Palace of the Prince of Monaco. Ariadne's thread. Prince's Palace and Old Town

Princely Palace - La Palais Princier. Built on the top of a cliff in 1215 on the site of a former Genoese fortress, it is now the residence of the ruling family Grimaldi. this is where it is located Historical archive And Napoleon Museum. The changing of the guards can be seen on Palace Square .

IN Monaco There is no conscription, and the prince usually asks the French government to allow him to take French citizens into the service of protecting the state. 82 French guards - the entire army of the prince. They guard the palace. The changing of the guards can be seen on Palace Square . Monaco is the only country in the world in which the military band is larger than the armed forces: it has 85 musicians. Despite the fact that it has been constantly reconstructed since the 18th century, its architecture still retains the ancient square crenellated towers. When Prince located in the palace, the princely standard flutters above the tower of St. Mary. Prince Honore II, who died in 1661, made an enormous contribution to cultural heritage. The prince spent his whole life arranging the princely palace; it was he who built the southern wing, where the Large Apartments are now located, they are so readily shown to the public. He also laid the foundation for a vibrant collection of art objects - more than 700 canvases, tapestries, furniture and silverware. The palace can be called a real museum: more than 700 paintings by the greatest painters, unique frescoes and tapestries, the halls are decorated with Italian marble, silver and gilding, ebony, silks and velvet. The most beautiful premises - Italian gallery, salon Louis XV, the Blue Salon, the Mazarin Salon, the Throne Room, the Chapel of the Palantine, built in the 17th century, and the Tower of St. Mary, as well as the courtyard of the palace. The Court of Honor is considered to be the former central part of the 13th-century fortress. He took on his present appearance in architectural terms during his reign. Honore II. His successor is Prince Louis planned to “cut” a door in the front façade of the building facing Palace Square and the old city. Then, during the restoration work carried out by the prince Rainier III, Court of Honor was paved with three million white and colored stones, forming giant geometric shapes. In 1960, the sovereign prince gives the opportunity to the prestigious National Opera Orchestra (which since 1980 has been called Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo), which has earned international recognition, organize concerts on the territory Court of Honor. Since then it has become a tradition that in the summer Court of Honor becomes an open-air stage for classical music concerts of the highest level, where great soloists and orchestra conductors perform. The maintenance of the 180-room palace costs $4 million annually. This is also where Historical archive And Napoleon Museum. (Souvenirs Napoleoniens Et Des Archives Du Palais Princier). Located in the southern wing of the palace, the first floor of the museum houses more than a thousand objects and documents relating to the First Empire, as well as personal belongings Napoleon I.Among them there are personal items Napoleon, some of which were brought from St. Helena. The second floor is dedicated to history Monaco. Prince Louis II began collecting this collection in 1919. The Decree of Independence is displayed here Monaco, signed by the King France by Louis XII, letter L Judiciary XIV to Prince Antoine I, state awards of the Principality (Ordre des Grimaldi and Ordre de Saint-Charles) and awards of other countries that were awarded to the Princes Monaco. Historical archive Princely Palace contains many documents, including those belonging to the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Open from 10:00 to 18:15, but closed annually from January to 1 April and from November to 31 December. Ticket price - 8 Euro, including visit Napoleon Museum- 9 Euro.

The Genoese built a princely palace on the territory in 1191; it was built instead of an ancient fort, which is why its location is called unique. In the thirteenth century, the palace belonged to the Grimaldi family, and over the years it was constantly expanded and rebuilt. Tourists who come here see the luxury of the palace, which has survived to this day. After all, the frescoes and Italian gallery of the 16th century have been preserved. Visitors are also invited to the Mazarin salon, which is decorated with wooden and multi-colored panels. The Louis XV salon is decorated in yellow and gold tones. The Blue Hall enchants thanks to the harmonious combination of gold and various shades of blue.

In Monaco, the Prince's Palace is one of the main attractions. Although the construction of the palace dates back to the 13th century, it was reconstructed during the Renaissance. Today, tourists of different generations strive to see this majestic structure with their own eyes. The palace building was built in Monaco-Ville, on Palace Square. The princely palace has existed for over seven centuries, and all this time the Grimaldi dynasty, which rules in Monaco, has lived here. That is why the princely palace has such a rich history. In addition, it is an excellent example of the skill of architects who lived several centuries ago. Therefore, it attracts the attention of tourists with its uniqueness.

Features of the Prince's Palace

Today, the princely palace is the official residence of the princely dynasty and the fortress of Monaco. When the prince leaves the palace, it is open to visitors. This can be understood by the flag that is installed on the roof. When the prince leaves the palace for an indefinite period of time, the flag is lowered slightly. Visitors are allowed to see the interior of the palace and all its splendor. It is worth noting that travelers coming to Monaco do not go only to look at the palace outside and inside. After all, the ceremony of changing the guard, which protects the safety of the prince, also deserves special attention. This ceremony can be seen every day at noon, the whole thing lasts about five minutes. Therefore, you should not be late.

The Prince's Palace provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of Monaco. The stunning architecture of the palace is amazing. In Monaco-Ville, this building stands out from all the others. At the same time, you can see many objects on the territory of the palace; they are also called individual attractions. There are a total of fifteen halls in the palace, and tourists can also see the Throne Room itself. The Napoleon Museum is located in the southern part of the palace and houses a collection of items belonging to the French emperor.

The Grimaldi dynasty has always fought for the honor and preservation of the sovereignty of the principality. Therefore, they constantly strengthened the princely palace, as a result it became a reliable fortress. However, at one time the palace was attacked by the French, who destroyed it. Until 1814, the palace was empty, then it was used as a hospital. Then it was returned to the Grimaldi dynasty, from a deplorable state the palace was transformed into a museum thanks to Rainier S. In Monaco, the princely palace is a special attraction.

Prince's Palace and Cathedral, Monaco senorita_angie wrote in August 16th, 2016

The Grimaldi are the oldest ruling dynasty in Europe to this day. In 1997 they celebrated the 700th anniversary of their reign in Monaco. Not a short time! In Monaco, everything revolves around the Grimaldi family. Here they truly respect and love their rulers.

The most important objects of the Grimaldi family include the Prince's Palace - the official residence of the ruling family and the Cathedral - weddings of the princely family take place here, and the cathedral also serves as the tomb of the princes of Monaco.

Initially, on the site of the palace there was a Genoese fortress built in 1191. In 1297 Francesco Grimaldi, expelled from Genoa, secretly entered the fortress, disguised as a monk. He managed to occupy her, and from then on she began to belong to the Grimaldi family. After some time, a Princely Palace . To be honest, looking at the palace, you don’t feel the grandeur of history; it looks very modern and as if artificial or something.


We didn’t go inside, as we were limited in time, we decided to walk more around the streets and experience the atmosphere of Monaco as much as possible. But in general, the palace is open to the public from March 26 to October 16 (except May 28 and 29, when the Formula 1 Grand Prix takes place) from 10:00 to 18:00, and from July 1 to August 31 from 10:00 to 19: 00. Ticket price for an adult is 8 euros, for children - 4 euros.


The palace consists of 4 parts: the residential wing of Prince Albert II; the official wing, where the office and various government offices are located. principality offices; the front wing with dining rooms, guest bedrooms and formal rooms and the final part of the palace - the church. Tourists are only allowed to visit the front part. By the way, if a flag is raised above the roof of the palace, it means that Prince Albert II is now at home.


Near the entrance to the palace, a guard dressed in a sparkling white uniform walks calmly. Every day at 12 o'clock there is a ceremonial changing of the guard, which attracts the attention of many people with its spectacle, so it is worth taking a prime spot in advance.


On the square next to the palace there is a statue of the very founder of the dynasty - Francesco Grimaldi, dressed in monastic robes. It’s not for nothing that he is nicknamed “cunning” or “cunning.”


This is what the square itself looks like, where various concerts, celebrations and ceremonies take place. The area is very compact and cozy, I would say.


The view from here is sooooo good! You can look at these yachts endlessly.


The square, in addition to the palace itself, is surrounded by very nice, princely buildings like from fairy tales.



Here you actually feel like you are in a fairy tale! Everything is so unrealistically beautiful, clean, well-groomed. These are the tourist buses that ply around Monaco.


It's like the scenery for some historical film about the royal family.


Simple and cute :) Flower pot on Palace Square.


One of the few souvenir shops in Monaco. Either we didn’t pay much attention, or magnets and other tinsel are not held in high esteem here.


Between the Princely Palace and the Cathedral there is an interesting building - the Palace of Justice. It was built in 1924. on the initiative of Prince Louis (Louis) II, the grand opening took place on May 1, 1930.


On the western side of the façade there is a bust of Prince Louis II.



The building is next to the Palace of Justice.


The inscription reads: "God help."


The cathedral was built in 1875. on the site of the 13th century Church of St. Nicholas. It is made of amazing snow-white stone, which has the ability to bleach on its own when it rains.



Commemorative plaque and image of Pope St. John Paul II.


Statues on the facade of the cathedral.


You can get inside absolutely freely and free of charge. It's definitely worth a visit.


The interiors and decor of the cathedral deserve attention. The altar and pulpit are made of white Carrara marble.






The cathedral serves as a tomb for the monarchs of Monaco and members of their families. Modest tombstones are located around the altar.


The grave of everyone's favorite, Princess Grace, also known as the American actress Grace Kelly, attracts the most attention. She died in 1982. in a car accident. There are always fresh flowers near her portrait.


Portrait of Grace and her husband, Prince Rainier III, who died in 2005.


Tombstone of Prince Rainier III.


Surprisingly, during our visit there was an exhibition of paintings of clearly Russian themes in the cathedral :)



After leaving the cathedral, we decided to wander a little around the nearby streets and see how and where the locals live. They live in this area in low houses of delicate flowers. This is what a typical home looks like.


The decor and delicate shades simply make you fall in love with it.



Cute, beautiful and simple...perfect!



Probably as a child, reading fairy tales, I imagined the scenery of the royal estates exactly like this. Here it may seem that you are in a dream and walking in your illusions, everything is too perfect. But it turns out that beauty exists not only in illusions and dreams, but also in reality. And some lucky ones even live in it.

The Prince's Palace is one of the most interesting sights of Monaco. It serves both as the official residence of the rulers of the state from the Grimaldi family, and as the most attractive place for tourists to visit. Indeed, this wonderful palace amazes with its majestic appearance. This Monte Carlo landmark has belonged to the Genoese family of Grimaldi since the late thirteenth century.

History of the Prince's Palace

Initially, on the site of the current palace there was a Genoese fortress, built back in 1215 by Fulco de Casselo. And in 1297, Francesco Grimaldi, expelled from Genoa, disguised himself as a monk and secretly entered the fortress. He managed to occupy it, and from then on it belonged to the famous Grimaldi family. This dynasty has become the oldest ruling to this day in Europe.

A lot happened to the fortress, and in the end the Prince's Palace was erected in its place. Despite the fact that other European sovereigns of the time built luxurious palaces in the Baroque style, the Monegasque rulers understood that their residence must be reliably fortified. Relations with neighboring states of Monaco were very unreliable, which means it was necessary to secure its space as much as possible.

Largely because of this unique requirement for that time, the Princely Palace became such a stunning architectural object. It was the only one of its kind, not resplendent with excessive luxury, but reliably fortified on all fronts. However, even such measures did not prevent French troops from capturing the palace at the end of the 18th century.

Palace today

All tourists visiting Monaco can notice that Monaco-Ville, the area in which the palace is located, is a very well-groomed area of ​​the city. By the way, if a flag is raised above the roof of the princely palace, it means that Prince Rainier the Third is at home.

In the palace you can see the Italian gallery, the Salon of Louis XV, the throne room, the Mazarin Salon and much more.

In the summer, open-air concerts are held in the courtyard.

In one wing of the palace there is a museum open to the public, in the other, southwest, there are Grimaldi’s personal chambers. In summer, some of these chambers also become open to travelers.

Interesting fact: in 1956, Rainier married the famous Hollywood star, who to this day is the subject of admiration and imitation for many - Grace Kelly. This actress starred in 3 films of the legendary Hitchcock, and in 1982 she tragically died in a car accident. There is even a street named after the actress - Princess Grace Avenue. By the way, on this street there is a fabulous and magical National Doll Museum. It is here that the door to childhood opens slightly and the edges of reality are erased.

When visiting a dwarf principality on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, not only the casinos and the famous races on the Monte Carlo circuit, but also the Princely Palace in Monaco-Ville, which became the ancestor of this entire area, can be interesting. A trip here would be incomplete without visiting this pearl of the Cote d'Azur.

Where the Genoese fortress stood seven centuries ago, the Prince's Palace is now located in Monaco. This castle, built on top of a cliff, is still the active residence of the reigning monarchs. Part of the palace is open for official events, while the other, the southwestern part, is residential and members of the princely family live there.

Cost of visit

You can go on an excursion to the Palace of the Prince of Monaco for a set fee:

  • children 8-14 years old – 4 euros, doubles 5 euros;
  • adults – 8 euros, doubles – 11.5 euros.
Unique features of the palace

The palace itself is divided into four parts - residential, official, formal dining room and guest quarters, as well as a church. If from afar you saw a flag fluttering over the roof of the palace, this means that Rainier III, the current Prince of Monaco, is now in his residence. In the summer, the Prince of Monaco's palace partially opens its apartments for inspection by tourists, and the rest of the time the premises are used for their intended purpose - government affairs are taking place here.

The outside of the palace has snow-white columns and mosaic facades, and in the courtyard you can see frescoes depicting various heroes of myths and legends. To recreate its former beauty, experts from the Louvre itself worked on the decoration in the middle of the last century.

The courtyard has been used for concerts for over 50 years, thanks to its excellent acoustics, the sound here is unrivaled. The courtyard is lined with beautiful colored mosaics.

The interior furnishings of the palace are reminiscent of the times of Louis XIV - this is the pompous salon in yellow and blue, and the Moorish decoration of the Mazarin salon. Art lovers will appreciate the art gallery with works by Italian masters. The throne room with a huge fireplace is incredible - ceremonies are still held here to this day. The Tower of St. Mary is built of white stone, which was brought here by Albert I from the town of La Turbie.

How to get there?

There are several ways to get to the main building of Monaco: from the sea, walk up the stairs in the rock, or take bus number 11, getting off at the Prince's Palace stop.