Presentations on the topic "Animals of the Red Book". Manul. Muskrat. Ussurian tiger

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As Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, animals are part of the natural law, they have their rights because they are intelligent. Indeed, each animal has its own degree of awareness, but it is always present. Alas, most of humanity treats animals with less understanding and love.

Unique and rare

When nature created animals, she could not even imagine that one day humanity would bring many of their species to the final stage - extinction. Today, ecologists and zoologists are making every effort to preserve the amazing animals of our planet that are in danger of extinction. After all, everything in nature is interconnected. Therefore, the disappearance of one species leads to disastrous consequences for others. Today we will look at rare animals that are listed in the Red Book.

Cat family

The Red Book contains animals whose existence has not been confirmed, as well as rare species, the representatives of which are becoming less and less every year. The heroes of our article are found in nature, but their number is steadily decreasing. Rare animals listed in the Red Book are described in more detail below.

The cat family is considered numerous. However, the number of its representatives is gradually decreasing. Noble and majestic cats, despite their vitality and fertility, die, and therefore need human protection. Russia is most concerned about the disappearance of Amur tigers.

Amur tiger is in the Red Book not only of Russia, but also in the International Red Book. There are about 530 individuals of this species, most of which live in warm regions- India, China, Indonesia. However, the Amur tiger of the Far East lives in much harsher conditions. In fact, it is not frost and wind that destroy tigers. This is done by poachers, whom the government is diligently fighting. Today, the Amur tiger has been removed from the status of an endangered species.

Irbis- This is another representative of the cat family, which is also called the snow leopard or snow leopard. Today there are about 4-7 thousand individuals. The habitat of these stunningly beautiful cats is hard-to-reach mountainous areas in China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, India, and Pakistan. Snow leopards hunt at dusk and are solitary by nature. The male allows only a few females to live on his territory.

Far Eastern leopard- a predator that never attacks a person. But it is mercilessly destroyed by people, just like roe deer. This is his main food. Therefore, this animal has long been listed in the Red Book.

Small predators

Rare cats, which are predators by nature, live in the wild. Let's look at just a few examples.

jungle cat- more aggressive than a domestic cat, although it looks very similar to it. This handsome guy can be domesticated, but he will only recognize his owner. Jungle cats are very rarely found in nature today, as they suffer from natural factors and people who take revenge on them for exterminating poultry.

Manul (Pallas cat) lives in Russia and is one of the rarest cat breeds. Pallas' cats resemble pets, but they are also predators. They hunt rodents, rabbits, and rats. The cat population is significantly reduced by poaching and attacks by wild dogs.

Ears, tail... and hooves

Rhinoceroses, mountain goats and other ungulates are also endangered species. These are rare animals listed in the Red Book, which are almost never found in natural conditions. What species can be classified into this category?

Black rhinoceros Today it is not found in the wild at all, but a small number of individuals still live in nature reserves. The rest were destroyed because of the value of the horns. White rhinoceroses can be found in small numbers in southern Africa. They were once mercilessly exterminated, attributing miraculous properties to their horns.

Sumatran rhinoceros- another rare animal that previously lived in fairly large areas. These are perhaps the smallest and most timid rhinoceroses in the world.

Bison belongs to the order of bison and is the last representative of mountain bulls in Europe. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were no more of them left in the wild, but thanks to the efforts of zoos and individuals, today there are just over 5 thousand of these individuals.

Przewalski's horse- an amazing animal of Eurasia. These cute representatives of the equid order belong to a species that has disappeared in the wild and is preserved only in zoos and nature reserves. In captivity it reproduces successfully. Today, every effort is being made to allow the Przewalski's horse to live in the wild.

Mountain goats of the Red Book

Some representatives of mountain goats are also listed in the Red Book. For example, Amur goral- This is a cross between a goat and an antelope. It lives on the Korean Peninsula, China and Russia. Gorals are excellent jumpers and can jump to a height of up to two meters. Most currently live in nature reserves.

Caucasian mountain goats live in herds. They run poorly, but climb steep slopes well. They eat grass. Hunted for meat and fur, mountain goats are constantly decreasing in number.

Aquatic mammals

A few words need to be said about aquatic mammals. Many of them today can only be found on the pages of the Red Book.

White-faced dolphin lives in North Atlantic, and in Russia it can be seen in the Barents and Baltic seas. This subspecies of dolphins forms families of 6-8 individuals, and sometimes gathers in large groups for migration. Are different incredible beauty and playful character. They are a rare and little-studied species. Therefore, interesting facts from the life of animals of this family are practically absent.

Atlantic walrus- the only representative of the walrus family. It belongs to the group of pinnipeds. In fact, it is simply an amazing marine animal. The walrus is able to slow down its heartbeat, which is why it tolerates ice water well. Hunting these animals is prohibited. Their number is constantly falling and today there are about 250 individuals.

Sea lion (northern sea lion) belongs to the family of eared seals, lives on the territory of Russia and almost throughout Pacific Ocean. Steller sea lions inhabit mainly coastal waters and often come to land. This type of seal is very large and aggressive, so it rarely ends up in circuses.

Small and cute

There is also a place in the Red Book for small, cute fluffies, of which there are becoming fewer and fewer in natural conditions.

Muskrat- the cutest animal, found in the wild only in Russia. It lives primarily in water, weighs about 400 g and is considered an endangered relict species. The animals live in families in burrows above the water level and are practically blind from birth.

Madagascar aye-aye has long been listed in the Red Book. This amazing animal of our planet is a nocturnal animal that belongs to the order of prosimians. In total, there are about 50 individuals left in nature. The main feature of this animal is the large hairless middle finger on each of the front paws. With its help they eat and drink.

Little red panda similar in size to a cat. In captivity it exists longer than in the wild, living up to 19 years. It lives in bamboo forests growing in China, India, and Nepal. The Mozilla Firefox browser is named after the red panda. It feeds mainly on vegetation. Belongs to the marten-like order.

Animal collared sloth also listed in the Red Book. The number of these individuals is constantly declining due to deforestation of the forests in which they live. This animal is common in Brazil, where it is protected by law. Animal sloth most spends its life in the trees, and descends only when necessary. Prefers a solitary existence. The body weight of an adult individual barely exceeds 5 kg.

Philippine tarsier- another animal with a unique appearance. It is one of the oldest inhabitants of the Philippines, dating back about 45 million years. Body dimensions reach 100 mm. Once upon a time, the animals were widespread, but today they are catastrophically few in number. Distinctive feature Philippine tarsier - huge eyes and a muzzle that changes expression, which is explained by the presence of facial muscles.

The rarest flyers

Let's look at the rarest birds that are listed in the Red Book.

Marvelous Spatelteil belongs to the order of hummingbirds. A small bird with an incredibly beautiful tail of 4 feathers, reaching a length of 15 cm. Their homeland is Rio. Today there are only about 1000 individuals left of these amazing birds.

Birds Frigates inhabit Christmas Island Indian Ocean. It is noteworthy that they cannot swim or walk normally, but they fly perfectly.

Bright green parrot Kakapo, resembling an owl, lives in New Zealand. The weight of these birds reaches 3.5 kg. Parrots are defenseless against the enemy, since they do not know how to “stand up for themselves,” which significantly affects their population.

Asian ibis, perhaps the rarest bird of the above. It lives in Russia, China and Japan. Sits on tall trees for security. The ibis is protected, but individuals of this species continue to die out.

The rarest and most amazing animals on the planet

Interesting facts from the life of animals always attract both people interested in this area and ordinary readers. This list was collected from representatives of the most unusual species living in different parts of the globe.


All the species described above are the most amazing animals on our planet. Of course, there are many more equally unique individuals in nature, but they cannot all be included in one article. Therefore, the most rare and unique ones were selected for the list.

As a result of technological progress, beautiful wilderness areas have been damaged by human activity. People continue to pollute the environment with harmful industrial waste and take lightly the flora and fauna of the earth. Such actions led to a decrease in the numbers of many animals, birds, mushrooms and plants. For safety and security, the Russian government included them in a special list. Animals from the Red Book are on the verge of extinction, so humanity must preserve these species and increase their population.

Animal and vegetable world must be protected. In order for it to be preserved in all its diversity, people must develop a rational, rather than consumerist, attitude towards nature, which will prevent the consequences of their economic activities.

It is equally important to carefully inventory the flora and fauna that are under threat of destruction. The Red Book of Russia is just such an official document. It was published in 2001 and consists of 860 pages. Each of them has illustrations, printed detailed information about endangered animals, habitats are indicated. It is noteworthy that the plants and animals listed there do not remain on the list forever. The Red Book must be periodically updated and republished. If the population size of a species has recovered, it may be excluded from the collection.

For example, the publication of the Red Book, which will appear soon, will be replenished with new animals in need of protection. According to information from official sources, they plan to include:

  • Himalayan bears;
  • reindeer;
  • saigas

At the same time, gray dolphins, porpoises, humpback whales and killer whales, previously included in the book, will be removed from the list as their populations have increased. Hunting them will still be prohibited. Cetacean species are protected by a moratorium by the International Commission for the Protection of Whale.

Scientists are worried about fate Himalayan bear. Today in Russia there are 6.5 thousand individuals. Several factors contributed to the population decline.

  • in the Far East. As a result, the number of large cedar trees, but it is in their hollows that female bears make dens and raise their offspring.
  • Poachers. They have been in a huge number they destroyed large animals, since hunting them brings a lot of money.

The responsibility for the conservation of endangered species of fauna and flora lies with all people. Therefore, leafing through the Red Book and seeing what beautiful animals are listed there, every person should not forget about caring for nature.

List of the rarest animals

To date, the list of plant and animal species listed in the Red Book includes 415 items. Let's get to know some of them.

Beautiful animals - snow leopards - have been practically exterminated. There are only 80-100 individuals left in Russia. For a long time they were subjected to merciless destruction by poachers pursuing one goal - to sell the valuable fur of predators. Now humanity is trying to restore the snow leopard population. Environmentalists are doing everything to preserve its habitat, and hunting it is prohibited throughout the world.

The Ussuri tiger can be found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. This is a large, fast and at the same time beautiful predator of the cat family.

The rarest cats in the world are listed in the Red Book of Russia - Far Eastern leopards. At the end of the 19th century, animals lived in large numbers in the Khabarovsk Territory, Korea and China. Today this species numbers about 40 individuals, because it was almost exterminated by unscrupulous people. In addition to valuable fur, poachers sold animal organs, from which various potions were made in Chinese alternative medicine.

The Asian leopard's habitat in the Russian Federation is the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. It is almost impossible to meet it there, since there are about 10 predators left in the wild. Experts are trying to restore the population through reintroduction. The method is that animals imported from other countries are kept in special nurseries where conditions for reproduction are created. When their numbers increase, the predators will be released into the wild.

The mountain wolf has a bright red color and a bushy tail with a black tip. In Russia, it lives in the Far East in small flocks. The would-be hunters subjected the animals to mass shooting. Now they are endangered, therefore they are listed in the Red Book.

Steller sea lion - a huge eared seal - lives in the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk. It can be seen on Sakhalin Island and Kamchatka. The animal population is not yet under threat, but is still listed in the Red Book, as its numbers are gradually declining. To stop a trend, you need to identify the factors influencing it and completely eliminate it.

Eastern gorals are rare artiodactyls that somewhat resemble goats. In Russia they are found in the southeast. They eat herbaceous plants and prefer to gather in small flocks. The total number in the country reaches about 750 individuals. Most of them live in nature reserves.

There are very few Przewalski horses left. There are no more than two thousand of them all over the world. Animals are practically never found in the wild. They are bred in nurseries. Previously, they lived in Transbaikalia, Western Siberia and the pre-Altai steppes. At the end of the last century, scientists conducted an experiment and released several horses into the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Oddly enough, the animals took root and began to actively reproduce. Now there are about 100 individuals.

Vanishing trees and birds

In addition to animals, the Red Book of Russia also includes birds. The Far East is a natural reserve where you can meet representatives of flora and fauna that are on the verge of extinction.

  • In the forests of the Amur region, the species of tiny white-eyes, distinguished by their sonorous singing, has been preserved. The birds are yellow in color and very beautiful.
  • Along the taiga rivers, rare lucky people manage to see the most wonderful duck on earth - the mandarin duck. There, at night, you can sometimes hear the hoot of a fish eagle owl, which is the rarest representative of owl birds.
  • Along the rivers flowing in the Khabarovsk Territory, rare, noticeable birds live - Ussuri cranes. As a result of human activity, their habitats have been significantly reduced, and the birds need protection.
  • In the forests of the Far East and Transbaikalia there are grouse grouse, large birds that resemble cockerels. Due to barbaric hunting, their population has decreased, and they can only be encountered in the most remote corners of the taiga.

These birds are a small part of the list of birds listed in the Red Book. Their total number is 128 items.

Leafing through the hefty volume, you can admire beautiful plants, whose numbers in Russia are rapidly declining. Among them are many unique representatives of gymnosperm trees:

  • Olga larch;
  • chalk pine;
  • yew berry;
  • tall juniper;
  • dense-flowered pine.

All of them grow in taiga forests, which have been actively cut down in recent decades, destroying the unique flora. If this process is not stopped, rare taiga plants may disappear from the face of the earth, and unique animals will die along with them, because their habitat will be spoiled. Our common task is to prevent this and preserve the wonderful nature of our homeland.

Despite all the diversity, there are species of animals, birds and plants that are considered rare today. The reason, most often, is not the natural decline of one species or another, but irrational, or even simply criminal, human behavior in relation to flora and fauna. And, unfortunately, the Red Book of the Caucasus is updated from time to time with the names of those representatives of wildlife who need to be protected and preserved.

Features of the flora and fauna of the Caucasus

It is necessary to immediately clarify that, as such, the Red Book of the region has not yet even been approved. This is because it consists of lists of protected species of plants and animals by region - Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, etc.

The Caucasus is truly diverse - and in all its manifestations. Here you can find a variety of landscapes, climatic zones and, of course, animals and birds that are not found anywhere else. covered with snow and ice, and deciduous forests spread in the foothills. It also has its own alpine meadows, as well as subtropics and even steppes.

Since the landscape looks multi-tiered, the region also has its own uniqueness. For example, those plants that usually grow in subtropical latitudes can sometimes be found in the foothills, that is, in areas where you would not expect to find this vegetation. This happens due to the relatively small area– after all, mountains and plains literally intersect here.

Many plants and animals from the Red Book of the Caucasus are endemic, that is, those species and subspecies whose distribution is very limited. There are also rare natural representatives belonging to endangered species.

Animals listed in the Red Book of the Caucasus

The world of the Caucasian fauna is striking in its diversity. The Red Book includes animals that are typical only for this region, but there are also those whose distribution can be observed in many other Russian territories. Muskrats, roe deer, bears, lynxes, raccoon dogs, reed and forest cats, chamois, wolves, badgers.

There are also small representatives of fauna such as squirrels, voles and other rodents. Among the birds we can list the imperial eagle, the Caucasian nuthatch, the tawny owl, the black woodpecker, not to mention the most common Russian pichuga.

What exactly animals and birds of the Red Book are under state protection? There are quite a lot of them, let's list some of them.

  • Caucasian toad.

Amphibian, order of anurans. It is endemic to forests and southeastern Transcaucasia. In Russia, one of the largest toads, the size of males reaches 73.5-97 mm and the size of females - 91.5-124 mm. The surface is gray or light brown with dark spots on top, and the belly is light brown or yellow. The skin of this toad is poisonous and is covered with rounded tubercles. There are about 100 individuals per 1 hectare of land.

  • Bezoar goat.

An artiodactyl mammal belonging to the bovid family lives in the North Caucasus. They feed on herbaceous plants, leaves, shoots of trees and shrubs. This type of goat is little valued as a trophy, and is rarely used for dressing, but this does not reduce the interest of poachers in them. Hunting them is a labor-intensive process, as they stay close to the bottoms of rocks. IN last years Poachers have become more active, and in connection with this there is a sharp decrease in the population. They are protected in three reserves in Dagestan.

  • Giant mole rat

A mammal belonging to the order of rodents, the mole rat family. It is a rare species, small in number and distributed in a limited area, endemic to the north-eastern Ciscaucasia, protected in Dagestan and. The mole rat is the largest of the Georgians, body length is about 40 cm, lives in the clay and sandy deserts of the Caspian regions.

A peculiarity of the mole rat is that it digs a hole not with its paws, but with its incisors; they are very well developed, especially the lower ones, protruding forward. In this case, the mouth opening is always closed with the lips turned inward, which is why the earth does not get into the mouth. Factors that influence the population decline are: irrigation and subsequent soil salinization, overgrazing, plowing, and low reproductive potential of animals.

  • Caucasian leopard.

Many people call it a snow leopard, but in fact its name is the Central Asian leopard. A powerful and very beautiful animal, graceful, like other felines, is listed in the Red Book. The leopard is found in the North Caucasus; it usually settles in the foothills. Most often, the habitat of the Caucasian leopard is deciduous forests, here it hunts and rests.

This animal is extremely rare both for the Caucasus and other territories. There are about 1,300 individuals of this species worldwide. Perhaps it was precisely such a beast that Mtsyri fought in Lermontov’s poem. Apparently, because of their beautiful skin, as well as their dangerous disposition, Caucasian leopards were mercilessly exterminated, which is why, for example, in the entire 2013, only one representative of leopards was noted. Today Russia has adopted a state program for the restoration of the Central Asian leopard.

  • Bison

This is one of the largest animals in the Caucasus and is on the verge of extinction. There once existed an entire subspecies of bison, which were hunted uncontrollably by humans for centuries. As a result, by 1924 there were no more than 10 individuals, and three years later the subspecies became extinct. Currently, they are breeding European bison, which are the closest relatives of the extinct Caucasian bison. These animals settle in the forests, without going deep into forests, but at the same time they try not to appear in flat areas.

  • Griffon vulture.

A bird from the family Accipitridae of the order Falconiformes. It is a rare species with limited distribution. Distributed along the northern slopes Greater Caucasus, lives in the mountains of Dagestan, North Ossetia, Georgia, and also lives in, but there it is on the verge of complete extinction. Mainly leads a sedentary lifestyle, nesting sites are located on rocky cliffs along river valleys, or where mountain ranges converge with tracts of forests and meadows. They live in colonies of 30-50 individuals. The breeding cycle is 6 months, 1 egg per clutch. It feeds on carrion, preferring their internal organs.

  • Pointy-eared bat.

This is a species of chiropteran mammals, its numbers are decreasing due to anthropogenic factors. In Russia it is distributed throughout North Caucasus from the western regions Krasnodar region. The maximum lifespan of this animal is 13 years. It feeds on orthoptera and moths. Lives in foothill treeless areas. They overwinter underground, forming large concentrations of individuals.

  • Caucasian black grouse.

It is endemic and therefore included in the Red Book. During the years of the USSR, the state did everything to increase the number of the species, and in 1984 the black grouse was assigned to category V, that is, to those species for which the danger of extinction had passed. However, even today the bird is quite rare. She settles on the border between alpine meadows and forest, usually nests in bushes.

Plants in need of state protection

Not only the fauna, but also the local flora needs protection. Many of the plants found here are either endemic or on the verge of extinction due to the fact that for many years man considered them extremely useful and used them without allowing them to spread. Plants of the Caucasus listed in the Red Book include:

  • Baksan wolfberry is a plant of the angiosperm or flowering class, a critically endangered species, a narrowly local endemic;
  • Ossetian bellflower - from the bellflower family, the flowers are purple. Grows on the territory of the republics of the Chechen Republic and Ossetia;
  • Caucasian lily is a vulnerable subspecies that grows in damp, shady places in forests. Grows on the northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, also in;
  • Pitsunda pine - endemic race Black Sea coast, grows on coastal steep slopes;
  • Yew berry from the vocal section, found mainly in foothill forests (in the upper reaches of the Netkhoi River);
  • False birch porphyry (mushroom) - rare view from the family of cone-fungal plants, distributed in the Krasnodar region, on the territory of Georgia, found most often in coniferous and displaced forests;
  • Letaria wolfaria from the lichens section, grows in North Ossetia and in, can also be found in the Stavropol Territory and in Karachay-Cherkessia, grows on the trunks and branches of coniferous trees in mountain forests;
  • Usnea flowering is a vulnerable species of lichen with a disjunctive range, used in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Cryphea multidirectional belongs to the bryophyte plants, grows on the bark of trees, reproduces by spores;
  • Kostenets Dagestan - fern plant, a rare species. Narrowly local endemic, grows in cracks of shady rocks;
  • Caucasian snowdrop - flowering plant. White snowdrop flowers are rare due to mass collection for bouquets.

Let's look at some more plant species listed in the Red Book:

  1. Caucasian cyclamen is a small but very beautiful plant that is under threat of complete extinction because people collect these flowers for bouquets or dig them up for medicinal purposes. Feels good on mountain slopes, as well as in forests. Its bright color is visible from afar. People use it to fight diseases of the digestive system, despite the fact that cyclamen is a poisonous plant.
  2. Veronica of Imereti. The pyramids of Veronica inflorescences attract the eye with their brightness. It grows closer to forests; it “likes” meadows with good moisture.
  3. Adiantum venus hair. It is found in rock crevices closer to streams and springs, as well as along river banks or near waterfalls. It belongs to the fern class. Its stems are quite thin and long, completely covered with small openwork leaves. Adiantum looks very elegant, so this plant is most often used for holiday floral decorations.

Of course, this is not the entire list of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction. In the “” category we will introduce you in more detail to the fauna and flora protected by the state.

The report examines the prerequisites for the emergence of the Red Book, the history of its appearance in our country, its structure and role in environmental protection.

There is a saying: “Man is the master of nature.” Who is the owner? This is not only the one who gives orders, but also the one who is responsible for order. Is there order in nature? Yes, I have! In nature, everything exists according to laws that ensure order. But it happens that for certain reasons animals and plants suffer, they may even be on the verge of extinction or disappear altogether.

Perceived need

Why are the flora and fauna of the Earth in such a deplorable state? Most often - due to human activity:

  • people are actively reducing the natural habitat for living organisms by expanding their space;
  • engage in poaching;
  • have a detrimental effect on the environment.

This situation leads to the death of animals, plants, the Earth, and, of course, man himself. It became clear that something had to be done to avoid disaster! What? In 1963, the International Red Book was published. The name was chosen symbolically. Red color makes you pay attention, stop and think. This is the color of warning!

Why was the Red Book supposed to solve the problem? At its core, the Book is catalog of rare animals and plants or those that are endangered. Her goal:

  1. Help people see the problem.
  2. Provide complete information about specific endangered representatives of flora and fauna. Explain why animals and plants are in danger.
  3. Motivate people to take care of nature.

All this was supposed to not only point out the mistakes of mankind, but also help people correct them.

The Red Book of Russia

In our country, the first edition of such a book appeared during the Soviet Union in 1978. This work was not complete, it needed addition. Therefore, work on the book continued, list rare plants and animals was constantly supplemented and changed. In 1996, when Russia already had the status of an independent state, a government decree was issued on the establishment of the Red Book for the Russian Federation. In 1997, the Red Book of Russia was published for the first time. Animals and plants".

The law of the Russian Federation states that the Red Book - official document. It stores information about rare animals and plants and what measures should be taken to ensure their necessary protection from extinction.

There is an organization responsible for the constant maintenance of the Book, making additions and information with explanations that correct human activities in relation to nature. This - State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation. It is she who monitors all changes in the country’s ecology, and this is very important work aimed at helping nature.

Since 1999, the Red Book of Russia has been regularly updated. New representatives of fauna and flora are being considered and must be included in the publication register, and some species (the danger of extinction has passed due to correct human actions) - on the contrary - are excluded from it.

Endangered animals listed in the Red Book

This section of the book includes:

  • mammals;
  • worms;
  • crustaceans;
  • amphibians;
  • shellfish;
  • reptiles.

These are only the names of species, each of which includes several names of subgroups of animals. For example, a mammal species is divided into 5 subgroups:

  • insectivores;
  • pinnipeds;
  • cetaceans;
  • odd-toed ungulates;
  • artiodactyls.

Each subgroup contains several animal names. For example, the forest subspecies is recorded in the Red Book of Russia. He is a member of the artiodactyls, a group of mammals. Reindeer for many years there was danger. This animal reproduces even inactively in the wild.

The female brings only one fawn per year. There was also a threat to deer from predators. And only the domestication of the animal saved the situation.

Rare plants that need protection

Plants in the Book are represented by the following species:

  • gymnosperms;
  • lycophytes;
  • angiosperms.

Just as with animals, the main groups are divided into subgroups. For example, the department of gymnosperms has a number of names for specific plants. This:

  • 4 genera of juniper growing in Russia;
  • 3 types of pine;
  • 2 types of yew;
  • microbiota.

Crimean Juniper is of great importance in the national economy. The deteriorating environment negatively affects the plant. It gets sick and dies. And as a result of this, it was listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Unfortunately, human activity plays a huge role in the fact that Juniper is at risk. After this plant was listed in the Red Book, it began to be cultivated in botanical gardens, which changed things a little for the better.

Save flora and fauna

Only correct human actions aimed at protecting the environment can help the animals and plants of our country to survive.

The Red Book of Russia is an indicator that a person understands his role in protecting the environment and wants to be a good steward of nature.

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