Ossetia city attractions. Sights of North Ossetia. Cultural tourism. Holidays in the mountains of Ossetia

The republic will delight you with amazing landscapes - majestic mountains, beautiful gorges, crystal air, fast mountain rivers, and mineral springs. These are the local residents, who are famous for their hospitality, Ossetian cuisine and Ossetian toast. And the abundance and variety of historical and cultural monuments will pleasantly surprise you! While relaxing here, you will enjoy the amazing climate and visit the very heart of the Caucasus.

1. Kel volcanic plateau

This is a real find for an experienced tourist and traveler. The picturesque plateau is a zone of extinct volcanoes and volcanic lakes; it is located in the valley of the Ksan River at an altitude of 2600-3000 meters above sea level. Here you will see a landscape unique to the Caucasus and beautiful views. The main attraction of the plateau is Lake Kelskoe, its length is 1.7 km, its depth is 75 meters, and the height of the volcanic lake is 2925 m above sea level. Most of the time the lake is covered with ice, so to enjoy its true beauty, best time for his visit - August. As you ascend to the lake, you will be able to admire the mesmerizing views, and you may also notice that the water of Lake Kehl changes color. Today the plateau has become a popular tourist route, as it is excellent for mountain climbs of low and medium difficulty categories.

© Sputnik / Atsamaz Tedeev

2. Mount Halatsa

What climber doesn't love mountains? Halaca attracts mountain lovers from all over the world. This is the most high peak in the Republic of South Ossetia. The height of the snow beauty is 3938 meters, it adorns the Main Caucasus Range and is located on the very border of the South and North Ossetia. The name of the mountain is translated from Ossetian as “covered with frost.” The top of the mountain is covered with eternal snow; these glaciers feed the Ardona (the left tributary of the Terek) and Jodzhora rivers. Every year mountain lovers try to conquer this peak.

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3. Kudar Gorge. Lake Ertso

Kudara Gorge or Kudaro is a gorge in the South Caucasus, located in the Dzau region South Ossetia. This is the highest mountainous region of the republic. There are picturesque gorges, mountain rivers, waterfalls and one of the most beautiful lakes - Ertso. The beauty of the lake will delight any traveler who loves ecotourism, but the reservoir became famous not for its picturesqueness, but for the fact that it abnormally disappears every 5-6 years. This is associated with the presence of underground caves. For this anomaly, Erzo was nicknamed the ghost lake. Height above sea level is 1711 meters. The lake is unique; it is the largest karst lake in the Caucasus.

4. Tskhinvali

The capital of the Republic of South Ossetia is old City, famous for its ancient architectural monuments. There are a large number of temples and churches in the city; Tskhinvali was called the city of 37 temples. Translated, Tskhinvali means “the habitat of the highest caste of priests.” Not visiting Tskhinvali, its restaurants and not trying Ossetian pies, Ossetian cheese and Ossetian drinks means not visiting South Ossetia.

5. Tira Monastery

This is an Orthodox monastery in the Tskhinvali region of South Ossetia, literally a 15-minute drive from Tskhinvali. Official name: Tirsky Bogoroditsko-Nativity Monastery. The monastery is located in a very picturesque place. It is located on the side of a mountain, and to get there you need to go down a small stone staircase to admire the truly great Byzantine-style buildings. The Tira Monastery is a real relic of South Ossetia and is a must-visit.

© Sputnik / Ada Bagian

The Trans-Caucasus Highway is the only route that connects the capitals of North and South Ossetia. For tourists, this route to South Ossetia may seem attractive and interesting. There's a lot to see here. These are mountains with their snow caps, and various caves, and ancient fortresses and buildings of past centuries. There are many bushes and trees here, and all this creates incredible landscapes. The path from Tskhinvali to Vladikavkaz is only 170 kilometers - this distance is called a journey along the “road of life”.

© Sputnik / Natalya Airiyan

7. Source "Bagiata"

South Ossetia is famous for its mineral springs. In Soviet times, there were many sanatoriums and various recreation centers. Today, mineral springs are no longer in great demand among tourists, but they are also useful. Each gorge has its own springs, differing in their chemical composition. One of the most famous mineral springs in South Ossetia it is considered "Bagiata". The source itself resembles a small volcano, because it waves waves directly from the ground. The source is located on the road from the border checkpoint to Tskhinvali. Healing water removes any stones from the body; its saturation with minerals is confirmed by the stones painted nearby in bright red.

© Sputnik / Alexey Kovalev

8. Goat Lake

This is unique Mountain Lake, one of the most beautiful places in South Ossetia. On the way to the lake you will see many beautiful scenery. The lake is located near the town of Kvaisa, Dzau region. Koz is the only lake formed as a result of deep tectonic processes that blocked the natural flow of the hydrological system of the Kedy-Koma-Don River. The river, having no flow, formed a mountain lake with an inflowing and outflowing river.

© Sputnik / Petr Gassiev

9. South Ossetian State Reserve

The reserve can be called the ecological museum of South Ossetia; its flora and fauna are amazing in diversity. It was formed in 1977, and is located about two hours from Tskhinvali, on the southern slopes of the Bolshoi Caucasian ridge. Area 6804 hectares. The territory of the reserve is located at an altitude of 1200 to 2300 m above sea level. The terrain is mountainous and very complex, with many different gorges. The reserve is famous relict forests, and a large number of lakes and reservoirs. Among relict rocks In the park, Imeretian buckthorn, alpine oak, chestnut and boxwood are distinguished. The park also contains rare herbal plants, such as Robert's geranium or sweet woodruff. The fauna of the park is rich in mammals. Here you can meet roe deer, Caucasian deer, as well as predatory animals: brown bear and steppe wolf. In addition, the Caucasian black grouse, mountain partridge, snowcock and many others build their nest in the park.

© Sputnik / Natalya Airiyan

10. Zyldy Masig Fortress

Zyldy Masyg is an architectural monument of antiquity, translated from the Ossetian language means “Round Tower”. This amazing place served defensive structure. The fortress is located in the upper reaches of the Urs-Tualta gorge in the Dzau region of South Ossetia. For several centuries, the fortress served as a refuge for the local population; its walls were made of huge uncut stones and reached 5 meters in places. Now all that remains of it are ruins. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to climb them and enjoy the beautiful mountain air. In general, there are plenty of fortresses and temples in South Ossetia, but many of them require urgent restoration, otherwise they will become history only in memory or on paper...

© Sputnik / Ada Bagian

The material is compiled from open sources.

Ossetian history is deeply rooted in the past. Mysterious and beautiful, secret and vast Ossetia attracts many tourists from all over the world. What attracts vacationers so much? What sights of North Ossetia deserve special attention? We will find out this in our article.


This is one of the most famous attractions of North Ossetia. The height of Mount Kazbek is 5033 meters. It is located on the border with the Russian Federation and Georgia. The beauty of Kazbek attracts many tourists and novice climbers.

One Georgian legend tells that once Prometheus (Pharmat), who was a giant (nart), was chained to a mountain. Once upon a time he stole fire for people. For this, the gods became very angry with him and chained him to the mountain with iron chains. But the punishment did not end there. Every day a bird named Hoopoe would fly to him and peck at his heart. This is such a beautiful and tragic legend.

Kazbek is dormant volcano, which, according to scientists, last erupted around 4000 BC. e.

The mountain was first conquered by the English climber Freshfeld in 1868. And 21 years later, in that very place, the Russians planted a flag, which is clearly visible from Vladikavkaz.

What do experienced climbers say?

There will be no particular difficulties when climbing Kazbek. There are two routes, and both of them are beautiful and attractive in their own way. The first is laid through the north, the second through the south (Georgia). According to experienced climbers, Kazbek - great option for beginners mountain peaks. Positive qualities for beginners are more stable weather and rapid acclimatization.

But don’t think that this mountain is so harmless. It is known that many years of sleep did not prevent the tragedy from happening in the Karmadon Gorge (this terrible incident claimed the lives of 130 people, including the film crew, which included the famous Russian actor Sergei Bodrov). As scientists have found out, the tragedy took place due to the fault of the Kolka glacier that came down from its place.

However, many come here not only to conquer the peak of Kazbek, but also to enjoy the natural beauties that are hidden on the territory of this mysterious mountain.

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What can you see in Kazbek?

At an altitude of 4 km there is an ancient monastery called Betlemi. This cave was discovered in 1947 by mountaineer Levan Sudzhashvili.

It is worth noting the fact that archaeologists who later explored Betlemi discovered there a priceless church banner from the 10th-11th centuries, a high cross, coins from the 15th-17th centuries, a bronze candlestick, as well as monastic cells, a stone pillar and graves without names or inscriptions. Later, archaeologists and researchers concluded that the monks who previously lived here hid jewelry and valuables.

It should also be remembered that people suffering from high blood pressure should not climb to the very top, otherwise they may experience discomfort and dizziness.

The sights of North Ossetia do not end there; there will be many more interesting things to come.

North Ossetian State Reserve

The reserve is located on the northern slope of the eastern part of the Central Caucasus. The area of ​​these beauties is 30 hectares. The North Ossetian Nature Reserve was created in 1967 on the territory of the Tseysky Republican Nature Reserve in order to preserve certain species of animals and plants.


North Ossetia-Alania is famous for its diversity of flora and fauna. Thus, about 1,500 aurochs live on the territory of the North Ossetian Nature Reserve. In the forests (and they occupy about a third of the entire territory) live roe deer and wild boars, the number of which is only 60 individuals. Bison also live on the territory of the reserve, mainly in deciduous forests. They were resettled in the 60s. Now there are more than 200 individuals there.

The main representatives of the reserve's fauna are bears. There are about 35 of them. The jackal is also found in this area (in the Unal Basin), but quite rarely. On the territory of the reserve you can see forest cat, marten, raccoon dog, American mink, brown hare and squirrel.

Among the birds, it is worth noting the black stork, song thrush, blackbird, wren, robin, buzzard, wood pigeon, eagle owl, crow, jay, gray owl, great lentil (lives in the mountains), as well as several species of tits and woodpeckers.

What else is North Ossetia rich in? The territory of this region, in particular the North Ossetian Nature Reserve, contains about 200 species of insects. Among them we can highlight the steppe racket, Caucasian ground beetle, fragrant beetle, and variegated ascalafus, which are listed in the Red Book. Here you can also watch the tarantula, praying mantis, phalanx and other species of invertebrates.

What to see in the reserve?

The sights of North Ossetia, in particular the North Ossetian Nature Reserve, are numerous. Among them we can highlight the second largest in the region karst cave called Shubi-Nykhasskaya. The walls of the cave are covered with stalagmites and stalactites (they grow very slowly - thousands of years). And bats listed in the Red Book live there.

It will be quite interesting to look at the cave towns, the Mesolithic site of Shau-Lagat, various historical and archaeological monuments, catacomb burial grounds, etc.

Traveling along the routes of the reserve, you can see the 12th century church, the Tseysky and Skazsky glaciers, watch the life of animals and birds, etc.

Sights of North Ossetia: City of the Dead

This place consists of 99 crypts located on 4 floors. The buildings here are partially dug into the ground, and there are also above-ground ones with a gable or pyramidal roof.

According to some historical references, this village was created during the outbreak of the plague epidemic. In those days, a family that was struck down by a terrible disease locked itself in one of the crypts and quietly awaited its fate.

Few people know that in those days, getting into the crypt was considered a rather expensive pleasure among the Ossetians, so only a few could afford to die in this type of room.

In this city, to this day there is a terrible legend that those who disturb the peace of their dead ancestors can pay with their lives. However, despite this, many tourists still come to scary place to see the crypts that still smell of death and pain of the dead Ossetians.

It should be noted that, of course, not everything is resolved, and only during daylight hours. Indeed, previously this was a completely justified rumor, because it is unknown how long harmful bacteria could survive in the walls of the crypts. But today all the premises have been studied and explored in detail. Therefore, at the moment we can say with confidence that the crypts are absolutely harmless to visit.

This landmark of North Ossetia to this day excites the consciousness of tourists who have visited there, because it is quite difficult to convey the emotions that you experience when looking at the crypts where innocent people once died painfully.

It should also be noted that on the territory of the City of the Dead there is the largest tower in Ossetia, named after the Mansurovs.

Only North Ossetia-Alania can boast of so many wonders and mysteries, such a variety of flora and fauna. Numerous attractions, architectural monuments, a huge number of caves, historically significant buildings and stunning beautiful nature fascinate every person who arrives in this region. Having visited North Ossetia at least once, you will want to come back here again and again, because such miracles are rarely seen anywhere.

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Architectural sights of Vladikavkaz

Almost every city has its own “corner of history”: ancient narrow streets, small avenues paved by hand with paving stones, unique buildings.

The first buildings in Vladikavkaz, which performed a defensive function, were erected in 1784. In the historical zone of the main city of North Ossetia, about 250 architectural buildings have been preserved, of which 13 have the status of “monument” federal significance».

Architectural complexes of Vladikavkaz

Memorial complex in honor of the founding of the capital. The main objects of the complex are the reconstruction of the first battle tower and the bronze figure of the founder of the first village, Dzaug Bugulov. In one hand the hero has a staff, the other hand indicates on the map the area where the administrative center of North Ossetia will appear in the future.

A complex of buildings near the Children's World. It was here that city life flourished in past centuries. In addition to various factories and factories, the area was actively developed residential buildings. To meet your needs local residents shops and other retail outlets appeared here. Despite the different architectural solutions, the buildings were harmoniously combined with each other, forming a single style.

Palace of Baron Steingel. This is a unique two-story complex, made in the Gothic style. Tall oval windows, wrought-iron balconies, and quadrangular carved towers give the building the appearance of a miniature castle.

Hotel complex "Imperial". The building was built in the twentieth century and consisted of three tiers: the first was used as premises for the San Remo restaurant, the second and third contained rooms for visitors. In the restaurant you could not only eat, but also play billiards and listen to live symphonic music. Today the Imperial has changed, but continues to be one of the most prestigious hotels in Vladikavkaz.

Key architectural monuments

Mukhtarov Mosque. An architectural monument in the city center with a hundred-year history. The initiator of the creation of the mosque was Murtuz-Aga Mukhtarov, who, together with other parishioners, raised funds and turned to the Polish architect Joseph Ploshko. The building was built in the style of ancient Cairo mosques. The maximum height of the minarets is 33 meters. In 1934, they wanted to destroy the building, but Red Army soldiers from the Tatar company came to its defense.

Monument to Kosta Khetagurov. With a bronze sculpture, Vladikavkaz residents immortalized the memory of the founder of Ossetian culture, the famous poet, sculptor and painter - Kosta Khetagurov.

Beautiful places and attractions of North Ossetia

The monument was erected at the entrance to the park of the same name in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the artist.

Crosses Khachkar. Memorial crosses are located in the Church of Gregory the Illuminator. These crosses are a monument to the victims of the Armenian genocide.

Original architectural solutions

Monument to St. George the Victorious. The sculpture impresses primarily with its unusual location. It is installed at a height of 22 meters above the ground. It seems as if the hero jumped out of the mountain on a horse and froze in the air. The weight of the monument exceeds 2 tons. The bronze cloak of St. George the Victorious is securely attached to the rock.

"Grandfather and grandson." Sculptural composition in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure. Grandfather and grandson wrestling in their arms symbolize two generations whose strengths are equal. It is noteworthy that the age of the grandson cannot be determined: some believe that the young man is no more than 18 years old, while others think that he is a completely mature man of 30 years old.

Children's Railway. The ideological inspirer of the creation of a children's railway in Vladikavkaz was the famous cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. The 2-kilometer closed railway track opened in the fall of 1967. Full control of the train was carried out by young railway apprentices. Now the railway continues its work, the rolling stock runs between two stations: “Eternal Flame” and “Water Station”.

Where eagles soar (Guide to North Ossetia)
Year: 1967
Author: Agibalova V.V., Beroev B.M.
Genre: Guide
Publisher: North Ossetian Book Publishing House
Russian language
Format: DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Interactive table of contents: No
Number of pages: 219
Description: This book will introduce you to the nature of the mountainous part of North Ossetia, life and economic activity population, its historical past. In it you will find a description of some of the most interesting tourist routes in the mountains of North Ossetia. Several routes partially cover the territory of the republics neighboring Ossetia - the Georgian SSR and the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since they are a direct continuation of the routes of North Ossetia.
The source for writing this book was the materials collected by the authors during their travels in the mountains of the Central Caucasus. Some of the routes are written in the form of travel essays, for which the diaries of one of the authors of the book, V.V. Agibalova, who took part in the glaciological expedition of the Kharkov State University to study the glaciers of the Caucasus in 1957-1962, were used.)
The book is intended for tourists, guides, geographers, students and anyone who wishes to spend their holidays in the Caucasus Mountains.
The authors hope that these essays will help the reader to some extent imagine all the diversity and grandeur of the nature of North Ossetia and will make him want to visit there himself. Other books on this topic:
Kusov G.I. Vladikavkaz is known and unknown.
Beroev B.M. Tsey (Essay on the Tsey Gorge of North Ossetia).
Beroev B.M. In North Ossetia.
Beroev B.M. The one who walks will master the road.
Kusov G.I. Unknown Ossetia.
Ponomarev S.V., Bednov B.V. Tepli, Dzhimarai, Kazbek.
Levkovsky Yu.V. In the middle mountains of North Ossetia.
Beroev B.M. From Kazbek to Elbrus.
Agibalova V.V. etc. Along the Digorsky gorge.
Agibalova V.V., Zhdanov G.V., Ivanov V.D. With a backpack according to Sugan.
Grigorovich S. F., Grigorovich V. S. According to Karmadon. Geographical sketch of the Karmadon resort.
Totoonov B.A. Resort "Tamisk".
Chamokova E.F., Budun A.S. Resorts and healing areas of North Ossetia.
Kusov G.I. I want to entrust you with a secret (Local history essays).
Kusov G.I.

Sights of North Ossetia. Cultural tourism

Search for a local historian.
Khamitsaeva T.A. Up the Iraf.

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (North Ossetia, Osset. Republic of Tsægat Iryston - Alani what does it sound like (inf.)) - a republic consisting of Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the North Caucasus Federal District.

The capital is the city of Vladikavkaz.

It borders: in the west - with Kabardino-Balkaria, in the north - with the Stavropol Territory, in the east - with Ingushetia and Chechnya, in the south - with Georgia and South Ossetia.


Geographical position

The republic is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus.

Of the total territory, 4121 sq km are occupied by lowlands and plains, the share of the mountainous strip is slightly less than half. In the north there is the Stavropol Plain, to the south there are the Tersky and Sunzhensky ranges, in the central part there is the Ossetian inclined plain. In the south is the Main, or Watershed, ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Highest point- Mount Kazbek 5033 m. In the mountainous part of the republic, north of the Main Range, four large ridges run parallel: Bokovoy, Skalisty, Pastbishchny and Lesisty. The ridges are cut by gorges, the main of which are Daryalskoe, Karmadonskoe (Genaldonskoe), Kurtatinskoe, Kassarskoe, Alagirskoe and Digorskoe.

Geological structure and minerals

At the beginning of the Quaternary period, powerful mountain-building processes took place on the territory of the Caucasus (and the territory of present-day North Ossetia in particular), as a result of which numerous folds, troughs and depressions appeared. Then external forces (primarily rivers) played a major role in relief formation, which cut the mountain folds and created transverse valleys (valleys of the Terek, Ardon, Gizeldon, Fiagdon rivers).

Minerals: polymetallic ores containing zinc, lead, copper, silver, dolomite, springs mineral waters. Oil reserves have been explored, preparations are underway for the exploitation of promising fields


Mineral lake in the Ardon River gorge

Many rivers flow through the territory of North Ossetia.

The main river of North Ossetia is the Terek, which originates outside the republic, in the glaciers of Mount Zilga-xox at an altitude of 2713 m and has a length of approximately 600 km (including 110 km on the territory of North Ossetia). The Terek has many tributaries, of which the largest are Urukh (104 km), Ardon (101 km), Kambileevka (99 km), Gizeldon (81 km), etc.

Terek, Urukh, and the sources of the Ardon originate in the mountains and are fed by glaciers. These rivers belong to the mountain group. The foothill rivers include Kambileevka and Sunzha, which have a mixed supply: groundwater, rain and snow. They have spring floods; in autumn and winter their flow is significantly reduced. In winter, they, like mountain rivers, do not freeze due to the rapid current, although their current is less rapid than that of mountain rivers.

The most significant glaciers include the Karaugomsky glacier (35 sq. km.), Maili (22 sq. km.) and Tseysky (18 sq. km.).


Alagirskoe (“Ardon”) gorge. Route from Alagir to Tseyskoye Gorge

The soil cover is very diverse: mountain meadow soils, chernozems of various types, etc.

In the north and northeast, the driest part of the republic (Mozdok steppes), chestnut soils with a brown tint and a sufficient amount of nutrients are common. The rest of the territory is mainly covered with chernozems.

In the north and northeast of the Ossetian inclined plain, carbonate chernozems predominate, containing significant accumulations of calcium carbonate. In the south of the plain, the amount of precipitation increases and here the main place is occupied by slightly leached and leached chernozems.

In the central part of the plain, the groundwater table is close to the surface, and meadow, meadow-bog and alluvial soils predominate here.

In the mountains covered with broad-leaved forests, forest soils predominate. Their peculiarity is their brown color, lumpy structure and moderate humus content.

Ropeway in the Tseysky Gorge

In the zone of subalpine and alpine vegetation, mountain meadow soils predominate, having a low thickness, high humus content in upper layers and significant acidity and moisture.

The most fertile soils in North Ossetia are the chernozems of the Siltanuk Upland in the Digori region, which have good structure and a high humus content.

Large areas are occupied by forest podzolized and meadow-swamp podzolized soils, which are infertile due to insufficiently good structure, small amount of humus, swampiness, and high acidity.


The flora is represented by a rich variety of herbs: from steppe vegetation to subalpine and alpine meadows. Forests cover 22% of the total area of ​​the republic; broad-leaved forests dominate with beech (61% of the forested area); Hornbeam, linden, alder, ash, maple, oak, many wild fruit trees and shrubs also grow, and in the intermountain basins there are pine and birch forests.

Animal world

Diverse animal world: in addition to representatives of the “indigenous” fauna of the republic (tur, chamois, forest cat, lynx, wild boar, roe deer, bear, wolf, fox, brown hare, black grouse, etc.), yak, deer, Altai squirrel, raccoon dog are acclimatized , bison and leopard. In the upper reaches of the Tsey, Ardon and Fiagdon rivers there is the state North Ossetian Nature Reserve.


Ancient history

Since the 1st millennium BC, the Koban culture has been widespread in the territory of modern North Ossetia, which received its name from the settlement of Koban (North Ossetia), where the most ancient archaeological monuments were found.

Middle Ages

In the 1st century AD, the Sarmatians of South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia united under a new name - Alans.

In the 9th century, a strong Alan state was formed, which included the territories of the Central Caucasus and the Cis-Caucasian Plain.

In the 12th century, Alanya entered an era of feudal fragmentation and was actually divided into warring principalities. In 1238, the Mongols began their conquest of Alanya. The flat part of Alanya was devastated and plundered, and the cities were burned. In 1395-1400, Timur's army finally defeated and almost completely destroyed the Alans. The remnants of the population took refuge in mountainous areas, where, judging by linguistic data, they mixed with the local population of another language family. However, long-term data archaeological excavations claim the opposite, since they prove the presence of Alans in the gorges of the Caucasus from the 6th century AD. e. In addition, there is an alternative hypothesis about the Indo-European origin of the local substrate [source not specified 168 days] .

Joining the Russian Empire

The North Ossetian territories were among the first in the North Caucasus to be annexed to Russian Empire in 1774, South part Ossetia was annexed in 1801 along with Eastern Georgia. Vladikavkaz became the first Russian fortress in the region (founded in 1784). In the 19th century there was a massive resettlement of Ossetians from the mountains to the plain and in the vicinity of Mozdok [source not specified 21 days] . Thousands of Ossetians served as volunteers in the Russian Imperial Army and took part in all of Russia's wars since joining the empire. Several dozen Ossetians became officers, including more than 40 generals. [source not specified 21 days] Most of the Ossetian military fought on the side of the White movement during the Civil War.

In 1921, Ossetia became part of the Mountain Soviet Republic, received the status of an autonomous region in 1924 and in 1936 was transformed into the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place on the territory of the republic; most of the north and west of North Ossetia was occupied by the 1st Tank Army of General Kleist. The troops of the Northern Group of Forces fought against them. From November 6 to 11, 1942, during the Nalchik defensive operation of the 37th Army of the Northern Group of Forces against Army Group A, German troops were stopped on the approaches to Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz).

During the Great Patriotic War, the territories of the deported Ingush were annexed to North Ossetia, and the deserted settlements Ossetians were resettled from North Ossetia, as well as from the South Ossetian Autonomous Region and the interior regions of Georgia. The Ingush who returned in the 1950s were given back part of the territory, and in return for the Prigorodny region that remained in the SOASSR, at that time the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was given the lands of the Stavropol Territory, where they settled not the Ingush, but the Chechens from the mountainous regions of Chechnya.

As part of the Russian Federation

In 1992, due to territorial disputes between Ossetians and Ingush, an armed conflict broke out. As of 2015, the situation in the region has not been completely resolved.

The conflict between Russia and separatist-minded Chechnya in the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century became the reason for the commission of several major terrorist acts on the territory of North Ossetia, which can be considered, firstly, as revenge on Russian military personnel (many administrative bodies of the Russian military are located on the territory of the republic). armies, airfields and rear bases involved in the fighting in Chechnya), secondly, as revenge on the patriotically (pro-Russian) population of North Ossetia, and thirdly, as an attempt to inflate the sluggish Ossetian-Ingush conflict and divert the attention of the federal center from Chechnya.

Particularly monstrous in its inhumanity and the number of innocent victims was the seizure of over 1,100 hostages in the building of school No. 1 in Beslan on September 1, 2004 by a gang of terrorists. As a result of the terrorist attack, 334 people died, of which 186 were children. Over 800 people were injured. The terrorist attack led to serious political consequences not only for the republic, but also for Russia as a whole.

State structure

The basic law is the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.

Name of the manager's position

On May 20, 2005, the parliament of North Ossetia amended the republican constitution, providing for the renaming of the post of president of North Ossetia to the post of head of the republic.

The amendments were initiated by the United Russia faction. The idea of ​​abolishing the institution of presidency in North Ossetia was put forward by the secretary of the political council of the republican branch of this party, Taimuraz Mamsurov (who is also the chairman of the parliament of the republic).

The adopted amendment did not apply to the President of North Ossetia, Alexander Dzasokhov, who, before the expiration of his term of office, could be called president (although the practice of calling him “head of the republic” was established before an official decision was made on this issue).

On September 13, 2015, Tamerlan Kimovich Aguzarov was elected Head of the Republic by a majority vote of the Parliament of North Ossetia-Alania.

Science, education and culture


  • Academic Russian Theater named after Vakhtangov (Vladikavkaz)
  • North Ossetian State Academic Theater named after. V. V. Thapsaeva (Vladikavkaz)
  • North Ossetian State Opera and Ballet Theater (Vladikavkaz)
  • Vladikavkaz State Philharmonic (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Theater for Children and Youth “Sabi” (Vladikavkaz)
  • Digorsky State Drama Theater (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Equestrian Theater "Narty" (Vladikavkaz)
  • State Musical Ritual Theater "Arvaidan" (Vladikavkaz)
  • Youth Ossetian theater-studio “Amran” (Vladikavkaz)
  • Youth Russian Theater "Premiere" (Vladikavkaz)
  • Mozdok State Puppet Theater
  • Mozdok Drama Theater
  • Kumyk Drama Theater (Kizlyar village)

National and cultural associations

There are more than a dozen active national and cultural societies in North Ossetia. The main goals of national associations are familiarization with ethnic culture, strengthening interethnic harmony and friendship between the peoples of North Ossetia in particular and Russia in general.


Orthodoxy, traditional Ossetian beliefs and Islam are mainly represented in the republic. According to a large-scale survey by the Sreda research service conducted in 2012, the item “I profess the traditional religion of my ancestors, worship the gods and forces of nature” in North Ossetia was chosen by 29% of respondents - the highest percentage in the Russian Federation (the next one is only 13%). This apparently means that half of them are Ossetians. The item “I profess Orthodoxy and belong to the Russian Orthodox Church” was chosen by 49% of respondents, “I profess Christianity, but do not consider myself a member of any Christian denomination” - 10%, “I do not believe in God” - 3%, “I profess Islam, but am not neither Sunni nor Shiite" - 3%, "I profess Orthodoxy, but I do not belong to the Russian Orthodox Church and am not an Old Believer" - 2%, "I believe in God (in a higher power), but I do not profess a specific religion" - 1%. The rest are less than 1%.


    Fiagdon River

    One of the statues of St. George

    Mass baptism at the Holy Dormition Monastery

Vladikavkaz is located in the picturesque spurs of the main Caucasian ridge, where the Georgian military and Ossetian military roads begin. The city built at their intersection became the key on the way to Transcaucasia. The history of the Vladikavkaz fortress, and now a beautiful and amazing city, is inextricably linked with the history of Ossetia and the entire Ossetian people, going back to the times of the Scythians and Alans. Today's Vladikavkaz is the capital of North Ossetia-Alania.

Sights of Vladikavkaz:

Vladikavkaz residents are very proud of the sights of their city - over sixty architectural and cultural monuments of historical value are taken under state protection.

The most important place among them is the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God. People call it Ossetian. This church is the only building that has survived from the time of the Vladikavkaz fortress. In 2015 it will turn two hundred years old. The revered shrine of the temple is the Icon of the Mother of God of Mozdok. Prominent residents of Vladikavkaz were always buried in the church necropolis. Among them are the great Ossetian poet Kosta Khetagurov, the first mayor of Vladikavkaz Gappo Baev, and linguist Vaso Abaev.

The Apostolic Church of Gregory the Illuminator is located in a picturesque corner of the city - on the embankment, near the Cast Iron (Olginsky) Bridge. This is a functioning Armenian church. From there, on the terraces of the right bank of the Terek, Armenian Street ran. Opposite the church, the house where Evgeny Vakhtangov lived with his family has been preserved. In the courtyard of the church, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, a khachkar was erected. For its consecration, the bishop of the diocese of the South of Russia of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Movses Movsesyan, specially came to Vladikavkaz. This year the church celebrates its 145th anniversary.

The Sunni mosque has always been a source of special pride for Vladikavkaz. It is located in the very center of Vladikavkaz, on the left bank of the Terek, and is one of its symbols. This unique monument of federal significance recently celebrated its centenary. The Sunni mosque was built with the money of the Azerbaijani oil industrialist Murtaza-aga Mukhtarov. Therefore, it is also called the Mukhtarov Mosque. In the thirties of the last century, the city council decided to destroy the mosque. But the commander of the Tatar company of the 84th cavalry regiment, together with his colleagues, took arms in their hands to defend her. The authorities had to give in, and the mosque was given the status of an architectural monument. During Soviet times, it was a branch of the local history museum, in the center of which hung a pendulum, swaying rhythmically from side to side. Now the mosque has been returned to believers.

Mira Avenue, formerly Aleksandrovsky Avenue, is very unique and beautiful. This is the main artery historical center Vladikavkaz. All the houses on the avenue - architectural masterpieces, made in Art Nouveau and eclectic style. Many of them are more than two hundred years old. They are decorated with intricate moldings and unique forged details. There are numerous government, cultural and commercial organizations on Mira Avenue. Among them are museums, restaurants, an arts and crafts store and the Russian Theater.

A pedestrian boulevard runs through the entire Mira Avenue, cutting through it in the middle - a favorite recreation spot for residents and guests of the city. It is very interesting to stroll along the boulevard, looking at ancient buildings, as if in a museum under open air. Comfortable cast-iron benches, shade from perennial trees, cozy atmosphere of the boulevard - everything invites you to sit down and relax.

Far beyond the borders of Ossetia, the Central Park named after. Kosta Khetagurova, located in the center of Vladikavkaz. This is the oldest park in the North Caucasus. Its fame was brought by exotic plants, the special atmosphere of shady alleys and bicycle paths, which are covered with yellow sand, deep ponds with swans and wild birds living on them, fabulous architecture and mysterious grottoes. Entertainment in the park is provided for both children and adults. Here you can drive on a race track, take an exciting trip on a Ferris wheel, shoot at a shooting range, test your strength on attractions, and also ride a catamaran on the water surface of ponds.

Museum lovers will also not be bored in Vladikavkaz. Guests of the city are recommended to visit the Museum of History and Local Lore, which clearly demonstrates the history of the Ossetian people, their way of life and customs. In the Art Museum you can see exhibitions of paintings by both local painters and artists from all over Russia. The Museum of Ossetian Literature will tell visitors about the emergence of writing among the Ossetians, about its great poet Kosta Khetagurov and the development of literature in the republic.

The city is also rich in theatrical traditions. Founded by Yevgeny Vakhtangov, and named after him, the Russian Theater, as well as the North Ossetian Academic Theater named after. V. Thapsaev, worthy of the attention of tourists. Excellent acting troupes and a rich repertoire will not leave theater lovers indifferent. The city has an opera and ballet theater, a theater for children and youth, and even its own philharmonic society.

Holidays in the mountains of Ossetia:

Perhaps there are few places in the world that can compare in beauty with the mountains of Ossetia. In the morning, looking out the window, you can tirelessly admire their majestic beauty.

Having driven only some 15 - 20 km from Vladikavkaz, you find yourself in a real mountain kingdom. People who come to these places for the first time cannot speak with delight. And what can I say if words cannot describe this beauty? You just need to see her.

These magnificent slopes, rocks hanging over the roads, rumbling between the crevices of the mountains, with their waters, the Terek. And springs with the purest water flowing right along the route. It’s incredibly easy to breathe here – the mountain air is filled with the aromas of herbs and forests located on the mountain slopes. In the forests you will find berries and mushrooms, as well as a large number of medicinal herbs.

Ossetia has its own mountaineering camp, located high in the mountains - this is Tsey. Holidays in these places deserve attention - admire nature, breathe clean mountain air, drink delicious spring water. And all this among pristine mountains.

The Tsey mountaineering camp is located at an altitude of 2000 meters. The campsite offers a magnificent view. Stands away from the camp majestic mountain Monk. In the vicinity of Tsey you will find the Ancient Ossetian Sanctuary of Rekom. In the summer, mountaineering groups leave the camp and go to the Skazka glacier. You can watch it and more in a simple way- on a lift. Another famous glacier in the gorge is Tseysky. It is located eight kilometers from the base.

Prices in Ossetia:

A taxi in Ossetia costs ridiculous money - from 50 rubles. Public transport It won't ruin you at all. Prices for food and entertainment are also very affordable. There are few hotels in Vladikavkaz, but the prices will pleasantly surprise you. The best are "Intourist" and "Kadgaron". In a word, for tourists here it is simply a haven. For little money, in Ossetia you will get an unforgettable and vivid experience.

When going to Vladikavkaz, you should take into account that the norms and rules of behavior there are somewhat different from those generally accepted in Europe and are more typical for the countries of the Middle East, which, in fact, is North Ossetia. You can find out a little more about it from our article.

The Tseyskoye Gorge is a land of magical beauty - majestic snowy peaks and glaciers, stormy and swift mountain rivers, foamy waterfalls, protected forests and alpine meadows. Thanks to such exceptional natural conditions, Tsey is a hub for hiking, mountaineering, skiing and excursion routes of varying complexity. People of various ages and professions come here from the most remote corners of Russia, the CIS countries and abroad to see with their own eyes and enjoy the beauty and grandeur of this pearl in the depths of the mountains of North Ossetia. In the Tseysky Gorge there is one of the most famous historical monuments North Ossetia - ancient Alan sanctuary Rekom. The entire Tseyskoye Gorge is a state reserve, and the figure of the patron, Afsati, at the entrance symbolizes protection and patronage for everything living in this beautiful corner of the Caucasus.

From the city of Alagir, the Ossetian Military Road leads along the wide floodplain of the left bank of the Ardona River, among the mountains of the Lesisty Range. Approximately 8 kilometers from the outskirts of Alagir, on the right in the direction of travel, an extraordinary sculptural composition attracts attention. This is Nykhas Uastirdzhi, as they call him in North Ossetia. This place is a dzuar - a holy place. The sculpture is attached to the rock and weighs 28 tons!
Uastirdzhi is the patron saint of men, travelers and warriors. A deity that was similar in its functions to Saint George, who is also revered in Christianity as the patron saint of warriors, travelers and men. In the Nart epic, Uastirdzhi is described as a celestial being, depicted as a formidable warrior on a white horse, wearing a white burka. It is believed that Uastirdzhi constantly carries weapons with him. Descending to earth, he checks people to see if they help each other in need and grief.

HE appears among people in the guise of a beggar. Women were afraid to pronounce the name Uastirdzhi and spoke about him allegorically “lagty dzuar” - “god of men.” They did not even have the right to participate in the festivities held in honor of Uastirdzhi. He is considered the enemy of thieves, swindlers, oathbreakers, murderers; HE is the patron of honest, noble people.

on the way to Tsey..
mountains of the Alagir Gorge

On the way to Tsey we were “greeted” by Comrade Stalin himself

Tseydon River

Valley of the Skazdon River. Hard midday light...

Tseydon River

Mount "Monk"
Mount Monk is the motionless and stern guardian of Tsei. It is similar in shape to skufia (a round velvet cap, the headdress of Orthodox monks). Mount Monk is a spur of the Azish-Tau ridge, towering 500 meters above the surrounding landscape. Its cliff below is covered with screes and overgrown with broad-leaved forest, and at the top it is bare. From a distance, the reddish rocks resemble a human face. The name of the mountain is associated with a legend that tells that a monk once lived on its peak and in a small cave. According to legend, the monk, supposedly trying to atone for his sins, wanted to carve a figure of a saint into the rock, but was only able to make one head. And now you can see the old man’s high cheekbones and frowning face above. The slanted eyes look out from under their brows, a massive flattened nose protrudes sharply, and the mouth is tightly clenched. Thick hair is tousled above the low forehead, and there is a white bald spot on the top of the head.
The image of the face is not the work of a person, but the result of the action of water and wind in tiled sandstones. The top of the mountain is flat, it rises 1058.3 m above sea level, composed of platy sandstones. At the top of the mountain there is a cave about 3 m wide and 7 m long. In the upper part of the mountain there is a cave 8 meters long, and at the top several mound dolmens have been preserved.
mountain height 2990
another portrait on a stone (I don’t know whose portrait it is, but it looks like Issa Pliev)
path along the cliff leading to the holy place "Rekom"
Sanctuary "Rekom"
The well-known Ossetian sanctuary Rekom is located in the depths of the Tseysky gorge (the southwestern branch of the Alagirsky gorge), 9 km along the high mountain road from the village Buron, at an altitude of 1946 m above sea level.
Rekom (Oset. Rekom) is a character in the Nart epic and Ossetian mythology, a fertility deity, one of three, besides Mykalgabyrt and Tarangeloz, Ossetian sanctuaries. Recom was asked to send a rich harvest, successful haymaking and hunting. Rekom was a multifunctional deity, except for requests related to agriculture, they turned to him for healing from illnesses and protection from evil forces. The cult of veneration of Rekom was widespread in the Alagir Gorge and a holiday dedicated to Rekom was celebrated in July. During this holiday, which lasted a whole week, Rekom sacrificed numerous livestock. Only men could be present at the sacrifice, because the Rekom sanctuary was the center of the cult of Uastirdzhi, who was the patron saint of men.
According to the Ossetian Nart epic, at the place where one of the three tears of God fell, shed over the death of the Nart Batradz, the Rekoma sanctuary was formed, called in Ossetian Rekoma dzuar or Rekoma Uastirdzhi.
On the side of the entrance to the Recom, wide boards like shelves are fixed along the wall. On them there are a large number of heads of sacrificial animals, deer antlers, ram and aurochs skulls and just bones.
"floating heart"
Tourist base "Goryanka", or rather all that remains of it..
located near the current emergency response team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations near Mount "Monk". you can see what this base looked like before it was abandoned - www.travelvlad.com/7835660655/3871441288
the sweet pollen of summer still attracts butterflies
Skazdon Valley
Mountains of the Tsey Gorge.

View from the bed of the Skazdon river
Alpine camp "Tsey"

Alpine camp "Tsey"
mountains of the Skazdon gorge. Filmed during the cable car ride up
Skazdon river. Filmed during the cable car ride up

Climbing the Green Hill
cannon for forced release of avalanches in winter

a group of young girls walked along the paths of the Skazdon Gorge as if along Vladikavkazsky Prospekt after class, there were no adults with them :)
Skazskaya Dolina

The lower part of the "tongue" of the Skaz glacier

Jurassic Valley) ..shadows falling on the mountains excite the imagination)
endless road up... Such winding roads are encountered on the way to amazing a nice place North Ossetia - Tsey
and there’s a party on Olympus again))
Afsati (Ossetian Æfsati) - in Ossetian mythology and Nart epic, the deity of wild animals, the patron of hunters, a celestial being. Afsati is one of the most revered deities in the Ossetian pantheon. Afsati, being the patron of wild animals, which were called "Afsati cattle", especially patronized deer and wild boars. Afsati is depicted as a one-eyed old man with a white beard, sitting on high mountain Adai-Khokh, where he lived. From this mountain he carefully observed his numerous wild animals. Despite the fact that Afsati was one-eyed, he kept a vigilant eye on his pets and severely punished those who violated his decrees and laws. One of the laws established by Afsati was that every hunter to whom he gave an animal during a hunt had to share with the first person from his village a part of the carcass of the hunted animal.

The way back home... there are about a hundred kilometers left to travel, the mood is amazing, there are a lot of impressions. I'm already dreaming about a new trip :)