Boeing 767 300 how many seats. Azur Air aircraft: seat locations. Scheme of the Pegasus Fly interior

The Boeing 767-300 airliner (Boeing 767-300) belongs to the Boeing family and is the successor to the 767-200 and 767-400. In addition, the aircraft of the above models have the abbreviation Extended Range (ER) - meaning increased flight range.

In order to show which seats are the best in the Boeing 767-300 cabin, we will look at the version used by Aeroflot. All aircraft of this type were taken out of service on June 18, 2014.

Aircraft of a similar configuration are used by Transaero and a number of other air carriers.

This version of the aircraft has a two-class cabin, which is designed for 185 economy class seats and 30 business class seats. The main positive feature of this model is that the business class seats recline 165 degrees. Let's look at all the negative and positive aspects of business and economy class seats on the Boeing 767-300.

Business Class

Rows 1 to 5 are business class rows. The seats in the 1st row (A and B) are the best places on the plane, since they are located at a remote distance from all technical rooms and have additional free legroom.

It can't be said that everything the rest of this row much worse, they are simply located near the galley and there is a little less legroom compared to seats A and B. One way or another, you will be much more comfortable in these business class seats than in any other economy class seats.

5 row– the last row of business class, which is located in close proximity to the galley and restrooms, which may cause minor discomfort during the flight.

Economy class

11 row— chairs in this row are located next to the toilets. Which is fraught with passengers constantly walking past you, doors slamming, sounds of the cistern - this is not conducive to comfort.

In addition, there will be a partition in front of you and you will not be able to stretch your legs under the chair.

However, there is a positive nuance - no one will throw back their chair on you.

Seats row 25 located near emergency exits. The backrests of the seats in this row are limited in reclining or blocked. Not the most comfortable seats on an aircraft.

Seats in row 27 have the same positive and negative sides as the 11th row.

Seats in row 38 (marked in red)- are the last and are located at the tail of the plane.

These are the worst seats; the downsides are that the seat backs are limited in reclining or are not fixed at all, and the close proximity to the kitchen and toilet will not give you any pleasure during the flight.

So let's look at the advantages and disadvantages general seating arrangement:

  • Aisle seats provide freedom of movement, you can easily leave your seat without disturbing your neighbors. However, in these seats you will be disturbed by passengers sitting next to you and flight attendants with carts. Therefore, you should choose these seats only if you plan to fly with a child or if you need to visit the toilet frequently. Otherwise, try to get seats near the “window”;
  • The window seats are undoubtedly the best seats on board an aircraft of any configuration. Pros - you can look out the window during the flight (does not count during night flights), you won’t be disturbed by your neighbor if he wants to get up. Disadvantages - it is difficult to leave the seat at the “window” without disturbing the other passengers in the row.

How to choose the best seats on AZUR air planes? This is not difficult to do. The main thing is to know the seat layout, features and recommendations of passengers who have already used the carrier’s services.

There are three types of aircraft in the airline's fleet:

  • Boeing 737-800. The airline has one aircraft of this model at its disposal. The length of the airliner is 40 meters, the cruising speed is 828 km/h, and the flight range is 5.66 thousand km. Capacity - 189 passengers.
  • Boeing 767-300. AZUR air has the most of these aircraft at its disposal - 8. Features include greater length, capacity (up to 336 people) and flight range (about 11,000 km). Cruising speed is at 825 km/h.
  • Boeing 757-200. The number of such airliners at the company's disposal is 7. The capacity is 238 people. The maximum flight range is 7.27 km.

Choosing the best seats on AZUR air planes, it is important to focus on several basic criteria:

  • Availability of additional legroom.
  • Proximity of technical premises.
  • Location (near a window, aisle, emergency exit).
  • Possibility of reclining the backrest.

Detailed aircraft diagrams are discussed below.

The best seats on Boeing 767-300 AZUR air aircraft

When flying on a Boeing 767-300, you should choose the best seats consciously, taking into account the seat layout and layout of the aircraft. Technical rooms are located in three places - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the side. Consequently, the seats in rows 46 and 45, 15 and 16 can hardly be called comfortable, because there will be constant movement near them and unpleasant odors may appear.

The best seats on this AZUR air plane- those that provide more legroom, namely in the rows:

  • 14 (C, D, F).
  • 16 (A, B, including G, H).
  • 33 (A, B, and also G, H).
  • 32 (C, D, E, F).

By the way, the seats in the first row also have increased legroom and many claim that these are the best seats in the Boeing 767-300 AZUR air. The situation is spoiled by the proximity of this row to the toilet, so it is unlikely that you will be able to count on a calm and quiet trip.

The best seats in the Boeing 737-800

Despite the fact that the Boeing 737-800 is at the carrier’s disposal in limited quantities (there is only one aircraft), it is still advisable to know the layout of the airliner and the seating arrangement. According to the manufacturer itself, the best seats on the Boeing 737-800 are in the following rows:

  • 1 (A,B,C).
  • 2 (D, E, F).
  • 16 (A, B, C, and also D, E, F).
  • 15 (A, B, C and including - D, E, F).

The peculiarity of the mentioned chairs is the increased legroom. But here it’s worth considering that rows 1 and 2 are very close to the toilet, so they can only be called comfortable. During the entire flight, passengers are constantly moving here and you can’t even dream of comfort. And foreign odors will add “spiciness” to the flight.

The best seats in the Boeing 757-200 AZUR air

As noted above, AZUR air has seven Boeing 757-200 aircraft at its disposal, the best seats of which are in rows 1, 11, 12 and 31. In more detail, the most comfortable seats with the greatest legroom are located in the following rows:

  • 1 (A,B,C,D,E,F).
  • 11 (B, C, and also D, E).
  • 12 (A, F).
  • 31 (A, B, C, D, E, F).

If we highlight the best seats of the Boeing 757 from this group, they are in rows 12 and 11. As for the seats in rows 31 and 1, they are located in close proximity to the toilets.


Taking into account the foregoing, we can conclude that the most comfortable chairs are those with more legroom, as well as ones that are distant from the kitchen and toilet. As an alternative, you can take seats in the central part of the cabin, which are located away from the technical areas.

Along with the creation of the Boeing 757 aircraft, the aircraft manufacturing corporation “The Boeing Company” decided to create a model labeled Boeing 767. These two models were developed in parallel with each other and therefore, in general, they are technologically identical. A significant difference is the interior design and layout of the cabin. The Boeing 767, unlike the 757, is a wide-body airliner with two aisles between the seats. The Boeing 767 has become a popular powered airliner for flights across the Atlantic Ocean. The Boeing 767, like the Boeing 757, complies with international civil aviation standards ETOPS (Extended Range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards).

Boeing 767 photo

The first version of the 767-100 was initially offered to airlines, but this version did not attract much interest due to reduced passenger capacity and which had many similarities to the 757 model.

The fact that the Boeing 767 is capable of achieving commercial success among airlines was proven by the Boeing 767-200 version, which differed from the previous model with an enlarged cabin. The length of the aircraft was 48.51 meters. Production of this modification began in July 1978, and in September 1981 the aircraft took to the skies. A year later, the first Boeing 767-200 aircraft were delivered to the American air carrier United Airlines, which initially ordered thirty aircraft.

Boeing later developed a version designated the Boeing 767-200ER. This modification received additional fuel tanks, which allowed this airliner to make longer non-stop flights. The last official production of the 767-200 and 7-200ER took place in 1994. But in 1998, production of the 767-200ER version continued after an order was received from Continental Airlines.

Boeing 767 interior diagram

The 767-200ER version has no direct competitors. The Boeing 767-200 has 181 seats in three classes or 224 seats in a two-class design. The Boeing 767-200 is mainly used on routes such as New York - Los Angeles.

In February 1982, the company announced the development of a new version, designated 767-300. This model is about 6.42 meters longer than the 767-200. The first flight took place in January 1986, and in September of the same year, the airliner began commercial operation with the air carrier Japan Airlines (JAL). And the 767-300ER version, delivered in March 1988 to American Airlines, is, like the 767-200ER, an expanded modification with a large fuel reserve. The Boeing 767-300ER has proven to be the most popular among airlines, and is primarily used on long-haul flights and less busy routes.

Boeing 767 interior photo

The cargo model, designated 767-300F, also comes from the 767-300 version. The first order for this Boeing was from United Parcel in 1993.

The latest modification of the 767 airliner is designated Boeing 767-400EF. Development of this version began in 1996, commissioned by Delta Air Lines and Continental Airlines. Compared to the previous version, the 767-400ER was lengthened by 6.4 meters. The aircraft's wings also underwent modifications - they became longer and the wingtips changed. The instrument panel, brakes and wheels are similar to the Boeing 777 model.

Characteristics of the Boeing 767-400ER (767-300ER):

  • Length: 61.37 m (54.94 m)
  • Height: 16.87 m (15.85 m)
  • Wingspan: 51.92 m (47.57 m)
  • Empty weight: 103.1 tons (90 tons)
  • Cruising speed: 850 km/h.
  • Flight range: 10420 km. (11060 km.)
  • Ceiling: 11885 m.
  • Number of passenger seats: 240-375 seats (218-350 seats)
  • Crew: 2 people

Boeing 767. Gallery.

The Boeing 767-300 is a wide-body aircraft designed for long-haul and medium-haul flights. Produced by the American corporation The Boeing Company since 1981. In Russia, these liners are mainly used on charter flights departing to foreign resorts: Thailand, Vietnam, India (primarily Goa), Dominican Republic, etc.

Previously, Boeing 767-300 were used on regular international flights from Russia, but in 2014 - 2015, the airlines Aeroflot and Rossiya took them out of service.

Meanwhile, the Boeing 767-300 and its modifications continue to be used by such large foreign airlines as Delta Air Lines, Austrian Airlines, Air Canada, American Airlines, Air New Zealand, British Airways.

Technical characteristics of Boeing 767-300

Information from the website of the charter carrier Azur Air:

  • Wingspan - 49 meters;
  • Length - 55 meters;
  • Cruising speed - 825 km/h;
  • Flight range - 11070 meters.

There are two aisles in the passenger compartment. There are 3-4 seats next to each other in the center, depending on the layout, and 2 seats on the sides, which is very convenient for those flying together.


Boeing 767-300ER aircraft have an increased flight range (Extended Range) and passenger capacity. This modification is the most successful in this line, and is also used in Russia. Its main competitor is the Airbus A330-200.

Liners of the 767-300 °F modification are cargo.

Boeing 767-300 cabin layout for different airlines

There is no basic seat layout on the Boeing 767-300, as the cabin layout is determined by the airline and may even differ on different flights from the same carrier.

Below are diagrams and features of seats on the Boeing 767-300 for the main Russian airlines operating these aircraft.

Azur Air

Capacity - up to 336 people. The number of Boeing 767-300 aircraft in the company’s fleet is 7.

The best seats are those with increased legroom - they are located near the emergency exits. On the Boeing 767-300 diagram, such places are marked in red and listed in the list:

  • 1st row - all seats;
  • 14 row - C, D, F;
  • Row 16 - A, B, G, H;
  • 32 row - C, D, E, F;
  • Row 33 - A, B, G, H.

There are 7 toilets on board:

  • 4 - in the tail section (of which 2 are behind the central row);
  • 2 - in the center, behind the first sector (both - in front of the side rows);
  • 1 - in the bow (left side - opposite the row with seats A, B).

The seats in the middle rows - D and F - are considered the least convenient for single passengers, since to access the aisle from them you need to disturb your neighbors, and in these seats there is no “personal” armrest.

Pegas Fly (PEGAS FLY, Icarus airline)

The airline operates 6 such Boeings.

In Pegasus Fly, these liners have a two-class layout:

  • Business class - 12 seats;
  • Economy class - 278 or 288 seats.

Distance between seats on Boeing 767-300 aircraft on Pegasus Fly flights:

  • Economy class - 57 cm;
  • Business class - 105 cm.

When arranging the liners on Pegasus Fly, 87% of the seats are considered good - located either near the aisle (no need to bother anyone to get up) or near the window.

The Pegasus Fly onboard layouts for passengers are very convenient and understandable, and, guided by them, you can easily choose the best seats on the Boeing 767-300.

Places with features are marked in color on the diagram.

For tall passengers Seats with increased legroom will be especially comfortable - they are marked in blue in the diagram and are located in the cabin at the beginning of each of the three sectors.

They are followed by three rows preferred places(marked in green). The advantages of “green” seats are that they are close to the exits (no need to wait for a line of passengers getting off) and close to the start of food distribution (it is considered that the choice is better, since some popular dishes may no longer be available at the “tail”).

When choosing “gray” seats (standard ones, the majority of them in the cabin), the general rule applies: if you plan to get up often, then take one near the aisle; if you don’t want to be disturbed, go by the window; besides, most passengers try to buy such a seat for the view.

Worst seats on a Boeing 767-300 the last seats in the sectors are considered: in addition to the fact that the backs of their seats do not recline, there is less space in the shelves for hand luggage above them, and if you enter the cabin among the last passengers, then there may simply not be room for your luggage and then you will have to put at her feet - under the chair in front.

Boeing 767-300 layout options on PEGAS FLY flights:

  • 47 rows;
  • No business class;
  • The salon is divided into 3 sectors;
  • 22 seats with increased legroom;
  • 5 toilets.
  • 42 rows;
  • Economy class is divided into 3 sectors;
  • 23 seats with increased legroom;
  • 5 toilets.
  • 39 rows;
  • Business class - 12 seats (rows 1 and 2);
  • 6 toilets, including 1 toilet for people with disabilities.
  • 39 rows;
  • Business class - 12 seats (rows 1 and 2);
  • Economy class is divided into 2 sectors;
  • 23 seats with increased legroom, but 7 of them have non-reclining backrests;
  • 7 toilets: 4 in the tail, 2 in the center, 1 in the bow.

Information on the official PEGAS FLY website:

Royal Flight

The number of passenger seats is 330. There are 3 Boeing 767-300ER aircraft in the airline’s fleet, they are used for charter flights.

Royal Flight has 2 aircraft layout options:

The Boeing 767-300 airliner is an extended version of the popular Boeing 767-200 model. This aircraft is designed for medium and long-haul flights. Aircraft of the 767 model series are considered one of the most commercially profitable when used for charter flights, this is due to the fairly low cost of maintenance. This material will examine in detail the Boeing 767-300 Royal Flight airliner, the interior layout of this aircraft and the best seats in it.

The Royal Flight airline fleet is equipped with three Boeing 767-300 aircraft, two of which were purchased by Royal Flight Airlines from Rossiya Airlines in 2016. The average age of Boeing 767-300 aircraft owned by Royal Flight is 19 years.

There is no need to be afraid of the aircraft's great age. One pilot with extensive flying experience, an aviation instructor and, part-time, an aircraft mechanic told me before flying on a thirty-year-old Yak-18: “The plane is like a Mercedes, it’s not the age that matters, but the condition.”

Boeing 767-300 Royal Flight interior diagram

Passenger seats on board the Boeng 767-300 of Royal Flight Airlines are located in three rows. In business class, seats are arranged according to the pattern 2 - 2 - 2 that is, two chairs in each row. total number of seats in business class: 12. In economy class according to the scheme 2 - 4 - 2— two seats in the outer rows and four seats in the center row. Rows: 12, 14, 15, 16, 31, 46, 47 stand out from the general harmony - there are 3 chairs in a row.

To make it easier for you to decide on the choice of seat, our website contains a high-resolution diagram of the Boeing 767-300 Royal Flight cabin. Familiarize yourself with it, so it will be easier for you to visualize information about the best seats on this plane.

For your convenience, the interior diagram of the Boeing 767-300 Royal Flight is clickable; to enlarge, click on the image.

Boeing 767 300 Royal Flight best seats

The economy class cabin of the Royal Flight Boeing 767-300 airliner is divided into three cabins.

The best and worst places in the first salon

The first cabin is located in the bow of the aircraft, immediately in business class. This part of economy class is the most compact, with only 59 seats. The location at the front of the plane and the small number of seats is already a huge plus, since it is much quieter here compared to the rest of the cabin. In addition, after landing, passengers in the front part of the aircraft will be able to get to the ground faster.

Row 5, seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H— the best seats in the first salon. You'll probably have to pay extra for them.

Row 11, seats A, B, G, H And row 12, C, D, F- on the contrary, the worst choice in this part of the aircraft. The seat backs in these places are blocked by a partition and do not recline.
The backrests recline to a slight angle.

Good and bad places in the second salon

The second salon is the largest in number - 128 seats for passengers. Let's take a closer look at the most successful and unsuccessful places to travel.

Rows: 15 and 16 They have only three chairs, which are located between two toilets. When making a flight sitting on them, you will feel a certain discomfort due to fellow travelers crowding in line for the toilet. At the same time, not only passengers of the second cabin, but also travelers from the first cabin will run to these toilets; they do not have their own toilet, and they are unlikely to be allowed into the business class toilet.

Row 14- one of the best - there is increased legroom. Also, this row is slightly forward from the restrooms, which, theoretically, will protect you from contemplating the toilet lines. However, there are restrictions for this series. To ensure safety, it is prohibited to accommodate passengers with children, people with disabilities, pregnant and elderly passengers in these seats. Well, if you are a fragile girl, then most likely you will also have to forget about these places.

Row 17, seats A, B, G, H- an excellent choice for flying on a Boeing 767-300 Royal Flight. Here, just like passengers in row 14, there is increased legroom.

The worst places in the second salon are whole row 31, the same blocked seat backs will not allow you to fully relax during the flight.

Despite the fact that the central part of the cabin accommodates the largest number of passengers, it also has an undoubted advantage. Almost the entire second cabin accounts for the area where the wings join. For design reasons, the central part of the airliner is most stable during turbulence. In other words: it shakes the least here.

The best and worst places in the third salon

The third cabin, located at the rear of the aircraft, has 110 seats for economy class passengers.

In the tail section of a passenger airliner, regardless of the manufacturer and model, the shaking when passing air pockets is always more noticeable. If you are afraid of flying and have problems with the vestibular system, take this point into account and try to sit closer to the center.

The best seats in the tail section of a Boeing 767-300 can be considered row 33, seats C, D, E, F- There's a lot of legroom here. The same places A, B, G, H in the same 33rd row could have been ideal if not for flight safety restrictions. These seats are located near emergency exits and passengers sitting on them will have to put everything unnecessary into the hand luggage compartment. In addition, the folding tables for eating airline food are extremely flimsy, you can accidentally spill hot coffee on yourself.

Row 45, seats A, B, G, H— problems with seats that do not recline are aggravated by close proximity to the toilet. These are probably the worst places on board.

Closing rows 46 and 47 framed on both sides by toilets, and on the 47th, moreover, the backrests do not recline.

Business class Boeing 767 300 Royal Flight best seats

In conclusion, a few words about business class. Royal Flight's Boeing 767-300 aircraft have twelve (12) seats in the business class cabin. The chairs recline, you can take a fairly comfortable reclining position and even stretch your legs; special footrests are provided for this. Each passenger is given travel kits: light blankets, slippers, earplugs, hygiene products. In business class, passengers receive personalized service and a more extensive menu of food and drinks, which are served throughout the flight.

Agree, the best seats on any plane are those in business class, but that’s a completely different money.