Essay on the topic “How I spent the summer. An essay about summer and how I spent the warm season. How I spent the summer

How I spent summer.

* Another version of an essay from a woman’s perspective: How I spent my summer (editor’s note)

It was an interesting summer. If the first month of vacation was no different from the previous summer holidays, I was in the city, then the next two months turned out to be the most memorable for me, I went to my aunt in the village. It is precisely with the days spent in the village that the most interesting events and vivid impressions my summer.

In the village time passes slowly and hesitantly, not at all like in big cities. It seems that it has passed whole month, but in fact only one week has passed. Usually, in the morning I help my aunt in the garden, although her morning starts earlier than mine. Our village is far from the village and tap water is an unheard-of luxury, so I take two old iron buckets and go through three houses to the well. The water from the well is incredibly clean and very cold. Sometimes I have to do something around the house, but as soon as the first opportunity arises, I jump over the fence and run to my friends.

I have good friends in the village. We spend almost all our time together. On the hottest days we can sit on the river bank for hours. We swim, frolic and watch the passing barges. Once I got hit by my aunt because I skipped lunch, and in fact I was not hungry. The fact is that my friend Pashka brought a whole bag of potatoes from Uncle Seryozha, and we baked them right in the fire. What a pleasure it is to throw hot potatoes from one hand to the other, and then break them and eat them piece by piece, clearing them of the salty ash. Agree, this is not a plate of ready-made soup. But how much romance and happiness there are of summer days spent, as if in a completely different world!

In the evenings I sat at home in a real wooden hut. Usually, after dinner, my aunt’s friends came to visit her, they sat for a long time at a large round table in the center of the room and drank tea. I was nearby, climbing onto a large stone stove, and either looked at the books brought from the city, or did nothing, as my aunt often said, “I was kicking my ass.” Although in fact I kept a diary, and, like Robinson Crusoe on desert island, made notes, counting down the days until they took me to the city.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking that the village is an island far from the city, where life obeys a different rhythm. Maybe because it’s closer to nature here, or maybe it’s just that the cities have become so far removed from real quiet life in the pursuit of technological progress. One way or another, I am a city person and my place is there, in the endless stream of information, but every time I leave this quiet island of calm, I will remember how I spent the summer and miss my village.

Cool! 10

Perhaps summer is the most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren, because it’s time for the holidays. We study for nine months so that in the summer we can enjoy beautiful weather and a break from classes. This summer has become special for me.

In June I went to my grandmother’s dacha. My grandmother is at the dacha almost all year round. It’s easy to get there even in winter, and she doesn’t miss this chance. Probably, like most grandmothers, she loves to plant a variety of plants and grow flowers. I went to see my grandmother with my brother, so I wasn’t bored. Fortunately, the weather was sunny and not rainy at all throughout June. In the morning we rode our bikes to the grocery store. Granny delighted us with various delicious breakfasts: she would bake pancakes or pancakes, then buns or croissants with ham and cheese, sometimes just scrambled eggs, but incredibly tasty, with tomatoes and fresh herbs. In general, in one month at the dacha, my brother and I gained two kilograms each. During the day we went to the river to sunbathe and swim, and in the evening we sat down with grandma to watch the news and some movie on TV. I loved sitting on the porch with my brother at sunset with a cup of strawberry tea and talking. These moments of unity with family and nature mean a lot to me.

In July, our parents decided to surprise us and told us that we were going on a trip to Italy! We couldn't believe our ears! The vacation was planned for two weeks; mom and dad rented a house on the seashore. We went on many excursions and swam in the sea. To be honest, everything that the guide said was difficult for my brother and me to understand, so our parents simply briefly explained to us what was in front of us and why it was a landmark. We were told about the Arch of Constantine, the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museum complex and many others historical places. We took a lot of photographs, and when we arrived home, my mother arranged them in a separate beautiful album. Before leaving home, the whole family wandered around the shops looking for gifts for family and friends. This trip was very memorable for me, because it was my first vacation abroad!

I spent the whole of August in the city. Since most of my friends and classmates, even if they went somewhere on vacation, returned home in August, so we spent time together. Many films premiered this summer, so I managed to go to the cinema four times in a month. Every weekend the park held all sorts of events for children and adults, my parents and I enjoyed it. There are many interactive platforms and various master classes are held for both adults and children. My friend Dima and I also went to an amusement park on August 12th. I will never forget this day! It was very fun and scary at the same time. At the end of August I was preparing for school: I bought textbooks, clothes and school supplies.

This summer has been very busy for me. I hardly sat at home and barely found time for the works that we were assigned to read over the holidays. I am grateful to my parents and friends, because without them my holidays would not have been so wonderful.

Even more essays on the topic: “How I spent my summer”:

Finally, the difficult school year has ended, and the long-awaited summer holidays. The hot, long summer days have arrived. We spent time in the courtyards until late in the evening. We played football with the guys from neighboring yards, I was a goalkeeper, and I was very good at it.

My parents and I went on picnics to the shore in an extraordinary way beautiful lake. It was a very pleasant time there. They swam in clear water, fried meat and vegetables, and played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up for the pool.

My father and I went fishing early in the morning. I really enjoyed spending time near the river. The beauty and silence of nature is mesmerizing. We cooked delicious fish soup from the caught fish.

For a month I went to Kid `s camp to the shore of the Black Sea. There I met many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phone numbers, we will keep in touch and be friends.
In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathed, swam in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home and arranged them beautifully on a shelf as a memory of the camp.

After lunch I went to clubs. We burned various drawings onto the board. Wonderful crafts were made from cardboard and paper. They painted with paints on glass. They made toys and clay plates. I brought these crafts as souvenirs to my family and friends. They were very pleased.
In the evening we spent time around the fire, sang, danced, and played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

At the end of summer I had a birthday, my parents gave me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In the cafe on the summer terrace, tables were set for us with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated with balloons, and various interesting competitions were held. It was a lot of fun.
It was a good holiday, I'm looking forward to the next one.


My summer holidays this year turned out to be interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. Which one should I start with?

At the beginning of summer, my classmates and I went to a summer labor camp. I had to work a lot: weed the field from weeds, plant seedlings, remove dead wood from the forest. But the main thing for me was time free from work. We played a lot of sports games, competed in various sports, and held various competitions. I liked coming up with and organizing competitive programs - I was good at it, and the guys began to ask me to do it. The evenings usually ended with discos, which everyone also liked. We became friends with each other, got to know each other better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, my parents started their vacation, and we went on vacation to Crimea, to Feodosia. Rocky beaches, wonderfully gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked all this. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive. And I got the opportunity to study life on the seabed. We also visited a water park, rode a catamaran, took boat trips, and rode horses. A holiday at sea brought an unforgettable experience!

Upon returning from Crimea, I went to visit my grandparents. This is not the first time I come to them in the summer, and I have many friends in the village. We swam and fished all day long, and in the evenings we gathered in large, cheerful groups. Now that everyone has gone home, friends call, write messages and arrange new meetings.

Summer holidays, although the longest in duration, fly by surprisingly quickly. Now the school year has just begun, but I’m already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences, new friends, travel, classes.


The last bell of this school year rang. The grades were posted in the diaries, and summer greeted me with the onset of the holidays. I spent the first month of summer in the city with friends. We played in the yard from morning to evening, and only bad weather gathered at someone's house to play on the computer or any other games available at home.

Then I went on vacation to a children's camp. I very quickly made friends with the guys from my squad. We also quickly became friends with the counselors; they came up with different tasks and entertainment for us. Every day interesting events took place in the camp: the war game “Zarnitsa”, manager’s day, Neptune’s day, as well as many, many concerts and competitions. I arrived from the camp feeling rested and even slightly fatter.

After resting in the camp, I went to the village to visit my grandmother, where my cousin was already waiting for me. How long have I dreamed of this meeting! My brother and I are best friends, but since we live in different cities, we can only see each other during the holidays.

Of all summer fun I liked my stay with my grandmother the most. Every day we came up with new games and entertainment. We played baseball according to our own rules, using homemade bats and a tennis ball, built huts, played war, in the forest, and even managed to make a real raft that could float on the local lake, calmly supporting the weight of me and my brother.

After all the summer adventures, it was nice to be home again. A few days were just enough to transition to a quiet city life. And then the first of September crept up unnoticed, as always, and here I am again at school.


Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What an amazingly delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

In the summer there is enough time: you can go for a walk with your girlfriends, go on a visit, and play different games. But most of all I was looking forward to a trip to the sea with my parents. I finally learned to swim this summer and I'm very happy about it.

I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and so mysterious that sometimes it even frightens with its unpredictability. The sea can be both close and distant, warm and cool. How nice it is to plunge into fresh, cool water on a hot summer day! And swim, dive, splash!

Upon arriving home, I laid out sea shells on the table and, putting them to my ear, I could hear the sound of the surf. You can even feel the power of the sea wave that flies and, hitting the stone, throws a lot of bright salty splashes into my face.

The summer flew by quickly, but that’s not bad, because I saw my classmates and shared my summer impressions with all my friends and girlfriends.

I think that next summer I will say with complete confidence: “Hello! Come and we will relax and have fun together! After all, we deserve it!”

What haven’t we written! It seems like the holidays were long and there were a lot of events. There is nothing to tell the teacher. It seems that today's children fall into a stupor in the same way when they pick up a pen in the first days of school. And they write this... We have collected for you the funniest pearls from school essays about summer.

“How I spent the summer is no one’s business. This is my personal business, since summer is mine personal time, I am not obliged to account for him in the essay. We must respect human rights! And if you give me a bad mark for this essay, then you and I, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, will see each other in the European Court.”

“But there is no summer. I've never seen summer. Autumn immediately follows spring. In spring everything is green, in autumn everything is yellow, in winter everything is white. What about in the summer? There is no summer. I didn't notice summer. Either it was still spring, or it was already autumn.”

“Twitter, TV series and food. #I've said everything."

“I spent this summer with my imaginary friend Akakiy. All summer he accompanied me in my adventures. I also hung out with cows and chickens in the village. I was so bored that I talked to the tomatoes and cucumbers, but they turned out to be somehow silent.”

“Well, I didn’t spend it badly. Except that I was in a godforsaken village for almost two months. But grandma's pies were of the highest quality. And it was fun with the guys whom I hadn’t seen for about five years.” (Spelling and punctuation preserved. – Ed.)

“Well, I had a normal summer. I didn’t do anything, I ate, I didn’t go anywhere. I also watched “X-Men”, but somehow they weren’t very good. I don’t want to go to school, it would be better if summer didn’t end.”

“I spent the rest of the summer with my grandmother at the dacha, she always has a lot of work, so I helped her: chopped, sawed and dug.”

“From June 1 to July 15, my grandmother and I picked berries, and from July 16 to August 31, mushrooms. In addition, haymaking is planned, and we are also fattening the pig.”

“I didn’t rest at all this summer. I worked a lot and hard. Took out the trash. I bought bread."

“In the summer I went to visit my grandmother in the village. The village is called Bet Zera, it's in Israel. It’s good in the village: you can read books, play the violin and piano, and eat. It's a good summer in Israel!”

How I spent my summer - essay

All people love summer, but I just adore it. Even the summer heat doesn’t scare me; you can wait it out in the shade, go swimming in a cool river, or cool off with delicious ice cream. In winter, you have to warm up at home or wear warm and heavy clothes to avoid freezing. And in the summer, even in just a T-shirt and shorts it can be hot. Still a lot in summer interesting entertainment, I love going out of town for picnics and outings with family or friends, this is how I spent the summer.

Remembering How I spent summer, you can talk for a long time about interesting and different days spent with friends and family. Every year I go to visit my grandparents in the village, visit the river and always travel with my parents to the sea. After the last day of school, I went to visit my relatives in a village located in a neighboring region. The trip was interesting, there were no empty seats on the bus, trees growing along the road rushed past the windows.

Grandfather and grandmother have a small but cozy house and a large farm. In the morning the roosters would wake us up with loud crows, and I would go help around the house before it got too hot. During the day they let me go to the river, where I rode my grandfather’s big bicycle. On the way to the river it was possible to pick up friends. They come to visit relatives for the summer from different cities or live here permanently with their parents.

The river is fun and there are a lot of vacationers. Adults and children are located on a small bank, cleared of bushes and trees. You can spread a blanket on the soft grass and sunbathe until the water dries up, and then go swimming again. The water in the river is very clean and cool due to the small current, it is interesting to swim against it at speed. I stay in the village for several weeks, then go to my home.

How I spent the summer with my parents

When my parents have the same vacation, we all go to the sea together. This summer there was good weather While we were relaxing on the coast, the sky was clear and cloudless. The sun warmed up the sea water well, and I swam a lot, going ashore when they called me to dry off. We spent every day on the beach, staying there until the evening, and instead of lunch we bought delicious and juicy fruits. Once, my dad and I went sea fishing, and the caught fish was cleaned and cooked over a fire. It turned out delicious, and mom was very happy with the surprise. The week at sea flew by unnoticed, and we returned to our city.

I spent the rest of the summer holidays at home, walking with friends in the yard. We went to city beaches together, went to the park near our house for rides. When it was very hot, I liked going to the cinema, where it was cool and smelled of popcorn. This summer I managed to watch a lot of new and interesting films. In rainy weather, I sat at home and read adventure books, which my friends advised me to read, and communicated with them on the Internet.

I spent this summer interesting, it’s a pity that it flew by like one day.

Mini essay “How I spent my summer” 1st, 2nd grade. (Var 1)

My summer was very interesting. My mother and I walked a lot in the park, she bought me ice cream, it was a lot of fun. We often prepared for the start of the school year.

We memorized interesting poems and repeated letters and numbers. Over the summer I learned to count to thirty; my grandmother Zinaida taught me to count.

Dad also showed me different trees when the whole family went on a picnic in the forest. Dad said that you can’t light a fire in the forest, because the fire can get big and spread to the trees.

Various animals live in the forest; in the summer there are especially many of them; they do not hide in their houses. And Uncle Ruslan gave me a small fishing rod, next summer I will definitely go fishing.

Mini essay “How I spent the summer” (Var 2)

This summer has been great! June was unremarkable compared to last summer holidays. This month I was in the city and nothing unusual happened, but the next two months of summer will remain in my memory for a long time. At this time I was in the village with my aunt. Therefore, I have a lot of unforgettable memories associated with this place.

Outside the city, time does not pass as quickly as it does in the city. Sometimes you think that a whole month has flown by, but in reality it’s just a few days. My mornings are usually spent in the garden, helping my aunt. There are often problems with running water from the tap, so you have to go to the well several times a day to get it. The water there is crystal clear and cool. Sometimes there are household chores and I do them with pleasure. And after all this, I get ready and quickly run to my friends.
I have friends in the village with whom we spend a lot of time. When the weather is clear and sunny outside, we usually relax on the bank of the river, which is not far from our house, and chat about something of our own. We also love to swim in this very river. One day my aunt scolded me for not coming to dinner. Well, I just wasn’t hungry by that time, because my friend and my friends ate potatoes baked over a fire. It's simply delicious - you'll lick your fingers!
I spent the evenings at home. At this time, her friends often came to the aunt and they had their conversations and drank tea. And at that time I was lying on a stone stove and reading a book.

Sometimes the realization comes to me that the village is a tiny little world away from the city. Here life proceeds at a completely different rhythm. This is probably because here we are very close to nature and are not chasing the benefits of civilization. Every time the summer holidays end, I reluctantly return to the city and look forward to a new trip to the village, which will be filled with new unforgettable impressions!

Mini essay “How I spent my summer” (Option 3)

With the onset of summer, many people feel a surge of strength and vigor. I wouldn’t say that they weren’t there before, but in the summer it feels somehow special.

In the summer, you can waste time on things that you don’t have time for during school days. For example, communicate more with friends, kick a ball with the guys, spend more time with family, eat ice cream, swim in the river, sleep longer than usual...
Also in summer, many different fruits and berries ripen on the trees. This is also very pleasing! In the summer, my parents and I often go to the dacha, and it’s also very interesting there. Mom tells me a lot of new things about plants. In general, plants are my hobby!
In the summer, everything around is transformed into very bright colors. Of course, they are no less attractive and beautiful than at other times of the year, but they are still special in the summer. Sometimes my parents or friends and I go out into the forest. We have a picnic there and watch the life of the animals living there: hedgehogs, bunnies, raccoons, squirrels... We also very often go fishing with dad, and sometimes even spend the night. This is an indescribable atmosphere! There you can fish, swim in the river, sing songs by the fire when evening comes... One day we caught a whole bucket of fish, and when we arrived home, my mother prepared a delicious fish soup. This turned out to be a delicious meal!
I can safely say that summer is my favorite time. It would be great if it lasted a little longer!

I always look forward to summer, expecting something especially interesting. It gives me complete freedom, since I can be outside all day with my friends, travel, and relax. Left behind are the tasks, dictations, test papers and exams.

I spent the first month of the summer in the city, but my parents and I often went to the dacha. I helped them plant vegetables, weed the beds and water them. There is a forest not far from the site. He always attracted me with his beauty and clean air. I like one clearing where I sometimes spend time admiring flowers and eating fragrant strawberries.

One day, as usual, I came to the clearing, it was in the evening, and noticed that the grass was moving a little. I decided to take a look and saw a hedgehog. He immediately curled up into a ball. But as soon as I walked away, the hedgehog ran as fast as he could. After this incident I again came to my favorite place, but never met him again.

In the evenings, my friends and I like to ride bicycles, exploring the outskirts of the city, and also play football on the playground in front of the house. Therefore, the evenings were not boring.

In July, my parents and I went to the sea in our car. It turned out to be quite a journey. We often stopped and had breakfast in nature. When we passed Beautiful places, we definitely tried to go out and examine them, and took a lot of photographs. I especially liked the blooming lotuses; I have never seen such beauty up close!

Along the way we visited many beautiful and big cities, admired architectural monuments, and went to museums. And ahead of us was a vacation at sea.

As soon as we arrived and unpacked our things, we immediately ran to Cote d'Azur. A thunderstorm had just passed and the beach was half empty. When we entered the water, it was caressing and very warm. We swam with great pleasure and sunbathed a little. There was a pleasant feeling of complete freedom, because at sea everything is forgotten. It seems that there are no longer any difficulties or problems.

In the evenings, we went to the park, went on rides, admired the beautiful and fragrant flower beds, sat in a cafe and ate ice cream.

The sea attracts with its diversity - it can be calm or agitated with foaming waves. Once we swam on the waves, it’s an indescribable feeling when some force throws you up and throws you. That day I collected many large shells brought by the sea surf.

On the way back we stopped at relatives in the village to chat and rest from the road. We were given warm fresh milk. And early in the morning my dad and I went fishing. I was immediately lucky and pulled out a large crucian carp, and after a while another one. Dad also caught a few small fish and also caught a mirror carp.

Ahead of us was the road to the house again. But there were many pleasant impressions that will not be forgotten for a long time.
The good news was that there was still a month of rest before school. Although I already miss my classmates. You can start studying again, please your parents with excellent grades, learning and discovering something new.

The summer passed quickly, I had a good rest, but it left many pleasant memories and impressions. All the same!