National composition of the population of Poland. Poland: a country devoid of youth. Brussels wants to carry out an ethnic coup. Population dynamics in Poland

The dependency ratio shows the burden on society and the economy from the population that is not part of the working-age population (dependent part of the population). The non-working-age population is the sum of the population under 15 years of age and the population over 64 years of age. The age of the working-age population (the productive part of the population), respectively, is between 15 and 65 years.

This coefficient directly reflects the financial implications for social policy in the state. For example, with an increase in this coefficient, expenditures on the construction of educational institutions, social protection, health care, pension payments, etc. should be increased.

Total load factor

The total dependency ratio is calculated as the ratio of the dependent part of the population to the able-bodied or productive part of the population.

For Poland, the total dependency ratio is 39.6%.

The value of 39.6% is relatively low. It shows that the working-age population is more than twice the size of the non-working-age population. This attitude creates a relatively low social burden on society.

Potential replacement rate

The potential replacement rate (child load factor) is calculated as the ratio of the population below the working age to the working age population.

The potential replacement rate for Poland is 20.6%.

Against the backdrop of Poland's growing activity in Eastern Europe and its claims to the role of the regional leader of the Intermarium, it is appropriate to look at the economic foundations of this activity and how strong its base is. That allows us to talk about the prospects of such a policy directed against Russia.

Poland in the region of Eastern Europe is the largest state in terms of economy, territory and population. However, there is reason to believe that the Polish economy does not give it the opportunity to claim independent leadership positions in the region of Eastern Europe.

GDP - 470 billion US dollars. Population - 37.95 million people, area - 312.7 thousand square meters. m.

Poland historically seeks to assert its leadership positions in Eastern Europe and realize national ambitions with the support of the "powerful ones" (USA). The latter entrust Warsaw with the task of supervising and coordinating the actions of the allies in relation to their eastern neighbors, primarily Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus.

At the same time, Poland is often used as a demonstration platform for the results of the transformation of a post-Soviet country into a truly “European” state.
As you know, leadership aspirations cannot be realized without a stable economic basis. To understand the real positions of the Republic of Poland, let us turn to a brief coverage of the dynamics of its main financial, economic and social trends.

According to the World Bank, between 2000 and 2008 there was a constant exponential growth of Poland's GDP, the gross domestic product grew from 171.886 to 533.816 billion US dollars (310% growth, the 25th largest country in the world in terms of GDP). After the global crisis in 2008, the GDP economy showed multidirectional dynamics and at the beginning of 2017 it decreased to USD 469.509 billion (or by 12%).

However, the high growth rates of the Polish economy are largely associated with support from the European Union, the United States and international financial institutions (the World Bank, the IMF, the EBRD) and are not associated with the “wild economic miracle”.

In the structure of GDP, the main share belongs to the service sector, industry, and agriculture (in 2016, 64%, 33%, 2-3%, respectively). Since 2000, there has been a constant increase in the share of the service sector and a decrease in the industrial component.

The service sector is primarily represented by transport, banking, insurance services, trade and other activities.

At the same time, it should be understood that industry plays an important role in providing employment for the population, in the development of national science and technology, and in the formation of total value added.

At present, the industry of Poland is represented by such areas as mechanical engineering (automotive industry, agricultural mechanization, railway transport and rolling stock), aircraft building, engine building, shipbuilding, military industrial companies, as well as a good petrochemical industry (oil refining and production of nitrogen compounds).

It should be understood that Polish industry is assets created in the period after the Second World War during the entry of the Republic of Poland into the Warsaw Pact, i.e. due to and thanks to the efforts of the USSR and the Union Republics.
At present, most industrial enterprises have been bought out by American and European corporations.(Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, AgustaWestland, Airbus Defense and Space, FIAT, General Motors) or bankrupt.

In terms of foreign trade operations, it can be seen that since the 1990s there has been a constant increase. The export of goods increased due to the opening of borders and the elimination of customs duties from the EU and the USA. At the same time, there was an increase in imports of goods and services (Chart No. 4).

At the same time, for a long period of time (since 2000) the balance of foreign trade was negative (up to minus 38.2 billion US dollars), the positive balance became only from 2015 - 2.6 billion US dollars, 4.375 billion US dollars. USA in 2016 (Chart No. 5).

At the same time, Poland has a high level of state budget deficit. As of September 2017, it was minus 54.4% (budget revenue item - 4,884.40 million euros to 8,4649.90 million euros).

To compensate for deficits in the trade balance and the state budget, constant borrowing is needed either in the external or in the domestic (from the population or legal entities) financial markets.

As a result, Poland's external debt as of October 2017 is 363,658.00 million euros, or at the current exchange rate - 428,752.8 million US dollars (i.e. about 100% of GDP). In terms of one able-bodied resident of Poland, the external debt reaches 12.8 thousand US dollars. To cover this debt, every Pole must work for three years for a salary of 1,000 zlotys ($280-300) or eight months for free.

Interest on external loans is paid from Polish taxes, which largely determines the high level of the budget deficit (i.e., there are not enough taxes and fees).

At the same time, the level of taxation in Poland is quite high (see table below).

Corporate tax rate 19.00%

Income tax rate 32.00%

Sales tax 23.00%

Social insurance rate 36.12%

Social insurance rate for companies 22.41%

Social security rate for employees 13.71%

In addition, one should take into account a significant level of so-called. inflation tax or high inflation over the past 10 years, which amounted to about 90%. This means that prices over this period increased by almost 1.9 times. At the same time, the growth of the average salary amounted to about 75%, and this is with a constant increase in labor productivity (output). In other words, the work of a simple Pole is greatly underestimated, and this is in his own country.

At the same time, the Poles have to work longer to compensate for the high level of external debt and economically unjustified defense programs. The retirement age for men is 65.5 years, for women - 60.5 years.

If we consider Poland as a single household, then it does not earn enough of its own money (which would cover its current expenses), but "lives" in debt. And at the same time, fiscal revenues (from the population and legal entities) do not compensate for covering current expenses for government programs, ambitious plans, repayment of the current debt, which makes the government “excessively strain” its population and draw the country into even more credit bondage from Western countries.
Here, our article on defense budgets and the real aspirations of corporations will be in place. As we can see, Poland's significant military allocations are being transferred to ordinary citizens and national economic entities as a heavy burden. At the same time, Western corporations consider Poland and its population exclusively as a donor of their high standard of living.

The unemployment rate has been declining over the past few years and is hovering around 7% as of September. At the same time, in terms of youth unemployment, this figure exceeds 13.7-14.4% (which forces the younger generation of Poland to look for a “better life” outside their country).

According to the data of the main statistical office of Poland, at the beginning of 2017 there were 2515 thousand Poles outside the Republic of Poland, which is 118 thousand more (4.7%) compared to the end of 2015.

Most of them live in Europe - 2214 thousand people, of which 2096 thousand live in the EU countries. The main share of emigrants comes from Great Britain (788 thousand people), Germany (687 thousand), the Netherlands (116 thousand), Ireland (112 thousand).

At the same time, there is a low birth rate - 212th in the world (1.33 births per woman) and the constant aging of the Polish population. According to the forecasts of the main department of statistics of Poland, by 2050, the population of Poland, with current demographic processes, will decrease from 37.95 to 33.9 million people.

As you can see, the Polish economy is not so independent and has significant socio-economic problems. Its current development is ensured by the financial support of the EU and the USA.
Currently, Poland is trying to demonstrate an active position as an assistant to Ukraine, the so-called. "big brother" who provides support in a difficult situation, claiming, in turn, the role of leader.

But in most cases, this is due to the desire of the Polish ruling elites to “sit down” on the “cut” of financial assistance, which is allocated by the United States and other Western countries to support the regime in Ukraine.

From the above

One of the countries of Eastern Europe is Poland. This country has a long history of its existence. The population is predominantly homogeneous in composition. According to an official study, the basis of the population is precisely the Poles. The study took into account such characteristics as culture and cultural heritage, the demographic situation of the country, the foundations, traditions and customs of the Polish people.

The demographic situation of the country

A special organization operates in the country, which is engaged in questioning, analysis and processing of statistical data throughout the country. This is the central statistical agency.

At the end of 2015, the organization conducted a census of the country's inhabitants. According to the latest data, the population was 38.439 million people. By gender, there were more females (51.3%) than males (48.7%). Most of the working age public, its share is 58.7%. People of retirement age - 13.8%, children and adolescents - 27.5%.

According to statistics, most of the population lives in cities and towns. This is 62% of the total number of Poles. This number of people inhabits 884 cities throughout the country.

Poland is characterized by a negative natural increase. In the republic, the number of dead people exceeds the number of births. For example, according to statistics, 1053 babies are born per day, and 1075 people die on the same day.

Population of Poland

The country is characterized by a moderate migration flow. The population in this case is in constant motion. After the accession of the republic to the European Union, there were massive migration outflows. Then the outflow of young people to the developed countries of Europe amounted to more than 2 million people. The country suddenly lost young and talented personnel. At that moment, a sufficient number of state programs aimed at the preservation of young specialists in the republic were planned and ratified.

The average life expectancy in the republic is 73 years. Women in terms of life expectancy occupy a leading position - 77 years, men on average live 8 years less - 69 years.

The ethnic component of the republic

97% of the total population of the republic are Poles. The rest are Germans (0.8%), Belarusians (0.53%) and Ukrainians (0.65%). Also on the territory live such ethnic groups as Lithuanians, Russians, Gypsies, Latvians, Slovaks.

The borders of the country's territory were formed only after the end of the Second World War. During the hostilities, the country lost about 20% of its population.

In the 80-90s. 500 thousand Poles left their places of residence and migrated to North America. To date, about 10 million Poles have chosen places of residence in different parts of the globe. Most often, the USA, Brazil, France, as well as the CIS countries are chosen as the place of residence.

Religious views of the Poles

By religion, Poles (87.5% of the population) consider themselves Catholics. This is according to the Central Statistical Agency, the survey was conducted in 2011 among 92.1% of the population of the republic. Some residents tried to hide their religious attitude, in percentage terms it was 7.1%. Not believers turned out to be a small fraction of people - 2.4%. Less than 1% of the respondents joined Orthodoxy and other religious movements. The latter are related to the actions of the Holocaust and how this situation affected Polish Jews during World War II.

Poland is considered in Europe the most Catholic republic among all located in this part of the world. It is thanks to the church that the unity of the Polish people takes place, the connection of generations and the observance of the foundations and traditions that originate many centuries ago.

The language potential of the Poles

There is only one state language in the republic - Polish. In addition, the inhabitants of the country speak foreign languages, such as English - 29%, Russian - 26%, German - 19% of the population.

A regulatory legal act was adopted in the country, according to which Belarusian, Slovak, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Armenian, German were classified as languages ​​of the national minority. The Prussian language, which is not used today, originates in the republic.

Cultural heritage of the Poles, their traditional way of life

World culture can truly be proud of the huge contribution that Poland has made to its treasury. The first is literature. During the Renaissance, the author Mikołaj Rey donated his first creations of poetry and prose to her piggy bank. The author wrote the works in Latin. A distinctive feature was their dissimilarity to all the works existing at that time, which were of a religious nature on the instructions of the church.

The breaths of Western Europe in the 18-19 centuries were reflected in the formation of literature. The following authors were popular at that time: Adam Mickiewicz, Alexander Glowacki and others.

Adam Miscavige

Through the centuries, the highest value of the Polish people runs like a thin thread - this is the family, family relationships, a happy marriage. This is the core of a family tradition. In modern Poland, according to statistics, the number of divorces is negligible and ranks last in the ranking of European countries for divorce. Poles honor the family and family relationships, despite the material components and career growth.

On the territory of Poland you rarely meet rude and ill-mannered inhabitants. By their nature and upbringing, Poles are correct with others, courteous, respectful to people older than themselves. But they demand the same manifestations in relationships for themselves.

The cult of a woman, a mother - this is the main difference between the Polish people and other peoples of the European part of Eurasia. In addition, the inhabitants of the republic are intelligent, cultured, educated.

Summing up, I would like to note that having learned about the demographic situation in the country, about its cultural traditions, heritage, one can thus learn more about the inhabitants of the country.

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According to the 2011 census, the population of Poland (as of March 31, 2011) was 38.501 million people. Thus, it is the eighth most populous country in Europe, and the sixth in the European Union. The average population density is 123 people per km².

Among them, 20.067 million are women and 18.432 million are men. There are 109 women for every 100 men.

23.169 million people lived in cities, and 15.332 million people lived in villages.

The average life expectancy is 75.85 years. Men - 71.88 years, women - 80.06 years.

Average age 38.2 years (among women - 40 years, among men 36.5 years)

Birth rate - 10.04 per thousand people.

Mortality - 10.1 per thousand people.

Population of Poland
Year Population Year Population
1846 11 107 000 1970 32 642 000
1911 22 110 000 1978 35 061 000
1921 27 177 000 1988 37 879 000
1931 32 107 000 1990 38 183 000
1938 34 849 000 1995 38 610 000
1946 23 930 000 2000 38 654 000
1950 25 008 000 2005 38 191 000
1960 29 776 000 2010 38 200 000

Poland is one of the most mono-ethnic states in the world. According to the 2011 census, 93.72% of Poland's population identified themselves as ethnic Poles. The largest ethnic groups are Silesians, Germans, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Gypsies, and Jews.

The exceptionally high mono-ethnicity of Poland is a consequence of the historical events of the middle of the 20th century that radically changed the national structure of the country, namely, World War II (the Holocaust) and the post-war changes in European borders and the resulting mass movements of the German, Polish and Ukrainian population, as well as ethnic politics states. As official statistics show, over the past two decades there has been no noticeable influx of immigrants to Poland, with the exception of the acceptance of several thousand refugees from Chechnya. According to Polish law, refugee status gives the right to stay in the country, but does not allow either to work for the purpose of earning money or receive social benefits from the state; international and local humanitarian and charitable organizations are responsible for providing refugees. For this reason, Poland is usually a transit country for refugees.

Ethnic composition of the population of Poland according to the 2011 census,
which allowed one or two answers about nationality
Nationality population
all answers
(thousand people)
including who indicated
first nationality
(thousand people)
including who indicated
as the only
(thousand people)
all answers %
who indicated
first nationality %
who indicated
as the only
nationality %
Poles 36 085 36 007 35 251 93,72% 93,52% 91,56%
Silesians 809 418 362 2,10% 1,09% 0,94%
Kashubians 228 17 16 0,59% 0,04% 0,04%
Germans 109 49 26 0,28% 0,13% 0,07%
Ukrainians 48 36 26 0,12% 0,09% 0,07%
Belarusians 47 37 31 0,12% 0,10% 0,08%
gypsies 16 12 9 0,04% 0,03% 0,02%
Russians 13 8 5 0,03% 0,02% 0,01%
Americans 11 1 1 0,03% 0,003% 0,003%
Lemkos 10 7 5 0,03% 0,02% 0,02%
English 10 2 1 0,03% 0,01% 0,003%
other 87 45 34 0,23% 0,12% 0,09%
not determined 1 862 1 862 - 4,84% 4,84% -
Total 38 501 38 501 38 501 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

In recent years, the population of Poland has been gradually decreasing due to an increase in emigration and a drop in the birth rate. After the country joined the European Union, a large number of Poles emigrated to Western European countries in search of work.

The population of Poland includes a number of sub-ethnic groups, including: Goral, Kashubians, Silesians, Masurians and others. The Polabs and Pomeranians, previously close to the Poles, were mostly Germanized.

Europe is one of the smallest in area (only Australia - Oceania is smaller) parts of the world, its territory is about 10 million square meters. km. But in terms of population (742 million), Europe is second only to Asia and Africa and concentrates 10% of the world's population. In this ranking, we will consider the largest countries in Europe in terms of area and population. In some sources, especially foreign ones, such ratings take into account the total area and total population of countries that are only partially located in Europe, in which case Turkey is in the top three in both indicators. However, if we take into account only the European parts of the territories of the countries and only the population of the European parts (we will use this approach in the ranking), then the overall picture looks different: Turkey does not fall into the top 10 largest European countries either in terms of area or population. At the same time, in terms of the European population, Turkey would take 11th place in Europe with an indicator of 11.5 million people, most of whom are in the European part of Istanbul (2/3 of the population of Istanbul lives in the European part of the city).
The population data in the ranking is for 2018.

Largest countries in Europe by area

10th place. Poland. Area - 312,679 km².

9th place. Finland. Area - 338,430 km².

8th place. Germany. Area - 357,021 km².

7th place. Kazakhstan. The area of ​​the European part of Kazakhstan is about 380,000 km² or 13.9% of the total territory of the country (2,724,902 km²). In terms of total area, among states wholly or partially located in Europe, Kazakhstan ranks second (after Russia).
When drawing the border between Europe and Asia (within Kazakhstan) along the Emba River, the European part to the west of it includes the territories of: West Kazakhstan region (totally, more than 151,300 km²); Atyrau region (total 118,600 km²; excluding the southern part of the Zhylyoi region - about 103,000 km²); northwestern part of the Aktobe region (total 300,600 km²; without Shalkar (62,200 km²), Irgiz (41,500 km²), Aitekebi region (31,300 km²), without the southern and middle parts of the Baiganinsky region (about 40,000 km² out of 61,000 km² ) - about 126,000 km²).

6th place. Norway. Area - 385,186 km².

5th place. Sweden. Area - 447,435 km².

4th place. Spain. The area of ​​the European part is 498,508 km². The total area (with the Canary Islands and sovereign territories on the border with Morocco) is 505,992 km².

3rd place. France. The area of ​​the European part is 547,030 km². The total area (with Overseas Territories) is 674,685 km².

2nd place. Ukraine. According to official Ukrainian data, the territory of Ukraine is 603,549 km². However, the Ukrainian authorities ignore the fact that Crimea returned to Russia in 2014 and now has nothing to do with Ukraine. The area of ​​Ukraine without Crimea is 576,604 km². But these data are not entirely true, because. Ukraine does not control the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR). The declared area of ​​the territory of the DPR is 8,538.9 km², the area of ​​the LPR is 8,352.6 km². It turns out that the area of ​​Ukraine without Crimea, the DPR and the LPR is 559,713 km², which is still larger than the European territory of France, i.e. Ukraine, even in its present form, remains the second largest European country. It should also be taken into account that the DPR and LPR do not control all the territories they claim, which makes the area controlled by Ukraine slightly larger than the figure indicated above.

Ukraine (marked in dark green on the map) and its former part of Crimea (marked in light green)

The largest country in Europe - Russia. The area of ​​the European part of Russia (with Crimea) is about 3.986 million km², which is much larger than the area of ​​any European country and 7 times larger than the territory of Ukraine. The European part of Russia makes up about 40% of the entire territory of Europe. The total area of ​​the territory of Russia (with Crimea) is 17,124,442 km².

Map of Russia in 2018 (with Crimea):

Russia (with Crimea) on the globe:

Russia is also the largest country in the world in terms of area (see )

Largest countries in Europe by population

10th place. Netherlands. Population - 17.2 million people.

9th place. Romania. Population - 19.6 million people.

8th place. Poland. Population - 38.4 million people.

7th place. Ukraine. Population - 42.4 million people. excluding Crimea, which has been part of Russia since 2014. It is worth noting that even official Ukrainian data on the population of Ukraine do not include Crimea. As stated above, Ukraine does not control the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR). The population of the DPR as of January 1, 2017 is 2.306 million people, the population of the LPR as of March 1 is 1.48 million people. (these are the data of the DNR and LNR themselves). Thus, the population of Ukraine without Crimea, LPR, DPR is 38.6 million people., which is 200 thousand people more than in Poland, therefore, with any calculation option, Ukraine still remains the seventh largest country in Europe in terms of population.

6th place. Spain. Population - 46.7 million people.

5th place. Italy. Population - 60.4 million people.

4th place. France. The population without the Overseas Territories is 65 million people. The population with the Overseas Territories is 67.2 million.

3rd place. Great Britain. Population - 66 million people. As we can see, the difference between the population of Great Britain and the European part of France is 1 million people, and if we count the Overseas Territories of France, then its population is larger than the population of Great Britain.

2nd place. Germany. Population - 82.8 million people.

1 place. Russia. The population of the European part of Russia (with Crimea) is about 114 million people, which is much more than the population of Germany, which makes Russia the largest country in Europe by population, even without taking into account the Asian part of Russia. The total population of Russia - 146.9 million people