St. Michael's Athos Monastery (Adygea). Interesting places included in St. Michael's Athos Monastery and its environs

St. Michael's Cathedral in Izhevsk (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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St. Michael's Cathedral, located in the Central District of Izhevsk, is considered the hallmark of the city and a symbol of the revival of the spiritual life of Udmurtia and all of Russia. This majestic temple building blended very harmoniously into the architectural appearance of Izhevsk, so today it is almost impossible to imagine this place empty.

St. Michael's Cathedral, located in the Central District of Izhevsk, is considered the hallmark of the city and a symbol of the revival of the spiritual life of Udmurtia and all of Russia.

Fate has not always been favorable to the Izhevsk church, its history is full of tragic pages, however, having passed through the crucible of trials and overcoming all difficulties, today St. Michael's Cathedral pleases the townspeople and guests of Izhevsk. In the evenings and on weekends, the territory of the temple, decorated with elegant flower beds and green lawns, is filled with vacationers. Whole families come here to take a walk and get rid of worldly worries.

From the history of the cathedral

The progenitor of St. Michael's Cathedral was a small wooden chapel built in 1765 in honor of the Holy Trinity, but its age was short: only 50 years later, during a grandiose fire, the chapel burned down. For almost a century, the ideas of building a new temple were discussed, until in 1897, at a meeting of the inhabitants of the industrial settlement, the decision to build the cathedral was finally made. The result of a ten-year construction by the whole world was a majestic temple with a height of more than 70 m, which could be seen from 20 km, and its bells could be heard in neighboring villages.

In November 1907, the first divine service was held in St. Michael's Cathedral.

It seemed that all the difficulties were behind us, and the temple had a bright future. However, after a couple of decades, the Udmurt leaders had to save the temple from the encroachments of the Soviet authorities, which sought to wipe the shrines off the face of the earth. In 1932, the local authorities dropped the bells, and in 1933 the church was converted into a local history museum. But all attempts to preserve the national heritage, unfortunately, did not help: in 1937, after a stern warning from Moscow, the Izhevsk leaders were forced to decide to demolish the temple. The ruins of the once beautiful cathedral adorned Izhevsk until February 2000, when, at the initiative of the first president of Udmurtia, a decision was made to recreate it. On August 5, 2007, the history of the revived St. Michael's Cathedral began: on this day, Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the main altar of the church and celebrated the first liturgy.

Temple today

The city of Izhevsk is the Cathedral of St. Archangel Michael. This magnificent building has a tragic history, but today it appears before the faithful in all its newly recreated beauty. In addition, St. Michael's often becomes a venue for seminars, religious talks and other events aimed at restoring spirituality and combating some of the vices of modern society.


The first temple on the site of the cathedral, where the city cemetery was located since the middle of the 18th century, was built in 1765. Later it was demolished and a church was erected there. However, this building did not have a long history either, as it burned down in 1810. 45 years later, a 30-meter chapel was built in the same place, which was consecrated in the name of the Archangel Michael, in honor of the patron saint of the Grand Duke, the head of all weapons production in the Russian Empire.

The history of the construction of the temple

In 1876, a campaign began in Izhevsk to raise funds for the construction of a new large cathedral. All citizens, regardless of their property status, took an active part in it. For example, it is known that the workers of a local factory transferred part of their salary to the construction fund. Large charitable contributions were made by many eminent Izhevsk residents, including merchants. The required amount was collected by 1897, and at the same time the first stone was laid in the foundation of the future cathedral. Ten years later, when the main building was almost ready, the construction had to be mothballed. Only in 1915 was it possible to consecrate the main altar, and the temple itself received the status of a non-parish, assigned to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Despite the fact that the turmoil prevented the project from being fully implemented, the construction turned out to be very significant. Suffice it to say that the first St. Michael's Cathedral (Izhevsk), built in 1907, had a height of 70 meters, and the diameter of its base was 43 meters. The temple was visible from a distance of 20 kilometers and had 10 domes and 11 bells.

In 1929 St. Michael's Church was taken away from believers and sealed by the Izhevsk police. Then it was handed over to the local museum of local lore, and in 1937 it was decided to demolish the building. Thus, the building, built, as they say, by the whole world, was destroyed, and its place was taken by the square, which became a favorite place for walking Izhevsk residents.

Temple Revival

In 2000, the authorities of the Udmurt Republic decided that it was necessary to recreate the destroyed temple in the same place where it had been before demolition. Already in 2004, a consecrated cross was laid at the foundation of the future structure. Construction proceeded at a rapid pace. As a result, in May 2007, the lower limit of the cathedral was consecrated, and in August, the main altar. At the same time, the first liturgy took place, which was conducted by Patriarch Alexy II in the presence of the highest officials of Udmurtia.

Interior decoration and shrines

The restored temple has a rich interior decoration. Suffice it to say that the wall painting of the cathedral was made by artists invited from Palekh, based on the frescoes of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Notable details of the interior are also the carved iconostasis of the main limit and the only faience iconostasis of the lower temple in Udmurtia, made in the Urals.


St. Michael's Cathedral (Izhevsk), the photo of which is adorned by most tourist guides for this city, is famous not only for its interior decoration and majestic architectural appearance. After all, there you can bow to many Orthodox shrines. In particular, the miraculous icon of the 16th century with particles of the relics of the holy apostles Bartholomew, Luke, James, Matthew, Mark, saints Gregory the Theologian, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Basil the Great, as well as the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, George the Victorious, archdeacons Laurence and Venerable Ephraim the Syrian.

Rest in Adygea is a pleasure all year round. Even in winter, there is plenty to do here. There is an opportunity to spend time interestingly, actively, informatively at the numerous sights of the region. For example, visit the St. Michael Athos Monastery full of mysteries and secrets.


Between the villages of Kamennomostsky and Pobeda (closer to Pobeda) there is an amazing tourist complex. It is located on Mount Fisiabgo, cut up and down by numerous underground passages and caves.

These places tend to be visited not only by pilgrims, but also by ordinary tourists who prefer to combine entertainment with a cultural program, during which they admire architectural and historical monuments that are not indifferent to everything beautiful. Find out more interesting things about the region in which they are located. By the way, right on the territory of the monastery there is an excellent recreation center.

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Features of the monastery

Many pilgrims equate the St. Michael's Monastery with the famous Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Under it is also a huge number of underground passages, which previously contained objects significant to the monks. Today, little of them remains.

On the territory of buildings of different times, many ancient structures were destroyed. In their place, new buildings appeared. Everything is as harmonious and beautiful as possible. The architectural composition is amazing, unique and really special.

Among the old buildings, the main building of the monastery survived, as well as the Refectory, separate buildings for household purposes. In principle, it will not be difficult to distinguish new structures from ancient ones, even for people who are poorly versed in construction.

Not far from the monastery is the holy spring of Panteleimon the Healer. A huge number of tourists come to him to draw water, which has healing powers. Some citizens even collect 5-7 five-liter eggplants of "living water". There is also a font with spring (very cold) water. According to legend, whoever plunges into it will get rid of many ailments.

Although the monastery is male, representatives of the female sex can also visit it. At the entrance, they are offered to cover their heads with a scarf, and put on a skirt over their trousers. All this is completely free, because a holy place. By the way, if you go to the source, do not miss the opportunity to admire the majestic mountain range. A path leads to the observation deck, turning left from the path to the source.

Important: if you are going to visit the source of Panteleimon the healer, go here as early as possible. Otherwise, you will stand in line for a long time. There are always a lot of people here. In winter, of course, less, but still. All this is of course very interesting, but no less interesting are the historical facts of the creation and development of the main attraction of Adygea.

History of development

Planning for the construction of a complex for believers in these parts began in 1864. There were many Cossack villages, believers, but there was no financial opportunity to build and maintain a temple. The rulers of the Stavropol diocese thought about where to place sectarians, Old Believers, and so on. Residents of six villages and settlements in the mountain strip of the Trans-Kuban region decided on their own to raise the necessary funds for the construction of a temple and a place of residence for a priest.

It was planned to pay the clergyman a hundred rubles of allowance, as well as to hire him an orderly every year. But only in the seventy-fourth year of the century before last, Bishop German tried to create St. Michael's Monastery. The peasant I. Trubin, together with the tradesman from Kharkov I. Bezverkhov, asked permission to establish a hermitage of monks near the village of Tsarskaya. These two people led a spiritual, moral existence, served the church. They aspired to the Ionic life, and therefore they arrived in the Catherine-Lyabezh hermitage.

At the same time, they were attracted like a magnet to the Caucasus Mountains, on the spot they fought with their beauty and grandeur. It was they who assured of the need to build a monastery. At the same time, these truly great people understood that they could not solve this issue on their own. Therefore, they came to the villagers for help. Naturally received a positive response.

People who lived on the territory of Dakhovskaya, Sevastopolskaya, Tsarskaya village and the village of Kamennomostsky decided to donate 270 acres of their lands. And believing people from Tsarskaya gave a house of prayer to the church that had not yet been built. One of the main advantages of the donated lands was their high fertility.

Preparations for construction lasted for two whole years, but in the process it turned out that it was impossible to build any structures on these lands. Because it was in the possession of the villagers, and could not be transferred to third parties. But people were already determined to build a great temple, on the territory of which it was also planned to open a school for local children. There is money and materials, the villagers were ready to take an active part in the construction.

But in connection with the ban on the construction of the shrine, donations and valuables had to be transferred to the marching church of the Trukhmyansky bailiff. Despite the refusal, the idea of ​​building a monastery did not die out. In the year 77 of the century before last, a petition was again submitted to the governor of the Caucasus for the allocation of 350 acres of the land of the villagers (on the town of Fiziabgo) for the construction of a monastery.

In the spring of the same year, permission was received and in the fall, the construction of St. Michael's Monastery began. It lasted a little less than two years. It was completed in the spring of 1879. True, during this time only the first temple was built, named after the Archangel Michael. For some time it served as a monastery for monks and a place of worship.

Another temple, built in honor of A. Nevsky, was opened only three years later. And four years later, the largest and most majestic temple, the Assumption Cathedral, was erected. It was so large that it could easily accommodate up to 1000 parishioners at the same time.

Over time, the elders began to equip cells on the Shahan mountain. The monks built the temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the city of Fiziabgo. And two of them, who for some reason considered themselves sinful people, dug passages in the bowels of the mountain. Around the same time, a church school was opened. There was a lot of activity here.

A farm and barnyard, a shoe shop and even a sewing workshop were built, not to mention laundry and dyeing. There was also a forge, a hospital, a weather station and a factory for the production of alabaster. The monks lived and worked quietly until the civil war. At its end, the land, inventory and buildings were confiscated.

In the early twenties of the last century, they generally made a rest house, and then organized a commune. At the same time, the monks were able to live here until the year 28 of the last century. After the monastery was officially closed, and all the inhabitants were dismissed.

In the Second World War, the recreation center was also closed, and in its place a house for people with disabilities was equipped. In the forty-fourth year, the authorities generally decided to make a DTK (children's labor colony) here. Two years later, the Assumption Cathedral was destroyed, the remaining material was used to build an educational institution. In the same year, the church was also destroyed. Transformations.

In the sixties of the last century, the colony was removed from here. And already in the 72nd, on the territory of the St. Michael's Monastery, a recreation center for tourists "Romance" was opened. The struggle for the return of buildings and land to the Orthodox Church began only in the early nineties of the last century and continued for more than ten years. The final transfer of the Mikhailovsky Monastery took place only at the beginning of our century, in 2003. Since then, the restoration of destroyed objects began, more precisely, the construction of new temples.

What is interesting about the monastery today

The most popular place is the Holy Trinity Church (surviving all the events described above), this is one of the largest buildings. It is also worth visiting the temples of the Assumption and the Archangel Michael. Another local attraction is the mass grave of people with disabilities killed by the Nazis.

Of no less interest are the buildings that have not yet been fully restored: Mt. Assumption, St. Alexander, a refectory and a house that receives wanderers. Many tourists, especially pilgrims, try to visit the crypt of Archimandrite Martyrius.

There is also something to do in the vicinity of St. Michael's Monastery. These are horseback riding, and visiting caves, on the way to Mount Fiziabgo. Climbing the mountain, enjoying the panorama. Those tourists who have enough time often go to the Fars River, famous for its canyon.

By the way, a hotel with 80 rooms is provided for pilgrims, however, according to some reports, temporary accommodation in it is impossible. At the same time, excursions are organized in the pilgrimage center to caves created by human hands, to monastic lakes, Assumption cells and to the chapel of Tsar Alexander II.

How to get (get) to St. Michael's Monastery

First you need to get to Pobeda village. This can be done by bus from Krasnodar through the village of Kamennomostsky. By car, you can get to the Mikhailovsky Monastery through Maikop, in the direction of Kamennomostsky. At the entrance to the village you will be met by signs to the holy places. So it's unlikely to get lost. Especially if you follow the coordinates. Exact coordinates and map at the bottom of the page.

Address: Maikop district, Pobeda settlement, p/o Vesely, Rodnikovaya street 5.

It is also possible to contact Father Varlaam by phone: 8 928 2682660 or Father Michael at 8 928 4660358.


St. Michael's Athos Monastery is truly the main attraction of Adygea. I would recommend visiting it to every tourist spending time in the village of Kamennomostsky and its environs. And if you have already been here, please readers and me by describing your experience in the comments.

In the very center of the Caucasus, surrounded by sea and mountains, lies the ancient land - Adygea. A long time ago there was a fortress on the top of Fisiabgo. The remaining masonry is dated by historians to the "antique" time. In the 19th century, monks built a temple here. And nearby is the St. Michael's Athos Monastery.

Where is St. Michael's Monastery located on the map?

The map shows it to us in the central part of the Maykop region of Adygea, not far from, near the Pobeda farm. Several streams flow nearby, the most famous are Shushuk and Kamelyuk. At a slight distance from the Trans-Kuban desert, as it is also called, the Powder Cave, the Monastic hillock and the Holy Spring of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon are found.

St. Michael-Athos Trans-Kuban Hermitage and its history

By the Providence of God in Greece, on Mount Athos, there was a meeting of two monks. Monk Vitaly arrived there as a pilgrim from Russia, while Hieromonk Martyry was ascetic there at that time. Their views agreed on the desire to establish a monastery, and already in 1877, with the blessing of the Athonite elders, they set off towards the Caucasus. The local Cossacks who lived in the village had previously tried to equip a monastery in the mountain spurs, but nothing worked. After the arrival of the monks, having received the blessing of the ruling bishop, they began to work together to allocate land for construction.

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov was the monastery's patron. Archangel Michael is the patron saint of the prince, which is why the first temple was erected in his honor in September 1877. Several more monks from Athos come here, so the monastery was called Athos, since the first monks were from there. Future parishioners donated funds for the work, hieromonk. Martyry invested his "mite" in the amount of 55 thousand rubles. In 1883, the latter was elevated here to the rank of archimandrite (rector).

Services and various services were originally held in this church. Here, for lack of cells, the brethren lived. Then they built a monastic building - there were already about 200 ministers, outbuildings for household purposes and a hotel for pilgrims. In 1885, a church was erected in honor of the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, which could accommodate up to 2,000 parishioners.

Temples and heyday

In total, 5 temples were built:

  • in honor of the Archangel Michael;
  • in the name of Rev. St. Alexandra;
  • Uspensky;
  • in the name of the Holy Trinity (preserved until today);
  • dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord (Preobrazhensky), on Fiziabgo.

Mount Fiziabgo had steep slopes - it was impossible to bring stones for the foundation of the church, so those who wanted to help brought them, boards and logs by hand. With such labors, the Transfiguration Church was erected, which could accommodate about 500 worshipers. There were workshops of different directions - icon painting, shoemaking and tailoring, turning, metalwork. She also worked in the forge. They built a small brick factory for their needs. A parochial school was opened for the inhabitants of the village.

The life of the monastery flourished. There was an apiary, a cheese shop, a small monastery pond for fish breeding was organized. The monks did not need anything. They provided food not only for themselves, but also for visiting pilgrims and wanderers. Shchi was prepared for them in the refectory, and bread was baked at the bakery. About 5,000 people visited the facility during Lent. The parishioners were proud of the monastery. Everything happened under the strict guidance of Archim. Martyria, about which it is worth saying in more detail.

Archimandrite Martyry

Archim. Martyriy was a native of Kherson. His father is a former Cossack and a wealthy tradesman - Vasily Ostrovykh. First, Martin (his name in the world) was sent to study at a parochial school. Over time, to continue the "business" of his father, he mastered the trade. The boy's religious education began during his illness. Being in bed for two years, he read spiritual literature and prayed to the Queen of Heaven, asked for healing and promised to devote his life after recovery to monasticism.

Time passed, the boy recovered and forgot about his vow. Being an adult guy, he was going to get married and before this event he went to pray at the Kyiv shrines. At confession, he remembered the vow he had made many years ago and promised to fulfill it. Upon arrival home, the relatives tried in every possible way to dissuade the guy - only the second illness pushed him to this step. At first, Martin carried out his obedience in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, then he left for Athos, where he took monastic vows and took monastic vows with the name Martyrius. From Athos he came to Chernigov, where he became a hieromonk. Then, with several monks, he again left for Greece and from there went to the Caucasus. Here, in the creation of the monastery, the rest of his life passed.

The archimandrite's life ended tragically. In the winter of 1917, upon returning home, the wagon on which he rode was surrounded by wolves. The frightened horses swerved off the road and she crashed against a tree. On the territory of the monastery there is a grave in which the remains of its founder, Archim. Martyria, anyone can pray and bow to her.

Difficult years and the revival of the male monastery in Adygea

In the Soviet atheist period, the St. Michael's Monastery in Adygea was tried to be wiped off the face of the earth. Everything was confiscated: land, premises, valuables. A holiday home was also set up here. 1928 was tragic for him - he was simply closed.

During the Great Patriotic War, the monastery became a place for a children's educational colony. Every year there was destruction, and in 1946 the Assumption Church was blown up. In 1952, a stone was needed for the buildings, and the result of this was the explosion of the Transfiguration Church on the mountain. Now the monastery keeps only photos depicting the view of the complex of that time.

For many years, the territory was re-equipped, first a state farm was located here, then a tourist committee, a horse camp site. Vacationers came here, but no one suspected that once there was once a monastery here - for 70 years its history has been erased from memory.

Renaissance and modernity

In 1992, the first attempts to return the monastery began. The locals collected signatures with an appeal to the President of Adygea about the return of the Christian shrine. Near the stove, on the site of the blown up temple of the Archangel Michael, the Cossacks with their families prayed and read akathists. In 2001, some of the monastery buildings were returned, but some buildings were still occupied by vacationers and tourists. In the spring of 2003, it was possible to return the St. Michael-Athos Trans-Kuban Hermitage completely. Since then, divine services have been held here, trebs have been held, and restoration work has been underway.

In Adygea, the St. Michael's Monastery is the main one today, it is visited by pilgrims and tourists. There are many shrines here.

  • several shrines with relics (more than 50 saints);
  • part of the coffin of St. Theodosius (Caucasian);
  • two icons (lists) brought from Athos - the Virgin "Blessing" and "Cathedral of the Archangels";
  • the miraculous face of Tsar Nicholas II "Nadymskaya".

The features of the desert are that there are Athos (Byzantine) traditions. The appearance of the brethren is a hood with a cape and cassocks of Greek cut. Also, part of the divine services are served according to the charter of the Athos monasteries. Today it has its own chronicler and guide, the monk Procopius, who conducts tours for visitors and tells the history of the Orthodox landmark.

Desert landmarks

A few words need to be said about the local shrine - the source of St. Panteleimon on Fiziabgo, which is famous for many healings from various ailments. Here you can drink water and take it home in a container. For those wishing to plunge into the healing water, a font is equipped. Many have left reviews of healings and alleviation of illnesses after washing. On January 19, on the feast of Epiphany, the rite of the great consecration of water is arranged here.

On the slopes there are caves that are left from the ancient Byzantine monastery. Previously, there were many long passages - about 3 km long, connecting temples built on different hills. Tradition says that now a repository of ancient bones (the remains of monks who lived in underground grottoes) has been arranged underground. Now there you can see some cells of the monks who once lived here, the remains of a chapel. Due to the fact that in Soviet times these dungeons were blown up, most of them are under the rubble, and you can enter the caves through one entrance on the mountain.

How to get (get there)?

You can get to Pobeda by a regular bus from Krasnodar, which necessarily passes through Khadzhokh (Kamennomostsky). It departs twice a day.

It is not difficult to get to the Trans-Kuban desert from Maykop by car in this way:

Contact details

  • Address: Rodnikovaya street, 5, Pobeda village, Maykop district, Adygea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.290754, 40.318029.
  • Phone: 8-928-466-03-58.
  • Official site:

Every visitor to St. Michael's Monastery feels like a part of the spiritual world. Having visited its temples, caves and at the source, the soul is filled with grace. The beauty of the opening landscapes is breathtaking, while nature, clean air and silence will help you escape from everyday hustle and bustle. In conclusion, we offer a video tour of the place described above, enjoy your viewing!