Presentation on the topic of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a medieval defensive structure on the flat top and northwestern slopes of Chasovaya Mountain. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - the stone necklace of the city

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Towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

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The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a medieval defensive structure on the flat top and northwestern slopes of Chasovaya Mountain in Nizhny Novgorod, the Kremlin area is 22.7 hectares, the perimeter is 2045 m, the height of the walls is from 12 to 15 m, thickness is from 3.5 to 4, 5 m, number of towers - 11, height from 12 to 15 m. Names of towers (clockwise); Dmitrievskaya or Dmitrovskaya (main) - named after the Nizhny Novgorod Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich (XIV century), the Pantry - served as a storage place, Nikolskaya - next to the Nikolskaya Posad Church (now defunct), Koromyslova - after the legendary girl allegedly buried under it with yoke, Tainitskaya - along a secret underground passage from it to the river. Pochaina (otherwise known as Pochage), Severnaya, or Ilyinskaya - due to its northern position relative to other Kremlin towers and in the vicinity of the Posad Church of Elijah the Prophet, Chasovaya - according to those installed on it in the 16th century. hours. Ivanovskaya - next to the Posad Church of John the Baptist (now defunct), Belaya - along the white stone cladding of the lower part of the outer facade, Georgievskaya - next to the Posad Church of St. George (now defunct), Porokhovaya - for the purpose of storing gunpowder and other ammunition .

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Plan of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

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Cathedral of the Archangel
Located in the center of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. When the city was founded in 1221, a wooden church was built in it, which was already replaced in 1227 by the stone building of the St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral. In 1359, it was completely rebuilt and played the role of a church in the mansion of the Grand Duke. Now from this time only isolated fragments have been preserved, found under the floor and next to the Archangel Cathedral during archaeological excavations in 1960.

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Dmitrievskaya Tower

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By its position, the Dmitrievskaya Tower occupies a leading place in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and dominates its mountainous section. It is located in the center of the mountainous area and faces the expanded semicircular part of Minin and Pozharsky Square. The tower was first mentioned in sources in 1372-74, and therefore it is considered the oldest of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. However, during the research of 1948-52. no sections of masonry dating back to the 14th century were found in it - the tower was apparently completely rebuilt in the 16th century

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Pantry tower

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The storage tower is also the second oldest. According to the chronicle, it was founded in 1500. Under the name Tverskaya, on the old plans in the place of the Storeroom there is a tower, designated as Tverskaya. This name most likely comes from the word firmament - fortification, strong place, fortress. The third name of the tower - PANTRY - speaks of its purpose: the tower served as a repository for all luggage. Pantry. At different times, under the stone arches of the tower were also stored squeaks, i.e. fortress guns, which were located in the fence (behind the tyn), and cannonballs, and cannon supplies. There were also masons' tools, the so-called "gear of urban affairs", and documents of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Archival Commission...

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Nikolskaya Tower

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Nikolskaya is a square tower, built at a slightly later date. Square towers are usually characterized by the presence of gates. The tower is named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which once stood on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. Before repairs in 1837, the entire lower part of the tower had white stone cladding. In the 17th - 19th centuries, the tower was used as a warehouse and received significant internal alterations. The Nikolskaya Tower is crowned with a watchtower, the height of the tower together with the tower is thirty meters.

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Koromyslova tower

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The Koromyslova tower is round, located on a sharp turn of the Kremlin wall above the intersection of the Zelensky Congress (“pipe”) with the Pochainsky ravine. And the tower itself with its adjacent spindles resembles, when viewed from the opposite bank of the Pochainsky ravine, a strong young woman with rocker arms on her shoulders. Isn’t that why the tower is called Koromyslova? A distinctive feature of the Koromyslovaya Tower is that it is completely, including the interior, made of white stone. In terms of the preservation of its original appearance, it is the best among all the round towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the tower housed an archive (until 1886) and then various warehouses.

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Taynitskaya Tower

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The round Tainitskaya tower is located above the slope of the Pochainsky ravine, along the bottom of which flowed the Pochaina river, now enclosed in a collector. The tower received its name from the underground passage - a hiding place that led from it down the slope to Pochayna. The remains of the cache were discovered and destroyed in the 80s of the 19th century during work to organize the Zelensky Congress. In the 17th century, the tower was armed with one copper arquebus. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was used as storage space. From 1893 to 1917 it housed an archive. The height of the Taynitskaya tower including the roof and watchtower is 30 m.

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North Tower

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This tower is by no means the northernmost of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, but the direction from the Tainitskaya Tower towards the north coincides with the direction to the north, it seems to go along the meridian. The tower was also called a corner tower, being the top of a right angle at the turn of the spindles. And the tower had another name - Ilyinskaya, after the church of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, built, according to legend, on the spot where Murza Nogaisky, the Tatar prince, was killed: on the side of the Pochainsky ravine opposite the Kremlin. The walk from the North Tower towards the Chasovaya is the shortest, only 39 meters.

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Clock tower

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The clock tower got its name from the clock, which was located in a pentagonal log frame at the top of the tower and was the main city clock for two centuries. So the tower can be considered a Sentry Tower for its watchdog purpose. But she was still famous mainly for her watches. In the scribe book of 1621 it is said: “... There is a fighting clock on the tower,” that is, the hours and clocks were marked by striking. The striking of the clock bells also sounded like an alarm. The clock keeper who lived near the tower was called a clock keeper. History has preserved the name of one of them: at the beginning of the 17th century. Ivan Rodionov was watching the clock.

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Ivanovo Tower

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The Ivanovo Tower is named after the nearby Church of John the Baptist, to which the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ("Nicholas at the Market") was assigned. The tower on the inside had an extension with a “city staircase”, along which the Kremlin defenders climbed the walls. In the same annex there was a cell for prisoners and criminals. The Ivanovo tower with gates is the main one in the foothill part of the Kremlin, just as the Dmitrovskaya tower is the main one in the mountainous part. A steep Bolshaya Mostovaya Street descended across the entire Kremlin from the Dmitrovskaya Tower, paved (hence Mostovaya) with thick pine blocks all the way to the Ivanovo Gate. From the Ivanovo Gate to the Volga the Ivanovo Congress leads, along which in the spring of 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia, organized by the town head Kozma Minin, led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, moved to liberate Moscow from the Poles. In 1896, the tower housed the archive of the Archaeographic Commission and the library of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky

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White Tower

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White Tower - the name of the tower may be related to the color of its lower tier, and perhaps due to the fact that it was built on church land, which in the old days was called white, that is, free from taxes. The steep northern slope of the Volga bank has been repeatedly subject to landslides. The displacement of the foundations of the Kremlin walls reached 14 meters. The inventory of 1765 says that “this wall and the whole thing will soon be destroyed.” And so it happened. In the middle of the 20th century. The White Tower also underwent restoration, acquiring a look close to its original one.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - the stone necklace of the city

Presentation for local history lesson No. 3.

  • At the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers, on the top of a mountainous cape, a grandiose brick fortress rises with 12 towers
  • Built in 1515, it was considered one of the most perfect structures of Russian military fortification architecture.

  • In the 1370s, due to the growing influence of Nizhny Novgorod, which became the capital of the Grand Duchy, Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich attempted to build a stone citadel. According to historians, some semblance of a stone Kremlin was erected, in the center of which stood.

  • The start of construction was marked by the construction of the Ivanovo Tower in 1500, but the main work was carried out in a short time - from 1508 to 1515. under the leadership of the talented architect Peter Fryazin

  • The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin became an important stronghold in the fight against the Kazan Khanate. The 2-kilometer brick wall of the Kremlin was reinforced by 13 towers, 12 of which have survived to this day.

  • The two-kilometer wall had 13 towers: 5 - rectangular in plan - are roadways or gates and 8 towers - round, blind. In front of the Dmitrovskaya Tower there was an outrigger fortification - a stone bridge with an outfall tower, which was a novelty in Russian fortress architecture.

  • Located next to the Chkalov Stairs. It was named after the small church of St. George the Victorious.
  • According to the second version, the tower received its name from the palace of Yuri Vsevolodovich, which was called “St. George’s Tower”

Borisoglebskaya tower

  • Named after the Church of Boris and Gleb, located nearby. The tower was completely rebuilt during the reconstruction of 1622, but due to landslides it was dismantled in 1785. In the 70s of the 20th century it was rebuilt.

  • Used to store gunpowder and other ammunition. Later titles - Spasskaya(located next to Spaso-Preobrazhensky) and Streletskaya(next to Streltsy Sloboda). Round 4-tier tower.

  • Named after the Grand Duke of Nizhny Novgorod Dmitry Konstantinovich. According to another version, the name is associated with the church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.
  • It was first mentioned in 1372-1374, considered the oldest tower, but it received its modern appearance in 1895 when it was adapted for the Art Museum

Pantry tower

It is considered the second oldest after Dmitrovskaya. According to the chronicle, it was built in 1500. Served as a storage place. It was called Round, Tseykhgauznaya and Alekseevskaya - the Alekseevskaya Church was located nearby.

  • Named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • There is a watchtower on the tower.
  • In ancient times, a drawbridge across a moat led to the tower, but in 1706 the gates were blocked.
  • Pedestrian bridge over the Zelensky Congress, built in the 1980s.

  • It was named because of the “secret passage” in the wall near it to the Pochayna River.
  • It was called Myrrh-Bearers - after the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women on the other side of the Pochainsky ravine.

  • It got its name due to its geographical location.
  • was known as Ilyinskaya due to its location opposite the Posad Church of Elijah the Prophet in Zapochainye. According to legend, this church was built on the site of the death of Murza Nogai
  • The tower is called “naugolnaya” (corner)

  • It got its name because of the clock installed in it in the 16th century in the “clock hut”
  • The tower could also have been named for its intended purpose; there was a guard post here.
  • Today the tower houses the guardhouse of “Post No. 1”

  • According to one version, it got its name in honor of the founder Ivan III
  • According to another version, in honor of the Church of John the Baptist
  • It was the main tower of the foothills of the Kremlin
  • The entrance gate was located here, through which in 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia set out to liberate Moscow from the Poles

  • named after the white stone cladding of the lower part of the outer façade.
  • A later name of the 17th-18th century was Simeonovskaya, after the Simeonovsky Monastery, which was located next to it inside the Kremlin.

  • named after the nearby Conception Monastery.
  • Sometimes referred to as the Zhivononovskaya Tower (after the church and monastery in honor of the Life-Giving Spring)
  • White (similar to the neighboring one). Two-tier square tower with gates. Destroyed by a landslide in the 18th century, restored in 2012.

  • 1. The glorious past of the Nizhny Novgorod land: a book for extracurricular reading on the history of the Nizhny Novgorod region / comp. And scientific editor. F. Seleznev. Nizhny Novgorod: DECOM, 2013.
  • 2. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin
  • 3. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin - the stone necklace of the city
  • 4. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin: history and sights

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Towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin History and architecture

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a medieval defensive structure on the flat top and northwestern slopes of Chasovaya Mountain in Nizhny Novgorod, the Kremlin area is 22.7 hectares, the perimeter is 2045 m, the height of the walls is from 12 to 15 m, thickness is from 3.5 to 4.5 m, number of towers - 11, height from 12 to 15 m. Names of towers (clockwise); Dmitrievskaya or Dmitrovskaya (main) - named after the Nizhny Novgorod Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich (XIV century), the Pantry - served as a storage place, Nikolskaya - next to the Nikolskaya Posad Church (now defunct), Koromyslova - after the legendary girl allegedly buried under it with yoke, Tainitskaya - along a secret underground passage from it to the river. Pochaina (otherwise known as Pochage), Severnaya, or Ilyinskaya - due to its northern position relative to other Kremlin towers and in the vicinity of the Posad Church of Elijah the Prophet, Chasovaya - according to those installed on it in the 16th century. hours. Ivanovskaya - next to the Posad Church of John the Baptist (now defunct), Belaya - along the white stone cladding of the lower part of the outer facade, Georgievskaya - next to the Posad Church of St. George (now defunct), Porokhovaya - for the purpose of storing gunpowder and other ammunition .

Plan of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Archangel Cathedral is located in the center of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. When the city was founded in 1221, a wooden church was built in it, which was already replaced in 1227 by the stone building of the St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral. In 1359, it was completely rebuilt and played the role of a church in the mansion of the Grand Duke. Now from this time only isolated fragments have been preserved, found under the floor and next to the Archangel Cathedral during archaeological excavations in 1960.

Dmitrievskaya Tower

By its position, the Dmitrievskaya Tower occupies a leading place in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and dominates its mountainous section. It is located in the center of the mountainous area and faces the expanded semicircular part of Minin and Pozharsky Square. The tower was first mentioned in sources in 1372-74, and therefore it is considered the oldest of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. However, during the research of 1948-52. no sections of masonry dating back to the 14th century were found in it - the tower was apparently completely rebuilt in the 16th century

Pantry tower

The storage tower is also the second oldest. According to the chronicle, it was founded in 1500. Under the name Tverskaya, on the old plans in the place of the Storeroom there is a tower, designated as Tverskaya. This name most likely comes from the word firmament - fortification, strong place, fortress. The third name of the tower - PANTRY - speaks of its purpose: the tower served as a repository for all luggage. Pantry. At different times, under the stone arches of the tower were also stored squeaks, i.e. fortress guns, which were located in the fence (behind the tyn), and cannonballs, and cannon supplies. There were also masons' tools, the so-called "gear of urban affairs", and documents of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Archival Commission...

Nikolskaya Tower

Nikolskaya is a square tower, built at a slightly later date. Square towers are usually characterized by the presence of gates. The tower is named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which once stood on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. Before repairs in 1837, the entire lower part of the tower had white stone cladding. In the 17th - 19th centuries, the tower was used as a warehouse and received significant internal alterations. The Nikolskaya Tower is crowned with a watchtower, the height of the tower together with the tower is thirty meters.

Koromyslova tower

The Koromyslova tower is round, located on a sharp turn of the Kremlin wall above the intersection of the Zelensky Congress (“pipe”) with the Pochainsky ravine. And the tower itself with its adjacent spindles resembles, when viewed from the opposite bank of the Pochainsky ravine, a strong young woman with rocker arms on her shoulders. Isn’t that why the tower is called Koromyslova? A distinctive feature of the Koromyslovaya Tower is that it is completely, including the interior, made of white stone. In terms of the preservation of its original appearance, it is the best among all the round towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the tower housed an archive (until 1886) and then various warehouses.

Taynitskaya Tower

The round Tainitskaya tower is located above the slope of the Pochainsky ravine, along the bottom of which flowed the Pochaina river, now enclosed in a collector. The tower received its name from the underground passage - a hiding place that led from it down the slope to Pochayna. The remains of the cache were discovered and destroyed in the 80s of the 19th century during work to organize the Zelensky Congress. In the 17th century, the tower was armed with one copper arquebus. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was used as storage space. From 1893 to 1917 it housed an archive. The height of the Taynitskaya tower including the roof and watchtower is 30 m.

North Tower

This tower is by no means the northernmost of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, but the direction from the Tainitskaya Tower towards the north coincides with the direction to the north, it seems to go along the meridian. The tower was also called a corner tower, being the top of a right angle at the turn of the spindles. And the tower had another name - Ilyinskaya, after the church of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, built, according to legend, on the spot where Murza Nogaisky, the Tatar prince, was killed: on the side of the Pochainsky ravine opposite the Kremlin. The walk from the North Tower towards the Chasovaya is the shortest, only 39 meters.

Clock tower

The clock tower was named after the clock, which was located in a pentagonal log frame at the top of the tower and was the main city clock for two centuries. So the tower can be considered a Sentry Tower for its watchdog purpose. But she was still famous mainly for her watches. In the scribe book of 1621 it is said: “... There is a fighting clock on the tower,” that is, the hours and clocks were marked by striking. The striking of the clock bells also sounded like an alarm. The clock keeper who lived near the tower was called a clock keeper. History has preserved the name of one of them: at the beginning of the 17th century. Ivan Rodionov was watching the clock.

Ivanovo Tower

Clock tower

The Ivanovo Tower is named after the nearby Church of John the Baptist, to which the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ("Nicholas at the Market") was assigned. The tower on the inside had an extension with a “city staircase”, along which the Kremlin defenders climbed the walls. In the same annex there was a cell for prisoners and criminals. The Ivanovo tower with gates is the main one in the foothill part of the Kremlin, just as the Dmitrovskaya tower is the main one in the mountainous part. A steep Bolshaya Mostovaya Street descended across the entire Kremlin from the Dmitrovskaya Tower, paved (hence Mostovaya) with thick pine blocks all the way to the Ivanovo Gate. From the Ivanovo Gate to the Volga the Ivanovo Congress leads, along which in the spring of 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia, organized by the town head Kozma Minin, led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, moved to liberate Moscow from the Poles. In 1896, the tower housed the archive of the Archaeographic Commission and the library of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky

White Tower

White Tower - the name of the tower may be related to the color of its lower tier, and perhaps due to the fact that it was built on church land, which in the old days was called white, that is, free from taxes. The steep northern slope of the Volga bank has been repeatedly subject to landslides. The displacement of the foundations of the Kremlin walls reached 14 meters. The inventory of 1765 says that “this wall and the whole thing will soon be destroyed.” And so it happened. In the middle of the 20th century. The White Tower also underwent restoration, acquiring a look close to its original one.

Conception Tower

The Conception Tower got its name from the Conception Monastery located nearby, outside the Kremlin walls, founded in the middle of the 14th century. Documents of the 17th century it is also called “White” - obviously for the same reason why the neighboring tower is called “White”. Some documents of the 18th century. The tower is called Zhivonosovskaya - after the church located nearby. The Borisoglebskaya Tower (aka Dukhovskaya) got its name from the nearby Church of Boris and Gleb. It received the name Dukhovskaya later - after the monastery founded next to it in 1584. From the data of the Scribe Book for 1621-22. and other documents it follows that the Conception Tower had only two tiers and its height did not exceed the height of the wall line. Due to the conditions of the terrain, and also based on the fact that the Russians dominated the river, the builders of the Kremlin did not attach importance to it as an important defense center and built a tower with a passage only as an exit from the Kremlin, connecting it with the shortest route to the river.

Borisoglebskaya tower

Boris and Gleb Tower - as a memory of the Boris and Gleb Church in Nizhny. From the Borisoglebskaya Tower, the Kremlin wall rises with smooth ledges in the form of huge stairs along the Volga bank towards the St. George Tower. The length of the spindle is 174 meters.

St. George's Tower

The St. George Tower is named after one of the most beautiful churches in Nizhny, located on the site of the current Volzhsky Escarpment Hotel - the Church of St. George the Victorious. Destroyed in 1932, it lives on in the name of the magnificent Kremlin tower. The distance from the St. George Tower to Porokhovaya is 191 meters.

Powder Tower

The powder tower was named for its purpose - ammunition was stored in the tower. Previously, according to documents, back in the 17th century, the tower was called Spasskaya - after the Transfiguration Cathedral. In the Kremlin wall between the Powder and Dmitrievskaya towers there is a memorial to “Units and formations formed in the city of Gorky and the Gorky region during the Great Patriotic War” of 1941 - 1945, where these units and formations are listed and their military awards and honorary titles are indicated .

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In 1221, Russian chronicles report that Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich founded a city at the mouth of the Oka River and named it Nizhny Novgorod. To protect it, a tree-earth fortress was built. In the fall of 1363, under Prince Boris Konstantinovich in Nizhny Novgorod, they began to create another outer ring of fortifications. Under 1372, chronicles report that Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich, a descendant of the younger brother of Alexander Nevsky, “founded Novgorod Nizhny Kamen”.

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The construction of the stone Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began in 1500 with the construction of the Ivanovo Tower in the coastal part of the city. Ivanovo Tower Dmitrovskaya Tower

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The word "Kremlin" or "Kremnik", as the Moscow fortress was called in chronicles, appeared for the first time in 1339-1340. Then, under Ivan Kalita, new walls made of durable oak were erected. It is possible that the word “Kremlin” comes from the ancient Greek “kremnos” - “solid”, but it is more likely that it is based on the Slavic word “krem”, “kremnik”, meaning “pine forest” or “forest”.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1- Dmitrovskaya; 2 – Pantry; 3 – Nikolskaya; 4 – Koromyslova; 5 – Taynitskaya; 6 – Northern; 7 – Hourly; 8 – Ivanovskaya; 9 – White; 10 – Zachatievskaya; 11 – Borisoglebskaya; 12 – Georgievskaya; 13–Powder.

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The Kremlin system includes thirteen towers - five square, with gates, and eight round. The towers, 18 to 30 meters high, are connected by powerful (up to five meters wide) walls with battlements ranging from 12 to 22 meters high.

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“Vezha” - the same word in ancient Rus' referred to a high guard structure from which one could observe and know whether the enemy was approaching the walls of the city. The word “tower”, used today, was first noted only in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible in the tales of Prince Kurbsky.

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The towers, as an integral part of the Kremlin, secure every turn of the Kremlin walls. The section of wall between the towers is a spindle or link. Both the towers and the spindles were first made of wood, then of stone. To this day, many towers in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin have a wooden top.

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On New Year's Day, September 1, 1509, apparently in a solemn atmosphere, the Dmitrov Tower was founded. Work on the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin began in the spring and summer of 1509, and on September 1, the builders began stone work. “For city work” one worker from 3-4 households and a horse supply from 6-7 households were involved. The maintenance of the workers was at the expense of those from whom they were sent. Local materials were used for construction. The masonry was carried out using the old “cross” method, which is very reliable.

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The complex of structures of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was created entirely in 1511 (according to the arc version, by 1517). The master builders were most likely newcomers. It is believed that the immediate supervisor of the work was Pier Francesco (Petr Fryazin). The main materials were large locally produced bricks and white stone – calcareous tuff.

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Dmitrovskaya Tower Dmitrovskaya (Dmitrievskaya) Tower is a kind of symbol of Nizhny Novgorod. It is located on Minin and Pozharsky Square, where Nizhny Novgorod residents like to spend holidays. The tower is named after Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich, who rebuilt it from stone.

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A long bridge, about 29 meters long and 8 meters wide, led to the tower gate, which connected the tower with the bridgehead. The diversion tower was located, as it were, on an island and was completely surrounded by a moat - a branch of the main moat. Since its construction, the tower has played the role of the main entrance to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and the central defense center of the mountainous area. There were two exits from the tower to the right and left, deployed in such a way that the enemy could not shoot through the bridge. The exits from the tower were equipped with drawbridges. One of the exits was closed in the 17th century - near it there was a “cut” - something like a bastion. Large guns were installed on it at the end of the century.

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Pantry tower The second oldest tower. According to the chronicle, it was founded in 1500 under the name Tverskaya (on the old plans, on the site of the Kladovaya there is a tower designated as Tverskaya). This name most likely comes from the word firmament - fortification, strong place, fortress. The third oldest name of the tower - PANTRY - speaks of its purpose: the tower served as a storage room for all luggage. At different times, under the stone arches of the tower were also stored squeaks, i.e. fortress guns, which were located in the fence (behind the tyn), and cannonballs, and cannon supplies. There were also masons' tools, the so-called "gear of urban affairs", and documents of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Archival Commission...

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Nikolskaya Tower This is a square tower, built at a later date. Square towers are usually characterized by the presence of gates. The tower is named after the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which once stood on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street. Before repairs in 1837, the entire lower part of the tower had white stone cladding. In the 17th - 19th centuries, the tower was used as a warehouse and received significant internal alterations. The Nikolskaya Tower is crowned with a watchtower; the height of the tower together with the tower is 30 meters.

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Koromyslova Tower This tower is round, located on a sharp turn of the Kremlin wall above the intersection of the Zelensky Congress (“pipe”) with the Pochainsky ravine. If you look from the opposite bank of the Pochainsky ravine, the tower with adjacent spinning rods resembles a strong young woman with rocker arms on her shoulders. Perhaps this is also why the tower is called Koromyslova. A distinctive feature of the tower is that it is completely, including the interior, made of white stone. In terms of the preservation of its original appearance, it is the best among all the round towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the tower housed an archive (until 1886) and then various warehouses.

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Tainitskaya Tower The round Tainitskaya Tower is located above the slope of the Pochainsky ravine, along the bottom of which flowed the Pochaina River, now enclosed in a collector. The tower received its name from the underground passage - a hiding place that led from it down the slope to Pochayna. The remains of the cache were discovered and destroyed in the 80s of the 19th century during work on the improvement of the Zelensky Congress. In the 17th century, the tower was armed with one copper arquebus. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was used as storage space. From 1893 to 1917 it housed an archive. The height of the Taynitskaya tower including the roof and watchtower is 30 m.

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Northern Tower This tower is not at all the northernmost of the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, but the direction from the Tainitskaya Tower towards the northern coincides with the direction to the north, it goes as if along a meridian. The tower was also called Naugolnaya, being the top of a right angle at the turn of the spindles. And the tower had another name - Ilyinskaya, after the church of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, built, according to legend, on the spot where Murza Nogaisky, the Tatar prince, was killed: on the side of the Pochainsky ravine opposite the Kremlin. The walk from the North Tower towards the Chasovaya is the shortest, only 39 meters.

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Clock Tower It got its name from the clock that was located in a pentagonal log frame at the top of the tower and for two centuries was the main city clock. The tower can be considered a Sentry Tower for its watchdog purpose. But she was still famous mainly for her watches. In the scribe book of 1621 it is said: “... There is a fighting clock on the tower,” that is, the hours and clocks were marked by striking. The striking of the clock bells also sounded like an alarm. The clock keeper who lived near the tower was called a clock keeper. History has preserved the name of one of them: at the beginning of the 17th century. Ivan Rodionov was watching the clock.

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Ivanovo Tower Named after the nearby Church of John the Baptist, to which the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ("Nicholas at the Market") was assigned. The tower on the inside had an extension with a “city staircase”, along which the Kremlin defenders climbed the walls. In the same annex there was a cell for prisoners and criminals. The Ivanovo tower with gates is the main one in the foothill part of the Kremlin, just as the Dmitrovskaya tower is the main one in the mountainous part. A steep Bolshaya Mostovaya Street descended across the entire Kremlin from the Dmitrovskaya Tower, paved (hence Mostovaya) with thick pine blocks all the way to the Ivanovo Gate. From the Ivanovo Gate to the Volga the Ivanovo Congress leads, along which in the spring of 1612 the Nizhny Novgorod militia, organized by the town head Kozma Minin, led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, moved to liberate Moscow from the Poles. In 1896, the tower housed the archive of the Archaeographic Commission and the library of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky.

Location Nizhny Novgorod Year of construction Kremlin area 22.7 hectares Length of walls 2080 meters

The Borisoglebskaya Tower is named after the church in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb, which stood below the Kremlin, on the banks of the Volga. By 1622 it was rebuilt again. As a result of constant ground movements, the tower collapsed and was finally dismantled in 1785. In 1966, the remains of the Borisoglebskaya Tower were excavated, and in 1972 the tower was re-erected in its original location.

The Zachatievskaya (Zachatskaya) tower (destroyed by a landslide in the 18th century, restoration is planned by this year) is named after the nearby Zachatievsky Monastery. Sometimes referred to as the Zhivonosnovskaya Tower (after the church and monastery in honor of the Life-Giving Spring) or the White Tower (by analogy with the neighboring one). Two-tier square tower with gates.

Tainitskaya Tower along the “secret passage” in the wall next to it to the Pochayna River. It was also called Mironositskaya after the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women on the other side of the Pochainsky ravine, and on Zelen in the ravine under the tower there was a “green yard”, a gunpowder factory with a water mill.

Nikolskaya Tower next to the Posad Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The tower is accessed by a pedestrian bridge over the Zelensky Congress, built in the 1960s.

The Dmitrovskaya (Dmitrievskaya) tower is named after the Grand Duke of Nizhny Novgorod Dmitry Konstantinovich. According to another version, the name is associated with the church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, built by Prince Dmitry in front of the tower in 1378. It was first mentioned in the years, being considered the oldest tower, but it received its modern appearance in 1895 when it was adapted for the Art Museum (it currently houses an exhibition hall). The city's coat of arms and the gate icon of the city's canonized founder, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, are installed on it.

The powder tower was used to store gunpowder and other ammunition. Later names Spasskaya (located next to the Spassky Cathedral) and Streletskaya (next to Streletskaya Sloboda). Round 4-tier tower. There are no frontal loopholes in the lower tiers, that is, the tower plays the role of a caponier for conducting base fire along the adjacent fortress walls. There are 3 windows in the middle part, 3 battlements and 11 battle windows in the upper part.