A wonderful symbol of death. Symbolism of plants and flowers. Blooming oases in the Egyptian desert

From childhood, we know that it is very hot in the desert, there are huge sand dunes, along which camel caravans go. Of course, this is true, but there are exceptions to all rules. Among the hot sand, where not even a drop of moisture can be found, there are real wonderful green islands. That is where the thirsty traveler seeks to get, as the old song says. If you are interested in this a natural phenomenon, and you want to know what an oasis is, let's get to know them better.

What is an oasis

If you believe the interpretation offered by the dictionary, then an oasis is called such areas of the desert that are supplied with water from underground sources or from natural wells. Another edition supplements this definition, specifying that soil moisture can be both natural and man-made, artificial. The term also has a figurative meaning. So, you can call the country of dreams and freedom an oasis. As a rule, in the deserts, these islands are densely populated, tourists tend to get there.

How green islands appear in the desert

Oases owe their origin to undercurrents located close to the surface of the earth, or to artificially dug wells. About what an oasis is, they tell not only explanatory dictionaries, but also experienced travelers, geographers who saw this miracle with their own eyes. Distinguish natural formations of various areas. It can be a small area with three palm trees and a small lake, or a huge area containing cities. They usually border on big rivers. The history of many oases is so ancient that it has several millennia.

The most famous oases

If you happen to see this phenomenon - lush vegetation in the middle of endless sands hot under the sun, you will never forget this sight. The most famous desert oases are natural formations located in Africa. In Niger, in the heart of the Sahara itself, lies a real miracle. The oasis of Timia is famous for its lush gardens. Local residents even cultivate vegetables. Not so well known is the oasis of Shebika. It is located in the mountains, in Tunisia. If you get to know him better, he will leave the brightest and most unforgettable experience. A small picturesque lake, a waterfall, palm trees growing on rocks. The two most interesting oases are located in Libya. A real paradise on earth - Gaberoun. It is famous for its large salt water lake. On its coast, the ruins of an ancient Bedouin settlement have been preserved.

To understand what an oasis is, it is enough to visit the fabulous Ubari, located in the same country. Decorate the green island in the desert of the striking beauty of the lake. Reservoirs are quite numerous. There are about twenty of them. Their diameter is impressive - about one kilometer, and the depth reaches thirty meters. Egypt is famous for its picturesque corners. The oases of this country attract with picturesque rocks of the most unexpected and incredible forms. You can find geysers spouting from the ground. There are hundreds of them in oases. Bahariya strikes with landscapes that give the impression that he has landed on another planet. In this oasis, Bedouins live in several villages. The settlements are surrounded by palm groves, and around the island of greenery mountains rise and sand dunes stretch. The inhabitants of Peru are also familiar with what an oasis is, their local natural wonder is called Huacachina. Located five kilometers from the city of Ica, it is considered one of the largest oases in the world.

Plant diversity

Thanks to natural springs and artificially dug wells in the arid desert land, the best conditions for vegetation are created. For example, the oases of Africa are famous not only for various types of palms. Since the lands are actively developed by people, cultivated plants are cultivated here. For example, you can find pomegranate, citrus, date trees. Grow vegetables. In China, the Turpan oasis is famous for its vineyards. Tourists can get a lot of impressions by visiting the local botanical garden, which irrigates ancient system created two thousand years ago. Under the canopy of trees, coolness reigns, which contrasts so much with the scalding hot desert and mountains, where temperatures can reach seventy degrees.

Notes for travelers

Tourists who want to fully and interestingly relax can safely plan a trip to one of the picturesque corners described above. Of course, bright and full of colors magazine pictures will not leave anyone indifferent; an oasis in the desert appears in all its unique beauty. Here, the amazing color of the water glistens under the scorching sun, and slender palm trees sway their leaves. The well-kept gardens of Timia invite you to admire their lush flowering. In Gaberoun, tourists can get acquainted with the traditions of the local population, visit souvenir shops and just get a lot of positive emotions. But keep in mind that in summer there are a lot of mosquitoes. Most the best time for a holiday in the Libyan oasis - from October to May.

I am absolutely sure that everyone reading this text has repeatedly seen a similar scene in films. Lost travelers are walking through the desert, they are dying of hunger and thirst, the scorching sun creates a huge air temperature, and it would seem that death is very close. But now they see a small island with palm trees and water in the distance, they wonder if this is a mirage? Coming closer, they understand - this is the same oasis.

What is meant by the word oasis

Saying it, they mean a territory filled with vegetation and water, it must necessarily be in the middle of a desert arid area. If we talk about the size of such places, then it is impossible to single out any average indicator. Their size can vary greatly and range from a small lake with a few trees around it to a small town with its own industry and agricultural activities. Many forms of agriculture in such places are usually combined and given the name oasis farming.

Many people have a natural question, how are oases formed? After all, there are no rivers in the middle of the desert. The whole essence of their formation lies in underground rivers and reservoirs, the water of which has the ability to reach the surface of the earth thanks to sources created by people, or due to its own pressure. It is worth noting the fact that a certain number of them are supported by short-term showers, which, although occasionally, still occur in such places. An interesting fact is that migratory birds fly into the watering place, leaving behind the seeds of various plants, so vegetation appears around such a reservoir. It is impossible not to mention the Antarctic oases. They call the territory on which there is no snow or ice cover.

The Importance of Oases in the Desert

  • Possibility of watering place for animals living in the desert.
  • Access to water for birds immigrating through the area.
  • Possibility of formation of settlements in desert places.
  • New tourist spots.
  • Rescue for travelers lost in the desert.

Here are the advantages of the existence of such a phenomenon as oases for myself. From the photos that I attached to this text, you can see for yourself how beautiful and interesting places. If you have the opportunity to look into one of these wonderful places during your trip, do it, you are guaranteed the best emotions and impressions!

What is an oasis in the desert?

Oases in the desert- These are small areas covered with vegetation, which are located in the desert, near a magnificent source of water. This is a perfectly preserved habitat for people and animals, their area extends over fairly long distances.

Description of oases.

Oases are located in very attractive places, which are located at the intersection of many trade and transport routes. For caravans that follow this path, oases are a lifeline that serve to replenish food and water supplies.

Oasisi draw water from various sources that form from underground rivers and aquifers such as the artesian aquifer. Water comes to the surface of the earth as a result of the created natural reservoir pressure formed in the bowels of the earth. There are also sources of water (wells) created by man who live in these areas.

People who live in oases control the use of water. Vada is used for drinking, for household purposes and watering the land. Water irrigation is carried out on plantations of figs, olives and apricots that grow in these oases. They also grow there date palms, which also require watering.

Today we will walk through 5 unique oases and the world.

The beautiful oasis of Huacachina

Pictures (photos) oasis Huacashina (Huacachina)

The Huacachina Oasis is a small oasis located in the southern part of Peru, which is a short distance west of historic city Ika. About 200 people live in the Huacashina oasis.

This oasis was built around a small natural lake, surrounded by huge sand dunes. Green vegetation flourishes along the shore of a large lake, including palm trees.

The Huacashina oasis is the most popular and beautiful place for. It can be reached by car from the nearby town of Ica. Which is an attractive place for tourists who use these sand dunes surrounding this oasis as an attraction, to ride on the sand on a snowboard (Sendboarding) and ride on the dunes in light jeeps - Buggy.

The amazing oasis of Umm Al Maa (Um Al Maa)

Photo (pictures) oasis Umm Al Maa

The oasis of Umm Al Maa (Um Al Maa) - which means “mother of water” in Arabic. This amazing oasis has one of the largest lakes in the area, in the middle of the desert. The oasis of Umm Al Maa is located in the sand dunes in the Libyan part of the Sahara. Among the large lake there are 16 other small lakes. Some of them dry up in a certain period and disappear, from time to time, out of sight. But others are constantly in the middle of the desert filled with water and delight people, bringing benefits to travelers and tourists.

The magnificent oasis of Crescent Lake

Pictures (photos) oasi with Crescent Lake

Crescent Lake Oasis is a magnificent slice of spring, located near a wonderful crescent-shaped lake in the Gobi Desert. The oasis is located about 6 kilometers south of the historic city of Dunhuang in China.

This lake is somewhat reminiscent of the eyes beautiful girl, and some see it as a slice of sweet sliced ​​melon. This oasis of Chreskent Lake will not leave anyone indifferent, in its beauty it is one miracle of nature. Unique wind roses blow here, amazing underground waters flow and bubble, which form in this place and do not allow a large crescent-shaped lake to disappear for millennia.

The incredible oasis of Shebika.

Photo (pictures) oasis Shebika (Shebika)

Shebika is a kind of mountainous oasis located in the very south of Tunisia, in a remote province called Gafsa. This oasis is located at the foot of the Jebel El Negub mountain, due to the influence of the sun, it is also known as Qasr El Shams (translated from Arabic means "Castle of the Sun").

About 100 people live in modern Shebik, it was built in 1969, but after a big flood it was destroyed. At present, the old part of the settlement is destroyed and is in ruins. Buildings built of mud and brick, but now this locality abandoned.

Wonderful oasis of Lagoa Bonita

Photo (pictures) oasis Lagoa Bonita (Lagoa Bonita)

The oasis of Lagoa Bonita is a national park located in the Maranhao region of Brazil. This oasis is currently one of the best natural attractions in the country. It is an ecosystem formed from white sand dunes that cover over 383,000 acres of sand and look as white as bed linen.

Today we got acquainted with 5 magnificent oases of the world, which are beautiful places for your and .

author Flora, photo of the author

I start my professional landscaping activity every year in early spring and ends in late autumn. Therefore, vacation time usually falls on the gloomiest and coldest period of the year - December-February.

In the off-season, gardeners and professional landscape designers have the opportunity to study gardening books and magazines, plan a garden and future flower beds. However, we can improve our qualifications, replenishing our knowledge and experience, not only with the help of special literature, but also with educational trips.

Flora of Sinai

I went to Egypt - to Sharm El Sheikh, one of the most beautiful places this country - to relax and get acquainted with the local flora.

Egypt is beautiful and green all year round, but during the winter months it is especially pleasant and joyful. I was struck by the bright warm sun, and the turquoise sea, and the abundance of flowering plants. All this creates a unique image of a fertile resort.

Only residents of countries with cold winters can fully appreciate the beauty of these places and the diversity of plants. After all, the inhabitants warm countries perceive all this simply as a lush southern landscape familiar to the eye.

The natural flora and fauna of Sinai are typically desert. And the marine life is one of the most beautiful in the world. I was delighted with the originality of the local flora, as well as the abundance of various cultivated plants.

My interest in the ornamental gardening of this resort was reinforced by a visit to the colored canyon and an excursion to the monastery of St. Catherine.

I was struck by the abundance of species of evergreens that remain attractive all year round. Here I saw a great variety of outlandish flowers (many types of plants are not familiar to me). Majestic trees and palm trees, an abundance of vines, emerald green lawns are also striking. All this plant wealth is in a kind of contrast, and at the same time - in amazing harmony ...

Landscape design here fits perfectly into the local natural flora. The freeway is decorated with evergreens. Olive groves and many palm trees give the city a special charm. This is all the more appreciated because these islands of greenery and fragrant blooming oases around the hotels stand in stark contrast to the surrounding desert landscape.
Creating such oases in the desert is not only a lot of work, but also a great art!

The appearance of the local desert has hardly changed since biblical times. It is very dry here for a large period of the year, so it is not easy for people, plants, and animals to survive in such conditions. Desert vegetation is sparse: thorny plants predominate, acacia most often grows from trees. And near reservoirs or wells unexpectedly there are bushes of succulents...

Green world oasis

The vegetation of the oases is always lush and fresh. And in the architectural design of the resort, a bizarre combination of modern and ancient traditions surprises. The local natural landscape is unusual, where rocks meet coral reefs, and the desert ends abruptly near the sea, alternating with green oases of elegant hotels.

As in former times, so now beauty and usefulness are inseparable. Everything here is built on a wonderful rule: the true purpose of an ornamental garden is to serve human health. Therefore, the colorful world of oases serves to delight vacationers, strengthen their bodies and wonderfully fill their souls.
We are pleased with the abundance and variety of plants, the professionalism of plant compositions and the skillful combination of flowers, ornamental or flowering shrubs and vines, horticultural crops, palm trees, spices, fragrant herbs and medicinal plants. Exotic representatives of the flora are correctly inscribed in the local vegetation.

The vegetative design of the resort is based on the centuries-old traditions of local plant lovers and modern landscape design technologies. It has been successfully created and maintained in at its best in hot and dry climates, in conditions of constant lack of moisture!

Indoor plants in nature

Many representatives of the Egyptian flora in countries with cold winters are grown as pot crops. They are familiar to us as the so-called indoor plants. Therefore, it was doubly interesting for me to meet them in the Egyptian oases.

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