Satellite map of Greece. A Brief History of Greece

Greece or the Hellenic Republic is a state located on the Balkan Peninsula and numerous islands. A satellite map of Greece shows that the country shares land borders with Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey. The country is washed by the Aegean, Ionian, Thracian, Cretan, Libyan and Mediterranean seas. The area of ​​the country is 131,957 square meters. km.

Greece is rightfully considered the cradle of Western civilization, the country where theater, philosophy, physical and mathematical sciences, democracy, the cult of the body and much more were born. Today Greece is an industrial-agrarian country whose economy is based on the service sector, tourism, industry and agriculture.

The largest cities in Greece are Athens (the capital), Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion and Larissa. Since 2001, the country has been a member of the eurozone, and the euro is used on its territory.

Interesting fact: Greeks never call their country Greece. For them its name is Hellas.

Ionian Islands (Zakynthos Island)

A Brief History of Greece

2100-1100 BC. – Mycenaean civilization

1200-800 BC. - Dark Ages of Greece

776-323 BC. – Ancient Greece, the heyday of policies. The period before the death of Alexander the Great

323-146 BC e. – Hellenistic Greece

146 BC e. -330 – Roman Greece

330-1453 – Byzantine Greece

1453-1821 - as part of the Ottoman Empire

Volcanic island of Santorini

1821 – independence from the Ottoman Caliphate

1919-1922 – Greco-Turkish war and defeat of Greece

1946 – civil war

1967-1975 – the power of the “black colonels” - the military junta

1981 – Greece joins the EU.

2008-2010 – riots and strikes

Corinth Canal

Sights of Greece

On a detailed satellite map of Greece you can see numerous attractions of this country: the Peloponnese Peninsula, the islands of Crete, Lesbos, Corfu and Cyprus, Mount Olympus (2917 m), the Nestos River and the Corinth Canal.

Monasteries of Meteora

Among the main attractions of Greece, remaining from the ancient period, it is worth highlighting the Acropolis, the Theater of Dionysus and the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, the ancient city of Knossos on the island of Crete, and the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi. In Greece, numerous places of pilgrimage for Christians have been preserved - the monastery on Mount Athos and the monasteries in Meteora.

Greece is especially popular as a beach tourism destination. The islands of Zakynthos, Rhodes, Santorini, Paros and Crete are very popular.

Gregoriate Monastery, New Athos

Greece is a country in southern Europe with its capital in . The country on the Balkan Peninsula and 3,000 islands is washed by the waters of the Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean and Cretan seas. Land borders - with, and. Of 132,000 sq. km area 25,000 sq. km falls on the islands.

Mountains and plateaus cover 80% of the territory of Greece. The relief consists of alternating bare rocks, valleys, islands, bays and straits. The plain is located in the east of the mainland, the coasts and the Peloponnese peninsula. Mount Olympus (2,917 m) is the highest point in the country, the second peak is Parnassus (2,457 m).

The Peloponnese Peninsula is connected to the mainland by the Isthmus of Corinth. The Pinda Mountains continue on the peninsula and form bays and capes. To the east is the Argolis Peninsula. On the northern shore of the Aegean Sea are Thrace with the Rhodope Mountains and Greek Macedonia. The Chalkidiki peninsula with Mount Athos (2,033 m) faces the northern shore of the Aegean Sea. The large Greek islands - Crete and Euboea, together with numerous small islets, make up 20% of the territory of Greece.

The country has areas with Mediterranean, Alpine and temperate climates. The movement of air masses on the mainland is influenced by the mountains - to the west of the ridge there is a lot of precipitation, on the eastern side the climate is drier. The center of mainland Greece, the eastern Peloponnese, Crete, the Cyclades and Dodecanese island groups have a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and dry, hot summers. The mountainous regions have an alpine climate.

Greek rivers are characterized by short and stormy currents, with waterfalls and rapids. Aljakmon is the largest river, 300 km long. In addition to it, the arms of Evros, Strymon, Acheloos, and Nestos flow through the territory. There are also more than 20 lakes in the country, including large reservoirs Trichonis and Vegoritis.

Satellite map of Greece

Map of Greece from satellite. You can view the satellite map of Greece in the following modes: map of Greece with names of objects, satellite map of Greece, geographical map of Greece.

Greece is a country in the southeastern part of Europe, which is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula. In addition to the mainland, Greece also includes islands of the Aegean, Ionian and Mediterranean seas. The capital of Greece is Athens, the official state language is Greek. Most of the state's territory is occupied by mountains, and a fifth of the country is islands, the largest of which are Lesbos, Rhodes, Crete and Euboea.

Greece is a unique and distinctive country, which is known throughout the world as the birthplace of the Olympic Games and the cradle of myths and mythical heroes. Most Europeans are attracted to it primarily by its rich history and architecture, which are still highly valued and protected by the Greeks.

The climate of Greece is Mediterranean. It is characterized by mild winters with high rainfall and hot, dry summers. The average temperature in winter is +6...+ 8 C, and after 2 weeks it becomes much warmer. In summer it is very hot - +25...+30 C.

Greece is practically the only country in the world that has collected such a number of attractions in its relatively small area. These states are the birthplace of many ancient civilizations and the birthplace of Christianity, so there is something to see in literally every city in the country. The most interesting city to visit is Athens, since it is here that the two main attractions of the country are located - the Acropolis and the pearl of Greece - the Parthenon Temple.