Large cities of Karelia and their attractions. Open left menu Republic of Karelia City in Karelia on p

Distinctive features. Karelia is a vast region of lakes, forests and swamps. In terms of territory, the Republic of Karelia ranks fifth in the Russian Federation. Nature, mineral resources and historical monuments- these are the main assets of this northern region.

Despite its remote location and seemingly somewhat lost, Karelia has been well known to Europeans since the Middle Ages. Viking leaders visited it on tourist visits, and later Karelia became part of the vast and rich Novgorod Republic.

Here is also the “Kemskaya volost”, which Ivan Vasilyevich from the famous comedy was easily ready to transfer to the Swedish king... But in reality, a little later these lands were transferred to the Solovetsky Monastery, which heroically repulsed all the attacks of the Swedes.

Tourists love to visit Karelia for several reasons. Firstly, there are attractions here that are famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. These are Valaam, Kizhi, Solovetsky Monastery, included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO. Here you can also look at ancient petroglyphs (images made on rocks), go yachting on Lake Onega, and admire the beautiful landscapes of nature reserves and natural parks.

The magnificent nature of Karelia, providing not only peace and relaxation, but also healing, has long attracted people. It was here that Peter I founded the first resort in Russia - “Marcial Waters” (1718). Also in the 18th century, the oldest marble quarries in Russia were discovered here. Karelian marble was used in the creation of many architectural masterpieces St. Petersburg, including St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals.

Today the economy of Karelia is mainly mining and processing natural resources: woodworking, pulp and paper industry, metallurgy, development of mineral deposits. The four northernmost regions of the republic have the status of territories of the Far North, which provides benefits to the people living there.

Geographical location. Karelia is located in the northwestern part of Russia, on the border with Finland. To the south of it are Leningradskaya and Vologda region, to the east - Arkhangelsk region. Part of the eastern territory of Karelia is washed by the harsh White Sea. In the north, the Murmansk region borders Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia is part of the Northwestern Federal District.

Karelia is a country of lakes. There are 60 thousand of them here. The largest freshwater lake in Europe is Ladoga. It is located in the south of Karelia. Other large lake- Onega. Of the 27 thousand rivers of Karelia, the largest are the Vodla, Kem, Onda, Unga, Chirga-Kem.

Mount Vottovaara is one of the most mystical places Karelia. Photo by Maria Kuzova

The relief of Karelia is predominantly flat, and the most high mountain in the republic (Nuorrunen) has a height of only 576 meters.

Population. In 2012, 636,932 people lived in Karelia. The population density here is low - 3.53 people. per sq. km. If we look at the dynamics of the population of this northern region, we will see that its peak occurred in the early 90s of the last century (approximately 791 thousand people). But when economic difficulties began after the collapse of the USSR, people began to move to places where it was warmer and there was more money.

They live here mainly in cities. The share of the rural population is 22%. Unlike central regions European part of Russia, in Karelia the birth rate is almost equal to the death rate. The natural population decline is −2.8 people. per 1000 inhabitants.

By national composition the predominant part of the population is Russian (78.88%). Karelians are the second largest (7.08). By the way, about the Karelians. This Finno-Ugric people, known from the chronicles of the Novgorodians, lives mainly in Russia (60,000 people), and a small part (12,000 people) - in Finland.

Crime. Unfortunately, the Republic of Karelia occupies a very high place in the criminal ranking of regions - 7th. For some reason, some residents of the republic do not want to earn money honestly, and they try to get money in ways alternative to honest ones. In the summary of the criminal chronicles of Karelia one can find many cases of fraud, robbery, theft, and domestic murders. In general, it is difficult to find or imagine a crime that would not have occurred here. To be fair, it should be noted that most crimes are committed not in Petrozavodsk, but in other populated areas of the republic.

There is also ethnic crime here. One has only to remember the events of 2006 in Kondopoga, when the local people rebelled, unable to withstand the lawlessness of the visiting Chechens. Only the arrival of additional forces of the Petrozavodsk riot police, and the flight of a large number of “persons of Caucasian nationality” from the city, was able to calm the popular unrest.

Unemployment rate in the Republic of Karelia in 2012 it was 6.99%, which is higher than the national average. The average salary in Karelia is about 25 thousand rubles per month. This is an average level for the Northwestern Federal District region. Although in the southern regions (Pskov, Vologda) they receive less compared to some northern regions (Komi, Nenets autonomous region) - this is just ridiculous money. On the other hand, the status of territories Far North There are only 4 northern regions of the republic, and there are no large oil or gas fields where people would be paid big money.

Property value. In Petrozavodsk, prices for one-room apartments on the secondary market range from 1.4 to 2 million rubles. The price for two-room apartments starts from 1.8 million rubles. Prices for some three-room apartments in new luxury houses can even reach 7 million rubles, but if you wish, you can also find very cheap options in the region of 2.5 million rubles. As for new buildings, one-room apartments are sold in them for 1.8-1.9 million rubles.

Climate. The location of Karelia in northern latitudes, between Gulf of Finland and the White Sea determines its climate. It is temperate continental, with a transition to maritime. Summer here is short and cool, even in July the temperature rarely breaks the +20°C mark. In winter, frosts fluctuate around 10-12 degrees below zero. Spring comes late, in April-May. Most of days a year are cloudy, and the average annual precipitation is 550-600 mm.

Cities of the Republic of Karelia

(population - 269 thousand people) - the capital and largest city of Karelia, located on the shores of Lake Onega. The city received its name in honor of the arms factory founded here in 1703 by Peter I. Soon small town Ok turned into a powerful fortress. Now it is the most important commercial, industrial and scientific center in northern Russia. Among the advantages, we note infrastructure, ecology, nature. The downside is the cold, rainy climate.

The Republic of Karelia in northern Russia is attractive to tourists for its archaeological, historical and cultural monuments, pristine nature and low population density. There are 13 cities and about 800 towns and villages in the republic. The population of Karelia is 618 thousand people. About 80% are urban residents. A third of them live in the capital – Petrozavodsk.

Also major cities and tourist centers include Kostomuksha, Kondopoga, Olonets, Sortavala. Some of them date back to the Middle Ages, and cities such as Sortavala, Kem, Olonets, Petrozavodsk have historical status Russian cities. A well-known tourist route connecting Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway passes through several settlements in Karelia. It's called "Blue Road".

The largest cities of Karelia

List of the largest cities in the region by population.

1. Petrozavodsk

By decree of Peter the Great it was founded in 1703. The capital and the only large city in Karelia. Situated on Lake Onega. It has access to 5 seas thanks to a system of canals and rivers. There are many lakes and springs within the city. Onezhskaya embankment with its park is attractive for tourists modern sculptures, Kamenny Bor, Holy Cross and Alexander Nevsky Cathedrals. Granted the status of a city of military glory and a historical city.

Population – 279 thousand people.

2. Kondopoga

It is located 46 km from Petrozavodsk, on Lake Onega. First mentioned in 1495. In the 18th century, deposits of marble and ore were discovered. A hydroelectric power station was built in 1929. City status was granted in 1938. In 2001, the Ice Palace was opened - the only one in Karelia. In the surrounding area there is the Kivach waterfall and the Marcial Waters resort. The city's attractions include two carillons, with 18 and 23 bells.

Population – 30 thousand people.

3. Kostomuksha

The city is 30 km from the Russian-Finnish border. The history dates back to the 70s of the last century, when the development of a new ore deposit and the construction of a mining and processing plant began. Has the status of a city since 1983. The main attractions are the Kostomuksha Nature Reserve, the Kalevalsky National Park, and ethnic villages famous for the art of rune singing. Every year the city hosts festivals of chamber and rock music and original songs.

Population – 29 thousand people.

4. Segezha

A city on the river of the same name, near Vygozero. The name translates as “light, pure.” It was founded in 1914 as a small railway station on the Murmansk road. In 1943 it was given city status. Since the 30s, a plant producing paper containers has been operating in Segezha - a city-forming enterprise. The Voitsky Padun waterfall, the archaeological monument - the village of Nadvoitsy, and the Museum Center are attractive for tourists.

Population – 26 thousand people.

5. Sortavala

Founded by the Swedes in 1632, although a Karelian settlement existed on this site back in the 12th century. Until 1918 - Serdobol. Until 1940 – part of Finland. Situated on Lake Ladoga. The only city in Karelia with surviving ancient buildings. On the list of historical cities. Of interest are the Ladoga Museum, the modern gallery of Kronid Gogolev, a wood carver, and the Ruskeala Natural Park. Valaam Island is 40 km away.

Population – 18 thousand people.

6. Medvezhyegorsk

A city on the coast of Lake Onega. It was created in 1916 as a village near the railway under construction. Until 1938 it was called Bear Mountain. The railway station is still called that way. In the 30s, the construction management of the White Sea Canal was located here, and 3 prison camps were created. The Sandarmokh tract is located 15 km away - former place execution of prisoners. The area is famous for its shungite deposits.

Population – 14 thousand people.

7. Kem

The title translates as " big river" It was founded in the 14th century. Received city status in 1785. Located on the Kem River. Attractive for tourists by the Kem skerries - a group of rocky sea ​​islands. Among the valuable architectural monuments are the Assumption Cathedral, built 3 centuries ago from wood, and the Annunciation Cathedral of the beginning of the last century. The Pomorie Museum is opened in the building of the former treasury.

Population – 11 thousand people.

8. Pitkäranta

Until 1940 it was part of Finland. In the same year it was given city status. The name translates as “Long Shore”. Located on Lake Ladoga. Founded in the 15th century. It developed rapidly in the 19th century after the discovery of ore deposits. It is famous for the beauty of the Ladoga skerries, the Uksinskaya ozovaya ridge, and the Yukankoski waterfall - the highest in Karelia. Of interest are fragments of the Mannerheim Line and a local history museum.

Population – 10 thousand people.

9. Belomorsk

It is located on the White Sea coast, at the mouth of the Vyg River. The first mention was in 1419. In 1938 it was given city status. Large railway junction and sea ​​port. Part of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Water tourism on the Shuya, Okhta, and Suma rivers is popular. The main attraction is the Neolithic petroglyphs. The city has many monuments and memorials from the Soviet period. The Solovetsky Islands are located nearby.

Population – 9600 people.

10. Suoyarvi

It was founded in the 16th century. Located on the coast of the lake of the same name. The name translated from Finnish means “Swamp Lake”. Until 1940 it was part of Finland. Railway junction. In the surrounding area there is the Talvojärvi nature reserve with an extensive network of lakes and swamps. Historical objects include the railway station building at Kaipa station and the building of the House of Creativity, built in the 1920s.

Population – 8900 people.

Karelia and its regions have long attracted tourists from all over the world. And it attracts vacationers not only beautiful landscapes and architectural monuments, but also that the tourist season in the Karelian regions lasts all year round. Here you will find entertainment and active tourist, and a lover of a relaxing family holiday.

The largest cities in Karelia that attract tourists are Petrozavodsk and Kondopoga.

Capital of the Republic Karelia is a city Petrozavodsk, located on the shores of Petrozavodsk Bay of Lake Onega. Lakes also flow through the city: Dennoye, Lamba, and Chetyrekhverstnoye. The capital is home to the bulk of the inhabitants of this region, representatives of different nationalities: Russians, Vepsians and Karelians. The beginning of Petrozavodsk dates back to the time of Peter I, when, by his decree, the construction of an arms factory began on the banks of Onega.

It is from Petrozavodsk that many tourist routes of the region originate. In that historical city there are a lot of operating museums: the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum-Reserve located on the island of Kizhi, the State Museum of Local Lore, which has been operating since 1871 in an ancient building - the provincial chancellery, see the oldest collection of icons in Karelia, you can visit the private art gallery "Doll House" or Puppet Theatre.

Near the city there is the Kivach nature reserve with a flat waterfall of 11 meters and the unique balneological and mud resort “Marcial Waters”, founded by Peter I. Currently it has the status of a museum-reserve. The capital has a ski center for children, equestrian and water sports centers. There are a lot of churches, parks, and public gardens in Petrozavodsk. The most famous throughout Russia is Petrovsky Park.

Relatively young industrial city Kondopoga located near the capital on the shore of Kondopogozhskaya Bay of Lake Onega. The first settlements in this place were in the 15th century, but Kondopoga acquired the status of a city only in 1938, after deposits of marble were discovered here, which were sent for the construction of St. Petersburg.

The main pride of the city is its carillon bells brought from Holland. These belfries can be controlled using a computer, thanks to which all kinds of melodies are reproduced. The most noticeable 14-meter carillon in the form of an arch was erected at Ice Palace. It has 23 bells and weighs 500 kg.

Vintage celebrity Kondopoga is also a modest Assumption Church Holy Mother of God, whose height is 42 meters. This “swan song” of wooden architecture was built during the era of the completion of Russian wooden architecture. The church has an iconostasis and is decorated with paintings.

Vacationers are also attracted by the Kondopoga Museum of Local Lore, the collection of which includes more than 2,000 items. Various items of Karelian everyday life, documents about the history of the city, paintings and graphics by masters are collected here. major cities Karelia, archaeological excavations and much more.

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The Republic of Karelia is located in the north-west of the European part of the RSFSR, bordering Finland, between the Baltic, Former and Barents seas. The republic has a vast area of ​​180.5 thousand square kilometers, and at the same time its total population is just over 700 thousand people. There are only 13 cities on the Karelian territory, the largest is the capital - Petrozavodsk, the largest settlements The cities of Kondopoga, Segezha, and Kostomuksha can also be included.

Detailed map of Karelia

Online map of Karelia

This map allows you to explore the republic and individual cities in various viewing modes. To study the map in detail, you need to enlarge it:

The main landscape of Karelia is a hilly plain with obvious traces of glaciers: the remains of ancient rocks, ridges, ridges, and lake basins. To the west, the area rises, turning into the Western Karelian Upland; wet, swampy lowlands are found on the sea coasts and in the vicinity of lakes.
The climate is transitional (from continental to maritime), so winters in Karelia are long, warm, humid, summers are cool and damp, the climate is generally unstable, windy, and the weather changes frequently. Average temperature fluctuations are -10-14 Celsius in winter – +14-16 in summer. Tourists are especially attracted by the white nights in summer and the opportunity to see the splendor of the northern lights in winter.
Karelia rightfully bears the nickname “country of lakes and forests”; forests of extraordinary beauty (about 50 percent total area) hide picturesque, clean lakes, of which there are more than 61 thousand; the water surface occupies about a quarter of the republic’s area! The largest lakes are Ladoga and Onega (as well as Vygozero, Segozero, Topozero, Pyaozero, etc.), rivers (the total number of which is about 27 thousand) - Vyg, Vodla, Kovda, Kem, Shuya, Suna.
In terms of opportunities for hiking, skiing, cycling and water tourism, hunting and fishing, the region is in no way inferior to the popular Transbaikalia and the Urals. Two large protected areas: “Kostumuksha” reserve and “Kivach”, part of the Kandalaksha reserve, three natural complexes that have the status of national parks - “Vodlozersky”, “Kalevalsky” and “Paanayarvi”, great amount of all kinds of nature reserves - in the region there is something to see, even for the most discerning tourist.
In addition, more than 4 thousand various cultural, historical, ethnographic, archaeological and natural objects are offered to the attention of residents and guests of the republic: two museum-reserves: “Kizhi” and “Valaam” with their unique history and architecture, complexes of petroglyphs of the White Sea and Lake Onega, rune singing villages on the White Sea, the beauty of the Kivach waterfall, the healing springs of the Marcial Waters resort, mysterious labyrinths Solovetsky Islands and seids of Kuzov and the Vottovaara mountains, the architecture of the ancient villages of Kinerma, Sheltozero, Rubcheyla, Korza, Manga, ancient volcanoes, numerous monasteries and temples. You should not ignore the capital of the republic, which has 205 different objects of historical and cultural heritage of Russia: original architectural ensembles, city churches, interesting residential buildings, many parks and squares.

In the northwestern region of Russia there is an amazingly beautiful region - the Republic of Karelia. In addition to the natural beauty of forests, lakes, waterfalls, Karelia is famous for its ancient cities, temples and monasteries, as well as national parks.

Despite the fact that this region of northern nature does not have a warm climate, more and more tourists arrive here every year, each of whom is sure to find something interesting for themselves.

Our article will help you plan independent travel How on own car, and on public transport from Saint-Petersburg. And if you are going to have an organized vacation, then you can select and book a suitable tour.

How to get there:

  • By car: from St. Petersburg along the Ring Road you need to get to the Vyborg Highway (exit Vyborg/Pargolovo). Further along the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, turn right. We move through the villages of Yukki, Luppolovo, Vertemyagi to Agalatovo. Further along the A-129 highway to Priozersk. Further along the road to Sortavala, past the turn to Kuznechnoye, along the new road bypassing Khiitola, through Kurkiyoki, Ikhala, Yakkima - to the city of Lahdenpokhya.
  • By bus: A regular bus from the Northern Bus Station (Murino) runs daily at 7.20, 9.20, 12.20 and 18.50. Travel time is approximately 4 hours, fare is 550 rubles.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station by train 350A St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha to Yakkima station. Travel time is 4 hours 32 minutes, fare is 1,668 rubles. Next take a regular bus to the Lakhdenpokhya Bus Station.

Lakhdenpokhya is a small town in Karelia, in which several interesting buildings have been preserved. Unfortunately, some of them are in a sad state, for example the Lutheran Church from 1850. Now only the walls remain of the once beautiful building.

Another Lutheran church, built in 1935, also needs serious repairs. However, everyone can go inside and climb the bell tower, from where beautiful views open up.

Guests of Lahdenpokhya will be interested in walking along the streets of the city, where there are ancient wooden Finnish houses, and also visiting the Kurkijoki Local History Center, the exhibits of which tell about the history of the Northern Ladoga region.

Sortavala and Ruskeala

How to get there:

  • By car: from St. Petersburg along the Ring Road you need to get to the Vyborg Highway (exit Vyborg/Pargolovo). Further along the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, turn right. We move through the villages of Yukki, Luppolovo, Vertemyagi to Agalatovo. Further along the A-129 highway to Priozersk. Further follow the signs to Sortavala.
  • By bus: A regular bus from the Northern Bus Station (Murino) runs daily. Travel time is approximately 5 hours, fare is 689 rubles.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station by train 350A St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha to Sortavala station. Travel time 5 hours 33 minutes.

The city of Sortavala is a small European town, which until 1940 belonged to Finland. That is why on almost every street in the city you can find many wooden and stone buildings in the Finnish style.

In addition to walking along the city streets, in Sortavala it is interesting to visit the Regional Museum of the Northern Ladoga Region, which contains various natural and industrial exhibits of the region, because the Sortavala region is famous for marble mining.

Sortavala is also interesting for tourists because it is from this city that ships depart for the island of Valaam.

Not far from Sortavala there is a famous Marble Canyon- Ruskeala. Marble has been mined in these places since the times when the Swedes owned the territory.

Ruskeala Park offers tourists a stroll through several walking routes, ride boats through the quarries, and also bungee jump. And since April 1, 2017, a unique underground route through mines and adits has been operating.

On the way to Ruskeala Park, it is worth a look at the ancient settlement of Paaso, at the Ruskeala waterfalls, and after the park you can visit the largest zoo of artiodactyl animals in Europe - GreenPark Zoo.

How to get there:

  • By car:
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965. Travel time 8 hours 23 minutes.
  • By train: from the Ladozhsky station of St. Petersburg by train Lastochka 806CH St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk (travel time 4 hours 55 minutes), train 012A (travel time 7 hours 40 minutes, cost from 800 rubles) or 022CH St. Petersburg - Murmansk ( travel time 6 hours 41 minutes, cost from 1241 rubles).

The capital of Karelia, the city of Petrozavodsk, is the most big city Republic. It has its own airport, two water stations, and a railway station. It is from here that tourists go on a trip to Kizhi Island.

It is pleasant to walk along the streets of the city; here you can see many architectural monuments, as well as various museums. Open for history buffs National Museum Republic of Karelia. Maritime Museum reminds residents and guests of Petrozavodsk of the times of Peter I, when a shipyard was founded on the territory of the city. In addition, the city has the Museum of Industrial History of Petrozavodsk at the tractor plant, the Postal Museum of the Republic of Karelia, and the Museum of Precambrian Geology, the period of ancient fossils.

Onezhskaya embankment deserves special attention, which is not only beautiful place for walks, but also a kind of museum of modern art.

In Petrozavodsk there is a stone Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, erected under the direction of an Italian architect.
Not far from the capital of Karelia is the village of Marcial Waters - the first balneological and mud resort in Russia, founded by Peter I.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway to Petrozavodsk. Further follow the signs to Kondopoga.
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965 to Petrozavodsk. Next, transfer to bus No. 133E Petrozavodsk-Kondopoga. Travel time is 10 hours 31 minutes.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Kondopoga station (travel time 8 hours 4 minutes).

Kondopoga is the second largest city in Karelia after Petrozavodsk. Excavations on the territory of the city showed that the first human settlement in these places was formed around 1495.

On the territory of the city there is a wooden Assumption Church. In addition, in Kondopoga you can find several Carillons, compositions of bells. Every hour they make a melodious ringing.

Near Kondopoga there is the village of Kivach, famous for its waterfall of the same name, the highest flat waterfall in Europe. Another natural attraction of these places is Mount Sampo, which holds many legends and secrets. Opens from the mountain beautiful view to the lake and forest.

Also in Kondopoga it is interesting to visit the oldest hydroelectric power station in Russia and the Konchezersky iron smelting plant, built by order of Peter I.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By bus: Bus station No. 2 St. Petersburg, bus No. 965. Travel time is 5 hours 15 minutes. The fare is 617 rubles.

Olonets is one of oldest cities Karelia and Northern part of Russia. The uniqueness of this city lies in the preserved layout of the 18th century and in the unusual landscape - Olonets is located on a flat area between two rivers.

There are many churches and cathedrals in the city. In the center of Olonets, the rivers formed a small island on which the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk, built in 1752, is located.

It is also interesting to visit the Church of Frol and Lavra - a striking example of wooden Novgorod architecture of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Cross of the Church of Ingria, and the Assumption Church. Not far from the city is the village of Interposelok, where you can visit the Vazheozersky Monastery, founded in the 16th century.

Connoisseurs of ethnographic collections should visit the first local history museum of Karelia - the Museum of Livvik Karelians named after N.T. Prilukin. Also in the city is the Olonets Art Gallery, where paintings by Karelia artists are collected.


How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Medvezhya Gora station (travel time 9 hours 56 minutes).

The history of the fairly young city of Medvezhyegorsk began during the First World War with the construction railway, connecting the Barents Sea and St. Petersburg. Later, the famous White Sea-Baltic Canal passed here. That is why railroad station Bear Mountain and History Museum railway transport are of particular interest to city guests.

The city has many attractions, and the nature in these places of Karelia is especially beautiful and surrounded by many legends and secrets. One of these places of power is the abandoned village of Pegrema. Also for nature lovers it will be interesting National Park"Vodlozersky". There are pedestrian and waterways here. hiking trails, on the way of which there are monuments of wooden architecture, sites and burials of ancient people.

In Medvezhyegorsk there is a City Museum in former building Office of the White Sea Canal of the NKVD of the USSR, in which you can see various household items of the ancient population of these places, get acquainted with the exhibition " Small city in the Great War,” which tells about the events of the Great Patriotic War, and also learn the history of the construction of the White Sea Canal.

Another museum dedicated to the history of the White Sea-Baltic Canal is located in the city of Povenets. It is also interesting to visit the Sandarmokh tract and memorial cemetery victims of the construction of the White Sea Canal.

How to get there:

  • By car: along the M18 highway connecting St. Petersburg and Murmansk.
  • By train: from Ladozhsky station in St. Petersburg by train 022Ч St. Petersburg - Murmansk to Kem station (travel time 15 hours 7 minutes).

Old northern city Kem is located on the banks of the river of the same name. The buildings of the city are mainly small wooden houses, which are striking examples of traditional architecture of the North.

In the center of the city is the Assumption Cathedral. The wooden temple is more than 300 years old, and it was erected without a single nail. Not far from the Cathedral is the Pomorie Museum, the exhibits of which give a complete picture of the life of the local population - the Pomors.

In the vicinity of Kemi there are also many interesting places. For example, in the village of Krivoy Porog there is an impressive Krivoporozhskaya hydroelectric power station.

26 kilometers from the city of Kem in Lake Onega there are 2 unusual islands– German and Russian. The islands have preserved places where ancient peoples lived.

In the village of Rabocheostrovsk on Popov Island there is an equally interesting attraction - scenery from the filming of P. Lungin’s film “The Island”: wooden church, a sunken barge, piers made of boards, stone shores - all this was left after filming.


Troll Park

Address: Kulikovo village, Lakhdenpokhsky district, Republic of Karelia.
Telephone: +7 911 231 90 61
Price: 450 rubles - adults, 350 rubles - children. Locals (Karelia, Priozersky district) - discount upon presentation of a passport.
How to get there:
From St. Petersburg by car- along the highway (A-121) St. Petersburg-Priozersk-Sortavala, go to the border of the Leningrad region with Karelia. After 200 m, turn left to Khiitola (Kulikovo). After 4 km, climb uphill, at the top of the hill on the right there are pink stones, to the right into the forest. If you have reached the railway crossing, then you have already passed 700 meters.
From the side Sortovala by car- along the Sortavala-St. Petersburg highway (A-121), before reaching 200 m to the border of Karelia and the Leningrad region, turn right to Khiitola, then as described above.
By bus- from the Devyatkino metro station (Severny Bus Station) the St. Petersburg – Petrozavodsk bus leaves at 9:20 am. Buy a ticket to Kulikovo and at 12:40 the bus will arrive in the village. Kulikovo, which is 5 minutes from Troll Park.
By train- the train St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha departs from Ladozhsky Station at 14:48. Take a ticket to Khiitol (note, it does not run every day - check the schedule on the carrier’s website).
GPS coordinates: 61°11’01.0″N 29°46’51.4″E , 61.183600, 29.780945

A fabulous Troll Park has opened in the enchanted Karelian forest on the ruins of a Finnish farm. More than 50 figures from 40 cm to 4 meters presented under open air. Mysteriously, the Trolls were taken by surprise by dawn and froze in unusual positions. What do we know about these mysterious creatures? Some say that Trolls steal children and kidnap beautiful girls. Others say that Trolls love wealth and hunt for gold and precious stones. Are they good or evil? Scary or cute? Can they harm us or are tales about Trolls just inventions of Scandinavian elders? Here you will find answers to these questions.

  • trail over 500 meters
  • more than 50 figures (trolls, mermaids, sirins, nagas, dragons)
  • mini-farm with small piglets and rabbits, goats and chickens, you can pet them and feed them.
  • hammocks
  • children's trolling (rope ride)
  • wild musical instruments
  • master classes for children and adults
  • secret troll trail
  • interactive games (big slingshots, pillow fight on a log)
  • colored crystal and treasure hunt (found crystal is a gift)

Zoo Greenpark Karelia

Address: Sortavala, village. Kirkkolahti
Telephone:+7 921 622-97-93
Operating mode: autumn-winter from 10:00 - 18:00 (box office until 17:00), from 05/01/17 from 10:00-19:00 (box office until 18:00)
Price: 400 rubles adult ticket.
How to get there: In the city of Sortavala you need to drive in the direction of Petrozavodsk, following the main road. After the city of Sortavala, after about 10 km there will be a large intersection, at which you need to turn left following the sign for the village of Vyartsilya and drive under the railway bridge. Drive 31.5 km in this direction, then on the right there will be a sign for the Recreation Center “Black Stones”, turn, drive 10 km, follow the signs, there will be three of them. Coordinates 61° 59′ 27.38″ N, 30° 46′ 22.97″ E

The Greenpark Zoo near Sortavala will not leave either adults or children indifferent. This is the largest zoo of artiodactyl animals in Europe, located on an area of ​​30 hectares on the territory of the Black Stones recreation center.

The inhabitants of the zoo are not only various types of deer and bulls, ponies, roe deer, fallow deer, but also many others interesting species, including those listed in the Red Book. In addition, at the zoo you can meet ostriches, different types and breeds of birds, as well as foxes, raccoons and other animals.

For children, there is a petting zoo on the territory, where there are no nets or fences, and the animals can be petted and fed. The children's zoo is home to dwarf sheep, fawns, Cameroonian goats, rabbits, Shetlen ponies and other animals.

The zoo offers guided tours, but tourists are also offered independent walks. There are route signs throughout the entire territory, and at each paddock there are signs with the name of the species and brief description its characteristics and habitat.

Famous islands of Karelia

How to get there:

  • From St. Petersburg by boat as part of excursion groups.
  • From Priozersk by meteor: travel time 1 hour, cost about 2000 rubles. There and back again.
  • From Sortavala by meteor - travel time 50 minutes. In summer, meteors occur daily at 9.00, 11.00, 13.15 and 16.00. Round trip fare includes walking tour: Mon-Fri and Sunday - 2300 rub./person, Saturday - 2570 rub./person.
  • From Pitkäranta, meteors leave the pier of the Long Beach recreation center. Travel time 1 hour. The cost of round trip travel includes a walking tour: Mon-Fri and Sunday - 2460 rubles per person, Saturday - 2750 rubles per person.

Valaam Island is a unique place with its own unique nature, climate, architecture, people. Every year, pilgrims and tourists from all over the world come here to touch these holy places.

There are many spiritual places on the island. Of course, the main temple of the island is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the construction of which dates back to the 14th century. On the territory of the monastery there is the Valaam Church, Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve, which tells about the history of the island.

The island itself is very green; after a walk along it you can visit the monasteries: Konevsky Igumensky monastery, Resurrection (Red) monastery, Gethsemane yellow monastery, St. Nicholas monastery, St. Vladimir monastery. Another monastery is located on the island of Putsaari. Visiting the skete is possible only with the blessing of the abbot.

The Kizhi Museum-Reserve is a unique open-air museum of wooden architecture. There are about 76 buildings collected here, which will take more than one day to explore.

Of course, the most grandiose building on the island is the Church of the Transfiguration. The temple can be seen from anywhere on the island. Like all Kizhi buildings, the temple was built without a single nail. The 22 domes, handmade from pine, look especially beautiful.

In addition to churches and temples, there are other buildings on the island: mills, peasant houses, baths, barns. In the interiors of these buildings, the life and traditions of ancient northern settlements have been preserved as much as possible.

The museums of Kizhi Island contain unique collections of ancient Russian icons, paintings, weaving, and wood carvings. Also among the exhibits you can find various archival documents and drawings that give an idea of ​​how the main buildings of the island were built and restored.

Natural attractions of Karelia

Coordinates: 61.7551484, 31.4160496
How to get there by car: On the Sortavala-Petrozavodsk highway you need to turn towards Lake Ruokoyarvi. Then continue straight along the dirt road until you reach the sign “White Bridges Waterfall”. After this you need to walk 2-2.5 km.

Not far from the village of Leppäsilta there is a picturesque White Bridges waterfall. Its height reaches 19 meters, which is almost 2 times higher than the famous Karelian Kivach waterfall. However, due to its inaccessibility (to get to the waterfall you need to walk about 2 kilometers along a forest road), tourists do not visit these places very often. The nature around the waterfall is very picturesque; you can often see various forest animals here.

Coordinates: 65.762970, 31.074407
How to get there by car: along the M18 St. Petersburg–Murmansk highway to the village of Loukhi, then along highway 110 km west to the village of Pyaozersky.

The national park is located around the picturesque Lake Paanajärvi. Its territory is a unique natural complex, consisting of mountain peaks, deep gorges, numerous lakes, swamps and rivers with noisy rapids and waterfalls. There are several hiking, water-walking and snowmobile tourist routes of varying complexity and length in the park.

Coordinates: 62°29’9″N 33°40’26″E
How to get there by car: along the M18 St. Petersburg–Murmansk highway to the sign for the village of Girvas (70 km after Petrozavodsk), then at the central intersection in the village you need to turn left and follow for 10-15 minutes to the bridge and the hydroelectric power station.

50 km from Kondopoga in the village of Girvas there is a unique natural object with a history of more than 3 billion years - Girvas volcano. This is the oldest paleovolcano on earth. It is surprising that it was discovered quite recently - about 60 years ago. Now there is no mountain or crater here. However, scientists have found a lot of evidence of the once-former activity of the volcano: in the bed of the Suna River you can see a one and a half meter magmatic “tongue”, the lava field extends over a thousand square kilometers, and the river bank is formed by frozen magma.

Coordinates: 63.106814, 32.641242
How to get there by car: Drive through Sortavala or Petrozavodsk to the villages of Gimoly or Sukkozero. Further on GPS coordinates to the nearest parking lot.

The most mysterious mountain of Karelia, Vottovaara, is located near the villages of Sukkozero and Gimoly. Scientists consider this place a unique geological monument, and residents of nearby villages consider it a concentration of evil forces. There are numerous stone structures on the mountain, the history of which is full of legends and secrets. It is believed that in ancient times there was a cult complex here. The trees also amaze with their bizarre shape.

All this gives rise to a wide variety of legends, from shamans living on this mountain to UFOs.

You can get acquainted with other equally interesting places in Karelia in our article Monasteries, petroglyphs, quarries and other attractions of Lake Onega

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