Acropolis in Lindos. The city of Lindos on the island of Rhodes in Greece - what you need to know Central square of Lindos tourist office

Updated: March 18, 2019

There is a very beautiful ancient settlement in Greece, which is always popular among tourists. This is the city of Lindos in Rhodes. It is located on the south-eastern side of the island, on Cape Crana. Lindos covers an area of ​​almost 180 km² and has a population of only 700 people.

The resort has all the necessary infrastructure, and although large shopping centers no, everything you need can be found in stores or at the market. There is no noisy nightlife in the city, although there are small nightclubs with discos, restaurants and bars with live music.

Tourists who want to combine a pleasant beach holiday with sightseeing and sightseeing.


Lindos in itself is a landmark of Rhodes and all of Greece. No wonder it is recognized by UNESCO historical monument of global significance, and local authorities, to preserve its originality, limited the construction of modern buildings.

Getting to know this ancient city It is better to start Greece with a walk along the narrow winding streets, many of which are remote. At the tourist center you can get a free map of the city, and although not all streets are marked on it, the likelihood of getting lost with it decreases. All Lindos houses are small, no higher than 2 floors, and are traditionally painted white. On the ground floors of many of them there are shops and cozy cafes. Each courtyard here has its own uniquely designed door - many tourists even take photos of them in memory of the city of Lindos.

Captains House Cafe Bar

While walking around the city, tourists’ attention is attracted by ancient buildings of the 16th-18th centuries, built in the Captain’s house style. These captain's houses are impressive with their high, strong walls and arched entrances (pylons) with heavy wooden doors decorated with coats of arms. If possible, you should definitely visit at least one captain’s house, because their interior decoration can be compared to a local history museum: the floors of the courtyards are lined with pebble mosaics, the ceilings and patios are covered with paintings. For example, you can go to Captains House Cafe Bar (address 243 Acropoleos Street) - this is an excellent opportunity to combine an excursion with a visit to the cafe. Admission is free, but drinks are more expensive than other establishments in the city.


Lindos is home to one of the most interesting attractions in Greece - the Acropolis, the second largest after the Acropolis in Athens. It is located on the top of a steep cliff, and to get to it, you need to walk through narrow streets with shopping arcades and poor Greek dwellings, and then along a narrow path that winds around the rock like a snake. If someone finds such a climb too long and exhausting, it can be overcome on a donkey. Renting one donkey will cost 5 €, but these animals come in pairs, so the minimum cost for transporting one or two passengers will be 10 €.

  • The Acropolis is open to the public from March to December until 18.40.
  • Entrance to the territory This attraction of Rhodes costs 12 €, tickets can be bought at the box office - they are located near the medieval fortifications surrounding the Acropolis.
  • You don’t have to pay to take photos of the views of Lindos, Rolos, and the immediate sights of the Acropolis.

Tourists who pass through the medieval fortifications see the most interesting and remarkable attraction of the Acropolis: a ship carved right into the rock. To the right of it is a staircase (VI century BC), climbing which you can see the Palace of the Grand Master. Nearby are the remains of a Roman temple dedicated to Emperor Diocletian.

St. John's Church

A little further away there is a staircase (3rd century BC) leading to the Dorian Portico. The U-shaped portico was used to display works of art.

Next to the portico stands the Church of St. John, which was built in the 13th century.

Temple of Athena

Beyond the Propylaea is the most important attraction of the Acropolis of Lindos - the Temple of Athena (IV century BC).

It must be said that from the top of the rock there is a stunning view of Rhodes and the sea. The heart-shaped St. Paul's Bay is very clearly visible. From here, another attraction of Lindos, Rados and Greece looks great - the Church of the Virgin Mary.

Church of the Virgin Mary

The ancient snow-white church is located in the very center of the old part of Lindos. It is active, you can enter it, completely free of charge and on any day. At the entrance, tourists are given skirts and scarves.

The Church of Our Lady of Lindos is considered one of the most beautiful shrines in Rhodes and Greece. The painting on the walls inside the temple, made by the famous artist G. Simi, looks very nice, and the image of the Last Judgment even looks a little fabulous. The carved wooden iconostasis amazes with its luxury and at the same time amazing touching quality.

Next to the church stands a five-tiered stone bell tower, and behind it is a well-kept courtyard, the surface of which is lined with white and black pebbles.

Church of Our Lady of Tsambiki

There are 2 Tsambika monasteries in Rhodes: the lower one (Kato Tsambika) and the upper one (Moni Tsambika). Both of them are well known in Greece and beyond. The monasteries are located a few kilometers from each other and not too far from the city of Lindos.

Kato Tsambika

On the territory of the lower monastery there is a white stone church of Our Lady of Tsambiki with a bell tower. This temple houses a relic known outside the island of Rhodes and Greece - this is the miraculous Icon of the Virgin Mary Tsambiki (celebration September 8). They ask this icon for health, children, family happiness. Here, on the territory of the monastery, there is an Orthodox museum, there is a shop with souvenirs, candles, icons, and holy water.

Monastery of Kato Tsambika is located in the very center Rhodes Island, approximately 6 km from the city of Archangelos. From the city of Rhodes you can get to it by bus - there are buses daily from 9:00 to 21:15 with a frequency of 1-1.5 hours, departure from the bus station at Averof 2. You need to get off at the Tsambika Church stop or go to Archangelos. From Archangelos to the monastery (GPS coordinates: 36°14’08.3″N; 28°09’03.4″E) you can walk or take a taxi for approximately 5-7 €.

  • The Church of Our Lady of Tsambiki is open to the public daily from 8:00 to 20:00.
  • Free admission, but you can go inside only in clothes appropriate for visiting the shrine.

Moni Tsambika

The second monastery of a smaller scale is located 2 km away, on a hill. To get to it, you need to overcome a steep staircase with 300 steps. In this church there is a copy of the famous icon of the Mother of God, and the original is raised here only 2 times a year: on the birthday of the Mother of God and on September 8.


The city of Lindos is famous in Greece not only for its ancient sights, but also for its beaches. But it should be noted that there are fewer beaches here than in any other resorts of Rhodes. Accordingly, they are crowded with people.

To get to the main beach in the city, you need to move from the central square down the street.

The entrance to the water here is gentle, thanks to the shallow water the water is warm. High waves no: the bay is protected from the winds. The water is clear and clean, but garbage collects at the bottom - most likely, the sea carries it into the bay and does not take it out. The beach is sandy, the sand is quite fine and soft.

There are toilets, showers, umbrellas. For 10 € you can rent a sun lounger and 2 sun loungers for the day. There are many restaurants, cafes and taverns near Lindos Beach.

A few kilometers from the town of Lindos there is a small bay of St. Paul with two beaches.

The first, large one, is on the same side as St. Paul's Chapel. It is quite well equipped, so there are always a lot of people here. There is a good tavern on the shore, and there are bars with soft drinks and snacks. For 8 € you can rent a large umbrella and 2 sun loungers. The shore here is sandy and clean.

In the northern part of the bay, the beach is more modest, although clean and uncrowded.

There is one drawback, common to the entire bay: although there are not so many yachts for this place, you can see an oil film on the water surface.

In Vlicha Bay (location: Lindos, Rhodes) the coastline is quite long and there are several well-maintained beaches. At one end of the bay the shore is covered with small pebbles, then, as you move along the shore, the pebbles become smaller and smaller, and at the other end of the bay they are completely replaced by soft and delicate sand. Throughout coastline The water is clean, entry into the sea is short.

The beaches are well equipped: toilets, showers, water attractions, 2 sun loungers and an umbrella for 8 €. There are bars, 2 restaurants with good cuisine and affordable prices.

Pefkos Beach (location: Pefkos) is very small. Its length is no more than 1 km, and its width is such that only in some places it is possible to install 2 umbrellas. It cannot be called very clean; various debris can be seen in the sand.

You can rent an umbrella with sun loungers for 10 € per day. Appear from time to time local residents, offering a serving of fruit salad for 3-5 €. Tasty and relatively inexpensive food is served in the Lee and Philosophy restaurants.

Plakia Beach (location: Main Road, Pefkos) is located away from large settlements. This probably explains why there are fewer people here than in other recreation areas in Greece. You can find a place on the first line here at almost any time, and for 10 € per day you can rent an umbrella and 2 sun loungers.

The surface is mostly small pebbles; here and there there are stone slabs in the water, but they are clearly visible and therefore easy to swim around. The entry into the water is gentle.

Gennadi Beach is located near the village of the same name, which is 18 km from Lindos. The village of Gennadi is very small, there is only 1 small supermarket, 1 bakery, 2 vegetable shops, several good taverns. It is convenient that there is convenient access to the beach itself - an asphalt road.

The surface is small pebbles, but it is convenient to get in and out of the water. The depth begins already 2-3 meters from the shore. The water is clean and warm. There are paid umbrellas and sunbeds, no entertainment, but there are several small bars.

Holidays in Lindos - price

How much will a vacation at the Lindos resort on the island of Rhodes cost, and how much do the prices there compare with prices in other regions of Greece?


The resort's large hotels are scattered outside the city and are relatively isolated from each other. There are many guest houses in the city itself, where, as in all of Greece, the owners themselves receive guests.

Yota Beach

Average prices for accommodation in hotels in Lindos are 100 € per day for a double room, the minimum is within 65 €.

For example, for a minimum amount you can rent a room in the family hotel 3*Yota Beach, located 5 km from Lindos, near Vlycha beach.

Al 583 di Lindos, located 200 meters from the Acropolis, offers rooms from 100 € per night.

For apartments in guest house Lindos Comfy Suites will have to pay more - from 125 € per night for a double room. The guest house is located in Lindos, just 300 m from central beach and close to the Acropolis.

Find out PRICES or book any accommodation using this form

Like all cities in Greece, there are many taverns, cafes and restaurants. But most of them cook specifically for tourists, which is why the food is monotonous and far from Greek culture. In almost all establishments, the service staff speaks English, and the menus are also written in English.

Village Cafe

In Lindos, for 25-27 € you can have a good meal, and even with a bottle of wine. For example, such reasonable prices are offered at Village Cafe (address: Main Street, Lindos). Dinner at a mid-level restaurant will cost a little more: approximately 40 € for two. You can also have a snack at fast food establishments for 6-7 € per person.

Supermarkets offer a huge selection of products. So, in the center of Lindos, 100 meters from each other, there are 3 stores - they have the same range of products, the prices are also identical. It is convenient that you can buy fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables in supermarkets. There is also alcohol, but the prices are very high.

Prices on the page are for May 2018.

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Lindos has one peculiarity: it is free from vehicles with exhaust fumes (buses, cars). Since this city is small, it is quite possible to move around it on foot, or, as an exotic option, on donkeys.

You can get to Lindos from the airport by bus - departure takes place at the airport, 300 m from the arrival terminal. In Rhodes you need to change buses; buses to Lindos go every 1 hour. The bus only goes to the top of the hill, and then you can get there by a special shuttle or walk.

There is a more convenient option to get to Lindos directly from the airport. On the website you can pre-order a personal taxi (about 70 €) or buy a ticket for a special shuttle in advance (23 € per person). As for taxis, they are allowed to go to the harbor, which is located next to the Old Town. Most hotels are located in this area, so you won't have to walk far.

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Lindos - one of the three main cities of Rhodes - was founded by the Dorians in the 10th century. BC. This city-state, being the first capital of the island, was famous for its trading power, including thanks to its developed navy. According to legend, Rhodes sent nine ships to the Trojan War, and all of them were equipped in Lindos. Already in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. Lindos monopolized most of the trade and shipping in the Mediterranean. The symbol of the power of Lindos was its impregnable Acropolis, located on a cliff 116 m above sea level. In 1309, Rhodes came into the possession of the Knights of Jerusalem Order of St. John (Hospitaliers), who settled on the island for two centuries. It was during this period that the walls of the Acropolis were surrounded by high fortress walls, which gives modern Lindos as an archaeological site a peculiar appearance of an eclectic mixture of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Initially, Lindos was inferior in size and development to its neighbors Kamiros and Ialysos, but, gradually expanding, it began to dominate the Aegean Sea. Lindos founded colonies in Asia Minor and southern Italy and developed trade relations with the Egyptians and Phoenicians. It was the Lindians who were the first to draw up a code of maritime law.
The peak of Lindos' power was the 6th century. BC, when the city was ruled by the tyrant Cleobulus, one of the seven sages of antiquity. Later, the founding of a new capital of the island - Rhodes proper - and the expansion of Persian influence in the Aegean Sea led to a decrease in the economic and political influence of Lindos.

Modern view of Lindos and the Acropolis:

The history of the center of life of ancient Lindos - the Acropolis - is rooted in the cult of the goddess Athena. According to one version, the prehistoric inhabitants of the territory occupied by Lindos revered the goddess Lindia. The Dorians who arrived on the island combined the cult of the local goddess with the cult of Doric Athena.

Restored Temple of Athena of Lindia:

Modern researchers believe that the veneration of the goddess Athena dates back to the 9th-8th centuries. BC. and continued until early Christian times. At this time, the first temple of the goddess Athena of Lindia was built, and the Acropolis of Lindos began its history. Throughout almost the entire history of the city, the Acropolis remained the vital center of Lindos. Over time, it took on the appearance of a defensive fortress.

Part of the temple of the goddess Athena of Lindia:

Historical information about the temple of Athena Lindia begins in the 4th century. BC, when the ruler (tyrant) of Lindos, Cleobulus, erected a new one on the site of the old temple, which exactly repeated the shape of the previous one, while being the first in the history of Antiquity to use funds collected from the citizens of the city for the construction of a public building. It was a Doric, amphiprostyle temple with four columns. After the fire of 342 BC. The temple was rebuilt, and it is its remains that have survived to this day. At the end of the 3rd or beginning of the 4th centuries. BC. The Great Portico - Standing - was built in front of the Propylaea and a staircase leading to it was created.

View of the Commandant's Office and part of the Doric portico of the Acropolis of Lindos:

The Great Hellenistic Portico has now been partially restored. It forms a single ensemble with the Prolilea (of which only the base has survived), as was the case in the classical Acropolis in Athens. The portico is 87 m long and consists of 42 Doric columns, of which only 20 have survived today. The Doric style of the Portico has one peculiarity - in the center it was not covered with a roof, and there was also no back wall - so that one could see through its colonnade Hellenistic staircase with 34 steps leading to the Propylaea.

Portico and view of the Propylaea:

Behind the colonnade of the Propylaea there were five entrances to the sanctuary. On the last, fourth level there is a temple of the goddess Athena of Lindia. The temple is 21.6 m long and 7.7 m wide.

View of the Temple of Athena of Lindia. The caves under the Acropolis were used for ritual religious purposes both before the founding of the temple and after - including in the early Christian period:

In front of the stairs leading to the Portico is a high horseshoe-shaped pedestal of blue-gray Rhodian stone with inscriptions on the reverse side. One of them says that this platform was built in the 3rd century. in honor of Pamphilidas, priest of the goddess Athena.

Stairs leading to the Portico:

Horseshoe-shaped pedestal and view of the Portico:

In the northwest corner of the Portico are the ruins of the Byzantine Church of St. John:

Interior view of St. John's Church:

A medieval staircase leads to the Acropolis along the fortress wall. Previously, the staircase was wider and was protected on the eastern side by a powerful wall. On the left, above the entrance to the Commandant's Office, there was an opening (katahistra), from where during the siege the defenders of the fortress poured boiling oil on the attackers. On the left you can see the remains of an ancient staircase that previously led to the Acropolis.

Medieval staircase leading to the Acropolis of Lindos:

The high and steep rock on which the Acropolis is located has been a natural defensive site at all times.

Remains of the fortress wall of the Acropolis of Lindos:

First defensive structure on the rock around the Acropolis it was built by Cleobulus, and at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC. a wall was built around it, fortified with rectangular towers.

Modern view of the fortifications of Lindos:

The Knights of Rhodes built extensions on top of the wall, built during the Byzantine period, and made Lindos Castle one of the most powerful on the island. In the XVI - XVII centuries. The Turks built bastions at three corners of the fortress to effectively withstand cannon fire.

The current state of the fortress walls of the Acropolis of Lindos:

In Termindra (Vlicha settlement), 3 km from Lindos, in ancient times there was a shipyard where the famous Rhodian ships were built. On the stairs leading along the medieval walls to the Acropolis, there is a stone carved image of a Rhodian warship - triemolia (a combination of emolia and trireme). This image dates back to 170 BC. and belongs to the hand of the sculptor Pitocrates, the author of the famous Nike of Samothrace. The relief was carved by the Lindians in honor of the victories of their general Agesander.

The first excavations in Lindos were carried out in 1900-1904. Danish Archaeological Institute. From 1938 to 1940 - during the era of the “Italian occupation” - restoration work on the Acropolis was carried out by Italian specialists. However, the equipment and materials used in the restoration work did not stand the test of time and environmental conditions. In the 1960s The archaeological remains of the Acropolis were considered dangerous for visitors.
In 1985, work began on the restoration of the monuments of the Acropolis by Greek specialists, which continues to this day.

Modern view of the Acropolis of Lindos with restoration work carried out there:

The Acropolis offers stunning views of the surrounding area of ​​Lindos, in particular the harbor of St. Paul, where, according to legend, the Apostle Paul landed to preach Christianity to the inhabitants of Rhodes.

View of St. Paul's harbor from the Acropolis of Lindos:

Views from the Acropolis of Lindos to the surrounding area:

Small note: on a hot summer day, the Acropolis of Rhodes - the best place to get sunstroke

Acropolis in Lindos (Greece) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Lindos is a city with a history of 3 thousand years. Actually, this is where the acropolis is located. Also the walls rise above the city knight's castle and the ruins of an early Christian church. It is best to go to Lindos in the morning or late afternoon, with a good supply of water. It is difficult to hide from the strong sun in the ancient city. So it's worth being on the safe side.

To see all the sights of the city, this bizarre mixture of eras, you need to walk from the Lindos gate to its highest point. This is a long path, which, by the way, can be covered on a donkey. The same road leading to the acropolis is very beautiful. Along the way there are stone fountains that are still filling with water, white houses with courtyards and taverns where you can try something delicious Greek.

Acropolis in Lindos


The Acropolis, the second largest after Athens, is famous for the fact that the ruins of the ancient temple of Apollo of Pythia (2nd century BC), the marble amphitheater of oratory and the Pythean Stadium, where ancient games in honor of Apollo were held, have been preserved here.

Even for such an ancient country as Greece, the history of the small town of Lindos on the island of Rhodes is unusual. According to one version, the city-state of Lindos was founded by the Dorians in the 10th century BC. There is a version that the city is 27 centuries old.

The city is mentioned in Homer and Herodotus. There were three ancient cities - Lindos, Kameiros and Ialliasos, of which only Lindos has survived. Only ruins remained of the other two.

Lindos was one of the participants in the Trojan War and is mentioned in the Iliad.
Lindos was a famous city of the ancient world. A city with a beautiful port, consisting of two closed bays, located at the intersection sea ​​routes, was the center of Mediterranean trade.

The important maritime significance of the city is confirmed by the petroglyph, a bas-relief that depicts an ancient Greek warship. The author of the work is the sculptor Pythocrates. It is no coincidence that it was in Lindos that the very first known code of maritime law was created and ratified - the famous Rhodes Code of Navigators.

Lindos was a very influential and wealthy city. It was famous for its fleet and sailors. The city could not be captured by the powerful Persians and Alexander the Great. But the city was powerless against the power of the Roman Empire. During Roman rule, Christianity appeared on Lindos.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Lindos became part of the Byzantine Empire. From that time on, the golden age of Lindos ended. The city was turned into a fortress, which was used by the Byzantines, the Ionite knights and, finally, the Turks. All eras have left their mark on the architecture of the Acropolis.

How to get there

separates from the center from Lindos 55 kilometers. But there is no direct path. You can get to Lindos from the airport by bus, taxi or rented car.

Another option for getting to Lindos is by ferry from the port of Rhodes. But the road by sea is obviously longer than by land. In addition, Lindos hotels are often located several kilometers from the port, and upon arrival there you will still need to take a taxi.

The most economical way is, of course, the bus. There is tourist information about a direct bus from the airport to Lindos. But finding the price and schedule is only possible upon arrival at the airport, and these flights are quite rare. It’s easier and more reliable to get from the airport to the city of Rhodes, which takes 15-20 minutes and costs 2.20 euros; in Rhodes, take a bus to Lindos.

There are 7 such flights per day, 6 of them in the interval from 6.45 to 14.30 hours, the last flight at 19.30. The fare is 5 euros, travel time is 1 hour 20 minutes.

It’s a little more profitable to buy tickets at kiosks at bus stops, but drivers also sell them. You must save your tickets, because... There are inspectors on the lines, and the fine for traveling without a ticket is significant.

A taxi ride from the airport to Lindos will cost from 4,851 rubles, depending on the class of the car.

Many hotels provide a paid transfer to the hotel. This is worth clarifying in advance.

Where to stay

The town of Lindos, made up of white, crowded houses, leaves little room for hotel construction. Therefore, almost all hotels in Lindos are located outside the city.

For tourists who want to spend time not only on the beach, this represents a certain inconvenience. When choosing a hotel in Lindos, you should definitely pay attention to the distance from the center.

Hotel reservations can be made on the following websites:


Melenos Lindos Exclusive Suites 5*

One of the few five-star hotels in Lindos is located in the very center of the city, near the hill on which the Temple of Athena stands.

The hotel has all the options of a high-star hotel: free breakfast, spa center with wellness treatments, cooking classes in Central American cuisine.

The hotel pays special attention to the design of the rooms. The design of the rooms reflects the specifics of local architecture, unique items are used in the form of exclusive ceramics and draperies, there are even items from the personal collections of the hotel owner.

Guests arriving at the hotel are greeted with a bottle of wine and a basket of fruit. The hotel has only 12 rooms, which creates an atmosphere of family and comfort. The beach is only 100 meters away. The hotel windows offer magnificent views of the coastal bays and the sea.

The price for a double room starts from 21,414 rubles per night.
Hotel address: 85107, Greece, Dodecanese Region, Lindos, Main Street

Atrium Palace 4*

Atrium Palace Hotel is located 6 kilometers from Lindos towards Rhodes and 700 meters from the village of Kapafos. The hotel positions itself as “almost 5 stars”. In fact, this is a real four star hotel.

The hotel operates on an all-inclusive basis, and you can also choose other meal plans: breakfast only, or breakfast and dinner. The hotel has 5 types of rooms, the prices of which vary markedly.

The hotel has excellent infrastructure for a good rest:

  • 6 outdoor fresh water swimming pools, 1 indoor heated fresh water swimming pool;
  • beauty saloon;
  • spa salon with hairdresser, Turkish bath, sauna;
  • Gym;
  • playground;
  • children's pools: 1 outdoor and 1 indoor pool (fresh water);
  • children's club mini club.

Hotel bonuses and compliments are intended for all tourists upon arrival, regular hotel guests, on a tourist’s birthday, newlyweds and wedding anniversary.
The hotel is surrounded by a park, the buildings are surrounded by greenery, and goldfish swim in the ponds.

Sandy - pebble beach is located 200 meters from the hotel. Sun beds and umbrellas on the beach are free, which is very rare for Greece.

Prices for a double room per night start from 12,934 rubles. Rooms for newlyweds, family rooms and presidential rooms are, of course, more expensive.
Hotel address: Kalathos Beach, Lindos 85109, Greece. |

Lindos White Hotel and Suites 3*

Tourists call this three-star hotel “White Lindos” in reviews, and they unanimously praise the hotel as a whole, the rooms, the hotel’s excellent cuisine, and the sea view from the rooms.

The hotel is one of the five best three-star hotels in Lindos. The pebble beach is 200 meters away. The center of Lindos is 3.5 kilometers away, where you can get there by regular bus. The hotel has its own supermarket.

The hotel is designed for a quiet, family vacation. The hotel is surrounded by a garden with a children's playground and tennis courts.

Hotel infrastructure:

  • cafe/bar;
  • open pool;
  • parking;
  • car rental;
  • 2 children's fresh water pools;
  • sauna;
  • hamam;
  • Spa center;
  • billiards;
  • table tennis;
  • tennis court.

The price of a double room per night starts from 7870 rubles.
Hotel address: Vlycha Beach, Lindos, 85107, Greece.
Hotel website:

Anastasia Studios 2*

Anastasia Studios is one of the cheapest accommodation options on the coast between Rhodes town and Lindos. The capital of the island of Rhodes is 20 kilometers from here, and Lindos is 25 kilometers away.

This two-star hotel is convenient for travel enthusiasts who do not want to spend all their time on the beach and rent a car. The hotel is a 10-minute walk from Afandou village and the beach. The hotel windows offer beautiful views of the village.

The hotel rooms have a mini kitchen, a refrigerator and you can prepare food yourself in the room. There is a restaurant and snack bar on site. The hotel is very small, only 7 rooms.

One night at the hotel will cost only 3,691 rubles. You shouldn’t demand five-star service from a two-star hotel: a bed, shower and bath and food in a restaurant at your own expense - that’s what you can expect for that kind of money.
Hotel address: 85103, Greece, Dodecanese Region, Afantou, Pernou 125.


The Acropolis is located on a high rock in the center of ancient Lindos. This architectural masterpiece of world significance was built in the 2nd century BC. After this it is the largest Acropolis in Greece.

The center of the Acropolis is the famous temple of Athena of Lindos, far beyond the borders of Rhodes, built according to Homer in the 14th century BC. We give. Danai was the son of the Egyptian king Bel, and is considered the ancestor of the Danaans. The temple, according to legend, was built by Danaus and his 50 daughters while they were hiding here from anger. The great Alexander the Great came to this temple to worship the goddess.

The Acropolis was originally much larger. It combined defensive and cultural functions. There were many temples, a square, amphitheaters, warehouses with water and food supplies.

The climb to the Acropolis is quite steep. But you can use the services. Their “services” are priced at 5 euros.

An amazing ancient theater carved right into the rock. In Hellenic times, all the buildings of the Acropolis were a single ensemble, an excellent example of ancient Greek architecture.
Knights - Ionites erected a medieval castle of the Order of St. John on the Acropolis.

Around the city, knights in the 14th century erected a protective wall, which finally made the city impregnable to enemies. In order to get to the Acropolis, you need to go through the fortress. Narrow stairs without guardrails are unsafe, especially for children.
Behind centuries-old history The Acropolis of Lindos was destroyed many times by earthquakes and underwent reconstruction.

The Acropolis of Lindos overlooks St. Paul's Bay.

According to legend, the Apostle was caught in a fierce storm while sailing on a ship past the island. Paul offered a prayer for salvation, a passage opened in the rocks, and the ship was saved. This is how a beautiful bay appeared. The apostle remained on the island and began to preach Christianity here. At the place where the Apostle Paul landed on the shore, a chapel was erected.

In Lindos, during the Byzantine Empire, an ancient Christian Temple St. John's.

At the monastery of the Archangel Michael there is a temple where you can see ancient frescoes and see the service of Byzantine monks. Several Orthodox churches have survived in Lindos. One of them is Svyatonikolaevskaya Orthodox Church XIII century, built on the site where there used to be an even more ancient church.

The attraction of Lindos are the “houses of captains”, built in the 16th – 19th centuries and protected by UNESCO.

This is the most colorful quarter of the city, whose houses are made in the same style. Behind the snow-white facades of the luxury villas are courtyards with beautiful flower beds.

The fountain system, built during the Byzantine era, has survived to this day.
The sculptors of Lindos were famous throughout Greece. Sculpture of the Nike of Samathrace on display at the Louvre, the author of which is the great sculptor Pythocrates.

Not only architectural monuments are the attraction of Lindos. The incredibly beautiful landscapes and picturesque bays are the most beautiful not only in Rhodes, but throughout Greece.

The beaches of Lindos are certainly attractions, as are the architectural masterpieces.

On the two beaches of Lindos, Big and Small, everything is arranged for a comfortable stay. Sun loungers and umbrellas, restaurants and boat trips, various water and beach activities- everything you can dream about while relaxing by the sea.

Available in Rhodes amazing place. IN different countries There are many butterfly parks in the world, but they are all artificial and covered with netting.

The Valley of Butterflies in Rhodes is of natural origin. This is a wonderful corner of nature, where a stream flows between the rocks. Here, in a damp and warm gorge of a stream, bear butterflies introduce their offspring. The valley is small, but perfectly equipped for tourists.

Getting here is easy: Every hour there are buses from the main bus station of Rhodes to the valley. The fare costs 5 euros and the journey takes 30 minutes. A taxi ride will cost 30 – 35 euros. Last bus It departs from the valley to the capital at 15.00. Therefore, you need to leave Lindos early. Excursions are available from the hotels to the Butterfly Valley.


Lindos is a resort for lovers of picturesque nature, ancient architecture, beautiful beaches and the clearest, blue-emerald sea. For tourists who crave wild and noisy nightlife, it is better to choose other resorts: Rhodes or Filiraki. In Lindos, noise levels are regulated by local law.

But there is still entertainment on Lindos, including night entertainment. Numerous restaurants host theme nights, bands play, and you can dance. In local taverns, in addition to excellent local cuisine, you can listen to Greek music performed by local musicians.

Lindos's many bars are famous for their excellent cocktails.
Numerous nightclubs are located on the streets of the town. They are small, do not have large areas, but are very cozy. You can't help but find them during evening walks around Lindos. In ancient Lindos, as a UNESCO site, nothing can be built or changed.

Therefore, taverns and restaurants on the roofs of old houses have gardens and open areas where you can not only have a delicious dinner, but also admire beautiful views of the coast.

In the center of Lindos, in one of the captain's houses, there is the Kalypso restaurant, Odos Agiou Pavlou, and in front of it on the roof is the Kyriakos tavern, where you can hear live Greek music almost every evening.

The most famous and popular is night club“Amphitheater”, which is located 1 kilometer from Lindos on the road to Filiraki.

You can get here and back by free taxi from Platia Eleftherias. Every day from 24 hours before sunrise there are open air discos, which is very pleasant in the hot climate of the island. The evening is hosted by two DJs.

Opens from the dance floor incredible beauty view of the sea and rocks. The club has a wonderful bar and a fairly large hall. The entrance ticket costs 5-15 euros depending on the DJ hosting the evening.

Cocktails cost 5 euros, but upon purchase entrance ticket any drink is served free of charge. Foreigners from all European countries willingly visit this club. Watching the dawn here is completely unforgettable.


There are no large shopping centers in ancient, one-story Lindos. Small shops are located in the city center.

They sell here: jewelry, wine, olives, ceramics, souvenirs, shells and sponges. But Lindos is famous for its ceramic workshops and the products made in them.

You can watch the work of potters in workshops located next to ceramics stores. The traditions of ancient Greece have not been interrupted to this day. Master potters work using ceramic samples found during excavations. Buying such a product is not a cheap pleasure, but what a memory of the trip!

For those who love ordinary markets rather than chic boutiques, a visit to the Lindos market will be a real pleasure. It is huge, you can buy whatever your heart desires here, and unlike shops, you can bargain here.

Charming Lindos, with white foam houses spread around the Acropolis hill, leaves no one indifferent. Those who came here for the first time return again and again to see the bays with emerald water, admire the sunsets from the roof of their favorite restaurant, or stroll through the narrow streets of the ancient town. Lindos is a story that has survived to this day, lively, fascinating and always a little mysterious.

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One of the most interesting places of the island of Rhodes is the city of Lindos (Lind, Lindos). It is located 56 km south of the island's capital, . In ancient times, Lindos was one of the three famous cities of Rhodes.

Lindos was founded by the Dorians in the 12th century. BC. His power is also evidenced by the fact that in the 7th century. BC. he owned half of the entire island and also had a colony on the island of Sicily. In the 6th century BC. Lindom ruled Cleobulus, one of the "seven sages of Greece", famous for his saying “It’s best to keep it in moderation”.

At the top of the hill, which is 116 m high, is the Acropolis. A long staircase with many flights leads there. You can use the services of a “city taxi” and ride a donkey to the top. From ancient times, an 80-meter gallery “standing” (2nd century BC), a bas-relief of a warship, the foundations of galleries, as well as the ruins of the temple of Athena Lindia (Athena Lindia, 3rd century BC) have been preserved. . Medieval knights built the Knights' Fortress and the Church of St. John here.

The lower town offers a contrast between traditional whitewashed Greek buildings and medieval buildings. The streets are skillfully paved, so traffic is prohibited in the city. An antique water supply system still supplies water to the fountains.

Lindos is also famous for the fact that in 43 AD. (according to other sources, in 57) the Apostle Paul landed on the shore here. The bay was named in his honor and a chapel was erected.

Trip to Lindos

During my stay, I happily went on an excursion to Lind. Despite the fact that the wind was blowing from the Aegean Sea, it was very hot. According to reviews from many tourists who have been there, it is better to go on a trip to Lindos in November-April, because... in other months it is very hot - more than 300 sunny days year, there is practically no shade. It is no coincidence that in ancient times the god of the Sun was considered the patron saint of Rhodes.

Lindos itself is a small town with a population of just over 600 people. The streets are full of tourists who are moving in a continuous stream towards the hill on which the Acropolis and medieval buildings are located.

Along the route there are numerous shops, a little further, along the stairs leading up, merchants with their goods are located right on the ground.

Path to the Acropolis

To climb to the Acropolis, you need to overcome a long staircase. There are many areas where you can rest a little under the shade of trees. There is another option to use a local “taxi” - a donkey.

City taxi - donkeys

And now, part of the journey has been completed. We are on a large platform, over which hangs the bulk of the Knights' Fortress, reconstructed at the end of the 15th century.

Sometimes it is impossible to distinguish where the continent ends and the stonework begins.

The view from here is amazing beautiful view on the Mediterranean coast, road and houses below.

And we have a way up, through the Fortress of the Knights. Nearby, an ancient bas-relief is carved into the rock - the stern of an ancient warship (trireme). It dates back to 170 BC.

We rise to the platform in front of the fortress, a wide panorama opens up before us:

We rise even higher, to the Acropolis. It is the second largest after Acropolis of Athens Greece. Here it is sometimes difficult to make out where are the antique stones, where are the ruins of medieval buildings, and where are modern reconstructions: when Rhodes was under Italian rule (1912-1947), on the orders of Mussolini they began to restore ancient buildings. This work is still ongoing.

We go out to the walls of the church, built in the Byzantine style.

Ruins of a Byzantine style church

And at the very top - Temple of Athena of Lindia(Athens Lindii), built in the 3rd century. BC. Its length is 22 m, width is 8 m. A distinctive feature of the temple is that it is located at the very edge of the cliff and is oriented along a north-south line - this is not typical for ancient Greek buildings.

Below are the rocks and waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the harbor of St. Paul. It was here in 57 AD. The Apostle Paul landed to bring Christianity to the people of Rhodes.

The water in the sea is an amazing deep blue color, very transparent - you can see the stones at the bottom.

The buildings of the Acropolis against the background of sea water and sky create an unforgettable impression.

The buildings of the Acropolis seem to be a continuation of the rock

Naturally, where would we be without this? I take a photo as a souvenir against the backdrop of the Temple of Athena of Lindia. Moreover, of all the gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon, I have always particularly sympathized with Athena.

On the other side of the mountain there are views of the quarters of the lower city of Lindos - snow-white houses with flat roofs, a labyrinth of streets, church spiers. And all around are rocks with caves in some places.

And again the ruins of the Acropolis, bounded by a fortress wall. Medieval buildings here coexist with ancient ones, a crazy mixture of styles and eras.

As you can see from the photographs, there is absolutely no shadow. So be sure, if you are in these places, cover your head with a hat and take water with you!

Passing through the Fortress of the Knights, we admire the ancient tombstones.

We stop again at the square in front of the fortress.

How you want to be down there on those snow-white yachts: it’s cooler on the water than on the shore.

While we wait for the others, I look at the rocks below with curiosity. Thanks to the zoom lens, caves in the rock and buildings on the island are visible.

The sea and the shore can be viewed endlessly. Truly, only in Greece is such a combination of colors, such archetypal landscapes found (if, of course, the word “archetype” is applicable to landscape).

Along the streets of Lindos

We begin to go down. The districts of the Lower City are getting closer and closer. How interesting it is to look at them like this! Everything is visible at a glance.

Finally, we enter the narrow city streets. Your eyes are wide open looking at all the souvenirs that are offered here. And how nice it is to be in the shade and cool after the scorching sun!

There are many small unusual details in the lower city. For example, many streets are paved with pebbles, forming beautiful patterns:

And here is the wall of the house. Apparently, something connected with the Knights of Rhodes.

The narrow streets of Linda are very picturesque. The main thing is not to get lost in their labyrinth!

I approach the church, which attracted my attention from the top of the mountain. This is the Church of the Virgin Mary. It was built in the 14th century. on the site of an older church. In 1489, it was reconstructed by order of the Grand Master D'Aubusson, and belfries were built.

The iconostasis and the bishop's altar made of carved wood date back to the 17th century; frescoes from 1779 have been preserved. The floor is decorated with a mosaic of black and white pebbles that form broken lines. This is the so-called the “khokhlaki” (“pebbles”) technique, which was widespread in Byzantine times.

And here is the taxi stand - cute donkeys that take tourists to the top.

City taxi rank

And already outside the city blocks, I once again look at the sea and the monument to Cleobulus.

Viewpoint near Lindos

We leave Lindos. Our bus stops at a site overlooking the city and the sea.

Lindos on the map

How can I get to: East Coast, 56 km south of Rhodes along the Rhodes - Lindos highway.

The best way to get around Rhodes is to either rent a car (prices start from 18 euros per day) or book excursions.

Opening hours of the Acropolis of Lindos: 12:00–19:00 (Mon), 8:00–19:00 (Tue–Sun).

Ticket price: 12 euros. Children and students from EU countries have free admission. On Sundays from November to the end of March admission is free for everyone.

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