Historical monuments of the southern Urals. The most beautiful places in the Urals. Natural attractions of the Urals

One of the most famous sights of the Urals. This unique geological natural monument is located in the Perm region. It is no coincidence that more than 90 thousand inquisitive guests visit the cave every year, because none of its Russian “sisters” has such a rich history. In addition, the route through the Kungur Cave is considered one of the most convenient “cave routes” in our country. Electricity was installed along the entire length, paths were laid, and vaults were reinforced for safety purposes. In winter, intricate ice formations - stalactites and stalagmites - form here. In order to see these bizarre creations of nature, it is best to visit the Kungur Cave in February or March.

2. Ilmensky Reserve

The richest "mineral box" in the world. This territory is rightly called the ecological heritage of our country; the reserve is on the list of the five most significant tourist places in Russia. He received this honor because over two hundred varieties of minerals, many of which are quite rare, were collected in a fairly small area of ​​the complex.

Landscape and historical reserve located in the Chelyabinsk region. Remains of one of the most ancient civilizations of Eurasia. The rarest species of plants and animals have been preserved within the boundaries of the reserve. Every year more than 30 thousand tourists come here to look at archaeological monuments, as well as climb the Mountain of Love and the Mountain of Reason.

4. National parks

In the territory of this park, invaluable ecological systems have been preserved almost in their original form - mountain tundras here coexist with relict forests. Numerous scientists and travelers have admired and continue to admire the picturesque landscapes of Taganay.

Hydroelectric power station of the early 20th century. A natural-industrial complex, unique equipment and mechanisms have been preserved here in working order. It is protected by UNESCO as an international monument of history and culture.

6. Ignatievskaya Cave

The most frequently visited cave in the country. Every year over 1.5 thousand people come here. Under its arches is located the oldest “art gallery” of the Urals of the Paleolithic era. Ignatievskaya Cave is included in the list of objects that are under special state protection.

7. Blue mirrors

The Chelyabinsk region, located in the south of the Urals, can rightfully be called Russian Switzerland, which boasts not only a significant number of lakes (over 3100), but also the heterogeneity of their origin. The most famous lakes of the Urals:

Turgoyak. The deepest and coldest of the lakes in the region with an island sanctuary. The water in it is comparable in purity to Lake Baikal. Turgoyak is included in the list of the most valuable lakes in the world.

Zyuratkul. For its extraordinary beauty, this lake is called “Ural Ritsa”. More than 10 ancient human sites have been discovered on its shores.

8. Ski resorts

The Urals are a mountainous region. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a record number of ski resorts in the country are concentrated here. The largest of them are known not only in Russia.

Abzakovo. Picturesque nature, mountains, lakes - in winter thousands of tourists come here to relax. A great opportunity to attend international snowboarding and parallel slalom competitions.

Bathhouse. A comfortable resort with developed infrastructure - it has everything.

Zavyalikha. Ideal for family holidays: 10 trails of varying difficulty, a slope for beginners, equipped with a special towing lift.

This unique cave complex is located in the valley of the Bashkir River Ai. A large number of caves, shelters and grottoes, Stone Age sites. The largest archaeological complex in Russia. There are 13 excursion routes on the territory of the complex and in its surroundings.

10. Tourist route “In the footsteps of space aliens”

The celestial alien that exploded in the sky over Chelyabinsk left behind a lot of fragments. Since the Tunguska meteorite, this is the largest alien body that has fallen to earth. After this event, people of different ages, from different cities and countries rushed to search for fragments of the fallen celestial body. There are several tourist routes at the site of the meteorite fall.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 8

Research project

as part of the game “We live in the Urals”

on the topic “Natural beauties of the Urals”

virtual tour

Completed by a student of class 5A

Zykov Alexander

Head: M.V. Kuchma

Nizhny Tagil


Table of contents


Chapter 1. From the history of studying the nature of the Urals....................................................

Chapter 2. Amazing wonders of nature……………………………………………………


The Ural Mountains – the crown of Russia………………………………


Secrets of the Ural caves………………………………………………………...


O mountain waterfall, flight of crystal spray………………...


The lakes of the Urals are harsh. And there are countless numbers of those lakes………………


Here is the river. It flows so smoothly, as if a riddle is unfolding…………




“Native land, sometimes sunny, sometimes blizzard,

Strong in wisdom and beauty -

The belt of the Ural mountains, ancient, friendly -

Amulet of my holy Rus'!

N. Pikuleva

Russia is my homeland. But every person also has his own small homeland - this is the place where he was born and raised. For me, this is the Urals. The Urals is an amazing region, famous for its beauty. Here you can see beautiful mountains and mysterious rock formations, swim in clear lakes, raft on wild rivers, visit caves, impenetrable forests stretching to the horizon, and see interesting historical and architectural monuments. The Urals are located on the oldest of the ridges - the Ural. The Ural region occupies a special place in the Russian Federation: its area is 13% of the Russian territory, its population is 16% of the country's population. The Ural Mountains are home to a wide variety of minerals and minerals. The Urals are famous for such famous people as: V.N. Tatishchev, A.S. Popov, P.P. Bazhov, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak et al.

Like many Ural residents, I want to know more about my small homeland, you will see its beauty, but also plunge into its rich history. Sometimes the name of a place speaks for itself, and sometimes it conceals a lot of unknowns. I wondered how many mysteries and secrets the nature of the Urals hides? I believe that researching this topic is important for me, because it will help me learn more deeply and love more the sights of my region and my country - Russia.

The purpose of the project is to study the natural attractions of the Urals.

Tasks: get acquainted with natural attractions in the Urals; study information about these objects in local history literature, Internet materials, and video products.

Object of study is the Ural region.

Subject of research served as natural attractions of the Urals.

Research methods : collection and study of literary and local history sources of information, their analysis, examination of objects in photographs.

Research result - creation of a virtual excursion (presentation): “Natural beauties of the Urals.”

The research work consists of two chapters. The introduction justifies the choice of research topic, proves its importance, relevance and modernity, defines the goals and objectives of the study; the first part discusses the history of studying the nature of the Urals, the second part presents amazing natural wonders ( virtual tour); the conclusion summarizes the results of the study.

Chapter 1. From the history of studying the nature of the Urals

“Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can take place.

Culture is like a plant: it has not only branches, but also roots. It is extremely important that growth starts from the roots."

D.S. Likhachev

The Urals have long been known as the natural border between Europe and Asia. In ancient Greek and Roman sources, and then in a number of later European sources, until the middle of the 16th century, the Urals were called the Riphean, or Hyperborean mountains. Under this name, these mountains were also depicted on ancient geographical maps, starting with the world map of the famous Alexandrian scientist Claudius Ptolemy (2nd century AD). For a long time, starting from the first chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years”, dating back to the 11th century AD - the Russians called the Ural Mountains “Belt Stone”, “Siberian Stone”, or “Big Stone”, or “Earth Belt”. By the end of the 16th century, the Russians were already well aware of the territory of their country, including the territory of the Urals.

On the first detailed map of the Moscow state - the “Big Drawing”, drawn up in the first version, apparently in 1570, the Urals under the name “Big Stone” was depicted as a powerful mountain belt from which numerous rivers originate. It was only in the thirties of the 18th century that the name “Ural Mountains” was first introduced into literature. This name was introduced into science by talented researchers of the nature of the Urals - V.N. Tatishchev and P.I. Rychkov. The accumulation of knowledge about the nature of the Urals and its riches was facilitated by the settlement of the region by Russians, the development of agriculture, mining, and trade here.

Chapter 2. Amazing wonders of nature

What attracts the Ural? Mountain ranges, stormy rivers, mysterious caves and dense forests. The Urals are truly unique. With its natural landscapes, gorges and rocks, it is unlike any other corner of Russia.

So, what places in the Urals should you visit?

2.1 The Ural Mountains are the crown of Russia.

Seven Brothers Rocks

Seven Brothers is one of the most popular rocks among tourists in the Middle Urals, located a few kilometers from the village of Verkh-Neyvinsky (Sverdlovsk region). These are the highest rocky outcrops in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg.

The solid base of the rock at the top is divided into separate blocks. If you use your imagination, they resemble fairy-tale petrified giants, which is why the rocks got their name. True, the number “seven” is very arbitrary, since “brothers” here can be counted either more or less.

Legends of the Seven Brothers. It is not surprising that rocks of such an unusual shape are surrounded by numerous legends. The versions of the legends are very different, about a dozen in total. The most popular are two. According to one version, the rocks are the children (seven brothers and their sister) of a cruel manager who fled from reprisals and froze on the mountain. According to another legend, these are pagan giants who were turned into stone by Ermak’s sign of the cross (although Ermak had never been to these places).

Despite its original form, which was conducive to the veneration of this place by our distant ancestors, there is no information about archaeological finds on the Seven Brothers. As some scientists suggest, perhaps for ancient people visiting this place was prohibited - they say, gods live here.

Seven Brothers Rocks in history

The famous Ekaterinburg photographer V.L. has also been here. Metenkov is a photo chronicler of the Urals. His photographs of the Seven Brothers have survived to this day. Thanks to this, we can now find out what the rocks looked like 100 years ago.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Seven Brothers rocks were chosen for secret meetings by workers of the Verkh-Neivinsky plant. A reminder of those times is the inscription preserved on the northern wall of the rock: “Long live the social revolution!”

As geographer N.P. writes in his books. Arkhipov, the inscription was made in 1912 by F.A. Vorobyov, F.A. Verevkin and P.A. Firsov on the occasion of the arrival of Perm Governor Alexander Bolotov. However, it is known that Bolotov ruled the Perm province only until 1909. So either the inscription was made in a different year, or it was not Bolotov who came, but another governor of the Perm province - Ivan Koshko, or the inscription was made under completely different circumstances.

Well, during the civil war, near Mount Semibratskaya, the route of the Czechoslovak white corps passed during the Verkh-Neivinsky operation on August 23-26, 1918. As a reminder of these events, you can see a memorial cross on the old Tavatui road.

The Seven Brothers Rocks are a geomorphological, botanical and historical-revolutionary natural monument of the Sverdlovsk region.

Arsky stone

Legendary rock on the shore, near the city of Beloretsk. It got its name from the nearby village of Arskaya.

The height of the rock is small - no more than 30 meters. It is composed of limestones. As a result of the influence of natural forces, the steep rock acquired a picturesque outline. Since the time of the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, the rock has been shrouded in mysterious legends. The most popular of them says that Pugachev hid treasures in the cave of the Arsky Stone. And there really was a cave here, where local children never gave up hope of finding treasure. In Soviet times (they say that after the death of a tourist), the entrance to the cave was blown up. Now on the site of the cave there is a stone scree.

There is another legend, according to which the rebel peasants threw the local manager off the cliff. According to legend, after this the waters of the Belaya River retreated from the Arsk Stone.

Interestingly, on the rock you can see the face of the Virgin Mary, located at a height of about 4 meters. It appeared in 2015. It is unknown who painted it. There may be representatives of the recreation center interested in increasing tourists. The priests of the Russian Orthodox Church considered the appearance of the drawing to be a miracle.

The rock is also of interest from a geological point of view. This is a Lower Devonian section. In addition, rare plants grow here and relics are found.

It is historical and geological.

2.2 Secrets of the Ural caves

Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash)

An archaeological site of world significance, the most famous cave in the Urals. The cave’s fame came from the ancient rock paintings discovered inside.

Name of the cave. The Russian name of the cave - Kapova - according to one version, comes from the word “drip” - from a drop from the ceiling, according to another version - from the word “temple”, that is, sanctuary.

The Bashkir name of the cave is Shulgan-Tash. The word “tash” in Bashkir means “stone”, and “shulgan” means “disappeared”.

In the Bashkir folk epic “Ural Batyr”, Shulgan is the brother of the main character, the ruler of the underworld.

Description of the cave. Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash) is located on the territory of the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve. The entrance to the cave opens in the southern slope of Mount Sarykuskan on the right bank of the Belaya River (Agidel).

Has a huge, impressive entrance grotto. The entrance to the cave is a huge arch 20 meters high and 40 meters wide.

To the left of the entrance is Blue Lake, from which flows the underground Shulgan River, which flows into the Belaya River. At first, this river flows along the surface, disappearing into the ponor 2.5 kilometers north of the entrance to the cave. This river can also be found inside the cave. The Blue Lake is small in size - about 3 meters in diameter, but to exit it, the Shulgan River rises from a depth of 80 meters.

The length of the Kapova Cave is 3,328 meters (of which 728 meters are under water). Has three floors. Consists of corridors, galleries, huge halls. There are underground lakes. An interesting thing is the huge stalagmite, three meters high and about eight meters wide at the base.

The length of the first floor of the cave is only about 300 meters. You can climb to the second floor through a vertical well. And on the lower floor the Shulgan River flows, continuing to form new karst cavities.

Cave exploration. The first description of Kapova Cave was made by the famous explorer of the Southern Urals P.I. Rychkov. It is interesting that in his work Rychkov mentioned that he found a “dry human head” in the cave.

In 1954, the cave was studied by zoologist A.V. Ryumin. It was he who came across ancient rock paintings. The drawings are made in four halls: Dome, Signs, Chaos and Drawings. Scientists date them to the Paleolithic era. The age of the drawings is very significant - 14-14.5 thousand years. There are 195 images in total, but only about three dozen are relatively well preserved. The size of the drawings is extremely large - from 44 to 112 centimeters. Almost all the drawings are made in red ocher, but there are a few made in charcoal. Our distant ancestors depicted mammoths, horses, and other animals in cave grottoes. There are also anthropomorphic figures, as well as signs that are more difficult to interpret.

Ryumin's discovery became a real sensation in the scientific world! Before this, it was believed that drawings of extinct animals from the Paleolithic era were found only in France and Spain. However, it turned out that no less developed people lived in the Urals than in Europe at that time. This forced us to reconsider scientific ideas. Later, drawings were found in several other caves.Southern Urals, including Ignatievskaya.

The drawings in Kapova Cave are the only cave paintings from the Paleolithic era in Russia and Eastern Europe. And in terms of the number of drawings, the cave is ahead of similar ones in Western Europe.

However, fame had a detrimental effect on the cave. Unscrupulous tourists scrawled the walls of the cave in places, broke off beautiful sinter formations - stalactites, stalagmites, stole cave pearls and other calcite formations. The drawings were also damaged. As a result, in order to save the unique monument, in 1971 the entrance to the cave was closed with a metal grate. However, these restrictions do not fully help. Due to changes in the microclimate of the cave, the drawings are becoming increasingly faded and may soon be lost.

Interestingly, there was no soot from torches on the ceiling of the cave in the grotto with drawings. But to apply the drawings, some kind of light was needed. Scientists have suggested that ancient people used something similar to a kerosene lamp, using fat as fuel.

In one of the grottoes with rock paintings, human skulls were discovered during archaeological excavations, but there were no skeletons of bodies here. Since Kapova Cave was a sanctuary, there is an assumption that the heads of especially revered tribesmen - leaders and shamans - were buried here. Or maybe it was sacrifices. Rituals important to the people of that time were held here.

In addition to skulls, stone tools, ocher, coals, and ash were found in the cave. These finds are 15-17 thousand years old.

The cave isnatural monument of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Shulgan-Tash nature reserve has been organized in these places. Despite this, tourists are willingly allowed into the cave, you just need to pay.

A copy of the drawings was drawn for tourists near the entrance to the cave. Mere mortals are not allowed to see the originals.

In the spring, during floods, the cave is filled with water and tourists are not allowed here.

Kapova Cave is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the Republic of Bashkortostan. There are several more caves and grottoes nearby.

Kizelovskaya Cave

Caves are for those who want to visit a completely different world... In the underground world, where absolute darkness reigns and water drips in silence. This is an unforgettable, soul-piercing adventure!

The Gubakhinsky district of the Perm Territory is a paradise for speleologists and cave lovers. There are more than 118 caves here. Many of them are actively visited and explored. The most interesting thing is that here everyone, regardless of the level of speleology (spelunking is the science that studies caves) and physical fitness, will find a cave to suit themselves. There are even caves where you can take small children. And there are caves where even an experienced tourist will have to make a lot of effort to get through it. Here are caves that you can walk through in half an hour, here are caves in which you can live for several days and even weeks to study, explore, find out...

One of the most popular caves -Kizelovskaya(it is also called Viasherskaya). It is located in the city of Kizel, in the area of ​​​​the closed Severnaya mine. The cave has the status of geologicalnatural monument of regional significance. Several species of bats live here, listed inRed Book of the Middle Urals.

History of the Kizelovskaya Cave. The Kizelovskaya Cave was discovered back in the 50s of the 19th century during the construction of a road. In 1909, the first plan of the cave was drawn up, then the map was supplemented and completed. The study of the cave continued for many years, and more and more new passages and grottoes appeared on the map.

Features of passing through the Kizelovskaya cave. Kizelovskaya Cave is considered the second longest among the caves of the Perm region - about 7600 meters, and its depth is 43 meters.

The cave has two entrances, or two exits. Also, tourists visiting the Kizelovskaya Cave can choose two routes - the Big and Small Ring. Thus, you can walk around the cave - enter one entrance and exit the other. Or go into one and, after walking around the cave, exit the same way.

When passing the Big Ring, you need to have minimal equipment with you, in the form of a rope and several carabiners, to descend into the Nizhny Tagil Grotto. The height of the ledge will be approximately 15 meters; you can go down in a sportive way, but you should be very careful.

Also, when passing the Big Ring, you must be physically prepared enough to pass the Organ Pipe. This is a narrow hole where you need to move vertically upward. Usually the organ has a stationary rope that can be used to help. But it may not be there, or it will already be so worn out that it will be unsafe to use it. Therefore, you need to be prepared to climb up the “pipe” yourself, pushing yourself with your knees and elbows.

You will also meet several selfish people, adding complexity and interest to such a route.

The small ring of the Kizelovskaya Cave does not require so much effort. It is enough to enter the second entrance, go to the “Owner”, walk through the “Gallery of Wonders” and return along the same route. However, this path will also be interesting and memorable.

Kizelovskaya Cave is one of the dirtiest caves in the Urals. At the entrance to the cave in winter, stalactites and stalagmites grow, but inside the walls are wet and clayey. It is recommended to wear the least wet clothes, since speleologists usually return wet and very dirty when they go out.

Kizelovka is a multi-story cave, corridor, labyrinthine. It has more than 90 grottoes. The largest of them are: Giant, Amphitheater, Friendship of Speleologists, Nizhny Tagil. The height of some galleries and grottoes reaches 20 meters.

The plan of the Kizelovskaya Cave clearly shows that it is an intricate labyrinth

There is a small lake up to 3 meters deep, surrounded by sinter formations. If you turn off your flashlights near the lake and listen, you will be struck by the abundance of different sounds created by the water in the cave. One gets the feeling that there is actually a stream or a small waterfall running.

While passing through the Kizelovskaya Cave, you will constantly descend and ascend to “floors”. The names of the passages and grottoes are memorable and unexpected: “Sculptural”, “Walking in Torment”, “The Woe of the Fat Men”, “Organ Pipe”, “Pants”, “Eye of the Needle” and others. All grottoes are decorated with stalagmites, stalagnates and other types of sinter formations.

Cave tradition. Each cave is unique in its own way. Kizelovka also has its own secret. In one of the grottoes, the head of a man, the “Master,” is sculpted from clay. He guards the cave and only allows people who are fearless and have pure thoughts through. For decades, tourists have been leaving candles near the “Master” so that he can better see his possessions. There is a legend that somehow a group of speleologists neglected the tradition and passed by without performing this ritual. The group then circled the labyrinths of the cave for a long time in search of a way out. The path led them to the “Owner” three times, until, finally, the most perceptive of the group presented the “Owner” with a candle stub as a gift. After that, as if by magic, they immediately found a way out to the surface.

Whether you believe in legends or not, always remember that the Kizelovskaya Cave is a complex and confusing labyrinth. It's very easy to get lost in it. Therefore, visiting the cave is only possible accompanied by a guide or a person who knows the cave well.

2.3 Oh mountain waterfall, flight of crystal splashes

Plakun Waterfall

There are very few natural waterfalls in the Middle Urals. And the most impressive of them is the Plakun waterfall. It is located on the right bank, in the vicinity of the village of Suksun.

The Legend of the Waterfall. Such an unusual place could not remain without legends. What did popular rumor come up with? The legend is quite traditional for waterfalls, connected with a girl and unhappy love. According to legend, the girl was forcibly separated from her lover and wanted to marry off to a local rich man. But the girl didn't want to. Then she was imprisoned in a cave in the depths of the mountain. And she will be freed only when she agrees to marry a person she hates. Suffering, the girl cries continuously, and her tears form a waterfall falling from the cliff...

Read more about Plakun waterfall. The Plakun waterfall has a height of about 7 meters. Water falls down from the coastal outcrop in three jets. The sound of falling water can be heard from afar.

The stream itself originates 15 meters from the waterfall, representing the outlet of groundwater from cracks at the junction of aquiferous sandstone and water-resistant marl. An old pine tree grows above the outlet of the spring. This place can be seen on the mountain on the way to the waterfall, near the road. The width of the stream varies from 30 cm to 1 meter and is divided into two branches.

The first detailed study of the waterfall was carried out by Perm hydrogeologist L.A. Szymanowski in 1958. According to his calculations, the water flow is 15-20 liters per second.

Due to the carbon dioxide content in water, calcium carbonates precipitate. Thanks to this, Plakun not only does not erode the cliff from which it falls, but, on the contrary, strengthens and cements it with sediments. Calcareous tuff, porous inside, is formed; here you can see moss petrified from carbonates.

The coastal outcrop from which the waterfall falls is brown in color and covered with moss in the upper part.

The water of the source is very cold, clean and pleasant to the taste. You can safely drink it raw. If you dip your hands into the source, within a few seconds they begin to ache from the cold. Although some people swim under the waterfall. It is believed that after swimming under the Plakun waterfall, a person gains health. Indeed, cold water can mobilize the body’s internal reserves, increase its resistance and strengthen the immune system. Although caution does not hurt, especially for people with cardiovascular diseases and circulatory disorders.

By the way, standing under a stream of water falling from a seven-meter height is not so easy. Firstly, the pressure of falling water is significant. Secondly, the water is very cold even in the summer heat. Its temperature is kept at +5º C.

In winter, the waterfall looks completely different than in summer. On top it is covered with a beautiful ice shell. And in cold weather, clusters of beautiful ice crystals hang from tree branches near the waterfall.

The Plakun waterfall has hydrogeological status.

Waterfall and religion. This waterfall has long been revered by the Orthodox. They consider it a holy spring, which they call Ilyinsky.

The place is associated with the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”, which sailed along the Sylva at the end of the 17th century. According to legend, she swam up to the Tatar Tokhtar, who was fishing on the river. He did not attach any importance to this and pushed the icon downstream. But the next day history repeated itself again. Then Tokhtar became thoughtful, took out the icon and brought it to the nearby monastery.

The appearance of the icon, of course, was considered a miracle, and a chapel was built on the bank of the Sylva. And in 1694, when the wooden Church of the Virgin Mary was erected in Tokhtarevo, the icon was moved there. When in the 19th century a new church was built in Tokhtarevo next to the old church and the icon began to be moved there, then, according to legend, the icon miraculously returned to its original place. During Soviet times, the church was closed. In the 1940s, the revered icon ended up in the Peter and Paul Church in Suksun, where it is still kept. Since 1995, a procession of the cross has been held from here every year to the Ilyinsky spring - to the Plakun waterfall.

Recently, a wooden chapel was erected near the waterfall in honor of Elijah the Prophet.

The fate of the Mother of God Church from Tokhtarevo is interesting. In the early 1970s, it was transported to the Khokhlovka architectural and ethnographic museum, near Perm.

Atysh Waterfall

The most beautiful waterfall in Bashkiria, emerging from a cave in the rock and falling from the cliff into the lake. The only one of its kind in the Urals and one of the few in Russia.

The name of the Atysh waterfall is translated as “shooting”, “shot”. Indeed, a stream of water seems to shoot out of the rock, piercing through it.

The waterfall was discovered in 1964 by V.A. Marushin and L.A. Lushnikov. Before this, only local residents knew about it.

Water flows out of a large cave grotto in the mountain, falling sheerly down in two jets from a height of 4.5 meters. The dimensions of the grotto are as follows: width 6 meters, height 4.5 meters, depth about 10 meters. Archaeologists have found arrowheads from the Middle Ages in the grotto. Under the waterfall there is a small lake in which two water boilers several meters deep have formed. The diameter of the lake is about 20 meters.

Atysh waterfall was formed due to the outlet of an underground river. As experts have established, part of the water from the source flows in an ascending stream from a depth of 7 meters into the cave grotto and falls as a waterfall, and part of the water comes out directly into the lake.

Flowing from the lake, the Atysh stream, after 200 meters, flows into the Lemeza River, popular in the spring among rafting tourists. During rafting, a visit to the Atysh waterfall is a mandatory part of the program for all tourists. The main thing is not to swim past, because it is not visible from the river. In spring, Atysh is at its fullest and most impressive.

The water in the waterfall has a constant temperature of +4 degrees all year round. So in summer it is very cold, despite the heat. Only seasoned walruses will enjoy swimming here.

In the past, the flow of water from the spring was even greater, erupting in several jets from a greater height. Gradually the water erodes the rock, falling lower. Many, many years will pass and Atysh will gradually wash out the dam, ceasing to be a waterfall.

15 kilometers north of the waterfall there is a place where the Atysh and Aguy rivers disappear underground in ponor. Going under the rock, they flow underground, merging into one channel, and then run out into the white light in the form of a waterfall.

The place where the Atysh stream disappears underground was nicknamed by the Bashkirs Atysh-Sumgan, that is, “Atysh dived” or “Atysh failed.”

Karst is active here. Water gradually erodes limestones. There are many karst sinkholes around. In the vicinity of the Atysh waterfall there are several small karst cavities with beautiful sagging: Atyshskaya caves (-1, -2, -3rd), Nezhnaya, Dalnyaya, Siphonnaya, Zapovednaya. The largest and most interesting of them is the Zapovednaya (Bear) cave, the total length of which reaches 180 meters. This is a dry cave formed during the formation of the river valley. Here was the sanctuary of our distant ancestors: inside they found many skulls of cave bears, some of which literally grew into the cave due to calcite deposits. Unfortunately, they were stolen by tourists.

The waterfall is visited all year round. In winter, icicles freeze here, and the rock walls are covered with kurzhak.

2.4 The lakes of the Urals are harsh. And those lakes have no number

Lake Bezdonnoe

In the forests in the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Tagil there is the deepest lake in the Sverdlovsk region - Bezdonnoe.

In the past, local residents tried to measure the depth of the lake, but could not reach the bottom. This is how the legend about the absence of a bottom at the lake arose, and its name appeared. The first instrumental measurements were made in the 1950-60s.

The lake is a small round body of water with a diameter of approximately 200 meters. The area is about 3 hectares. Despite its small size, the maximum depth of the lake reaches 49 meters, and the average depth is 25 meters. The shore drops off abruptly to great depths. There were a lot of fallen trees at the bottom.

However, there is information that the depth of the lake is even greater - 51 or even 53 meters. It is not possible to measure accurately due to trees that have fallen into the water, which form a kind of false bottom. So it is possible that the lake is even deeper. Trees have sometimes caused the deaths of scuba divers who got caught in roots and branches with their equipment.

The great depth of this small reservoir is explained by its karst origin. The lake was formed on the site of a karst sinkhole in dolomitized limestones (as an analogy, one can recall the Big Gap in Oleniye Ruchi, with the only difference that it was not flooded).

Some experts hypothesize the meteorite origin of the lake. This may be supported by an increase in depth to the west, as well as a peculiar shaft on its western edge. That is, perhaps karst was there, but it failed not on its own, but because of a meteorite falling there at an angle from east to west.

The water in Lake Bezdonnoye is clear, with an unusual greenish tint. You can notice the trunks of sunken trees, looking mysterious and enigmatic in the water. Limestone blocks are visible in places. The lake is suitable for swimming, but caution is required. In summer, due to the slight mixing of water in the lake, a thermocline is clearly visible - a clear boundary between the heated layer of water at the surface and cold water at depth. At a depth of more than 5 meters, the water has a constant temperature within 5-6 degrees, regardless of the time of year.

The lake is surrounded mainly by coniferous forest. There is a spring on the shore.

Calcium is dissolved in the lake water, and hydrogen sulfide accumulates at depth, which affects the underwater flora and fauna. However, there is fish here. It enters the lake from the Border Duck River. There are perch, roach, minnow, pike, and chub. Work was also carried out to stock Lake Bezdonnoye with carp, pike perch and grass carp. The lake contains plankton, blue-green diatoms and chara algae. Nippon and cinquefoil grow near the shores of the reservoir.

On the western shore of Lake Bezdonnoye, a small rocky outcrop 4 meters high, called the Big Stone, comes to the surface.

On the eastern shore of the lake, a stream flows out and flows into the nearby Mezhevaya Utka River, a tributary of the Chusovaya River. In this place it is dammed by the Smorodinsky reservoir. The reservoir on Mezhevaya Utka and Smorodinka was built in 1976 with the purpose of replenishing the Chernoistochinsky pond with water by pumping water into the Bobrovka River (a tributary of the Chernaya River). However, this project was never fully implemented. A picturesque discharge of water forms at the reservoir dam.

Lake Bezdonnoe is hydrologicalnatural monument of the Sverdlovsk region. It is part of the Chusovaya River natural park (belongs to its Visimsky section).

N.K. Chupin in the book“Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Perm Province” (1873) wrote about this place:

“The lake in Verkhoturye district, in the dacha of the Nizhne Tagil factories, is small, but unusually deep and very fishy. It is remarkable that sometimes all the fish in it, due to some unknown reasons, go into the depths and stay there for a long time; when it comes out from the depths to the shores, it is caught in huge numbers.”

A visit to the lake should be combined with an acquaintance with the village of Visim (the birthplace of the writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak). On the outskirts of the village there is a deer and ostrich farm, and in Visim itself there is a house-museum of Mamin the Sibiryak. In addition, in the Chernoistochinsk area the route crossesThe Ushkovskaya ditch is an interesting hydraulic structure of the 19th century.

Lake Bear - Trans-Ural Dead Sea

Lake Medvezhye, located in the east of the Kurgan region, is widely known for its high salinity and healing mud. Every summer, thousands of people come here for health and relaxation (and where else in the Urals will you feel like you’re at the famous Dead Sea!)?

The name of Lake Bear comes from a legend. According to legend, in ancient times a bear with a sore paw came to the shore of the lake, put it in the water and treated it. The paw was cured, and the lake took on the shape of a bear.

The lake has an unusual shape, consisting of two parts connected by a narrow strait. One part of the lake is called the Big Bear, the second – the Small Bear. The lake is large in area (it is 10 kilometers long, and the length of the coastline is 60 kilometers), but it is shallow. The average depth is only 50-70 centimeters, and the maximum is 120 centimeters. Excellent even for those who cannot swim, especially given the properties of salt water. It is impossible to drown in a shallow and salty body of water.

Medvezhye is a closed reservoir; not a single river flows out of it. It feeds on meltwater and precipitation.

The main difference of the lake and its uniqueness is its very high salinity (up to 360 g/l). In this, Lake Medvezhye surpasses many seas. In terms of salt concentration, it surpasses even the famous Dead Sea! The chemical, mineral and mud composition of the lake is almost similar to that of the Dead Sea.

Salt water is excellent at keeping people afloat, pushing the body to the surface. You can calmly lie on the water and read the newspaper. The force pushing out of the water is so great that you can’t even dive here. In summer the water warms up well.

However, you can't buy much here. Again due to the high salinity. If there are wounds somewhere on the skin, then the person will experience severe pain. Salt water leaves salt crystals on the skin. After swimming in Medvezhye, you need to wash off the salt with plain water.

Due to the high salinity, there are no fish or algae in the lake. In winter it does not freeze.

Only one living organism survives in the salt water of the lake - the brine shrimp. In summer they breed in large numbers and give the lake a brown color. They are also useful for the human body - they secrete enzymes that have a calming effect.

Artemia is a species of crustacean from the branchiopod class. Adult crustaceans have three eyes and 11 pairs of legs and can grow up to 15 mm in length. The resilience of these creatures makes them excellent test organisms in scientific experiments, particularly for testing the toxicity of chemicals.

Unfortunately, brine shrimp are actively caught by poachers, and therefore local authorities and businessmen, whose illegal fishing of brine shrimp reduces their income, are already sounding the alarm. It is believed that this negatively affects the lake itself and its healing factors. It is with this that popular rumor associates that in the winter of 2015-16, Lake Medvezhye froze for the first time. However, in reality, everything turned out to be simpler: the upper layer was desalinated due to precipitation at the beginning of winter, and the frost that struck froze the lake.

The bottom of the lake is muddy. Mud rich in minerals has healing properties: calms the nervous system, strengthens bones, joints, muscles, and enhances metabolism. Lake mud is used to treat diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, and gynecological diseases.

It is used for treatment in the Lake Medvezhye sanatorium located on the northern shore. The sanatorium also uses Medvezhye-11 mineral water for treatment.

In total, the lake contains about 12 million cubic meters of healing mud. About 400 cubic meters are mined per year.

In summer, many tourists and vacationers come to Medvezhye Lake. When going here, keep in mind that there are difficulties with fresh drinking water, so take it with you.

On the shores of the lake there are only two settlements - the village of Lake Medvezhye Resort and the village of Novoye Ilyinskoye.

2.5 Here is the river. It flows so smoothly, as if a riddle is unfolding...

Serga River

This river is one of the most picturesque in the Urals. There is a popularnatural park of the Urals - "Oleniy Ruchi".

Because of its beauty, this river is sometimes calledChusovoy in miniature. But if almost everything is known about Chusovaya, every rock and every stream has its own name and its own history, then on Serga everything is different. Even the names of the rocks, until recently, were only within the traditional tourist routes in the Oleniy Ruchi Park, and the rest were nameless. Recently, during the work on the book and during a series of expeditions, the Uralologist project corrected this. Nameless rocks found their names, and the Serga River came outfirst full book.

Features of the Sergi River

Serga is the right tributary of the Ufa River. Its length is small - only 110 kilometers. The water intake area is 2170 km². The average width of the river is 30-40 m. Even by Ural standards, it is small. But at the same time, the Serga River is a wonderfully beautiful cornerMiddle Urals.

It begins on the western slope of the Konovalovsky Uval ridge - in the Moss swamp, which is not far from the famous one among Ural touristsmountains Shunut-stone. And it flows into Ufathe town of Mikhailovsk. It flows within the Nizhneserginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region.

The largest groundwater deposit in the Urals has been explored in the valley of the Sergi River. Pumping groundwater and, as a consequence, draining alluvium, in the case of low rainfall in summer, aggravates the shallowing of the river.

The Serge River marks the border between the Sredneuralsk mountain-taiga landscape and the Krasnoufimsk forest-steppe. The boundary between the two landscapes produces extraordinary species diversity. This is one of Sergi’s uniquenesses.

But there are few fish in the river, and they are mostly small. But along the tributaries, and sometimes in the Serga, grayling is found. In the past, in the pond of the Mikhailovsky Pond, there were mysterious cases of catching whitefish - a fish not typical of our area.

A little history. It has been established that people first appeared on the banks of the Sergi River 14 thousand years ago. Many interesting artifacts were found in the Holly Stone Cave.

The first settlements on the banks of the river were Bashkir villages. The Russians came here in the 18th century after the construction of the firstironworks. In total, three factories operated on the Serge River: Verkhneserginsky, Nizhneserginsky and Mikhailovsky. An interesting episode in the history of factories is associated with the so-called"a sect of defaulters."

The study of Sergi began in the 19th century. Even Roderick Impey Murchison, a world-famous scientist, was here. This is a famous Scottish geologist and traveler who was the first to describe and explore the Silurian, Devonian and Permian geological periods. The valley of the Sergi River was studied by geologist N.P. Barbot de Marny. The first archaeological finds date back to this period. And in 1874 A. Baranovsky leftthe first description of the Druzhba Cave, the largest karst cavity in the Sergi Valley.

The founder of the Ural Society of Natural History Lovers O.E. also visited these parts. Claire, and the outstanding Ural writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

In the second half of the 20th century, these places were noticed by supporters of the creation of a national park. One of the main enthusiasts of the movement wasA.V. Dobrov, who after several decades achieved the creation of a natural park.

Origin of the river's name

Even the famous specialist in Ural toponymy A.K. Matveev could not find a clear answer to the question of what the name of the Sergi River means.

“Serg’s hydronym still does not have any convincing explanation. The statement found on the pages of newspapers that the name of the river. Serga, translated from Bashkir, means “rounded-winding”, which is puzzling.” , wrote Matveev.

There is an assumption that the name could come from the Komi-Permyak word"ser" - river . But there is no clear opinion among experts about the meaning of the river’s name.

Rafting on the Serge River, attractions. The Serga River is one of the most popular among Ural tourists. People raft along it and walk along its banks. In the middle and lower reaches along the banks of the river there are many picturesque rocks, in which mysterious cave openings are visible in places.

In 1999, the Olenyi Ruchi natural park was created on the Serge River - the most popular and at the same time the most expensive in the Urals (for a walk through nature you will have to pay 180 rubles per person, in addition to other paid services).

It is convenient to start a water trip in Nizhniye Sergi - in the area of ​​the resort-sanatorium "Nizhnie Sergi" and the Nizhneserginskaya railway station, behind the lower road bridge over the river. GPS coordinates: N 56º 38.298´; E 59º 16.814´.

It is from here that the most beautiful section of the Sergi River begins. Along the banks there are dozens of magnificent rocks and many caves.

From the starting point, the Kurortnaya rock on the right bank is clearly visible. And on the left rises the magnificent Mount Orlova. The mysterious Orlov Gap is hidden in the forests on the mountainside. Walks to those places were organized by guests of the Nizhneserginsky resort back in the 19th century. Several old photographs survived, and the old press said that sometimes accidents happened in Orlovy Proval. You can find about one of these cases, as well as later impressions of this miracle of nature, from the pen of the Ural writer Boris Ryabinin inbook “The Serga River. The pearl of the Oleni Ruchi Park.”

From here begins the Bardymsky ridge, extending 65 kilometers to the south. It is named after the Bardym River, which flows into the Serga on the left bank near the starting point of the rafting.

The length of the water route from Nizhnye Serega to Arakaevo is 42 kilometers. It can be easily completed in a weekend. However, in summer the river can become very shallow, making rafting difficult.

First, tourists will see the slag dump of the Nizhneserginsky hardware and metallurgical plant, unfortunately, located right on the shore.

The dump smoothly turns into the first coastal rock that the rafters encounter - Gemini. This is where raftsmen begin their acquaintance with the picturesque Serga rocks. Locals call this place Kuchin Corner. But the most interesting things are yet to come!

Behind it is the Kurgatskoye tract on the site of a former village. Further on, the ridge of Mount Orlova appears, as if blocking the river. Serga, resting against the mountain, goes to the right. In spring, a waterfall forms on the mountainside.

The river flows past water intake wells. Tourists encounter picturesque rocks: Bryozoan, Chameleon, Katnikovskaya. Below the latter you can take a walk toKatnikovskaya cave 357 meters long. Raisa Borisovna Rubel wrote very interestingly about her, whose words can be found in the already mentionedbook.

Further on the river there is a beautiful Birbasov stone with a large grotto, which can only be entered from the water. The grotto is named after the geologist N.P. Barbota de Marni, who explored the dacha of the Serginsko-Ufaleysky factories in the 19th century.

The next rock is the Wall. The river makes a sharp turn, and from afar it seems as if a rock is blocking the path. The Dzot grotto in the rock is very interesting and unusual, which can only be reached by swimming from the river. Once you climb into it, you find yourself as if on a balcony. But be careful: it's deep here.

Soon a whole series of rocks follow each other: Wave with a bizarre fold, Little Finger with a vertical stone outcrop, Shot with the One-Eyed Cave, Pool with a deep hole in the river. Below on the right bank is the long Baranov Bay (about 1 kilometer long).

After the Smetankina River (by the way, it’s not far from here to the village of Polovinka), on the right bank there is a small, flat stone Pike.

And the waters of the river run further, washing the Shield rock with the Deer Grotto. The Khrushchevka River flows further. Near the Temnaya rock located below it is very deep; here on the Devil’s Pool River is one of the deepest places on Serga.

It’s already 20 kilometers behind when the Krestovaya rock appears on the right bank, so named for the simple cross someone made from birch.

The Karst Bridge rock is already visible ahead, from where the most popular part of the Olenyi Ruchi natural park begins. And before that, on the right bank, the Sokolkina River flows into the Serga.

The Karst Bridge itself, which gives the name to the rock, is not immediately visible. First, a large grotto appears in the rock, into which you can easily swim by boat or catamaran. The cave is through, with two entrances. This karst cavity is called the Karst Bridge Cave or Sokolkina Cave (after the name of the stream). The total length of the cave is 75 meters.

A little more - and the grandiose arch of the Karst Bridge, 12 meters long, suddenly appears in the rock. This is one of the most original and unusual rocks of the Sergi River. The height of the rock reaches 40 meters. Isnatural monument of the Sverdlovsk region. One of the hiking routes of the Olenyi Ruchi natural park goes here.

The filmmakers also noticed the rock. The horror film “The River”, one of the scenes of the film “Angels of the Revolution” and the pseudo-documentary film “Schelpy - Another Civilization” for the zombie box (NTV channel) were filmed here.

Behind the rock there is a pedestrian bridge across the river - one of two on the Serge River. It appeared in 2011. Not everyone knows that there was a bridge near the Karst Bridge before; one of the most serious tragedies in the history of the Oleniy Ruchi Park was associated with it.

400 meters from the Karst Bridge is Morozov Klyuch, the largest karst spring in the Sergi River valley. An underground river flows from under a rocky outcrop. The water here is bluish in color, icy to the touch and pleasant to the taste. GPS coordinates of Morozov Key: N 56º 32.104´; E 59º 15.719´.

600 meters below the Karst Bridge, on the left bank, the next rock rises - the Filaredov stone. It is separated from the main river bed by a peninsula; you can swim to the rock from the lower side of the island, partially going around it. In the past, there was Filared Gafurov’s hut here. The rock has an original shape. It has a small through hole in the rocky ledge and a high grotto developed along the crack. A small gap formed above him.

After 500 meters, Morozova Creek comes out on the right. The river here turns left and flows under the mountain. And on the mountain there is the temple of Perun (not visible from the water).

Further, on the same right bank, the Rock of Inspiration (aka Lebyazhka) rises. In the mid-20th century and until the 1970s, a pair of swans lived nearby. There is an observation deck on the rock.

The next rock - the Priest - is located at the right turn of the river, on the left bank. It is an extended rock massif composed of gray layered limestones. The Lost Stone tract is also located here. And in front of the Priest there is a ford across the Serga, toMitkinsky Lakes on the site of an ancient mine.

In the vicinity of the Priest there is a mysterious, legendary Black Lake.

The extended rock massif, which began with the Priest rock, ends with the Needle rock.

The next rocky outcrop rises on the right bank of the Serga. This is the Drowned Rock. The rock got its name because of the tragic incident on May 2, 1978, when two students drowned here while trying to cross the Serga. There is a cliff and overhanging trees here, be careful!

Now Kalinkin, who heads Oleniye Ruchi, has decided to rebrand. The rock received a new, diametrically opposite name - Svetlaya. There are always a lot of tourists here - the route of the most popular route of the park - the Small Circle - goes to the river. An observation deck has been equipped.

From the observation deck, tourists go down a metal staircase through a through arch in the rocks, nicknamed the Kissing Rocks.

A little more - and you will see the main modern attraction of the Oleniy Ruchi Park - the Angel of One Hope. This is the most visited place in the park. It was installed on September 17, 2005. According to legend, the Angel fulfills the wishes made here, you just need to rub his wings.

The next rock is Hole Rock (Drinking Horse). Before the Angel came along, Holestone was the main draw card of Deer Creeks. It got its name from the through arch. If the water level is sufficient, you can swim through it. The Cave of Ancient Man located here is also interesting. It has an impressive entrance 12 meters high and 5.5 meters wide. The length of the cave is about 20 meters. This is a multi-layered archaeological and paleontological site. Scientists have discovered many interesting finds here.

The next rock is Gorodishche, located on the same right bank. At the top, the rampart of the Olenieruchevsky settlement is barely visible. And on the left the Mitka stream flows in, beyond which the left bank rises. The Pisanitsa rock begins. At the top is an observation deck in the form of a wooden pyramid. In this rock from the river there are two huge, similar grottoes, into which several boats can swim at the same time. The second one is especially interesting. It connects to a cave. The cave has two names - Nameless or Restaurant. An underground stream flows from here. The total length of the passages in the Restaurant cave reaches 100 meters, the amplitude is 12 meters.

The Pisanitsa rock is named after ancient rock paintings made at a height of 4.5 meters above the water level. One of the figures becamethe emblem of the Olenyi Ruchi natural park.

The next rock, Frog, looks the most impressive from the water. This is a rocky outcrop with two darkening grottoes. Archaeological finds were made in one of them. It got its name from the stone at the top that resembles a frog. It is very deep under the rock - an underground stream emerges from a funnel at the bottom.

From Frog you can go toFriendship and Big Proval caves.

The next rock will stand on the right bank of the Sergi River. It was called the Captain's Bridge. From above there is an amazing view of Serga, Lyagushka, and the Bardymsky ridge. And nearby, in the bushes on the shore, you can find a “drag” - a structure used for geological exploration.

Below, almost 200 meters from the water, the cliffs of the Wild West rise on the left bank. The Serga forest site was once located here. It is the Wild West, according to the mythology of “Deer Creeks,” that is the lair of the mythical crackers. There is information that in the 1940s, during logging in this place, many people who were brought here from the south died.

Continuing the rafting, soon in the rocks on the left bank you will see the entrance to the Pilnikovskaya cave, 105 meters long.

Next comes a series of rocks: Trapezium, Arrow, Wanderer. After the Shaikulova backwater, on the left bank you will see the Vodopadnaya (Weeping) rock, from which water oozes. The next rock is Three Bogatyrya with clearly defined three rocky outcrops.

After a fun roll at the foot of the high left bank, you can see the outlet of an underground spring. He was nicknamed Sinyukha for the bluish color of the water. And speleologists call this place the Arakaevsky Griffon. The source colors the Serga River downstream for several meters.

A little lower is the Arakaevskaya Cave. Recently, a glacier has formed in it. Previously, it was the largest wintering site for bats. The length of the cave passages is 450 meters. It is only slightly inferior in length to Friendship.

From the Arakaevskaya cave you can walk to the caves of Mossy, Sukholozhskaya and Arakaevsky Siphons. The Arakaevsky VIII grotto, a geological, geomorphological and archaeological natural monument, is also interesting in these places. A separate article will be devoted to the Arakaevo caves.

Continuing its run after the Arakaevskaya cave, the Serga river meets another rock - Povorotnaya. Below on the left bank the Tatar Backwater goes deep into the shore.

And at the base of the mountain in front of the mouth of the Belyak River (on the left bank of the Serga) you can visit the easily accessible Malaya Arakaevskaya Cave. The last rapids on the Serge River are also located here. Then the backwater of Mikhailovsky Pond begins to be felt. We have to work with the oars.

After Belyak and the rocks near it, on the left bank you will find another water source, which also usually colors the water of the Sergi River. The Gromotukha River flows a little lower to the left.

The Arakaevskaya rock appears ahead, plunging into the water. It is cut in two by a railway bridge. The village of Arakaevo begins. Here you can finish your rafting. Or you can swim along the Mikhailovsky Pond to the city of Mikhailovsk.

There are also many little-known attractions on Serga: the Small Karst Bridge, the Martian Grotto, the Small Prolapse, the Rybnikov Mine, etc.

Chusovaya River

Chusovaya is the most famous river of the Urals with amazingly beautiful nature and rich history. The Chusovaya River made a passage for itself from one slopeThe Ural Mountains on the other. Thus, the Chusovaya, starting in Asia, crosses the Ural Mountains and flows to Europe. Back in 1728, in the “Description of the Ural and Siberian factories,” the chief head of the Ural factories, William de Gennin, wrote about this: “All the rivers that flow from this Ural stone in the midday direction went to Siberia, and those that left at midnight left.” to Rus'. No river except the Chusovaya... passed through those Ural mountains to Rus', and the Chusovaya passed through and across them from Siberia to Rus' and flowed into the Kama.”

There are several options for explaining the name of the Chusovaya River. Here are the main ones.

1. Chusovaya = “Sentry.” This version was put forward in the 18th century during his expedition to the Urals by Academician I.I. Lepikhin. This is what he wrote: “It may happen that the name of this river is spoiled, and it should be called the Chasovaya River, and not Chusovaya: for we must wait for a certain time or hour at which the ships can be released.” However, the name of the river was formed even before iron caravans began to be sent along it, so the hypothesis does not stand up to criticism.

2. “Chuosi” in the Komi language means “sacred river”.

3. According to the most fantastic hypothesis, the name of the river consists of four words from four different languages: Tibetan “chu”, Turkic “su”, Komi-Permyak “va” and Mansi “ya”. All these words mean "river". That is, the name of the river, according to the author of this hypothesis, should mean “river-river-river-river”.

4. The most common and, it seems, closest to the truth is a derivative of the word “Chusva”. “Chus” in the Udmurt language means “brisk”, “agile”, and “va” in Komi-Permyak means “water”. That is, “brisk water.” Researchers believe that the word “chus,” which is absent in the modern Komi-Permyak language, was forgotten by these people, but was preserved in the related Udmurt language. The Russians, having come to these places, rebuilt the word “Chusva” into the more familiar “Chusovaya”.

5. There is another version put forward by the researcher of the Komi-Permyak language A.S. Krivoshchekova-Gantman. She suggested that “chus” is an archaic Komi-Permyak word meaning “deep ravine”, “canyon”, “gorge”. According to this hypothesis, Chusva (Chusovaya) is “a river in a canyon” or “a river of gorges.”

Numerous names of lakes and villages, as well as cities with the word “chusovaya” arose later, based on the name of the river.

Geography of the Chusovaya River. Chusovaya is a left tributary of the Kama River. The total length of Chusovaya is 592 kilometers. Most of the way Chusovaya flows through the territory of the Sverdlovsk region.

Length of the Chusovaya River by region:

Chelyabinsk region - 20 kilometers;

Sverdlovsk region – 377 kilometers;

Perm region – 195 kilometers.

Before the construction of the huge Kama Reservoir, the length of the Chusovaya River was approximately 150 kilometers longer. Now the lower reaches of Chusovaya are actually a bay of the Kama “Sea”.

The valley of this river is one of the most ancient in the Urals. The width of the valley reaches 4-6 kilometers, and the depth of the incision is 200-300 meters. The average fall is 40 cm per 1 km.

The bottom of the river is covered with pebbles, in addition to which large blocks broken off from the rocks are often found at the bottom.

Numerous rivers and streams flow into Chusovaya (about 150 tributaries in total).

On the Chusovaya River there are the Verkhnemakarovskoye and Volchikhinskoye reservoirs, and the Kama reservoir in Perm also has a great influence.

There are about 70 small villages and villages on Chusovaya (most of them are in the lower reaches). At the same time, there are only four cities on Chusovaya and in its immediate vicinity: Polevskoy, Revda, Pervouralsk in the Sverdlovsk region andthe city of Chusovoy in the Perm region. The river used to be much busier. Nowadays, all that remains of many villages are overgrown clearings.

Along the banks of Chusovaya there are hundreds of picturesque rocks, each of which has its own name. It is they who attract numerous water tourists. Many of the rocks arenatural monuments. Chusovskie rocks are composed of Permian and Devonian limestones. Rocks made of dolomite, anhydrite, and shale are less common. Layering is visible on many rocks, in some places these layers are strongly curved. On the rocks you can observe brown streaks of iron oxide and yellowish-red spots of scale lichens.

There are grottoes and small caves in the rocks. There are no significant caves on Chusovaya, since the karst here is not so active. The longest cave in the Chusovaya basin (512 meters) is located on its tributary Ponyshe and is known asMiraculous.

Since ancient times, the rocks on Chusovaya have been called stones, and the rocks on which the current carries into deep water are called fighters. This name is not accidental - barges were broken by soldiers during the spring rafting of factory products. D.N. wrote well about this page in the history of Chusova. Mamin-Sibiryak.

In the Chusovaya Valley there are many rare plants, many of which are listed inThe Red Book. Wild animals live. In the forests adjacent to the river there are moose, wolves, lynxes, wild boars, bears, martens, squirrels, and sables. While rafting, you will probably notice trees chewed by beavers. Lots of birds, including ducks and herons.

The river is largely inhabited by fish, including grayling and taimen in some places. Sterlet is artificially bred. Chusovaya can be divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower reaches.

The upper part of Chusovaya - from the source to Kourovka - is shallow, unsuitable for rafting and of little interest. There are very few rocks on this section and they are small.

The middle part of Chusovaya is the most famous and popular. It is here – from Kourovka to the town of Chusovoy – that the most popular rafting route passes. The length of this section is more than 350 kilometers. The highest and most beautiful rocks are afterUst-Utka and in the Kyn area.

The lower part of the river - from the city of Chusovoy and almost to the city of Perm - is of little interest. The river here takes on a flat character and overflows heavily. Here you can feel the backwater of the Kama Reservoir created in the mid-20th century and there is no current at all.

History of Chusova. People have long noticed Chusovaya. Archaeologists have made many discoveries on its banks. Numerous sites of ancient man from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages have been found. However, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that many discoveries are still to come, since the banks of the river have been poorly explored by archaeologists (especially the upper and middle reaches of the Chusovaya River).

In the Middle Ages, Bashkirs (in the upper reaches), Mansi (in the middle) and Komi-Permyaks (in the lower reaches) lived on Chusovaya. They obtained food for themselves by hunting and fishing. There were plenty of animals and fish in the Urals in those days.

The development of this region by Russians began with Chusovaya. Chusovaya was first mentioned in Nestor’s chronicle in 1396. In it it is called the Chusva River.

The first Russian settlement on this river (Nizhnechusovskie towns) arose in 1568. It was from this river, from the Nizhnechusovsky towns, that Ermak and his squad began their campaign. Unfortunately, after the creation of the Kama Reservoir, the memorial site where the Nizhnechusovsky towns stood was flooded. Only a small island remained.

In 1692, Izbrant Ides and Adam Brand climbed up the Chusovaya on their way to China, where they headed the Russian embassy. They left the first written description of the river. From Eades’ notes: “I must say that the fairly densely populated lands along this river can be considered among the most beautiful in the world. And when I went ashore... I found all sorts of beautiful flowers... that emitted a wonderful aroma. Various game, large and small, were found everywhere in very large quantities.”

From Brand’s notes: “We went up the small and narrow Chusovaya River... Here we were overcome with anxiety, since the mentioned river overflows its banks at certain times... Our ships touched the tops of trees many times: the depth of the river instilled great fear in us.” Further, when the water subsided, he wrote: “The journey along the river was very pleasant, as we sailed all the time past magnificent shady forests on both banks of the river and beautiful and attractive mountains of pure gypsum and alabaster.”

Later, more than a century after Ermak’s campaign, Chusovaya became the main transport route for sending products from Ural factories to Russia. Every spring, hundreds of barges loaded with factory products were lowered onto the river. Some of them flew into fighting rocks, crashed, and people died. It happened that barges ran aground.

For two centuries, Chusovaya performed the most important function of a transport artery. With the construction of the railway, the transport significance of the wayward Chusovaya was lost.

Difficult times awaited Chusovaya in the controversial 20th century. Several dozen settlements of special settlers arose along its banks, who were forcibly resettled here from their native lands. Gulag camps also appeared. The remains of one of the camps (“Stora”) can be seen just upstream from the town of Chusovoy, and the other camp, below Chusovoy, now houses the Perm-36 museum. The settlers cut down the forest and floated it by moth and in rafts. Many trees sank and clogged the bottom and banks. The drowned wood began to rot, poisoning the water. Mole alloy was banned only in the 1970s. In the same 1970s, there was a wave of liquidation of “unpromising” settlements. Dozens of villages on Chusovaya were liquidated.

The construction of factories in Pervouralsk and Revda had a strong impact on the Chusovaya River. The Khrompik plant, which discharged poisonous wastewater into it, had a particularly detrimental effect on the river. Now the ecology of Chusovaya has become better, however, in water samples, ecologists still record a several-fold increase in the content of hexavalent chromium. Therefore, it is better to take water during tourist rafting from springs and streams, and not from the river itself. Also, you should not eat fish caught here, since all harmful substances are concentrated in it.

Since the mid-20th century, Chusovaya has become the most popular river among tourists in the Urals. And no wonder. Thanks to transport accessibility, it’s easy to get in and out. There are no obstacles here (thresholds, rifts, rubble), Chusovaya is safe and accessible even for beginners. And the beauty of Chusovaya and the Chusovaya rocks will not leave anyone indifferent! The rich history of the Chusovaya River brings a special flavor to the trip.

In Soviet times, the All-Union boat route No. 58a passed along Chusovaya. At the same time, the mileage from the Dog Ribs stone, on which the Kourovskaya tourist center stands (now the Chusovaya recreation center), to the main rocks of the route was calculated. These signs are still preserved on many rocks. They are marked with the name of the rock and the mileage from the camp site. At that time there were no such precise instruments, and all detailed maps were strictly classified. Therefore, the mileage often differs from the real one by several kilometers. Thus, near the city of Chusovoy the error reaches 10 kilometers. ModernA location map of the Chusovaya River can be found here.

Chusovaya in creativity. Outstanding Ural writers of the past (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, F.M. Reshetnikov) and present (A.V. Ivanov) wrote colorfully about Chusovaya. F.M. was the first writer to write about Chusovaya. Reshetnikov in the work"Podlipovtsy."

Chusovaya is also loved by artists who have captured her incredible beauty on dozens of canvases. Also, many feature films were filmed on Chusovaya: “Volga-Volga”, “Gloomy River”, “Semyon Dezhnev”, “Demidovs”, “Gold” and others.


While working on a project on this topic, I learned a lot of new and interesting things, which allowed me to fall deeper and more in love with the sights of my region. After all, the Urals are truly unique and attract with their mountain ranges, turbulent rivers, mysterious caves and dense forests. With its natural landscapes, gorges and rocks, it is unlike any other corner of Russia.

How many other untouched places are there in our area? How many mysteries and secrets of the nature of the Urals remain to be revealed?

After all, the more you learn about your native land, the more questions appear that you want to find answers to.

In the future, I will try to continue my research into studying my native land, find new amazing places and involve my relatives, friends and acquaintances in this work.


1. N.P. Arkhipova, E.V. Yastrebov. How the Ural Mountains were discovered. – Sverdlovsk: Wed. - Ural. book publishing house, 1990.

2. A.K. Matveev. Geographical names of the Urals: Toponymic dictionary. – Ekaterinburg: Publishing House “Socrates”, 2008.

3. Literature of the Urals: Book. For reading in grades 5-8. general education school / Comp. M.A. Litovskaya, E.K. Sozina. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University; Teacher's House Publishing House, 1997.

4. The image of the Urals in documents and literary works (from antiquity to the end of the 19th century) / Comp. E.P. Pirogov. – Ekaterinburg: Socrates Publishing House, 2007.

5. Traditions and legends of the Urals: Folklore stories / Comp., intro. Art. and comment. V.P. Kruglyashova. – Sverdlovsk: Wed. - Ural. publishing house, 1991.

6. L. M. Sonin. Secrets of the gray Urals. - Ekaterinburg: Veche Publishing House, 2009

7. Urals specialist. Portal of experts and lovers of the Urals. [Electronic resource]: Article. Access mode: http://

8. Urals specialist. Portal of experts and lovers of the Urals. [Electronic resource]: Video film. Access mode: http: // www.uraloved.ru

9. Rivers of the Urals. Guide to the Ural rivers. [Electronic resource]: Article. Access mode: http://rekiurala.ru/

The Urals are recognized as a unique geographical region along which the border of Asia and Europe passes. Throughout the region there are a large number of natural attractions and memorable places. Here you can see blue lakes, mysterious caves, wild rivers, quiet steppes and mighty rocks. The historical sights of the Urals are associated with the Stone Age and the period of development of this territory in the 17-18 centuries. The sights of the Urals are distinguished by their diversity and uniqueness.

Nevyansk Leaning Tower

On the territory of the Urals in the Sverdlovsk region there is a famous architectural landmark - the Nevyansk Leaning Tower. The history of the tower is surrounded by mysteries and mysticism. This structure was erected in 1725, and as a result of soil movements, the tower appeared to have a slight slope, which has survived to this day. For the first time in the world, a lightning rod was installed on the spire of the Nevyansk Tower.

Of particular interest to travelers is the auditory room, which has unusual acoustics. A phrase said very quietly in one corner is perfectly audible in the opposite corner. But in the center of the room it is impossible to hear it. This effect is explained by the vaulted ceilings that characterize the auditorium.

According to legend, dangerous prisoners were kept within the walls of the tower, who were walled up alive in the basement walls. In addition, there is a version that silver coins were clandestinely produced in the tower, which could not be distinguished from royal money.

Ganina Yama

This landmark is located near Yekaterinburg and is the place where the remains of the Emperor of Russia and his family members were dumped after the execution. During the “gold rush” in the Urals, Ganina Yama was used as a mine, which was abandoned after a while. For a long period of time, Ganina Yama was shrouded in mysticism and was considered a “cursed place.” Only in 1991 was a cross erected at this place and in 2000 members of the royal family received the face of the Holy Passion-Bearers. Today there are many temples and monasteries here, where pilgrims and simply history buffs come.

Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha

On the territory of the Urals there is a small ancient village of Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, where there are two unique museums. The first attraction of the village is the famous Museum of Wooden Architecture, where there is a unique collection of ancient huts from the 17th century, chapels, churches and various outbuildings brought from all over the region. Here you can see wooden carvings, as well as utensils that were used from the 17th century until the beginning of the 20th century. The original interiors of the era have been restored in the houses and huts. It should be noted that the founder of this museum is I.D. Samoilov, who for 20 years collected the unique collection of the museum and was personally involved in restoration work.

The second attraction of the village is the collection of samples of original house painting, which is presented within the walls of the Transfiguration Church. Here you can also see a collection of icons of the Ural script, a painted wooden spinning wheel that was made in 1869 and a magnificent collection of homemade dolls.


This attraction is the most mysterious in the Southern Urals, around which there are many hypotheses and legends. Arkaim is the ruins of an ancient city-civilization that dates back to the 2-3 millennium BC. According to archaeologists, there was not just a site for ancient people, but a real city with defensive buildings, streets and houses. The ancient city was discovered in 1987 by accident by a group of geologists and surveyors who were collecting important information on this territory for the construction of the Karagan reservoir. Today, the Arkaim Museum-Reserve occupies an area of ​​20,000 sq.m., where you can see mounds with burial pits, a fortified settlement, a “city country,” and also enjoy the beauty of the mountains.

Lake Uvildy

The magnificent Lake Uvildy, which is distinguished by its healing properties and unique beauty, is considered a real pearl of the Urals. This natural attraction received the status of a Natural Monument in 1969. The water in the lake is crystal clear and, thanks to its special chemical composition, never blooms. The lake contains a large percentage of radon, magnesium, iron, selenium and other macroelements. One of the features of the lake is its numerous islands, of which there are about 70. They give the lake a special uniqueness and mysticism.

Deer Creeks

On the territory of the Urals there is a beautiful natural park - Oleniy Ruchi, which attracts many travelers. Here you can see a large number of inaccessible rocks and magnificent caves, as well as enjoy clean air and pristine nature. Archaeologists have recorded Stone Age sites and unique rock paintings in the park. Among the images, a deer most often appeared, which later became a symbol of the park.

5. . It is located on the banks of the Belaya River, in its upper reaches. A huge cave with drawings of ancient people. A cultural monument of world significance. Described in the epic “Ural Batyr”. Currently it is part of the Shulgantash nature reserve. The value of the Shulgant (Kapova) cave is that in addition to this cave, drawings of ancient people were discovered in the Urals only in two more caves - Ignatievskaya and Kolokolnaya.

7. . A small but very beautiful ridge, with pronounced rock erosion. Its rocks are like the long and sharp teeth of a dragon. Among local residents, the name Tirlyanski or Far Yalangas is more common, since the Inzer River from the ridge is quite a distance and the word “Inzer” is obviously far-fetched by cartographers, as is very often the case.

8. . Located in the central part of the Nara ridge. Here, on an area of ​​several square kilometers on a plateau, among the forest-tundra, there are many bizarre stone remains. Their cluster resembles a city with houses and streets, where you can walk all day. The fruits of centuries of weathering. Territory of the South Ural State Nature Reserve.

9. The highest place in the Chelyabinsk region, 1406 m above sea level. At the top of Big Nurgush there is a huge plateau with an area of ​​9 square meters. km. On the slopes there is a pronounced zonation. Remnant rocks. Wonderful views of the mountain lake Zyuratkul and adjacent ridges. It is a natural monument.

10. . A line of fortifications built on the eastern border of the Russian Empire in the 1st half of the 19th century. Consisted of 5 fortresses. Currently there are 2 fortresses on Russian territory. They are interesting as examples of military architecture of the early 19th century, as well as historical monuments.

eleven. . One of the very first hydroelectric power stations in Russian history. It was built on the Bolshaya Satka River in 1910 as part of a complex for the production of the first ferroalloys in Russia. The author of the complex project is Ivan Filippovich Shuppe. The famous hydrological engineer Bakhmetyev took part in the design and construction of the hydroelectric power station. The power plant is still in operation and generates electricity using the same units that were installed during construction.

12. Fortified settlements of ancient Aryans discovered by archaeologists in the late 80s. According to one of the boldest versions, it is the birthplace of the prophet Zarathustra. The place is highly revered by all sorts of esoteric fans.

13. Kutuk speleological region. Kutuk karst field, located in the interfluve of the Belaya and Nugush rivers. A huge number of dry valleys, craters and caves. The main attraction is a 120 meter deep chasm with side galleries leading from the walls of the chasm. , where on an area of ​​400 hectares there are about forty caves of varying lengths and complexity. Of great interest for speleology.

14. Mountain lake at an altitude of 724 meters, surrounded by mountains overgrown with dark coniferous forest. It is the highest mountain in the Southern Urals. The water in the lake is one of the freshest in the world. Wonderful landscapes of the mountain taiga. Around the lake there are the Zyuratkul, Nurgush, Moskal ridges and Mount LUKash. Numerous sites of ancient people. Pagan temple under Round Hill. Ritual places of the Old Believers. A giant geoglyph depicting a moose was also recently discovered.

15. . A cave complex discovered by archaeologists in the mid-90s of the last century. Over a 1 km stretch of coastal cliffs along the Ai River there are about fifty cave objects with traces of 8 historical eras. From bronze to the Middle Ages. Currently very popular among tourists rafting along the Ai River.

16. Karst lakes-springs, as well as karst springs and, located within the same karst area certainly deserve attention. The Red Key is the second largest spring in Europe. The depth of the lake-spring Sarva is more than 40 meters. The water in the Kipun spring really “boils”!

17. . The mineral waters of the Kurgazak spring and the heat emanating from the depths of Mount Yangantau have been saving people from many ailments for centuries. And the sanatorium, built in the last century, gained great popularity.

18. . As geologists say, in a relatively small area near the Ilmen ridge you can find a third of all the minerals known in the world. The Ilmen Mineralogical Reserve was organized back in 1920 and is the only one of its kind. There is a wonderful mineralogical museum at the reserve.

19. . The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which appeared to the monks more than four centuries ago, eventually became the Orthodox symbol of the Urals and Western Siberia and at the same time the patroness of the Orenburg Cossack army. And built on numerous mineral springs flowing into the Usolka River, the sanatorium is very famous in the country.

20. . The low shihan mountains of Yuraktau, Kushtau and Tratau are coral reefs of the ancient Permian Sea, which stretched along the western edge of the Urals 280 million years ago. Unlike other similar ancient coral reefs, the value of these shihans is that they are open, devoid of vegetation, and all the fossilized corals can be observed directly on the surface.

21. . In a small space in the coastal cliffs of the upper reaches of the Sima there are many karst objects. Bell Tower Cave. Rock ring. where the river goes underground. The section of the underground flow of the Sim River is the Esyumskaya cave. habitat of the hermit Ignat. Here, in the Serpievsky Cave City, in two of the three caves in the Southern Urals, drawings of ancient people were discovered.

22. . At one time, rafting along the Belaya was an all-Union water route. And even now people come to Belaya from everywhere, including from other countries. Numerous rocky rocks and smoothed mountains, ancient factory settlements, caves. There's a lot to see.

23. A typical mid-mountain ridge of the Southern Urals with char, mountain taiga and tundra. But of interest is another readable fragment of the Kazan Trail - an ancient path through the Urals, which, according to some sources, was made by settlers under Ivan the Terrible.

24. on the ridge. The largest raised bog in the Southern Urals. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the swamp is inclined and the water in it is in continuous movement.

25. A small ridge topped with numerous rocks that look like the humps of a dragon. Very beautiful and picturesque. It is one of the attractions in the vicinity of the city of Beloretsk and is very popular among tourists in winter. so in the summer.

26. . A very long and interesting river of the Trans-Urals. Along the banks there are numerous picturesque rocks. Four-cascade threshold Yamantash. Available for rafting from spring to autumn.

27. . Translated from Bashkir as “shooting.” Disappearing into a funnel at the bottom of a karst ravine, after a few kilometers the Atysh river comes to the surface and falls from the grotto as a waterfall into an emerald-colored lake. One of the most popular places in Bashkiria. Unfortunately, recently it has been suffering greatly from anthropogenic pressure. The area around is littered. Needs protection.

28. . Formed by the Tuyalas River, the waterfall is very beautiful, especially in high water. Gadelsha runs from numerous rocky ledges, forming picturesque cascades. The best time to visit is late April or early May. when there is still a lot of water.

29. . Bizarre rocks along almost the entire length of the river. Very beautiful landscape.

thirty. . From the city of Ust-Katav, where Yuryuzan is crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railway, and almost to the very mouth along the banks of the river there are the most interesting rocky and mountain landscapes. Coastal cliffs-ridges, forest-covered slopes of the Karatau ridge. Abandoned villages. Yuryuzan is the ideal place for family rafting.

31. A very interesting river for rafting from spring to autumn. Everything is here. Kysyk threshold. the grandiose rocks of Mambet and Kuzganak. The most beautiful caves are Kinderlinskaya, Oktyabrskaya, Ledneva and Askinskaya. Wild, beautiful examples of nature in the Southern Urals. Real Bashkir honey in rare villages along the banks of the river.

32. . On the Aya - the lunar river, in its middle course there is a great variety of everything that may be of interest to an inquisitive traveler. These are the most beautiful and varied cliffs. Numerous caves: Averkiev Yama, Sikiyaz-Tamaksky cave city. History of the Ural metallurgy, the Pugachev uprising. All this in a relatively small area. The river is available for rafting from spring to autumn.

33. . A long gorge formed by the Bolshoy Ik River. A complex of various rocky landscapes and caves with traces of ancient human sites. A very cozy place with energy. A favorite part of Bashkiria for recreation for residents of its south.


They run and knock on the rails
endless wheels
copses flash by
at my face.

Stations fly by
travel, cities;
everything will remain far away,
perhaps forever.

Birch bushes,
streams and fields,
runs, runs faster and faster
back my land.

Dawns fly back
valleys between the mountains,
thunder rolls somewhere
they thunder at me in reproach.

Flies burning bridges
Ural land,
sorry I'm leaving
to distant lands.

To the Ukrainian steppes,
there in the fields of gold;
there is my forever home,
where does my love live!!!

V. Yolchev
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

There, in the remote taiga, there lived a tour, believe me,
This beast looked like a bull;
but one eye looked askew,
He was so strong and very angry!

Thirsty, he wandered from there,
decided to drink water from the pond,
I got down on my knees and fell into the water,
Kosotur became a mountain forever.

Taganay-ridge found out about it,
but, hiding behind a cloud, he remained silent,
and the river, chatty Braid,
The news brought me with a wave.

The taiga is still noisy around,
here my city stands in a valley,
the holy place will not be empty,
those mountains are a symbol of Chrysostom!!!

V. Yolchev
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine


I love you, Sinegorye,
my mushroom land and the land of birches,
I love your taiga expanse,
the heights of your apotheosis!

The eyes of crystal clear lakes
and spruce and pine trees with a stern look,
Shikhanov take-off of your rocky ones;
keeps everything in my heart in memory.

Should I forget your beauty?
you, my gray-haired Taganay
and I want to come back again
to a distant land, dear to me since childhood!

Divine are your sunrises,
when with the last star,
peaks that are dressed in darkness,
a young ray touches.

You are so beautiful sometimes in autumn,
you're like a fairy bouquet
and autumn colors the last leaf,
everything is golden, crimson.

Winter will come to my harsh land,
the snow glistens in the frosty haze,
taiga in a fashionable, new new thing,
standing wrapped in fur.

The blizzard is raging like crazy,
my Ripheus sleeps in the arms of dreams;
I love you, dear land,
Believe me, forever and seriously!!!

Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

The ancient settlement of Arkaim is a truly unique archaeological and cultural monument of its kind. It is located in the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, on a high cape formed by the confluence of the Bolshaya Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers, and, according to scientists, dates back to the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. It contains many mysteries and secrets. It’s not only amazing that the emergence of the city of Ukhta is associated with the development of an oil field. The first attempts to extract and process local oil were made in the middle of the 18th century by F. Pryadunov, but little success was achieved: the entrepreneur went bankrupt, and the small plant built on the Ukhta River ceased to operate. In 1914, an oil field arose on the site of the current city. Culture of the Bashkirs in the 9th - 10th centuries. is fully represented by rich materials from mounds. Fortified settlements are also known. Many of them undoubtedly existed in the rank of medieval cities and some of them were known to Mdrisi and his predecessors. Future research may clarify this still unclear issue. Geographically, all these monuments cover the entire Southern Urals (Bashkortostan). The history of the city of Nevyansk is extremely interesting. It was founded back in 1701, that is, 2 years before St. Petersburg or Lipetsk, and became the first in the world, as we would say now, a single-industry town In fact, a metallurgical plant was first founded and the city gradually grew around it. Peter transferred the city to Nikita Antufiev (better known by his surname Demidov) for management. Ufa is a city in Russia, the capital of Bashkortostan. Ufa is located in the Urals, in the valley of the Belaya River (a tributary of the Kama River), at the confluence of the Ufa and Dema rivers, 1519 km east of Moscow. The city's population is approximately 1,023,001 people within the municipal boundaries. This is one of the twelve largest cities in the Russian Federation The Urals is a unique geographical region along which the border of two parts of the world passes - Europe and Asia. Several dozen monuments and memorial signs have been installed along this border for more than two thousand kilometers. The region is based on the Ural mountain system. The Ural Mountains stretch for more than 2,500 km - from the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean to the deserts of Kazakhstan

Mount Narodnaya (emphasis on the first syllable) is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. The mountain, almost two thousand meters above sea level, is located in a remote area in the Subpolar Urals.The origin of the name of this key Ural landmark is not a simple one. Arkaim- one of the settlements of the “Country of Cities”, a fragment of the most ancient civilizations of mankind, discovered in the south of the Chelyabinsk region quite recently - in 1987. Such discoveries of world significance happen very rarely, once every century. During excavations, a settlement was discovered consisting of Chusovaya is the most beautiful river in the Urals with an amazing history and hundreds of attractions. It is widely known for its beauty and uniqueness not only in Russia, but also abroad. Every year, many thousands of lovers of Ural nature admire the beauty of Chusovaya. This is the only river in the world The Sylva River is the largest tributary of the Chusovaya River. Sylva is good for transport accessibility, clean water and the absence of any dangers for beginners and unprepared tourists.The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words “syl” - melt The Sosva River is one of the longest rivers in the Sverdlovsk region (sixth in length); in its upper reaches it is very beautiful. There are many magnificent rocks along the banks of Sosva.Sosva flows in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, near the cities of Severouralsk and Serov Serga is a popular rafting river among water tourists. The length of the river is small - 113 kilometers. It flows through the territory of the Nizhneserginsky district, and beyond Mikhailovsky it flows into the Ufa River The Inzer River flows in the Republic of Bashkortostan, originating from the confluence of the Bolshoy and Maly Inzer rivers near the village of the same name Inzer. The length of the river is 307 kilometers. Inzer is a tributary of the Sim River. The river flows through a beautiful mountainous area covered with forest.Beauty and ease of accessibility make the river very Verkhoturye is called the spiritual capital of the Urals. Indeed, such a density of churches and monasteries per thousand inhabitants is not found anywhere else in our region. But only 7.5 thousand people live here. This is a favorite pilgrimage route. Verkhoturye arose The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (UZTM), better known as Uralmash, was built in 1929-33. It was called the “plant of factories” - rolling mills, blooming mills, hydraulic presses, blast furnaces, mine bodies were made here The capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (or, as it is commonly called, Ugra) is famous for its numerous attractions, excellent infrastructure and excellent ecology.Khanty-Mansiysk has become more similar in recent years It doesn’t matter whether you are going on a business trip, visiting relatives or just traveling, the sights of Nizhnevartovsk when planning a visit to this city should be studied by you so that you can explore them. Despite the fact that the mentioned settlement is At the 40th km we turn right. In our direction, where we will go, the road is roadless: rocky, swampy, potassic, caldobic. As we pull up, we immediately hear the smell of sour in the car. It means something was spilled in the car. I stop and look Sol-Iletsk is 71 km away. from Orenburg. Minibuses run from the railway station and from the central market (stop opposite the city hospital - the beginning of Tereshkova Street) every half hour to forty minutes. The journey takes about an hour to an hour and twenty The virgin Komi forest is located in the north of the Ural Mountains. Its area is 32,800 square kilometers, it is the largest forest in Europe, untouched by human activity, preserving its original There are shamans. People turn to them with their problems and illnesses. And only those Nenets who often communicate with Russians, with Zyryans, have icons. They also told me that Baptists come to the tundra and convert. This story, “with horror that chills the blood and raises the hair on the head,” took place in the vicinity of the Taganay mountain range, the most popular region of the Southern Urals. Taganay, like many other places frequently visited by tourists, is “overgrown” with legends, fairy tales, riddles, fictional stories and not so much. In each of the blockheads you can find many humanoid profiles, as if they had absorbed the images of all the people who climbed the plateau. The stone city evokes calmer emotions. There you feel like you are behind a stone wall, protecting you from the wind that always blows here. This is now a pilgrimage to the national park, for people and cars there are continuous amenities: a cleared road and clearing around the fountain, gazebos, canopies. And five years ago, four brave travelers trailed a ski track through untouched snowdrifts, making their way to their cherished goal - a giant icicle fountain. The village of Porogi is located in the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region and is famous, first of all, for its hydroelectric power station. It was launched in 1910 and is currently considered the oldest continuously operating hydroelectric power station in Russia. Previously, there was a ferroalloy plant in Porogi, for the needs of which people travel to Taganay at any time of the year in crowds and alone, families and couples. Eyewitnesses (often, however, prone to great exaggeration) swear that at the height of the season, the Taganay trails are about the same as during rush hour on Nevsky - there is no crowding. We went there in June (on the eve of the Ilmen festival, popular in these parts), probably

The weathering pillars are the bizarre result of thousands of years of wind, rain and snow. These giant stone idols are located on Mount Manpupuner, in the Troitsko-Pechersk region of the Komi Republic. About 200 million years ago there were people here. In mountainous Bashkiria there is now only one city - Beloretsk (68 thousand inhabitants), located 4-5 hours from Ufa and 1.5-2 from Magnitogorsk. It is closer in spirit to the latter: the main enterprise of the city is the metallurgical plant. Actually, Beloretsk is such a branch
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