coarse-grained quartz sand. They say that when walking on quartz under your feet, a piezoelectric effect sometimes occurs in this place and sparks can be seen in the dark.

Mount Kruglitsa (1178 m) - the highest point of all Taganay mountain range, which got its name for its characteristic round shape. Outwardly, its shape may resemble a volcano. The slopes of the mountain are covered with kurums. The northern part of the Kruglitsa peak is interesting, representing an ideal flat area.

Watching the peak of Kruglitsa on a clear sunny day, you can sometimes notice the curious effect of the mountain swaying, as if it were about to break away from its base. This phenomenon is explained by the streamlined shape of the peak and the close position of pressure groundwater (the foot of Kruglitsa is a continuous swamp). The sun, heating the stones, draws moisture from the cracks with its heat, the air becomes easily mobile, creating such an illusion.

Kruglitsa, like a magnet, attracts esotericists, occultists, and psychics. Various sacred signs are painted here and there on the stones. The most common is the Roerich sign. There are also many small seids made of stones. According to the beliefs of some tourists, wishes made on Kruglitsa will certainly come true.

To get to the next peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge - Dalniy Taganay - you need to go down and go through the Taganay tourist shelter. The climb to Dalniy Taganay is very long. Already on the way to the top you will come across a well and a sign nearby “Botanical monument Podgoltsy woodlands”.

Dalny Taganay (1146 m) is the northernmost and most extensive peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge. It is divided by several low but beautiful ridges. There is an excellent view of the neighboring ridges and mountains. From Zlatoust to Dalniy Taganay there are more than 20 kilometers.

Here is real tundra with its characteristic vegetation. In autumn, berries typical of the north are found. The Dalnetaganay mountain tundra is unique and is a natural monument.

At the top there are houses of the Taganay Gora weather station - the highest in the entire Urals. It was opened in 1932 and closed in 1992. Now there is a tourist shelter here. Usually there are noticeably fewer tourists here than at other shelters.

Three Brothers Rocks

Rocky outcrops of the Three Brothers rise above the forest between Kruglitsa and Dalniy Taganay. These are three high stone outcrops, up to 40-50 meters high. IN good weather they are clearly visible from Kruglitsa.

In the past, Old Believers hid in this place (as well as on Mount Itsil). In the 18th-19th centuries, Taganay forests were very popular among Old Believers. Persecuted by the authorities, adherents of the schism found refuge here. The schismatic hermitages were built underground, skillfully camouflaged from the outside with granite blocks, moss, and uprooted tree roots. It was almost impossible for the uninitiated to find them. In addition, the hermits were very careful in their contacts with the world.

Among them were people who were considered saints. So in the 50s XIX century Elder Zosima, who enjoyed incredible popularity, died, to whom people came from thousands of miles away for a blessing. After his death, a popular rumor spread that prayer at the elder’s grave (located somewhere on Taganay) heals diseases and works miracles. And in 1910, on Taganay, another elder Ambrose passed away into the world, whose relics were declared incorruptible by the schismatics.

Mount Jurma

Further north of Dalniy Taganay is Mount Yurma. This is the northernmost peak national park"Taganay", its height is 1003 meters. It is believed that the Southern Urals begin from here, and the area to the north belongs to the Middle Urals. The main attraction of Yurma is the picturesque rock of the Devil's Gate.

It is interesting that in ancient times the Bashkirs considered Yurma a holy place. It was forbidden to visit her. Translated from Bashkir, “yurma” means “don’t go.” And even today, the management of the Taganay National Park has classified the part of the mountain within the boundaries of the park as a protected area. For visiting it and spending the night here, you can be fined a tidy sum.

Small and Middle Taganay

The small ridges of Small and Middle Taganay stretch parallel to Bolshoi Taganay. Unlike the main attractions of the national park, these places are visited infrequently.

The length of Maly Taganay is about 11 kilometers, the maximum height is 1033 meters. The slopes of the mountain are covered with kurums, and there are rocky outcrops.

Middle Taganay is the shortest ridge of the Taganay mountain cluster system. Its length is 2.5 kilometers. The height reaches 959 meters.

Akhmatovskaya mine

In the past, several mines and mineral mines operated on Taganay. The most famous mineral of Taganay is aventurine. This is a type of quartzite, which is a valuable ornamental stone. Taganay aventurine even got its own name - taganaite. In the Hermitage you can see a vase made from Taganai aventurine.

Perhaps the most famous mineral mine of Taganay is Akhmatovskaya. It is located near the road to Magnitka and has been known since 1811. It consists of two large workings and a series of small pits. There are just some minerals that are not found here!..

Zlatoust city

The path to Taganay begins from the city of Zlatoust - the birthplace of damask steel and unique engravings on steel. Dedicated to this South Ural city. If you have time, you can get acquainted with its sights, look into a good local history museum, climb the bell tower on Krasnaya Gorka and admire the mountain park named after. P.P. Bazhova. The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains. This gives it charm, although the city itself, it must be admitted, is very neglected by the city authorities.

How to get to Taganay?

Taganay National Park is located northeast of the city of Zlatoust in the Chelyabinsk region.

By car from Chelyabinsk or Ufa you need to take the M5 highway, then turn to Zlatoust. From Yekaterinburg you need to drive along the Chelyabinsk highway, then turn onto Kasli. At the beginning of the city of Miass, turn right - towards Zlatoust. The map below will help you navigate. You can leave your car in the parking lot near the entrance to the national park. Here you can also visit the Museum of Nature.

There are also buses and trains going to Zlatoust, and also electric trains from Chelyabinsk.

Entrance to the park requires a passport and a fee. You will even have to pay for overnight accommodation with your own tent. There are several shelters with houses in the park; you need to reserve places in advance.

It is better to go to Taganay for at least 4-5 days. This is enough to get around its main peaks. A visit is possible at any time of the year, but it is worth considering that weather in the mountains it is always noticeably tougher. Happy travels!

Taganay National Natural Park is located near the city of Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region).

There are several walking routes, marked with marks on trees - three stripes: white-blue-white. At the forks there are information signs indicating the direction to natural sites.

Translated from Bashkir, Taganay means “Moon Stand”, because at night you can see that the moon seems to be standing on a stand...

Taganay consists of three ridges. Their total length exceeds 20 kilometers. The western ridge is called Big Taganay,

average - Middle Taganay,

eastern, closest to the city, is Maly Taganay.

The distance from Zlatoust to Maly Taganay is 5-8 kilometers, to Middle Taganay - 8-12, to the beginning of Big Taganay - 8 kilometers.

In turn, the Bolshoi Taganay ridge consists of individual peaks. The closest of them to Zlatoust - Two-Headed Sopka, or Near Taganay - is located 8 - 10 kilometers from the city.

and then Kruglitsa (17 - 19 kilometers)

and Dalniy Taganay (25-30 kilometers away). The highest point of Taganay is the top of Mount Kruglitsa - 1178 meters above sea level. We climbed the nearest peak - the Two-Headed Sopka (the height of the southern peak is 1034 m).

It is located next to the White Key shelter. The White Key is the most famous high-mountain spring of the Taganay mountain cluster. Located at an altitude of 690 m on the southeastern slope of the Dvuglavaya Sopka. Its water is very clear and tasty. In the middle of summer, the water temperature is 3-4 degrees, the softness of which is higher than that of melted snow. It got its name because of the white quartzite blocks with which nature formed the Taganay peaks. The bottom of the spring is covered with fragments of quartzite. One of the previously used names of the White Key is the Holy Key. In the last century there was even a cross with a canopy here.

From the shelter there is a metal staircase (100 meters, 201 steps), then a steep climb along the markers and a well-trodden path for about 40 minutes. While we were climbing, we were already looking at the beauty of all the distances, which were visible better and better. One of the heads of the Two-Headed Sopka mountain is called “Feathers” because it looks like the wing of a flying bird,

and the other - "Ram's Foreheads".

From the top of the Double Head Hill you can clearly see the city of Zlatoust.

From the Two-Headed Hill you can see the Bolshaya Kamennaya River, which stretches for about 6 km and reaches an average width of 100-200 m.

It consists of stone blocks with a volume of 0.2 to 30 cubic meters and weighing 9-10 tons. Per 100 sq. meters there are up to 300 blocks, they lie no less than 4-6 m deep, i.e. in 3-4 layers. The “lower” path from Zlatoust leads to the Kamennaya River itself - the one that crosses the Bolshaya Tesma along the lower bridge,

and then goes to the White Key. Another one, the Kurumnaya River, begins from near Dalny Taganay and “flows” along the Big Kialim. It consists mainly of aventurine, a type of quartzite. Blocks of aventurine of various colors with lichen patterns on them. The river is currently practically motionless, because... The slope here does not exceed 2.5 degrees. This unique deposit is a national treasure, especially since stones similar in size and beauty are known only in India and nowhere else on the globe.

For their beauty, these places were often compared with the famous alpine landscapes, calling them “Russian Switzerland” and “Ural Tyrol”.

Maly Taganay (1033 m) is the eastern ridge of the mountain range. The total length is about 11 km. On the western slopes there are kurumniks. The central part is a high mountain plateau covered with spruce and birch forest. In the upper third of the ridge there are alpine meadows and thickets of alpine knotweed. From the peaks of Maly Taganay a wide panorama of the Taganay mountain range opens. The Maly Taganay ridge is located parallel to the Big Taganay, somewhat to the east of it, but is much shorter and ends approximately opposite the Two-Headed Mountain. The southern peak is Mount Shabash (859), rocky outcrops among crooked forests and individual areas of meadows. The northern peak is Mont Blanc (1034), rocks of unusual shape. Mont Blanc offers a wonderful panorama of all the main peaks of Big Taganay.

The hydrographic feature of the Taganay Park is that the watershed border between the two largest river basins in Russia - the Volga-Kama and Ob-Irtysh - runs through its territory. The river network of the national park feeds the Caspian Sea in the south and the Arctic Ocean in the north with its waters. Moreover, only one mountain water flow— Big Kialim — carries its waters into the Arctic Kara Sea. But the Caspian collects a whole fan of water from Taganay.

How to get there by car?

Chelyabinsk region, Zlatoust, village. Pushkinsky. From Yekaterinburg along the Chelyabinsk Highway following the signs for Highway M5, or through Tubuk, Kyshtym, Kasli, Karabash, Miass, Zlatoust. When entering the city of Miass, go straight along the main road. At one of the intersections, one road goes to the left, the other to the right. We drive to the right, and after 100 meters there will be a direct exit from this part of the city, you can see the forest. There is a traffic light in front of the forest. Drive through the forest and then in the city, always choose the main road, the total travel time through the city will be about 25 minutes. Leave the city following the Zlatoust sign to the right onto the M5 highway.

If at the traffic light in front of the forest when leaving Miass, turn right at the intersection, then at the next intersection follow the Zlatoust sign to the left, then you can also drive to Zlatoust following the signs. We drive into Zlatoust and drive along the main road to an intersection (uphill), at which the main road will go to the left, and to the right there is a sign “Magnitka”. You need to go right to Magnitka. Continue following the same sign Train Station, the road will turn left uphill to the final stop for minibuses and buses. There will be a White Key store on the left. This area is called the village. Pushkinsky. You need to turn right past the garages, then onto the highway leading to the village of Magnitka. After 300 m there will be a worship cross on the left,

It is a favorite vacation spot for residents of Zlatoust and tourists in the Chelyabinsk region.

Geographic coordinates of the territory: 55°08" - 55°33" N, 59°34" - 60°02" E.

Mount Taganay, and the entire stone site, has a history of over one and a half billion years. Initially, the ridge extended upward for 15 kilometers.

500 million years ago the Urals began to “sink”. Constant processes in the earth's terra firma have led to a significant decrease in the level of "high-rise buildings". Mount Taganay was finally formed 25 million years ago. Moreover, the old Ural mountains are still active today. The last earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 was recorded in the Zlatoust-Taganay triangle 7 years ago.

Mount Taganay is a stone chain composed of three ridges: Big (west), Small (east) and Middle Taganay. All of them together make up a ridge over 20 kilometers long.

The first ridge is marked by the following heights: Dvuglavaya Sopka (1,041 meters), Ottliknoy Greben (1,155 meters), Kruglitsa (1,178 meters - the highest point) and Dalniy Taganay (1,112 meters). The second ridge is marked by the “high-rise buildings” Mont Blanc and Sabbat. The middle ridge is low - 960 meters. The named points are within walking distance. The closest (from Zlatoust) is eastern Maly: 6-8 kilometers. Next - Big and Medium. Both start at a distance of 8,000 meters.

Taganay National Park occupies the territory of two districts of the Chelyabinsk region: Kusinsky and Zlatoust. Total area 568 sq. km. The length from south to north is 52 km. The length from west to east is on average 10-15 km.

The nearest settlement is Zlatoust. Those who want to go on a hike to Taganay should focus on it.

Taganay National Park is:

Uniquely beautiful mountain landscapes of Bolshoi Taganay, Yurma, Itsyl;

Impenetrable taiga and mountain tundra, stone rivers and crystal springs;

A rare climate where four seasons can change in one day;

Diverse flora and fauna - about 700 species of higher vascular plants, of which 45 are relict; almost 200 species of animals - from a tiny lizard to a giant elk;

Ancient mines and mineral mines, in which more than 80 varieties of minerals and rocks were discovered.

The park is surrounded by four municipalities, the administrative centers of which are the cities of Zlatoust in the southwest, Kusa in the west, Miass in the southeast and Karabash in the northwest.

Two roads pass through the territory: one with south side(with hard surface) by the Zlatoust-Miass route, the second from the south-west (with unpaved surface) by the Zlatoust-Magnitka-Alexandrovka route. The density of the road and path network in the park is not high. Basically, these are traditional tourist trails laid in the mountains and intermountain valleys by many generations of travelers. The most popular of them runs along the eastern slope of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge. A network of forestry roads inherited from loggers, in most cases only accessible during the dry season and winter.

The park territory is divided into 4 forest districts: 1. Yurminskoe; 2. Shumginskoe; 3. Taganayskoe; 4. Chernorechenskoe. The park territory is divided into 5 functional zones: 1) Reserved zone; 2) Zone of regulated regulated visits; 3) Educational tourism zone; 4) Zone active rest and service; 5) Economic zone.

Legends have long shrouded the Taganay National Park and all its surroundings. The toponym for the place was given by the tribes of the ancient Bashkirs. The local population called the rock mass “a stand for the Moon” (from “ai” - Moon, “taga” - to put, to hold). Toponymist G. E. Kornilov believes that the word “Taganay” goes back to the Bashkir tyugan ai tau - “mountain of the rising moon,” “mountain of the new moon.”

Today Mount Taganay is part of the so-called “anomalous Ural zone”. They say that the caves of the ridge are inhabited by amazing creatures. Traces of “Bigfoot” were discovered here, here they come into contact with the Higher Mind and see ghosts, here the course of time changes and aliens land... Mount Kruglitsa is considered the point of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, as Roerich described it. The Zlatoust-Taganay link often becomes the end point of reconnaissance expeditions of the ufology society.

Taganay Park is extremely often visited by ball lightning. On the Itsil ridge, any equipment refuses to work at all: the photographic film is exposed, people see who knows what... In the valley of the Bolshoi Kialim River, travelers often see the “Taganay Grandma”: an old woman without teeth, barefoot and with a hump.

The uniqueness of the national park as a natural site also lies in the fact that its relatively small territory is inhabited by animals and plants characteristic of different geographical zones.

Tourists from all year round different countries come to the mysterious and ancient “Taganay” in an effort to lift the veil of secrets of its nature and enjoy the beauty of the panoramas opening from the mountains. Nature has truly generously endowed the national park with its creations. In the relict forest, among the bizarre mountain ranges, stone rivers flow, petrified fairy tale characters live, and the water in the springs is famous for its revitalizing effect. The sight of all this miraculous splendor is mesmerizing.

Even an unprepared tourist can conquer the local mountains: the steepness of the slopes of most ridges in their upper part is 25-35 °, in the middle - 15-25 °, in the lower part - 10-15 °, and in the valleys - about 5 °. When going hiking, wear comfortable shoes and bring mosquito and tick repellent. During the rainy season, when the riot begins river flows, travelers cannot do without rubber boots.

In addition, so that your journey deep into the Ural forests will bring you a lot of interesting discoveries and leave only positive impressions, take with you a sufficient amount of provisions and clothing, and also notify the Ministry of Emergency Situations about your trip.

The Taganay ridge is located on the border of Europe and Asia. The watershed boundary between the Volga-Kama and Ob-Irtysh basins runs along it. The Tesma River flows into the Caspian Sea, and the Kialim River carries its waters to the Arctic Ocean.

The Taganay ridge is one of the most picturesque corners of the Ural nature. Wonderland rocky mountains and sparkling lakes, nestled among mysterious taiga. Here, the most valuable ecosystems, represented by spacious meadows and impenetrable mountain tundras, relict forests and moss swamps, have been preserved almost in their original form.

The rivers of the ridge can hardly be called high-water, but heavy rains can turn them into seething rushing streams in a few hours.

Serious scientific and environmental work is being carried out on the territory of the ridge.

Incredible and unique nature education, represented by a uniform accumulation of giant rocky debris, resembling a river in appearance. The length of the stone river is more than six kilometers, and the width reaches two hundred meters.

The Stone River runs between the Middle Taganay ridge and the Two-Headed Sopka mountain. You can get to it by following the path from the entrance to the park to the White Key shelter, and then in the direction of the signs.

The origin of the Stone River has not been determined to this day. There is a version that this natural object was formed by a glacier that came down from the local mountains.

The air is damp and cool here. Atlantic Ocean, mixing with the dry and warm air masses of South Asia, forms a special climate, the most favorable for the life of many animals, which determines the diversity of the fauna of the natural park. The diversity of the living world of “Taganaya” is explained by the special climate, which combines the influence of the humid and cool air of the Atlantic and the dry, warm air of South Asia.

Insectivores (hedgehogs, moles, shrews);

Chiroptera (gray long-eared bats, northern bats);

Rodents (flying squirrels and common squirrels, voles, forest lemmings);

Lagomorphs (white hares);

Artiodactyls (elk, roe deer, wild boar).

The order of predators “Taganaya” is represented by the following families:

Mustelids (weasels, stoats, badgers, martens);

Canids (wolves and foxes);

Bears (the park's largest predators are brown bears);

Felids (lynxes).

If you are lucky, you may encounter birds of very rare breeds that are subject to protection. Among them are ospreys, golden eagles, white-tailed eagles, black storks, peregrine falcons, curlews and eagle owls. These birds are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In the vicinity of the park there are very rare species reptiles and amphibians, as well as invertebrates included in the Red Book.

Closer to the source of the Kialim River, there is a noble fish of the salmon family - brook trout.

The view of Taganay in winter is breathtaking: on the fluffy branches of centuries-old coniferous trees, a heavy ten-centimeter layer of snow-white sparkling snow lies. The air is saturated with the smell of freshness, pine and cleanliness. Climbing along the well-trodden path from the Tesma River to the White Key shelter is not difficult - stones, rock ledges and tree roots are hidden under a huge layer of snow, forming a kind of steps.

At the same time, only experienced and dexterous mountain climbers can make a winter climb to the top of the Two-Headed Hill. The snowdrifts here are waist-deep, or even higher. In addition, in conditions of heavy snowfall (which is far from uncommon for this area), climbing a fairly steep mountain slope is quite difficult. But the view from the snow-capped mountain, believe me, is worth the journey.

The entrance to the national park is located on the northern outskirts of Zlatoust. There is a fairly wide road to the first stop, and if you follow the markings on the trees, it is almost impossible to get lost. Following the given route, in a couple of hours you can find yourself at the White Key shelter. One of the famous legends of the reserve is associated with this shelter. They say that the high-mountain spring (previously called the “Holy Spring”, and later renamed) has healing properties. In the summer, the clearing in front of the spring is the busiest place: tourists stop for a picnic on the sunny green lawn next to the spring, and guests of the local shelter play outdoor games.

So, acquaintance with the Taganay National Park begins from the White Key. If you don’t plan to see the park from the ridge, you can end your trip here - take a break in the clearing near the spring and head back. But if you are full of strength and ready to continue exploring the mysterious reserve, the Double-Headed Hill awaits you. Tourist shelters and cordons are located mainly at the foot of the mountains, so you can leave a heavy load under supervision in order to climb lightly (the Taganay shelter is located at Mount Kruglitsa, and the White Key shelter is located at the Double Head Hill).

Climbing the Two-Headed Sopka is one of the most popular Taganay routes. The ribbed back of the Response Ridge is clearly visible among the landscapes of the reserve. A strong echo is formed at the foot of the mountain. Having walked a little further, towards Mount Kruglitsa, the traveler finds himself in the Valley of Fairy Tales among rocky outcrops reminiscent of fairy tale heroes. In the Valley of Fairy Tales, low-growing plants unique to the nature of the Urals grow coniferous trees. Mount Kruglitsa marks the end of most tourist routes; then the “serious” trails for experienced travelers begin. The most prepared strive to reach Far Taganay, where the highest weather station in the Urals is located, which, however, is not currently functioning.

From the tops of the mountains, wide stone rivers are clearly visible, which unofficially bear the title of “the eighth wonder of the world.” The miracle occupies a space of 5-6 kilometers between the Bolshoi and Middle Taganay ridges. Each “drop” of the river weighs 9-10 tons.

The park is a national treasure and is home to endangered animals and plants. It is prohibited to bring animals into the park, cut down trees, or destroy the riches of mountains and reservoirs. There are special areas for stops and rest stops.

Guest houses

Central estate

It is recommended to start exploring the Taganay National Park from the Central Estate. Since on the territory of the estate there is a Visit - the center of the park, the Museum of Nature, a parking lot, guest houses, Russian bathhouse, as well as picnic points with gazebos and barbecue areas. GPS: N 55gr.16.643` E 59gr.47.705`, absolute altitude 550 m.

At the Visitor Center you can register as a visitor to the park, receive the necessary advice on tourist routes, rules of visiting and behavior in the Park.

There is a souvenir shop in the Visitor Center where you can buy books, brochures and booklets dedicated to Taganay. A large selection of souvenirs with the symbols of the national park: mugs, T-shirts, magnets, badges, products made of natural stone.

During your trip, you can leave your car in the paid parking lot of the Central Estate.

Our guests are provided with separate gazebos with barbecue areas, where you can organize a family celebration: birthday, anniversary, corporate event, or just spend time in solitude and silence.

On the central estate there is the Museum of Nature of the Taganay National Park. The museum has organized educational excursions, where our visitors get acquainted with the wealth of Taganay forests: flora and fauna. A unique collection of minerals is also presented here.

Nearest attractions: Two-Headed Sopka, Bolshaya Kamennaya River, Black Rock.


House No. 1– 6 seats

House No. 2– two rooms with 4 beds each, a common corridor.

No. 2.1 and No. 2.2

There is lighting in the house.

House No. 3– 6 seats

The house has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes.

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 4– two rooms with 6 beds each, a common corridor.

No. 4.1 and No. 4.2

In the room there are beds with mattresses, a table, a stove.

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 5– 10 places

The house has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes.

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 6– 4 places

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes.

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 7– 6 seats

The house has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, a stove, and a washbasin.

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 8– 6-8 seats

The house has two rooms + a kitchenette.

The room has bunk beds with mattresses, in the second room there is a sofa and a table, a stove, and a washbasin.

You need to bring sleeping bags or bed linen, a blanket and a pillow; pots, individual dishes.

Near the house there is a gazebo and barbecue. Toilet.

There is lighting in the house. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove

Near the house there is a gazebo and barbecue.

There is a bathhouse on site.

Outdoor amenities.

Shelter "White Key"

GPS: N 55gr.16.643` E 59gr.47.705`, absolute altitude 690 m.

The distance from the Central Estate is 6 km.

Nearest attractions: Two-Headed Sopka, Bolshaya Kamennaya River.


House No. 1– 10 places with shared accommodation.

The room has two-tier flooring, a table, and a stove.

House No. 2- double decker

№ 2.1 – first floor for 8 people.

The room has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

№ 2.2 – second floor for 6 people

The room has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 3– second floor for 4 people.

The room has a flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 4 for 6 people

The house has two-tier flooring for 6 people, a table, a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Attic above garage No. 5 for 4 people.

The room has flooring for 4 people, a table, a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Warm winter tent for 10 people

Inside there are floorings, a hanger, a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the tent. Cooking outside over a fire.

Outdoor amenities.

Shelter "Rattling Key"

GPS: N 55gr.16.643` E 59gr.47.705`, absolute height 822 m.

The distance from the Central Estate is 8.5 km

Nearby attractions: Two-headed Sopka, Mitkiny Rocks, Otkliknoy Ridge, Valley of Fairy Tales, Kruglitsa.


New house (administrative building)

A room in the administrative building.

4 rooms on the second floor, accommodating 4 people.

The room has a bunk bed for 4 people, a table, benches.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

The rooms have lighting and central heating.

Cooking outside over a fire.

Detached houses No. 7 and No. 8

House for 4-6 people

The room has two-tier flooring for 4-6 people, a table, a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Facilities outside (toilet).

There is a bathhouse on the territory of the shelter.

Shelter "Taganay"

GPS: N 55gr.18,115` E 059gr.51,530`, absolute height 769 m.

The distance from the Central Estate is 14 km.

Nearest attractions: Bolshaya Kamennaya River, Kruglitsa, Valley of Fairy Tales, Otkliknoy Greben, Three Brothers


House No. 1 – 6 beds

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 2– 14 places with shared accommodation

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 3– 8 seats

The room has bunk beds with mattresses, a table, benches, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 6– 18 seats

The room has flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Outdoor amenities.

There is a bathhouse on the territory of the shelter.

Kialimsky cordon

GPS: N 55gr.20.584` E 059gr.55.983`, absolute altitude 600 m.

The distance from the Central Entrance is 22 km.

Nearby attractions: the city of Dalniy Taganay and the “Taganay - Mountain” weather station, the city of Itsyl, rocky outcrops “Three Brothers”.


House No. 1– 15 places with shared accommodation

The room has two-tier flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room.

Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

House No. 2– 15 places with shared accommodation

The room has two-tier flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Room No. 3– 6 places with shared accommodation

In the room there are beds with armored mesh with mattresses, a table, a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Room No. 4– 18 places with shared accommodation

The room has two-tier flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

There is no lighting in the room. Cooking outside on a fire or indoors on a stove.

Outdoor amenities.

There is a bathhouse on the territory of the shelter.

Weather station "Taganay Mountain"

GPS: N55 gr 22’ 08.8” E 59 gr 54’ 31.4’’, absolute altitude 1114 m.

The distance from the Central Entrance is 25 km along the Lower Trail or 28 km along the Upper Trail.

Nearby attractions: rocky outcrops “Three Brothers”, rocky ledge “Kepka”, rocky ridge “Camel”.

Features of the visit: the shelter is located on a unique mountain plateau; the ecosystem of the mountain is very fragile and requires careful treatment. Therefore, when visiting this place, move only along the paved paths, without going beyond their boundaries and without endangering the fragile world of the tundra.


House Weather station "Taganay Mountain"

The house has lighting and central heating, cooking in a shared kitchen using a stove or gas stove.

There is a washbasin.

Room No. 1– 4 places with shared accommodation

The room has two-tier flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

Room No. 2– 12 places with shared accommodation.

The room has two-tier flooring with mattresses, a table, and a stove.

You need sleeping bags, cooking pots, and individual dishes with you.

Facilities on the street (Lenin St., 1).

Picnic points

Picnic points are located on the territory of the Central Estate. Cozy gazebos with benches, tables and barbecue facilities.

To book a Barbecue area you need to call 8-912-314-34-34.


Eco-trail “On the edge of the forest”

Now walks through the forest have become theatrical and resemble a small play, the action of which takes place right in nature.

You don’t need to go far, you come to the Central Estate of the Taganay National Park, where the children will first have a fascinating tour of the Museum of Nature, which smoothly turns into the forest, where the Hare talks about birds, animals and minerals, and the heroine of the Ural legends, Kialimskaya Grandmother, talks about animals and plants.

Eco-Trail “On the Edge of the Forest” is 800 meters of dense forest, birdsong and traces of wild animals.

Eco-trail “Taganay in 600 steps”

The ecological trail “All of Taganay in 600 steps” is just over 1.5 km long and passes through the picturesque places of the Black Rock tract, through the main natural complexes, characteristic of the Taganay National Park. The route is equipped with a causeway and an observation deck, and is accessible for wheelchair users.

Black Rock is one of the northern peaks of the Nazmin ridge, 853 m high, composed of snow-white quartzites. At the top there is a rocky ridge, stretching more than 200 m in the direction from south to north. The eastern slope drops steeply down and is difficult to access.

The Park's guide will tell you about the geological history of Taganay, one and a half billion years ago, and introduce you to stone material, which is generously represented in rocky outcrops along the trail. Depending on the phenological phase of the growing season, the guide will introduce you to the flora of Taganay, tell stories, legends and stories about herbs and minerals.

From the top of the Black Rock, equipped with a two-level observation deck, amazing views open up. The guide will introduce you to the peaks of Taganay, presented in the perspective of the opening panorama: Double-headed hill, Otkliknoy ridge, Kruglitsa, visible ridges of the Middle and Small Taganay, Aleksandrovskaya hill, as well as natural attractions hidden behind the Bolshoy Taganay ridge: Valley of Fairy Tales, Dalny Taganay, Three Brothers outcrops , the invisible peaks of Yurma, Itsil, Mont Blanc, the Kialimskaya Pad tract and the Big Stone River.

Seasonal use of the route is all year round.

Route “To the Big Stone River”

Length: 10 km

Duration: 5 hours

The purpose of the hike: to see the Big Stone River - the largest stone placer in the world.

The Bolshaya Kamennaya River is located between the Bolshoi and Middle Taganay ridges. A pile of stone blocks weighing 9-10 tons stretched for 6 km in length, reaching 200 meters in width, and at times “spilling” up to 500 meters. Under the “bed” of ancient stone streams at a depth of 4-6 meters you can hear the sound of real mountain streams.

The Big Stone River begins its flow from the slopes of the mountains, first in the form of small stone streams, which gradually merge together, finally turning into a solid stone stream. The “river” is composed mainly of aventurine of various colors, the local name of which is taganaite or gold spark.

There is no vegetation other than lichens on the stone river. The only exceptions are isolated pine trees over a hundred years old.

In order to admire this unearthly landscape, you need to walk from the Central Estate of the Taganay National Park along the Lower Trail 5 km to the Vesyly Klyuch parking lot, located on the banks of the Bolshaya Kamennaya River, from where a magnificent view of the Double-Headed Sopka opens.

The trail has a natural dirt surface and is swampy in places. Halfway along the route it crosses the Bolshaya Tesma River, which can be crossed either by bridge or by ford. And immediately after the bridge it goes to the right. Throughout the route, the trail passes under the canopy of the forest, sometimes emerging into open clearings.

Participants of the hike will enjoy the unique view of the Two-Headed Hill on the “bank” of the Bolshaya Kamennaya River, walk along the aventurine waves and forever leave in their memory this majestic creation of nature.

The route has no age restrictions.

Route “To the Top of the World”

Length: 15 km

Duration: 8 hours

A one-day walking route with a length of 15 km and a duration of 6-8 hours, the highest point of the route is 1034 meters above sea level, the total elevation gain is 500 meters. The goal of the hike is to climb the Double Heads Sopka, the southern peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge.

The route begins at the Central Estate of the Taganay National Park and runs 3.5 km along a forest dirt path to the Bolshaya Tesma River. After the crossing, a long climb immediately begins, called local residents"Puff." But after 2.5 km, the forest path leads to the White Key, a spring known for its clear, tasty and always cool water. It’s convenient to stop near Bely Klyuch to rest before the two-kilometer climb to the top of the Two-Glava Sopka.

The ascent to the “Top of the World” begins along a metal ladder of 200 steps and continues along a mountain path leading to the top. As you rise, rocks appear through the treetops, their outlines reminiscent of the feathers of birds that have escaped from the mountain. Hence the name of the southern peak of the hill - “Feathers”. From the stone rock outcrops on the top of the mountain, a bewitching and captivating view of the Taganay mountainous country opens before the traveler’s eyes. In clear weather, visibility is 100 kilometers or more.

In the central part of the Taganay National Park there is the highest point of the Taganay mountain cluster - Kruglitsa, so named because of its shape. The path to it starts from the Central Estate of the Park, runs along the Lower Path, crosses the Bolshaya Tesma River over a bridge and rushes to the Bolshoi Taganay Pass. The trail is swampy in places, so during rains you can’t do without rubber boots. At 4 km along the way, the trail runs along the world's largest Big Stone River - a collection of huge stone blocks weighing 9-10 tons, 6 km long and up to 200 meters wide. From the bank of the “river” a unique panorama of the Two-Headed Hill opens up.

Crossing the tributaries of the Stone River twice, the trail takes the traveler to the “Mirror” or “Glass” watershed. And now, when the first 14 km of the journey are behind us, the wooden huts of the Taganay shelter appear. Here you can stop for the night, and in the morning climb Mount Kruglitsa, which is a pile of huge quartzite blocks with glimpses of juniper thickets. IN winter period the top is difficult to reach, because at the foot the path is covered with snow, and climbing the ridges is a dangerous task. But having climbed to the top, the traveler will be rewarded with an unforgettable view of a mountainous country called “Taganay”.
The descent from Kruglitsa to the Valley of Fairy Tales winds along the scree of the southern slope of the mountain, then the trail leads into the realm of almost untouched nature.

After 2 km, the traveler will be greeted by the Response Ridge. Climbing the Otklikny rocks is only possible with climbing equipment.
And finally, the “Rattling Key” shelter, where you can stop for the night or, after resting, continue your journey to the Central Estate of the Park, to which you walk another 8 km along the Upper Trail, crossing streams, kurumniks, but without any climbs. But if you have 1-2 hours of time, go to Mitkiny Rocks. The opening views of the Middle Taganay ridge will force you to take up your camera.
Participants in the hike will see the Big Stone River, climb to the top of Kruglitsa, unravel the mystery of the Valley of Fairy Tales, and walk along the 150-meter stone wall of the Response Ridge.

A visit to Dalny Taganay will be the highlight of your trip through the pristine nature of the Taganay National Park. The route starts from the Central Estate of the Park and runs along the Lower Path - one of the main hiking trails Parka. Then it runs along the Big Stone River, crossing it twice. 9 km from the beginning of the path on the trail there is a tourist stop “Pisany Kamen” with a source of drinking water, where you can rest before continuing the path, and take a thorough break at the “Taganay” shelter, built before the creation of the Park. Almost along the entire route, the trail follows the Old Kialim Road with the remains of old gates through wetlands and natural rocky surfaces. Having walked another 8 km from the wooden huts of the Taganay shelter, the trail takes the traveler to the Kialimsky cordon - the former village of coal burners.

Having settled on a cordon on the banks of the Bolshoi Kialim River, you can climb Mount Itsyl, the name of which means “eternal wind” from the Bashkir language. The path going to the east immediately gains steepness, winding along the kurumniks at the top, and then gets completely lost. And the next day you have the opportunity to see with your own eyes the unique and enchanting beauty of the mountain tundra. The climb to the top of the Dalniy Taganay mountain is not difficult, but long - 5 km. Here, as you rise, the pine and birch trees become lower and lower, interspersed with juniper and gradually disappearing completely. Also, thanks to the lack of forest cover, you can watch stunning sunsets and sunrises in Dalny. At the very top stands the building of the former Taganay Gora weather station, which still provides shelter to tired travelers.

Route “In the center of the pomegranate crown”

Length: 32 km

Duration: 3 hours

Automobile-pedestrian route with a total length of 32 km, lasting 3 hours. The pedestrian part of the route is 2 km. Route diagram: Central Estate - observation deck on Black Rock - Akhmatovskaya Mine - Central Estate.

The excursion is carried out only accompanied by a guide of the national park on the customer’s transport. The route begins from the Central Estate of the Taganay National Park, where the group is met by the Park guide. The move to Black Rock will take 15 minutes, and there, during a walking tour along the eco-trail (1.6 km), the guide will tell you about the history of the creation of the Park and its natural features, and with observation deck at the top of the Black Rock you will see a panorama of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and all its peaks from an unusual angle.

After moving to the Akhmatovskaya mineral mine (15 minutes), during the excursion you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of its discovery and the rich composition of minerals. You can independently, with caution, go down into the mine workings and examine the minerals and rocks.

You can visit the souvenir shop in the park, and also get to the events that take place annually in the park - this is the Black Rock art song festival (third weekend of June), the “Ski Track for the Clouds” marathon (third weekend of February) and the “Run for the Clouds” marathon ( end of August).

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