Mountains of Asia: the greatest heights of planet Earth. Mountain ranges in Asia Geographic coordinates of McKinley

– this is not only a unique culture, but also beautiful nature. On the territory of this part of the world there are seas and steppes, plains for many thousands of kilometers and the highest peaks of the world, which occupy ¾ of the land. The latter will be discussed in our rating.

In addition to the most famous mountain in the world - Everest, there are many other peaks in Central and Central Asia that have been widely covered in cinema and literature and which have taken the lives of unwary travelers. There are relatively few mountains favorable to climbers, but they become a popular platform for various kinds of records. We present to you a list of the 10 highest mountains in Asia.

10. Annapurna, 8091 m

This mountain is known from a bad point of view - it is believed that it is during its conquest that most climbers die. So, at some point the mortality rate reached a record 32%. But exactly on Annapurna more than half a century ago, the first ascent of all the “eight-thousanders” was made.

The peak owes its unusual name to Sanskrit - from this language its name is translated as “ Goddess of fertility" The living world here is truly diverse thanks to the nearby river, but you won’t be able to enjoy it for long - changeable weather and constantly forming avalanches will ruin the mood of unwary travelers.

9. Nanga Parbat, 8125 m

Unfortunately, the mountain Nanga Parbat also known as the killer peak: it has collected a large number of accidents that occurred while climbing it.

Interesting that the first climber who tried to conquer the mountain became its first victim. Since then, more than 400 people have died on the slopes of the peak.

It is curious that the causes of death were not always avalanches or carelessness during mountaineering. So, 6 years ago there was a terrorist attack on the athletes’ camp, which led to casualties. At the same time, the peak several times became the “main character” of documentaries of different years.

8. Manaslu, 8156 m

Now to the mountain Manaslu You can climb 10 different routes. The summit is a favorite place for setting records, the latest of which was recorded quite recently: an Italian climber was the first woman to overcome the descent on alpine skis.

Manaslu also had a lot of casualties: travelers suffered from avalanches that buried them, as well as from their own carelessness when they fell into one of the many crevices.

However, a National Park has been formed at the top, along which there is a hiking trail. This trip will take about 2 weeks.

7. Dhaulagiri, 8167 m

Mountain Dhaulagiri is the main peak of the mountain range of the same name in the Himalayas. It is interesting that this particular mountain is characterized by relatively little glaciation, which means that it is somewhat safer to conquer it than others.

In addition, at the beginning of the 19th century, Dhaulagiri was considered the highest point in the world, and therefore expeditions to it were undertaken with enviable regularity. But success was not achieved immediately - only in the middle of the 20th century was the mountain conquered on the eighth attempt.

The unusual name is explained by the appearance of the “snow-white giant” - from Sanskrit Dhaulagiri is translated as “ White Mountain».

6. Cho Oyu, 8201 m

This is one of the favorite peaks for climbers. As of the early 2000s, it has been conquered more than 3,000 times, and this number is steadily growing every year. Only Everest is more popular. At the same time, the number of victims does not exceed 2%, which makes the peak one of the safest in our ranking.

Now you can get to the top by 15 different routes, the first of which was laid more than half a century ago. Even young athletes decide to undertake the expedition - 5 years ago a 16-year-old boy set the record, and in 2019, Cho Oyu was climbed by his peer from Australia.

5. Makalu, 8462 m

Long time top Makalu remained unconquered, so the glory of one of the most difficult mountains over 8000 m was firmly established. It was known to people since the mid-19th century, but the first expedition was undertaken only a century later - climbers then never reached the highest point.

A year later, travelers were able to conquer the peak, even calling it “ mountain of happiness“- it is believed that the group was lucky with the weather, so it was not difficult for them to climb Makalu.

Now there are 15 routes leading to Makalu, the most difficult of which, from a technical point of view, was laid by a Russian team. This cost the group of athletes several victims, including the captain.

4. Lhotse, 8516 m

Mountain Lhotse marks the border between China and Nepal. Travelers discovered this peak relatively recently: the first expedition took place only 60 years ago, and the middle mountain of the chain was discovered in the early 2000s. Therefore, to this day there are significantly fewer routes to Lhotse than to its neighbors.

The total number of ascents is also quite modest and does not exceed 300, and the number of victims is 9 climbers.
At the same time, Lhotse is considered a beautiful peak, but difficult to climb - all because of the large number of rocky ridges that appear every now and then as soon as athletes overcome the 8,000-meter mark.

3. Kanchenjunga, 8586 m

A special National Park has been formed around this mountain range, located both in Nepal and in Nepal. The name of the mountain translates as " Five Treasures from the Great Snow": the massif consists of 5 picturesque peaks. In literature, each of them was assigned its own treasures - grain, sacred books, weapons, salt and gold. But the travelers who climbed there more often encountered death than unknown gifts.

So, in Nepal there is a legend that Kanchenjunga has the strongest feminine energy, so it “kills” all climbers. The first woman to descend from the summit alive set this record only in 1998. However, the number of victims on the mountain is still growing, while with other peaks there is a downward trend in mortality.

2. K2, 8612 m

Legendary mountain Chogori, or as most people know it K2, is considered a “wild mountain” among athletes due to the difficulty of the climb. It is almost impossible to climb it from China, so most often attempts are made from Pakistan. But even there, luck is not always on the side of climbers - the mortality rate exceeded 23% and continues to rise.

Climbing K2 is considered technically more difficult than even Everest, so out of 280 people, more than 66 died. Chogori can be conquered only in the summer; none of the groups that went there in winter were able to accomplish their plans.

1. Everest, 8848 m

Qomolungma, or Everest They still know it from school. This is the most record peak on the planet, rising 8848 meters above sea level. Expeditions to it are organized constantly, and this despite all the difficulties: the climb takes at least 2 months, athletes lose 15 kilograms per trip.

The leaders of the countries on whose territory the mountain range is located have introduced some mandatory fees - both for the ascent itself and for additional services for travelers. Commercial firms also make money by providing equipment and instructors. There are so many people interested that expeditions even have their own order - so people sign up for a trip to Everest long before the required date.

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Mountains have attracted people since ancient times. The history of their research is extremely fascinating. Many people are interested in what is the highest mountain in the world.

The proposed material tells about the most famous mountain peaks of the world, the history of their conquest and interesting moments associated with it.

The European continent forms part of the Eurasian continent. Unlike the Asian half, it is not distinguished by such serious mountain peaks.

But here there are mountain ranges with peaks that are included in the list of the most significant on Earth. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of remarkable mountains in Europe.

In Russia, the highest altitude is the Caucasus mountain range.

The most famous peaks include:

  • Dykhtau– located near the Georgian-Russian border. The summit was first conquered in 1888 by a mixed Swedish-English climbing team.

    It is easy to climb and is always popular among tourists. Height – 5205 m.

  • Elbrus- the highest mountain in the country, formed by an extinct volcanic vent and consists of two peaks united by a bridge.

    The western one exceeds sea level by 5642 m. The first ascent of it was made by an English team in 1874.

  • Tsakhvoa- the most significant and picturesque peak in Sochi. A biosphere reserve has been established here.
  • In Dagestan there are five peaks, some of which exceed sea level by a little over four thousand meters.

In addition to the Caucasus, one cannot fail to mention the Ural Mountains. This system is older than the previous one, and therefore does not differ in significant height.

Ural mountains, conditionally cutting Eurasia into two parts of the world, they are characterized by large deposits of minerals. From the point of view of climbers, there is nothing remarkable in the Urals.

Altai Mountains are located near the Mongolian border and are characterized by stepped landforms with sharp peaks and lake valleys. The height of their peaks does not exceed two thousand meters.

The mountains in Crimea do not differ in height either. The most famous peak (Roman Kash) extends 1545 m above sea level.

Eastern Europe is marked by the presence of the following mountains indicated on the map:

  • Hoverla, located in Ukraine in the Carpathians, is a popular tourist destination, with an altitude of 2061 m. The opening of the first tourist route took place in 1880.

    Part of the Carpathian Range is called the Ugric Mountains by some local peoples living in Hungary and western Ukraine. The massif is not high, but very picturesque.

  • In Kazakhstan there are massifs characterized by high and low mountain regions.

    In the low-mountain region, located in the center of the country, the highest point is located at one and a half thousand meters. The alpine region is represented by peaks exceeding one and a half thousand meters.

  • In Georgia, Mount Shkhara stands out with a height of 5201 m, representing the central part of the Caucasus massif, on the border with our country.
  • In Bashkortostan, Yamantau is known, representing the southern Urals; characterized by two peaks, Bolshoi (1640 m.) and Small (1510 m.).

The following mountains are located in Western Europe:

  • Mont Blanc– Western European peak (4810 m) on the border of Italy and France in the western part of the Alpine massif.
  • Dufour (4634 m.)- a peak in Swiss and Italian territory. The highest mountain peak in Switzerland.
  • House (4554 m.)- a Swiss mountain first conquered by the Briton Davis.
  • Liskamm (4538 m.)- a peak on the border territory of Switzerland and Italy, dangerous with avalanches and nicknamed the cannibal.
  • Weisshorn (4506 m.)- another Swiss peak conquered by British climber John Tyndall.
  • Matterhorn (4478 m.)– also on the border of Switzerland and Italy. While conquering it, four climbers fell into the abyss.
  • Unlike its closest neighbors, There are no such high massifs in Germany. There are several peaks up to three thousand meters high.
  • In Great Britain There are also several mountain systems; the Grampian Mountains, representing Scotland, are the highest.

    The height of some peaks exceeds 1.3 thousand meters from the base.

  • In Greece There are several peaks, the most significant of which is Olympus. Ancient Greek myths that have come to us from the deep past of Greece are associated with it.

    In addition to it, there are several more peaks with a height not exceeding three thousand meters.

History of the highest mountains in Asia

The Asian continent is distinguished by the presence of the highest peaks belonging to the Himalayan mountains, passing through the territory of different countries:

  • Chomolungma (8848 m.). The modern name of the mountain is Everest, located in China, next to Nepal.

    It is impossible to reach the top of the mountain without the use of special oxygen devices. First conquered in 1853.

  • Chogori (8611 m.)- almost reaches Everest. Located in the northern territories of Pakistan.
  • Kanchenjunga (8586 m.)– also in the Himalayas, in India, near Nepal.
  • Lhotse (8516 m.)- representative of the Tibet Autonomous Region, located next to Everest, from which it is separated by the South Col pass.

    A Swiss expedition climbed the peak for the first time in 1956.

  • Makalu (8485 m.)- another Himalayan peak, conquered in 1955 by a French team.
  • Himalayan chain In addition to those listed, it is represented by six more eight-thousanders belonging to India, Pakistan and China.
  • In Japan The famous peak is Mount Fuji of volcanic origin, which does not reach four thousand meters.

    Thanks to its close-to-ideal conical shape, it is a cult object on the island of Honshu, a place of worship for pilgrims of the Buddhist and Shinto religions.

  • In Australia The presence of high mountain ranges is not noted, but they are as unique as the continent itself.

    The height of the Western Australian Plateau does not exceed five hundred meters. The mainland is divided by a chain four thousand kilometers long.

    One part of it is called the Australian Alps, the highest system on the continent, some peaks barely exceeding two thousand meters.

In addition to those listed, there are mountain systems in other parts of the world.

In Africa, Unlike Asia, there are no such high mountains. Kilimanjaro, whose name translates as “sparkling mountain”, is located in Tanzania, its height is nine hundred meters.

In North America The Cordillera massif is interesting. Most of it is located in the USA, but also passes through Canada and Mexico.

The ridge is located along the western part of the American continent, with a length of over six hundred and fifty kilometers. Mount Robson, part of the part called the Rocky Mountains, rises to 3954 m.

In South America this massif continues with the Andes. This is the longest mountain range on Earth, with a length of nine thousand kilometers and an average height of four thousand meters.

The highest peak, Aconcagua (almost seven thousand meters), is located in Argentina.

In Antarctica there are several mountain ranges. The height of the Vinson massif reaches 4892 m.

TOP 10 highest mountains in the world

Here is a list of the 10 highest peaks in the world in the table, listed in descending order:

Photos of these peaks can be easily found on the Internet.

Interesting fact! In the above list, the highest peaks represent the Himalayas - the most significant mountain system in the world.

The highest mountain in the world - what is it called, what height, climbing stories

As already noted, the largest mountain on the planet is Chomolungma. Every climber dreams of climbing it, but not everyone can boast of it.

Almost three hundred climbers and Sherpas died while climbing to the summit. Up to seven thousand successful expeditions have been recorded, in which more than four thousand people participated.

The first attempt was made in 1921 and ended in failure. Italian climbers achieved success only in 1953.

As we can see, there are many peaks on the planet that pose difficult tasks for humans.

But by conquering mountain peaks, people, overcoming numerous difficulties, strengthen their character and improve themselves. Only a purposeful person will succeed in conquering the mountains.

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Southeast Asia has many breathtaking sights and places of interest, such as the magical world of coral reefs or the breathtaking skyline of Hong Kong, Singapore or Shanghai, but the peaks of the most beautiful mountains stand out.

1. Mount Doi Luang in Chiang Dao ( Thailand)

Mount Doi Luang Chiang Dao is the highest limestone peak in Thailand and one of the dream destinations for nature and outdoor enthusiasts. The mountain, located in the Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, has a height of 2,195 meters from sea level. The peak is a great place to watch the breathtaking scenery above the morning sea of ​​fog. The surrounding highlands are home to rare species of birds and butterflies.

2. Volcano Bromo (Indonesia)

Volcano Bromo, with a height of 3,392 meters, is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia, the peak is located in East Java on the island of Java and belongs to volcanic complex Tengger. Bromo is the most iconic and most popular mountain in Indonesia. It majestically attracts with its sulfurous fumes from the depths of the Earth. Mount Bromo is still one of the most active volcanoes in the world and there are areas that are off-limits to tourists. The most beautiful landscape on Bromo will be revealed to you during sunrise.

3. Mount Apo (Philippines)

The active Apo Volcano is located west of Davao City on the island of Mindanao. With an altitude of 2,954 meters above sea level, Mount Apo is the highest peak in the Philippines. It stands covered with a forest of highland tropical deciduous trees. The Highlands are home to the rare Philippine Eagle and have numerous peaks and valleys, as well as local attractions: Malasita Falls, Lake Sibulao and Kissinthe Hot Springs.

4. Mount Hkakabo Razi (Myanmar)

Hkakabo Razi is considered the highest mountain in Myanmar. With an altitude of 5,881 meters, it is located at the point of contact between the borders of three countries: India, Myanmar and China. The peak is located in Hkakabo Razi National Park, Myanmar, which is entirely mountainous and characterized by broad-leaved evergreen forests. Even higher, around 4,600 meters, cold, barren, windy terrain and permanent snow and glaciers prevail. At an altitude of about 5,300 meters there is a large ice cap with several glaciers.

5. Phoubia (Laos)

Mount Phoubia is the highest peak and most inaccessible region in Laos. With an altitude of 2,820 meters above sea level, it is part of the Annam mountain range at the southern limit of the Xiang Khouang plateau in the province of the same name. This area provides spectacular views of the jungle. The climate is cold and the area around the mountain is always cloudy.

6. Fansipan (Vietnam)

Fansipan Peak is located in Lao Cai Province in the northwestern region of Vietnam. With an altitude of 3,143 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain in Indochina. The peak is located 9 kilometers from Sa Pa, a village located on the Hoang Lien Son mountain range.

The majestic Mount Kinabalu is located in the state of Sabain, East Malaysia, or Malaysian Borneo. The mountain is located in Kinabalu Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The peak and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world. Mount Kinabalu boasts many natural attractions, including orangutans, and plant species such as giant Rafflesia plants.

8. Mount Ihen (Indonesia)

Volcano Ikhen is located inside a larger onecalderasIhen, about 20 kilometers wide. Mount Merapi is the highest point of this complex, name means "mountain of fire" in Indonesian. To the west of Gunung Merapi is the Ihen volcano, which has a one-kilometer acidiccrater lake withturquoise hue, the main attraction of this place.

9. Banaue Rice Terraces (Philippines)

How would you feel traveling through the low mud banks separating the flooded rice fields at an altitude of over 1,500 meters and reaching the peaks of some peaks? It is priceless to walk through the terraced rice farm, which overlooks 1500 meters above sea level. The paradise terraces of Banaue in Ifugao, Philippines are recognized for their vastness and vast beauty.

The rice terrace is proof of the engineering ingenuity of ancient people. About 2,000 years ago, the ancestors of the indigenous Ifugao people carved these rice terraces by hand using primitive tools. Now a World Heritage Site, you can immerse yourself in the culture of the Ifugao Highlands.

10. Mount Rinjani (Indonesia)

Mount Rinjani is an active volcano on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. With an altitude of 3,726 meters, it is the second highest peak in the country. Hiking Rinjani is considered one of the most popular attractions in Indonesia. Hikers must climb up and then down into the crater to reach the lake, 2,000 meters above sea level.

Asian countries: large and small. The largest mountains, islands, rivers and lakes of the continent

Asia is the largest area (44,579,000 km2) and the most populated part of the world (3.88 billion inhabitants) of planet Earth. Together with Europe, it forms a single (not separated by straits) continent of Eurasia, which is connected by the Isthmus of Suez to Africa, and is separated from North America by the rather narrow Bering Strait (maximum width is only 86 km). Asia is washed by the waters of all four oceans: the Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Atlantic (Mediterranean Sea).

  • Asia has enough wonders of the world, both those that Mother Nature gave to humanity, like Halong Bay in Vietnam or the wonderful ones in Thailand, and those that were created by man

Some, like the Great Wall of China or, are very famous, others - not so much, and some (for example, in Japan, the Sigiriya Palace on a cliff in Sri Lanka, the imperial residence in Hue in Vietnam), are still considered attractions of the regional level, although they clearly deserve more!

Asian countries (47 states):

  • Most of Asia's population is concentrated in countries such as China (PRC): over 1.3 billion people, and India: 1.1 billion people, which are the most populous on the planet.

Geography of Asia: mountains, rivers, lakes and islands

Asia is the highest mountainous part of the world: the average height of the territory is 950 meters. The main mountain ranges cross the continent approximately in the middle: in the southwest-northeast direction. The highest plateau, the Tibetan plateau, rises approximately 4,500 meters above the surface of the world's oceans and covers an area of ​​about 2.5 million sq. km.

  • Here is also the world's highest mountain system, the Himalayas (which translated from Sanskrit means “dwelling, shelter of snow”), which includes 17 (!) of the highest mountains on the planet. The Chinese-Nepalese Chomolungma (or Everest, 8848 meters), the Pakistani K-2 (Chogo Gangri, 8611 meters) and the Indian-Nepalese Kangchenjunga (Kangchen Dzö-nga, 8586 meters) top this impressive list

Asia is also home to many volcanoes, most of which are active. Among the most famous we highlight:

  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano in Kamchatka is the highest active volcano in Eurasia (4750 meters). It remains highly active to this day. The last recorded eruption occurred in 2007
  • The Indonesian one (Krakatoa), which once “ate” itself, is also world famous. It was once located on the island of the same name, located between Java and Sumatra, and in 1883 it erupted with a powerful eruption (on the nuclear scale equal to approximately 200 megatons), which was heard even in Perth, Australia, 3,100 kilometers away.

The sky even over Europe was painted an ominous red for a long time due to clouds of ash raised into the atmosphere - the famous Norwegian artist Munch even dedicated it to this. By the way, another eruption of Krakatau (in 1927) “gave birth” to a small (about 2 km in diameter) volcanic island called “Son of Krakatau” (Anak Krakatau). He grows quickly and, like his parent, has a violent temperament

Let's also mention:

Pusuk Buhit, Lake Toba, Indonesia
  • Tomboro (Tambora or Tomboro), also located in Indonesia and in 1815, during an eruption (supposedly the most powerful in recent history), destroyed more than 70 thousand inhabitants of the island of Sumbawa
  • Indonesian (Lake Toba), which is also a supervolcano and occupies an area of ​​about 100 by 30 km. The largest volcano lake in the world. It is believed that the massive eruption of this volcano approximately 70-75 thousand years ago led to global climate change
  • An entire volcanic region is also in Indonesia, which is a popular tourist attraction in the country mainly because of its pristine landscape from the series “This is how the Earth was born”

Mount Fuji in Japan
  • (Fuji), considered one of the three Japanese "Sacred Mountains" and having a relatively "gentle" disposition. The last recorded eruption dates back to 1707-1708. Fuji is located very close to the Japanese capital, Tokyo, is very loved by tourists and is therefore positioned as one of the main attractions of the “Land of the Rising Sun”.

Any tourist can climb this mountain today - in the summer season!

The Asian continent includes a large number of islands. The largest of them are Indonesian Borneo (the third largest, 743,330 km2, after Papua New Guinea island in the world) and Sumatra (470,000 km2). And the most populated: Indonesian Java (124 million inhabitants according to 2005 estimates) and Japanese Honshu (103 million people).

, Sri Lanka

Some Asian countries are located exclusively on islands: Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Cyprus, Maldives, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the Philippines and Japan and have no territories on the continent.

  • The largest peninsulas of Asia: Hindustan (or the subcontinent of India, with an area of ​​4,480,000 sq. km), the Arabian Peninsula, the Indochina Peninsula, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Korean Peninsula

The largest rivers of continental Asia

  • Chinese Yangtze (with a length of 6300 km - 3rd in the world after the South American Amazon and the African Nile)
  • Russian river system Yenisei-Angara-Selenga (5540 km)
  • Chinese Yellow River (“Yellow River”, 5464 km)
  • Russian river system Ob-Irtysh (5410 km)
  • Russian-Chinese-Mongolian river system Amur-Argun (4444 km)
  • Russian Lena (4400 km).

All these rivers and river systems are included in the list of the ten largest on planet Earth.

The largest lakes in Asia

  • The Caspian Sea (with an area of ​​371,000 km2) is a colossal body of salt water that is recognized by various sources as either a sea or a lake
  • (37,500 km2), in addition to being the deepest lake in the world (1,470 meters) and the largest body of water in terms of fresh water volume (23,600 cubic km)
  • Balkhash (18,428 km2).

It is noteworthy that all of these reservoirs are located entirely or partially on the territory of the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Mountains of Asia are the largest mountain systems in the world: practically, most of Asia is occupied by mountains and plateaus. Also, the mountains of Asia are the highest in the world - here, in Asia in the Himalayas, is the highest point of our planet - Mount Chomolunga (Everest). Its height is 8882 m.

The highest mountains are located in southern Asia and southern Central Asia - these are the mountain systems of the Himalayas, Pamir, Hindu Kush, Tien Shan, and Tibetan Plateau. In the north of Asia there are lower mountains - these are the Central Siberian Plateau, the Stanovoye Highlands, the Chersky Range, the Verkhoyansk Range, the Sredinny Range, and the Altai Mountains. In the east there are mountains such as the Greater and Lesser Khingan and the Sikhote-Alin. In the western part of Asia, on its border with Europe, there are mountains such as the Caucasus and the Ural.

The Himalayas are the highest mountains in Asia and the world. They are located on the border of South and East Asia and separate the lowlands of the Indus and Ganges Rivers from the Tibetan Plateau. In the northwest, the Himalayas border with another high mountain system in Asia - the Hindu Kush. The length of the Himalayas is more than 2400 km, and the width is about 200-300 km. The steepest slopes of the Himalayas face south, towards the valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers. From Tibet, the Himalayas look flatter. In total, there are 130 peaks in the Himalayas, which rise to a height of more than 7000m. 11 mountains in the Himalayas are over 8,000 meters high. They are predominantly found in the Nepal Himalayas, the highest part of this mountain system. Among them: Mount Everest (8882 m), Mount Kapchenjunga (8598 m), Makalu (8470 m), Apnapurna (8078 m), Gosainthan (8018 m), Dhaulagiri (8172 m), Cho Oyu (8180 m), Shisha -Pangma (8013 m), Manaslu (8128 m), Lhotse Main (8501 m), etc.

The second highest mountain range after the Himalayas in Asia, as well as in the world as a whole, is the Karakoram mountain range. It is located southeast of the Pamirs and Hindu Kush, between the Kun-Lun and the Himalayas. Its average altitude is 6000 km. More than 80 mountains above 7000 meters. There are also eight-thousanders: Mount Chogori (8611 m), Hidden Peak (8068 m), Gasherbrum (8073 m) and Broad Peak (8047 m).

One of the longest mountain systems in Asia is the Kunlun Mountains - they stretch from the Pamirs in the west to the Sino-Tibetan Mountains in the east, bypassing the Tibetan Plateau from the north (from the south the Tibetan Plateau bypasses the Himalayas). The length of Kunlun is about 2500 km, the width in some places reaches 600 km. The highest mountain in Kunlun is Aksai Chin (7167 m).

The Pamirs are also a large mountain system. It is located in the south of Central Asia on the territory of modern China, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The highest mountain in the Pamirs is Kongur Peak. Its height is 7719 m.

The Hindu Kush Mountains are also located in the south of Central Asia. Their length is 1000 km, and their width is from 50 to 500 km. They mark the boundary between the Indus River basin (South Asia) and the endorheic basin of Central Asia. The highest mountain in the Hindu Kush is Tirichmir (7690 m).