Videos and photos from space showed a view of the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait. Crimean Bridge from space. And not only the Crimean Bridge from space

"Kiev Express" is monitoring information about the launch of automobile traffic on the Crimean Bridge across the Kerch Strait. Every day, Russian media boast of their successes in completing the construction of a bridge crossing to the temporarily occupied Crimea.

The day before, a group of bloggers drove along the highway section of the Crimean Bridge and tested the route laid on the side Krasnodar region to Kerch. You can see what it looks like Crimean Bridge, in the video above.

Russian cosmonaut photographed the Crimean Bridge

And Anton Shkaplerov showed photographs of the bridge from space. Astronaut in this moment is part of the crew of the International Space Station. On Instagram, Shkaplerov showed how the Crimean Bridge looks from a great height and commented: “Here are the latest photos of the Crimean Peninsula and the Crimean Bridge, construction is ahead of schedule. They’ll be there just in time for the start of the holiday season.”

The Kerch Bridge on April 25 was shown on video

Blogger Igor Korsakov, whose video footage showed cracks on the support of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, posted a new video filmed on April 25. He commented: “Fences are being installed, the sewage system has begun to be installed. There will also be noise barriers, and the road itself will be like a tunnel. The wastewater treatment system will withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 10. Water purification will be up to the level of indicators of the reservoir of the fishery complex. 239 supports have been installed on the railway part of the Crimean Bridge, with 39 more remaining to be installed.”

See the Crimean Bridge from incredible angles? Why not! Russian cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky published unique construction footage on his Instagram. I wish Ukrainian ill-wishers to see for themselves and urgently go to heal the ulcer. The bridge is not a fiction, as they wanted it to be.

The photographs were taken while Ryazansky was on board the International Space Station. You can also see the recently installed railway arch on the bridge. Cosmonauts have been following the construction process for a long time, marveling at its scale and the complexity of the tasks assigned to the builders.

“We are also monitoring the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait from aboard the International Space Station. At the beginning of this week, one of the most complex structures was installed - a railway arch weighing 6 thousand tons was lifted onto fairway supports at an altitude of 35 meters above sea level. In the photographs, it is clearly visible.”

Photo: sergeyiss / instagram

A few days ago, the railway arch of the Crimean Bridge, which weighs about 6,000 tons, was placed on supports and secured. More than a hundred specialists took part in this operation: engineers, sailors, research institute employees and ordinary engine builders.

The first ship even passed under the arch - the dry cargo ship "St. Alexei", ​​which was proceeding from Sea of ​​Azov to Chernoe. Everything went off without incident, strictly according to plan. Bloggers after this in social networks wrote that the arch was “consecrated”, because the cargo ship was named very symbolically. Therefore, the curses of Ukrainian Russophobes did not affect the arch.

All that remains now for the authorities in Kyiv is to complain and suffer because of the successes in Russia in Crimea. It’s hard to lie, it’s vain to hope that Crimeans will ever want to return. Square is a fall to the very bottom, and Russia is a movement forward, towards that future that we are so accustomed to calling bright. And we will not allow anyone to harm us...

Russian test cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov published on Twitter fresh photographs of the Crimean peninsula and the Crimean bridge from orbit.

Let's look at the Crimean Bridge from space. And not only for him. It will be very interesting.

1. This is what the Crimean Bridge looks like from space.

2. The main span of the bridge is 227 meters. The height of the structure is 80 meters.

3. Total length - 19 km.

5. Ruapehu is a stratovolcano in New Zealand. Is the most high point North Island New Zealand with an altitude of 2797 m. It has three main peaks - Tahurangi, Te Heuheu and Paretetaitonga, the active crater is located between these peaks.

6. Reao is an atoll in the eastern part of the Tuamotu archipelago, approximately 1350 km from Tahiti. According to open sources, the population of Reao is about 380 people. The main settlement is the village of Rapuarava.

7. Africa looks so colorful, you just can’t take your eyes off it

8. Managua is a large freshwater lake of tectonic origin in the state of Nicaragua. And the two small bodies of water are Hiloa (on the left) and Laguna de Apoyo (on the right).

9. Fuji - an active stratovolcano on Japanese island Honshu. The mountain has an almost perfect conical shape, and has been a popular theme in Japanese art for many centuries.

10. And this is Patagonia. The pictures were taken as part of the Hurricane experiment, when we are actively observing the planet. For example, using these photographs, scientists analyze the dynamics of glacier melting in Patagonia.

11. South Sandwich Islands under the clouds. It is a subantarctic archipelago located in the South Atlantic. The islands are mountainous, constantly covered with snow and glaciers.

12. Pskov is one of ancient cities Russia, and to this day it has preserved ancient cathedrals and the walls of an ancient fortress, which were the first to take the blows of foreigners.

13. Sevan is a lake in Armenia (at an altitude of about 1900 m), the largest of the lakes in the Caucasus. Sevan is surrounded by mountain ranges: Pambak and Areguni from the north, Shahdag from the northeast, Geghama from the west, and Vardenis from the south.

14. Crater - crater lake in the USA. It is known for its deep blue color and purity of water. The lake partially fills a 1,220 m deep caldera that formed approximately 7,700 years ago after the destruction of Mount Mazama.

15. One of the mines located in the USA looks very interesting from the side.

16. Good morning again! One of the 16 sunrises that we see per day.

17. Such slightly mystical clouds and a golden sunset can sometimes be observed from on board the station.

19. The capital of our Motherland is clearly visible on the night planet. Congratulations to the Russians on National Unity Day!

20. Nizhny Novgorod throughout its history it has been a major economic, transport and cultural center of Russia.

21. Sochi is the capital of Winter and one of the longest cities on Earth.

23. The famous Richat structure (or “Eye of the Sahara”) is really clearly visible from space.

24. I have seen questions many times: “Where are the planes? Why are they not visible in the photographs?” The answer is simple - they are too small and almost elusive from an altitude of 400 km.

25. The island of Moorea or Moorea, which is located in French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean.

29. In Beijing, history is on every street and every step. Its main square, Tiananmen Square, is said to hold 1 million people!

30. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Its name translates as “Beloved City”.

34. Tibesti is a mountain plateau located in the central Sahara, mainly in the north of the state of Chad.

36. , hello!

37. Our Klyuchevskoy volcano decided to show what it is capable of. I followed him for several days as they flew over Kamchatka. At the beginning, the eruption was very active, but now it has already slowed down - this is clearly visible in the last photo.

42. The unusual layout of the city of Brasilia resembles an airplane, doesn’t it?