Entertainment NK marine. The best summer activities at sea. Water skiing, wakeboarding

Summer is vacation time when most of population flocks to the sea coasts to get good rest: lie on the beach under the rays of the warm sun, cool off in the healing sea water to restore strength and get a boost of energy and vitamins necessary for health and maintaining vitality. Mostly (if you are not an avid swimmer), relaxation on the beach by the sea or any other body of water (lake, river, etc.) implies a passive type of recreation, that is, mainly spending time on the shore in the sun and periodically taking water procedures (swimming ).

These two types of pastime are the main ones in the idea of ​​relaxing on the beach, but it is human nature to strive for variety in order to most fully satisfy one’s needs and desires, including during a vacation. As a result, many additional entertainments have arisen that accompany a beach holiday. This article will focus specifically on a variety of additional “options” beach holiday(paid and free) currently available on certain beaches. The listed entertainments are sorted according to their availability and complexity.

Construction of structures made of sand.

Undoubtedly, everyone who has ever been to sandy beach, I definitely tried to build some kind of sand structure, be it a small hill or a beautiful castle or something more significant. This activity requires a little imagination and diligence. Here anyone can feel like a sculptor.

Inflatable beach slides, trampolines.

Currently available on every major public beach. They are structures made of inflatable blocks in the form of towns, castles and other structures that include slides, trampolines and trampolines. They give the opportunity to jump and tumble merrily, “fall back into childhood,” and give an emotional boost even to adults, not to mention teenagers and children.

Outdoor beach games.

For those who try to keep their body in decent physical shape, on almost every beach or in shallow water off the coast there is always a place for various outdoor games. The most common team games are: volleyball, football, badminton, flying saucer tossing, catching up in water and many others are also interesting. One of the necessary conditions is to be in the sun with your head covered, so as not to get heat or sunstroke.

Bathing on a mattress/circle.

Tired of rubbing your sides on a sun lounger on the shore and want a more intense sensation, then you can enjoy the smooth rocking on the waves, lying on an air mattress or circle, next to the cool freshness of the sea.

Water ball, zorbing.

It’s also quite a fun activity when one or more people (depending on the size) are placed in an inflatable transparent ball or zorb. Such a ball (zorb) descends to the water surface and makes it possible to literally “walk on water.” The difference between a zorb and a ball is that the former has holes for ventilation, while the ball is usually solid.

Riding on a catamaran, boat.

Do you want to become the captain of a small ship and navigate the expanses of the water yourself? Then take the oars in your hands or put your feet on the pedals of the catamaran and forward. True, most likely you won’t be able to sail beyond the horizon, because these ships are not designed for long-term travel.

Riding on a banana, tablet.

Those who want to go for a ride sit on an inflatable mattress in the shape of a banana or a tablet/cheesecake, and a boat or powerful jet ski pulls it along with a cable, using various maneuvers to enhance the impression of the trip. This type of entertainment is semi-extreme, because it is associated with speed and risk, so you must wear a life jacket while riding.

Riding on a jet ski, boat or yacht.

Are you confident in your abilities and want to test yourself as a real “sea wolf”? At your service are walks on various modern watercraft: from jet skis (jet skis) to cruise yachts. Riding a jet ski is the most attractive because the roar of the engine, splashes, speed and limitless possibilities for movement and route selection give a feeling of superiority over the elements. An incredible outpouring of emotions is guaranteed. If you want a calmer and safer conquest of the sea, you can rent a boat or yacht.

Many people want to see the sea from a bird's eye view and feel extraordinary freedom. This opportunity is provided by flying on a parachute, which is attached by a cable to the boat. From above you can see the beauty of the sea and the coastal zone and get a huge dose of adrenaline.

Surfing, wind surfing.

These types of entertainment will appeal to fearless and extreme-loving people. In surfing, a person glides through the water, standing on a special board, using the forces of nature: for regular surfing, this is the force of a large wave; for wind surfing, this is the force of the wind, which wind surfers catch using a sail mounted on the board. These activities require certain skills and physical fitness.

Water skiing, wakeboarding.

These are more extreme types of entertainment that have already grown into sports. Both are associated with speed and extreme sports and require certain skills and coordination of movements. Suitable for many who have ridden on regular or alpine skiing and skateboarding or snowboarding. Wakeboarding uses a special board (wakeboard), which is also tied to a boat or jet ski.

One of the youngest entertainments on the water. It is a special board connected by a hose to a pump, from the lower surface of which water pressure escapes through nozzles so that, due to the resulting pressure, it is possible to float above the water surface. It looks very impressive and requires some coordination and stability. According to some reports, you can fly up to a height of 12 meters on such a board!

Diving, spearfishing.

Plunging into depths of the sea, the diver can see incredible beauty underwater world: various marine inhabitants, remains of ancient civilizations. You can simply enjoy the views, but lately spearfishing has become more common, when you can use special underwater weapons to catch any sea creature. In this type of entertainment, an experienced instructor must be present nearby.

This is not the entire list of events presented on different beaches around the world. You can also visit and have fun with your family and children in large water parks, water stadiums and other larger complexes. Here are collected only certain types of leisure activities most often found on beaches and reservoirs. Choose according to your taste, the main thing is not to be afraid and you will succeed! And be sure to follow safety precautions!


The coolest entertainment in my opinion is the mechanical dolphin. In fact, this is a personal submarine designed in the image of an animal by Innespace Productions back in 2009. The “mechanical dolphin” can reach speeds of up to 65 km/h and spectacularly jump out of the water.


Just like a dolphin, Hydrodome BOB moves underwater. The design resembles a scooter or scooter with a sealed helmet, for one person. This is a real underwater moped with a drive. It contains an oxygen tank and the head area is covered with a transparent dome, which provides excellent visibility.


Jetpack powered by a jet ski. Cost 4900 euros. The inventor of the device is Franky Zapata and his company Zapata Racing. It rises into the air due to four jets of water - two main platforms erupt from under the rider’s feet, and two additional ones - from under the person’s hands. The backpack is connected with a 9-meter hose to the jet ski and uses its jet stream. Traction control occurs on the motorcycle, but as an option, it is possible to control the motorcycle engine from the backpack.


The fastest means of transportation on water existing today, driven by human muscular power. The design is extremely simple. Several metal parts, a place for legs and a so-called steering wheel. By combining jumps and pushes, the rider sets in motion the device, which glides through the water using hydrofoils.


Riding a board powered by the wind kite. It’s hard to say who came up with this entertainment; too many people were doing it. But it is known that Bill Rosler, a Boeing specialist, and his son Corey patented the “KiteSki” - a system that includes water skis and a 2-line delta kite.


A very dynamic attraction on the water, familiar from childhood. These are the skis that the hare from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait” used to ski on. It was also one of Yuri Gagarin’s favorite pastimes.

7 Water catapult or Blob (blob)

The blob (water catapult) is installed on the water, and the depth at the place where it ends must be at least 2.5 m. The water cushion is secured to special attachment points on the sides. Next to the blob there is a tower from which the first “blobber” jumps onto the catapult. At this time, another “blobber” is sitting at the other end of the Blob. The air inside the blob moves to the opposite side of the airbag, where the second blob flies into the air. But these are all words, what comes out of this, see for yourself.

8 Bananas, tablets etc

It is also a fairly dynamic attraction, but unlike the others it is passive and the rider does not have access to any control options. Upon request, the organizers of the attraction can ride with a flip. On the banana, there is one chip in the last place, you can hang down and slide through the water holding on only with your hands, I’ve done this many times.

9 Zorb

Zorb is an entertainment most likely for children, in which a person is launched into an inflatable ball and he glides through the water, rolling and tumbling. Zorb is a plastic ball consisting of two spheres, the space between which is filled with air. In the internal sphere of the Zorb there is a suspension system (harness) for reliable fixation of the Zorb passenger, who is called the “zorbonaut”.


Or water walkers, which allow you to walk on water as if on land. The device consists of inflatable galoshes that are worn on the feet and due to their lightness and large area The option of the gods becomes available - to walk on water.

What holiday is the most popular in summer? One way or another it is connected with water - life-giving cool moisture. On a hot day summer season this is especially true. Which water attractions most popular and why? What is a must-have for everyone to explore and appreciate? Our review will help you answer these questions.

Popular water attractions

It is absolutely natural that summer rest mainly associated with water. What else will help you cool down in the heat and enjoy the coolness, refresh and invigorate?

And we’re not just talking about swimming in various bodies of water. We want thrills, extreme sports, novelty of impressions. And this won't be the case. Today there is simply an abyss of opportunities for an active, eventful, memorable holiday. Water attractions are what every vacationer needs, regardless of age.


Water slides are very popular attractions, loved by both children and adults. Different lengths, heights, shapes, with curves and plumes - each slide gives its riders its own sensations.

The methods of descent are also different, using all kinds of watercraft and devices. The entertainment is certainly fun, giving maximum positive emotions.

But don’t forget about safety - each slide has its own rules of descent and restrictions on the age, height and weight of those riding.

In the water park of Kansas City, America, you can ride the world's tallest water slide (52 meters). You will fly at a speed of about 80 km per hour. But this is not the fastest descent yet.

Some rides allow you to fly down at speeds of more than 100 km per hour. Does the brave person enjoy such super-extreme entertainment? Something is hard to believe.


Do you know water rides that allow you to literally walk on water? These are transparent plastic balls - aquazorbs. Not only children enjoy this entertainment.

Adults also want to jump and tumble inside the Zorb, gliding along the water surface.
Maintaining balance is difficult, but falling is absolutely painless. On the contrary, this process is fun both for the “zorbonaut” himself and for the audience.


Would you like to one day suddenly fly above the surface of the water with the help of a powerful water jet? Today it is quite possible; this entertainment is called flyboarding. It is more likely even extreme view sports

Actually, a flyboard is a board that is connected via a flexible hose to the water jet of a jet ski. The most powerful water pressure is supplied to the boots mounted on the board. A flyboarder can regulate his movement using water cannons.

You can, like a bird, soar sharply upward and immediately dive into the abyss of water, like a dolphin. These flights give an unforgettable experience, but are accessible to those who take risks and are not afraid of extreme sports.


Water attractions are very diverse - the popular bananas and various slides are known to everyone. Are you familiar with a device called an aquaskipper - also known as an aquaplane or a hydroplane?

Simply put, this is a water scooter that moves using muscle power. A person jumps and thus moves along the surface of the water. Jumping and pushing provide movement at a speed of about 30 km per hour.

The weight of the aquaskipper is about 12 kg, it is made of aluminum and foam. They ride it both in calm conditions and in the presence of waves.

Blob or water catapult

In fact, water rides are a fascinating thing. At least for those who are not afraid to take risks and gain unknown experiences.

Are you ready to experience the water catapult? The mechanism of its action is as follows: the so-called blob (that is, a catapult) is installed at a depth of at least 2.5 meters. Nearby there is a tower from which the daredevil jumps to one end of the blob. And at the other end, another jumper (blobber) shoots up sharply and then jumps into the water.

Attractions on the water are so diverse that everyone can choose a suitable entertainment - from banana boat rides to kitesurfing and water skiing.

Review of the most extreme water fun - in this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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Cloudless sky, full sails and endless blue warm waves - romance! A bright seaside party is perfect as a theme for birthdays, weddings and meetings on other significant occasions.

It is ideal to gather in nature, preferably near the water. You can play volleyball, swim races, and fight with water pistols. But it will also be very spectacular indoors: in a gray autumn or a boring winter, refreshing summer decorations will certainly cheer up your friends!

The ideas below will be suitable no matter where the sea themed party will take place - at home or outdoors. It’s just that in the latter case, the decorations will need to be mounted not on the walls/ceiling, but inside the tents or on bushes/trees.


Start your design by choosing a color scheme. The combination of white and delicate blue shades is an airy, elegant decor. Red color is ideal for creating bright accents. To liven up your interior, add blue, turquoise and traditional stripes. Beige decorations and attributes for a marine-themed party - sand and shells, green - algae, palm trees.

Use textiles - drapery on windows, walls, ceilings and furniture. For example, light white fabric – sails, blue – sky, sea. Burlap, unbleached linen, and fishing nets will fit in. The drapery will serve as a backdrop for thematic decorations and will hide inappropriate interior details.

It is better to fix the material in waves, a little carelessly - the vagaries of the elements. The net looks very nice on top of blue fabric or stretched out to dry on the wall. When attaching decor to textiles, take into account its total weight.

Stock up on pebbles, shells, corals, starfish, decorative fish, seagulls and so on. – they are useful for decorating literally everything. You can do something with your own hands - cut it out of paper, print it, draw it. Something to buy in a store for aquarists.

Decide on the main idea: beach, tropical island, undersea world, side of the ship. If you mix everything together, it won't be very stylish. This design is ideal for children, and for adults, the subdued ambience of a seaside party, without an excess of details, is more suitable.

This does not mean that anchors and steering wheels are inappropriate on the “beach”, and that there cannot be fish and algae on the “board of the ship”. Just create an emphasis on the main idea, and use other attributes in moderation, as a festive addition.

  • decorate chandeliers so that they do not violate the integrity of the picture. The easiest option is to replace the lampshades with round paper lampshades (a penny at Ikea). If you cut it in half and add decorations, you get charming jellyfish.

  • sisal and ropes fit seamlessly into the theme– use them in compositions, to decorate the table, instead of napkin rings. If the chandelier shades are not removable, you can wrap the horns and the central part with rope. It’s easy to attach decorations such as “pearls”, shells, small pebbles to ropes and rope with a glue gun.
  • if you are planning to throw a nautical themed party for a wedding or anniversary, use simple decorations to decorate the ceiling. For example, paper lanterns, pom-poms, silhouettes of seagulls on transparent fishing line. Do you want colors and fun? Make garlands of triangles - striped, red and blue, with drawings or a birthday message.

The party can go... down the drain! Surrounded by wonderful corals, graceful algae and scatterings of underwater treasures. Then let seahorses, fish, dolphins, octopuses, squids and other bright living creatures “swim” (the same transparent fishing line) on the ceiling and walls:

  • hang captain's wheels, lifebuoys, anchors, boats, portholes on the walls, doors, backs of chairs. They are easy to make with your own hands from scrap materials;
  • You can write jokes and congratulations on anchors and lifebuoys. And with the help of portholes, you can visually expand the space and make the interior more realistic. Print it out, stick it on a piece of cardboard, hang it along the walls;

  • arrange miniature compositions around the hall, put sailor's attributes here and there:
  • jars/bottles with sand and pebbles decorated with shells and other decorations inside. Do-it-yourself corals: carelessly stick glue from a gun around the wire blanks, paint them, assemble them into a “bush,” and stick them to the stand with the same gun.
  • treasures in chests, caskets(in a craft store you can buy cheap beads, rhinestones, “emeralds-diamonds”);

  • underwater gardens in jars or small aquariums(you can launch a couple of live fish), ship models, sextants, compasses, telescopes, maps. Pirate paraphernalia will also fit in, but don’t overdo it - this is a separate topic. (for reference if necessary)
  • blue, red and white hydrangeas reminiscent of tropical corals– the most suitable flowers for a sea themed party. Lilies and alstroemeria will fit in. Instead of flowers, you can put crooked decorative branches in bottles;
  • you can hang “galley” signs at the entrance to the kitchen, “wardroom” above the table with refreshments, a “radio room” above the musical equipment, a “latrine” in a well-known place.


If the party will take place “on board a ship,” design the photo zone as a captain’s cabin or deck overlooking the sea. You can print and glue a ship with cut out portholes for faces onto the base. Or put a boat against the wall, against the background of the sky and waves. A simple but effective photo zone - the seabed: a blue background plus algae, shells, fish and other decorations.

Can print beautiful sea ​​view and arrange/arrange thematic attributes in the foreground, in artistic disorder. You will get both a photo zone and a set of accessories for taking pictures. Let guests fool around by putting their heads through a life preserver or “knocking” a neighbor’s head with an “anchor” - the memorable photos will be fun and lively!


Handing out invitations better than a week two before the event so that guests have time to prepare their costumes (if a certain dress code is expected). You can make an invitation to a seaside party yourself, print a template or buy postcards - this is a popular topic.

Use maritime slang: We moor at berth No. 5 (house number) in the Preobrazhenskaya harbor (street). If according to the scenario, the party guests will go through a quest, hint at it in the text: “In addition to delicious treats from our cook, you will have an exciting journey to desert island" Invitation ideas:

  • Marine life, different or one thing;
  • a message in a bottle decorated with pearls and shells;
  • boat, anchor, lifebuoy;
  • a shell with text inside (a postcard or a real shell with a card);
  • a figurine of a sailor or sailor, a cap, a guy and other elements of a naval costume as a form for a postcard.


To avoid confusion and embarrassment, it is better to discuss with your guests in advance how to dress for a seaside party. There are many options, and the dress code differs depending on the event - for a birthday, a wedding in a restaurant, or just meeting friends outdoors or at home, the same thing is unlikely to be suitable. Additionally, costumes depend on the main idea, if one is defined. We offer options:

  • Evening or casual wear in themed colors(blue, white, red). And the organizer will prepare decorations and sea attributes for everyone (chest at the entrance).
  • Beachwear - shorts, light sundresses, pareos. Swimsuits of the listed colors or simply decorated with themed accessories (shells, pearl beads, miniature anchors, starfish). Instead of a headband - swimming goggles. You can put on flippers for fun (and take them off after the photo shoot).
  • Striped or white shirts, tank tops, T-shirts. Black or blue skirts, shorts, trousers. Peakless caps and caps, guys and other uniform accessories. Cabin boy, sailor, boatswain, captain? Even if it's a naval party, the costumes can be stylized without being too formal (key word - party!).

  • Simple and informal - denim bottom, striped sailor jacket. It can be artistically torn, decorated with appliqué, dropped over one shoulder, tied in a knot under the chest - add raisins! Many girls have striped T-shirt dresses, they also fit perfectly into the theme.
  • Thematic images, one way or another connected with the sea: mermaid, Poseidon, fisherman, corsair. Or sea creatures - gold fish, octopus, shark, squid. This costume should be comfortable and light, or wear something underneath so that you can take it off after the photo shoot.

Buy accessories for a nautical party– earrings, bracelets, beads, hair jewelry in a recognizable style. Imitation pearls and algae, shells and mother of pearl, corals, pendants - anchors, steering wheels, etc. Although it is faster and cheaper to make them yourself. Earrings, bases for bracelets and other accessories are sold in handicraft stores.

Menu, serving

Think about where exactly your friends will eat. The wardroom is a traditional feast. Picnic on the beach - lots of shells, sand, starfish, corals. Ship – sail over the table/tables, floor-length tablecloth, blue background.

Prepare dishes that are blue, white and/or red. Cut cards to decorate appetizers, skewers, utensils - steering wheels, anchors, sea creatures. Decorate coasters, boxes, jars and glasses in a nautical style. For humor, you can stick labels “Rum”, “Sea Water”, “Tear of a Mermaid” on the bottles. Serve nuts, chips, dried fish and other snacks in thick paper boats. Desserts can be placed in halves of coconuts, pineapples, grapefruits and other tropical fruits.

The table should be in harmony with the interior of the room. If hand-drawn cheerful decorations are used to decorate the party, then elegant restaurant serving will fall out of the theme, and vice versa.

Prepare light snacks - sea ​​fish, seafood, miniature sandwiches, kebabs, canapés. It is not necessary that the menu consists entirely of seafood; not everyone loves them. Let them be on the table meat dishes, a variety of salads in portions, a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Use seafood as a garnish for some dishes. Bake cookies - stars, fish, anchors, boats and other simple shapes. Cupcakes and other desserts can be easily decorated in a nautical style with icing, sprinkles and fondant.

Any drinks for this themed party will suit the tastes of the guests. You can buy a couple of bottles of rum, make a few tropical cocktails, serve punch in the “ship” (hide a bucket between the cardboard right and left “side”). For a birthday, order a cake in a nautical style - a delicious surprise for the birthday boy and guests!


If children are definitely looking forward to noisy fun, then a sea party for adults can be different, depending on the age of the guests, the morals of the company, the theme and the occasion. Choose games and competitions taking these factors into account.

There is hardly any need to come up with a complex plot for the script. But some idea must be seen so that friends do not get bored. There are many options:

  • the ship crashed off the coast of the island. The natives agree to help with the repairs. But only after the strangers prove that they are worthy of help. Fun games fit well here;
  • naval competition between teams of two ships. More suitable for outdoor parties - ball games, sports competitions. But a lot can be adapted for the space;
  • a trip to a wonderful island with the goal of relaxing and having fun. Welcome aboard, set sail, full speed ahead! Oh, the ship was attacked... it doesn’t matter who (Kraken, pirates, Neptune). To continue the path, you need to fulfill his whims (games). This sea party scenario will end with arrival on the island (i.e. the holiday will continue in free mode);

  • some kind of quest, as a reward for competitions - part of a treasure map, for example. Or a map, without which you cannot sail to the same island. Or not finding the way home. After all the games, party guests will collect the fragments into a whole map and receive a reward.
  • initiation/acceptance into seamen. A series of games and competitions on a maritime theme, after which guests will receive some evidence that they are real sailors! Cup, certificate, medal, etc.

Download catchy songs for a sea party– actually about the sea and about summer, vacation, beach, resort towns. With them, competitions will be more fun, and guests will loosen up faster. Soviet, military, pop, rock, songs from cartoons and films, one way or another related to the sea - there are a lot of options to suit the tastes of any company. Upon request, there are entire collections of music for a sea party, in in social networks– hundreds of songs by request: sea, summer.

We offer competitions that can be included in the script.

Trick (paired, humorous)

The goal is to tie a rope into a sea knot. Don't you know how? But it doesn’t matter how, as long as the knot is as complex as possible. Time – 20 seconds. Presenter: we divide into pairs, one gets involved, the second actively cheers for his other half. When the knots are tied, the leader praises everyone and suggests... giving the “knot” to the second participant in the pair. They need to race to undo what their spouses/friends did in the first stage.

Hole? Nonsense! (team competition)

Option one: two basins with water, spoons. You need to be quicker than your opponents by scooping up water from your basin-boat with spoons into buckets standing nearby.

Second: teams not only scoop up water, but also become mischievous by pouring it into the opponents’ “boat”. Those. Party guests pour water into each other's basins with spoons. At the end, pour it into three-liter jars and compare - whose jar has more water is the loser.

Third: water must be thrown overboard, i.e. the buckets stand at some distance from the basins. You need to carry the water with spoons faster than the opposing team, with minimal splashing on the deck.

Polundra, captain on deck!

Everyone for themselves (a glass), pairs (large glass) or team (the most fun option, two bowls). The goal is to quickly drink the contents through a straw (beer, for example, according to the tastes of the company). Why speed? So the captain is coming! If he notices that the sailors are not drinking tea at all, he will force them to scrub the deck.

And yet we scrub the deck (the captain is not stupid, eh)

Option one: garbage around the hall, small. Two teams or each for himself, party guests wearing large gloves (collecting trash is inconvenient, but fun for that). Why are you wearing gloves? So it's stormy, it's getting colder, or the North Pole is close. Whoever collects the most wins.

Second: relay race, two teams race at the same time. Take a mop and push away the trash (crumpled up newspaper) to the finish line. Possible with obstacles (chairs, water bottles, etc.). From the finish line you simply run back and pass the mop to the next one.
Third: mark the border, throw garbage (balloons, newspapers), distribute mops. The goal is to throw all the garbage onto the opponents’ “deck”. They, accordingly, return it back. After three minutes, count whose “deck” has the least garbage.


Team (large newspaper boat), every man for himself (small paper boats). Start-finish, race. In order for the boat to “float”, you need to blow on it. The distance is small, otherwise it will be boring and long. The surface is smooth (table without a tablecloth if there is a carpet on the floor).

Sea battle

Draw a ship on whatman paper, cut holes, and place it at some distance from the wall. Above each hole write points for hits (50 points in the sail, 100 points in the center of the stern, 25 points in the edge, etc.). Three throws of the ball, you need to get into the hole. You can compete in teams (sum up the results).

Save yourself, who can!

Two teams, two stable chairs. If you have a lot of guests at your seaside party, you can group several chairs together (but still make it feel crowded). Chairs are lifeboats. The goal is to fit as many team members as possible into them (you can sit on each other’s laps, take someone in your arms, whatever you want). In a short time (a minute, for example).

Table games, quizzes (include in the script so that guests can relax a little)

  • what the word means (sea slang);
  • Is it true that (facts and myths about everything related to the sea, its inhabitants, the fleet);
  • team game, take turns remembering sea songs (or simply with the word “sea”).

At the end of the scenario, present memorable awards to your friends. For example, a cup in the shape of an anchor or a model of a boat with a sign without a name (host: now each of you has a ship, name it and set sail - the whole world is open to you!).


  • magnets and key rings (anchors, steering wheels, ships, marine life);
  • decorations and accessories in a marine style;
  • sets of sweets (there are shells, stars, etc.);
  • alcohol, sets of coffee and exotic teas (and who else but sailors brought these “treasures” from distant countries?), a mug with a thematic design and a memorable inscription.

Program content: formation of moral and patriotic feelings (interest in military service, respect for the military profession) through uniform active rest; moral and volitional qualities: purposefulness, courage, endurance, organization, independence, perseverance in achieving results, respect for rivals in competition, goodwill, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize.


  • Preserve and strengthen the health of children (areas: “Health”, “Physical Education”, “Safety”)
  • Improve physical qualities through team outdoor games (areas: “Physical Education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Safety”)
  • Expand ideas about the Russian Army; consolidate knowledge about different types of troops ( navy, airborne assault, coast guard troops, marines and amphibious assault, etc. (areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”)
  • To form gender ideas: for boys, the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Fatherland, for girls, respect for boys as future defenders. (areas: “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”)

Celebration progress:

Slide song - “My Army”

Presenter 1:
The date has special meaning
Birthday of the brave sons!
All Russian people on this date,
Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier!

Presenter 2: Guys! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every citizen of Russia has a sacred duty to protect his native state, to ensure peace and tranquility for his compatriots with all his might. Therefore, he also has the honorable right to be called Defender of the Fatherland. The Russian military has always enjoyed well-deserved respect and glory!

Presenter 1: We invite teams D/s No. 17 and 20 to go on a sea, training and military voyage. It is dedicated to a significant event - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The task is important and responsible. On training fees brave, courageous, sports teams arrived. Meet them! Teams line up on deck!

To the music, the teams change formations, walk around the “deck”, line up in 2 lines, near the benches.

Presenter 2: The right to raise the flag is given to our captains of two ships: “Brave” - and “Brave” - Commands to attention!

Alignment with the flag! - raising the flag to the Russian anthem. Ship crews at ease!

Presenter 1: At our holiday there is a jury that will evaluate your victories and award you a steering point for winning relay races.

Victory is within the reach of the brave,
Great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will enter into battle
One for all!
Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without fail.
Who will be friendlier?
He will win!
Jury presentation!

Presenter 1: The girls have prepared congratulations for our boys:

1. On a February day, on a frosty day,
Everyone celebrates the holiday, girls on this glorious day
Congratulations to the boys!

2. We will not give you flowers; boys are not given them.
Girls, a lot of warm words
They will remain in your hearts!

3. We wish you forever that you will not be timid in life,
May boyish courage be with you forever!

4. And all the obstacles on the way, you can overcome together,
But first you need to grow up and mature!

5. Listen, boys, congratulations,
We wish you happiness in life, health and luck!

Presenter 2: Today, brave and resourceful cabin boys are setting off on a training sea voyage. Difficult tests await them! Is everyone ready to set sail?

Presenter 1: Are the crew of the Brave ready to sail?

Are the crew of the Bold ready to set sail?

Raise anchor! Give up the mooring lines! FULL AHEAD!

"Storm of the Sea" music starts

Presenter 2: Attention, attention! A storm rises at sea, our ships are blown away, and there are many reefs along the way.

Presenter 1: Guide the ships between the reefs! Right steering wheel! Left hand drive! Full speed ahead!

1. Relay “Between the Reefs”

Participants run like a snake between the pins, run around the counter, run in a straight line, and pass the boat to the next player.

Presenter 1: Well done cabin boys! They completed the task correctly and accurately. The reefs were successfully passed!

Presenter 1: But a sailor cannot be a sailor if he does not know how to tie a sea knot!

2. Relay race “Sea Knot”

Each participant has a ribbon in his hand, at the signal, the participant runs at the signal, runs to the stand, ties a ribbon on the cord, and returns running.

Host: All the cabin boys know how to tie sea knots, that’s great!
Our cabin boys are also very cheerful and love sea songs!

The jury's word.

Song "Sea Captain"

Presenter 2: Everyone is in a good mood, and ahead of us is an island! We're running out of stock fresh water, it is urgently necessary to replenish it. Launch the boats!

3. Relay race “Boat crossing”

Children run in pairs in a large hoop, transferring participants from one side to the other.

Presenter 1: Here we are on the island, the crews have a rest! We are greeted local residents who love to play fun games.

Game with the audience “Be careful!”

Airplane - arms to the sides

Ship - hands together, sailing with hands.

Company of soldiers - walking in place

Presenter 1: It was fun on the island, but it’s time for us to continue our naval exercises. Full speed ahead!

Presenter 2: We have been at sea for a long time, the teams need to refresh themselves. Any cabin boy can cook dinner and replace the cook.

4. Relay race “Cooking lunch”

Participants, one at a time, jump over the circles with potatoes, take one potato at a time, take one potato at a time, put it in a basin at the counter, and return running. The last cook jumps over the circles, takes a bowl of potatoes, and returns back.

The jury's word.

Presenter 1: Lunch turned out wonderful! And now I invite our people to remember the various types of troops that are in our army.

5. Relay race “Branches of Troops”

They show slides with various branches of the Army.

The jury hands out anchors for the correct answer, and at the end of the relay the points of both teams are calculated

Presenter 1: Every sailor must not only swim and dive well, but also provide assistance on the water. Let's test your dexterity and water rescue skills. Start training!

6. Relay race “Saving a drowning man”

The participant puts on a life preserver, runs around the stand, and returns running.

Presenter 2: Well done cabin boys! Everyone is saved! But a big shark appeared in the sea.

Game exercise “Shark”

At the signal, the teams throw the ball to each other, in a clone, turning to each other at the “Shark” signal, they line up in 2 columns. Or they run around the hall, imitate swimming, and at a signal they form a line.

Presenter 2: And now we will see how you can dive to the seabed and get sea stones.

7. Relay race “Diving to the seabed”

Participants run to the tunnel, crawl into it, take a stone and return back along the rope, at an additional step, put the stone in a hoop at the counter, when the last participant brought the stone, lay out the word “Victory” from the brought stones.

Presenter 2: We successfully completed the tasks assigned to us. The teaching is coming to an end.

Presenter 1: Today you have once again proven that the strongest, bravest, most courageous cabin boys who value friendship, who are ready to come to the rescue at any moment and defend the Motherland, can become real sailors.

Presenter 2: The jury sums up the results of the maritime exercises. For our brave boys, the guys from d/s No. 17 and 20 have prepared their own musical surprises.

Musical numbers for children's school No. 17, 20.

Slide film – “The Power of Our Army”

The jury's word. Rewarding.

Presenter 1: Crews, attention! Head to the flag! Lower the flag! Ship captains lower the flag! Crews abandon ships!

Formation in one column, lap of honor. Song “Salute.