Mountains of South Korea. Mountains in Korea Mountain in South Korea crossword clue 7

Anyone who has flown to Seoul by plane (otherwise it has been impossible to get here in recent decades) is well aware that Korea is a mountainous country. While the plane is descending, ridges and individual mountains float under the wing, between which valleys and small pieces of fields are occasionally visible. This impression is not deceptive: indeed, about 70% of the entire territory of Korea is located above 200 m above sea level.

True, the Korean mountains themselves are not very high. It is curious that the two main peaks of the peninsula are located at its two opposite ends. On far north, right on the border between the DPRK and China, there is Mount Paektusan (height 2744 m), and on the beautiful island of Jejudo, which is located between Korea and Japan, stands the second highest mountain in the country - Hallasan (height 1950 meters). As our readers may have already guessed, the word "san", which appears in both titles, means "mountain" in Korean (like many other Korean words, it is an old loanword from Chinese). Both Baekdusan and Hallasan represent extinct volcanoes, and both erupted already in historical times. The last eruption of Hallasan was recorded in the chronicles under 1007, and Paektusan - under 1702. However, both eruptions were very minor, so the villages located at the foot of both main peaks of Korea are unlikely to be threatened by the fate of Pompeii.

When looking at the map, it is clear that the main mountain ranges run along the eastern coast of the country. Along the sea coast stretches a low (from one and a half to two thousand meters), but steep mountain range, part of which are the Seoraksan Mountains in the southern part of the country and the Myohyangsan Mountains, famous for their beauty, in the north. This ridge drops steeply into the ocean. Along west coast On the contrary, there is a plain on which the capitals of both Korean states - Seoul and Pyongyang - are located. In South Korea, it is on this plain, which stretches in a narrow strip from Seoul to the south, that almost all big cities countries. However, the term “plain” is not entirely accurate: there are simply more relatively flat areas in this part of Korea. The same Seoul is, in fact, in the mountains, and city blocks are crowded into deep gorges, separated by very substantial ridges.

The slopes of the Korean mountains are steep, the mountains themselves are cut by deep gorges and covered with forest, so living in the mountains is not so easy. It’s difficult to even just walk on them - the steepness of the slopes, the forest, and the thorny bushes make it difficult. Since ancient times, mountains have played the same role as impenetrable forests in Russia. Hermits went to the mountains, bandits hid there, partisans set up their camps, and monks built hermitages. It is no coincidence that most of the famous Korean monasteries are still located in the Seoraksan Mountains - it was there, among the peaks and gorges, behind steep passes, on the banks of clear and cold mountain rivers, that monks settled for a long time, seeking to hide from the bustle of the world and reflect on the vanity of all things.

In our time, mountains have begun to play a new role - the role of nature reserves, which are so necessary in densely populated Korea. Of the twenty Korean national parks (that is, in our understanding, nature reserves), sixteen are located in the mountains, and four are on the islands. In Korea, it is simply impossible to establish a nature reserve on a plain; flat land suitable for farming is too valuable here. Agriculture or for development. In addition, all the flat lands have long been converted into fields and gardens, so that the forests that once covered them were destroyed many centuries ago. Forests and wild nature were preserved only in the mountains - sometimes, very close to large mountains ods. Just half a century ago, in 1946, the last documented meeting with a tiger took place in the same Seoraksan Mountains.

Koreans are a nation of fishermen and mountaineers, and you can see this by going to one of the famous peaks on the weekend. A favorite Korean pastime is mountain walking. It is impossible to call them mountaineering in the exact sense of the word, because the heights to which the athletes climb are not so great, at most one and a half thousand meters. It should be taken into account that there are practically no parks in the Russian sense in Korean cities, and even in the most modern areas, the designers of which tried to follow Western models, you can see, at best, small public gardens. Therefore, hiking in the mountains, which has long been an integral part of the Korean and, more broadly speaking, the Far Eastern cultural tradition, remains the most accessible way for a city dweller to communicate with nature.

On Sunday, almost all the peaks located within a few hours' drive from Seoul become a place of pilgrimage. Those who, due to their employment, cannot leave Seoul, rush to the mountain ranges located in the city itself or on its outskirts. Among these climbers you can see a seventy-year-old man and a mother who, having tied her daughter tightly to her back, is carefully climbing up an almost vertical wall (an older son, 11-12 years old, can crawl behind her). The passion for mountain walking is perhaps the most widespread sports passion of modern Koreans. According to Korean climbers, 5-6 million people systematically take mountain walks, of which approximately 10 thousand can be considered professional rock climbers.

So - go to the mountains!

Despite the fact that South Korea is not one of the famous mountainous countries, part of the East Korean Mountains passes through the territory, some peaks of which are more than 1.5 km above sea level, and mountain ranges occupy about 70% of the territory.

The state is located on the Korean Peninsula, its southern and western parts are occupied by lowlands and plains in which people live most of population. Most high peaks South Korea are the mountains Hallasan, Jirisam and Seoraksan.

Relief of South Korea

The territory of the Republic of Korea is ¾ covered with mountain ranges, which at one time had a significant impact on the development of the economy, economy, industry and culture. Approximately half of the country's land areas are located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level, about 25% are above 1 km. A similar part of the territory is occupied by lowlands, river valleys and hilly plains.

Based on its general character, the country is divided into three parts that differ in relief: the West Korean Plain, the East Korean and North Korean Mountains. The latter border on the western and eastern coasts, in the south - with the Chhugaryon ridge, and in the north - with the valleys of the Tumangan and Amnokkan rivers.

(Seoraksan National Park, near the city of Sokcho in South Korea)

The North Korean mountains are made up of the Pujolleon, Nangnim, Hamgyong and Machollyeon ranges. The Hamgyong Ridge stretches for 400 km along Sea of ​​Japan, rising in its northeastern part to heights of more than 2300 meters.

Despite the impressive mountainousness, South Korean territories are geologically stable, unlike North Korean and Japanese ones. The existing volcanoes here are dormant, and strong earthquakes occur extremely rarely.


(Halassan Volcano Crater)

This extinct volcano holds the title of the highest point in South Korea. It is located in an area declared a national park in the center of Jeju Island. In Korean culture, the mountain and the island are often completely identified. The main attraction is the Gwangeumsa Buddhist Temple, built during the Goryeo Dynasty and restored in the last century. The hollow of the extinct crater is filled with water from Lake Pannoktam. At the end of the rainy summer, its depth can reach 100 meters and its width - 2 kilometers. In 2007, the park and the volcano were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This mountain is located near the city of Daegu, the fourth largest in the republic. Its highest point is 1193 meters. Phalgongsan is a treasure trove of natural and cultural attractions. Here you can find Buddhist temples built during the Silla Kingdom, including the active Grotto of the Three Buddhas and the Tonghwasa Temple (Temple of the Blossoming Tree of Adam). An important local landmark is also the Katbawi Medicine Buddha statue made of stone.

Deogyusan is one of the largest mountains in Korea, reaching a height of 1507 meters above sea level. Several mountain ranges extend from the top, creating a picturesque landscape with gorges up to 400 m deep, waterfalls, pine forests, and rocks. Currently, Deogyusan is recognized as a national park and serves most interesting object studies for biologists.

Mount Bukhansan

This mountain has a height of only 836 meters and is located in the north of the South Korean capital. Bukhansan is clearly visible from almost any area of ​​the city. Since 1983 it has belonged to the territory national park, neighboring Seoul. Bukhansan is an important attraction for local and foreign tourists. About 5 million rock climbing and wildlife enthusiasts visit it every year.

Seoraksan Mountains

Seoraksan is a complex of mountains located in the eastern Gangwon province of South Korea. They are part of the Taebeksan Range and are located within Seoraksan National Park. The largest peak - Daecheonbong - has a height of 1708 meters above sea level. The main tourist attraction is the Ulsanbawi rock formation, on which stands two Buddhist temples.

Historical places Korea, places where important historical events took place, or where ancient buildings and structures were/are located. Historic sites are selected by the Committee on Cultural Heritage, after which... ... Wikipedia

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- (see South Korea) includes the provinces of Gangwon-do and Uddeong-do. The Yeongdong Expressway, which ends in Gangneung, connects Seoul with the picturesque east coast. The trip by car takes about three hours. Several hotels on the sea... ... Geographical encyclopedia

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This article is about the traditional culture of Korea; about modern culture see articles culture North Korea and culture of South Korea... Wikipedia

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  • South Korea. Guide with map, Ni Natalya, Volkova Alexandra. The author of the guide, Natalya Ni, Ph.D. in Philology, a well-known expert in the field of Korean culture and literature, thoroughly re-worked the entire book. After all, South Korea is very...

Therefore, they are visited with pleasure by both locals and tourists.

general information

Mountains in Korea are called the word “san”, which is added to the name of each rock. The highest slopes are extinct volcanoes. Their last eruptions occurred in the Middle Ages, although they did not cause much damage.

The main mountain ranges run along east coast countries. They are famous for their scenic beauty, rare plants and animals. In the western part of Korea, the cliffs are dotted with deep gorges and covered with dense forest, and in the southern part there are numerous temples. Safe tourist routes have been laid along almost all ridges.

Locals they go to the mountains every weekend to watch the sunrise or sunset, relax or meditate. If they do not have the opportunity to travel outside the city, then they conquer the highest points within populated areas - there are such mountains in Korea. According to experts, about 10 thousand local residents are professional climbers and approximately 6 million people are amateurs.

Popular mountains of South Korea

The country is located great amount ridges that travelers can visit. The most famous rocks are:

  1. – the mountain is located in the Chungcheongbuk-do province in the northeast of the state. Its height is 630 m. The rock is famous for its beautiful garden where exotic flowers grow, and the sad legend about a family of giants, when a brother first killed his sister, and then, realizing his mistake, killed himself.

  2. – the mountain has a height of 1094 m, is the main peak of the Sobaeksan ridge and divides 2 provinces: Gyeongsangbuk-do and Chungcheongbuk-do. On the slopes there are ancient Buddhist monasteries and a national park.

  3. – located in Gyeonggi Province between the cities of Dongducheon and Pyeongcheon in the northwestern part of the Republic of Korea. The height of the mountain is 737 m above sea level. You can get here from the capital in 2 hours.

  4. - one of the most high mountains in South Korea. In terms of size, it ranks 2nd, its peak reaches 1915 m. The rock is located in the south of the country and is part of the national park of the same name. There are 7 Buddhist temples here, which are architectural monuments.

  5. – is located in Gangwon Province, not far from and belongs to the Taebeksan Range. It has a height of 1708 m and ranks third in size in the country. Here there is a nature reserve, 2 waterfalls Piren and Yuktam, a Buddhist stone and Khyndylbawi - this is the famous spherical stone standing on another boulder. Their total size exceeds 5 m.

  6. – this massif belongs to the southwestern part of the East China mountain range. It is considered the main watershed in the state. Its maximum height is 1594 m, and its total length is 300 km. Mixed, evergreen and broad-leaved forests grow here. Deposits of gold and molybdenum were discovered in this area.

  7. – is located in the southwestern part of Korea and lies on the periphery of the Taebeksan Ridge. The rock reaches 1193 m in height. Here you can see several cultural and historical temples, for example, ancient temples of the Silla era: Grotto of 3 Buddhas and Tonghwasa. They are listed as National Treasures #109.

  8. - located in Gyeongsangnam-do province, not far from. The name of the ridge translates as “mountain of the dancing crane.” This name was given because of the silhouette of the rock, reminiscent of a bird preparing to take off. The most high point reaches 761 m. There are 2 tourist routes 9 and 7.5 km long.

  9. - located in the province of Chungcheongnam-do on the border of 3 cities: , Kerena and. Local residents consider the mountain sacred and believe that its territory is saturated with chi energies. Military bases are located on some slopes, while the rest are included in the National Park of the same name.

  10. – is located in the province of Gyeongsangnam-do and has a height of 1430 m. The entire territory of the mountain belongs to the protected area, which was organized in 1972. Here is the world-famous one, where the archive of ancient records of the Tripitaka Koreana is kept. They were carved into 80,000 wooden tablets and are National Treasure No. 32.

  11. – is located in Hwanghae-buk-do province on the border of Pyeongsan and Rinsan counties. The height of the rock is 818 m above sea level. A reserve was created on the territory of the ridge in 1959, the area of ​​which is 3440 hectares. Lives here rare view woodpecker

  12. - this is the highest point in South Korea, its peak reaches 1950 m. The volcano is declared a National Park and is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. The rock is also classified as a natural heritage of the country and ranks 182nd.

  13. – located in the northern part of the city of Busan, occupies the administrative district of Pukku and the municipal district of Dongnegu. The highest peak of the mountain is called Knodanbon and is located at a level of 801.5 m. It is the most visited natural attraction by tourists in locality. Works here cable car, which will take passengers to the secluded area of ​​Sanseong Maeul. In the village you can get acquainted with the life of the aborigines and their way of life.

  14. mountain range, located in the northern part and having a height of 836.5 m. The top is crowned by smooth slopes. In 1983, a nature reserve of the same name was opened in this area. Flora and fauna are represented by 1,300 species of animals and plants. There are more than 100 hiking trails, which lead to Buddhist temples and the ancient fortress wall.

  15. – the mountain is located in Gyeonggi-do province on the border of 3 cities: Seoul, Uyeongbu and Yangtze. Its maximum height is 739.5 m above sea level. This area is famous for its rock formations(for example, Yubong, Seoninbon and Manjangbon), Uyam peaks and picturesque valleys (Songchu, Donong, Yeongeocheyon, etc.). There are more than 40 tourist routes. The most famous of them is the Bakwi Trail, which passes through the oldest temple in the region - Chonchuksa. You can get here on your own using public transport.