Geography story about a rare animal. Amur forest cat. Reasons for the disappearance of animals

Readers saw the first official publication on the shelves in 2001. The Red Book of Russia is a collection in which the rarest animals, their photos and descriptions are listed.

In total, there are 259 vertebrate animals, 39 species of fish, 21 species of reptiles, 65 species of mammals, 123 species of fish, 8 species of amphibians inhabiting even the most remote and harsh regions of Russia.

Unfortunately, over the past few years the world has lost a huge number of unusually beautiful species of animals - insects, birds, animals, and inhabitants of mountain ranges.

The book was created with the aim of protecting endangered and endangered animals and birds, as well as plants for various reasons. Below you will find interesting information, descriptions and photos of the most majestic and interesting representatives of the Red Book.

Mammals of the Red Book of Russia

Altai mountain sheep is the owner of the largest horns of all representatives of the genus.

Amur Steppe polecat has a very low population, and since the 50s the risk of extinction has only been increasing.

Amur tiger. Speaking about this Far Eastern king of animals, living in the Ussuri Forest, it should be noted that among the animals in the Red Book of Russia there are a lot of names of felines. - the largest, the only species of tiger that has mastered life among crystal white snow and low temperatures.

In such difficult conditions, hunting becomes a difficult task for the Amur tiger; only one attempt out of ten is successful. They track deer and are able to catch fish during spawning. This unique animal of the Red Book is the real pride of Russia. Now the population is increasing in number, approximately 450 tigers live in the wild forests of the Far East and.

The cubs appear in April-May, blind and very tiny. A caring mother tiger carefully monitors their diet and teaches them the basics of hunting. Already at six months, mischievous tiger cubs help the tigress on the hunt and are able to obtain food on their own.

Hunting for these rare mammals is strictly prohibited in Russia, and in China the death penalty awaits a poacher for killing a tiger.

White-faced dolphin. We can find another extremely rare species on the pages of the Red Book of Russia - the white-faced dolphin. You can sometimes meet him in dolphinariums; he is quite sociable and curious when interacting with people, but conditions in captivity are difficult to tolerate.

These animals live in the Barents and Baltic seas, in the Davis Strait, and Cape Cod. They live in groups of 6 – 8 individuals, the body length reaches three meters in length.

This species is under threat due to water pollution with chemicals and heavy metals, as well as due to hunting in the waters of Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries. These highly organized marine mammals are very mysterious and little studied.

To this day, scientists are wondering what is the reason for their mass strandings on land, why they save people after tragic crashes at sea. We are yet to get a detailed acquaintance with these extraordinary animals, which distinguish each other not only by sounds, but also by names.

White-sided dolphin. The main difference between the Atlantic whiteside is the large white or beige spot that starts on either side of the dorsal fin and extends along the entire body.

Polar bear. This animal is the largest species. Its size is even larger than that of the mighty North American one.

Great horseshoe bat represents the largest family of .

Giant shrew. The main reason for the disappearance of the population is massive deforestation. can be saved only in conjunction with general protection measures for ecosystems.

Gorbach got its name from its swimming style - when swimming, it strongly arches its back.

Daurian hedgehog less prickly than the regular one, since its needles are directed backwards.

Dzeren(toothed antelope) Toothed antelopes are characterized by high endurance and mobility.

Yellow variegated. The number of yellow pieds is negatively affected by livestock grazing and drying up of drinking water sources, which is mainly due to the fault of people.

Bison contemporary of the mammoth. They are deservedly considered the rulers of the forest thanks to the amazing power, strength, and greatness of this beast.

Caucasian forest cat the largest among the species.

Snow Leopard, he is called the “master of the mountains”, he is its permanent inhabitant.

Birds listed in the Red Book of Russia

Avdotka bird. It can be seen quite rarely, since the back is sandy-gray with black stripes, which allows it to perfectly camouflage among dry grass.


Zheleznyak an annelid with a dense body.

We have talked only about a small part of the contents of the Red Book of Russia; inquisitive readers will probably want to have it in their library.


The Red Book of Russia is an annotated list of the rarest animals and plants on Earth that are in danger of extinction.

Here you will learn about some of the rarest animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, and which should be protected, paying special attention to them.

Rare and endangered animals of Russia: Red or mountain wolf

This representative of the animal world has a body up to 1 meter long and can weigh from 12 to 21 kg. Outwardly, it can be confused with a fox, and this is precisely one of the main reasons for its extinction. Hunters who know a little about animals shoot mountain wolves in large numbers.

He attracted people's attention with his fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red color. It is also worth noting that his tail is slightly different from a fox's, having a black tip. The habitat of this wolf is the Far East, China and Mongolia.

The rarest animals in Russia: Przewalski's Horse

There are only about two thousand representatives of this species left on Earth. An interesting fact - as an experimental project, in the early 1990s, several individuals were released into the wild, and not just somewhere, but into the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There they began to multiply, and now there are about one hundred of them in the zone.

Rare species of animals of Russia: Amur goral

This subspecies of mountain goat lives in the Primorsky Territory. Typically, the Amur goral lives and moves in small groups of 6 - 8 individuals. There are about 700 individuals in Russia. It is worth noting that a species similar to the Amur goral can be found on the Tibetan Plateau and in the Himalayas.

Animals in the Red Book of Russia (photo): Western Caucasian tur or Caucasian mountain goat

The West Caucasian Tur lives in the Caucasus Mountains, namely along the Russian-Georgian border. It was recorded in the Red Book of Russia “thanks to” human activity, as well as due to mating with the East Caucasian aurochs. The latter leads to the birth of infertile individuals.

Animals from the Red Book of Russia: Atlantic walrus

The habitat of this rare species is the Barents and Kara Seas. An adult can reach a length of 4 meters, and the weight of the Atlantic walrus can be about one and a half tons. It is worth noting that by the middle of the twentieth century this species was almost completely exterminated. Today, thanks to the efforts of specialists, a slight increase in the population is being recorded, although the exact number is still impossible to say, since without special equipment it is extremely difficult to get to the rookeries of these representatives of the animal world.

What animals are in the Red Book of Russia: Steller sea lion

This 3-meter long Pacific eared seal lives on the Kuril and Commander Islands, as well as Kamchatka and Alaska. An adult male can reach a length of 3 meters, and it can weigh up to one ton.

Endangered species in Russia: White-faced dolphin

Like the body of the sea lion, the body of this animal can reach lengths 3 meters. The short-headed dolphin is distinguished by black sides and fins. You can meet it in the Baltic and Barents seas.

Animal Protection Day, which is designed to unite people in their conservation, as well as the protection of their rights, is usually celebrated on October 4. On Earth, dozens of different representatives of fauna and flora disappear every day. Today, many rare animal species are protected at the state level.

Amur tiger

Some rare species are representatives known to many. Among them is this one of the rarest predators on Earth, the largest tiger in the world, in addition, the only representative of this species that lives in the snow. In Russia, these animals live only in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. In the Russian Federation, the population of this rare animal numbers approximately 450 individuals.

Snow Leopard

This is a small, rare species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The conservation of rare species of animals of this species is today carried out at the state level. Their total number in our country, according to general expert estimates, is about 100 individuals.

Far Eastern leopard

These rare species of animals are a subspecies of leopards, belonging to the class of mammals, the cat family, and the order of carnivores. These are some of the rarest representatives of the cat family on the entire planet. Some experts consider the Far Eastern leopard the most beautiful among all species and often compare it with

It is worth noting that the south of Primorsky Krai is the only habitat in our country. According to the census, there are currently about fifty individuals of this leopard living in the area. Scientists from different countries are concerned that the disappearance of rare animal species is very difficult to stop.


Pallas's cat is a rare predator of the semi-steppes and steppes of Eurasia. It is listed in the Russian and international Red Books. This species has received a status close to endangered. Scientists say that the number of these animals is rapidly declining. In addition, it is threatened by poachers, which is why rare species of animals are protected. In our country there is the northernmost habitat of the Pallas's cat; here it is mainly found in the desert-steppe and mountain-steppe landscapes of Altai, in Buryatia, Tuva, and also in the southeast of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Sumatran rhinoceros

The number of Sumatran rhinos has declined by almost 50% over the past twenty years, due to tropical deforestation and poaching. Currently, approximately 200 representatives of this species live in southeast Asia.

There are only 5 species of rhinoceroses known in the world: 2 in Africa, and 3 in Southeast and South Asia. These rare animal species are included in the Red Book. Last October, WWF reported that the Javan rhinoceros in Vietnam had been wiped out.

Komodo dragon

A species that belongs to the family of monitor lizards, the largest lizard. There is a hypothesis that Komodo monitor lizards are the prototype of the real Chinese dragon: Varanus Komodoensis in adulthood can exceed three meters in length and weigh about 1.5 centners. This is the largest lizard on the planet, which kills a deer with one blow of its tail. It is found exclusively in Indonesia, and is classified as an endangered animal.


When discussing what rare species of animals exist, one cannot fail to mention the loggerhead. This is a species of sea turtle that is the only member of the loggerhead turtle, which is also called loggerhead sea turtle. This species is distributed in the waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it can be found in Peter the Great Gulf in the Far East and in the Murmansk area in the Barents Sea.

The meat of this turtle is not the most delicious, and it is consumed exclusively by local tribes. Interestingly, her eggs were considered a delicacy for a long time. Speaking about what is the rarest species of animal, it should be mentioned that the unlimited collection of loggerhead eggs has led to a significant reduction in the number of this species of turtle over the past 100 years. It is listed in the Red Book and in the Convention on International Trade in Various Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, in addition, it is protected by the laws of Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and the USA.

Sea otter

Or the sea otter, is a marine predatory mammal belonging to the mustelidae family. This is a species very close to otters. It has a number of interesting ways of adapting to living in the marine environment, in addition, it is one of the rare non-primate animals that use tools. The sea otter lives in the northern Pacific Ocean in our country, Canada, the USA and Japan. In the 18th-19th centuries, sea otters were subjected to predatory extermination for their valuable fur, due to which this species came close to the brink of almost complete extinction.

These rare species of animals in Russia in the twentieth century were included in the Red Book, as well as in the protection documents of different countries. Hunting for them in 2009 was practically prohibited in many regions of the world. Separately, it is worth noting that sea otters can be hunted only by the indigenous inhabitants of Alaska - the Eskimos and Aleuts, and only to maintain the food ration and folk crafts that have developed historically in this region.


The bison is the largest and heaviest land mammal on the entire European continent, in addition, it is the last of the wild bulls in Europe. Its body length is 330 cm, height at the withers is up to 2 meters, and its weight reaches a ton. The high density of human settlements, the destruction of forests, and, in addition, intensive hunting, have exterminated the bison in almost all European countries. At the beginning of the 19th century, wild bison remained only in 2 regions: Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. The number of animals then amounted to about five hundred representatives and declined over the course of a century, despite constant protection by the authorities.

In 1921, due to the anarchy of the First World War, the animals were finally destroyed by poachers. Thanks to the targeted activities of various specialists, in 1997 there were 1,096 bison in captivity in the world (nurseries, zoos and other reserves), while there were 1,829 individuals in the wild. This species is classified as vulnerable in the IUCN Red Book, while in our country it was the rarest species of animal that is in danger of extinction.

African wild dog

The hyena-like or African wild dog was once ubiquitous across the African savannas and steppes, from Sudan and southern Algeria to the southernmost tip of the continent.

This animal was included in the Red Book as a small species that is in danger of extinction.

To protect the animal and plant world from themselves is truly a grimace of the fate of humanity. Somewhere there was an invisible border between good and evil, between destroyers and defenders. And on the other side of this border there are people who are unable to understand that we are no better than all other creations of nature. That you cannot kill the mother of the cubs for the sake of the skin, or throw away a still living sturgeon with its belly gutted for black caviar. That it is impossible, for the sake of profit, to simply not build sewage treatment plants and kill all living things around. Throw fuel oil into the water area and pretend that you simply don’t see birds, fish, and animals dying in agony.

You can talk long and tediously about anthropogenization, count the losses of flora and fauna, but behind this you cannot see the eyes of animals choking on oil, the fading gaze of a tiger killed for fun, and simply the disappearance without a trace of hundreds of thousands of animals and plants.

A person needs to decide for himself at what price he wants to be the master of this planet, and understand that this price ultimately includes his life. This is why the International Red Book was created, and this is why the Red Book of Russia was created.

The definition “The Red Book is an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi” sounds dry and impersonal. And the more tragic is the long list included in it:

  • extinct species;
  • species extinct in the wild;
  • species on the verge of extinction;
  • endangered species;
  • vulnerable species.

Nevertheless, the compilation of such books is an urgent need, since they are the basis for protective legislation.

Endangered animals from the Red Book of Russia for children

It is necessary to cultivate love and respect for living nature from an early age. This is why books written specifically for children are so relevant and in demand: “Animals from the Red Book of Russia”, “Plants from the Red Book of Russia” and others.

The Red Book of Russia contains a detailed description of animal species that are threatened with extermination or complete extinction, species whose numbers sometimes do not exceed several dozen individuals.

The list of such species, unfortunately, is very large, and entire book volumes are required to describe them all. Therefore, we will consider only some representatives of fauna protected by the Red Book.

The red wolf, also known as the mountain dog, is the only representative of the Cuon genus of the canine family that has survived to this day. This rare species, now found only in the Primorsky Territory, is teetering on the brink of extinction. Beautiful long hair with a copper-red tint, coupled with the rarity of these animals, make them a favorite target of “real hunters” (in other words, poachers).

Manul is a huge wild long-haired and very fluffy cat, whose habitat extends to Transbaikalia, Altai and the Republic of Tyva. There are Siberian, Central Asian and Tibetan varieties of this animal.

Protected plants from the Red Book of Russia with photos and names

Active human economic activity has dispersed and destroyed not only many animals, it consistently and methodically contributes to the destruction of the country's plant resources. In addition to the direct impact on flora, changes in natural landscapes (deforestation, drainage of swamps, changes in river beds) inevitably lead to climate changes. The latter are the cause of the extinction of native plant species.

The first necessary measure for the conservation of rare and endangered species is their complete inventory and inclusion in the Red Book of Russia. At the moment, the list of protected plants includes the names of more than 500 representatives of the Russian flora belonging to the following departments:

  • angiosperms;
  • gymnosperms;
  • ferns;
  • lycophytes;
  • bryophytes;
  • lichens;
  • mushrooms

One of the most mysterious plants affected by human activity is considered to be true ginseng. There are many interesting legends about him. The status of “panacea” (translation from Latin) and “root of life” is on the verge of extinction.

Rare birds listed in the Red Book of Russia

Strictly speaking, birds are included in the list of the fauna section of the Red Book of Russia and are considered along with other classes of animals.

The list of species included in the Red Book includes more than 120 species of various birds that are subject to protection. A significant part of the list consists of birds of prey, a little less - waterfowl species, as well as representatives of the passerine order.

The status of the populations of many of them is determined by six categories of status:

  • 0—probably extinct species;
  • 1—endangered species;
  • 2—species declining in numbers;
  • 3 - rare species;
  • 4—species of uncertain status;
  • 5—recoverable and recovering species.

Russia's largest seabird, the white-backed albatross, is considered an endangered species. Habitat: Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Commanders, Kuril Islands and Primorsky Territory.

Only a small part of the list of protected species includes such representatives of rare and endangered birds as:

You looked at a selection of photos of animals and plants from the Red Book of Russia with descriptions. More photos can be seen in the section

Due to the disappearance of many flora and fauna objects in recent years, emergency measures are required to save them. Despite the fact that animals listed in the Red Book of Russia are under special protection of the state, the number of individuals of some of them continues to decline.

Reasons for the disappearance of animals

This problem is relevant for many countries around the world. The disappearance of many animal species from our planet without a trace is of great concern to conservationists. The main reason for this phenomenon is considered to be a disruption of the natural balance as a result of environmental pollution, which has a detrimental effect on representatives of the animal world.

A person’s consumer attitude towards nature also plays a big role. Poaching has led to a significant reduction in the population of many animal species, and some of them have disappeared forever. Our country is no exception. Animals included in the Red Book of Russia are also on the verge of extinction (a description of the rarest of them is given in this article).

The Red Book of Russia

In addition to the international Red Book, the same document was created in Russia in 2001. It contains data on the condition and distribution of plants located on the territory of our country, their condition and protection measures. The Red Book is a reminder to everyone of how defenseless our nature is. When improving their living conditions by cutting down forests and draining swamps, a person should not forget about those who are nearby. So far this is the only official document that has a mechanism for protecting flora and fauna.

The fact that, thanks to the efforts of environmentalists, the situation is stabilizing is evidenced by the fact that some plants and animals included in the Red Book of Russia are added to the lists posted on its green pages, informing about representatives of fauna and flora that have overcome the critical point of population decline.

Nevertheless, there are still very, very many endangered animal species living in our country.


These powerful animals, up to two meters high and sometimes weighing more than a thousand kilograms, were almost completely destroyed in the wild by the beginning of the last century. A few individuals remained only in zoos in Europe. This situation arose due to the destruction of forests, the growing number of human settlements in bison habitats, as well as intensive hunting.

If earlier these powerful and beautiful animals were often found not only in forests, but also in open spaces, then the bison that remained in the Caucasus and Belovezhskaya Pushcha in the 1920s in Russia were finally exterminated by poachers. The basis for breeding was only single individuals kept in captivity (in zoos, nurseries, etc.).

Despite the fact that today bison are animals included in the Red Book of Russia, their population is still very small, and they are still in danger of extinction.

Amur tiger

This is perhaps the largest cat in the world. Her body reaches 3 meters in length. The weight of the animal is about 300 kg. It is particularly resistant to cold weather, setting up its rookery directly in the snow and staying there for quite a long time. This animal prefers mainly forests with steep slopes and rocky outcrops, from where the surrounding area is clearly visible.

Residents of the Primorsky Territory, where this formidable predator lives, worship him. In their language they call the Amur tiger “amba”, which means “big”. However, this did not save it from extinction. Back in the 19th century, like all other forest animals included in the Red Book of Russia, the Amur tiger was a fairly numerous species in terms of the number of individuals living. But the destruction of forests, unregulated shooting, and poaching led to the fact that by the beginning of the last century these animals remained only in the most remote corners of the taiga. Then there were no more than 50 individuals.

Today, thanks to conservationists and scientists, the population of the Amur tiger in Russia has increased significantly. Now in our country there are about 450 individuals.

Giant shrew

The number of giant shrews has also been steadily declining in recent years. This representative of the shrew family is quite large in size - up to 10 centimeters.

It lives mainly in broad-leaved or those located in the south of the Primorsky Territory. These animals, listed in the Red Book of Russia, prefer forests that are located in river valleys and are not touched by deforestation or fires. The decline in the population of this species was influenced by the shrew’s ability to bear offspring only once during the entire summer period. Until now, scientists have not been able to establish the sex ratio, as well as the number of cubs in the litter. The main diet of the giant shrew consists of earthworms, which it is able to extract even from very dense soil.

Amur forest cat

This formidable spotted predator, whose length can reach 1 meter, has special features: each individual has a unique pattern on its fur, and there are light and dark stripes on its forehead. The animal lives mainly in the south of the Far East and in the Primorsky Territory.

The Amur cat responded by reducing its population to forest fires and other human activities. This is one of the main reasons why some animal species are disappearing today. Listed in the Red Book of Russia, they get a chance to preserve their population. Thus, the number of Amur cat individuals has recently increased significantly.

Sakhalin musk deer

These are small artiodactyls from the deer family, which today are also endangered. Their population declined sharply at the end of the last century. The number of this species today does not exceed 650 individuals and tends to decrease, so conservation measures in relation to them are especially important.

These animals, listed in the Red Book of Russia (photos can be found in this article), live mainly in dark coniferous forests located in the mountainous areas of Sakhalin Island. Instead of horns, males have saber-shaped fangs, the length of which reaches 10 cm. Musk deer have the ability to make two-meter jumps from a standing position.

Fish owl

The body length of this largest owl in Russia can be up to 70 cm. Moreover, females are slightly larger in size than males. The fish owl lives far from human habitation, preferring to settle in mixed forests located near lakes and rivers rich in fish. In search of prey, it usually sits on a large rock and peers intently into the water. Having noticed a fish, the eagle owl instantly dives and snatches it from the water. These birds also eat crayfish and frogs, which they feel with their paws at the bottom of the reservoir. The fish eagle owl, no less than many listed in the Red Book of Russia, needs protection, since the number of individuals is steadily decreasing.

Far Eastern leopard

Here is another member of the cat family that is on the verge of extinction. Its habitat is the southern territory of the Primorsky Territory, where no more than 50 individuals have currently been identified.

Far Eastern (or has some features compared to its other relatives. Its coat changes significantly depending on the season. If in summer it has a bright color and a maximum length of 2.5 cm, then by winter it reaches 6-7 cm and becomes lighter. Beautiful fur has become one of the reasons for the decline in the population of these animals. Near the forests where Amur leopards live, there are villages and agricultural lands, and this creates favorable conditions for poachers. Not only leopards are destroyed for profit, but also many other forest animals included in Red Book of Russia.

The main food for the Amur leopard is deer, the number of which in the wild is decreasing. It is not uncommon for owners of reindeer herding farms to kill predators that wander into their territory in search of food.

Due to intensive human economic activities carried out in the Far East from 1970 to 1983, the habitat of the Far Eastern leopard has decreased by more than 80%. Today, special conservation measures are being taken to protect lands suitable for these animals from human influence and to increase the number of Amur leopards.

The animal world is changeable. Therefore, lists listing which animals are included in the Red Book of Russia today may look different in a couple of years. I would like to believe that many species of fauna that are on the verge of extinction will end up on the green pages of this document.