Ship's life-saving appliances and their use. Supply of ships with life-saving equipment. Location and purpose of life-saving equipment on the ship.

Ship life-saving equipment is designed to rescue people evacuated to sea from aboard an emergency ship or, for some reason, found themselves overboard the ship. Life-saving equipment is divided into individual and collective.

Personal rescue equipment is used for:

Keeping a person afloat in the water (supporting life-saving equipment)

Protecting him from hypothermia (insulating life-saving equipment)

Combination of both functions (supporting and isolating means).

Supportive life-saving equipment includes:

Lifebuoys (used to provide immediate assistance to a person who is overboard, to keep the person afloat)

Life jackets (designed to save people who may find themselves in the water during evacuation from a ship, to keep a person on the water in a safe position)

Isolating life-saving equipment includes:

Thermal protective equipment (a bag or suit made of waterproof material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient; they serve to reduce heat loss from the body of a person on a lifeboat or life raft).

Protective suit - storm suit, designed for use on duty boats of passenger ships of the RO-RO type and on marine evacuation systems (MES), by crew members - retains and reduces heat loss from the human body in cold water;

A supporting and insulating rescue device is a immersion suit. Wetsuit - designed to hold a person on the water in a safe position and reduce heat loss from the human body in cold water

Requirements for lifebuoys.

Each lifebuoy must:

Have an outer diameter of no more than 800 mm (Dn.),

Internal diameter (dv.) not less than 400 mm;

Be made of buoyant material, other than cork shavings, reeds, loose or crushed materials, or inflatable air chambers;

Have a mass of at least 2.5 kg;

Do not maintain combustion or melt after it has been completely engulfed in flames for 2 s;

Have a sufficient mass, if it is intended to operate a device for quickly disconnecting an automatically operating smoke bomb and a self-igniting signal light from the ship (SDB - light-smoking buoy), as a rule, more than 4 kg;

Maintain a load of iron weighing at least 14.5 kg in fresh water for 24 hours (a person’s weight in water is 4-6 kg);

Withstand being dropped into the water from a height of 30m without deteriorating the performance characteristics of the lifebuoy and the equipment attached to it; have a lifeline diameter > 9.5 mm and a length equal to 4 Dn. (Dн. - diameter of the outer circle) fixed around the perimeter in four equally spaced places, forming four identical loops.

Requirements for self-igniting signal lights (luminous buoys).

Self-igniting lifebuoy warning lights must: be white, luminous intensity 2 cd (candelas) in all directions or have a flashing light of 50-70 flashes per minute; have an energy source for 2 hours (on tankers, self-igniting lights must be powered by electric batteries (accumulators)); withstand the drop test from a height of 30m.

Requirements for automatic operating smoke bombs

Automatic operating smoke bombs: must produce clearly visible smoke within 15 minutes; do not burn in flashes or throw out flames, do not fill with water during excitement; continue to generate smoke when completely immersed in water for 10 seconds.

Requirements for lifelines of lifebuoys.

Floating lifelines: must be non-twisting; have a diameter of at least 8mm;

have a breaking force of at least 5 kN (kilonewton)

According to the rule of Ch. 3 MK SOLAS on a passenger ship:

According to rule 32 ch. III. SOLAS on a cargo ship:

Requirements for the distribution of lifebuoys on ships.

Lifebuoys: should be distributed in such a way as to be easily accessible on both sides of the ship and, if possible, on all open decks extending to the side; at least one SC must be located near the stern of the vessel; fastened in such a way that they can be quickly reset (should not be firmly attached); one lifebuoy on each side of the vessel must be equipped with a 30m long floating lifeline; 50% of lifebuoys must be equipped with self-igniting lights, at least 2 of them must be equipped with automatically operating smoke bombs, and be able to be quickly released from the navigation bridge; Each lifebuoy must be marked in block letters of the Latin alphabet with the name of the vessel and home port;

Requirements for life jackets (JVs).

According to the design, SFs are manufactured in two types:

Rigid (with elastic or hard buoyant material)

Inflatable, with at least 2 buoyancy chambers.

The coolant should not sustain combustion and not continue to melt, after it has been completely engulfed in flames for 2 seconds. The design of the lifejacket must be such that:

a) at least 75% of people unfamiliar with the design could use it correctly within no more than 1 minute, without any help, hints or demonstration;

b) after demonstrating donning, all persons were able to put it on correctly and without assistance within no more than 1 minute;

c) it was absolutely clear that it could only be worn on one side or that, as far as possible, the possibility of incorrect donning was excluded;

d) it was comfortable to wear;

e) it was possible to jump into the water from a height of at least 4.5 m. without causing bodily harm and without disturbing or damaging the life jacket;

The fluid must have sufficient buoyancy and stability in fresh water and support the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious person at a distance of at least 120 mm from the water so that the person’s body is tilted back at an angle of at least 20 0 from its vertical position; and turn the body of an unconscious person in water from any position to one in which his mouth is above the water in no more than 5 seconds.

The lifejacket must be such that it can be worn for swimming a short distance and being able to climb into a lifeboat or life raft. The buoyancy of a lifejacket should not decrease by more than 5% after immersion in fresh water for 24 hours. An inflatable lifejacket must have at least two separate buoyancy chambers and inflate: automatically when immersed in water; have a device for inflation that is manually activated with one movement and the mouth (through a tube).

Each life jacket is equipped with a signal light, which must:

a) have a luminous intensity of at least 0.75 cd in all directions of the upper hemisphere;

b) have an energy source capable of providing a luminous intensity of 0.75 cd for at least 8 hours;

c) be visible, when attached to the lifejacket, over as much of the upper hemisphere segment as practicable;

d) be white;

e) if the signal light is flashing, it must be equipped with a manual switch and flash at least 50 and not more than 70 flashes per minute (luminous intensity not less than 0.75 cd);

Each life jacket is equipped with a whistle, which is securely attached to the life jacket using a cord.

The number of life jackets on ships, their placement.

A lifeguard must be provided for each person on board; children should be provided with a “Child” travel insurance, in the amount of 10% of the number of passengers). Additionally:

For watch personnel (on the bridge, engine control station and any other position where the watch is on duty);

In remote locations where life rafts are located.

Life jackets should be placed so that they are easily accessible and their storage location should be clearly marked; when using lifeboats in lifeboats, they should not impede entry into the rescue boat, and should not interfere with sitting down and fastening seat belts; Each passenger ship must additionally carry life jackets for at least 5% of the total number of passengers, which are stored in a visible place on the deck or in muster areas; if SF are stored in cabins remote from direct communication routes between public premises and assembly points, then for such passengers SF should be stored either: in public places - gathering places, or directly along the route of movement. Life fluids should be stored in such a way that their distribution and donning do not impede the orderly movement to the points of assembly and boarding of lifeboats and rafts;

Requirements for wetsuits (GKS).

The wetsuit must be made of waterproof materials such that:

a) it can be unpacked and donned without assistance within no more than 2 minutes, together with appropriate clothing and a life jacket, if the GKS requires its use;

b) did not sustain combustion or continue to melt after being completely engulfed in flames for 2 s;

c) covered the entire body, except for the face. Hands must also be covered unless gloves are permanently attached to the GCS;

d) had a device in the leg area for bleeding off excess air;

e) after jumping into water from a height of at least 4.5 m, an excessive amount of water did not enter him;

A person wearing a wetsuit (with a life jacket, if the GKS requires its use) must be able to:

Climb and descend a vertical ladder at least 5 m long;

Perform routine duties associated with abandonment of a vessel;

Jump into water from a height of at least 4.5 m, without damaging or displacing the main body and without bodily harm;

Swim a short distance and climb into a collective flotation device.

Wetsuits are made of two types: from materials with thermal insulation properties (with thermal insulation) and from materials that do not have thermal insulation properties (without thermal insulation). A wetsuit without thermal insulation must be marked indicating that it must be worn over warm clothing and provide sufficient thermal protection after one jump into the water from a height of 4.5 m so that the person’s body temperature does not drop by more than 2 0 C after being in it. for an hour in circulating water with a temperature of 5 0 C, in the absence of disturbance. A wetsuit with thermal insulation must provide sufficient thermal protection after one jump from a height of 4.5 m so that the core temperature of a person’s body does not drop by more than 2 0 C after being in circulating water for 6 hours from 0 to 2 0 C in the absence unrest;

A wetsuit that is buoyant and intended to be used without a lifejacket must be equipped with a signal light and whistle as prescribed in paragraph If the wetsuit requires the use of a lifejacket, the lifejacket must be worn over the wetsuit, without assistance.

A person wearing a wetsuit or a wetsuit with a life jacket must be able to roll over in fresh water from a face-down position to a face-up position in no more than 5 seconds.

Requirements for protective suits. (ZKS).

The protective suit must be made of waterproof materials such that:

Its own buoyancy of at least 70 N (7 kg) was ensured;

The material used reduced the risk of overheating the body during rescue operations and evacuation;

The entire body was covered with the exception of the face, hands, and if the Administration allows, legs

There was a pocket for a portable VHF radiotelephone;

Provided lateral vision in a sector of at least 120 degrees.

The cover must allow the person wearing it to:

Climb and descend a vertical ladder at least 5 m long;

Jump into water from a height of 4.5 m without receiving bodily harm;

Swim in the water for at least 25 m and climb into a boat or raft;

Perform all watch duties related to abandoning the ship, assisting others, and using the rescue boat. ZK provides thermal protection after jumping into water with complete immersion in such a way that a person’s body temperature does not fall faster than 1.5? C after the first half-hour stay in water with a temperature of 5? WITH.

Requirements for heat protective agents (TPS).

TZS is made of waterproof material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of no higher than 7800 W/(m 2 K) and has a design that would reduce heat loss from the human body, both conventionally and through evaporation;

Cover the person's entire body with a life jacket, except for the face.

Must be such that it can be unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a lifeboat or raft or in a rescue boat;

Be such that a person can remove it in the water in no more than 2 minutes if it interferes with his ability to swim; perform its functions at temperatures from - 30? C to +20? C.

At least three (3) lifeboats must be provided for each lifeboat on board all passenger ships and, in addition, a thermal protection device for each person not having a lifeboat.

At least three immersion suits shall be provided for each cargo ship lifeboat carried on board. Or, if the administration considers it necessary and practically possible, one wetsuit for each person on board the vessel. For other persons, heat protective equipment. GCS and heat-protective means may not be provided if there are closed boats or one free-fall boat on each side. On cargo ships (L<85м, кроме танкеров), должно быть предусмотрено по одному ГК на каждое находящейся, на борту лицо.

Collective rescue craft are displacement floating craft designed for the joint rescue of people forced to abandon a sinking ship. They must protect the people on them from the elements of the sea and have supplies that ensure their livelihoods.

Collective rescue equipment is divided into:

Active, able to move and maneuver independently on the water

Passive, moving under the influence of wind, waves and currents.

An active life-saving device is a lifeboat, a small self-propelled undecked floating craft. Motor boats are used as rescue boats. According to the design and method of protecting people from the effects of adverse external factors, lifeboats can be:

Completely closed;

Partially closed;

Completely closed with an autonomous air supply system;

Fully enclosed fireproof.

In accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the SOLAS-74 Convention, the use of fully open lifeboats is permitted only on ships whose keels were laid before July 1, 1986.

The design of self-righting partially or fully enclosed lifeboats allows them to return independently to an even keel even from an upside-down position.

Depending on the method of launching, a distinction is made between boats lowered using slings - cables passed through blocks of the lifting and launching mechanism - and boats lowered using the free fall method.

Passive life-saving devices are life rafts.

In terms of design, there are differences between inflatable and rigid life rafts, and according to the method of moving overboard, they can be dropped or lowered.

Rescue boats are designed to rescue people stranded in the water and collect life rafts and lifeboats on the water after the crew and passengers abandon the sinking ship. Rescue boats must have sufficient maneuverability and be designed to be quickly launched and ready for emergency use. They can be hard, puffy, or a combination.

General requirements for ship life-saving appliances

The requirements that all life-saving appliances must meet are established by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74). They are reproduced in the Rules for the Equipment of Sea Vessels of the Maritime Register of Shipping.

Requirements for lifeboats.

All lifeboats must be of proper construction and of such shape and aspect ratio that they have sufficient stability in rough seas and sufficient freeboard when loaded with their full complement of persons and equipment.

All lifeboats shall be rigid-hulled and shall maintain positive stability in an upright position in calm water when loaded with their full complement of persons and equipment and be holed at any one point below the waterline, assuming no loss of buoyant material has occurred, and there are no other damage.

Each lifeboat shall carry information, confirmed by the Administration, containing at least:

Manufacturer's name and address;

The boat model and its serial number, month and year of manufacture;

Number of persons approved for the boat

All lifeboats must be of sufficient strength to:

They could be launched safely when loaded with their full complement of men and supplies;

They could be launched and towed at forward speed of the ship at a speed of 5 knots in calm water.

Enclosures and rigid closures must be flame retardant or non-combustible.

Seating for people must be equipped on transverse and longitudinal banks or fixed seats and be of such a design as to withstand:

For a boat intended to be lowered on hoists - a load of 100 kg on any seat when it is dropped into the water from a height of at least 3 m;

For a lifeboat intended to be launched by free fall - a load of 100 kg on any seat when it is released from a height at least 1.3 times greater than that approved in the certificate.

Each lifeboat must be of sufficient strength to withstand the load specified below without permanent deformation after removal:

For boats with a metal hull - a load of 1.25 times the total mass of such a boat when loaded with its full complement of people and equipment; or

For other boats - a load of 2 times the total mass of such a boat when it is loaded with its full complement of people and equipment.

Every lifeboat, other than those intended for free fall launching, when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment and equipped, where applicable, with skids or external fenders, shall be of sufficient strength to withstand an impact against the side of the lifeboat vessel in a direction perpendicular to the side. vessel, at a speed of at least 3.5 m/s, as well as dropping into the water from a height of at least 3 m.

The number of persons permitted to be accommodated on a hoist-launched lifeboat shall be the lesser of the following numbers:

The number of persons with an average mass of 75 kg who can sit in a normal position wearing lifejackets without interfering with the lifeboat's means of propulsion or the operation of any of its equipment;

The number of seats that can be equipped on banks and seats. Seating areas may overlap, provided there is sufficient legroom and footrests provided and the vertical distance between the upper and lower seat is at least 350mm.

Lifeboats with a capacity of more than 150 people are not allowed,

Each seating area must be clearly marked in the lifeboat.

Each lifeboat on a passenger ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all persons assigned to the boat can quickly board it. It must also be possible to quickly disembark people from the lifeboat.

Each lifeboat of a cargo ship must be arranged and located in such a way that all people assigned to the boat can board it within no more than 3 minutes from the moment the command to board is given. It must also be possible to quickly disembark people from the lifeboat.

Lifeboats must have a boarding ladder that allows people in the water to board the boat and that can be used for any boarding entry. The bottom step of this ladder must be at least 0.4 m below the waterline of the lifeboat when unladen. All surfaces on which people can walk must have a non-slip surface.

All lifeboats must have their own buoyancy or be equipped with buoyancy material resistant to seawater, oil or petroleum products in sufficient quantities to keep the lifeboat and all its equipment afloat when flooded and exposed to the sea.

In addition, additional buoyant material must be provided in quantities to provide a buoyancy force equal to 280 N for each person permitted to be accommodated on the lifeboat. Floating material shall not be stowed outside the lifeboat hull except in excess of the quantity required above.

All lifeboats must be stable and have a positive metacentric height (GM) when loaded with 50% of the number of persons permitted to be accommodated on the lifeboat, seated in a normal position on one side of its centreline.

Every lifeboat must be equipped with a compression ignition internal combustion engine. The use of engines running on fuel with a flash point of 43? C or lower (when tested in a closed crucible) is not allowed.

The engine must be equipped with either a manual starting device or a starting device driven by two independent rechargeable sources. Any accessories necessary for starting the engine must also be provided. Starting devices and accessories must ensure starting the engine at an ambient temperature of 15? C within 2 minutes from the start.

The engine must be capable of operating for at least 5 minutes from start-up in a cold state when the boat is out of the water.

The engine must be capable of operating when the lifeboat is flooded to the axis of the crankshaft.

The propeller shaft line must be arranged so that the propeller can be disconnected from the engine. It must be possible to move the lifeboat forward and backward.

All lifeboats must be designed to ensure the safety of occupants and to prevent the possibility of floating debris damaging the propeller.

The forward speed of a lifeboat in calm water, when loaded with a full complement of people and equipment and when its engine-powered auxiliaries are operating, shall be not less than 6 knots and not less than 2 knots when towing a liferaft with a capacity of 25 persons, loaded with a full complement of people and supplies. Sufficient fuel suitable for use at temperatures expected in the area where the ship is operating shall be provided to keep the lifeboat fully loaded at 6 knots for at least 24 hours.

The lifeboat's engine, transmission and engine-related devices must be protected by a fire-retardant enclosure. This must also ensure that people are protected from accidental contact with hot or moving parts and that the engine is protected from bad weather and sea influences. Suitable means must be provided to reduce engine noise so that a loud command can be heard. Starter batteries must be provided with enclosures that form a watertight seal around the base and sides of the batteries. Battery casings must have a tight-fitting lid to ensure adequate gas removal.

The lifeboat's engine and associated equipment must be designed to limit electromagnetic emissions so that engine operation does not interfere with the operation of radio equipment used on the lifeboat.

A means must be provided for recharging all starter batteries, radio equipment and searchlight. Radio equipment batteries should not be used as a source of energy to start the engine. A means must be provided for recharging the batteries installed in the lifeboat either from the ship's electrical network with a voltage not exceeding 50 volts, disconnected from the place of boarding the lifeboats or by means of a solar panel.

There must be water-resistant instructions for starting and operating the engine, which must be located in a clearly visible place near the engine starting controls.

Lifeboat equipment.

All lifeboats, except those launched by free fall, must be equipped with at least one release valve located near the lowest point of the hull. The valve should open automatically to release water from the lifeboat when it is out of water, and automatically close to prevent water from entering the lifeboat when it is afloat. Each release valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close it, which shall be secured to the lifeboat by a chain or other suitable means. Drain valves should be easily accessible from inside the boat and their location should be clearly marked.

All lifeboats must have a rudder and tiller. If there is also a steering wheel or other means of remote control of the steering wheel, then in the event of failure of such a means, it must be possible to control the steering wheel using the tiller.

A suitable handrail or a floating lifeline must be provided externally around the lifeboat above the waterline and within reach of a person in the water, except in the area near the rudder and propeller.

The lifeboat shall have provisions for collecting rainwater and, if required by the Administration, an additional manual watermaker.

Every lifeboat, other than a free-fall lifeboat intended to be launched by single-point suspension or hoists, shall be equipped with a release mechanism which shall be so arranged that all hooks are released simultaneously. The release mechanism should operate automatically when there is no load on the hooks and under load. The release mechanism controls must be clearly marked in a color that contrasts with the surrounding objects;

Structural elements for attaching the release mechanism to the lifeboat must be designed with a six-fold safety factor relative to the tensile strength of the materials used, assuming that the mass of the lifeboat is evenly distributed between the hoists;

The use of a single-point suspension system device for launching a lifeboat or rescue boat in combination with a suitable painter does not require release under load. In this case, a sufficient option for uncoupling a lifeboat or rescue boat is only to uncouple it when they are fully afloat.

Each lifeboat must be equipped with a painter mounting device in the bow of the hull. This device must be such that the boat can be towed safely and without compromising its stability characteristics by a ship at a speed of up to 5 knots in calm water. With the exception of free-fall lifeboats, the painter securing device must include a mechanism to ensure that the painter is released from inside the lifeboat when it is towed by a vessel at speeds up to 5 knots in calm water.

Each lifeboat equipped with permanently installed VHF equipment with an antenna mounted separately must be equipped with provisions for mounting and securely securing the antenna in its operating position. The boat is equipped with a place for installing a radar transponder (SRT).

Lifeboats intended to be launched along the side of a ship must have skids and external fenders necessary to facilitate launching the boat and prevent damage to it.

A light with a manual switch must be installed on the top of the boat. The fire must be white with a continuous duration of at least 12 hours and an intensity of at least 4.3 cd in all directions of the upper hemisphere. If the light is a flashing light, it must produce at least 50 but not more than 70 flashes per minute for 12 hours at an intensity equivalent to a constant light.

A light bulb or other light source must be installed inside the lifeboat to provide sufficient illumination for at least 12 hours to read life-saving instructions and operating instructions. However, the use of kerosene lamps for these purposes should not be allowed. Each lifeboat must be arranged so that there is sufficient visibility from the helm station to the bow, stern and both sides to ensure safe launching and maneuvering.

Supply of lifeboats.

The equipment of each lifeboat must include:

With the exception of free-fall boats, there are a sufficient number of buoyant oars to ensure movement of the boat in calm water. Each oar must be provided with a “kochet” type oarlock, a rotary oarlock or other equivalent device. The oarlocks must be attached to the boat with pins or chains;

Two release hooks;

Floating bailer and two buckets;

Instructions for saving life;

A compass that is illuminated or equipped with appropriate means of illumination.

On fully enclosed lifeboats the compass shall be permanently mounted at the helm station; on all other lifeboats the compass shall be in the binnacle if protection from weather is required and shall have suitable mounting arrangements;

A sea anchor of sufficient size with a draught that can withstand jerking, which allows you to firmly grip it with your hands when wet. The strength of the floating anchor, mainsail and niral, if provided, must be sufficient under all sea conditions;

Two reliable painters of length not less than twice the distance from the lifeboat stowage point to the waterline at the ship's lightest seagoing draft, or 15 m, whichever is greater. On free-fall lifeboats, both painters must be in the bow of the boat in a ready-to-use condition; on all other lifeboats, one painter must be attached to the release device in accordance with paragraph, and the other firmly to the stem.

Two axes - one at each end of the lifeboat;

Watertight receptacles containing a total quantity of fresh water equal to 3 liters for each person permitted to be accommodated on the lifeboat, of which 1 liter of this quantity per person may be replaced by water obtained from a desalination apparatus capable of producing the total quantity of fresh water within two days, or 2 liters of this norm per person can be replaced with water obtained from a manual desalination plant.

Stainless steel ladle with pin;

Stainless steel graduated drinking vessel;

A food ration with a calorie content of at least 10,000 kJ for each person allowed to be accommodated on a lifeboat; In this case, the food ration should be in breathable packaging and stored in a waterproof container;

Four parachute rockets

Six flares

Two floating smoke bombs

One daylight signaling mirror with instructions for its use to signal ships and aircraft;

One copy of the table of life-saving signals referred to in regulation V/16 of the Convention, in a waterproof version or in a waterproof package;

One whistle or other equivalent sound signal;

A first aid kit in a waterproof container that can be tightly closed again after opening;

Anti-seasickness medication sufficient for at least 48 hours and one hygiene pack for each person;

A folding knife attached to the boat by a pin;

Three can openers;

Two floating life rings attached to a floating line at least 30m long;

A hand pump of appropriate capacity if the boat is not a self-draining type;

One set of fishing accessories with enough tools to make minor adjustments to the engine and related devices;

Portable fire extinguisher, spotlight, radar reflector, 2 heat protectants.

Partially enclosed lifeboat Fully enclosed lifeboat

Features of preparation, landing, lowering and recovery of side launch lifeboats

At the signal “General ship alarm”, or in case of impatient circumstances, at the command of the captain “Abandon ship”, lifeboats are prepared for launching together with launching devices, for which:

1) The boat winch is uncovered and the absence of the manual drive handle on the winch shaft is checked.

2) The bow painter spreads.

3) The lashings of the boat are released and removed.

4) The charger cable is disconnected (if connected).

5) The mechanical stop levers are retracted.

6) Mechanical davit stoppers are released.

7) Make sure that the engine fuel valve is open.

8) The bottom plug is closed.

9) Start the engine and check its operation.

10) By external inspection, make sure that the paddles are correctly positioned on the winch drums and guide pulleys, and that there are no external defects or foreign objects that would interfere with the landing and lowering of the boat.

11) The landing hatches are opened or the awning is folded back (on partially closed boats).

12) The boat crew takes their places in the boat.

13) If provided, the outer railing in the area of ​​the boat is removed.

If landing is carried out at the place where the boat is installed :

1) Upon command, people are boarded into the boat.

2) The winch remote release cable is transmitted to the boat.

3) The head of the launch makes sure that there are no obstacles outside the ship, releases the davit stoppers and reports on the readiness of the boat

If landing from the boat deck:

1) The davit stoppers are released.

2) By lifting the winch brake handle (unless otherwise provided), the davits and boat fall overboard.

3) The boat is pulled towards the side of the vessel by the hoists of the pulling device.

4) Upon command, passengers are boarded into the boat.

5) The winch remote release cable is transmitted to the boat.

6) The head of the descent makes sure that there are no obstacles to the descent outside the ship and reports on readiness for the descent.

7) Descent and departure from the side of the vessel.


1) The boat's engine is started and its proper operation is checked.

2) When boarding a boat, a pull-up device is released from the boat deck.

3) The boat is lowered by lifting the winch brake lever or by pulling down the remote brake release cable from inside the boat.

4) At the moment the boat touches the water, the lifting hooks are released from the davits in accordance with the boat’s operating instructions.

5) The painter is released from inside the boat using a release device.

6) Move away from the sinking ship to a safe distance (250-300m), removing the launching slide.

Features of preparation, landing, launching of free-fall lifeboats.

Preparation for descent and landing.


1) Disconnect the charger cable (if it was connected)

2) Remove the lashings of the boat in a stowed manner;

3) Open the fuel valve (if it was closed), and when lowering a boat equipped with irrigation into the flames, open the seawater valve;

4) Disconnect the lifting slings from the sling suspension and make sure that they do not interfere with the descent;

5) Make sure that the launch path and the area astern are clear of obstructions;

6) Release the boat from the backup holding device (if provided);

7) Get people on board, close all doors, hatches and other openings, fasten seat belts, press their heads against the headrests;

8) Start the engine.

If the boat is lowered in a controlled manner using a lowering device, the lifting slings are not disconnected, but their connection to the sling suspension is checked. A cable for remote release from the sling suspension is transmitted to the boat. If the descent is controlled from the boat, then the winch brake control cable is also transmitted to it. The helmsman's hatch remains open to control the release and release of the lift hook.

Descent and departure from the side of the vessel.

In accordance with the instructions for activating the release device, the boat is released and falls into the water.

After the boat leaves the water, the gear lever is moved to the “FORWARD” position and the boat moves away from the vessel to a safe distance.

When the boat is lowered in a controlled manner, the holding device is released and by pulling the winch remote release cable (or the lifting brake lever - when controlling the descent from the side of the ship), the boat is lowered to the water, the lifting hook is released and the boat moves away from the ship to a safe distance.

Life rafts.

Requirements for life rafts (SP).

Structurally, life rafts are made: rigid, inflatable, automatically self-righting and with a two-sided awning. The design of each joint venture must ensure:

1) the ability to withstand environmental influences afloat for 30 days under any sea conditions;

2) normal performance of both the raft itself and its equipment after dropping the raft into the water from a height of 18 m above the waterline;

3) the ability to withstand multiple jumps while afloat, both with an open awning and with an unopened awning from a height of at least 4.5 m from its bottom;

4) Towing (by towing equipment) at a speed of 3 knots in calm water with one sea anchor out, when the raft is loaded with a full complement of people and supplies.

The liferaft must have an awning to protect the people on it from the influence of the external environment; The awning must be installed automatically after the raft is launched and must meet the following requirements:

5) it must provide insulation of the under-awning space from heat and cold using either two layers of material separated by an air gap, or using other means of equivalent effectiveness. Means must be provided to prevent the accumulation of water in the air gap;

6) the color of the inner surface of the awning should not cause discomfort to people on the raft;

7) each entrance must be clearly marked and equipped with an effective adjustable closing device that can be easily and quickly opened from inside and outside by a person wearing a wetsuit and closed from inside the raft. At the same time, ventilation of the raft must be ensured while preventing the penetration of sea water, wind and cold. Life rafts with a capacity of more than 8 people must have at least two entrances diametrically opposite each other;

8) it must constantly pass a sufficient amount of air for people on the liferaft even with closed entrances;

9) it must be provided with at least one viewing window;

10) it must be equipped with devices for collecting rainwater;

11) it must have a device for installing a radar transponder at a height of at least 1 m above the sea surface;

12) it must be of sufficient height to accommodate people in a sitting position in any part of the canopy space.

Minimum capacity and weight of life rafts.

Life rafts with a capacity of less than 6 persons shall not be approved.

The total mass of the liferaft, its container and equipment must not exceed 185 kg, unless the liferaft is intended to be launched by an approved launching device (raft) or it is not required to be carried from side to side.

Life raft equipment.

Life rafts (RS) are equipped with:

1. securely fastened lifelines, surrounded with slacks around the life raft, both from the inside and from the outside.

2. a reliable painter with a length of at least 10 m plus the distance from the place of its installation to the waterline at the vessel’s lightest operational draft, or 15 m, whichever is greater. The breaking load for all elements excluding the weak link must be not less than 15 kN for rafts with a capacity of more than 25 people, not less than 10 kN for rafts with a capacity of 9 to 25 people and not less than 7.5 kN for any other rafts.

3. There must be a signal light with a manual switch on the top of the liferaft canopy. This light must be white, with a continuous duration of at least 12 hours and an intensity of at least 4.3 cd in all directions of the upper hemisphere. If the signal light is a flashing light, it must produce not less than 50 but not more than 70 flashes per minute of equivalent intensity over a period of 12 hours. The signal light should automatically turn on when the awning is opened. Its batteries should not deteriorate from dampness or humidity when the raft is stored.

4. There must be a light bulb inside the raft with a manual switch that can remain on continuously for at least 12 hours. It must turn on automatically when the canopy is opened and have a light intensity sufficient to read the instructions. Its batteries should not deteriorate from dampness and humidity when storing the raft.

Additional requirements for launched life rafts.

In addition to the above requirements, a liferaft intended for use with an approved launching device must:

When loaded with its full complement of people and equipment, withstand an impact against the side of the ship in a direction perpendicular to the side of the ship at a life raft speed of at least 3.5 m/s, as well as being dropped into the water from a height of at least 3 m, without receiving damage , which would affect its working condition;

Be equipped with means (2 bowlines) for pulling it to the side of the ship at the landing deck and holding it securely during landing.

On passenger ships, each raft-launched life raft must be arranged so that all persons assigned to it can board quickly.

On cargo ships, each life raft lowered using a raft must be arranged so that all persons assigned to it can board it within no more than 3 minutes from the moment the command to board is given.

Supplies provided for at the joint venture.

The normal equipment of each liferaft should include:

One floating life ring attached to a floating life line at least 30 m long;

One non-folding knife with a floating handle and drawer, attached and stored in a pocket on the outside of the awning near the point where the painter is attached to the life raft. In addition, a liferaft with a capacity of 13 persons or more must have a second knife, which may be folding;

One buoyant bailer for a life raft with a capacity of not more than 12 persons and two buoyant bailers for a life raft with a capacity of 13 persons or more;

Two sponges;

Two drogues, each with a thruster capable of withstanding jerking and a nyral, if equipped, one of the drogues to be a spare and the other permanently attached to the liferaft so that when inflated after launching the liferaft is held in the most stable position position to the wind. The strength of each floating anchor, their mains and nirals, if any, must be sufficient under all sea conditions. Floating anchors must have devices that prevent the cable from twisting and turning inside out between the lines. On life rafts launched by rafts and installed on passenger ships, drogues must be arranged so that they can only be deployed manually. All other life rafts must have drogues that deploy automatically once the raft is afloat;

Two floating strokes;

Three can openers and a pair of scissors. Knives with can openers in a safe version are allowed;

One first aid kit in a waterproof container that can be tightly closed again after opening;

One whistle or equivalent sound signal;

Four parachute rockets meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.10;

Six flares that meet the requirements of paragraph 2.11;

Two floating smoke bombs that meet the requirements of paragraph 2.12;

One waterproof electric torch, suitable for Morse code signaling, with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in waterproof packaging;

An effective radar reflector if the liferaft does not have a radar transponder installed;

One daytime signaling mirror with instructions for its use to signal ships and aircraft;

One copy of the rescue signal table, in a waterproof version or in a waterproof package;

One set of fishing accessories;

Food ration with a calorie content of at least 10,000 kJ for each person allowed to be accommodated on the life raft. This diet must be palatable and edible within the expiration date and packaged in a manner that is divisible and easy to open. The food ration should be in airtight packaging and stored in a waterproof container;

Waterproof vessels containing a total amount of fresh water at the rate of 1.5 liters for each person allowed to be placed on the life raft. From which 0.5 liters of this norm can be replaced by water obtained from a desalination plant capable of producing a total amount of fresh water within two days. Or 1 liter per person can be replaced with water obtained from a manual vacuum desalination machine;

One stainless steel graduated drinking vessel;

Anti-sea sickness medication for at least 48 hours and one hygiene bag per person according to the life raft's permissible capacity;

Instructions for preserving life and priority actions;

Thermal protective equipment that meets the requirements of paragraph 2.1.15, in an amount sufficient for 10% of the number of people allowed to be placed on the life raft, or two, whichever is greater.

Markings on life rafts equipped with the listed equipment must consist of the inscription “SOLAS A PACK” in block letters of the Latin alphabet.

For passenger ships engaged on short international voyages of such a nature and duration that, in the opinion of the Administration, not all items are necessary. The Administration may permit the supplies of life rafts carried on such ships to include items providing for -50% of the supplies. The marking on such life rafts must consist of the inscription “SOLAS IN PACK”, made in block letters of the Latin alphabet.

The supplies must be stored in a container which, if not an integral part of the liferaft or permanently attached, must be secured within the liferaft and capable of floating for at least 30 minutes without damaging its contents.

Devices that ensure free floating of life rafts.

1. Painter and related devices;

The life raft painter and related accessories must ensure fastening of the life raft to the ship and be arranged so that the life raft, after being separated from the ship and inflated, if it is inflatable, is not pulled into the water by a sinking ship.

2. Weak link;

If the devices ensuring the free floating of the liferaft include a weak link, then it must:

Not rupture under the force required to pull the painter out of the life raft container;

Be of sufficient strength to allow the life raft to inflate and break at a force of 2.2 ± 0.4 kN.

3. Hydrostatic release devices (hydrostats);

If the devices ensuring the free floating of the liferaft include a hydrostatic release device, it must:

1. be made of appropriate materials so that the possibility of incorrect operation of the device is excluded. Galvanization of metal coating on parts of the hydrostatic release device is not allowed;

2. automatically disconnect the life raft from the ship at a depth of no more than 4 m;

3. be able to drain the hydrostatic chamber, which prevents the accumulation of water in it during the period when the device is in its normal position;

4. have a design that prevents the life raft from being disconnected from the ship when the device is flooded by waves;

5. have permanent markings on the case indicating its type and serial number;

6. be permanently marked on the hull or on a securely attached plate indicating the date of manufacture, type and serial number, and whether the hydrostat is suitable for use on a raft with a capacity of more than 25 people;

7. if subject to timely replacement (write-off), be marked indicating the expiration date.

Additional requirements for inflatable rafts according to their design.

Inflatable liferafts must meet the general requirements and, in addition, the requirements of this section.

The main buoyancy chamber must be divided into at least two separate compartments, each inflated through its own non-return valve. The buoyancy chambers must be so arranged that if any one of the compartments is damaged or if any one of the compartments fails to inflate, the undamaged compartments will maintain the liferaft afloat with positive freeboard around its entire perimeter when the raft loaded with a permissible number of people weighing 75 kg, sitting in a normal position.

The bottom of the liferaft must be watertight and provide sufficient insulation from the cold.

The life raft must be such that it can be inflated by one person. The life raft must be inflated with non-toxic gas. Inflating a life raft should take no more than 1 minute at an ambient temperature of -18 to +20°C and no more than 3 minutes at an ambient temperature of -30°C. Once inflated, the liferaft must maintain its shape when loaded with its full complement of people and equipment. Each compartment of the inflatable raft must withstand a pressure of at least three times the operating pressure, but must be protected from twice the operating pressure, either by relief valves or by limiting the amount of gas supplied. To maintain operating pressure in the compartments, it must be possible to pump them up with a pump or bellows.

Calculation of the capacity of an inflatable life raft.

The number of persons permitted on a life raft must be the lesser of the following numbers:

1 the largest integer obtained by dividing by 0.096 the volume of the main buoyancy tubes in the inflated state in cubic meters (for this purpose, the volume value does not include the volumes of either the arch or the volumes of the transverse cans, if any); or

2 the largest integer obtained by dividing by 0.372 the internal horizontal cross-sectional area of ​​the liferaft in square meters (for these purposes this area may include the area of ​​the transverse can or cans, if any), measured to the inner edge of the buoyancy tubes; or

3 the number of people with an average weight of 75 kg wearing wetsuits and life jackets or only life jackets for cases of placement in rafts launched by a raft beam, who can sit quite comfortably, having a height of the under-canopy space that does not restrict the use of the raft equipment.

Access to rigid life rafts

At least one entrance must have a rigid, sloping landing platform to allow occupants in the water to climb onto the life raft. On a raft-launched liferaft that has more than one entrance, the landing platform must be equipped at the entrance opposite the side by which the raft is pulled to the side and where there are devices for boarding from the vessel to the raft.

Entries not equipped with a boarding platform must have a boarding ladder, the bottom step of which must be at least 0.4 m below the waterline of the light liferaft.

There must be devices inside the liferaft to allow people to climb onto the liferaft from the boarding ladder.

Stability of rigid life rafts

Except where a liferaft can be safely operated no matter which side up it floats, its strength and stability must be such that it can either self-righting or be easily turned upright by one person, both in rough water and in rough seas. calm water.

The stability of the liferaft, when loaded with its full complement of people and equipment, must be such that it can be towed at a speed of up to 3 knots in calm water.

Marking of rigid life rafts

The liferaft must be marked indicating:

1 the name of the vessel and the port of registry to which it belongs;

2 manufacturer's name or trademark;

3 serial number;

4 name of the approving body;

5 the number of people allowed to be accommodated, marked above each entrance in a font at least 100 mm high and in a color contrasting with the color of the life raft;

6 word “SOLAS”;

7 type of emergency supply kit included;

8 painter length;

9 maximum permissible installation height above the waterline (height from which the drop test was carried out);

10 instructions for descent.

Rigid life rafts launched using a raft

In addition to the above requirements, a rigid liferaft intended for use with an approved launching device when suspended from a lifting hook or sling must be able to withstand a load of four times the weight of its full complement of persons and equipment.

Actions for releasing and lowering inflatable life rafts.


Inflatable life raft VIKING DK

1. Release the raft lashings.

Release the raft container from the deck chair by handing over the manual verb-hack of the lashings.

2. Check the painter is made fast.

Secure the launch line (orange) to the ship structure (rail).

3. Sure chain railings are open.

Give up the railing.

4. Throw container with raft into the sea.

Throw the container with the raft overboard.

5. Pull on the painter until fart inflates.

Take the slack out of the starting painter and pull hard - the raft will fill with air.

6. Prepare emergency pilot ladder and board the raft.

If no possible to reach raft by ladder, jump over the board near the raft and board it.

Throw the emergency storm ladder overboard and land, trying to get on board the raft dry. If there is no such landing opportunity, then jump into the water next to the raft and climb on board.

7. Just boarded, cut off the painter and departure vessel in emergency.

After landing, cut off the painter with a knife and move away from the side of the emergency vessel.

8. Departure on safety distance, engage the drogue.



1. Carry the Viking DKF raft to the davit and insert raft shackle on the davit hook.

Bring the raft under the beam and put the raft eyelet (located under the protective cover) on the open hook of the beam.

2. Hoist the raft under the deck, using the handle engaged in davit winch.

Raise the raft off the deck using the winch handle.

3. The hand pump"s control lever should be in “out” position. Using the hand pump, move the davit outboard with raft located on hook.

Move the hydraulic pump control handle to the overboard position and, using the lever, dump the beam with the raft on the hook overboard, to the deck level.

4. Inflate the raft pulling the Painter.

Put the raft into action by jerking the starting line, having first taken out its slack.

5. Release the chain railings and board the raft.

Having given up the handrail, board the raft located at deck level.

6. Lower the raft pulling remote control wire or lifting up brake lever. Painter should be slightly tightened.

Launch the raft into the water using the winch's remote release line or by manually lifting the brake handle on the deck of the vessel.

The slack of the starting line must be selected.

7. Hook should be released automatically when the raft reaches the water. It may be done by pulling release line.

The hook will release automatically as soon as the raft touches the water. If this does not happen, release the hook by tensioning the release cable.

8. Cut off the painter and departure vessel in emergency.

Cut off the painter with a knife and move away from the side of the emergency vessel.

9. Departure on safety distance, engage the drogue.

Having moved to a safe distance, arm the sea anchor.

G . N. Sharlay.


Life-saving equipment is a complex of devices, mechanisms and structures necessary for training and for rescuing the crew and passengers in the event of the loss of a ship.

The requirements defining ship's life-saving devices are specified in the following documents:

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS-7 4), Chapter II “Life-saving appliances and arrangements”;

International Life Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code);

Regulations on the equipment of sea vessels of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Part II "Aircraft".

The proposed classification divides life-saving equipment into individual, collective and auxiliary (Fig. 8.1).

Rice. 8.1. Classification of ship life-saving appliances

Personal life-saving appliances are those designed for use by one person. This group includes both personal (life jackets and wetsuits) and equipment that can be used by anyone as needed (lifebuoys, protective suits and thermal protective equipment).


The lifebuoy must:

have a lifeline running along the outer perimeter of the circle and fixed in four places equidistant from each other, forming four identical loops;

have sewn stripes of reflective material;

have a mass of at least 2.5 kg.

At least one circle on each side must have lifelines at least 30 m long.

Rice. 8.2. Lifebuoys with lifeline and self-igniting fire

50% of the lifebuoys, but not less than six, must be equipped with self-igniting lights with a source of electricity that ensures burning for at least 2 hours. The white light must burn continuously or flash at a frequency of not less than 50 and not more than 70 flashes per minute. At least two circles, from among those equipped with self-igniting lights, must be equipped with automatically operating smoke bombs with a duration of action of at least 15 minutes and have the ability to quickly be reset

small sources of smoke (Fig. 8.3). Typically, a self-igniting fire and a saber are combined in one housing. This set of lifebuoys is made in order to be able to provide assistance to a person in the water under various circumstances:

if a person has fallen over the port from a ship at anchor, then the most rational thing to do is to supply a circle with a lifeline, which will not allow the current to carry the person away from the ship during the rescue operation;

if a person falls overboard of a moving vessel, then serve him with a circle with a line

It is senseless - the circle will go away along with the ship. In this case, a circle must be thrown with means of giving a signal: during the day - with a self-igniting smoke bomb, at night - with a self-igniting fire.

Rice. 8.3. Circle with self-igniting fire and smoke bomb

G . N. Sharlay. Ship's life-saving appliances

The circles are distributed in such a way as to be easily accessible on both sides of the ship and, if possible, on all open decks extending to the side. At least one lifebuoy must be placed close to the stern of the ship.

Wheels should be stored in such a way that they can be quickly reset, and should not be tightly secured in any way. Each lifebuoy must be marked in block letters of the Latin alphabet with the name of the vessel and the port of registry.

according to table. 8. 1. Each crew member and passenger must be provided with an individual vest. Life jackets are marked with either weight or height, or both weight and height. In addition, a specified number of lifejackets suitable for children shall be provided equal to at least 10% of the number of passengers on board, or such greater number as may be required to accommodate each child. accounted for the bottom of the life jacket.

If the lifejacket is intended for use by an adult person weighing more than 140 kg and having a chest circumference of more than 1750 mm, a suitable means must be provided to enable the lifejacket to be secured to such person. When transporting an infant on board the ship, a special vest for infants must be provided.

Marking sp

vital life

For babies

For children

For adults x

Size to use:

15 or more, but less than 43

4 3 or more

Height, cm

100 more, but less than 155

1 55 or more

There should be a sufficient number of lifejackets for watch personnel and for use in remote lifeboat and liferaft locations. Life jackets provided for watch personnel should be stored on the bridge, in the engine control room and in any other position where wool is carried.

The design of the lifejacket must ensure:

the ascent of an unconscious person and his transfer

when jumping into water from a height of 4.5 meters, the vest should not cause damage

ny. Inflatable life jackets have at least two independent chambers that have such buoyancy and design that, in the event of injury to a person,

Most of them, the vest met the requirements listed above.

G. N. Sharlay. Marine sailor

The inflation system allows you to inflate the airplane either automatically or manually from a gas cylinder. In addition, it provides the possibility of inflating the vest with your mouth.

Jumping into the water in a vest is done feet first. In this case, the vest should be well fixed (not dangling).

A vest with rigid buoyancy elements when entering the water has a lot of resistance, therefore, to additionally fix the vertical displacement, you should also grab the chest buoyancy elements Fig. 8.4).

It is not recommended to jump into the water wearing a vest with rigid buoyancy elements from a height of more than 4.5 meters. However, if you inevitably have to jump from a greater height, then you should wrap the end of the straps for fastening on your hand, and take the vest in your hand. In this case, the vest will be torn out of your hand when entering the water, but held by the straps. Each life jacket must be equipped with a white signal light and whistle (Fig. 8.5).

The signal light battery starts working after it is filled with sea water. It is impossible to stop the electrochemical reaction that has begun after water enters the housing, therefore, to prevent premature use of the resource, the water inlet hole is closed with a plug. The cork can only be pulled out by hand, and this should only be done after dark.

Rice. 8.4. Rigid life jacket

Fig.8.5. Lifejacket warning light and battery

G . N. Sharlay. Ship's life-saving appliances

Wetsuits and protective suits

Hydrot hermokos yum− a suit made of waterproof material to protect a person from hypothermia in cold water (Fig. 8.6). A wetsuit must be provided for each person on board. Also, wetsuits must be located in remote locations of the rafts; their number is determined by the Flag Administration of the vessel, but it is recommended to have one equal to the capacity of the raft, but not less than two.

Wetsuits must meet the following requirements:

any crew member could independently put on the suit for no more than 2 minutes, along with clothing and a life jacket;

a person’s body temperature should not drop by more than 20 C within 6 hours at a water temperature of 0 – 20 C;

did not sustain combustion and did not melt if engulfed in an open flame;

had the strength to ensure a jump from a height of 4.5 meters;

ensured freedom of movement when lowering life-saving equipment, when

climbing a vertical ladder to a height of up to 5 meters, and also to

a person in a immersion suit could swim a short distance and climb into

boat or raft.

The wetsuit label indicates the guarantor

regulated heat protection time.

Rice. 8.6. Wetsuit

Heat protectant− they also make waterproof material

Each lifeboat and raft must be supplied with thermal protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the capacity of people, but not less than two.

G. N. Sharlay. Marine sailor


Collective ship life-saving appliances are means that can be used by a group of people and must provide reliable and safe rescue when the ship has a list of up to 20° on any side and a trim of 10°.

Boarding people into life-saving equipment and lowering them into the water in calm waters should not exceed the following time:

- 10 minutes - for cargo ships;

- 30 minutes - for passenger and fishing vessels.

Lifeboats and life rafts, as a rule, must be stowed on the same deck; life rafts can be stowed on one deck

above or below the deck on which the lifeboats are installed.


It is this purpose that determines all the requirements for the design and equipment of lifeboats.

The number of lifeboats on board a ship is determined by the area of ​​navigation, the type of ship and the number of people on board. Cargo ships with an unlimited navigation area are equipped with boats that provide the entire crew on each side (1 00% + 10 0% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 1 00%).

ensure reliable self-righting to an even keel when capsizing;

has a mechanical engine with remote control from the wheelhouse; be painted orange.

G . N. Sharlay. Ship's life-saving appliances

The lifeboat should be equipped with a compression ignition internal combustion engine:

the engine must run for at least 5 minutes from the moment of starting in a cold state, when the boat is out of the water;

the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots;

The fuel supply must be sufficient to operate the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

If the ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, then I send them

beams should

be equipped with a toprik with at least me-

with two rescue pendants.

The boat's floatability is ensured by air boxes - ger me-

quiet, air-filled or

foam compartments, the volume of which

determined taking into account that the heads

people sitting in the boat were

above the surface of the water, even if the boat is completely flooded.

Information about the capacity of the boat, and

also its main dimensions are plotted on

its sides in the new hour and indelible paint (Fig. 8.8), the name of the ship, home port (in letters of the Latin alphabet) and the ship’s number of the boat are also indicated there. The markings to identify the vessel to which the boat belongs and its number must be visible from above.

Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck, stripes of reflective material are glued. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are placed on the upper part of the closure.

is. 8.8. Lifeboat markings

The boat is equipped with an electrolyte kidney. Battery charge

ensures operation for at least 1-2 hours. On the top

parts of closing the mouth

is being navigated

pilot light with manual switch,

giving constant

or a glimpse

New (50-70 flashes per minute) white light

colors. 3 row battery

food security

bakes the work for at least 12 hours.

single lifeboats for oil tankers have fire extinguishing con-

structure, about


irrigation system providing passage through the impervious

explosively burning oil for 8 minutes, and compressed air, ensuring the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes. The hulls of the boats are made of double hulls, they must have high strength, the deckhouse must provide all-round visibility, and the windows must be made of fireproof glass.

To ensure that the boat is used by qualified persons (for example, passengers) in a clearly visible location near the engine controls, instructions for starting and operating the engine should be provided, and the controls should be appropriately marked.

G. N. Sharlay. Marine sailor

All lifeboats, rescue boats and launching devices are visually inspected weekly to ensure they are always ready for use. The engines of all lifeboats and rescue boats must run for at least 3 minutes. Lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, must be moved from their installation sites. The results of the inspection are recorded in the ship's log.

Every month, all lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, fall out of their installation sites without people in the lifeboat. Supplies are checked to ensure they are complete and in good condition.

Each lifeboat, with the exception of free-fall boats, is launched and then maneuvered on the water with a designated control command at least once every 3 months.

Lowering the boats. Boats, launched mechanically and by means, are installed horizontally on both sides of the vessel. A davit is a device designed for storing a boat, having beams tilting over the side, used when lowering and lifting the boat (Fig. 8.9).

To ensure a tighter fit of the boat to the keel blocks, the latter are equipped with a felt cushion covered with canvas. The boat is secured with lashings with a hook, which must be released before lowering.

Before lowering the boat, you must first

deliver to the boat the equipment and supplies necessary for survival after abandoning the ship: a portable VHF radio station and a radar beacon (Fig. 8.10), warm clothes, an additional supply of food and water, an additional supply of pyrotechnic signaling equipment;

G . N. Sharlay. Ship's life-saving appliances

Rice. 8.10. Radar transponder (S ART) and portable VHF radios

remove the railing of the landing deck;

prepare stormtra p;

give away the lashings;

give away the davit stoppers.

The lifeboat must be equipped drain valve co-

The second one is installed in the lower part of the bottom of the boat for lowering into water. The valve opens automatically when the boat is out of the water and automatically closes when the boat is afloat. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.

The boat falls out only under the influence of gravity and is carried out using boat hoists (Fig. 8.11). Before starting the descent, the stopper on the davits is released and the blade of the hoists is smoothly released, for which the brake of the boat winch is gradually released. Uniform etching of the bow and stern hoists is achieved by the fact that the blades are attached to the drum of one boat winch (Fig. 8.12). After the yuppe reaches its limit position, the vertical descent of the boats into the water begins.

Lopars are steel cables attached to the boat at its ends and carried to a winch, intended for lowering and raising the boat. Lapps should periodically thyro-

They are installed in such a way that the movable block falls from it only when the davit is in the lower limit position.

The lowering of a boat on hoists can be controlled both from the deck of the ship and from the boat. This allows, under favorable weather conditions, not to leave a descent support team on the orbiter.

G. N. Sharlay. Marine sailor

the shield of which the boat is connected to the paddles or is freed from them during lowering or ascent on board. It includes the hook block and the drive mechanism (Fig. 8.13).

Rice. 8.13. Release devices

The mechanism must provide isolation in two ways: conventional (without load) and - with load:

normal - the hooks are released only when the boat is completely on the water, or when there is no load on the hooks, and there is no need to separate the davit shackle and the hook toe manually. To prevent disconnection when there is a load on the hooks, the hydrostatic locking device is changed (Fig. 8.14). When lifting the boat from the water, arrange it to automatically return to its original position. This provision comes into force on July 1

Boats, rafts and floating equipment are installed on the ship so that they can all be launched into the water in a short time. Places for placing life-saving equipment for collective use are selected in such a way that during the lowering of boats or rafts they do not interfere with the rapid lowering of other life-saving equipment, the gathering of people at the landing sites, as well as the boarding of people into boats or rafts.

Lifeboats are usually placed only on the deck (Fig. 277). On passenger ships, boats can be placed on decks of different heights, provided that the lowering of some boats does not interfere with the lowering of others.

Boarding of people into boats on passenger ships is carried out in the stowed position of the boats. On ships of other types, boarding boats can be carried out from the deck on which the boats are installed, or from the deck below. In a sailing style, boats are installed on keel blocks, which are mounted on the deck of the ship on rostras or on a trolley sliding along a gravity davit when the boat is lowered.

Boats are secured using lashings attached to the deck or davits. The lashings are tightened using metal or cable lanyard screws. For quick return, the lashings are equipped with verb hooks.

Rescue boats under non-gravity davits are dumped overboard and covered with two primers taken crosswise under the keel of the boat.

Inflatable as well as rigid life rafts and instruments are placed on open decks in such a way that they can be safely and quickly launched or released from both sides of the ship when the ship is listing 15° and trim is 10°.

Rafts in containers are installed on stands (Fig. 277, h), where they are secured using a strap fastening, released manually or by a hydrostatic device when the vessel is immersed in water. The device releases the container from the cable with which it is attached to the stand.

On small cargo ships, containers are installed next to the navigation bridge, on large ships - near lifeboats.

With a large number of life rafts, it is difficult to place them in close proximity to the lifeboats. In such cases, they are placed in an easily accessible place in one or two tiers.

Lifebuoys are placed in the most accessible way: they are suspended or installed on the navigation bridge, on superstructures, along the sides and at the stern of the ship. Lifebuoys are not tightly secured; they can be quickly removed at any time. Two lifebuoys with self-igniting lights and automatically operating smoke bombs are placed on the navigation bridge - one on each side.

Life suits are placed in easily accessible places near lifeboats. The location of their storage is indicated by an inscription.

Life jackets are located in the crew and passenger cabins. On passenger ships there are boxes (usually on the boat deck) for life jackets, which make up an additional 5% set of personal life-saving equipment. A box can hold no more than 20 life jackets. The boxes are marked with inscriptions indicating the number of life jackets or other personal life-saving equipment.

At the watch duty stations (on the bridge, in the engine room and in the radio room) there must be life jackets according to the number of people on watch.

Storage areas for life-saving appliances should not be cluttered with either cargo or ship supplies. Lifeboats, rafts, launching devices, passages to them, ladders, exits and entrances in areas where life-saving appliances are launched must have good lighting, which is provided by an emergency power source designed to operate for 3 hours.

Purpose: rescuing crew members and passengers in the event of the loss of a ship, as well as providing assistance in rescuing people from another ship in distress.

Life-saving equipment must not only ensure the evacuation of people from a sinking ship, but also protect them from the adverse effects of the external environment (low water temperature; high temperature of oil products burning on the surface of the water).

The number of life-saving appliances, their placement on the ship and the technical requirements for them are determined by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS 74) and the Rules for the Equipment of Ships of the Register of the Russian Federation, depending on the type and area of ​​navigation.


Life-saving equipment is divided into two main groups:

1. Individual

Devices providing buoyancy (lifebuoys, life jackets);

Means providing buoyancy and protection against hypothermia (life-saving overalls (hydrothermal suits)).

2. Collective means, which include:

a) active life-saving appliances:

Lifeboats (open, partially enclosed and enclosed);


b) passive life-saving equipment:

Rafts (rigid and pneumatic);

Floating devices (life benches and light rafts).

Design of life-saving equipment and requirements for them.

Individual means.

Personal flotation devices (PLF) are designed to keep a person afloat for a short time.

Basic requirements for lifebuoys:

1) the minimum number of lifebuoys on cargo ships should be: with a ship length of less than 30 m - 4, from 30 to 100 m - 8, from 100 to 150 m - 10, from 150 to 200 m - 12, more than 200 m - 14 ;

2) lifebuoys must be located in easily accessible places on both sides of the vessel;

3) the outer diameter of the lifebuoy is no more than 800 mm, the inner diameter is no less than 400 mm;

4) the lifebuoy must support a load of iron weighing at least 14.5 kg in fresh water for 24 hours;

5) the weight of the lifebuoy must be at least 2.5 kg;

6) the lifebuoy material must not sustain combustion or continue to melt after being fully engulfed in flames for 2 s;

7) the lifebuoy must, without deteriorating its performance characteristics, withstand being dropped into the water from a height equal to the distance between the installation site of the lifebuoy and the waterline at the least operational draft or 30 m (whichever is greater);

8) the lifebuoy must have a lifeline with a diameter of at least 9.5 mm and a length of at least four outer diameters of the circle, fixed along the perimeter of the circle in four places at an equal distance from each other to form four identical loops.

Basic requirements for life jackets:

1) Each person on board the vessel must be provided with a lifejacket that meets the requirements listed below;

2) Life jackets must be placed so as to be easily accessible and their storage location must be clearly marked;

3) The design of the lifejacket must be simple so that after a single demonstration an untrained person can put it on without assistance in a time not exceeding 1 minute;

4) The lifejacket must allow a jump or fall into the water from a height of 4.5 m without damage or displacement of the lifejacket and without bodily injury;

5) Buoyancy chambers must be positioned in such a way that the mouth of a person (even an unconscious person) is always at a height of 12 cm above the surface of the water, and the time for turning the body to this position should not exceed 5 s;

6) The life jacket should allow you to swim a short distance and climb into the lifeboat or raft;

7) The buoyancy of a lifejacket should not decrease by more than 5% after being in fresh water for 24 hours;

8) The lifejacket must be made of oil- and water-resistant material and must not support combustion or continue to melt after being fully engulfed in flames for 2 s;

9) Inflatable life jackets must have at least two separate chambers; should inflate automatically when dropped into water; must have an inflation device that can be operated manually in one motion; and must be designed to allow each chamber to be inflated by mouth.

Basic requirements for wetsuits:

1) on cargo ships, a immersion suit of the appropriate size must be provided for each person on board the ship - with the exception of ships constantly voyaging in warm climatic conditions;

2) immersion suits must be placed so as to be easily accessible, and their storage location must be clearly marked;

3) the design of the immersion suit must allow it to be unpacked and put on without assistance within no more than 2 minutes, taking into account putting on other clothing (and a life jacket, if the immersion suit must be worn with it);

Requirements 4) – 8) are similar to the corresponding requirements for life jackets;

9) The immersion suit must cover the entire body except the face, with the exception of protection for the hands, which can be provided by the use of separate gloves permanently attached to the immersion suit;

10) A wetsuit without thermal insulation must be marked that it should be worn over warm clothing. When worn together with warm clothing, such a immersion suit should provide sufficient thermal protection after one jump from a height of 4.5 m so that the body temperature decreases by no more than 2 0 C after staying for 1 hour in water with a temperature of 5 0 C.

11) A immersion suit with thermal insulation must provide sufficient thermal protection after one jump from a height of 4.5 m so that the body temperature decreases by no more than 2 0 C after staying for 6 hours in water with a temperature of 0 to 2 0 C.

Lifeboats and rescue boats.

Lifeboat designed to rescue passengers and crew of a ship in distress and people who have fallen overboard.

According to the RMRS Ship Equipment Rules, each cargo ship must have on each side at least one lifeboat with a total capacity sufficient to accommodate all people on board.

Lifeboats are located along each side in places protected from the action of waves.

Basic requirements for installing boats along the length of the vessel:

1) Boats launched along the side should be installed as far forward as possible from the propeller: on ships with a length of 80 to 120 m, the stern end of the lifeboat should be at a distance of at least its length from the propeller, on ships with a length of more than 120 m - at a distance at least one and a half boat lengths.

2) Boats cannot be installed at a distance of less than 0.25 ship lengths from the stem.

The main characteristic of a lifeboat is its passenger capacity. According to the SOLAS Convention, passenger capacity cannot exceed 150 people, and the maximum weight with people and supplies is 20,300 kg.

According to their design, boats are classified as follows:


Partially closed;


Based on the propulsion drive, boats are distinguished:


With mechanical (manual) drive.

Lifeboats with a capacity of 60 to 100 people can be motor-driven or mechanically driven; those with a capacity of more than 100 people can only be motor-driven.

The speed of motor boats on cargo ships must be at least 4 knots. The fuel supply must ensure movement at a given speed for 24 hours.

Based on the material from which the boats are made, the following are currently used:

Light alloy boats;

Plastic boats.

Of all the types of boats listed in the classification, the most common are closed motor lifeboats (Fig. 3.7.1).

Rice. 3.7.1 Section of a closed motor boat:

1 – sliding covers, 4 – wheelhouse, 6 – ventilation head,

7 – throwing end, 8 – lifting device, 9 – locker,

10 – engine.

All seating areas on the secondary school must be clearly marked and each seat can accommodate a person weighing 75 kg wearing a life jacket.

The buoyancy of the lifeboat must be ensured even if it is completely flooded. The reserve of buoyancy necessary for this is created through the use of materials with positive buoyancy and through special closed internal compartments - air boxes. To increase survivability, the buoyancy volume is divided into isolated compartments no more than 1.2 m long.

In terms of stability, modern enclosed lifeboats are designed self-healing– i.e. when capsizing, the boat automatically returns to its normal operating position. There are two ways to achieve self-healing:

Passive - due to the shape of the hull of the surface part of the boat and the location of its center of gravity, which ensures negative initial stability in the inverted position of the boat;

Active - due to the flow of liquid ballast from the bottom compartment to the asymmetrical side compartment, which leads to a movement of the center of gravity when capsizing and the occurrence of a moment that returns the boat to its normal position.

On oil tankers they use fire retardant closed tanker boats that allow you to overcome the zone of oil or petroleum products burning on the surface of the water. To protect against high temperatures, the boat is coated on the outside with a layer of thermal insulation or equipped with a water spray system for the outer surface. In such a system, a pump inside the boat takes seawater through the inlet pipe and supplies it to a perforated pipe fixed above a rigid closure along the entire length of the boat. A water irrigation system provides a more effective temperature reduction, but thermal insulation is much more reliable. Tanker fireproof boats must withstand exposure to flames with a temperature of at least 1200 0 C for at least 10 minutes. All tanker boats are motorized and must reach a speed of at least 6 knots. To completely prevent smoke from entering the boat, a slight excess pressure is created in it. To create this pressure, to provide people with fresh air and to ensure that the engine runs for at least 12 minutes, compressed air cylinders are provided.

Supply lifeboats includes:

Drinking water (3 liters per person);

Dietary ration (10 MJ per person);

Medicines (seasickness pills, first aid kit);

Means of signaling and attracting attention (portable radio stations, signal flares, flares);

Means for operating the boat (a set of simple repair devices, oars);

A set of fishing equipment (designed more for a psychological effect).

Rescue boat Designed to provide communication with the shore or other ships, to perform general ship work, as well as to rescue people who have fallen into the water and people from a ship that has suffered an accident.

According to the RMRS Ship Equipment Rules, each cargo ship must have at least one rescue boat installed in a place convenient for launching and ascent and constantly ready for launching within 5 minutes. Rescue boats must be motorized and have a speed of 4 - 6 knots.

Life rafts.

According to the RMRS Ship Equipment Rules, each cargo ship must have at least one life raft weighing less than 185 kg and placed so as to ensure its free movement from side to side at the level of one open deck, with a total capacity sufficient to accommodate everyone on board of people. If the mass of the raft is more than 185 kg or free movement from side to side is not ensured, then the total capacity of the life rafts on each side must be sufficient to accommodate all persons on board.

On cargo ships on which the distance from the extreme bow (or stern) to the nearest tip of the collective survival craft is more than 100 m, an additional raft should be installed as close to the bow (or stern) as possible.

Basic general requirements for life rafts:

1) the design of the raft must ensure that it remains afloat for at least 30 days in any sea conditions in the temperature range from –30 to +66 0 C;

2) when dropped from a height of 18 m, the raft and its equipment must remain intact;

3) the raft must withstand repeated jumps onto it from a height of 4.5 m by people wearing shoes;

4) the raft must be capable of being towed at a speed of 3 knots in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment;

5) when lowering the raft manually, its total weight with container and equipment should not exceed 185 kg;

6) the raft must be equipped with an awning to protect people from the environment, installed automatically when the raft is brought into working condition;

7) to facilitate detection at sea, the awning and hull should be painted bright orange.

There are two types of life rafts: rigid and inflatable.

Rigid life rafts(Fig. 3.7.2) are made of metal or plastic.

Rice. 3.7.2 Life rafts:

a – metal; b – plastic.

The body of the metal raft (Fig. 3.7.2, a) is a closed rectangular contour with rounded corners made of a round pipe, divided by waterproof bulkheads into a number of air compartments, the internal cavity of which is filled with foam plastic. Inside the hull there is a double watertight bottom, divided by bulkheads into a number of watertight compartments that house the raft's supplies. Access to the supply is through waterproof covers located on both surfaces of the bottom. Arcs are attached to the body on hinges, with the help of which a two-layer awning made of rubberized fabric is raised. The bows are fixed to the outside of the hull so that the canopy can be raised on both sides regardless of the position of the raft. The body is made of lightweight aluminum-magnesium alloy. To protect people from contact with metal, the bottom is covered with rubber or plastic.

The body of the plastic raft (Fig. 3.7.2, b) has a rectangular cross-section with a bottom 30 mm thick. The body and bottom are made of polystyrene foam, reinforced with a frame and covered with water- and oil-resistant fiberglass impregnated with polyester resin. The bottom of the raft has no internal cavities, so supplies are stored in a floating waterproof plastic container. The awning, equipment and equipment are similar to those used on metal rafts. Plastic rafts are lighter than metal ones and more durable.

A significant disadvantage of rigid rafts is that they take up a lot of space when stored and have a rather complex awning design.

Inflatable life rafts(Fig. 3.7.3) in the stowed position are stored packed in containers. The compactness of container storage of inflatable rafts has led to their widespread use on modern ships.

Rice. 3.7.3 Inflatable life raft:

a – general view; b – raft frame.

1 – entrance ladder; 2 – floating anchor; 3 – inflatable bottom;

4 – entry curtain; 5 – signal light; 6 – two-layer awning;

7 – water collector; 8 – gas cylinder in a case; 9 – starting line;

10 – water ballast pocket; 11 – rail; 12 – inflatable seat;

13 – inflatable arc; 14 – buoyancy chamber;

15 – towing device; 16 – bank.

The inflatable raft consists of a main buoyancy chamber 14, which is a closed pipe divided into several isolated compartments, tubular arcs 13 supporting a two-layer awning 6, and a double inflatable bottom 3. The main buoyancy chamber and awning arcs are filled with a gas mixture (carbon dioxide with a small amount of nitrogen – to prevent the formation of snow plugs at low temperatures), which is stored in a compressed state in a steel cylinder 8, fixed outside the raft. The cylinder valve opens when the starting line 9 is pulled. Air is pumped into the double bottom using a hand bellows. The raft's awning has two entrances, closed by curtains 4, as well as a device for collecting rainwater 7 with a tube leading inside the raft. At the top of the tent there is a signal light 5 for search. There are 11 rails fixed along the perimeter outside and inside the raft. At the entrances, 1 ladders are installed, with the help of which people can climb from the water to the raft. Under the bottom of the raft there are ballast pockets 10 filled with water, which serve to improve the stability of the raft.

The shape of the raft can be round or oval.

According to the method of delivery to the water, there are rafts that can be dropped (capacity from 6 to 100 people) and launched (capacity from 6 to 35 people).

Container design discarded life rafts is performed in such a way that it allows you to alert them in two ways:

By manually releasing the container from its fastening and throwing it into the water;

Automatic release of the container when a sinking vessel is immersed in water, for which an automatic hydrostatic release device is used. Possessing positive buoyancy, the container floats up and opens when the vessel is submerged; a launch line fixed at one end to the deck of the vessel, when tensioned, activates the gas filling system.

People are boarded on dropped rafts either from the water or from the deck using special ramps and sleeves.

Launched life rafts inflated on the deck of a ship. People are also boarded there. After this, the raft is lowered overboard using a launching device (beam crane).

Launchable life rafts can also be used as drop life rafts.

Compound supplies life rafts are generally similar to the supply of lifeboats, differing only in quantitative standards - for example, the water supply is 1.5 liters per person.

1.2. Classification of life-saving equipment.

Rescue equipment- these are devices that can ensure the preservation of the lives of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship. All life-saving equipment is divided into two main types: collective use and individual. In addition, there is another type of life-saving equipment that does not belong to the above classification: line-throwing installations. The requirements for life-saving appliances and the standards for supplying ships with them are regulated by the SOLAS-74 Convention and the Register Rules. In general, these requirements boil down to the following:

    should not become unusable when stored at air temperatures from –30 to +65С;

    work at sea water temperatures from –1 to +30С;

    be resistant to rot, corrosion, sea water, oil and fungi;

    be of a clearly visible color for better detection (usually orange);

    be equipped with reflective material;

    work on excitement.

Collective rescue equipment. These include lifeboats and rescue boats, life rafts, life-saving equipment, raft cabins (life-saving compartment).

Lifeboats. They are made of metal (steel or aluminum alloys) or fiberglass. Wood is not used to make lifeboats. The lifeboat is unsinkable due to the presence of air boxes under the seats along the sides, so in an inverted, flooded state it remains afloat. The SOLAS 74 Convention defines general requirements for lifeboats and additional requirements for partially enclosed and enclosed boats.

Modern ships are equipped only with closed boats.

Every fully enclosed lifeboat must be equipped with a rigid watertight closure that completely encloses the lifeboat. The closure must be arranged to comply with the following provisions:

    it must protect people on the lifeboat from heat and cold;

    access to the lifeboat must be provided by hatches that can be hermetically sealed;

    access hatches must be located so that it is possible to lower and raise the lifeboat without resorting to the exit of people from the closure;

    access hatches must be capable of being opened and closed both from the outside and from the inside of the lifeboat and be equipped with reliable means to keep them in the open position;

    it must provide the ability to row;

    it must be capable, with the hatches closed and without significant leaks, of supporting the total mass of the lifeboat with its full complement of people and equipment, including machinery, when the boat is in an overturned position;

    on both sides of the lifeboat it should have windows or transparent panels allowing sufficient daylight to enter the lifeboat when the hatches are closed so as to eliminate the need for artificial lighting;

    the outer surface of the closure must be of a clearly visible color, and the inner surface must be of a color that does not cause discomfort to people on the lifeboat;

    it must be equipped with handrails which can be securely held by persons moving outside the lifeboat and which can be used when boarding and disembarking persons;

    people should be able to walk from the entrance to their seating areas without climbing over crossbars or other obstacles;

    people on the lifeboat must be protected from the effects of rarefaction of air within limits dangerous to humans, which may occur during operation of the lifeboat engine.

The stability of an enclosed lifeboat must be such that it will automatically or automatically return to an upright position when loaded with all or part of its complement of persons and equipment, with all its entrances and openings watertightly sealed and persons secured with safety harnesses.

After being holed anywhere below the waterline, the lifeboat must be able to maintain its full complement of people and equipment afloat, and its stability must be such that, in the event of capsizing, it is automatically in a position to allow the lifeboat's occupants to escape through an exit located above. water level.

All engine exhaust pipes, air ducts and other openings must be so arranged that when the lifeboat capsizes and returns to an upright position, there is no possibility of water entering the engine.

The engine and its transmission must be controlled from the steering wheel.

The engine and related equipment shall be capable of operating in any position during capsize of the lifeboat and continuing to operate after the lifeboat has returned to the upright position, or to stop automatically when capsized and then be easily restarted when the lifeboat has returned to the upright position. The design of the fuel and lubrication systems must prevent the possibility of fuel leakage from the engine and no more than 250 ml of lubricating oil leaking during capsize of the lifeboat.

Air-cooled engines must have a duct system to draw in and discharge cooling air outside the lifeboat. Manually operated dampers shall be provided to allow cooling air to be drawn in from inside the lifeboat and discharged also into the lifeboat.

A fully enclosed lifeboat must be constructed and have external fenders such that the lifeboat provides protection against dangerous accelerations when the lifeboat, loaded with its full complement of people and equipment, hits the side of the ship at a speed of at least 3.5 m/s.

Rescue boats(resque boat) are a special life-saving device that must be on board the ship in constant readiness for immediate use and is designed to rescue people who have fallen into the water, people from an emergency vessel, as well as for collecting and towing life rafts in an emergency. The preparation and launching of the rescue boat must be carried out within no more than 5 minutes. On cargo ships with a gross tonnage of more than 20,000 gross tonnage. provision must be made for the launching of all lifeboats, and on other ships - rescue boats, using painters at the forward speed of the ship, moving at a speed of up to 5 knots in calm water. All cargo and passenger ships of less than 500 gross tonnage. t must have one rescue boat, and passenger ships over 500 reg. t must have a rescue boat on each side. Rescue boats can be rigid, inflatable or combined. They must be equipped with a stationary or outboard motor. The outboard motor can be gasoline; in any case, a speed of 6 knots must be ensured for 4 hours. The rescue boat must accommodate 5 people. sitting and one lying down. Inflatable rescue boats must be on board the ship in an inflated state under the launching devices in constant readiness. The strength of the bottom must ensure that people can jump into the boat from a height of 3 m. A lifeboat can be used as a rescue boat if it meets all the requirements for a rescue boat. However, there is one insurmountable obstacle to this: on the vast majority of lifeboat lifting and launching devices, it is impossible to release the hooks of the sloops from one point, and this is a very important requirement for a rescue boat.

Life rafts(Fig. 1.2-1) is a very effective life-saving device, and on small ships it is the main one. Rafts can be soft or hard. Rigid rafts are a rarity and remain only on very old ships. Soft life rafts vary in capacity and launching method. The capacity of inflatable rafts ranges from 6-25 people. There are mainly two types used on Russian cargo ships: PSN-6 and PSN-10, i.e. six- and ten-seater. According to the method of descent, they can be dropped or lowered. The design of the life raft must be such that it is not damaged when dropped from a height of 18 m and can withstand being afloat for 30 days under any sea conditions. It must withstand repeated jumps on it from a height of 4.5 m, both with and without the awning raised. It can be towed at 3 knots in calm waters with a full complement of people. The raft must have an awning to protect the people in it from the influence of the external environment, which is installed automatically when the raft is launched into the water. The total mass of the dropped raft with supplies and container does not exceed 185 kg. The raft inside is divided into compartments, which are inflated through separate valves. If half of the compartments are damaged, the raft must be able to keep all the people allowed to accommodate it afloat. It is inflated with non-toxic gas in 1 minute at a temperature of 18 – 20°C and in 3 minutes at a temperature of – 30°C. Life rafts are attached to the ship's hull using a release device, which is activated by pressing a pedal, or, when the ship goes under water, a hydrostat is activated at a depth of 4 m and releases the raft from its fastening. The raft, having positive buoyancy, floats up and inflates automatically. To ensure positive buoyancy, the amount of supplies inside the raft is reduced to a minimum and, in particular, water reserves are 2 times less than on a lifeboat: 1.5 liters per person.

Rice. 1.2-1. Life raft PSN and its supplies:

1 – floating anchor; 2 – throwing end with a floating ring; 3 – bag with emergency stoppers; 4 – plastic bag with a table of rescue signals and instructions for preserving life on a life raft; 5 – scoop and sponge for removing water from the raft; 6 – pocket with a floating knife; 7 – a bag with folding oars and a second floating anchor; 8 – cross made of reflective material.

Launched rafts are launched into the water with a full number of people; landing in the released rafts is usually done from the water, where you first need to jump. This is a very big disadvantage of jettisoned rafts, since during the landing process people are at risk of hypothermia and cold shock. All inflatable rafts are subject to annual re-inspection along with the hydrostats of the release devices.

Rescue devices- This is essentially a simplified version of rigid life rafts, which do not have supplies, awnings or a bottom, and are smaller in size. Elements of deck furniture that are not attached to the vessel and have air boxes are also used as floating devices: benches, banquettes, tables, etc. They are used on ships where it is impossible to meet the established standards: local ferries and ships transporting pilgrims in areas of traditional Muslim migration to Mecca. These are, for example, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea.

Raft cabin is a technical development of a rescue compartment that can accommodate the entire crew of a ship, articulated with the ship and detachable from the inside from the sinking ship. After disconnection, this compartment begins an autonomous existence, possessing certain seaworthiness. The raft-cabin is intended mainly for large vessels - supertankers, bulk carriers and offshore drilling platforms.

Personal rescue equipment. These include lifebuoys, life jackets, immersion suits, and thermal protective equipment.

Lifebuoys must meet certain requirements. Thus, their outer diameter should be no more than 800 mm, and their inner diameter should be no less than 400 mm. They must support a load weighing 14.5 kg in fresh water for 24 hours, the circle itself must have a mass of at least 2.5 kg, withstand being dropped into the water from a height of 30 m, its buoyancy must be ensured by reeds, cork chips or inflatable air chambers . Must have a lifeline and a lifeline approximately 30 meters long. Have at least 4 reflective stripes on each side. Have a mark, a trademark. The number of lifebuoys depends on the length of the ship and on passenger ships there can be from 8 to 30, and on cargo ships from 8 to 14 pieces.

Life jackets must be provided for each person on board. On a passenger ship there must be 10% of children's vests of the total number of passengers. A lifejacket for adults must be equipped with a light with an 8-hour power source and a whistle. If the life jacket is inflatable, then it must have at least two chambers, inflate either automatically when immersed in water, or have a device for inflation from a special can of compressed air, and can also be inflated by mouth. If one of the chambers loses buoyancy, the vest does not lose its properties. The use of inflatable vests on tankers and passenger ships is not permitted. All life jackets, regardless of design, must ensure that an unconscious person who has fallen into the water floats face up and maintains him above the water so that his mouth is at a height of 12 cm and his body is tilted back from the vertical at an angle of 20 to 50°. It should also be possible to rotate the body of an unconscious person from a face-down position within 5 seconds. The lifejacket should allow you to put it on comfortably in no longer than 1 minute.

Wetsuit– a protective suit made of waterproof material designed to protect the human body from hypothermia in cold water. It must cover the entire human body except the face. Hands should also be covered. In the area of ​​the legs it should have a device for bleeding off excess air. In certain cases, a immersion suit can be a lifejacket (if it is designed to be inflated) or used in conjunction with a lifejacket. The immersion suit must provide protection from the cold so that the internal temperature of the human body does not decrease by more than 2°C after being in circulating water at a temperature of 0 - 2°C for 6 hours. The immersion suit must not be damaged when jumping from a height of 4.5 meters , provide the ability to lower a lifeboat, the ability to climb a vertical ladder up to 5 meters high. Equipped with a search light, a signal scroll, a life belt with a carabiner and reflective strips. Wetsuits are subject to re-examination after 12 – 24 months. A immersion suit must be provided for each member of the rescue boat crew. Open lifeboats must have three immersion suits.

Heat protectant- This is a bag or suit made of waterproof material with low thermal conductivity. It must cover the entire body of a person wearing a life jacket, with the exception of the face, and operate within the air temperature range from +20 to -30°C. The heat protectant should be able to be put on in air and removed in water in no more than 2 minutes. Designed for heating people in a life-saving device, as well as after lifting a person from the water for transportation to the place of medical care.

Line throwing device serves to supply a thin conductor from ship to ship or from ship to shore for supplying a tug, when constructing a cable car and in other emergency cases. It is designed in such a way that it can be used by 1 person. The kit includes a pistol, four missiles and four lines long enough to provide a throwing range of 230 m. All vessels in the offshore navigation area are equipped with a line throwing device.

1.3. Standards for supplying ships with lifeboats and rafts.

Lifeboat capacity requirements are different for cargo and passenger ships. Thus, the total capacity of all lifeboats on a cargo ship must be 200% of the crew size, i.e. the entire crew must fit into boats on one side. On passenger ships, the total capacity of lifeboats must be 100% of the number of people on board, i.e. everyone must fit into the boats on both sides. This is explained by the design impossibility of having so many boats on a passenger ship. On cargo ships, boats are located on both sides in the area of ​​residential superstructures, even numbers on the port side and odd numbers on the starboard side, with increasing numbers from bow to stern.

Cargo ships have rafts with a total capacity for 100% of the crew. Passenger ships must have launch rafts for 25% of the total number of people on board.

1.4. Location of personal life-saving equipment.

On each side of the vessel there must be at least one circle with a 30 m line, at least half of the circles must have self-igniting lights, and at least two of them must be equipped with smoke bombs and located on the bridge on each side. The circles should be easily accessible and not secured in place in any way. At least one circle must be located at the stern of the vessel.

Inside each inflatable raft and lifeboat there are 10% of the thermal protection kits of the number of people, but not less than two.

Life jackets for each crew member are stored in the accommodation cabins. At watch positions there must be vests for the full complement of the watch. Wetsuits are also stored, as a rule, in the cabins of the crew members if each crew member has them.

1.5. Equipment of lifeboats and rafts.

Lifeboats shall be equipped, in accordance with SOLAS 74 regulation 41, with at least one release valve, located near the lowest point of the hull, which shall open automatically to release water from the lifeboat when out of the water and automatically close to prevent water from entering water lifeboat when it is afloat. Each release valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close it, which shall be secured to the lifeboat by a pin, chain or other suitable means. Drain valves should be easily accessible from inside the boat and their location should be clearly marked.

All lifeboats must have a rudder and tiller. If a steering wheel or other means of remote control of the steering wheel is also provided, it must be possible to operate the steering wheel using the tiller in the event of failure of such means. The rudder must be permanently attached to the lifeboat. The tiller shall be permanently mounted on or connected to the rudder stock, but if the lifeboat is equipped with a remote rudder control facility, the tiller may be removable and stored secured near the rudder stock. The rudder and tiller must be so constructed that they cannot be damaged by the operation of the release mechanism or propeller.

On the outer side around the lifeboat, with the exception of the area near the location of the rudder and propeller, a floating lifeline must be secured with slacks.

Lifeboats which are not capsize-righting shall be equipped with suitable handrails at the bottom of the hull to enable persons to hold on to the lifeboat. The attachment of these handrails to the lifeboat shall be such that if they are torn from the lifeboat by an impact of sufficient force, damage to the hull of the lifeboat will not result.

All lifeboats should be equipped with a sufficient number of watertight boxes or compartments for storing small supplies, water and provisions. Provision should be made for storing collected rainwater.

Each lifeboat intended to be launched by hoists shall be equipped with a release mechanism that meets the following requirements:

    the mechanism must be designed so that all hooks are released simultaneously;

    the mechanism must ensure the disconnection of the lifeboat from the hoists in the following two ways:

     conventional, in which disconnection occurs after the lifeboat is launched into the water or when there is no load on the hooks;

     under load, in which disconnection occurs when there is a load on the hooks. This method must be capable of disengaging the lifeboat from the hoists under all load conditions, from no load at all when the lifeboat is in the water to a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of people and equipment. This method must provide reliable protection against accidental or premature disconnection;

    the controls for the release mechanism must be clearly marked in a color that contrasts with the color of the surrounding objects;

    the mechanism must be designed with a safety margin of six times the tensile strength of the materials used, assuming that the mass of the lifeboat is evenly distributed between the hoists.

Every lifeboat shall be equipped with a release device to allow the bow painter to be released when under tension.

Every lifeboat equipped with a permanently installed radio shall be equipped with provisions for mounting and securing the antenna securely in its operating position.

Lifeboats intended to be launched along the side of a ship must have skids and external fenders necessary to facilitate launching and prevent damage to the lifeboat.

A light with a manual switch must be installed on the top of the lifeboat closure, visible on a dark night in clear weather for a distance of at least 2 miles for at least 12 hours. If the light is a flashing light, it must flash at a frequency of not less than 50 flashes per minute for a period of at least 12 hours. the first 2 hours of 12 hours of work.

A light bulb or other light source shall be installed inside the lifeboat to provide sufficient illumination for at least 12 hours to enable the reading of life-saving instructions and information relating to the lifeboat's equipment; however, the use of kerosene lamps for these purposes should not be permitted.

Unless expressly provided otherwise, each lifeboat shall be equipped with an effective means of pumping out water or be self-draining.

Every lifeboat must be arranged so that from the control position of the lifeboat and its rudder there is sufficient visibility forward, aft and both sides to ensure the safe launching and maneuvering of the lifeboat.

Life rafts, in accordance with rule 38 of the third chapter of the SOLAS-74 Convention, have the following equipment: .

The liferaft must be equipped with lifelines, enclosed and securely fastened with slacks on the inside and outside around the liferaft.

The liferaft must have a reliable painter with a length of at least twice the distance from its installation site to the waterline at the ship's lightest seagoing draft, or 15 m, whichever is greater.

Life rafts launched using a raft beam.

In addition to the above requirements, a liferaft intended for use with an approved launching device must:

    when loaded with its full complement of people and equipment, it was capable of withstanding an impact against the side of the ship at a speed of the life raft in a direction perpendicular to the side of the ship of at least 3.5 m/s, as well as being dropped into the water from a height of at least 3 m, without receiving damage damage that would affect its operation;

    be equipped with means for pulling the life raft to the side of the ship at the boarding deck and holding it securely during landing.

On passenger ships, each life raft launched using a raft must be arranged so that all persons assigned to it can quickly board the life raft.

On cargo ships, each life raft launched using a raft must be arranged so that all persons assigned to it can board the life raft within no more than 3 minutes from the moment the command to board is given.