Owner: vinpearl. Opening hours of the park, entertainment and cable car. Have a nice holiday in Nha Trang

A site observer studied the biography of Vietnamese billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong, who graduated from an institute in Moscow, did business in Ukraine, and then created Vingroup, one of the largest holdings in Vietnam, successfully operating in the construction industry. The company sets goals to achieve leadership in retail sales and e-commerce, and also develops socially significant projects - schools and hospitals.

Over the past decades, Asians have regularly ranked among the world's richest people. Most of- from China and Japan, but from other countries it is worth mentioning Vietnam, where richest man considered Pham Nhat Vuong.

The billionaire studied at a Moscow institute, did business in Ukraine, and now owns a construction conglomerate in his homeland and succeeds in transforming major cities Vietnam into analogues of modern Asian megacities.

The early years of Pham Nhat Vuong. Studying at Moscow University and creating the Technocom company

At that time, this was not uncommon - the USSR willingly attracted talent from Vietnam. Pham Nhat Vuong received a chance to leave his native country, where the prospects were very vague, and took advantage of it.

Little is known about how the entrepreneur’s successes developed while studying in Moscow. He graduated from Pham Nhat Vuong Institute in 1993, when the USSR had already collapsed and difficult times had come. However, according to Pham himself, the situation in Vietnam was much worse, and therefore he abandoned the idea of ​​returning to his native country and, having married a fellow student from Vietnam, went to Ukraine. It is difficult to judge the motives that prompted him to leave Moscow, and researchers usually avoid them. There are versions that he never finished college, interrupting his studies.

Having moved to Ukraine, he, with the help of friends, collected $10 thousand and opened his own small Vietnamese restaurant, Thang Long Vietnam. Thanks to low prices, there were no problems with customers. Having assessed the prospects, Pham Nhat Vuong set about establishing a new business - the Technocom company, which produces Mivina instant noodles. To do this, I had to take out a loan of $100 thousand at 8% per month.

Pham Nhat Vuong was guided by a strong calculation - many of his interviews note the fact that the local population at that time was poor and hungry, and there were no instant foods on the market yet. That is why the model was actually a win-win. By the way, “Mivina” is translated from Vietnamese as “Vietnamese vermicelli”.

The released instant noodles quickly conquered the market due to the fact that it can be eaten without pre-steaming. Thus, the target audience has expanded from people who want to save money to schoolchildren and students. Information about the founding date of Technocom varies - usually sources date it back to 1993, but you can also find 1995, although based on available data, the company's first factory was already launched this year.

In less than a year, the production rate increased to a million packs per month. The success of the product is emphasized by a simple fact - in Ukraine, any instant noodles are still called “mivina”.

The high growth rate led to the launch of new product lines. In 1999, sales of the Mivina flavoring seasoning began, and a year later the instant mashed potatoes of the same name appeared. The products continued to be successful in the market, which increased the company's turnover and allowed Vuong to plan for his future.

In the mid-2000s, the company included three enterprises - a factory producing spices, seasonings and mashed potatoes, another one producing packaging material, as well as Mivina-3, where several types of noodles, potato chips, croutons and other products are produced. products. The latter is considered an innovative factory in its field, including a production complex aimed at processing meat using a special technology that eliminates the use of preservatives.

Western publications often call Pham Nhat Vuong the king of the Ukrainian fast food market. In addition to huge sales, the company has received a large number of awards in the food industry and rightfully occupied its position. However, Pham Nhat Vuong, who had money and opportunities for further business development, did not intend to continue working in Ukraine, being more interested in investing in Vietnam.

Return to Vietnam. Creation of Vinpearl

In 2000, Pham Nhat Vuong visited his homeland, already a quite successful entrepreneur, and vacationed in the city of Nha Trang, which is now one of the most popular Vietnamese resorts. At that time, the situation was not so rosy, but, assessing the prospects, Vuong thought about developing a resort under his own leadership. He had money, and building construction in Vietnam was not too expensive.

Having assessed the prospects, Pham Nhat Vuong returned to his homeland in 2001 and began building a hotel complex. Before this, the Vinpearl company was created, with the goal of constructing hotel complexes.

First famous building, built by Pham Nhat Vuong, became the five-star hotel complex Vinpearl Resort Nha Trang, located on Hon Tre Island, not far from Nha Trang. It was opened in 2003, and 430 billion Vietnamese dong were invested in its construction.

It has 225 rooms, one presidential and one royal suite. Such a scale has made this hotel complex one of the best in Vietnam. In addition, unlike those built by foreign companies, the hotel was built by a local native, although he earned his start-up capital in another country. By the way, in 2010, Pham Nhat Vuong sold Technocom to Nestle for $150 million.

During the construction of Vinpearl Resort, Vuong visited several hotels in Phuket, trying to get a little closer to their features and structure. Some researchers claim that one day he stopped by a hotel and used a screwdriver to remove the connecting parts of the water supply, studying the features of their connection. Why the entrepreneur needed to know this is not indicated - as well as the consequences of this research.

However, Pham Nhat Vuong did not stop only at the construction of the hotel complex, knowing full well that it would also need to be “sold” to people. For this purpose, the Vinpearl Amusement Park or Vinpearl Land, which is sometimes called the local analogue of Disneyland, was also added to the hotel complex.

In addition to various attractions, its own water park, arcade games and an aquarium, it has its own versions of McDonald's and KFC. However, according to online reviews, the establishments are still losing to their Western counterparts. The opening of the amusement park is often dated back to 2007, although according to official version it hosted the final of the Miss Vietnam pageant in 2006. After the general success of the first amusement park, Pham Nhat Vuong began to actively open them in the largest regions of the country.

Pham Nhat Vuong did not limit himself only to the amusement park and began promoting the holding of high-profile events. One of the first was the Miss Vietnam competition in 2006. In addition, it has hosted singing competitions, ministerial conferences, and other beauty pageants - including Miss World 2010.

In 2007, Pham Nhat Vuong improved the hotel complex by adding the famous 3.32 km long cable car connecting Hon Tre Island and Nha Trang. Another improvement concerned the increase in the number of rooms to 485. In 2008, Vinpearl entered the Ho Chi Chi Minh Stock Exchange, and its shares allowed it to enter the top companies in this area of ​​the country.

In 2011, Pham Nhat Vuong continued to develop Hon Tre: he added another hotel, Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang, as well as a golf club to the complex. In addition, it provides clients private beach, sauna and other services. Business expansion in this region continues to this day, but Pham Nhat Vuong did not stop there.

A snow-white beach with imported sand, a luxury hotel, a water park with all kinds of slides, an aquarium, a large game Zone, where adults suddenly become children and spend hours playing walking-shooting-car racing games. The Vinpearl complex is located on a separate island, which is clearly visible from the city beach of Nha Trang. And you can get there by sea or along the world's longest cable car stretching over the sea. Its length is 3,320 meters!

Today is about how much does it cost to spend a day in Winperl what rules apply in the park, review of prices for additional entertainment, as well as our impressions, reviews and many photos from this place.

We heard about Vinperl long before our trip to Vietnam. This gigantic amusement park, which occupies half of Hon Tre Island (Bamboo Island near Nha Trang), is perhaps as famous as. Of course, you can fly to Nha Trang and stay in a five-star hotel in Vinpearl right on the island. A room there costs 200-300 dollars per night. This amount will include everything - food, entertainment, the staff will blow away the dust from such a dear client.

But even a mere mortal can spend a day in heaven. You can buy a one-day ticket to the island, arrive in the morning by boat or cable car and leave after sunset. This pleasure costs 450 thousand dong ($22.5) for an adult and 350 thousand for a child ($17.5). They also sell tickets that include only 1 trip - either to the island or from the island. They cost less - 380 and 300 thousand dong. You can buy such tickets if you want to use a canoe taxi to return, which costs 130 thousand per person. For clarity, all entrance ticket prices are shown in the photo below.

UPD from 08/03/2016: Entrance prices to Vinpearl have increased. 650 thousand VND ($30) costs an adult round-trip cable car ticket + entrance to Vinpearl for the whole day. A child ticket costs 580 thousand dong ($30).

The funicular is located south of Nha Trang. If you want to save money, you can use the mysterious bus number 4(well, that’s what they write on the forums). We preferred to rent a bike (100 thousand dong per day - $5). I don’t know whether we saved money or, on the contrary, overpaid, but at the exit from Vinpearl the scooter was very useful to us and helped us quickly take Arina, who was falling asleep, home. But more on that later.

In the morning we sat in the cable car and began to look at Nha Trang from above.

The cable car is located 40-70 meters above the sea. The drive is about 20 minutes. All this time there is beauty all around. Somehow I even involuntarily began to compare it with. I don’t even know where the views are cooler.

When entering the island, be sure to pick up your free Vinpearl Map. It’s better to take two so that you have a spare in case of loss or drowning in numerous pools. The amusement park is very large and it is better to plan in advance how to spend the day there. Vinpearl has several main areas: a water park, an aquarium, shops and restaurants, a swing carousel, an indoor play complex and an amphitheater with musical fountains.

The first thing we did was go to the water park. What else to do in the morning? Of course, swim in the pools and ride the slides!

We spent more than two hours in the children's area. It’s quite safe there, the water is knee-deep, Arinka in an inflatable vest was quite independent. A barrel of water that overflows as it fills especially pleased Sasha.

This children's pool from afar. You can clearly see what's there There are many slides for kids, fountains, ladders - there is something to do.

Directly opposite the children's pool is a swimming pool with artificial waves.

It’s just that it works with interruptions, like all slides. They are turned off one by one, so you can find a place to ride at any time. Just in case, here it is photo with the slides operating schedule.

In general, everything in Vinpearl is great for children. Throughout the park there are sculptures of animals that attract children. Arinka sat in the hippopotamus for about 15 minutes, and then went to conquer the elephant.

Sasha tried all the slides in the water park, some of which were quite extreme. He liked it most black slide in Body Slide. It’s also scary to drive around this hill. The screams of tourists are constantly heard near it.

The laziest people ride not on slides, but on inflatable rings along an artificial river. We tried to drive in a circle, but something didn’t catch our attention. I wanted something more active.

Territory entertainment complex Vinpearl- very green, there are many flowers and trees. Arinka even managed to find small wild mangoes. True, we didn’t dare try them.

So we passed the time until lunch and went in search of food. There are fast food restaurants in every area of ​​Vinpearl. The menu is not very healthy, but you can still choose something suitable. Rice with chicken, spaghetti, pizza, Vietnamese noodle soup. Lunch for three with drinks cost about $10.

Arinka ordered spaghetti Bolognese. Here, I still have a photo of her finishing them. Towards evening we ate again in Winperl and my daughter ordered the same pasta, only at a different fast food place. At night she had severe diarrhea - the only time in six months of living in Vietnam she got food poisoning. And it was in a five-star entertainment center Winpearl...

This is not to say that you don’t need to go to Vinpearl, but to the fact that Food for children, of course, needs to be chosen very carefully. In fast food restaurants in Vinpearl, dishes are not stored in refrigerators, but in regular display cases. Naturally, by the end of the day, the minced meat in Bolognese was already smelly. We should have been smarter and gone to a nearby restaurant for fresh food..

After lunch we went to the aquarium. We have visited similar aquariums in Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. Oceanarium in Winperl no worse.

There are a lot of strange fish there...

...aquariums with fancy corals.

AND giant aquarium with big fish that float right above your head!

At 10:00 to 10:15 a.m. and from 5:00 to 5:15 p.m., the aquarium hosts demonstration feeding for tourists. And at 15:00 the Little Mermaid show begins.

After the aquarium we returned to the wet area and went to the famous Vinpearla beach with white sand. It is brought here on barges in bags, and mined 35 km from Nha Trang in the town of Cam Ranh (where it is located international Airport). The sand and mountains on the horizon reminded me of my very own favorite place in Asia - Filipino. Does it really look like it?

There are a lot of people on the beach towards sunset. Russian speech can be heard everywhere. Arinka dug up a lot of cigarette butts in the sand. Hey, comrades, have a conscience! Sand is transported here 35 km, and you are too lazy to get to the trash can and throw away the cigarette butt?! I am sure that by the next morning, Vinpearl workers will sift through all the cigarette butts and the beach will be clean again, but why leave behind such disgusting...

The same beach offers active water activities. All prices are shown in the photo below. 210 thousand dong is 10 dollars.

Closer to sunset, we finally made it to the carousel. It’s great that in Vinpearl they treat adults with understanding and allow them to fall back into childhood.

Every evening there is a fountain show in Vinpearl: The water flies up to different heights to the music and is illuminated by colored lanterns. We completely forgot about the show... There were more important things to do - for a whole 2 hours! We hung out in the indoor play area. Everyone was doing their own thing: I was taking out toy hamsters from the machine, Arinka was fiddling with balls in the maze, and Sasha was throwing basketballs into the hoop. Sometimes we got together and mastered computer dances.

Very important information for parents: in the indoor play area there is a special room - the so-called kindergarten. There are children's animators on duty there, where you can leave your child (they write down your mobile number and call if something happens). There is also a children's bedroom where the baby can be put down for an afternoon nap. We found this wonderful place just before leaving, so we didn’t have to take advantage of it.

We left Vinpearl around eight in the evening. This is where the rented bike came in handy.

Total budget for our trip to Vinpearl:

Entrance fees - 450 thousand *2 = 900 thousand ($45)

Lunch, dinner - 420 thousand dong ($21)

Ice cream, water - 45 thousand ($2.25)

Bike for rent for a day 100 thousand ($5) Total - 73.25

If you plan to have dinner in a restaurant in Vinpearl, then take another 30-50 dollars with you.

You might also find my review post about . There's a lot of detail there about how to save money and arrange independent excursions.

If you're looking for cheap flights to Vietnam, check out the calendar low prices for the coming year.

P.S. Security staff will check your bags before entering the cable car.You are not allowed to bring your own food or drinks into Vinpearl. They will even take away your water bottle. This does not apply to baby food. We showed the guards a box of cut fruit and some yoghurts for Arinka. They allowed me to take it with me.

The Vinperl amusement park is located on the island of the same name, a couple of kilometers from Nha Trang. The place is very popular among tourists and locals, a real pearl of Vietnam.

You're probably thinking, what kind of amusement park could there be in Vietnam: a couple of children's carousels and a mini-pool? After all, we know how in such countries they like to suck up all the attractions and create an atmosphere of uniqueness. You are wrong, skeptics! Being in Vietnam and not visiting Vinpearl is an unforgivable luxury. The amusement park is really cool and amazing!

Before dedicating a day of rest to an amusement park, it would be nice to find out when and how best to go to Vinpearl, what to do there and how much you will have to pay for the pleasure.

The park occupies a small part of the island, but its area is quite large and well decorated. Lots of greenery, well-groomed paths, flower beds, benches, signs and bright colorful attractions - it’s nice to stroll here and be amazed. If you try, you can quickly cover all the diversity in one, but a few hours is definitely not enough. And it’s not about the queues at all, it’s just that the attractions are actually interesting and exciting.

How to get from Nha Trang to the island of entertainment: options and nuances

Vinpearl Island is located opposite Nha Trang in the same bay and is clearly visible from the city beach. The huge letters VINPEARL are perfectly legible - a Vietnamese greeting to Hollywood, the backlight works at night.

There are several ways to get to the island, each full of exoticism and extreme sports. What do you prefer? Choose any two offers out of three: extreme, comfortable, inexpensive!

Cable car

If you're in Nha Trang, be sure to take a ride on the cable car! This is an event that is chic in terms of emotions and scenery. Cabins for 8 people, height up to 60 meters, length 3.2 km! Add to this the irregular swaying of the wind, the sea shimmering from blue to dark blue and green, boats scurrying on huge waves…. The cable car is cool, judging by the enthusiastic reviews of tourists, it can easily replace any amusement park attraction.


A simple and reliable option for those who have chosen a boring, comfortable and inexpensive option. In just 20 minutes and 80,000 dong (230 rubles) you will get to the island without any special adventures. The ferry runs regularly from its pier, is visible from afar and does not raise any questions.


Exclusive individual transfer in small groups of up to four people. The boat is free (included in the price of stay) for guests of a five-star hotel on the island, for mere mortals the cost 150,000 dong (430 rubles) per person.

Boats, yachts

Yachts and boats are moored offshore in abundance. Basically they offer boat trips to other islands, swimming in the open sea, an excursion to a fish farm, but they will be happy to take you to the island. Competition does not allow you to be capricious and selective.

The cost and return journey must be negotiated with the captain, who is also the owner, helmsman, translator and, in general, the most important and most talkative. The price depends on the route and group size.

It’s hard to say which is safer and easier; you’ll have a couple of minutes off the bank to visually evaluate all the offers. For the most impressionable and nervous people, a boat is suitable - the attraction lasts only 7 minutes, there is no time to be scared, a lot of people move along the cable car - in society it is not so scary, but the ferry inspires confidence with its power and successful resistance to the waves. Anyone who wants to cheer up in anticipation of an active day is welcome on the boat, just don’t overdo it with adrenaline, strength and emotions can suddenly end halfway to the island of entertainment.

Another nuance - transport links with the island come from one point, where the cable car is laid. This is the southern outskirts of the city; for example, you can get there from the center by bus No. 4 (go to the last one, it runs regularly every 15 minutes) or by taxi. The journey to the cable car will take 10-15 minutes.

In terms of cost, everything is simple:

  • bus ticket 8,000 dong (22 rubles);
  • metered taxi from the center of Nha Trang costs 100,000 dong (280 rubles), without a meter it is cheaper.

Important! buses in Nha Trang only run until 18:00, it is better to take a taxi or, if you have experience driving in Southeast Asia.

There is no language barrier - just say “vinpearl” and the taxi driver himself will continue the dialogue: “ticket”, “good price”. By the way, he can help you buy tickets cheaper and, most importantly, without a queue, everything is official and without deception.

Park opening hours: pleasure time

In April, when the high tourist season closes, the park does not stop working, but sums up some of its internal results and makes decisions: how much a ticket will cost, opening hours, which attractions will be open, replaced.

For example, last year passed under the auspices of repairs and reconstructions, many entertainment outlets were closed. On cost entrance ticket it didn't affect it. Now everything is working as normal.

Of course, if you are going to an amusement park, you need to see and try everything to the maximum, right? For the most energetic, small notes:

  • feeding fish in the aquarium at 10 am and 5 pm for 15 minutes;
  • mermaid shows at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for 10 minutes each;
  • musical fountain show at 7 p.m.

The operating hours of some attractions are slightly shorter than those of the entire park, but it’s not so critical that a tourist won’t even notice it!

A definite plus is the park's long opening hours. Of course, this is fraught with a queue for the cable car, but no one is in a hurry to leave ahead of time, because the most interesting thing is ahead. When the lights on the island and the cable car turn on, Nha Trang lights up with colorful lights, and the sky quickly darkens, a very romantic atmosphere ensues, everything is beautiful!

Ticket price: all inclusive

Why do moms and dads always longingly visit European amusement parks? Because there you will never guess what time the trip will be, because in addition to the entrance ticket you have to pay for each attraction separately, and also eat, drink and buy souvenirs. The Vietnamese took the right path and saved us from these painful calculations.

Included in a single amusement park ticket:

  • travel by cable car;
  • entrance to all attractions;
  • entrance to the cinema, water park, aquarium and all shows;
  • unlimited play on slot machines and simulators.

Maximum cost(full ticket, where almost everything is included):

  • adult 880,000 VND (2500 RUR)
  • child and elderly 700,000 VND (RUR 2,000).

Not included and you will have to pay extra for this:

  • simple fast food, water, souvenirs - it’s extremely inexpensive, everything is within 10-20 thousand dong;
  • towel rental – 30 thousand dong;
  • water activities on the beach (banana, parachutes, etc.).

Interesting! After 16:00 the entrance ticket costs 450 thousand VND per adult and 350 thousand per child.

Visit map– another plus for Vinpearl! There are a dozen cards that will be very useful not for idle all-inclusive tourists, but specifically aimed at visiting something, for example, an aquarium, a restaurant, and so on.

Features of the visit

In order not to bitterly regret what was not done or, on the contrary, to avoid doing something forbidden, it is important to know the nuances of visiting an amusement park:

  • You cannot bring food or drinks with you, except baby food;
  • adults are considered people whose height is above 140 cm, children from 100 to 140 cm, elderly - those over 60 years old;
  • Some attractions have height restrictions for children;
  • get ready for huge queues anywhere: on the cable car, on the electric sled, on popular attractions;
  • It is better to buy a ticket not in the park or on the pier, but in Nha Trang itself, for example, at the Russian Information Center;
  • Be sure to pick up a free map of the island at the entrance to quickly understand the geography of the park and not miss anything interesting.

And yet, it’s better to plan your visit to the miracle island on weekdays and not at holidays, otherwise there will be no crowd of Vietnamese. They will definitely stop us in line.

By the way, with a hotel guest card you can go everywhere without queuing!!

Attractions in Vinpearl Park

How to describe the taste of ice cream or the feeling when slightly cool sea water gently hugs your body and pushes you to the surface? This is a must try.

It’s the same with Vinpearl, you can describe for a long time how cool and fun it is, but you still can’t convey even a hundredth part of the drive, so a short listing.

So if you like:

  • science and everything educational - an oceanarium, although not the coolest in the world, but worthy, it is especially interesting to go to the fish feeding, dolphinarium, botanical garden;
  • water and speed - a water park, electric sled (a cool thing even for skeptics and grumblers, it’s not for nothing that there is the longest queue);
  • simple entertainment - carousels, slides, swings, rafting on an artificial river, swimming pools, sun loungers, go-karts, shooting games, “stay on the bull”;
  • animals - shows of dolphins, monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, dogs, fur seals;
  • romance - a Ferris wheel and show fountains (laser, musical, unrivaled, according to reviews much better than in Europe);
  • theater and performances - all shows, processions, mini-carnivals, theatrical performances, which number in the dozens;
  • sit for your own pleasure - a 5D cinema (where you can feel the wind and splashes of water in your face, a complete feeling of being involved in the on-screen action), arcade hall, simulators;
  • extreme and adrenaline - many slides in the water park and water attractions on the beach (boat rides, inflatable bananas, water skiing, parachute behind a boat, kayaks, catamaran, jet skis).

Naturally, it is impossible to list everything, especially since many programs change and become more complex. What you saw last year is in the past and everything in Vinpearl is new and cool!

And, of course, the water park slides do not work all the time, but according to their own schedule, some attractions may be closed, the show will change significantly, but it will not be boring. In Vinpearl there is always somewhere to go in search of adventure and emotion!

By the way, in many places there are cots for children where they can sleep and gain strength.

Beaches on Vinpearl Island: where are the best places to swim?

Surprisingly, you won’t be able to just come to Vinpearl and soak up the beaches. There are many beaches on the island, they are gorgeous, but in our understanding there are no urban municipal beaches and no wild ones. Only a lucky few have access.

Firstly, the amusement park has its own beach; entry to it is strictly limited to park visitors with a ticket. There is clean sand, water activities (for a fee), gazebos and canopies.

Secondly, there are hotel beaches, but only guests can be there; others are not allowed in, even for money. The beach is cleaned several times a day, the sand is sifted and the smallest specks in the water are caught.

However, dear tourist, you have every right to know:

  • those who are too spoiled by the crystal clear water will have to lower the bar of requirements; on Vinpearl and in Vietnam in general, there is litter and even sewage in the sea;
  • At the most romantic time of sunset or dawn, fleas come to life in the sand on the edge of the surf, they bite painfully.

But, in Vietnam’s favor, there are strong waves at sunset, so it’s more romantic to sit at a table in a coastal cafe or restaurant.

Cafes and restaurants

Although the Vietnamese love to eat delicious food and have excellent cuisine, this is not noticeable in the amusement park. Apparently, that’s not what they’re going for!

Of course, tourists will not be left without food and water; in Vinpearl there are inexpensive fast food outlets (french fries, nuggets, pizza, ice cream, juices), and that’s probably all.

By the way! The founder of Vinperla is a famous Vietnamese businessman who made his billions from instant noodles, but they don’t serve them there.

For those who live in a hotel or go for a walk outside the park, there are restaurants of different price categories, but all with prices above average, i.e. expensive, very expensive and fabulously expensive.

Island hotels: how to join the ranks of the local lucky ones

Hotels in Winperl

Everyone's favorite reveals that there are four hotels on the island: " ", " " " " " " ". They are five-star and luxurious, the holiday in them is great in all respects: comfort, rooms, food, territory.

Without going into details of someone's assets and property, it is clear that the hotels belong to the same chain. This is the same premium class where dust particles are blown off guests and a chocolate bar is placed under their pillow at night. Expensive? Of course, but you have to pay for comfort.

All tourists speak very highly of the island’s hotels, praising the varied food, and noting the sincere care of the staff. For example, hotel guests can check in their luggage on the mainland, board a fast modern boat and get off at their pier in 7 minutes.

By the way! Hotel guests can skip the line and use the cable car, boat and amusement park completely free of charge. Well, it’s free, these things are already included in the price of your stay.

One can argue for a long time whether such mass celebrations in a small area are good, especially for people of different cultures, how to improve the situation with queues for attractions, have you seen anything like this in your life, but there are several things that no one can deny:

  • a water park and roller coaster - everyone likes it, even those who have not tried it understand that there is something in it;
  • in Vinpearl everything is at a good level, no worse than Spain, Germany and France;
  • everything in the park is competent, exciting and healthy;
  • The cable car is super!

Visiting there is not like plunging back into childhood or remembering Sundays. family hikes to the city park. Firstly, you definitely didn’t have such cool attractions when you were a child, and secondly, the park is mostly designed for teenagers and adults.

Be sure to set aside a day of vacation and visit the amusement park; emotions of admiration and good mood are guaranteed!

Vinpearl on the Map

Life hack - discount on hotels

I use the RoomGuru website to search and book hotels. This service searches for discounts on several booking sites at once!
(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5, total ratings: 2)

Vinpearl Amusement Park (Nha Trang, Vietnam) - detailed description, address and photo. Reviews from tourists about the best entertainment Nha Trang.

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WITH central beach Hon Che Island is visible in Nha Trang. Here among tropical forests on an area of ​​200,000 sq. m lies the fantastic Vinpearl Amusement Park - a huge tourist complex with hotels, restaurants, spa centers, shopping arcades, as well as all kinds of entertainment and games. There are no more analogues to Vinpearl in Vietnam; it is the only water park in the country with fresh water, located on the sea coast. Visitors will find plenty of water games and fun in the extreme and family play areas, and those who want to enjoy a relaxing holiday will find a snow-white paradise beach. The territory of Vinpearl Park is divided into several zones: a water park, a shopping area, an amusement park, an indoor play area and an amphitheater. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them.

An artificial 24-meter mountain hides a huge amusement park with amazing attractions for children and adults. Three 4D cinemas, electric cars, a fairy garden for kids, a “children's paradise” for older children, a “game supermarket” for fans of dynamic games that you can play alone or with friends, as well as karaoke rooms for those who wants to show off their vocal talents.

Very close to Nha Trang, the city where we now live, there is a whole island of entertainment. It's called Vinpearl - a Vietnamese pearl.


  • The entrance ticket to Vinpearl costs 650,000 VND for an adult and 550,000 for children up to 1.4 m tall. For small children, admission is free (valid as of January 2017). Be sure to check the current ticket prices on the island's official website: nhatrang.vinpearlland.com. There is unverified information that from May 19, 2017, the cost of an adult ticket will increase to 800,000 dong.
  • The price includes a round-trip cable car ride and absolutely all the island's entertainment.
  • If you don’t want to get to the island and back by cable car (you get motion sickness or are afraid of heights), then the cost of tickets to the island without the cable car is 580,000 for adults and 500,000 for children. But in this case, you will have to buy a boat ticket yourself. Approximate cost: 150,000 one way.
  • You cannot bring your own food and drinks to the island (bags and backpacks are checked). And there is no point in bringing anything with you, since the prices in the cafes on the island are completely reasonable, and there is also Lotteria (the Vietnamese equivalent of McDonalds).
  • It is better to go to the island for the whole day in order to have time to go on rides, visit the water park and relax on the beach.
  • In the changing rooms and showers you can rent a towel for 20-30,000 VND.
  • To Chinese New Year(February) a lot of Chinese come and fill the whole of Vinpearl :)
  • There are more people on weekends than on weekdays, because... On weekends, Vietnamese people come with their families and spend the whole day there.
  • When we first arrived, we didn’t visit all the attractions because we didn’t study the maps of the island well. There are maps all over the island, you can find them at every step.

There are plenty of things to do on Winpearl Island. All of them are included in the ticket price

  • Ropeway.
    Schedule from June to August: daily 9:00-22:00
    Schedule in other months: Mon-Thu, Sun: 8:30-21:00, Fri-Sat: 8:30-22:00
    Trolleys cable car will take you to Vinpearl Island and bring you back whenever you want.
  • Oceanarium, 9:00-21:00.
    A gorgeous Oceanarium with sharks, turtles, stingrays and hundreds of species of fish. Mermaid show: 11:00-11:10, 15:00-15:10. Fish feeding: 10:00-10:15 and 17:00-17:15. While feeding the fish, the most fun is to watch how an impudent sea turtle climbs for someone else's portion of food, and 2 funny stingrays spin around their axis all the time.
  • Water park, 9:00-18:00.
    Each slide has breaks in operation. Approaching the slide, you will see a stand that tells you what hours this attraction is not open. We don’t get upset and go to the next hill. It doesn't happen that all the slides are closed at the same time.
  • Attractions, 8:30-22:00.
    “Roller coaster”, “Tsunami” and a bunch of other scary and fun attractions.
  • Electric sleigh 9:00-19:45.
    There is always the longest queue here, but the attraction is definitely worth your time.
  • Dolphin show, daily, except Mon at 14:00.
    Dolphin performance, you cannot swim with dolphins (current as of May 2017).
  • Beach, 9:00-18:00.
    There are free sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach, but you will have to pay separately for jet skis, banana boat rides and parasailing.
  • Slot machines and 4D cinema, 8:00–20:00
    The arcade room has entertainment for children and adults. Let's face it, you can't drag the guys out of this room by the ears.
  • Musical fountain show, 19.00.
    Be sure to stay for the Fountain Show. They give you goosebumps in a good way!

How to get to Vinpearl Island

In order to get to fairy island, first you need to get to the cable car. It can be done:

  • Rented motorbike

It takes 10 minutes to get from the center by motorbike. Use Google maps if you don't know the city well yet.

  • Taxi

Not very expensive if you know which taxi to take:

  • Bus number 4

Bus number 4 runs every 10-15 minutes. It runs throughout Nha Trang, including the center (European Quarter). Location of stops and fares:

Nha Trang Map

The island and the start of the cable car are marked on the map.

Click on the Menu icon in the upper left corner of the map.

It will take you 15 minutes to get to the island by cable car, and all this time you can enjoy beautiful views.

Although, this will not surprise the Vietnamese.

This is the view upon arrival

The entire island of Vinpearl is divided into several areas with attractions, beaches, restaurants, parks and hotels. We started our acquaintance with entertainment with such a carousel. Daria couldn't resist)

Next on our path were electric cars, so beloved by me since childhood. At this point I couldn’t resist.

A slot machine hall where you can try absolutely all of them and where I almost stayed all day)

This guy seems to have already become a slot machine master

And there is also this carousel that is worth a visit just for the view.

The view of Nha Trang city from the island is simply beautiful.

Of course there are roller coasters

All the paths on Vinpearl Island are neatly tiled, everything is clean and there are even trash cans. It feels like I have left Asia.

Here is a map of the island. In general, as it turned out, you need to come to Vinpearl early in the morning if you want to have time to see it all.

After enjoying the traditional attractions, we went to the water attraction area. This is the coolest water park I've ever been to.

All attractions are located in the middle of beautiful alleys and lawns

This is the water slide we remember the most.

Most likely due to the unexpected steepness. We thought it would be children's entertainment, it turned out that at the very beginning the hill was almost vertical. The people on this attraction look something like this:

There is a great beach right next to the water park:

International beach fun:

But here are the prices for more extreme entertainment. A little more expensive than usual, but still reasonable prices.

All Vinpearl venues have stages where unexpected performances can take place. We were just passing by when it started:

There is also an aquarium on the island of VInpearl. We thought that there would be just ordinary aquariums and went to take pictures of the fish.

Leo fish:

Coral fish: (I don’t know what it’s actually called)

Simply beautiful fish: