Where is it better to relax in Gurzuf or Yalta. Rest in Gurzuf. Yalta or Gurzuf - where is better. Rest in Simeiz

​Gurzuf is a small urban-type village. It is located on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula near the city. Due to this proximity, the village is included in the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea.
Gurzuf attracts tourists not only with its location on the Black Sea coast, but also with its location at the mouth of the Avunda River.

Geographic coordinates of Gurzuf on the map of Crimea N 44.5454, E 34.2922

central part Gurzuf is located at 63 meters above sea level. The village can be geographically divided into four sections. The first section is the seaside part of Gurzuf, where local residents live. This area is considered the oldest. The medieval flavor is still preserved here due to the old houses built before the revolution and narrow streets. It is in this part of Gurzuf that Leningradskaya Street, which is central, is located. The second section is a part of Gurzuf, where local residents live in modern houses built in the 60s of the 20th century. It is in this area that the necessary institutions are concentrated: a school, a library, a post office, and a council. The bulk of the village's population lives here. The third section is the territory of sanatoriums, boarding houses and health resorts, which are located along the Gurzuf embankment. The fourth section is, which extends over an area of ​​300 hectares to the eastern border of Gurzuf.

Gurzuf is a small village that you can easily walk through all the available streets within two hours. Local residents called the central square of Gurzuf “piglet”. Most of the roads that lead to the embankment pass through the “patch”. Nowadays on central square There is an international telephone call center. There is a stop 0.5 kilometers higher from the “patch” minibus taxis with direction to Yalta.

Climate in Gurzuf, as throughout the southern coast of Crimea, is subtropical. There are hot but not sultry summers, which are similar in climatic conditions to the southern coast of France, and mild winters, which are more similar to the European autumn. The average annual temperature is 13.2˚C. The maximum air temperature was recorded at 39˚C heat, and the minimum - 15˚C frost. Similar climatic conditions of Gurzuf are explained by its proximity to the sea and mountain ranges. Since the mountains trap cool winds, and the sea humidifies the air in summer and makes it cooler, and in winter the sea “gives off” the accumulated summer heat. During the day, the sea wind spreads along the coast, and at night - the mountain-forest wind. The swimming season usually lasts four months, when the sea water temperature rises above 17˚C. IN winter period At the time, the water temperature is 7–8˚C, and the sea does not freeze throughout the year. Average annual air humidity ranges from 65 % to 68 %.

The most favorable time for a holiday in Gurzuf is September. This is explained by the fact that the air temperature is not as hot as in July and August, and the sea is still the same warm. Another advantage of September is the availability of fruit and vegetable variety. Vegetable world Gurzuf is diverse, due to its climatic conditions. Here you can see many different plants of the coastal zone and the mountainous part of the valley.

Unfortunately, animal world not as diverse as plant matter. In the forests you can find roe deer and some species of deer, which become less and less every year. The calling card of Gurzuf is 100% Mount Ai-Dag or. Perhaps the most ancient settlements of Crimea date back to excavations carried out on Bear Mountain. It is also worth noting the Gemini rocks or the Adalara rocks there is a wonderful legend. There are many attractions in Gurzuf, but, as tourists themselves note, the natural beauty of the village is simply amazing. The beaches of Gurzuf are the most beautiful that nature could give us.

The population is 9.1 thousand people. This indicator decreased from 2001 to 2012, and began to grow since 2013. National composition Gurzuf is diverse. Largest quantity Crimean Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians. Greeks, Jews, Armenians and Belarusians also live in the village. Gurzuf is one of the beautiful villages of the peninsula. known throughout Crimea for their purity and beauty. Many tourists who visit Gurzuf at least once become fans of these places forever.

Gurzuf on the map of Crimea Bird's eye view of the Gurzuf coast

The most modern hotels are located in the new part of the village, and in Old Gurzuf there are many colorful guest houses that are different from each other. A walk through the old buildings allows you to be transported to Crimea a hundred years ago. In addition, this part of the village is located closer to the beaches than New Gurzuf.

Gurzuf is located on the shore of a spacious bay into which several rivers flow. The largest of them is Avunda, flowing from the border of Nikitskaya and Gurzufskaya yayla. From the east, the bay is closed by the large Bear Mountain - Ayu-Dag, which juts far into the sea and protects Gurzuf Bay from strong winds. And from the west the bay is limited by Cape Martyan.

The entire resort village lies on the slopes of the mountains, at an altitude of about 60 m above sea level, so from the coast to the hotels you need to walk up 10-15 minutes. The popularity of Gurzuf as a holiday destination is very high. Tourists are not deterred by either the mountainous terrain or high prices. Holidays in a resort village cannot be called cheap. In terms of cost, a summer vacation in Gurzuf is second only to Yalta and Foros, but it costs much more more expensive than a vacation in Koktebel or Feodosia.

What is the reason for the attractiveness of this place? Gurzuf is considered one of the most environmentally friendly places on the Crimean Peninsula. There are no industrial productions here, so tourists enjoy clean air, silence, exotic greenery and excellent beaches.

Vacationers in Gurzuf can visit the Artek children's camp, explore the museums of the history of the camp and astronautics, as well as look into the Gurzuf Park, the Pushkin Museum and A.P. Chekhov's dacha. In the vicinity of the village there are beautiful double rocks - Adalary, the majestic Red Stone and Genoese Rock. From Gurzuf, popular boat trips, climbing Mount Ayu-Dag and Bus tours to the sights of the southern coast of Crimea.

Climatic features

Thanks to the humid subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type, Gurzuf has the status climatic resort. People come here all year round, but the most comfortable period for relaxation and sanatorium treatment lasts from the first ten days of May to the last ten days of October. In July and August, resort life in the village is simply in full swing. During the day it can be quite hot +27...+28 °C, but constant coastal breezes and winds blowing from the mountains allow vacationers to feel comfortable.

It is very sunny in Gurzuf, the duration of sunshine per year is 2200-2400 hours. In the warm season there are no more than 8-12 cloudy days. The sea warms up early and is already quite suitable for swimming at the end of May. At the height of summer, the sea water temperature reaches +26...+27 °C, and no one wants to leave it. The last swimmers leave the beaches only towards the end of October, when the pleasant the Velvet season.

Dawn over the Black Sea

History of the village of Gurzuf

The fact that the coast in the Gurzuf area was inhabited a very long time ago is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists who discovered Neolithic and Bronze Age sites near the sea, an ancient burial ground and traces of Tauri dwellings. From the 3rd century BC. e. to the 3rd century AD e. on the site of Gurzuf there was a developed ancient settlement, from which a slab with an inscription in ancient Greek has been preserved.

In 1475 the peninsula came under the rule of Ottoman Empire, and Gurzuf gradually fell into decline. It turned into a small village where the descendants of the Byzantine Greeks lived, and the Turks kept their military garrison in it. In 1778, the Tatars became the main population of Gurzuf, and at the end of the 18th century, when these lands were ceded to Russia, the village was inhabited by only 179 people.

Since the 1880s, Gurzuf developed as a resort where wealthy citizens vacationed. When Soviet power came, luxurious estates were nationalized and several state farms were created on their basis. In 1921, two sanatoriums opened here to provide treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.

A new page in the history of the village opened in 1925 with the creation of the Artek children's pioneer camp-sanatorium near Ayu-Dag. After the war, buildings of the Ministry of Defense sanatorium were built in Gurzuf. Many new residential buildings appeared in the village, and the old territory was landscaped.


The coastline in the area of ​​Gurzuf and its immediate surroundings is divided into many small beaches. Some of them are free and open to everyone, while others can only be used by guests of sanatoriums and boarding houses. To some of closed beaches You can get in for a fee; entry to others is only available with special passes. In any case, all vacationers find places for themselves beach holiday according to taste and financial capabilities.

In terms of cleanliness and grooming, the beaches of the village are considered one of the best in the world. South Coast Crimea. All beaches of Gurzuf are quite wide and have a gentle entrance into the water. Everywhere coastline covered with small pebbles. Most beach areas have everything necessary for a beach holiday - sun loungers, sun umbrellas, showers and changing rooms.

The beautiful Gurzuf embankment stretches for a kilometer. It is lined with white marble and looks very lively during the summer tourist season. There are many cafes, restaurants and snack bars, as well as souvenir shops and shops selling resort goods. On the embankment there are equipment rental points and attractions for children and adults.

In many places, for the convenience of vacationers, wooden paths are laid to the water, and large shady canopies rise on the shore. Due to excellent clean beaches among vacationers, housing on the southern outskirts of Gurzuf is in great demand, in cozy village Ai-Danil. Spread even further south wild beach Cape Martyan and a popular nudist beach. At the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag there is also a whole series of wild beaches where lovers of secluded recreation like to spend time.

In the center of the resort village there is a boat station that supplies all the beaches of Gurzuf with boats and water activities - water skiing and boarding, parachute rides behind the boat, as well as rental of hydro scooters. Near the boat station, on the pier you can meet divers and yachtsmen. It's easy to arrange an appointment here sea ​​excursion and going on sea fishing.

Gurzuf for active recreation

There are several dive centers on the embankment near the central pier of the resort village. Their instructors are ready to train beginners in a few hours and dive with them to the bottom of the Black Sea to a depth of 10 m. Those who want to receive an international certificate must undergo longer training at dive centers. There are several interesting dive sites near Gurzuf where you can go on a diving safari and do underwater video filming. Children's diving groups also operate in Gurzuf.

Fans of sea fishing can go to sea on speedboats and motorboats. All necessary equipment is provided by the organizers of such trips. In the Black Sea near Gurzuf horse mackerel and haddock are caught. And near the village of Krasnokamenka, located north of Gurzuf, they offer fishing in a local pond inhabited by grass carp, carp, carp and crucian carp.

Those who enjoy horseback riding will not be bored either. A small local horse farm keeps quiet horses and teaches horse riding to inexperienced riders. Horse riding routes run both through Gurzuf itself and its surroundings.

Fans of water tourism can try their hand at sea kayaking. Such trips are organized from Gurzuf to the Adalar rocks, to Ak-Tash Bay at the foot of Ayu-Dag, to the Pushkin Grotto, to the Azure Bay, as well as to the Genoese and Chaliapin rocks.


People can go on boat trips along the Crimean coast from Gurzuf on motor boats, cutters and yachts. In addition, every day the Samantha Smith motor ship takes tourists from the pier to the open sea. During the journey, a professional guide tells passengers about everything they see on the shore.

The most beautiful natural attraction of Gurzuf is an ancient park, which is located on the territory of a military sanatorium. It was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by order of Duke Armand-Emmanuel de Richelieu, who at that time served as Governor-General of New Russia and Bessarabia. Today, the unique park covers an area of ​​12 hectares and is home to 110 species of trees and shrubs. Olives and palm trees, laurels and bananas feel at ease under the warm Crimean sun.

Gurzuf Park is famous not only for its exotic plants. You can see many old sculptures and unusual fountains here. Near the southern entrance there is an alley of busts of celebrities who have ever visited Gurzuf. Busts of the singer Fyodor Chaliapin, poets Alexander Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz and Vladimir Mayakovsky, as well as writers Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky are exhibited here. During the day, only vacationers of the sanatorium are allowed into the park. But twice a day, at 11.00 and 16.00, excursions are held around the natural attraction for everyone.

Popular from the resort village walking tours through picturesque surroundings. From Gurzuf you can go to the Red Stone rock. For about half a century, the picturesque hill has the status of a natural and geological monument. It is made of marble-like limestone of pink-yellow color. At the foot of the cliff is beautiful lake and grow grapes.

While relaxing in Gurzuf, you can go on bus tours to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, to royal palace in Livadia, in former capital Crimean Khanate - the city of Bakhchisarai, the Valley of Ghosts under Mount Demerdzhi, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, Mount Ai-Petri and the winery in Massandra.

Walking tour along Ayu-Dag

Many people climb the green mountain, which looks like a bear lying near the sea. This journey from Gurzuf is not very difficult and takes half a day. It can be done independently or accompanied by a guide.

Bear Mountain is composed of igneous rocks—gabro-diabases, which is not at all typical for Crimean mountains. And its top is overgrown with green sessile oaks. It is noteworthy that the age of individual trees ranges from 500 to 800 years.

In addition to natural attractions, the mountain has preserved many archaeological sites. On its slopes, flint tools of primitive people and the remains of a Tauri settlement were found. In the 8th century, a Christian monastery was built on Ayu-Dag, which existed here until the 15th century.


Any city can envy Gurzuf’s museum collections. At the end of the summer of 1820, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin lived in the village with the family of General Raevsky. The poet's museum is located in the “castle in the air” - the first European building on the southern coast of Crimea (Naberezhnaya St., 1). The exhibition is distributed across six halls and tells about the Crimean period in Pushkin’s life. Here you can see authentic lifetime publications, as well as items from the early 19th century. The Pushkin Museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00 and welcomes guests seven days a week from May to October. At other times of the year it is closed on Mondays.

A visit to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s dacha, which has been turned into an interesting memorial museum, leaves a very pleasant impression. The writer purchased a small house in Gurzuf in 1900. He really liked the location of the dacha and the rocky bay on the seashore. Here Chekhov rested, admired the coast and fished. The writer's relatives came to the dacha. After the death of A.P. Chekhov in 1904, his widow O.L. Knipper became the owner of the house. The writer's house-museum in Gurzuf is open from April to November from 9.00 to 18.00, except Monday and Tuesday.

On the territory of the Artek children's center, in the architectural monument of the beginning of the last century - the Suuk-Su Palace - there are two museums: the history of the camp and the history of astronautics.

Where to stay

The resort history of Gurzuf lasts almost a century and a half, so good traditions of receiving guests have long been formed here. Even in the midst summer season There are no problems with rental housing or hotels in the village. Most of the Gurzuf hotels offer standard rooms with amenities at a price of about 2,000 rubles per day.

The first line near the beaches is occupied by large sanatoriums, boarding houses and children's camps, where accommodation is not cheap. Other hotels and guest houses They are located on a hill, far from the sea, and you have to walk from them to the beaches. However, housing on a hill also has its advantages. From here you have an excellent view of the coast, there is always fresh air at the top, and the distance from entertainment centers guarantees calm, quiet evenings.

Those who have been vacationing in Gurzuf for many years prefer to settle in the old part of the village. Old Gurzuf has a charming atmosphere. There are many beautiful cobbled streets and the buildings have unique architecture.

Private guest houses are scattered throughout the village. They are very different. Some of the owners have built a modern villa with balconies, while others continue to rent out rooms in their grandmother’s old house. Housing prices also depend on the newness, location and range of services. Rent a room in guest house possible for 1500-1600 rubles per day. Cheaper options are offered in the private sector of Gurzuf with minimal amenities. These are small rooms with furniture in houses without air conditioning with toilets on the floor.

How to get there

The nearest airport to Gurzuf is in the capital of Crimea - Simferopol (83 km). Airplanes from many Russian cities fly to this city. From the airport to the resort village you can get by taxi, trolleybus No. 55 and all buses heading towards Yalta or Sevastopol. In this case, to get to the streets of Gurzuf you will need to go down from the main highway - the so-called “turn to Gurzuf”.

Second option: come from Simferopol airport by bus, minibus or trolleybus to the city center, to bus station-2 “Kurortnaya” near the railway station. From there there are direct buses to Gurzuf every half hour, which reach the resort village in 1.5-2 hours.

Coastal hotels in Gurzuf

People also come to Gurzuf using the “Single Ticket” of Russian Railways from the territory of Russia. First, tourists get by train to Krasnodar or Anapa, then transfer to a bus and take it across Kerch crossing enter the territory of Crimea. “Single tickets” to Gurzuf itself are not sold, but you can buy a ticket to Yalta and from the Yalta bus station get to the resort village on suburban buses No. 106 or No. 31B. Bus number 106 arrives in the upper part of Gurzuf, and bus number 31B stops closer to the beaches.

There is an intercity trolleybus line near Gurzuf, so it is easy to get to the resort village by trolleybus from Simferopol or Yalta.

And the villages of Danilovka (Ai-Danil), Lineinoye, Partizanskoe.

Gurzuf is a climatic resort; from the north it is protected from cold winds by mountains reaching a height of 1,500 m. In the mountains above Gurzuf are located the highest absolute yaylas of Crimea: Nikitskaya, Gurzufskaya and Babugan. This, of course, is not the Pamirs or the Himalayas, but if you consider that the mountains are located here 6–7 kilometers from the seashore, the relative height difference is significant.

The country’s most famous children’s camp, Artek, is located here.

origin of name

It is believed that the name of the village comes from the Latin ursus (bear). The heavy humpbacked mass of Mount Ayudag (Bear Mountain), covered with forests and bushes and protruding as a cape far into the sea, has the shape of a resting huge bear (height 572 m, length - about 2.5 km). Others believe that the name Gorzuv (Gorzuvites) has Taurian or Gothic-Alanian roots and decipher it as “mountain dzakh” - mountain valley, valley among the mountains. Gradually, the toponym “Gorzuvits” transformed into Kursaits, Gorzovium, Yurzuf, Gurzuf.

Modern Gurzuf

Geographically, modern Gurzuf can be divided into four parts. The first is Artek, which occupies an area of ​​about 300 hectares from Ayu-Dag to the eastern outskirts of the village itself. The second part is the Gurzuf embankment with the sanatoriums located on it. The third is a residential area of ​​old Gurzuf, located in the seaside, lower part of the village with narrow winding streets and houses of the early 20th century. And the fourth — residential areas of Gurzuf, built up with multi-storey buildings in the 60–80s of the 20th century (for locals — simply “ Microdistrict»).

The village itself is small in area; in about two hours you can walk along almost all its streets. The majority of the population of Gurzuf lives in the microdistrict, built up with houses of modern architecture. There is also a post office, a school, a hospital, a club, a library, a public service center, and a council. This part of the village began to be intensively built up in the mid-60s. The more ancient, seaside part has retained its medieval flavor. There are still pre-revolutionary houses here, narrow, crooked, but cozy streets and alleys. The main street of Gurzuf - Leningradskaya runs through the old part. It starts from the reception building of the Military Sanatorium, then goes out to the so-called “patch” - the central square of the village and after a hundred meters it comes to the square near the Artek camp “Kiparisny”.

The famous Gurzuf “patch” cannot be bypassed - almost all roads to the embankment go through it. On the “patch” there is an intercity telephone call center, and somewhere in the early 90s there was still a Gurzuf bus station here - a one-story building with four powerful columns in front of the entrance (now it is the Boheme boarding house), from where regular buses departed every half hour to Yalta. It’s hard to imagine, but in this crowded “patch” in front of the bus station, huge buses like “LAZ” and “Ikarus” were turning around. Now the final stop of minibuses to Yalta has been moved 500 m higher, to the so-called fork in the microdistrict. On Leningradskaya Street there is an apartment bureau, police, and many shops. Below Leningradskaya lies the old part of the village, which locals call “Chekhovka”, because Chekhovskaya Bay and Chekhov’s former house are located nearby. The street named after him leads to the writer’s house-museum.

Gurzuf literary

The picturesque places of Gurzuf have attracted and continue to attract many poets, writers, and artists. One of the first celebrities to visit Gurzuf was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Many places in Gurzuf are associated with the name of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - Chekhov Beach, Chekhov Bay, Chekhov Street. In the early 60s of the last century, the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, who was vacationing in the Gurzuf Military Sanatorium, tried fish soup in a fishing booth. There were Griboyedov and Mitskevich, Zhukovsky and Repin, Surikov and Gorky, Kuprin and Solzhenitsyn and many, many others.


Gurzuf telephone code: +7 3654
Postal code: 298640

There are two post offices in the village: in the central part of Gurzuf near the registry office on the street. Podvoisky, 20 and “Artekovskoe” in the eastern part on the street. Leningradskaya, 42.


In the village there are bank branches (RNKB, GenBank), a registry office, a House of Culture with a cinema hall for 125 seats, comprehensive school I–III degrees named after. A. S. Pushkin, Artekovsk specialized school with in-depth study of foreign languages, music. school named after Nicholas and Milia Poludennykh, a hospital and a number of sanatorium and resort institutions. Among the sports facilities in Gurzuf there is a green football field for mini football with artificial grass.


City beaches are located at the beginning and end of the Gurzuf embankment. In the center of the embankment there are beaches of sanatoriums and holiday homes - there are fewer people on them. Entry requires passes and sanatorium books, but you can purchase a daily pass. “Cooperative” or “Gurovsky stones” - located between the Artek camps opposite the twin rocks of Adalary. This is cozy beach complex which can be reached by car. Most of these beaches are pebbly, but the last 2 beaches adjacent to Chaliapin Rock are rocky. Artek beaches are located on the territory of Artek and are intended only for children vacationing in the camp, but there are several beaches for Artek workers and camp guests. Behind Artek there is a wild beach at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain. Chekhov beach or “Chekhovka” is one of the most picturesque places in Gurzuf. Located in Chekhov Bay in the center of the village, at the foot of the Dzhenevez-kaya cliff. You can get to it through the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov.


All the sights of Gurzuf are completely devoid of mothballs. People climb on them, dive into them or sail on yachts, in these places they flirt and simply enjoy life. Well, it’s worth taking pictures here at every step.

The magnificent Gurzuf park was founded in 1808 and is considered one of the best on the South Coast. The park is located on the territory of the Gurzuf sanatorium. More than 110 species and decorative forms of trees and shrubs are concentrated on its territory. The park contains sculptures and fountains, among which the composition of the “Night” fountain and the “Rachel” fountain, created at the end of the 19th century, are famous. Also in the park there are busts of Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Pushkin, Chekhov, Chaliapin, Gorky, Mayakovsky.

The remains of the ancient Genoese fortress of Gorzuvita, which was built in the 6th century by order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I to protect its eastern borders. Allowed control of the Gurzuf Bay and the important Gurzuf Saddle pass. Then destroyed as a result of the Khazar invasion. In its eastern part, a 30-meter tunnel was cut through the thickness of the stone for cable car to Adalary. It offers views of the bay with the islands of Adalary and Bear Mountain.

Among the newest attractions - in 2013, a cat monument appeared in the village.


The intercity trolleybus line Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta passes over the village. From Gurzuf to Yalta along highway 12 km, to Alushta - 19 km, to Simferopol - 67 km, to Sevastopol - 92 km. The nearest railway station and airport are in Simferopol, the nearest sea ​​port- in Yalta. Your public transport not in the village, two routes commuter buses Those traveling from Yalta enter the village from the eastern and western parts, and reach almost the center.


To a large extent, the quality of your holiday in Gurzuf depends on the accommodation you choose. Finding housing in Gurzuf during the holiday season is now not a problem - just go to "housing exchange", which is located near the vegetable market on Leningradskaya Street at the eastern gate of the Gurzufsky sanatorium (this is 30 meters from the famous Gurzuf “piglet”, where the Bogema boarding house is located). Here you will be offered accommodation of varying levels of comfort, with a wide range of prices.


The territory of Gurzuf and its environs was inhabited more than 30 thousand years ago. Flint tools from the Early Paleolithic era were found near the village of Partizanskoye. The fact that people lived here in the 3rd, 2nd and 1st millennia BC. e., evidenced by Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements discovered in the Gurzuf region, as well as Taurus settlements and a burial ground. The remains of an ancient settlement of the 3rd century were also excavated here. BC e. - 2nd–3rd centuries n. e., where a slab with an ancient Greek inscription was preserved.

Near Gurzuf and on its territory there are 4 medieval burial grounds of the 5th–6th, 6th–7th and 8th–10th centuries, the settlement and fortress of Gorzuvita, built, according to the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea, in the 6th century. Byzantine Emperor Justinian. During excavations 1959–1963 Remains of a fortification, residential buildings and a large basilica from the 6th century were discovered.

The Arab geographer Idrizi reported that in the 12th century. Gurzuf (Gorura) was a seaside trading city. It (Orzovium, Gorzovium) remained the same under the rule of the Genoese, who had their own consul and administration here.

In 1472, returning from India, the famous Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin visited Gurzuf. In his work “Walking across the Three Seas” he wrote: “...may you take us to Balykale, and from there to T’karzof, and that one stood for 5 days.” After the Crimean Khanate fell into vassalage from Turkey in 1475, Gurzuf lost its former importance. The Turks stationed their garrison here. Most of the population at that time were descendants of the Byzantine Greeks. In 1778 they were resettled from the southern coast of Crimea. The deserted Gurzuf was settled by the Tatars. The lands adjacent to it became the property of the Khanate, most of was awarded or sold to private individuals. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, these lands were assigned to Colonel D.E. Lesliy. Since the boundaries of the lands of the local population and the new owner were not precisely established, litigation began that lasted several years.

At the end of the 18th century. Gurzuf was a small village with a population of 179 state peasants who were engaged in gardening and farming. In 1808, Novorossiysk Governor-General A.-E. Richelieu acquired a plot of land at the mouth of the Avunda River, laid out a park and built a house with services. This estate was bought in 1823 by one of the largest landowners in Russia - Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General M. S. Vorontsov.

By this time, the population in the village had increased slightly - there were 124 revision souls living in 40 households. In 1834, Senator Fundukley bought Vorontsov’s lands and built a wine cellar in 1847, where about 3 thousand buckets of wine were produced annually.

In the first half of the 19th century. a private shipyard operated in Gurzuf sailing ships. In 1846, 2 such ships were built.

The nature of Gurzuf attracted many cultural figures here. In August-September 1820, A.S. Pushkin spent three weeks here with the family of General N.N. Raevsky. Gurzuf and Crimea made a very strong impression on the poet; for more than ten years he turned to Crimean themes in his work. Soon after A.S. Pushkin, I.M. Muravyov-Apostol (father of the Decembrists I.P., M.I. and S.I. Muravyov-Apostol) visited Gurzuf, who wrote the book “Travel to Taurida in 1820.” In 1825, Gurzuf was visited by A. S. Griboyedov and the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz, who wrote his “Crimean Sonnets” here. Gurzuf was also visited by artists, in particular the brothers G.G. and N.G. Chernetsov, who made many studies and sketches during the trip.

Since the 80s of the XIX century. Gurzuf began to turn into a resort. In 1881, the Fundukley estate was acquired by entrepreneur P.I. Gubonin, who made a lot of capital from the construction of the Lozovo-Sevastopol railway. Gubonin built hotels, a restaurant here, installed electricity and telephones, landscaped the park, and installed colorful fountains in it. At the end of the 19th century. it was the most comfortable resort on the southern coast of Crimea. But its medical staff consisted of only two doctors and a midwife, and the service staff consisted of 300–350 people. Due to the high cost, there were few holidaymakers: in 1894, 900 people vacationed in Gurzuf, in 1900 - 1,558 people.

In 1885, 949 people lived in Gurzuf, and according to the 1897 census - 1557. Village residents, along with gardening and viticulture, began to engage in tobacco growing and small trade. There was a process of fragmentation of land plots. In 1884, in addition to 242 state peasants, there were 19 land owners. At the beginning of the 20th century. per male capita of the agricultural population there was 0.9 dessiatines of land.

In the second half of the 19th century. the village had several shops and canteens, a coffee shop, and two bakeries designed to serve visitors and the local population. Houses were built without a plan or compliance with sanitary standards, the streets were crooked, narrow and poorly maintained. There were no medical institutions in the village. The nearest hospital was 15 versts from Gurzuf - in the volost center of Derekoe. The vast majority of the population remained illiterate. According to 1885 data, there were 3 elementary schools. In 1899 and 1907, two zemstvo schools were opened.

In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Famous writers, artists, actors, composers rested, were treated and worked in Gurzuf, including I. A. Nekrasov in 1876, and M. P. Mussorgsky in 1879, who had a trip to Southern Crimea caused great creativity. In 1900, A.P. Chekhov bought a small house in Gurzuf near the pier (later he bequeathed it to his wife, the artist of the Moscow Art Theater O.L. Knipper-Chekhova). Here he began working on the play "Three Sisters". On the centenary of the birth of the great writer in 1960, a memorial plaque was installed on the house. In 1910, the artist K. A. Korovin built a dacha-workshop on the seashore, he was visited by I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, A. M. Gorky, L. N. Andreev, A. I. Kuprin, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, F. I. Shalyapin. Now — this is the House of Creativity named after. K. A. Korovina.

During the First World War, due to the increase in the cost of food and the decrease in sales of wines and fruits - the main products of production in Gurzuf - the situation of the poorest population became very difficult. The vast majority were starving.

reference Information

Useful phone numbers:

  • 36-37-50 - Reception of the Gurzuf village head
  • 36-36-10 - Policlinic, registration
  • 36-35-31 - Hospital, chief physician’s office
  • 36-34-90 - Gurzuf SES
  • 36-36-01 - Post of the village. Gurzuf
  • 36-34-61 - Post office Artek
  • 36-33-08 - Gurzuf department of social protection
  • 36-37-44 - Council of Veterans of the town of Gurzuf

Emergency numbers:

  • 101 - Ministry of Emergency Situations on duty
  • 26-35-28 - smt. Gurzuf (in case of fire)
  • 36-33-31 - Gurzuf police department
  • 36-30-85, +7 978 732-11-88 - Ambulance village. Gurzuf
  • 104 - Emergency Gorgaza

Gurzuf is a seaside urban resort village in Crimea. It is located 11 kilometers from Yalta in Gurzuf Bay. Gurzuf is a children's health resort!

Gurzuf is the eastern part of Greater Yalta with orderly rows of curly green vineyards running down to the sea along the surrounding hills, and the majestic slopes of Nikitskaya Yayla covered with a forested carpet with the “Gazebo of the Winds” whitening among its grandiose landscapes.

Ayu-Dag in Gurzuf. Bear Mountain in Gurzuf. Natural landmark of Gurzuf.

Natural attractions of Gurzuf: Bear Mountain guards the gentle sea, the Genoese rock rises in the center of the village near the Black Sea coast with the remains of the Gorzuvit fortress (6th century) on its top, the rock-islands of Adalary gracefully protrude from the sea water and are considered the hallmark of Gurzuf. At the Gurzuf Saddle pass, archaeological scientists discovered the first settlement of the Tauri with their ancient sanctuary from the 6th-5th centuries BC. In 1472, the Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin stopped in Gurzuf, sailing to Feodosia on a ship from distant India he discovered.

Rest in Gurzuf attracts tourists with its picturesque nature, ancient streets and snow-white new buildings, the Gurzuf Valley, Mediterranean climate, warm gentle sea and healing mountain air. The mountain ring protects the resort from northern winds, so it’s warmer here than in Yalta or Alushta. A special microclimate has developed in Gurzuf. Gurzuf was the first on the southern coast of Crimea to develop as a resort thanks to the talented entrepreneur P.I. Gubonin. He built 10 dachas and eight hotels here, which today house some of the buildings of the Central Sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense. The famous Gurzuf Park was created ten years earlier than the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Accommodation prices in Gurzuf vary and depend on many factors: distance from the sea, the center, attractions and the type of accommodation itself (hotels, apartments, guest houses). Choose your ideal accommodation option in Gurzuf for the travel dates you are interested in.

Sights of Gurzuf - Photos

Gurzuf is the country of childhood! 8 km along the coast from the side of Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) stretches International camp "Artek", which includes 10 camps. Artek beaches are located on east coast town opposite the Adalara rocks. Business card Gurzufa is the legendary two rocks of Adalary, which rise above the water by 35 and 48 meters and are located 400 meters from the shore. Life in the Artek camp is full of interesting events: festivals, competitions, travel, meetings with celebrities, sports competitions. The main goal of teachers is to reveal the talents of children. It has already become a tradition in Gurzuf to hold the international children's song festival "New Wave" every August in the Artek camp.

On the territory of the Artek camp have their own attractions:

  • Artek is unique cypress park, occupying 9 hectares on a seaside slope. About 180 plant species are collected here. The main ones are pyramidal cypress and other types of cypress.
  • Suuk-Su Palace;
  • Pushkin's Grotto– a man-made rock on the edge of a cliff with steep steps. From here you have a stunning view of the camp, Shalyapin rock And Mount Ayu-Dag, which stretches for 2.5 km, and its forested peak is located at an altitude of 565 meters above sea level.

Sights of Gurzuf

  • An ancient park from the early 19th century and the former estate of the Duke of Reshelje (territory of the Pushkino sanatorium).
  • Museum A.S. Pushkin.
  • , occupying 12 hectares of land with exotic plants, sculptures and fountains.
  • The Night Fountain is the center of the Gurzuf Landscape Park. It is an architectural monument, created based on ancient myths and acquired in 1898 by the owner of Gurzuf P.I. Gubonin.
  • Gurzufskaya 2 kilometer embankment made of white marble. All the main beaches, entertainment venues, and discos are located here.
  • Mount Bear(Ayu-Dag);
  • Adalara Rocks;
  • Dacha of artist K.A. Cow "Salambo";
  • Rock Dzhenevez-Kaya with the ruins of the Gurzuvita fortress;
  • Fountain in the center of Gurzuf Square;
  • Monument to the Cat in Gurzuf. It is located on the road from the center;
  • Leningradskaya Street in Gurzuf, where episodes for the film “ Prisoner of the Château d'If"(1988) based on the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo". Specifically, this is a section of Leningradskaya Street (from “Pyatochka” - a square with a fountain, go up towards the Church);

Piglet is the main square of Gurzuf with a fountain.

The very center of life in Gurzuf is a square in the ancient part of the resort village with a fountain. This is where shops and cafes are concentrated, and where main streets and directions intersect. Piglet is the main square of Gurzuf, which at night attracts with music and an illuminated fountain.

Gurzuf park.

Gurzuf Park was founded in 1803 and was one of the first on the southern coast of Crimea.
It occupies 12 hectares of land with numerous amazing fountains and sculptures, hidden among lush southern exotic vegetation and cypress trees. The Night Fountain is the center of the exhibition of the Gurzuf Landscape Park.

Fountain "Night" is a delightful copy of a sculptural composition by the German author Professor Berger, acquired in 1898 by the owner of Gurzuf Gubonin.
The Night fountain is rightfully considered the most beautiful in Gurzuf Park. Motifs from ancient mythology give it a romantic and fabulous uniqueness.
The center of the composition of the fountain “Night”- this is a “universe” with a belt of zodiac constellations, which the sculptor skillfully depicted in the form of a ball.
The goddess of the night Nyukta dominates the “universe” with a torch raised above her head on an outstretched arm. She is surrounded by the god of love Eros and the god of sleep Hypnos. Below are the Atlanteans, and from the open mouths of golden sea fish, cool streams of water shoot out, sparkling in the rays of the gentle Crimean sun, and flow down the stone pedestal into the bowl. The fountain is framed by a ring of fresh flowers. The Night Fountain is an architectural monument.

There are two sanatoriums on the territory of the Gurzuf Park: Sanatorium Pushkino and Sanatorium Gurzufsky. Entrance to the park is free only for vacationers in the sanatorium. At the administration of the Gurzufsky sanatorium you can buy a ticket, which is valid for the day and includes a visit to the park and the beach. Also, twice a day there is an excursion to the territory of the Gurzufsky sanatorium at 11 and 17 o'clock in the afternoon. The group is formed in the lower part of the Gurzufsky Sanatorium, on the embankment.

Gurzuf park is famous and other fountains: “Girl with a Jug”, “Rachel”, “Deer at a Watering Place”, “Bather”, “Young Pushkin”, “Mother Bathing Children”.
The main attraction of the Gurzuf Park is undoubtedly the alley where busts of Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vladimir Mayakovsky are installed in memory of their visit to Gurzuf.

Beaches of Gurzuf.

The urban-type settlement of Gurzuf, like most resort places beach holiday in Crimea, has pebble beaches. Pebble beaches are a definite plus, because here, even in windy weather, there is always a clear, clean Black Sea. The seabed in Gurzuf is visible from the water and at a fairly far distance: even when swimming behind the fencing buoys, the bottom is clearly visible. Lovers of sea beauty, with a minimum of effort and limited to only a mask with fins, can enjoy the sea landscape, flora, fauna and even catch crabs.

The beaches of Gurzuf are located along the entire two-kilometer embankment. The entire territory of the embankment is divided by stone piers into small areas, most of which are given over to the beaches of sanatoriums and paid beaches, but there are also plenty of free beaches. All beaches of Gurzuf are pebbly, clean, well-groomed equipped with changing rooms. You can rent umbrellas or sun loungers for an additional fee. In addition, there is on the territory of the A.P. Dacha Museum. Chekhov. All of the above is related to the center of the resort village of Gurzuf, but there are also children's health resorts with their own beaches, which begin south of the mountain Bear (Ayu-Dag).

Entertainment on the beaches of Gurzuf
  • Catamaran rental;
  • A ride along the water surface of the Black Sea on a jet ski (water scooter) at breakneck speed with unreal turns and a sea of ​​spray;
  • adrenaline charge on the tablet;
  • traditional water fun– banana ride;
  • going to sea on a yacht or ship;
  • sea ​​excursions along the Gurzuf Bay with a visit Mountains Bear (Ayu-Dag) and the twin rocks of Adalara;
  • fishing on the open sea;
  • diving;
  • photo with blacks “Hakuna Matata”;
  • The most popular and spectacular entertainment in Gurzuf is flying with a parachute behind a boat, the so-called parasailing. You can ride alone or together. You just need to comply with the age (children over 4 years old) and weight (up to 140 kg) restrictions.

Holidays on the Black Sea in Gurzuf are ideal for families with children. Active youth will also like the surroundings of Gurzuf...

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Gurzuf is one of the resorts on the southern coast of Crimea. This is actually a seaside village, not the size of a city. Therefore, those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of cities often come here. Some people come to Gurzuf for a day or two, as if on an excursion. After all, there are also attractions here: Mount Ayu-Dag (aka Bear Mountain), Adalary rocks, and of course the Artek children’s camp located nearby.

Gurzuf stands on the shore of a spacious bay into which several rivers flow, the largest of which is Avunda. From the east, the bay abuts the Ayu-Dag mountain, which protects the Gurzuf Bay from strong winds because it juts far into the sea. And from the west the bay is limited by Cape Martyan.

Gurzuf is one of the most vibrant urban villages on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. The distance from Yalta is only 18 km, and therefore is now part of the territory of the so-called Greater Yalta.

The origin of the name Gurhuf has not been established for certain. The former names of this settlement are also known:

  • Gorzuvites;
  • Yurzuf;
  • Gorzovium;
  • Gruzui.

The Gurzuf mountain valley has been inhabited since ancient times. Numerous archaeological finds dating back to the 3rd millennium BC testify to this. Scientists concluded that the valley was inhabited exclusively by Tauri. The first mention of Gurzuf is found in a treatise that was written by the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea in 553-555.

As a resort, Gurzuf began to develop in the 19th century. Then Prince Vorontsov led a descent to it from the main road Alushta - Yalta. The first person to start investing in the village was Petr Gubonin. He built seven hotels, a restaurant, an embankment and a park were created, in which bridges, tiles and several fountains appeared. Two fountains “Rachel” and “Goddess Night” still exist. After the revolution there was a period of decline, apparently there was no time for resorts. But in 1925, Gurzuf received a second life, the reason for which was the formation children's camp"Artek".

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Gurzuf today

The resort village is located on the slopes of the mountains, at an altitude of about 60 m above sea level, so to get to the sea you will have to go downhill, and to get back to the hotel you will have to climb up for 10-15 minutes. But tourists are not deterred by either the mountainous terrain or high prices. The popularity of Gurzuf is still very high, although holidays here cannot be called cheap. In terms of cost in summer, only Yalta and Foros are more expensive.

The reason for the attractiveness of Gurzuf for tourists is probably that it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly places on the Crimean peninsula. There are no industrial productions, so the air is clean, there is silence all around, exotic greenery and excellent beaches.

Weather and climate

Gurzuf is located on the seashore, closed high mountains(up to 1500 meters), which protect the resort from northern winds. Therefore, the climate here is mild, subtropical, with warm winters and hot summers. However, in summer the sea breeze brings pleasant coolness. Similar weather Not found at all resorts. Also, for example, on “ Cote d'Azur» France and northern Italy.

The swimming season lasts from mid-May to October, when the water warms up to +18. The velvet season begins in September. It almost never rains in Gurzuf, only at the end of autumn.

Most vacationers are observed from July to August, as this is traditionally vacation time. And September is the most useful time for relaxation, because it is no longer so painfully hot, and the water temperature is about 20-22°C, and there are a lot of different fruits, housing prices are optimal.

Where to stay. Streets of Gurzuf

Gurzuf can be divided into 4 districts: residential sector, multi-storey buildings, embankment and children's sector "Artek". In any area you can find comfortable accommodation for your holiday.

Leningradskaya Street is considered the longest. It starts from the entrance to Gurzuf and runs along Artek to Mount Ayu-Dag. It crosses several streets and goes out onto the embankment. Chekhov Street is historical, and the steepest climb is on Proletarskaya Street. The most distant street from the sea is Sanatornaya, on which there are as many as four 5-storey buildings, as well as a cozy private sector.

Skalnaya Street is very exotic, and Solovyova Street is located in the center and is the busiest area of ​​the village. There are almost no climbs on Atrekovskaya Street, making it a convenient place for older vacationers to stay. From Krymskaya Street you can see stunning landscapes, and on Stroiteley Street there are several elite buildings. It is more convenient to settle on these streets, as they are located closer to the embankment. Although for those who love walking along cozy and steep streets, a 15-minute walk from Solovyov Street will bring a lot of pleasure.

As for the cost of housing, as elsewhere, everything depends on the distance of the street from the embankment. The closer, the more expensive. In general, Gurzuf has very comfortable housing.


The most noticeable attraction, as you might guess, is the big Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag). The famous Artek camp was built on the slopes of Ayu-Dag. Locals There are many legends about this mountain.

And the Adalary rocks became the symbol of Gurzuf, the distance from them to the shore is 400 m.

There is also the famous Pushkin Grotto, where the poet took walks. The rock was named after the famous singer Fyodor Chaliapin. At the foot of the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock, near the Skalnaya hotel, there is Chekhov Bay, where you can swim and then look into the Chekhov dacha museum.

Mountain ranges protect Gurzuf Bay from all sides from cold winds. You can calmly and comfortably splash in the sea, or you can climb the mountains. The highest Crimean pass (1348 m) is the Gurzuf saddle pass (Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz).

There is a house of creativity named after Korovin and the house of the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Armand Emmanuel du Plessis Richelieu. Architectural wonders include the Suuk-Su Palace, which is a monument of the early 20th century.

Or you can stroll through the park and admire the fountains. It definitely won't be boring here.

Most Popular Attractions

1. Dacha of A.P. Chekhov

Many tourists visit this place. Chekhov bought this house to relax, retire and write. The decor and atmosphere of that time have been preserved here.

After visiting the dacha, you can go down to the beach, now named after the writer.

2. Museum named after A. S. Pushkin

The Pushkin Museum will tell you about the life of the writer in its excursion program in a very interesting and accessible way.

The poet lived here in 1820. The museum's exhibitions are located in 6 halls of the former Richelieu house, as well as in Tomashevsky's memorial office. In the premises you can learn about the circumstances of Pushkin’s appearance on the peninsula, with his surroundings here, routes of daily walks and details of communication with representatives of the local aristocracy.

3. Dive center “Aquamarine Gurzuf”

Of course, this is not exactly a tourist attraction. More precisely, with the help of this center you can see them under water... A famous dive center in Gurzuf. In the area of ​​the Adalarov rocks there are very interesting places that are not visible from the shore. And under the water, fragments of sunken ancient ships have been preserved.

You can also dive near Ayu-Dag. There is excellent visibility in the water.

Any vacationer can get to this center. Look at the central pier on the embankment. For those who do not know how to dive, there are courses for young fighters. Those who are more enthusiastic and capable can receive a certificate. The center also provides services sea ​​trips on the expressway motor boat, deep-sea and coastal fishing, provides training in water skiing and wakeboarding.

4. Gazebo of the winds

There are very interesting place, which you will probably hear about when you find yourself in Gurzuf. The Gazebo of the Winds is located on the Zeytin-Kosh rock.

To get to the Arbor of the Winds, you must first drive from Gurzuf through the Partizansky village. Then along the Romanovskaya road in the form of a staircase, which is cut into the rocks. A stunning view opens up before you from this gazebo! Unforgettable impressions remain after such a walk!

Small but cozy Suuk-Su Palace. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a hydropathic clinic, then an elite restaurant, a casino, etc.

During civil war the building was destroyed, but it was restored. German officers managed to rest here during the Great Patriotic War. Now this is the Artek History Museum, and the Cosmonautics Museum is located here. Yuri Gagarin. The guide is working. This place provides an opportunity to plunge into the history of Gurzuf.

Artek is now a complex of camps, and not just one, as it once was. Each camp has its own name, history, territory and buildings. The lands of Artek stretch along the Black Sea coast from Gurzuf to Ayu-Dag.

The westernmost point of the children's center is the Skalnaya hotel on the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock. The white cascading building is located almost on the spot where, in the 6th century, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I ordered the construction of a fortification to ensure the safety of maritime trade routes.

If you further follow the sea to the east, towards Ayu-Dag, then immediately behind the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock the Artek camp “Kiparisny” begins. The name is due to the presence of a cypress park. Next begins the long beach “Gurovskie Kameny”, which abuts Cape Sultanka from the east. The cape with the rock, now named after Chaliapin (formerly Futya) and the Pushkin Rock, protrudes far into the sea, like the bow of a giant ship.

Lost between the rocks is the cozy Lazurnaya Bay, which gave the name to the next camp “Lazurny”. Scuba diving enthusiasts come to this bay and it is a suitable place for them. At the top of Pushkin Rock there is the Girey Tower with an observation deck. From it there is a beautiful view of the mountains surrounding the Gurzuf valley and the Adalary rocks, sparkling in the spray of the surf, like two huge precious stones. On the eastern slope of Pushkin Rock there is a grotto of the same name - a natural cave where yachts and boats can enter.

To the east, among the greenery of the park, the white Suuk-Su palace described above is clearly visible, and even further on the hill is the green building of the Artek Main Directorate. Below it on the shore is the Artek seaport, one of best places on the southern coast of Crimea for mooring yachts.

The buildings of the Pribrezhny camp are scattered up the hill, above it you can see the Artek Lenin line, with a huge 36-meter Lenin memorial. Due to its size, the monument was included in the naval guide as a navigation sign.

How to get around Gurzuf

Gurzuf is a picturesque village with cozy and very beautiful streets. But getting around here is difficult because of the roads, which go up and down sharply. You won’t be able to accelerate at all in a car, but is it even necessary? Mostly everyone walks here. The village is not that big; in principle, it’s not that difficult to walk along the winding and mountainous roads. If you walk from upper Gurzuf to the embankment, the journey will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes at a calm pace.

If it is difficult for you to walk a lot, it is better to settle closer to the embankment. There is little transport. Those who do not walk, ride a bicycle.

Beaches of Gurzuf

There are more than ten beaches in Gurzuf. They are not sandy, but made of pebbles - large or small. About some of them.

  • Free beach

The most visited on the central embankment is the Free Beach. The infrastructure is quite developed, but it is crowded and, naturally, a bit dirty. There is a diving center here, which was mentioned above. You can take a jet ski.

If you are not a fan of sleeping, it is better to come to this beach before one o’clock in the morning, and then everything will be already occupied by sun loungers. Sunbeds are paid, changing rooms and toilets too. Along the territory there are cafes with summer areas.

  • Charm Beach

The next place for swimming is Charm Beach. It is more comfortable, but there is a fee. There are various types of entertainment here. The beach is equipped with changing rooms, toilets and even trash cans.

  • Beach "Gurovskie stones"

This beach is the most visited in Gurzuf. Everything here is cozy and well-appointed. From the beach you can swim to the Adalaram rocks, or rent a catamaran and get to them on the surface, so to speak. Paid entrance.

  • Artek beaches

These are paid beaches. From the name it is clear that they are located on the territory of the children's center.
Young people are more drawn to Sputnik Beach. The beaches of Artek are clean and there are almost no vacationers here, as on all other beaches of holiday homes.

  • Nudistcue beach

The nudist beach is also in demand in Gurzuf. Located near Mount Ayu-Dag. You will have to get to this beach using sea taxis; they will be happy to take you there. The beach is always calm, the water is much cleaner, there are few people, this is the place for those who like privacy and relaxation.

What to see in the area

Gurzuf is surrounded by several places where you can see unique natural monuments. The most interesting ones are below.

  • Rock Red Stone

This is a rock in the Gurzuf Valley, on the southern coast. Its height above sea level is 430 m. It is made of pinkish-yellow limestone. At the foot of the cliff is the village of Krasnokamenka. The distance from the center of Gurzuf to the rock is 4.3 km.

  • Pushkin Grotto

The Pushkin Grotto is located on the territory of Artek, opposite the Adalar rocks. According to legend, A.S. Pushkin loved to be here. At the very top of this rock is Observation deck, which offers a marvelous view of the surrounding area and Mount Ayu-Dag.

  • Gurzuf saddle

This is the highest pass in Crimea (1348 m). It is located 5 km northwest of the village of Gurzuf.

  • Shalyapin's Rock

Again the territory of Artek. The rock is named after the famous Russian singer Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin.

  • Gurzuf fortress (Gorzuvita fortress)

On the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock (70 m) the remains of the Gorzuvita fortress of the 6th-8th century are preserved. It is located at the entrance to Gurzuf Bay and is an “outsider” from the Main Ridge.

  • Cape Martyan

This is a nature reserve with an area of ​​240 hectares. The reserve includes a strip of water area of ​​the Black Sea. The place is unique for its plants and birds. Scientific research is ongoing here all the time. From the center of Gurzuf to the cape 4 km.

How to get to Gurzuf

Gurzuf is located near major resort towns, so getting to Gurzuf is not difficult.

Here are several options for how to get to Gurzuf in Crimea. Travel option own car not considered here. Crimean Bridge open - what a problem, go ahead and go.

Everyone else first of all needs to get to Simferopol. You can do this by bus, by plane, by train, and of course by car.

The most inexpensive transport in Crimea is a trolleybus. In addition, it does not travel so fast and on the way you will be able to fully enjoy the beauty of the Crimean peninsula, because your path will run through other, no less beautiful resort villages.

You can also get from Simferopol to Gurzuf by minibus. It's a little more expensive than taking a trolleybus, but you'll get there much faster.

You can quickly, comfortably and inexpensively get to Gurzuf from Simferopol by taxi. To avoid getting bombed, before your trip it is better to look online in advance for several numbers of companies that provide a similar service, according to a certain tariff.