State flag of Ukraine: tales of an inverted banner. Ukrainian flags. What do the colors of the Ukrainian flag symbolize? What's with the silver

Back in 1918, two different flags emerged in the young Ukrainian state. The first was yellow-blue, and the second inverted blue-yellow. After the overthrow of the Central Rada by the Russian monarchist Skoropadsky, the inverted flag was legalized as a symbol of his own struggle.

This was the state flag of Ukraine - two stripes of blue and yellow.

State flag of Ukraine: mystical symbolism

In general, everything that has a golden, yellow color can symbolize the Creator, God the Father, or something higher, spiritual. The blue color speaks of everything earthly, as well as the freedom of choice that the Creator endowed his Children with the hope that there will be no abuse on their part.

The interpretation of the blue of the sky and the golden ears, which has been adopted today, is not simple primitivism, it is another attempt at the triumph of global evil.

What does the flag of Ukraine mean

Some experts believe that in reality the color of the Ukrainian flag from time immemorial symbolized the two most important natural elements and human existence - fire (yellow) and water (blue). Thus, a quite logical picture emerges. Only the combination of "yellow - from above, blue - from below" can reflect eternal symmetries, namely the influence of the divine harmonies of these elements in their places of residence. However, if they are placed from head to foot, then this will symbolize the trampling of the world order, a cataclysm in which fire is extinguished with water.

Golden-blue coming of Trypillians

For a long time, different peoples during the battles used a certain symbolism, which was supposed to mark the places of stay of the warriors, as well as raise their morale. Mostly, these were triangular pieces of cloth attached to spears. On the ancient Ukrainian flags in the times of Kievan Rus, Christian saints were originally depicted. Later, unchanging emblems of various territories began to appear, which became the basis for the formed modern national symbols.

Actually, such a golden-blue symbolism was once brought by the people of Trypillia in the era of great migrations of peoples. One part of the settlers left the Northern Black Sea region five thousand years ago and settled in ancient India, where the symbolism has been preserved to this day in its original form. This state is literally all decorated with such combinations of colors. However, there is nowhere to be seen blue dominating yellow.

Banners of the times of Kievan Rus

In the hours of ancient Rus', one of the main attributes in the symbolism, indicating princely power, were banners. Then these were the banners under which the combatants participated in the battles. At the same time, the banners were the symbols of territorial associations. In ancient chronicles, there is evidence that in the days of Vladimir Rus', flags had triangular wedge-like shapes with images of saints or princely symbols.

Mostly the banners were painted red so that they could be well recognized during periods of battle. Sometimes white, blue, yellow, green colors could also be used. It is advisable to remember that red is still considered a fairly popular shade in the heraldic color palette to this day. And this was especially true of the Western and Eastern Slavs living in the territories of Poland, Belarus and Russia.

The national flag of Ukraine in the XIII-XVI centuries

At the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, quadrangular banners appeared at the free ends of spears. In addition, during this period, banners began to be actively made, in which several colors were combined at the same time. In the XIII-XIV centuries, the history of Kievan Rus was characterized by feudal fragmentation. In those days, the princes had their own banners, which were always different from the rest.

Already by the 14th century, the Left-bank Ukraine was largely annexed to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At that time, the Galician lands, together with Volhynia, found themselves under the Polish protectorate, which significantly influenced the heraldry in these primordially Ukrainian territories. Thus, in the symbolism of Central Ukraine, it is possible that it was under the influence of the Poles that white and red colors began to appear. Whereas in the Ukrainian flags of the western regions, yellow-blue colors began to prevail. Lviv, Transcarpathian and Podolsk heraldic symbols began to be painted with these primary colors.

Banners and symbolism of the hetman period

Historically, the Ukrainian flag can span more than one century, if not millennia. Thus, the formation of the modern national symbolism of the state was influenced by traditions. In the Ukrainian Cossacks, the main color was raspberry. Actually, under him, Bogdan Khmelnitsky headed the national liberation movement. In addition, crimson was the main one in the Nezhinsky and Chernihiv regiments. Often on the banners of the Hetmanate, the Archangel Michael was depicted - the heavenly patron of the Zaporizhzhya Army. In addition, blotches of yellow, blue and green colors, as well as depictions of the sun, stars, and animals, could be found on crimson banners.

The history of the Ukrainian flag in the XVIII-XX centuries.

Ukrainian heraldic symbolism began to fill with blue and yellow colors in the 18th century. Their combinations are found in the banners of the Kyiv and Chernigov regiments. In 1771, the Poltava regiment acquired for itself a new banner with the image of a yellow cross on a blue cloth, and in 1848, the Head Rus Rada proclaimed the national emblem of the ancient princely symbol of the Romanoviches. It depicted a golden lion leaning against a rock, surrounded by turquoise.

The second half of the 19th century was marked by the gradual establishment of a combination of yellow and blue stripes on the rectangular panels of Ukrainian flags. After that, in 1914, during the celebration of the next anniversary of the Kobzar, the combination of these colors could mean only one thing - national character traits in demonstrations. It is worth knowing that during these times the upper stripe in the Ukrainian flag was exactly yellow, and the lower one was blue. And in fact, since that time, the new flag of Ukraine has been universally referred to as “yellow-black”. In the troubled times of 1917, the Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed. Its government, the Central Rada, proclaimed the colors inherent in the national flag, all the same yellow and blue.

Ratification of the blue and yellow flag

In 1918, following the establishment of power by Hetman P. Skoropadsky, the state flag was changed. Actually, it was then that the yellow-blue flag was replaced with a blue-yellow one. The ratification of this color scheme, as a national one, was attested with the help of normative and constitutional acts of the then Directory. The West Ukrainian People's Republic did the same.

The flags of Ukrainian origin of the Soviet era radically differed from the previous, national ones. Initially, it was a red cloth with an inscription in gold: "URSR". In the post-war years, socialist symbols were slightly changed. Thus, the flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic combined two colors with two stripes: the top one was red, the bottom one was blue. And in the upper part of the cloth was depicted a sickle with a five-pointed star.

In 1990, for the first time after a long interval, the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag appeared again at the town hall in Stryi. Photos and the latest news about this incredible event of that time spread throughout the Ukrainian territory in the blink of an eye. On a warm September day in 1991, the national symbol proudly towered over the premises of the Verkhovna Rada. The following year, on January 28, 1992, the blue and yellow flag was destined to receive state status. Thus, every year, on August 23, before the very celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine, the country celebrates the Day of the Flag of Ukraine.

State flag of Ukraine: the true meaning of colors

In heraldic laws, yellow symbolizes gold, fire, the Sun and cannot be below, so the current combination of colors on the Ukrainian flag seems unnatural and dangerous. For example, the ancient emblem of the creation of the world from chaos conveys these colors. When the earthly and passive principles dominate over the heavenly and active ones, then any state will be pre-programmed for failure.

Even according to Feng Shui, to place blue (will) over yellow (wisdom) means to activate decline or progressive degradation, misfortune and disorder. If everything is done correctly, then the harmony of heaven and earth, yin and yang, strength and flexibility, will become the forerunner of development, prosperity and happiness.

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Since ancient times, different peoples used certain symbols during battles, which were supposed to indicate the place of the meeting of warriors and raise their morale. As a rule, it was a three- or four-cornered piece of cloth attached to a spear. Ancient Ukrainian flags from the time of Kievan Rus originally depicted Christian saints. A little later, permanent coats of arms of different lands appeared, which became the basis for the formation of modern national symbols. In this article, we will consider what the colors of the Ukrainian flag mean, whether it symbolizes the unity of earth and sky, and discuss other debatable issues.

Banners of the times of Kievan Rus

In the days of Kievan Rus, one of the symbols of princely power was the banner. It was the banner under which the squad went into battle. In addition, the banner acted as a symbol of the united territories. Ancient chronicles testify that in the times of Kievan Rus, the flags had a triangular wedge-like shape with the image of princely signs or saints. Basically, these banners were red and were well recognized during the battle. Other blue, yellow, green were also used. It should be noted that red is still one of the most popular shades in the colors of coats of arms and flags, especially among Western and Eastern Slavs (Poland, Belarus, Russia).

Ukrainian flags in the XIII-XVI centuries.

At the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. quadrangular flags appear with a cloth at the free end of the spear. Also at this time, they actively begin to make banners using compounds of several colors.

In the XIII-XIV centuries. the history of Kievan Rus is characterized by such a concept as feudal fragmentation. At this time, each prince had his own banner, which was different from the others.

In the middle of the XIV century. a significant part became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Galician land and Volyn were under the control of Poland. In the middle of the XV century. these territories became part of the Commonwealth. This greatly influenced the heraldic traditions in the Ukrainian lands. So, on the symbols of the central regions, most likely under Polish influence, white and red colors began to appear most often. And the Ukrainian flags of the western lands took on a yellow-blue color. These colors have become the main ones in the symbolism of Transcarpathia, Lviv, Podolia.

Flags and symbols in the hetman period

The history of the Ukrainian flag has more than one century. The formation of modern national symbols of the country was significantly influenced by tradition. During the time of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the main color of the symbolism was raspberry. It was under the red banner that Bohdan Khmelnitsky led the national liberation war. In addition, it was the main one in the symbols of the Nezhinsky and Chernigov regiments. Often on the flags of the times of the Hetmanate, Archangel Michael, the heavenly patron of the Cossacks, was depicted. In addition, yellow, blue and green colors, as well as images of the sun, stars, and animals, were found on banners next to crimson.

The history of the Ukrainian flag in the XVIII-XX centuries.

In blue and distributed in the XVIII century. Their combination can be found in the banners of the Kyiv and Chernigov regiments. In 1771, a new banner was made for the Poltava regiment - blue with a yellow cross. In 1848, Golovna Ruska Rada proclaimed the ancient princely symbol of the Romanovichs - the image of a golden lion, which rests on a rock, against a blue background, as a national emblem.

In the second half of the 19th century, a combination of yellow and blue stripes was gradually established on the rectangular canvas of the Ukrainian flag. Already in 1914, at the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of T. G. Shevchenko, the combination of these colors denoted manifestations. It should be noted that at that time the upper stripe of the Ukrainian flag was yellow, and the lower stripe was blue. In 1917, the Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed. Her government - the Central Rada - proclaimed yellow and blue as the colors of the national flag.

Blue and yellow flag approval

In 1918, after the establishment of the power of Hetman P. Skoropadsky, the blue-yellow flag was proclaimed the state flag. The approval of these colors as national ones was attested by the normative and constitutional acts of the Directory, as well as the West Ukrainian People's Republic.

Ukrainian flags of the times of the Soviet Union were fundamentally different from the previous ones. Initially, it was a red canvas with a gold inscription: "URSR". In the post-war period, socialist symbols were changed. So, the flag of the Ukrainian SSR combined two stripes: the upper one is red, the lower one is blue. In addition, a sickle and a pentagonal star were depicted at the top of the canvas.

In 1990, for the first time after a long break, the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag appeared on the town hall of Stryi. Photos and news about this event instantly spread throughout the Ukrainian SSR. In September 1991, the national symbol was already towering over the Verkhovna Rada. On January 28, 1992, the blue and yellow flag received state status.

The meaning of the colors of the Ukrainian flag

Until now, there is a discussion among scientists, politicians and ordinary citizens about what the colors of the Ukrainian flag symbolize. The official and generally accepted version is that yellow is the embodiment of a wheat field, and blue is the sky above it. However, such an interpretation cannot fully reflect the meaning of each of the colors. Noteworthy is the opinion that yellow (gold) symbolizes the Creator, God, the highest essence. Blue is everything real, earthly. In addition, this color symbolizes which each person has.

There is an interesting version that the shades of the flag of Ukraine are the two main elements. Yellow is fire and blue is water. In this sense, it would be correct to combine these colors on the modern flag in reverse order. Some scholars argue that the rise of blue over yellow disrupts the divine harmony of the two elements and causes a "catastrophe" in which water extinguishes fire.

After the revolution in Austria-Hungary (March 1848), national movements gained strength in many Austrian provinces. A Ukrainian national movement also emerged in the Ukrainian part of Austria-Hungary. In Lvov, Golovna Russka Rada (Main Russian Rada) was created - a body of national self-government. By that time, Ukraine did not have a single historical symbol. Therefore, the issue of national symbols was not resolved immediately. On May 16, 1848, the Golovna Russka Rada considered a letter from the branch of the Russian Rada in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) with the question of what should be considered "the Russian cockade, flowers and coat of arms."

The commission appointed by the Head Russian Rada, consisting of Messrs. Kulchitsky, Mokhnatsky and Tsarevich, investigated the issue. It was decided to take the coat of arms of the Lviv land and the Russian province as part of Poland as the basis for national symbols. And already at the meeting on May 18, it was decided to consider "the banner of the Russian land - the lion, and the colors - yellow and blue."

In 1848, detachments of the National Guard under the Polish banners began to form on the Western Ukrainian lands. On September 20, Golovna Russka Rada appealed to the population to start forming the Russian National Guard. The flags of the units of the Russian Guard were supposed to have, on the one hand, an image of a golden lion climbing a rock on a blue field, and on the other hand, the patron of the city church.

Since the design of the flag was rather complicated, and the workshops in Lvov could not cope with a large number of orders for flags, flags that were easy to manufacture from two horizontal stripes - blue and yellow - became widespread. The order of the lanes was not regulated.

On June 25, 1848, an incident well known to flagologists took place in Lvov. On the city hall, unknown persons hung out "a banner of Russian colors, and with it on the left side a Polish banner." Golovna Russka Rada then dissociated itself from this event, stating that it had no information about the instigators. On July 7, the Rada decided to remove the aforementioned banners from the town hall. By the end of the year, blue and yellow were widely used as national folk colors. So it is known, for example, that on October 19, 1848, at a meeting of the Council of Russian Scientists, blue-yellow flags were used in the decoration of the hall. The attitude towards the national flags of the Head Russian Rada has also changed. On May 15, 1849, the Golovna Russka Rada had already asked the Austrian authorities for permission to hang the Ukrainian blue-and-yellow flag over the town hall along with the Austrian one.

Austrian and German encyclopedias of the 19th century give the "earth colors" of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria as blue-red, red-blue, blue-red-yellow (according to the colors of the Austrian coat of arms of Galicia), or amaranth (a shade of red) - white, but give a link that Rusyns unofficially use blue and yellow flags.

There are several more versions of the origin of the Ukrainian flag. The first relates the colors blue and yellow to the flag of Sweden. Such banners were supposedly given to the Cossacks by the Swedish king as a reward for going over to his side during the wars with Russia. There is no documentary evidence for this hypothesis. Another version dates the appearance of blue-yellow flags to the period of Kievan Rus and even links the word "khokhol" with the Tatar name for blue-yellow colors. This is pure nonsense.

During the Soviet era, the flag of Ukraine was red with the obligatory sickle, hammer and star, and a blue stripe along the lower edge of the flag. The blue stripe symbolized "the color of the banners of Bogdan Khmelnytsky". Although it is not known what specific banners were discussed ...

In the 1990s, the national yellow-blue ("yellow-black") flag became widespread, first in nationalist circles, and then everywhere. The shade of blue was very light at first. However, officially the state was in no hurry to change its symbols. By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the Soviet flag remained the state flag of Ukraine. Although, for example, on July 24, 1990, the Presidium of the Kiev City Council of People's Deputies decided to hang a blue and yellow flag next to the state red and blue in front of the City Council building on Khreshchatyk (in 2000 this day became a public holiday - Flag Day). And on September 4, 1991, in Kyiv, a blue-yellow flag was raised over the building of the Supreme Council (also together with a red-blue one).

Officially, the new state flag of Ukraine was adopted by a resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of January 28, 1992. As expected, it was a blue-and-yellow flag with a length-to-width ratio of 3:2. Like many other states, the colors of Ukraine have no official explanation. The informal explanation of colors changed over time and depended both on the tastes of contemporaries and on political fashion. Traditionally, blue is interpreted as the color of a clear sky, and yellow - as the color of the fields.

Naval flag of Ukraine ... Wikipedia

Stern ensign of the ships of the Ukrainian Navy. Military flag of the Ukrainian State and the UNR, Flag of the Ukrainian Navy. The naval flag of the Ukrainian State, the UNR and Ukraine (since 1992) ... Wikipedia

Flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Ukrainian SSR USSR ... Wikipedia

Flag of Ukraine The national flag of Ukraine is its official state symbol (along with the emblem and anthem). It is a rectangular panel of two equal horizontal stripes: the upper one is blue and the lower one is yellow. Attitude ... ... Wikipedia

Flag of Ukraine The national flag of Ukraine is its official state symbol (along with the emblem and anthem). It is a rectangular panel of two equal horizontal stripes: the upper one is blue and the lower one is yellow. Attitude ... ... Wikipedia

Donetsk region Ukraine ... Wikipedia

Flag of the Ukrainian SSR, 1919 1929 Flag of the Ukrainian SSR, 1929 1937 Flag of the Ukrainian SSR, 1937 1949 ... Wikipedia

Crimea Ukraine ... Wikipedia

Flag of Novomoskovsk Novomoskovsk Dnepropetrovsk region Ukraine ... Wikipedia


  • The Last Empire. The Fall of the Soviet Union, Sergei Plokhy. For almost half a century, the USSR and the United States waged a cold war, often threatening to turn into a “hot” one. The division of the world along ideological boundaries seemed eternal. But suddenly one of the parties lowered the flag.…

Each state or even ideology has its own symbols: flags, coats of arms, emblems, names. The founders of states and political movements always carefully consider and calibrate every line, every stroke, every color or shade. In each state, the flag and coat of arms have their own deep meanings and interpretations.

There is a whole science of coats of arms - heraldry.
Heraldry (heraldry; from lat. heraldus - herald) is a special historical discipline that studies coats of arms, as well as traditions and practices of their use. It is part of emblematics, a group of interrelated disciplines that study emblems. The difference between emblems and other emblems is that the structure, use and legal status of emblems correspond to special, historically established rules. Heraldry precisely determines what and how can be applied to the state coat of arms, family coat of arms, and so on, explains the meaning of certain figures. The roots of heraldry go back to the Middle Ages, when a special heraldic language was developed.

And there is also a whole science about flags - vexillology, or flag science.
Vexillology is an auxiliary historical discipline dealing with the study of flags, banners, standards, pennants, and other objects of this kind. The word vexillology comes from the Latin. vexillum, which, in particular, denoted the banner used by the Roman legions.

By the way, there is a science about emblems, which includes both heraldry and vexillology.
Emblematics (from Greek - insertion, relief decoration) is a special historical discipline that studies emblems - conditionally symbolic images of certain concepts or ideas that are executed in a graphic or plastic form, have a specific content and do not need special interpretation.

The emblem should be such that no special interpretation is required, so that people immediately understand the necessary meaning, so that other associations do not arise.

Recently, on the territory of Southern Rus' (aka Little Russia and New Russia), such a movement as Ukrainianism has appeared.
Ukrainianism is not a nationality, not a nation, no matter what the founders and followers of this movement say. Ukrainianism is precisely a political movement aimed at turning Russian people into so-called Ukrainians.

The followers of Ukrainianism do not create anything positive, but only incite ethnic hatred, ban the Russian language in the so-called Ukraine, destroy Soviet monuments, tear off St. George's ribbons from old women.
Even the followers of Ukrainianism made the whole world laugh with their galloping with various chants full of hatred and enmity.

A Svidomo (or conscious) Ukrainian, as they now call themselves, is undoubtedly a fascist or a Nazi. Ukrainian individuals are always followers of the scum of Bandera and Shukhevych, servants of Adolf Hitler.

In this sense, Ukrainianism is a rotten doctrine.

So it is also interesting that the symbols of Ukrainians are also rotten and cause unpleasant or even disgusting associations.
We discussed above that the emblem should be easily and unambiguously understood by people.

By the way, Ukrainian individuals (it’s hard to call them otherwise) fell in love with mocking the Symbol of Victory in the Great Patriotic War - the St. George Ribbon.

For normal people, the St. George Ribbon is a symbol and sign of victory, valor and heroism of the victors over German Nazism. Orange means the flames and fires of war, while black is the smoke of war.
This is the meaning that has been embedded in this ribbon since the time of the Russian Empress Catherine II, who was the first to introduce such a ribbon to state awards.
The crosses of the Knights of St. George of the four degrees were also decorated with such a ribbon.

Many heroes of Russia and Little Russia were awarded for their exploits with awards with the St. George ribbon. The guardsmen of the navy also proudly wore the colors of the St. George ribbon.

However, for Ukrainian individuals, the St. George ribbon has become a symbol of the Colorado potato beetle. They seriously think that if the color of such a beetle is similar to the St. George ribbon, then those who put on the St. George ribbon have become Colorados or beetles.
Yes, that's right: the Ukrainians began to call such Colorados.

By the way, the tiger also has stripes of these colors. But Svidomo do not want to remember about him. They are pleased to compare the St. George ribbon only with a beetle. After all, they really want to say nasty things to the Muscovites, whom they also call quilted jackets, apparently primitively thinking that in Russia they always wear quilted jackets.

But if Svidomo ukry think like that and they have such associations, then consider the symbols of Ukrainianism according to their method. Here's what happens:

1. Flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army - UPA for short.

The flag and emblem of the Ukrainian Nazi organization Right Sector (banned in Russia) have the same colors.

So, if you think in terms of beetles, then there are also bugs and beetle larvae of black and red colors.

If Ukrainians think that if any symbol turned out to be like a beetle, then Ukrainians themselves must admit that if someone came out with the UPA flag or a patch with such colors, then he became a beetle or a beetle larva.

Moreover, when the St. George ribbon was invented, no one knew about the Colorado potato beetles. These beetles have not yet appeared in Europe and Russia.

But about the red-black bugs was already known. Moreover, they knew about them in 1943, when the UPA appeared with their black and red flag.

Svidomo Ukrainians must then admit that if they think about beetles all the time, then the UPA flag was chosen for precisely this purpose, to resemble beetles, bedbugs and their larvae.
In any case, if they think with such logic, then they must first of all apply it to themselves: to admit that they, ukry-nationalists, are red-black beetles and larvae.

By the way, another interesting coincidence.
The black and red flag is the flag of Angola.

Personally, I have nothing against Angola. It's just that everyone knows that Angola is a poor country in Africa.

Since Ukrainian nationalists do not create anything, but only destroy everything, from monuments to the economy of Ukraine itself, the comparison with poor Africa becomes appropriate.
Ukraine is a rapidly impoverished country, falling apart before our eyes.

I think it's not just a coincidence that the colors of the UPA and other Ukrainian nationalists are the colors of the flag of the African country Angola.
In this sense, Ukraine is a real Africa, in spirit and in terms of the level of devastation, where there are so many wild monkeys.

Monkeys are also masters of jumping and galloping.

2. Coat of arms of Ukraine - Trident.

This is a very interesting coincidence that the Ukrainian trident is very similar (but is it only similar?) to the Khazar tamga.

For reference, the Khazar Khaganate, Khazaria (650-969) is a medieval state created by a nomadic people - the Khazars. Separated from the Western Turkic Khaganate. He controlled the territory of Ciscaucasia, the Lower and Middle Volga regions, modern North-Western Kazakhstan, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the eastern part of the Crimea, as well as the steppes and forest-steppes of Eastern Europe up to the Dnieper. The center of the state was originally located in the coastal part of modern Dagestan, later moved to the lower reaches of the Volga. Part of the ruling elite converted to Judaism. A number of East Slavic tribal unions were politically dependent on the Khazars.

Bidents and tridents were most widely used on various objects and the Saltov-Mayak culture (in Khazaria) - on building remains, ceramics, bone products, buckles, pendants, etc. Signs in the form of a bident and a trident, “which are a characteristic feature of the sign system Khazaria". Therefore, historians do not exclude that they could serve “as a tamga, especially tribal or “official”, associated with a certain status of the owner, often associated with his family affiliation…”

When Rurik came to Novgorod in the North of Rus' in the 9th century, Kyiv was still under the rule of the Khazar Kaganate and paid tribute to him.
Free Rus' then came from the North, when Prince Prophetic Oleg with his young nephew - Prince Igor came from the North and liberated Kyiv from the Khazar yoke.

And now it turns out to be a very funny moment when Svidomo patriots shout about independence (independence of Ukraine), and they themselves chose the Khazar tamga as a symbol of their non-state, which was also branded as a stigma on cattle by the Khazar rich, who then professed Judaism.
Everything is very, very symbolic, reveals the essence of Ukrainians.

3. Ukrainian yellow-blue flag.

These colors of the Ukrainian flag have nothing to do with the history of Rus' and the Eastern Slavs. Among the flags of the Slavic countries, only Ukrainian and Bosnian do not have red. Yellow-blue colors came as a flag to Ukraine from Austria-Hungary.

In 1848, Rusyns from Galicia, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in gratitude for their help in suppressing the Hungarian uprising in the Austrian Empire, personally received from the Austro-Hungarian Emperor a yellow-blue banner - the flag of the Archduchy of Lower Austria, on which the emperor's mother personally embroidered the words "Loyalty leads to victory!" The Galicians gratefully accepted this gift and made it their banner. Everything would be fine, but during the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire fought with the Russian. And for the second time in history, this flag appears just on the eve of this war - in 1914.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian yellow-blue flag does not correspond to the tradition of understanding the colors of all European flags.

For example, in heraldry, the white color in the coat of arms or on the flag means moral and spiritual purity, nobility.
The blue color symbolizes greatness and glory, honor, loyalty and faith.
And the red color is courage, bravery, fire or blood shed for the fatherland.
As for other colors, yellow means power, strength, justice, nobility and wealth. Green is hope. Black - modesty, wisdom and sadness.

But we must not forget that this all applies to the flags of European or Christian countries.
But the flag of Ukraine has an African way of interpreting the colors of its flag. It is understood specifically that blue is a blue sky, and yellow is a field of wheat.

However, we are talking about associations. And here is one of the associations ...

The picture was not drawn by me, but by another person who understood the colors of the Ukrainian flag in this way. I found a picture on the Internet, I do not know the author.

Folk art, it turns out.
Blue is blue tears and yellow is yellow urine.

Why not? We said that simple understanding and interpretation by other people is important in emblems. That's how many people understand this flag.
I also think that the flag of the current filthy Ukraine is urine and tears.

By the way, here is another funny and much explaining coincidence:
The international symbol for Down Syndrome also consists of a blue and yellow ribbon.

4. Dill is a symbol of Ukrainian patriotism.

Since the time of the Maidan, anti-Maidanists, and then many other people, began to call Ukrainian patriots “dill”, short for the words “Ukrainian patriot”.

So they began to be called not just for the sake of reduction. We all know that plants don't have brains. And the name "Dill" was very suitable for stoned Svidomites as stubborn and stupid creatures.

Those. the word "dill" in this case was an insult; it was not invented by Ukrainian patriots, but by their opponents.

But the Ukrainian authorities decided to adopt such a derogatory word "Dill". A political party of the same name was even created.

And then President Valtsman (Poroshenko) even ordered the release of such patriotic stripes on the uniform. As they say, they were smart enough ... Or they weren’t enough not to let go ...

And in a patriotic impulse, even the female version of Dill, “Dill”, was released.
Many saw in this a new funny coincidence - "Ukro-KIDNEY".

After all, it was not in vain that everyone said and thought that the war unleashed by Kiev in the Donbass is an excellent source of donor organs for Western Europe and the United States.

Deciphering the word UKROP in a new way also amuses to tears (Ukrainian, Whom ... - well, as it is deciphered in the picture on the right).

Only a complete idiot could agree to call himself a dill. In reality, real dill does not have brains and never does.

5. CYBORG - the symbolic name of the Ukrainian warrior-hero.

In 2014-2015, there were battles in the Donetsk People's Republic for control over the Donetsk airport, which was captured by Ukrainian punitive troops. New Bandera held the defense at this airport, control over which allowed them to shell residential areas in the city of Donetsk, with civilians living there.

The Donetsk militia tried to recapture the airport.
So the Ukrainian authorities and coming out media began to call the Ukrainian fighters who sat in the airport - cyborgs.

But time passed and the airport was liberated, the control of the DPR over the airport was restored. Many Bandera people were buried there.

But what is interesting now is not this, but the fact that if the CYBORG is read the other way around, it will turn out - a Coffin. It also turns out " cyborg coffin ” and in Ukrainian.

How do you like this symbol of the Ukrainian "x" hero?

The Bandera people still like to shout in Ukraine to those who do not share their beliefs or speak Russian:


And then it really happened for the Bandera people themselves: "SUITCASE - STATION - ATO - WOODEN COAT".

6. Bandera cap.

Everyone knows how Ukrainians love salo. Lots of jokes about it.

And here is a new interesting "coincidence" - the uniform cap of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army - UPA.

A serious question arises - why did the Banderaites sew pig ears on their caps?
There is no such thing in any country and any people, only in Ukraine.

What did they want to say or show? That lard is their most important thing, or even their most sacred? With pig ears on your head, are you even ready to go into a mortal battle?

7. And finally, consider the symbol of the participation of the new Ukraine in World War II - the RED POPPY.

Ukro-patriots rejected the St. George ribbon as a symbol of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, instead they chose such a red poppy, painted in this form.

But for many other people, completely different associations arise with such an image of a new symbol of the participation of the “new” Ukraine in World War II ...

Such associations may arise (real folk art - found on the Internet) ...

By the way, it turns out that in Odessa - the city or even the capital of the best jokes - now Svidomo dill, who wear such red poppies for the May holidays, began to be called "dupami" (ass ... mi). You see how people understand the symbols of Ukrainianism. There are only such associations.

In general, the conclusion suggests itself that a country with such rotten symbols is doomed, because people do not carry such symbols of positive associations.

But it couldn't be otherwise. Ukrainian as a disease of the brain cannot have normal symbols. The symbols of Ukrainians are only rotten.

Or another such association has arisen for someone ... (on the left is a box with gaskets - a picture from the Internet).

Svidomity! Dill Pomidorovichi Poppy! Before comparing the St. George ribbon with Colorado beetles, it would be better to first think for yourself what associations normal people have when they look at your filthy flags, coats of arms and emblems!

By the way, it’s not for nothing that many even its own citizens now call Ukraine like this: Usraina, Urina, Urkaina, Ruin, Usrainushka ...

Those. and the name of this country began to tell about many bad things what it really is.
Some say that the name Ukraine was formed from the word "steal", alluding to the constant theft and corruption that flourished there.

And the word Ukraine can also be formed from the words “at the edge”, this is when people turn out to be so morally and ethically decomposed that they find themselves at the very edge of human morality and morality.

And even at the subconscious level, every person understands that if the symbols of the state are rotten and rotten, then such a state is doomed to death and destruction. And then the anthem of Ukraine is remembered, where the song begins with the words: “ Ukraine has not yet died"(rus. Ukraine is not dead yet ).

Those. has not yet died, but will die soon, everyone is waiting for this, including those who sing such a hymn. Maybe that's why the symbols of Ukrainians are so rotten? Or is it the impenetrable stupidity of Ukrainians who do not understand what symbols and songs they have chosen for themselves?

And if you want to understand why dill is so stupid, then watch the video of how they jump (video) :

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