Dislocation of vessels of State Budgetary Institution Onega Lake online. MarineTraffic (Marine traffic) - AIS real-time ship tracking map in Russian. Volga-Baltic Canal - description

Draft Regulations


on dispatch regulation and control

ship traffic on the Volga-Baltic waterway

Terms and abbreviations used in the text

    GDP – Inland waterways of the Russian Federation – Russian Federation EC – European part of the Unified State System – Unified deep-water system VBVP – Volga-Baltic waterway State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” – State Institution “Volga-Baltic State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping” RVPiS – Water District ways and navigation RGSiS - District of hydraulic structures and navigation GRSI for the NWB - Branch - State River Navigation Inspectorate for the North-Western Basin VBBGRIPN - State Basin River Inspectorate for Supervision of Fire Safety of Vessels JSC "SZP" - Open Joint Stock Company " North-Western Shipping Company” BUS - Basin communication center for OD and SS along the SP NWB - Features of the movement and mooring of vessels along the shipping routes of the North-Western Basin. NRS - Nevsky Shipping District CDS - Central Dispatch Service Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation "Regulated Section" - Section of the shipping route on which dispatch control of vessel traffic is carried out State Unitary Enterprise "Mostotrest" - State Unitary Enterprise "Mostotrest" LOVD - Line Department of Internal Affairs of the FSB – Federal Security Service BOGU on VVT – Basin State Authority for Inland Water Transport VTS MAP – Vessel Traffic Control Service of the Maritime Administration of the Port of St. Petersburg

1. General provisions

1.1. This “Regulation on dispatch regulation and control of vessel traffic on the Volga-Baltic Waterway” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) has been developed in accordance with the “Regulation on dispatch control of vessel traffic on inland waterways Russian Federation", approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 55.

1.2. The requirements of the “Regulations” apply to ships of all organizations, both legal entities and individuals (hereinafter referred to as “shipowners”), regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

1.3. The goals of dispatch regulation and control over the movement of vessels on the waterway are to ensure the safety of navigation and accelerate the movement of the fleet along the waterway. These goals are achieved by:

· regulation of the passage of ships through locks, bridges, narrows and other difficult areas, as well as control over the exit of ships into Lakes Ladoga Onega and White;

· informing navigators about travel conditions and their changes, including information about track dimensions, malfunction of navigation signs, weather forecasts, storm warnings, etc.;

· control over the movement of vessels by recording the time they pass through checkpoints, as well as radio control on the “safety” channel along the entire route of the waterway and lakes;

· management of the work of the rescue vessel on Lake Ladoga and coordination of the actions of all organizations in the event of transport accidents and emergencies;

· collection and analysis of data on ship flows, fleet idle times and performance indicators of locks, development of measures to improve the use of VBVP;

1.4. Regulation of vessel traffic on the waterway is carried out by the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in cooperation with the dispatch services of shipowners, ports and agency firms.

1.5. This “Regulation” does not cancel the requirements of current regulatory documents regulating shipping on the GDPR of the Russian Federation.

Structure of the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

The main principle of the vessel traffic management structure in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is continuous centralized control over the safe movement of the fleet, regulation of its movement in difficult areas for navigation, taking into account the state of waterways and other navigation conditions. General management of the dispatch control of vessel traffic in the basin is carried out by the Head of the LRS through the Central Dispatch Center, the control rooms of the RVPiS and the RGSiS, and the captain’s service river port, in interaction with the services and departments of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and the heads of enterprises and organizations directly related to the operation of ships. Dispatcher control scheme for fleet traffic control on the airborne waterway (Appendix).

2.1. The CDS manages the activities of regulating and monitoring the movement of the fleet throughout the entire length of the air transport route through the control rooms of the RVPiS and RGSiS. Within the boundaries of the activities of RVPiS and RGSiS, regulation and control over the movement of the fleet is carried out under the direct supervision of persons appointed by the heads of RVPiS and RGSiS, responsible for organizing dispatch activities. The list of control rooms of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" indicating their addresses, telephone numbers, radio call signs is given in Appendix No. 1.

2.2. The structure and staffing of the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is approved by the head of the Institution.

3. Functions and tasks of the dispatcher apparatus

3.1. Central dispatch service of State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

3.1.1. Carries out dispatch regulation and control over the movement of the fleet along the waterway in cooperation with the State River Fleet Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the dispatch apparatus of the BOGU of adjacent basins, shipowners, ports of NWSP JSC and other enterprises and organizations.

3.1.2. In the event of a transport incident, it takes priority measures to assist people and ships in distress and immediately informs the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and, depending on the nature of the incident, at the direction of management, informs:

· shipowners;

· bodies that control shipping (GRSI NZB); and other bodies as directed by the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt";

· River Fleet Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

· L sea and river transport;

· North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

· Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the transport accident occurred;

· other organizations, depending on the nature of the incident.

Transmits orders and instructions from the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" to coordinate the actions of forces and means involved in rescue operations.

Direct management of actions to provide assistance and eliminate the consequences of transport accidents can be carried out by the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", the Basin Commission for Emergency Situations, the shipowner, or entrusted to the Head of the RVPiS (RGSiS), within whose borders a transport accident occurred or there was a threat of death on the water .

Head rescue operation Another official may be appointed, in agreement with the head of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution, from among the organizations involved in rescue operations.

3.1.3. Ensures the publication of an Information Bulletin on the state of the operated waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in accordance with the existing procedure.

3.1.4. Collects and processes data on the passage of ships through the VBVP gateways.

3.1.5. Monitors the compliance of the dimensions of vessels and trains with the dimensions of the track, locks and bridges.

3.1.6. Provides regulation of fleet traffic to the Nevsky Bridges and organization of vessel pilotage in areas of compulsory pilotage.

3.1.7. Makes decisions and gives instructions to dispatchers of the RVPiS and RGSiS to regulate the movement of vessels in certain sections of the VBVP.

3.1.8. Controls, with the participation of environmental authorities, the placement and activities of environmental facilities along the WWTP route. In the event of a transport incident associated with environmental pollution, organizes, in cooperation with other organizations, work to eliminate the consequences of this incident.

3.1.9. Maintains operational records of the fleet's passage through the VBVP and transmits data for calculating payments for navigation and other services to the Marketing and Contracts Service of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.

3.1.10. In case of temporary closure or restriction of vessel traffic in certain areas, the VBVP, or reduction in the guaranteed dimensions of the navigation channel, immediately notifies vessels, shipowners and agency organizations.

3.1.11. Takes part in coordinating measures for the passage of oversized vessels and objects and monitors their implementation.

3.2. Dispatcher of RGSiS and RVPiS

3.2.1. Carry out regulation and control over the movement of vessels within the boundaries related to areas of waterways and areas of hydraulic structures in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

Dispatchers of the Svirsky RVPiS regulate the movement of ships and trains to the Lodeynopolsky and Podporozhsky bridges. Bridges are raised at the request of the Podporozhye traffic manager in the prescribed manner. Traffic in the draw span of the Lodeynopolsky Bridge is controlled by the Lodeynoye Pole traffic controller, and in the draw span of the Podporozhsky Bridge - by the Podporozhye traffic controller.

3.2.2. They transmit information to the central dispatch center about ships passing checkpoints at the time determined by the transmission schedule about the deployment of the fleet.

3.2.3. Ensure the collection, processing, transmission and release of information about the state of the RVPiS and RGSiS site in accordance with the existing procedure.

3.2.4. Provide ships with information about sailing conditions and their changes, weather forecasts, storm warnings in accordance with the “Regulations on providing information to shipowners and navigators about sailing conditions on the GDP” in the controlled area.

3.2.5. Keep records and process data on the passage of ships through the locks.

3.2.6. In the event of a transport accident on a designated area, the traffic control center and shipping control authorities are informed in the prescribed manner and take priority measures to provide assistance to people and ships in distress.

4. Regulation of fleet movement along the Volga-Baltic waterway

4.1. Piloting ships to Nevsky Most

4.1.1. The control of the traffic of vessels requiring bridges is carried out by the control unit of the Central Dispatch Station.

4.1.2. The piloting of ships to the St. Petersburg bridges is carried out on the basis of the “Rules for the piloting of ships during the St. Petersburg bridges”, approved by the administration of St. Petersburg and given in Vol. 3, Part 1 of the Unified State Civil Code of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. The alignment of the Kuzminsky and Ladozhsky bridges for the passage of ships is carried out at the request of the CDS dispatcher in accordance with the established procedure. The regulation of vessel traffic to the Kuzminsky Bridge is carried out by the traffic controller of the Svyatki metro station, and to the Ladozhsky Bridge by the traffic controller of the Nevsko-Ladozhsky RVPiS in Shlisselburg.

4.1.4. The number of vessels planned for the routing is determined based on the capacity of the bridges, types of fleet and other circumstances affecting the passage of ships into the routing of the bridges. The order in which ships are included in the routing plan depends on the time of their approach from the GDP to the Bugrovsky buoy, the completion of cargo or repair work, and the time of completion of the work of the commission when registering arrival from the sea.

4.1.5. Distribution of ships in the roadsteads of the river. Neva in anticipation of the bridges being raised is carried out by raid captains in accordance with the instructions announced in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the OD and SS for the SZB.

4.1.6. The inclusion of ships in the bridge construction plan is carried out on the basis of applications from agents or shipowners (with whom contracts have been concluded). The daily plan for transporting the fleet to the St. Petersburg bridges is approved by the management of the Central Distribution Center and coordinated with the State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest, GRSI SZB, VTS MAP.

4.1.7. The order of movement of vessels to the bridges is established by the dispatcher of the central control center through the captains of the raid in accordance with the "Procedure for organizing the passage of vessels from the water area" agreed with the Ministry of Aviation Administration of St. Petersburg seaport St. Petersburg in the construction of bridges on inland waterways and in reverse direction". The established order of movement can be changed promptly by the captain of the raid or the senior pilot of the shift in agreement with the dispatcher of the central control center.

4.1.8. If a vessel violates the established procedure for moving to the bridges and creates a threatening situation for other vessels, the CDS dispatcher has the right to delay the further progress of the violating vessel, indicating to it the place of anchoring or to the berth.

4.1.9. In cases requiring the immediate cessation of the movement of vessels proceeding on the route (hydrometeorological reasons, technical reasons, emergency cases), the CDS dispatcher immediately notifies the navigators, the dispatcher of the State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest and the pilots of the vessels proceeding on the route, so that they can take measures for safe placement ships in roadsteads, anchorages and berths.

4.2. Regulation of the passage of ships through locks

4.2.1. Regulation of the passage of ships through the locks, movement along the approach channels and on the approaches to them, as well as the placement and mooring of ships in the roadsteads of the Vytegorsk system is carried out by the dispatcher of the Vytegorsky district of hydraulic structures and navigation (VRGSiS), and at the locks of the Sheksninsky RGSiS (SHRGSiS) and the Svirsky RGSiS (SRGSiS ) - lock watch supervisors.

4.2.2. The boundaries of the areas of hydraulic structures, approach canals and sluice roadsteads are announced in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

4.2.3. The organization of the passage of ships through the locks is carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the passage of ships and trains through the GDP locks” approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on July 24, 2002.

4.2.4. The daily locking schedule on the Vytegorsk system is compiled by the dispatcher of the VRGSiS, and at the SHRGSiS and SRGSiS locks - by the lock watch supervisor, taking into account local conditions, information about the approach of ships to the locks, and traffic schedules passenger ships and established standards for sluicing.

4.2.5. When developing a locking schedule, the passage of passenger ships operating on a schedule is planned in accordance with their schedule and taking into account their actual location.

In all cases, vessels traveling to eliminate transport incidents are locked out of turn.

4.2.6. The ship passage schedule may be adjusted depending on the current situation. All changes are communicated to the ship captains.

4.2.7. Captains (watch chiefs) of ships in advance, but not less than 1.5 hours before approach, inform the VRGSiS dispatcher, the watch chiefs of the ShRGSiS and SRGSiS locks about the approach time, overall length, width of the vessel, maximum draft, vessel module, type and quantity cargo, reliability of the main engines, steering gear, and receive instructions from the dispatcher about the order of movement to the lock and locking.

4.2.8. The VRGSiS dispatcher, the head of the SRGSiS and SRGSiS lock watches must promptly transmit operational information and warnings to ships on issues of navigation safety and the passage of ships through the locks, going towards ships standing in the lock roadsteads and at the berth walls.

4.2.9. The placement of vessels in roadsteads and at berth walls is carried out on the instructions of the VRGSiS dispatcher, the watch chiefs of the SHRGSiS and SRGSiS locks, taking into account the safety of navigation.

4.2.10. All conversations between the dispatcher and lock watch supervisors must be automatically recorded by appropriate equipment. Records of negotiations related to violations of the “Rules for the passage of ships and convoys through the locks of the Russian Federation GDP”, this “Regulation” and other incidents are retained until the end of the investigation, other records are stored for at least two days.

4.2.11. One-time passage through the locks of ships, trains and rafts with smaller overall reserves than specified in paragraph 5 of the “Rules for the passage of ships and trains through the locks of the Russian Federation GDP” or special objects is carried out in agreement with the State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” and the RSSI of the basin with an entry in the watch list logs of the lock and the ship, according to special measures developed by the shipowners.

4.2.12. The Russian River Fleet Service may give instructions on the extraordinary passage of individual vessels and floating objects, based on the needs that arise.

4.3. Passage of ships through regulated sections of shipping routes

4.3.1. The organization of the passage of the fleet through regulated areas is aimed at ensuring its safe movement along the waterway and is carried out by the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" (dispatchers of the areas of hydraulic structures and shipping).

4.3.2. The boundaries of sections on inland shipping routes where vessel traffic is regulated are established by the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in agreement with the RSSI SZB and are announced in the OD and SS according to the SP SZB and volume 3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation (Appendix).

4.3.3. In the event of temporary introduction of traffic regulation in any area, this is announced in radio bulletins, waybills, and notices to navigators.

Regulation of vessel traffic in this area is carried out by specially authorized persons.

4.3.4. The passage of vessels through regulated areas is carried out, as a rule, in the order of their approaches to the area or, based on emerging needs, according to the instructions of the CDS in accordance with the requirements of OD and SS according to the SP SZB and t.3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

In all cases, vessels traveling to eliminate accidents and transport incidents are allowed to pass out of turn.

4.3.5. Based on the current deployment of vessels and navigation conditions, the dispatcher gives permission for vessels to depart from waiting points, approach the regulated area and pass through it

At the same time, he must promptly transmit to the vessels operational information on safety issues and the peculiarities of navigation in the area, ships moving and standing, and changes in the navigation situation.

4.3.6. The dispatcher has the right to prohibit the movement of a vessel in the regulated area if the safety of this vessel or other vessels is not ensured, guided by the current regulatory documents.

4.4. Regulation of navigation of vessels in lakes of category "M"

4.4.1. Within the boundaries of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", lakes of the "M" category include Lakes Ladoga and Onega.

4.4.2. The procedure for preparing vessels for navigation in lakes Ladoga and Onega, obtaining permission to enter the lake and the actions of navigators during the crossing are set out in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

4.4.3. The dispatcher issues permission for the vessel to sail into lakes Ladoga and Onega after receiving information from the captain that the vessel is fully ready to cross the lake, taking into account restrictions on wind and wave conditions (according to the Register documents) with the simultaneous transmission of a voyage weather forecast to it.

Personal responsibility for preparing the vessel for sailing into the lakes lies with the captain of the vessel.

4.4.4. Control over the movement of vessels on Lake Ladoga is carried out by dispatchers of the Nevsko-Ladoga RVPiS (Shlisselburg and Sviritsa).

4.4.5. When the dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" issues permission to enter Lake Onega and proceed from Voznesenye to Vytegra or from Vytegra to Voznesenye, the dispatcher of Voznesenye and Vytegra, at least after 4 hours, exchange mutual information about the time of departure of vessels into the lake and the time of entry of vessels from the lake to the canal or coming to the Voznesenye roadstead.

4.4.6. When dispatchers of Voznesenye and Vytegra issue permission to enter Lake Onega and vessels proceed to points in the White Sea-Onega basin, they transmit information about the departure of ships to the dispatchers of OJSC "Belomoro-Onega Shipping Company" and the dispatcher of the Onega region of waterways and shipping. If there is no exit for vessels, information about the presence and movement of vessels in the basin is exchanged no less than after 4 hours.

4.4.7. In the event of a sudden deterioration in weather or receiving a warning about such deterioration, the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution dispatcher takes measures to transmit this warning to ships, establish constant radio communication with ships in the lake, and take all possible measures to ensure their safe navigation.

If an emergency occurs and there is a threat of death, rescue vessels or other vessels located in the area are sent to the disaster site.

4.4.8. Dispatchers at points where permission to enter lakes is issued must know the location of emergency rescue (tug) vessels assigned to the serviced area and have radio contact with them in order to, if necessary, involve them in providing assistance to the vessels.

4.5. Regulation of the exit of vessels from Cherepovets to the Rybinsk Reservoir

4.5.1. The Rybinsk Reservoir belongs to the "O" category, with the exception of the North-Western part from Cherepovets to Vychelov, which belongs to the "P" category.

4.5.2. The navigation of vessels that have restrictions on wind and wave conditions in the Rybinsk Reservoir is carried out in strict accordance with these restrictions.

4.5.3. The captains of these vessels intending to leave Cherepovets for the Rybinsk Reservoir inform the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution dispatcher about the vessel’s readiness for the crossing, compliance with the weather forecast restrictions and request permission to leave.

4.5.4. If the vessel meets the transit conditions, the dispatcher gives permission to enter the reservoir with a daily weather forecast.

4.5.5. The captain of a vessel while crossing a reservoir takes measures to ensure the safety of the vessel, recommended by good navigation practice, and bears full responsibility for the safety of the vessel, people and cargo.

4.5.6. The dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in Cherepovets exchanges mutual information at least every 4 hours about vessels that have entered the Rybinsk Reservoir or arrived from the reservoir with the dispatch apparatus of adjacent basins.

4.5.7. In the event of a transport accident with ships on the Rybinsk Reservoir, in the event of a sudden deterioration in weather or a storm forecast, the dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" together with the dispatchers "takes all measures to notify the vessels located in the reservoir and provide the necessary assistance.

4.6. Passage of ships flying a foreign flag

4.6.1. The passage of ships flying a foreign flag is carried out only with the permission of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreed with the River Fleet Service of the Russian Federation. These vessels are subject to mandatory pilotage, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

5. The procedure for the exchange of information between ships and the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

5.1. Information support for ships and shipowners about navigation conditions.

5.1.1. Information for ships and shipowners about navigation conditions is provided in accordance with the “Regulations on providing information to shipowners and navigators about navigation conditions on the inland shipping routes of the Russian Federation.”

5.1.2. The list of coastal radio stations transmitting operational travel information is established by the document “List of coastal radio stations and the schedule of their work on the waterways of the Unified Deep-Water System of the European Part of the Russian Federation for 2004.” and volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Information for vessels when passing inland waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

5.2.1. The shipowner or captain of a vessel proceeding both from the sea and from the waterway to the boundaries of the activities of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" no later than 24 hours before the approach must report the following data to the CDS of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt":

· name and flag of the vessel, shipowner and agent;

port of departure and destination;

· longest length;

· greatest width;

· board height;

· draft of the vessel bow and stern;

· height dimension;

· number of passengers;

· name of the cargo, its special properties, quantity;

· the need for pilotage and bridge construction;

· class of the vessel and restrictions on wind and wave conditions when sailing in the “M” and “O” category pool (Register Permission);

· unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological conditions on the ship.

5.2.2. When traveling along the main route of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", the captain of the vessel (watch chief) is obliged to contact traffic controllers (the radio communication channel is indicated in Vol. 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation) and report the time of passing the checkpoint (see Appendix).

5.2.3. Captains (watch chiefs) of ships traveling to ports for loading or unloading, to places of repair or layover at points located within the boundaries of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are required to inform the traffic controller about the time of entry into the anchorage points.

5.2.4. In case of unforeseen stops along the way, information about the cessation of movement must be transmitted to the nearest dispatch (control) point about the reason for the stop and the expected time of continuation of movement.

5.2.5. The captain (watch chief) of a vessel intending to begin movement from points of loading and unloading, repair or lay-up, waiting raids, is obliged to inform the dispatcher of the nearest control point about the expected departure time, provide him with the data specified in clause 5.2.1., and obtain permission at the start of the movement.

After receiving permission, the vessel can begin moving in the order established by the dispatcher.

6. Organization of dispatch service, dispatch documentation

6.1. The dispatch service must be carried out continuously. The working hours of the dispatch apparatus are established by the heads of the branches of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" taking into account local conditions and in accordance with the current labor legislation, as well as these "Regulations".

6.2. In order to ensure better interaction, end-to-end dispatch shifts are being created for the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

6.3. In accordance with the tasks arising from this “Regulation”, the heads of enterprises of the State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” approve job descriptions for the dispatch apparatus by type of activity.

6.4. The dispatcher taking up duty must familiarize himself in detail with all available information about the deployment of ships, the actual condition and weather forecast, with the assignments and orders of senior managers during the previous duty and the measures taken to implement them, as well as other entries made in the dispatch log, in which formalizes the reception and delivery of duty.

6.5. Each control room, in relation to its tasks, must be provided with the necessary regulatory documentation (Appendix).

6.6. The following documentation must be maintained in the control room:

· deployment of ships (computer program "Dislocation");

· log of transport incidents;

· log of telephone messages and orders;

· log (file, data file) of weather forecasts;

· log of reception and delivery of duties;

· other documentation in relation to the type of activity.

The list of regulatory, reporting and executive documentation for each control room, depending on the type of its activity, is established by the heads of the enterprises.

7. Rights and responsibilities of the dispatcher

7.1. The dispatcher has the right

7.1.1. Receive from courts, shipowners, enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, the information necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to it related to ensuring the passage of ships through the EBP.

7.1.2. Prohibit the movement of vessels if they violate the requirements of documents regulating the regime of navigation and operation, if they damage hydraulic structures, locks, as well as on the instructions of the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

7.1.3. Give instructions and orders within their competence, mandatory for execution by captains (watch chiefs) of ships, if they do not contradict the regulations and rules governing the safety of navigation.

7.1.4. Receive from port dispatch services, shipowners, their agents and ship captains, within the prescribed period, the information required by the governing documents and these regulations.

7.1.5. In case of transport accidents and a threat to people, demand from ship captains, regardless of departmental affiliation, to confirm receipt of instructions aimed at providing assistance and their implementation, if the implementation of these instructions is not associated with danger to the ship itself.

7.1.6. Demand that captains (watch chiefs) of ships provide assistance in establishing communications with other ships whose communications are disrupted or difficult.

7.2. The dispatcher is responsible for the timely and high-quality performance of the duties assigned to him by this “Regulation” and job descriptions.

8. Connection

8.1. Radio communication with ships for the purposes of this “Regulation” is organized in accordance with the “Rules of Radio Communication on Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation” approved by the Department river transport Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Main Directorate of State Supervision of Communications in the Russian Federation, as well as “Instructions for maintaining radio communications with ships when sailing on inland waterways of the European part of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Department of River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia in agreement with the State Communications Supervision authorities.

8.2. Radio communication with ships in the North-Western basin is carried out through the Volgo-Balt BUS.

The list of coastal radio stations that provide communications to regulate the movement of vessels operating for the purpose of navigation safety, and the procedure for their use is established in accordance with the document “List of coastal radio stations and the schedule of their operation on the waterways of the Unified Deep-Water System of the European Part of the Russian Federation for 2004.” and volume 3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

9. Pilotage service

9.1. Pilotage services for vessels on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with Article 41 of the “Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation” and the “Regulations on pilotage service and pilotage of vessels along the inland waterways of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 03.02.95 No. eleven.

9.2. Categories of vessels and convoys, as well as areas of compulsory pilotage on the waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are established by the River Fleet Service of the Russian Federation and are announced in the MPP and in volume 3 p. 10 of the Atlas of the Unified State Register of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

9.3. Pilotage of ships to the St. Petersburg bridges is carried out by state pilots of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution pilotage service in accordance with clause 4.1. of this "Regulation".

9.4. Pilotage of ships flying a foreign flag on the VBVP is mandatory and is carried out only by state pilots of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.

9.5. Services related to pilotage of vessels in the Russian Federation are paid. The fee rates for the services of the state pilotage service of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

10. Services of the dispatcher apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

10.1. State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” provides services to ships transporting goods and passengers along the VBVP;

10.2. The list of services provided by the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and the procedure for calculating the rates of fees for services are determined by the current regulatory documents of the Federal Energy Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Volgo-Baltic State Budgetary Institution of Civil Aviation and Services, the current methodology for calculating the rates of fees for services;

10.3. The rates of fees for services provided by the State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” are approved by the Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of Russia dated October 7, 2003 /1;

10.4. The services of the dispatch apparatus for regulating and monitoring the movement of vessels (navigation services) are paid. The amount of navigation dues for each passage by a vessel of a section of the route served by the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" depends on its conditional volume (calculated in cubic meters and determined by the product of the three largest quantities: length, width and height of the vessel's side) and the distance traveled;

10.5. Volgo-Balt provides paid services only if there is an agreement for the provision of these services or (for a one-time transition) with an advance payment. The contract is concluded with the shipowner, charterer or agency company with a representative office in St. Petersburg, which pays all fees for the vessels they have declared;

10.6. Payment of navigation fees, as well as other types of fees, must be made to the bank account of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.

It is possible to pay fees through the accounting department of the branches of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

Direct payment of fees at VBVP gateways is not permitted.

10.7. State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is ready to provide information to interested organizations with data on the location of vessels and other information through a specialized organization providing information services.

Deputy Head

State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"


Nevsky shipping district

Annex 1

Boundaries of areas of mandatory dispatch control of vessel traffic

on the waterways of the Volga-Baltic GBUVPiS

District boundaries by



activities according to dispatch


Control rooms

points –


Boundaries of areas of mandatory dispatch control on the airborne watershed

Call letters of radio stations,

telephones, faxes

Nevsky district


527,7 – 1384,5

1384,5 – 1322,0


St. Petersburg

bridges (in wiring)

1384,5 – 1359,0

1384,5 – 1322,0

"Petersburg-3-movement" Communication channels: 2, 4, 5

Ch. DPR on bridges: tel., 88-372

Ch. DPR for transit: tel., 88-366

DPR duty officer for bridges: tel., 88-217

Duty DPR transit: tel., 88-417 river)

Cape Christmastide

Ivanovo rapids

(Pirogovo – Lobanovo)

1349,0 – 1334,0

"Ivanovskoe-3" Communication channel: 5

Nevsko-Ladoga RVP and C 1384.5 – 1156.5

1156,5 – 1322,0

Shliselburg 1316

Koshkinsky fairway 1318.0 – 1306.5

"Shlisselburg-3" Communication channels: 3.5

DPR duty officer: tel.-249, 82-122

(Chief engineer)

(Chief Specialist for Shipping)

Svirsky bar

1172,6 – 1165,6

"Sviritsa -3" Communication channel: 2nd river)


RGS and S 1156.5 – 920.0

920,0 – 1156,5

Lodeynoye Pole 1101.5

Lodeynoye Pole – N. Svirsky Gateway

1101,0 – 1086,0

"Lodeynoye Pole-2" Communication channel: 2

DPR duty officer,

(Deputy Chief)

(Chief Specialist for Shipping)

N. Svirsky Gateway 1087.0

Passing through the gateway

"Nizhne-Svirsky" Communication channel: 3 t/f 117

Podporozhye 1054

V. Svirsky lock – Valdoma 1051.0 – 1043.0

"Podporozhye-3" Communication channel: 5

V. Svirsky lock 1042.0

Passing through the gateway

"Verkhne-Svirsky" Communication channel: 3

Ascension 949.3

Nimpelda - the source of the river. Svir 970.0 – 946.0

"Voznesenye-3" Communication channel: 3

call mts "river")


Entrance/exit to the lake

"Vytegra-5" Communication channel: 3 DPR lake

Vytegorsky buoy

Annensky Bridge

"Vytegra-2" Communication channel: 2 DPR channel tel/

(Chief engineer), 76-010, 21-706

(Deputy head of CDS), 21-385

(Chief dispatcher)

Annensky Bridge 823.5

Annensky Bridge – 6th lock

"Anensky Bridge" Communication channel: 5


(823,5 – 527,7)

Belozersk 740

Cherepovets 541

Annensky Bridge – Torovo 527.7-823.5

"Belozersk" Communication channel: 2, 5 tel.-344

"Cherepovets-4" Communication channel: 4, 5

DPR movement

(Chief engineer), 75-101

(Chief dispatcher) tel.-681, 75-105

Appendix 2

Checkpoints with obligatory communication for navigators

with coastal control rooms via VHF network on radio stations of the "KAMA" type

Name of contact points

Place of communication (km)

Communication channel number

Call sign of the called control center

Control room location

Duplicate communication channel r/oper.

L. Schmidt Bridge

Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37

Raid of the Slavyanka River

Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37

Raid Nevsky Forest Park

Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37

Cape Christmastide


Cape Christmastide




Raid Shlisselburg



Bugrovsky Buoy



Traverse m. Suho


Novaya Ladoga

Novaya Ladoga-radio


Pitkäranta radio






Svirsky receiving buoy



Lodeynoye Pole

Lodeynoye Pole-2

Lodeynoye Pole

Nizhne-Svirsky Gateway


N. Svirsky Gateway



V. Svirsky lock

Verkhne-Svirsky Gateway


V. Svirsky lock

Separation Buoy Ascension Nimpelda





Vytegra Separation Buoy


First gateway

Sixth gate

Annensky Bridge

Annensky Bridge

Annensky Bridge

Mouth of the river Kovzhi







Seventh Gate






Appendix 3

List of regulatory documents regulating the navigation of vessels, mandatory for being in the dispatch service of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation. Rules for navigation on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation (pr.g.) Rules for the passage of ships, trains and rafts through the locks of the inland waterways of the Russian Federation (pr.g. of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation). Regulations on dispatch control of vessel traffic in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 24, 2002 No. 55. Rules for radio communication on inland waterways of the Russian Federation (CBNTI, 1995). Rules fire safety in inland water transport (2002) Regulations on pilotage service and pilotage of vessels along the inland waterways of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 11 of 01/01/2001). Charter of the Volga-Baltic State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping (approved on October 20, 1998 by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation). Atlas of the unified deep-sea system of the European part of the Russian Federation, volume 3, part 1, 2 (1992,2002). Features of the movement and mooring of ships along the shipping routes of the North-Western basin (2002). Reference books on serial ships. Mandatory regulations at the St. Petersburg seaport. Rules for piloting vessels during the construction of St. Petersburg bridges, approved by the mayor's office of St. Petersburg pr. No. 36 dated 02.20.96. Plan for interaction of emergency rescue services on the inland waterways of the NWB, approved by the Head of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" dated 01.01.2001. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 1994. on the opening of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation in the Nevsky and Vasileostrovsky cargo areas. Typical schemes for the formation of trains within the boundaries of the VBVP.

MarineTraffic - what is it?

Marine traffic is a shareware service to track the location of a vessel online. On the world map you can find any ships that are in port or at sea. In the service options you can also track the location of the vessel by its name in real time.
When you select a vessel on the map, a window pops up with information about the vessel online:

  • ship name
  • type of vessel (container, tanker, passenger ship, etc.)
  • ship status
  • ship speed
  • ship course
  • ship's draft

Operating principle of Marine traffic and AIS systems

Nowadays, almost all ships are equipped with an automatic identification system, AIS, which allows you to track the ship and avoid collisions between ships. At what maximum distance can a ship be tracked on a map? It all depends on the height of the antenna located on the ship itself and at the nearest station on land. Conventional AIS stations cover a range of about 40 nautical miles (about 75 km). In some cases, the location of the ship can be tracked at a distance of 200 miles, and this is, not a little, 370 km. But this is the case if the AIS station is located high above sea level, for example on a mountain, and the ship itself is equipped with a good antenna. Thus, anyone can track a vessel online using the Marinetraffic service.

How to track a ship on the map?

If you have the name of a ship, the easiest way to find out the ship's location is to enter it in the map search and the system will immediately show the ship's position and information about it. If you know that the ship has not yet left a certain port or it could not have gone far from it, you can try to find the desired port in the same search form. And then use the familiar mouse actions to point at all the vessels and view information about them. Also, to make your search easier, you can filter ships by type. For example, select only passenger, fishing or cargo ships. The service is intuitive and if you have the skills to use a map, then finding out the location of the vessel in real time will not be difficult for you.

Volga-Baltic Canal is a large hydraulic structure, a link in the Unified Deep-Sea Transport System of the European part of Russia. The Volga-Baltic Canal connects the Rybinsk Reservoir with Lake Onega and is the main part of the Volga-Baltic Route. Through Lake Onega, the Svir River, Lake Ladoga and the Neva you can get to the Baltic Sea, and through the White Sea-Baltic Canal to the White Sea.

The length of the Volgo-Balta is 368 km, the waterway passes through the Nizhnyaya Sheksna and Sheksninskoye (Cherepovetskoye) reservoir, White Lake and the Kovzha River, the watershed canal and the Vytegra River.

Map of the Volgo-Baltic Canal (Volgo-Balta)

Volga-Baltic Canal - description

The Volga-Baltic Canal has two slopes: a steep northern (Baltic) and a gentle southern (Caspian).

Hydraulic structures were built on the northern slope, including 6 locks, through which ships rise to the watershed bluff to a height of more than 80 meters:

  • The Vytegra hydroelectric complex is located 14 km from Lake Onega and consists of a dam that raises the water level in Vytegra by 13.5 meters, a hydroelectric power station and lock No. 1.

In the city of Vytegra, an old lock has been preserved - the only museumized wooden lock of the Mariinsky system. Next to it is a white obelisk - a monument in honor of the completion of the construction of the Novo-Mariinsky Canal in 1886 between the Vytegra and Kovzha rivers, moved in the early 60s from the upper reaches of the Vytegra from the village of Aleksandrovskoye

  • 2 km from Vytegorsky there is the Belousovsky hydroelectric complex with lock No. 2, designed similarly to the first hydroelectric complex
  • At a distance of 11 km from the second lock, the Novinkinsky hydroelectric complex was built, which includes locks No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5. The Novinkovskaya staircase is interesting both from an engineering point of view and from an aesthetic one. In this place, for three kilometers, the ships seem to enter along a ladder to a height of more than 40 meters. Perhaps this is the most remarkable place on the Volga-Baltic Canal: the distance between locks No. 3 and No. 4 is small and from the upper tail of the fourth lock the entire picturesque valley and hilly forest expanses are visible below
  • When approaching the Pakhomovsky hydroelectric complex, you can see the village of Devyatiny and the five-domed Assumption Church. The Pakhomovsky hydroelectric complex with lock No. 6 occupies a special place in the Volgo-Balta system. This is the highest pressure and deepest lock, its lifting height is about 20 meters. This gateway ends the northern slope and begins the watershed leading to the southern slope of the Volga-Baltic Canal.

The dimensions of the Volgo-Balt locks are 270 by 18 meters, their architecture is of the same type, which made it possible to use the same parts during construction.

Further from lock No. 6 to the Cherepovets hydroelectric complex there is a single watershed bluff with a length of about 270 km, including a watershed canal 39 km long, the Kovzha River - 70 km, White Lake - 45 km and the Sheksna River (from its source in the White Sea to the hydroelectric complex) - 121 km.

It should be noted that the section of the canal running along the Kovzha River is the most beautiful in the Volgo-Balta. The local nature is practically untouched by man - settlements They are very rare, and those that exist are mainly engaged in logging. The channel width here is very small.

The construction of the Volga-Baltic Canal was carried out at an accelerated pace, so before the flooding of the territory they did not even have time to cut down the trees. And since wood deteriorates most quickly at the border between water and air, and under water, on the contrary, is extremely resistant to rotting, you can still see entire forests of stumps in some parts of the canal - a terrifying landscape similar to the moon. Even where there seems to be nothing in the water, high wave from the ship reveals tree trunks that are under water and are missing a few centimeters from the edge.

On the southern slope of the Volga-Balta, on the Sheksna River, there is the Cherepovets hydroelectric complex with parallel locks No. 7 and No. 8, lowering ships by 13 meters. Gateway No. 7 is old, and since 1989 a second line has been operating here - gateway No. 8 with dimensions of 310 by 21.5 meters.

From the history

At the beginning of the 18th century, after Russia's victory in Northern War and access to the Baltic Sea, the role of St. Petersburg is increasing. In this regard, new convenient routes were needed to connect the capital with other territories. For this purpose, three waterways were built:

  • The very first, in 1709, was built the Vyshnevolotsk water system, connecting the Tvertsa River, a tributary of the Volga, with the Baltic Sea
  • The Tikhvin water system ran from Rybinsk through the Tikhvin connecting canal to Lake Ladoga and the Neva, built in 1811
  • The Mariinsk water system went from Rybinsk along Sheksna and Beloye Lake, Kovzha and the artificial Mariinsky Canal, then along Vytegra, Lake Onega, Svir, Lake Ladoga and the Neva. This waterway was of great economic importance and served for over 150 years.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Mariinsky system no longer satisfied the transport needs of Russia and it was decided to create a new canal. Its construction began in 1940. Construction was carried out by prisoners under the direction of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. The Vytegorsky forced labor camp was organized for workers building hydraulic structures.

Due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, construction was frozen and resumed only in 1959. The object was declared a priority construction project for the seven-year plan, and five years later the waterway was built.

On June 28, 1964, the first passenger ship “Krasnogvardeets” departed from the Ozernaya pier in Leningrad on a flight to Yaroslavl. In October, the structure was put into operation, and soon it was named after V.I. Lenin.

Volga-Baltic Canal - structures

  • The peculiarity of Volgo-Balt is that all the locks of the Baltic slope, except Pakhomovsky, have the same height - 13.5 meters, which made it possible to use standard structures during construction. There are a total of 7 locks on the canal, one of them (Pakhomovsky) is double-threaded.
  • 5 hydroelectric complexes – Vytegorsky, Belousovsky and Novinkinsky, Pakhomovsky and Cherepovets
  • 3 hydroelectric power stations – Vytegorskaya, Belousovskaya and Sheksninskaya
  • 25 earthen dams and dams
  • 4 artificial reservoirs – Vytegorskoye and Belousovskoye, Novinkinskoye and Sheksninskoye
  • 5 lock bridges
  • 2 ferry crossings
  • 11 marinas
  • 4 operational villages.


For tourists traveling around the Volga-Balt, several green parking lots have been organized, one of them is in the ancient village of Irma. This area is associated with the name of the Russian scientist-historian Nikolai Dmitrievich Chechulin. Here he is buried, and a memorial obelisk was erected on the site of the Chechulins’ burnt house.

Tourist ships also call at the village of Goritsy, located on the left bank of the Sheksna. While the ship is moored, you can take the following excursions:

  • The main one is to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. Like other monasteries of that era, the monastery served as a military fortress, a support of royal power and a refuge in case of war or internal unrest.
  • The second excursion is to the Ferapontov Monastery, world famous thanks to the frescoes of Dionysius, created in 1502
  • And finally, tourists can independently explore the Goritsky Monastery, located a stone's throw from the pier. This monastery was a place of imprisonment for noble women; for example, in 1608, the daughter of Tsar Boris, Ksenia Godunova, was exiled here.

During the construction of the canal, many settlements fell into the flood zone. Residents moved to new places, but stone temples remained in the villages. One of them, the half-submerged Krokhinskaya Church of the Nativity of Christ, stands at the source of the Sheksna River. The two-story church with a bell tower was built in 1788 in the Baroque style on the shore White Lake by decree of Empress Catherine II. Now the dilapidated temple serves as a “natural landmark” for ships traveling along White Lake.

In the area of ​​the village of Topornya, the North Dvina system (North Dvina waterway) begins, connecting Sheksna and the Northern Dvina River. It was built back in 1829 and has not changed fundamentally since then. It is currently not important for shipping. Only small ships can navigate it, so cruises along the Northern Dvina system are made less and less often. From the board of a motor ship traveling along the Volgo-Balt you can see the first gateway of this outdated water system. However, in our time this series of surviving wooden locks is of interest as a monument to the science and technology of the past.

The Volga-Baltic Canal was created by several generations of designers and builders who realized the long-standing dream of a waterway connecting the ports of five seas. The Volgo-Balt was and remains the busiest waterway, allowing transportation not only between regions of Russia, but also between the seaports of the northern and south seas Europe.

Draft Regulations

on dispatch regulation and control

ship traffic on the Volga-Baltic waterway
Terms and abbreviations used in the text

  • GDP – Inland waterways

  • RF – Russian Federation

  • EC – European part

  • EGS - Unified Deepwater System

  • VBVP – Volga-Baltic Waterway

  • State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" - State Institution "Volgo-Baltic State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping"

  • RVPiS – Region of Waterways and Navigation

  • RGSiS – Area of ​​hydraulic structures and navigation

  • GRSI for NWB - Branch - State River Navigation Inspectorate for the North-Western Basin

  • VBBGRIPN – State River Basin Inspectorate for Supervision of Fire Safety of Ships

  • OJSC “SZP” – Open Joint Stock Company “North-Western Shipping Company”

  • BUS – Basin communication center

  • OD and SS according to the SP NWB – Features of the movement and mooring of vessels along the shipping routes of the North-Western Basin.

  • NRS – Nevsky shipping area

  • CDS - Central Dispatch Service

  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

  • “Regulated section” – a section of the shipping route where dispatch control of vessel traffic is carried out

  • State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest – State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest

  • LOVD – Linear Department of Internal Affairs

  • FSB – Federal Security Service

  • BOGU na VVT – Basin government authority for inland water transport.

  • VTS MAP – Vessel Traffic Control Service of the Maritime Administration of the Port of St. Petersburg
  1. General provisions

    1. This “Regulation on dispatch regulation and control of vessel traffic on the Volga-Baltic Waterway” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) was developed in accordance with the “Regulation on dispatch control of vessel traffic on inland waterways of the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated April 24 .2002 No. 55.

    2. The requirements of the “Regulations” apply to ships of all organizations, both legal entities and individuals (hereinafter referred to as “shipowners”), regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

    3. The goals of dispatch regulation and control over the movement of vessels on the waterway are to ensure the safety of navigation and accelerate the movement of the fleet along the waterway. These goals are achieved by:

  • regulation of the passage of ships through locks, bridges, narrows and other difficult areas, as well as control over the exit of ships into the Ladoga Onega and White lakes;

  • informing navigators about travel conditions and their changes, including information about track dimensions, malfunction of navigation signs, weather forecasts, storm warnings, etc.;

  • control over the movement of vessels by recording the time they pass through checkpoints, as well as radio control on the “safety” channel along the entire route of the waterway and lakes;

  • management of the work of the rescue vessel on Lake Ladoga and coordination of the actions of all organizations in the event of transport accidents and emergencies;

  • collecting and analyzing data on ship flows, fleet idle times and lock performance indicators, developing measures to improve the use of VBVP;

    1. Regulation of vessel traffic on the waterway is carried out by the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in cooperation with the dispatch services of shipowners, ports and agency firms.

    2. This “Regulation” does not cancel the requirements of current regulatory documents regulating shipping on the GDPR of the Russian Federation.

  1. Structure of the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

The main principle of the vessel traffic management structure in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is continuous centralized control over the safe movement of the fleet, regulation of its movement in difficult areas for navigation, taking into account the state of waterways and other navigation conditions. General management of the dispatch control of vessel traffic in the basin is carried out by the Head of the LRS through the Central Dispatch Center, the dispatch control rooms of the RVPiS and the RGSiS, the river port captain's service, in interaction with the services and departments of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and the heads of enterprises and organizations directly related to the operation of ships. Dispatcher control scheme for fleet traffic on the airborne waterway (Appendix No. 1).

    1. The CDS manages the activities of regulating and monitoring the movement of the fleet throughout the entire length of the air transport route through the control rooms of the RVPiS and RGSiS. Within the boundaries of the activities of RVPiS and RGSiS, regulation and control over the movement of the fleet is carried out under the direct supervision of persons appointed by the heads of RVPiS and RGSiS, responsible for organizing dispatch activities. The list of control rooms of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" indicating their addresses, telephone numbers, radio call signs is given in Appendix No. 1.

    2. The structure and staffing of the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is approved by the head of the Institution.

  1. Functions and tasks of the dispatcher apparatus

    1. Central dispatch service of State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

      1. Carries out dispatch regulation and control over the movement of the fleet along the waterway in cooperation with the State River Fleet Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the dispatch apparatus of the BOGU of adjacent basins, shipowners, ports of NWSP JSC and other enterprises and organizations.

      2. In the event of a transport incident, it takes priority measures to assist people and ships in distress and immediately informs the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and, depending on the nature of the incident, at the direction of management, informs:

  • shipowners;

  • Shipping control authorities (SGSI NWB); and other bodies as directed by the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt";

  • River Fleet Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

  • LOVD in sea and river transport;

  • North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

  • Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the transport accident occurred;

  • FSB;

  • other organizations, depending on the nature of the incident.
Transmits orders and instructions from the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" to coordinate the actions of forces and means involved in rescue operations.

Direct management of actions to provide assistance and eliminate the consequences of transport accidents can be carried out by the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", the Basin Commission for Emergency Situations, the shipowner, or entrusted to the Head of the RVPiS (RGSiS), within whose borders a transport accident occurred or there was a threat of death on the water .

Another official may be appointed as the head of the rescue operation, in agreement with the head of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution, from among the organizations involved in the rescue operations.

      1. Ensures the publication of an Information Bulletin on the state of the operated waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in accordance with the existing procedure.

      2. Collects and processes data on the passage of ships through the VBVP gateways.

      3. Monitors the compliance of the dimensions of vessels and trains with the dimensions of the track, locks and bridges.

      4. Provides regulation of fleet traffic to the Nevsky Bridges and organization of vessel pilotage in areas of compulsory pilotage.

      5. Makes decisions and gives instructions to dispatchers of the RVPiS and RGSiS to regulate the movement of vessels in certain sections of the VBVP.

      6. Controls, with the participation of environmental authorities, the placement and activities of environmental facilities along the WWTP route. In the event of a transport incident associated with environmental pollution, organizes, in cooperation with other organizations, work to eliminate the consequences of this incident.

      7. Maintains operational records of the fleet's passage through the VBVP and transmits data for calculating payments for navigation and other services to the Marketing and Contracts Service of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.

      8. In case of temporary closure or restriction of vessel traffic in certain areas, the VBVP, or reduction in the guaranteed dimensions of the navigation channel, immediately notifies vessels, shipowners and agency organizations.

      9. Takes part in coordinating measures for the passage of oversized vessels and objects and monitors their implementation.

    1. Dispatcher of RGSiS and RVPiS

      1. Carry out regulation and control over the movement of vessels within the boundaries related to areas of waterways and areas of hydraulic structures in accordance with Appendix No. 3.
Dispatchers of the Svirsky RVPiS regulate the movement of ships and trains to the Lodeynopolsky and Podporozhsky bridges. Bridges are raised at the request of the Podporozhye traffic manager in the prescribed manner. Traffic in the draw span of the Lodeynopolsky Bridge is controlled by the Lodeynoye Pole traffic controller, and in the draw span of the Podporozhsky Bridge - by the Podporozhye traffic controller.

      1. They transmit information to the central dispatch center about ships passing checkpoints at the time determined by the transmission schedule about the deployment of the fleet.

      2. Ensure the collection, processing, transmission and release of information about the state of the RVPiS and RGSiS site in accordance with the existing procedure.

      3. Provide ships with information about sailing conditions and their changes, weather forecasts, storm warnings in accordance with the “Regulations on providing information to shipowners and navigators about sailing conditions on the GDP” in the controlled area.

      4. Keep records and process data on the passage of ships through the locks.

      5. In the event of a transport accident on a designated area, the traffic control center and shipping control authorities are informed in the prescribed manner and take priority measures to provide assistance to people and ships in distress.

  1. Regulation of fleet movement along the Volga-Baltic waterway

    1. Piloting ships to Nevsky Most

      1. The control of the traffic of vessels requiring bridges is carried out by the control unit of the Central Dispatch Station.

      2. The piloting of ships to the St. Petersburg bridges is carried out on the basis of the “Rules for the piloting of ships during the St. Petersburg bridges”, approved by the administration of St. Petersburg and given in Vol. 3, Part 1 of the Unified State Civil Code of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

      3. The alignment of the Kuzminsky and Ladozhsky bridges for the passage of ships is carried out at the request of the CDS dispatcher in accordance with the established procedure. The regulation of vessel traffic to the Kuzminsky Bridge is carried out by the traffic controller of the Svyatki metro station, and to the Ladozhsky Bridge by the traffic controller of the Nevsko-Ladozhsky RVPiS in Shlisselburg.

      4. The number of vessels planned for the routing is determined based on the capacity of the bridges, types of fleet and other circumstances affecting the passage of ships into the routing of the bridges. The order in which vessels are included in the routing plan depends on the time of their approach from the waterway to the Bugrovsky buoy, the completion of cargo or repair work, and the time the commission completes its work when registering arrival from the sea.

      5. Distribution of ships in the roadsteads of the river. Neva, in anticipation of bridges being raised, is carried out by raid captains in accordance with the instructions announced in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the OD and SS for the SZB.

      6. The inclusion of ships in the bridge construction plan is carried out on the basis of applications from agents or shipowners (with whom contracts have been concluded). The daily plan for transporting the fleet to the St. Petersburg bridges is approved by the management of the Central Distribution Center and coordinated with the State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest, GRSI SZB, VTS MAP.

      7. The order of movement of vessels to the bridges is established by the CDS dispatcher through the raid captains in accordance with the “Procedure for organizing the passage of ships from the waters of the seaport of St. Petersburg to the bridges to inland waterways and in the opposite direction” agreed with the Ministry of Aviation Administration of St. Petersburg. The established order of movement can be changed promptly by the captain of the roadstead or the senior shift pilot in agreement with the dispatcher of the central control center.

      8. If a vessel violates the established procedure for moving to the bridges and creates a threatening situation for other vessels, the CDS dispatcher has the right to delay the further progress of the violating vessel, indicating to it the place of anchoring or to the berth.

      9. In cases requiring the immediate cessation of the movement of vessels proceeding on the route (hydrometeorological reasons, technical reasons, emergency cases), the CDS dispatcher immediately notifies the navigators, the dispatcher of the State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest and the pilots of the vessels proceeding on the route, so that they can take measures for safe placement ships in roadsteads, anchorages and berths.

    1. Regulation of the passage of ships through locks

      1. Regulation of the passage of ships through the locks, movement along the approach channels and on the approaches to them, as well as the placement and mooring of ships in the roadsteads of the Vytegorsk system is carried out by the dispatcher of the Vytegorsky district of hydraulic structures and navigation (VRGSiS), and at the locks of the Sheksninsky RGSiS (SHRGSiS) and the Svirsky RGSiS (SRGSiS ) - lock watch supervisors.

      2. The boundaries of the areas of hydraulic structures, approach canals and sluice roadsteads are announced in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

      3. The organization of the passage of ships through the locks is carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the passage of ships and trains through the GDP locks” approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on July 24, 2002.

      4. The daily locking schedule on the Vytegorsk system is compiled by the dispatcher apparatus of the VRGSiS, and at the SHRGSiS and SRGSiS locks by the lock watch supervisor, taking into account local conditions, information about the approach of ships to the locks, the schedule of passenger ships and established standards for locking.

      5. When developing a locking schedule, the passage of passenger ships operating on a schedule is planned in accordance with their schedule and taking into account their actual location.
In all cases, vessels traveling to eliminate transport incidents are locked out of turn.

      1. The ship passage schedule may be adjusted depending on the current situation. All changes are communicated to the ship captains.

      2. Captains (watch chiefs) of ships in advance, but not less than 1.5 hours before approach, inform the VRGSiS dispatcher, the watch chiefs of the ShRGSiS and SRGSiS locks about the approach time, overall length, width of the vessel, maximum draft, vessel module, type and quantity cargo, reliability of the main engines, steering gear, and receive instructions from the dispatcher about the order of movement to the lock and locking.

      3. The VRGSiS dispatcher, the head of the SRGSiS and SRGSiS lock watches must promptly transmit operational information and warnings to ships on issues of navigation safety and the passage of ships through the locks, going towards ships standing in the lock roadsteads and at the berth walls.

      4. The placement of vessels in roadsteads and at berth walls is carried out on the instructions of the VRGSiS dispatcher, the watch chiefs of the SHRGSiS and SRGSiS locks, taking into account the safety of navigation.

      5. All conversations between the dispatcher and lock watch supervisors must be automatically recorded by appropriate equipment. Records of negotiations related to violations of the “Rules for the passage of ships and convoys through the locks of the Russian Federation GDP”, this “Regulation” and other incidents are retained until the end of the investigation, other records are stored for at least two days.

      6. One-time passage through the locks of ships, trains and rafts with smaller overall reserves than specified in paragraph 5 of the “Rules for the passage of ships and trains through the locks of the Russian Federation GDP” or special objects is carried out in agreement with the State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” and the RSSI of the basin with an entry in the watch list logs of the lock and the ship, according to special measures developed by the shipowners.

      7. The Russian River Fleet Service may give instructions on the extraordinary passage of individual vessels and floating objects, based on the needs that arise.

    1. Passage of ships through regulated sections of shipping routes

      1. The organization of the passage of the fleet through regulated areas is aimed at ensuring its safe movement along the waterway and is carried out by the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" (dispatchers of the areas of hydraulic structures and shipping).

      2. The boundaries of sections on inland shipping routes where vessel traffic is regulated are established by the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution in agreement with the RSSI SZB and are announced in the OD and SS according to the SP SZB and Vol. 3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 3).

      3. In the event of temporary introduction of traffic regulation in any area, this is announced in radio bulletins, waybills, and notices to navigators.
Regulation of vessel traffic in this area is carried out by specially authorized persons.

      1. The passage of vessels through regulated areas is carried out, as a rule, in the order of their approaches to the area or, based on emerging needs, according to the instructions of the CDS in accordance with the requirements of OD and SS according to the SP SZB and t.3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.
In all cases, vessels traveling to eliminate accidents and transport incidents are allowed to pass out of turn.

      1. Based on the current deployment of vessels and navigation conditions, the dispatcher gives permission for vessels to depart from waiting points, approach the regulated area and pass through it
At the same time, he must promptly transmit to the vessels operational information on safety issues and the peculiarities of navigation in the area, ships moving and standing, and changes in the navigation situation.

      1. The dispatcher has the right to prohibit the movement of a vessel in the regulated area if the safety of this vessel or other vessels is not ensured, guided by the current regulatory documents.

    1. Regulation of navigation of vessels in lakes of category "M"

      1. Within the boundaries of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", lakes of the "M" category include Lakes Ladoga and Onega.

      2. The procedure for preparing vessels for navigation in lakes Ladoga and Onega, obtaining permission to enter the lake and the actions of navigators during the crossing are set out in Volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

      3. The dispatcher issues permission for the vessel to sail into lakes Ladoga and Onega after receiving information from the captain that the vessel is fully ready to cross the lake, taking into account restrictions on wind and wave conditions (according to the Register documents) with the simultaneous transmission of a voyage weather forecast to it.
Personal responsibility for preparing the vessel for sailing into the lakes lies with the captain of the vessel.

      1. Control over the movement of vessels on Lake Ladoga is carried out by dispatchers of the Nevsko-Ladoga RVPiS (Shlisselburg and Sviritsa).

      2. When the dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" issues permission to enter Lake Onega and proceed from Voznesenye to Vytegra or from Vytegra to Voznesenye, the dispatcher of Voznesenye and Vytegra, at least after 4 hours, exchange mutual information about the time of departure of vessels into the lake and the time of entry of vessels from the lake to the canal or coming to the Voznesenye roadstead.

      3. When dispatchers of Voznesenye and Vytegra issue permission to enter Lake Onega and vessels proceed to points in the White Sea-Onega basin, they transmit information about the departure of ships to the dispatchers of OJSC "Belomoro-Onega Shipping Company" and the dispatcher of the Onega region of waterways and shipping. If there is no exit for vessels, information about the presence and movement of vessels in the basin is exchanged no less than after 4 hours.

      4. In the event of a sudden deterioration in weather or receiving a warning about such deterioration, the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution dispatcher takes measures to transmit this warning to ships, establish constant radio communication with ships in the lake, and take all possible measures to ensure their safe navigation.
If an emergency occurs and there is a threat of death, rescue vessels or other vessels located in the area are sent to the disaster site.

      1. Dispatchers at points where permission to enter lakes is issued must know the location of emergency rescue (tug) vessels assigned to the serviced area and have radio contact with them in order to, if necessary, involve them in providing assistance to the vessels.

    1. Regulation of the exit of vessels from Cherepovets to the Rybinsk Reservoir

      1. The Rybinsk Reservoir belongs to the "O" category, with the exception of the North-Western part from Cherepovets to Vychelov, which belongs to the "P" category.

      2. The navigation of vessels that have restrictions on wind and wave conditions in the Rybinsk Reservoir is carried out in strict accordance with these restrictions.

      3. The captains of these vessels intending to leave Cherepovets for the Rybinsk Reservoir inform the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution dispatcher about the vessel’s readiness for the crossing, compliance with the weather forecast restrictions and request permission to leave.

      4. If the vessel meets the transit conditions, the dispatcher gives permission to enter the reservoir with a daily weather forecast.

      5. The captain of a vessel while crossing a reservoir takes measures to ensure the safety of the vessel, recommended by good navigation practice, and bears full responsibility for the safety of the vessel, people and cargo.

      6. The dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in Cherepovets exchanges mutual information at least every 4 hours about vessels that have entered the Rybinsk Reservoir or arrived from the reservoir with the dispatch apparatus of adjacent basins.

      7. In the event of a transport accident with ships on the Rybinsk Reservoir, in the event of a sudden deterioration in weather or a storm forecast, the dispatcher of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" together with the dispatchers of the FSUE "KIM" takes all measures to notify the vessels located in the reservoir and provide the necessary assistance.

    1. Passage of ships flying a foreign flag
4.6.1. The passage of ships flying a foreign flag is carried out only with the permission of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreed with the River Fleet Service of the Russian Federation. These vessels are subject to mandatory pilotage, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

  1. The procedure for the exchange of information between ships and the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

    1. Information support for ships and shipowners about navigation conditions.

      1. Information for ships and shipowners about navigation conditions is provided in accordance with the “Regulations on providing information to shipowners and navigators about navigation conditions on the inland shipping routes of the Russian Federation.”

      2. The list of coastal radio stations transmitting operational travel information is established by the document “List of coastal radio stations and the schedule of their work on the waterways of the Unified Deep-Water System of the European Part of the Russian Federation for 2004.” and volume 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

    1. Information for vessels when passing inland waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

      1. The shipowner or captain of a vessel proceeding both from the sea and from the waterway to the boundaries of the activities of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" no later than 24 hours before the approach must report the following data to the CDS of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt":

  • name and flag of the vessel, shipowner and agent;

  • port of departure and destination;

  • longest length;

  • greatest width;

  • side height;

  • draft of the vessel bow and stern;

  • height clearance;

  • number of passengers;

  • name of the cargo, its special properties, quantity;

  • the need for pilotage and bridges;

  • class of the vessel and restrictions on wind and wave conditions when sailing in the "M" and "O" category pool (Permission of the Register);

  • unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation on the ship.

      1. When traveling along the main route of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt", the captain of the vessel (watch chief) is obliged to contact traffic controllers (the radio communication channel is indicated in Vol. 3 of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation) and report the time of passing the checkpoint (see Appendix No. 2).

      2. Captains (watch chiefs) of ships traveling to ports for loading or unloading, to places of repair or layover at points located within the boundaries of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are required to inform the traffic controller about the time of entry into the anchorage points.

      3. In case of unforeseen stops along the way, information about the cessation of movement must be transmitted to the nearest dispatch (control) point about the reason for the stop and the expected time of continuation of movement.

      4. The captain (watch chief) of a vessel intending to begin movement from points of loading and unloading, repair or lay-up, waiting raids, is obliged to inform the dispatcher of the nearest control point about the expected departure time, provide him with the data specified in clause 5.2.1., and obtain permission at the start of the movement.
After receiving permission, the vessel can begin moving in the order established by the dispatcher.

  1. Organization of dispatch service, dispatch documentation

    1. The dispatch service must be carried out continuously. The working hours of the dispatch apparatus are established by the heads of the branches of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" taking into account local conditions and in accordance with the current labor legislation, as well as these "Regulations".

    2. In order to ensure better interaction, end-to-end dispatch shifts are being created for the dispatch apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

    3. In accordance with the tasks arising from this “Regulation”, the heads of enterprises of the State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” approve job descriptions for the dispatch apparatus by type of activity.

    4. The dispatcher taking up duty must familiarize himself in detail with all available information about the deployment of ships, the actual condition and weather forecast, with the assignments and orders of senior managers during the previous duty and the measures taken to implement them, as well as other entries made in the dispatch log, in which formalizes the reception and delivery of duty.

    5. Each control room, in relation to its tasks, must be provided with the necessary regulatory documentation (Appendix No. 3).

    6. The following documentation must be maintained in the control room:

  • dislocation of ships (computer program "Dislocation");

  • transport accident log;

  • journal of telephone messages and orders;

  • log (file, data file) of weather forecasts;

  • log of reception and delivery of duties;

  • other documentation in relation to the type of activity.
The list of regulatory, reporting and executive documentation for each control room, depending on the type of its activity, is established by the heads of the enterprises.

  1. Rights and responsibilities of the dispatcher

    1. The dispatcher has the right

      1. Receive from courts, shipowners, enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, the information necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to it related to ensuring the passage of ships through the EBP.

      2. Prohibit the movement of vessels if they violate the requirements of documents regulating the regime of navigation and operation, if they damage hydraulic structures, locks, as well as on the instructions of the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

      3. Give instructions and orders within their competence, mandatory for execution by captains (watch chiefs) of ships, if they do not contradict the regulations and rules governing the safety of navigation.

      4. Receive from port dispatch services, shipowners, their agents and ship captains, within a specified period of time, the information required by the governing documents and these regulations.

      5. In case of transport accidents and a threat to people, demand from ship captains, regardless of departmental affiliation, to confirm receipt of instructions aimed at providing assistance and their implementation, if the implementation of these instructions is not associated with danger to the ship itself.

      6. Demand that captains (watch chiefs) of ships provide assistance in establishing communications with other ships whose communications are disrupted or difficult.

    2. The dispatcher is responsible for the timely and high-quality performance of the duties assigned to him by this “Regulation” and job descriptions.

  1. Connection

    1. Radio communication with ships for the purposes of this “Regulation” is organized in accordance with the “Rules of Radio Communication on Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Department of River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Main Directorate of State Supervision of Communications in the Russian Federation, as well as the “Instructions for Radio Communication with Ships” when sailing on inland waterways of the European part of the Russian Federation", approved by the Department of River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia in agreement with the State Communications Supervision Authority.

    2. Radio communication with ships in the North-Western basin is carried out through the Volgo-Balt BUS.
The list of coastal radio stations that provide communications to regulate the movement of vessels operating for the purpose of navigation safety, and the procedure for their use is established in accordance with the document “List of coastal radio stations and the schedule of their operation on the waterways of the Unified Deep-Water System of the European Part of the Russian Federation for 2004.” and volume 3 of the Atlas of the Unified State System of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

  1. Pilotage service

    1. Pilotage services for vessels on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with Article 41 of the “Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation” and the “Regulations on pilotage service and pilotage of vessels along the inland waterways of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 03.02.95 No. eleven.

    2. Categories of vessels and convoys, as well as areas of compulsory pilotage on the waterways of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are established by the River Fleet Service of the Russian Federation and are announced in the MPP and in volume 3 p. 10 of the Atlas of the Unified State Register of the European Union of the Russian Federation.

    3. Pilotage of ships to the St. Petersburg bridges is carried out by state pilots of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution pilotage service in accordance with clause 4.1. of this "Regulation".

    4. Pilotage of ships flying a foreign flag on the VBVP is mandatory and is carried out only by state pilots of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.

    5. Services related to pilotage of vessels in the Russian Federation are paid. The fee rates for the services of the state pilotage service of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

  1. Services of the dispatcher apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

    1. State Budgetary Institution “Volgo-Balt” provides services to ships transporting goods and passengers along the VBVP;

    2. The list of services provided by the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and the procedure for calculating the rates of fees for services are determined by the current regulatory documents of the Federal Energy Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Volgo-Baltic State Budgetary Institution of Civil Aviation and Services, the current methodology for calculating the rates of fees for services;

    3. The rates of fees for services provided by the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution are approved by Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of Russia dated October 7, 2003 No. 82-t/1;

    4. The services of the dispatch apparatus for regulating and monitoring the movement of vessels (navigation services) are paid. The amount of navigation dues for each passage by a vessel of a section of the route served by the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" depends on its conditional volume (calculated in cubic meters and determined by the product of the three largest quantities: length, width and height of the vessel's side) and the distance traveled;

    5. Volgo-Balt provides paid services only if there is an agreement for the provision of these services or (for a one-time transition) with an advance payment. The contract is concluded with the shipowner, charterer or agency company with a representative office in St. Petersburg, which pays all fees for the vessels they have declared;

    6. Payment of navigation fees, as well as other types of fees, must be made to the bank account of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution.
It is possible to pay fees through the accounting department of the branches of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

Direct payment of fees at VBVP gateways is not permitted.

    1. State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is ready to provide information to interested organizations with data on the location of vessels and other information through a specialized organization providing information services.
Deputy Head

State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" G.B. Egorov


Nevsky shipping district A.F. Alekseev

Annex 1

Boundaries of areas of mandatory dispatch control of vessel traffic

on the waterways of the Volga-Baltic GBUVPiS

District boundaries by




control room activities


Control rooms

points –


Boundaries of areas of mandatory dispatch control on the airborne watershed

Call letters of radio stations,

telephones, faxes

Nevsky district


527,7 – 1384,5

1384,5 – 1322,0


St. Petersburg

bridges (in wiring)

1384,5 – 1359,0

R. Neva

1384,5 – 1322,0

"Petersburg-3-movement" Communication channels: 2, 4, 5

Chief DPR for bridges: tel. 313-83-72, 88-372

Chief DPR for transit: tel. 313-83-66, 88-366

DPR duty officer for bridges: tel. 313-82-17, 88-217 fax 315-78-39

Duty DPR transit: tel. 312-04-51, 88-417 fax 88-157 (river)

Cape Christmastide

Ivanovo rapids

(Pirogovo – Lobanovo)

1349,0 – 1334,0

"Ivanovskoe-3" Communication channel: 5

tel. 87-253 (river)

Nevsko-Ladoga RVP and C 1384.5 – 1156.5

1156,5 – 1322,0

Shliselburg 1316

Koshkinsky fairway 1318.0 – 1306.5

"Shlisselburg-3" Communication channels: 3.5

DPR duty officer: tel. 85-249, 82-122 fax 82-162

Kiselev Alexander Nikolaevich (Chief engineer)

tel. 82-102, 74-558

Kazakov Vladimir Aleksandrovich (Chief Specialist for Shipping) tel. 82-108


Svirsky bar

1172,6 – 1165,6

"Sviritsa -3" Communication channel: 2 tel. 82-168 tel. 65-223 (river)


RGS and S 1156.5 – 920.0

920,0 – 1156,5

Lodeynoye Pole 1101.5

Lodeynoye Pole – N. Svirsky Gateway

1101,0 – 1086,0

"Lodeynoye Pole-2" Communication channel: 2

DPR duty officer tel. 65-021, fax 65-023

Svyatovsky Boris Pavlovich (Deputy Head) tel. 65-002

Golubev Mikhail Yurievich (Chief Specialist for Shipping) tel. 65-037

N. Svirsky Gateway 1087.0

Passing through the gateway

"Nizhne-Svirsky" Communication channel: 3 t/f 117

Podporozhye 1054

V. Svirsky lock – Valdoma 1051.0 – 1043.0

"Podporozhye-3" Communication channel: 5

tel/fax 65-221

V.Svirsky lock 1042.0

Passing through the gateway

"Verkhne-Svirsky" Communication channel: 3 tel. 65-217

Ascension 949.3

Nimpelda – source of the Svir River 970.0 – 946.0

"Voznesenye-3" Communication channel: 3

tel. 484 (call mts "river")


RGS and S


920,0 – 853,0


Entrance/exit to the lake

"Vytegra-5" Communication channel: 3 DPR lake tel. 76-023

Vytegorsky buoy

Annensky Bridge

893,4 – 823,6

"Vytegra-2" Communication channel: 2 DPR channel tel/fax 76-021

Lantratov Yuri Nikolaevich (Chief engineer) tel. 76-004, 76-010, 21-706

Lantratova Natalya Fedorovna (Deputy head of the CDS) tel. 76-003, 21-385

Armeev Alexey Vitalievich (Chief dispatcher) tel. 76-037

Annensky Bridge 823.5

Annensky Bridge – 6th lock

"Anensky Bridge" Communication channel: 5


RVP and S


(823,5 – 527,7)

Belozersk 740

Cherepovets 541

Annensky Bridge – Torovo 527.7-823.5

"Belozersk" Communication channel: 2, 5 tel.74-344

"Cherepovets-4" Communication channel: 4, 5

DPR movement tel. 75-120

DPR path tel. 77-713 fax 77-691

Sizmin Alexander Nikolaevich (Chief Engineer) tel. 77-651, 75-101

Fukalov Ivan Andreevich (Chief dispatcher) tel. 77-681, 75-105

Appendix 2

Checkpoints with obligatory communication for navigators

with coastal control rooms via VHF network on radio stations of the "KAMA" type


Name of contact points

Place of communication (km)

Communication channel number

Call sign of the called control center

Control room location

Duplicate communication channel r/oper.









L. Schmidt Bridge



Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37



Raid of the Slavyanka River



Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37



Raid Nevsky Forest Park



Petersburg-3 movement

St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 37



Cape Christmastide




Cape Christmastide










Raid Shlisselburg







Bugrovsky Buoy







Traverse m. Suho







Novaya Ladoga


Novaya Ladoga-radio






Pitkäranta radio
















Svirsky receiving buoy














Lodeynoye Pole



Lodeynoye Pole-2

Lodeynoye Pole



Nizhne-Svirsky Gateway




N.Svirsky Gateway







V.Svirsky lock



Verkhne-Svirsky Gateway




V.Svirsky lock



Separation Buoy Ascension Nimpelda









Vytegra Separation Buoy











First gateway







Sixth gate



Annensky Bridge



Annensky Bridge

Annensky Bridge



Mouth of the Kovzhi River
































Seventh Gate
















Appendix 3

List of regulatory documents regulating the navigation of vessels, mandatory for being in the dispatch service of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

  1. Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation.

  2. Rules for navigation on inland waterways of the Russian Federation (Project 129 10/14/2002)

  3. Rules for the passage of ships, trains and rafts through the locks of the inland waterways of the Russian Federation (Project 100, July 24, 2002, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation).

  4. Regulations on dispatch control of vessel traffic in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 24, 2002 No. 55.

  5. Rules for radio communication on inland waterways of the Russian Federation (CBNTI, 1995).

  6. Fire safety rules for inland water transport (2002)

  7. Regulations on pilotage service and pilotage of vessels along the inland shipping routes of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 11 of 02/03/1995).

  8. Charter of the Volga-Baltic State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping (approved on October 20, 1998 by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation).

  9. Atlas of the unified deep-sea system of the European part of the Russian Federation, volume 3, part 1, 2 (1992,2002).

  10. Features of the movement and mooring of ships along the shipping routes of the North-Western basin (2002).

  11. Reference books on serial ships.

  12. Mandatory regulations for the St. Petersburg seaport.

  13. Rules for piloting ships during the construction of St. Petersburg bridges, approved by the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, pr. No. 36 dated February 20, 1996.

  14. Plan for interaction of emergency rescue services on the inland waterways of the NWB, approved by the Head of the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution dated January 25, 1996.

  15. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 1994. No. 592-r on the opening of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation in the Nevsky and Vasileostrovsky cargo areas

  16. Typical schemes for forming trains in

If you want to find out where and what vessels are located or find the location of a specific vessel in real time, then select the desired quadrant on the map and view the movement of vessels. To find out what kind of ship it is and who it belongs to, just click on the marker you are interested in on the ships map.

More options (if the map above is not available)

→ riverships.ru

Information on Russian river steamers(with photo).

→ shipspotting.com
→ shipsandharbours.com

Find the ship and see its photo.

→ cfmc.ru/positioning

Information about the location of training ships.
Information on the location of vessels is provided based on data from the industry monitoring system (OSM). The positioning time is set to UTC.

→ maritime.com.pl

Information on Polish courts.
“The Maritime Shipping section consists of the following modules: Maritime Agencies, Vessel Catalog, List of Regular Lines.
This section contains a list of Polish ships in service with their full characteristics. In addition to detailed technical data, photographs, illustrations and specifications can be found here. It is possible to find all the information for any vessel by specifying its name, type of vessel, ship owner or technical parameters.”

→ vesseltracker.com

If you want to see a photo of the ship and brief information about the ship.

→ marinetraffic.com

Website to monitor the vessel in real time

→ containershipregister.nl
search by container name. You can search for a ship by name, by IMO, etc.

→ world-ships.com
In general, search across all courts in the world, but registration is required.

→ solentwaters.co.uk
You can find a ship in real time by name.
Overall a great site.

→ digital-seas.com
The search contains a lot of information on the vessel, photos, descriptions, and upon registration, access to the full database.

→ digital-seas.com
shows a photo of the vessel, brief information about it, current location, ports of call..
registration required

View information and photos on the ships of the shipping company MSC Ships.
Photo super quality!!!