How to have an inexpensive holiday with children in Primorsko-Akhtarsk: personal experience. Rest in Primorsko-Akhtarsk Primorsko-Akhtarsk rest

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is a town located on the Azov coast in the calm and relatively shallow estuary of Yasensky Bay.

This city is literally created for a quiet, peaceful holiday with the whole family. Surrounded by cozy picturesque landscapes, you can relax from the noisy city atmosphere.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is the most suitable place for families with children, because the entrance to the sea is gentle and the water is moderately clean. In some places there are long shallows, where your little ones will enjoy swimming. The unique microclimate of Primorsko-Akhtarsk will help you improve your health.

Main attractions of Primorsko-Akhtarsk

The symbol of Primorsko-Akhtarsk is a lotus plantation. It is located on the territory of the reserve called “Sadki”. While admiring the Azov coast, you can visit the monument-ship to the sailors of the Azov flotilla.

For those who want to enjoy the view of the sea breeze and for those interested in educational excursions, the most interesting thing will be a trip to the bunker of the headquarters of the military flotilla.

Among the city's attractions, a worthy place is given to the local history museum, built at the beginning of the 20th century. Here you will have a unique opportunity to see some of the exhibits with your own eyes: clay products, Cossack costumes, German weapons and much more. A separate part of the exhibits is presented in the open air.

Near the village of Stepnaya there is another attraction. These are ancient settlements. In ancient times, the structure served as a base for fishermen.

In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, excursions are possible for a high fee, organized at the Lotus tourist center. Having agreed with the huntsman, you can go on an interesting excursion to the lotuses.

Connoisseurs of cultural leisure are advised to visit the small but very cozy museum. Entering a cool museum after the summer heat is a real happiness! Vacationers are attracted here by the abundance of cute exhibits, and strange and extraordinary things will attract more than academic museums in big cities.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk has a favorable climate; you definitely won’t get bored here. Here you can visit an amusement park and other entertainment venues.

Prices for holidays in Primorsko-Akhtarsk

On the territory of Primorsko-Akhtarsk there is a private sector where you can rent housing with all amenities for a low fee. Your vacation will cost you several times cheaper than on the Black Sea.

You will have to spend about 8,000 rubles on the road to Primorsko-Akhtarsk and back. The price for an excursion to the Indian lotus plantation is 250 rubles if the person is an adult. Ticket for a child – 150 rubles. A visit to the water park will cost you about 900-1300 rubles.

Lunch in a middle-class cafe – 300 rubles. You will have to spend about 1000-2000 rubles on food per day.

The Krasnodar region received the sonorous nickname “resort fair” several decades ago. Of course, in this regard, people's rumors were not mistaken. Now the vastness of Kuban provides tourists with even more choice and they are not going to stop there. The abundance of coastal cities allows the region not only to be among the undisputed industry leaders in the domestic market, but also to periodically lure foreign visitors to the south of the Russian Federation. Each member of the incredible ensemble plays a huge role in these processes. Yes, of course, the favorites of the race are well known to us and do not require additional mention. However, in a series of farms and villages there are not only promoted signs. Local megacities (such as Sochi and Gelendzhik) are naturally unable to accommodate the entire army of thousands of “temporary migrants”. In addition, we should not forget about the individual wishes of vacationers. Some people strive to go to the thick of things, while others are in a hurry to rid themselves of a noisy neighborhood, say, with night entertainment. It’s not that Primorsko-Akhtarsk represents an abode of tranquility, but civilization here is a little less assertive, and the coast of the Azov Sea is a little further from marketing tricks.

To Akhtari station

Formally, the city on the coast of the Azov Sea estuary has a railway and bus station, but most tourists prefer to get to this settlement by transit through other cities. This situation is usually dictated by the fact that the number of direct flights starting their journey from outside the Krasnodar Territory is not too large. Consequently, passengers strive to keep the waiting period to a minimum. In principle, there is no need to blame Primorsko-Akhtarsk for road difficulties. There are quite a lot of ways of moving that allow you to find yourself in the right populated area without unnecessary movements. Therefore, you should not be afraid of transfers for the sake of a long-awaited vacation.

Let's take flight

An airplane is a means of transportation that allows you not to waste precious vacation days on a long journey to the resort. Despite the fact that the airport in Yeisk is closest to Primorsko-Akhtarsk in terms of mileage, the main flow is directed to the territory of Krasnodar. The “air harbor” of the Kuban capital functions much more actively than its neighbor. In addition, it is from the bus station of the regional center that there is a direct flight to Akhtari station. After 2.5 hours the transfer will be completed.

Forward - along the highways

Statistics claim that Primorsko-Akhtarsk occupies a leading position in the regional tourism market. Not in the sense that all citizens of the Russian Federation are rushing headlong to the patrimony of a resort town on the Azov Sea. No, we are talking specifically about residents of the Krasnodar region. That's why most vacationers go here by bus. The center will again be Krasnodar, then Novorossiysk, and Timashevsk closes the top three.

Das Auto

Based on the previous point, it is worth assuming that a car is also a fairly popular way to move around the Kuban expanses. The quality of the roads allows the driver to cover a very considerable distance without additional difficulties. If we think about a taxi and, when calculating the cost of the mentioned service, remember about the “big transit three” (Novorossiysk, Krasnodar, Timashevsk), then the driver’s service will cost about two thousand rubles.

Attention! Free number.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk was not affected by the notorious law on hostels. This city does not flaunt apartment buildings. In general, the number of permanent residents (range from 30 to 34 thousand) does not require large-scale development. There will be no problems with the choice. There are proposals, and they do not duplicate each other at all. A similar story applies to the pricing policy of hotels and living conditions in certain complexes.

The domain of mini-hotels

Perhaps Primorsko-Akhtarsk can be called a record holder for the number of mini-hotels. Every second sentence hints to the tourist that it is precisely such structures that determine the overall picture of the city. Buildings of this kind are in no way inferior to traditional buildings. Interior decoration sometimes exceeds the quality of repairs in the properties of multi-storey competitors, and the prices do not frighten the visitor by their enormous values. Prices start from 700 rubles for a single room.

We rent a bed

There are complexes in Primorsko-Akhtarsk that prefer to sell a bed, rather than the entire room. This option is preferred by people traveling alone or by groups who are ready to buy 5-6 beds at a time. The daily cost of living here ranges from 300 to 600 rubles.

Multi-story Hilton

There are practically no multi-storey hotels here. Even the Internet does not always find building data. However, they are available in the city. The service here also varies. Minimum luxury rooms. Profitable single apartments and equally sought-after two-room apartments dominate. The price from 1500 per person looks quite reasonable.

Heat leader

The hackneyed phrase “summer has settled here” is not too often associated with this city. However, Primorsko-Akhtarsk is one of the leaders among domestic resorts in terms of the number of warm days per year. Statistics are a stubborn thing, and year after year they record the victory of a given locality in correspondence competition with tourist centers of the Russian Federation.

Since mid-May, the air temperature here has not dropped below 24 degrees. At the same time, there is no unbearable heat and lack of oxygen typical of Asian resorts (for example, Thailand).

The peak season, as you might guess, is in the summer months. Rain for Primorsko-Akhtarsk in June, July, and August is a rare occurrence. Perhaps only the final third of the hot season can surprise tourists with downpours. True, the rains often subside quickly.

The start of autumn is also suitable for relaxation. The water has not yet lost its pleasant warmth, and the weather still retains the aroma of a bygone summer. September is not too much inferior in this aspect to August. But the number of people on the beaches is much less.

Natural attractions

Glorious is the city that is able to demonstrate natural wonders to its guests. Primorsko-Akhtarsk is ready to boast of such successes. The product of interaction between the elements and man is not represented in this place in a single copy.

Fans of medical tourism are well aware of the presence of medicinal mud in this city. It is they who, with the first increase in temperature to acceptable values, invite a lot of vacationers into the healing reservoir. By the way, even high-ranking federal officials are improving their health here.

Oh, if only Van Gogh had seen this. Probably, if the great artist had been in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, the world would have admired not tulips, but other beautiful flowers. The local Indian lotus plantation is a gift for painters and admirers of exquisite flora.

Perhaps the settlements in the village of Stepnoy can only partially be attributed to the sculptures of the elements. However, the archaeological site, located near Primorsko-Akhtarsk, seems to be embedded in the natural landscape. Consequently, it is simply impossible to imagine the nature of the region without this structure.

Beach at City Hall

Of course, the location of the city’s central beach near the city hall has turned these territories into an exemplary resort area. A European-looking embankment, clean soil and polite staff will allow tourists to experience international standards of service. Children's playgrounds and convenient equipment rental points will allow vacationers to taste all the delights of leisure in this city. Naturally, the presence of a famous administrative building necessitates a wide variety of canteens and restaurants, as well as the construction of small catering outlets. In short, the time before and after swimming will not be wasted. However, now we will focus specifically on the features of the main reservoir of the Primorsko-Akhtarsky region.

This beach has absorbed all the best that nature provides, but has benefited from the help of man. This part of the Azov water area combines an artificial surface with pristine soil. A combination of shells and soft sand - what could be better?

The affectionate name “paddling pool”, of course, cannot help but evoke associations with a children’s resort. However, the shallow waters attract not only small tourists. Their parents plunge into the tank with the same pleasure. There are practically no waves here. Constant calm allows vacationers to count on the fact that not a single day of the summer “vacation” will be lost due to bad weather.

The beach line may not stretch for tens of kilometers, but it should be noted that here you can always find a free place to relax. Not in the sense that the local spaces are empty and do not attract vacationers. On the contrary, there are too many people. It’s just that the geographical features of Primorsko-Akhtarsk created an amazing landscape - with pompous hills and slight elevation changes. Which involuntarily increases the field for appropriate maneuvers.

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150 km from the capital of the Krasnodar Territory on the shores of the Azov Sea is the small resort town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Many tourists prefer to holiday in this small town during the high tourist season. Vacationers are attracted by the warm sea, which warms up to 27 degrees in July and August, as well as affordable housing prices and plenty of entertainment. In addition, in the vicinity of Primorsko-Akhtarsk there are rich sources of hydrogen sulphide mud and iodine-boring waters, which have a positive effect on the human body.

Where to stay?

Those who have already chosen holiday in Primorsko-Akhtarsk 2019, will be hospitably greeted by about a hundred luxury hotels, private hotels and boarding houses. Also in the city you can always find inexpensive accommodation in the private sector or choose free accommodation in car camping sites on the shores of the Azov Sea. The resort hotels are mainly located in the city center and on the coastal area. The comfortable rooms have everything a person needs on vacation:

  • furniture;
  • Appliances;
  • bathroom with shower;
  • car parking.

Boarding houses and hotels offer vacationers a varied diet 3 times a day or buffet breakfasts. You can also have lunch or dinner at the resort's many cafes and restaurants.

If you choose the private sector for your holiday in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, you can save significantly on rental housing. The city mainly consists of private low-rise buildings, in which there are always rooms for visitors, minimal amenities and a shared kitchen where you can prepare your own food at your discretion. Housing prices in the private sector are much lower than in hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses, so tourists who are unpretentious in terms of comfort prefer the closest possible environment in the homes of hospitable citizens.

For lovers of hunting and fishing

Campsites on the seashore are perfect for those who come not only to relax in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, but also to enjoy excellent fishing or hunting. The coastal zone consists of several estuaries, which contain a large number of a wide variety of fish. Local hunting grounds are rich in game. Here you can go duck or wild goose hunting. There is also larger game in the vicinity - otters, muskrats, wild boars.

Who will enjoy a holiday in Primorsko-Akhtarsk?

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is a resort city for people of all ages with different hobbies and interests. Beach lovers are attracted by the clean sand and pebble beaches that stretch along the coast for several kilometers. During the peak season in July and August, the air temperature in the town rises above 35 degrees. This is a great place to get a beautiful, even, southern tan.

The resort is a great place to spend a summer vacation with your family. You can not only relax in Primorsko-Akhtarsk inexpensively, but also have a lot of fun, get new emotions and impressions. Here you can find a huge number of:

  • beach attractions;
  • rental of sports equipment;
  • attractions;
  • discos;
  • excursions.

A feature of the city and its calling card for several decades has been the lotus plantation, which many tourists seek to see.

Holidays in Primorsko-Akhtarsk without intermediaries are an opportunity to spend a summer vacation at sea in an interesting and healthy way, even for those whose financial capabilities are not too high. Those who have already come to this resort know that by booking accommodation for your holiday in advance, you can save significantly and get the same living conditions in a hotel or private sector at a more affordable price than during the high tourist season. Primorsko-Akhtarsk, where private guest houses and large boarding houses offer holidays without intermediaries, will appeal to large groups of friends, families with small children, retirees and students.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Krasnodar region)

Back in the 18th century. on the site of the modern resort town there was a Turkish fortress, whose troops guarded the exit to the Sea of ​​Azov. Primorsko-Akhtarsk, as a Russian settlement, was formed after the siege of the fortification by the Cossacks. They founded a village on this place. Gradually the settlement grew and by the beginning of the 20th century. received city status. Currently, about 30 thousand people live here, but during the high season the number of people in the city increases significantly.

Most of the city is private development. There are very few multi-storey buildings here. Large hotels and private hotels are located mainly near the sea, have their own private beach areas and excellent infrastructure. The city began to develop as a resort in the Soviet 60s, and today, as then, you can see “room for rent” signs on private houses, and loud-voiced townspeople walk along the beaches offering boiled corn.

The sea, a lot of sun, floods, sand and pebble spits and estuaries - this is what the resort area of ​​​​the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk is like. Azov is a great place for active recreation, fishing and hiking. The numerous bays and lakes on the coast contain a large number of fish that can be caught both from a boat and from the shore. In the Akhtarsky estuary there are:

  • crucian carp;
  • sea ​​goby;
  • pilengas;
  • sprat;
  • zander;
  • sturgeon;
  • beluga

Almost the entire population of the town lives by serving tourists and vacationers. Akhtar residents work in hotels, sanatoriums, restaurants and entertainment centers. The majority of the population is Russian, but Ukrainians, Jews, and Tatars also live in the city.

The tourist season begins at the beginning of May, at which time the water in the estuary warms up to 22 degrees. Vacationers can enjoy the warm sea and hot sun until the end of September. The beaches in the coastal zone are quite long and wide, which allows comfortable accommodation for a large number of people who want to soak up the rays of the southern sun. The bottom along the shore is silted and shallow.

Transport connection

The locality has a well-developed transport network; you can quickly get to any destination by bus or private taxi. Since the time of Catherine II, a railway line has been operating in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, along which numerous tourists come to the city. Primorsko-Akhtarsk is also connected to the villages and Krasnodar by intercity bus service.

Holidays at the resort are attractive throughout the summer months, but most tourists prefer to come here in July and August, when you can admire the stunningly beautiful lotus plantations on the territory of the Sadki Nature Reserve. This exotic flower, about which there are many legends, blooms for only a few days, so tourists tend to get to the city from the 2nd decade of July until mid-August.

Resort Features

There are no industrial enterprises in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, so the air here is very clean, saturated with salts and minerals. Many tourists prefer to stay on the banks of the estuary or in its floodplains in hunting lodges and live without amenities in the lap of nature. Outside the resort area in Primorsko-Akhtarsk there is an eco-settlement where people live, abandoning the benefits of civilization. You can come here on a tour or on your own and stay for the duration of your vacation.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk cannot compare with the large resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, living conditions and infrastructure here are more modest, but even the most demanding tourists can find comfortable accommodation in a hotel on the seashore or in one of several sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of skin diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During the high season, a significant part of tourists are fishermen, who are attracted by the gifts of the Azov Sea.

Sights, excursions and entertainment in Primorsko-Akhtarsk

Undoubtedly, the main attraction of the city is the Sadki nature reserve and its Indian lotus plantation. But not only this picturesque place can be seen at the resort. Of interest to tourists are such natural sites as:

  • Beysugsky estuary;
  • Udege Legend National Park;
  • Achuevskaya Spit;
  • Museum of Local Lore;
  • Fortifications in the village of Stepnoy.

You can see these beautiful places on your own, by going there in your own or rented car, or using the services of guides.

Another recognizable place in the city is the monument to the sailors of the Azov flotilla. This is an armored boat mounted on a hill, which during the Great Patriotic War provided heroic protection in the Kerch Strait.


The resort town can offer vacationers a large amount of entertainment. For those who like to relax actively and not without extreme sports, the aviation sports club organizes parachute jumps. Despite the rather high cost of the service and the need to undergo special 2-day training, more and more people want to jump from an 800-meter height every year. And paintball lovers can use the services of 2 paintball clubs - this is another popular sports entertainment at the resort.

Beach activities

On the beaches there are children's attractions, rental of various equipment, as well as a windsurfing club. Every year a large festival is held here, which attracts windsurfers from all over Kuban and various cities of the country. The event is very spectacular, and it ends with a big disco on the beach, which lasts until the morning.

Also, annually in August, an art song festival is organized on Yasenskaya Spit, which lasts 3 days and 3 nights. Participants and spectators are located right on the shore in a tent camp. Bards from all over the country come to the festival.

For vacationers, there are a large number of entertainment centers in the city center and on the embankment. There are restaurants where you can relax with friends or spend an evening with your family, and there are bowling clubs. If you like to dance, then every evening and almost until the morning discos are held on the embankment, which attract tourists, music lovers and unbridled fun.

In Primorsko-Akhtarsk everyone can find entertainment to their liking; there is everything here that can make your vacation varied and unforgettable. If you choose this small resort on the Azov Sea for your summer holiday, you are guaranteed new impressions, positive emotions and a fun, carefree pastime.

How to get to Primorsko-Akhtarsk

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is connected with other cities by rail and road transport. If you decide to come to the resort by your own car, then when entering the Krasnodar Territory you should take the M-4 Don highway, and the P-268 highway leads from Krasnodar to Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

By train:

This is one of the most popular types of transport, which allows you to comfortably get to Primorsko-Akhtarsk. In addition, traveling by train is the least financially expensive, which determines the choice of tourists. In this direction you can use trains that go to Anapa, Novorossiysk or Krasnodar. Intercity buses constantly run from the capital of Kuban to Primorsko-Akhtarsk from the bus station, covering a distance of 150 km.

If you travel by train to Novorossiysk or Anapa, then getting to the resort will be much faster. Having disembarked at Kanevskaya or Timoshevskaya stations, you can get to Primorsko-Akhtarsk by commuter bus in an hour.

By intercity bus:

Passenger routes to Primorsko-Akhtarsk are organized from bus stations in cities such as:

  • Novorossiysk;
  • Sochi;
  • Labinsk;
  • Gelendzhik;
  • Krasnodar.

Passengers are transported on comfortable buses with air conditioning and TVs. Travel time depends on the distance traveled.

By plane:

The closest airport to Primorsko-Akhtarsk is in Yeisk. But most flights from Moscow land in Krasnodar. Buses from the capital of Kuban to Primorsko-Akhtarsk leave approximately every 2-3 hours; you can get to the final point in 3 hours. 45 min.

Suburban buses also run daily from Yeisk to Primorsko-Akhtarsk, bringing vacationers to the resort bus station. From here you can get to any part of Primorsko-Akhtarsk by city buses No. 3, No. 4, No. 6.

A wonderful resort on the shores of the Azov Sea.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is a small resort that is surrounded by a large number of picturesque salt lakes, estuaries and other natural attractions. While relaxing in the city, you will not only enjoy the warm sea and magnificent beaches, but also be able to restore your health.

Anyone who is tired of the bustle of the city, but at the same time does not want to deprive themselves of all the benefits of civilization, is recommended to visit this cute town. The resort infrastructure will satisfy the needs of any tourist: lovers of active, extreme and cultural recreation.

Reference! The resort is ideal not only for a quiet family holiday, but for young people it will become a real paradise, since the city has many different cafes, bars and discos, and the night fun continues until the morning.

Low prices for housing and food attract tourists here who have already been here once and fallen in love with this cozy town. This resort is literally created for a peaceful holiday with the whole family. Beautiful landscapes, warm sea, clean beaches - all this contributes to a comfortable pastime.

The climate in these parts is quite mild. It rains very rarely. Winter is warm and lasts from December to early March. From May to September is the holiday season. In summer, the air temperature is +30C, and the water temperature in the sea is up to +27C. Since the Sea of ​​Azov is relatively shallow, the water in it warms up quickly and remains warm longer.

The resort is famous among fishermen and hunting enthusiasts. There are many tourist centers in the city and its surroundings, which are equipped with everything necessary for such a pastime. The lakes and streams contain a huge amount of fish: crucian carp, pike, catfish, pike perch.

The city has not yet gained much popularity like the nearby resorts. Tourists are just discovering the delights of these places: wonderful climate, proximity to the sea, mud and mineral springs.


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The Krasnodar region is famous for its natural attractions, which attract a huge flow of tourists.

"Salt Lakes"

On one of the outskirts of the city there are “Salt Lakes” . Therapeutic mud is valuable for skin problems, and also help get rid of scars and adhesions, relieve inflammation and heal the entire body.

Reserve "Sadki"

The visiting card of these places is the Sadki nature reserve and its Indian lotus plantation. This natural wonder attracts a large flow of tourists. These magnificent flowers begin to bloom in August. It is at this time that it is best to visit the reserve in order to have time to enjoy the flowering process, which lasts only a few days.

Monument to the sailors of the Azov flotilla

The most interesting monument is the armored boat, which is installed on the embankment. During the war, he provided protection for Soviet flotillas in the Kerch Strait. Every tourist can get acquainted in detail with all the design features of the equipment. It was military equipment that made it possible to cope with difficulties during the period of confrontation with enemies.

Museum of History and Local Lore

In the city's local history museum you can see a huge number of exhibits: interior, dishes, furniture, front-line household items that were used many years ago. Part of the exposition is located in the open air - this is an exhibition of agricultural machinery.

You can also see here: captured German weapons, military uniforms and weapons of Soviet soldiers. To better understand the history of the city, you should definitely organize an excursion to this interesting museum.

The cost of visiting is 350 rubles.

Beysugsky estuary

Lovers of walking, sports and amateur fishing come here. There are about 25 species of fish in the estuary: pike, carp, perch and other marine life. This is a great place to spend the whole day, go fishing, have a picnic and take amazing photos.

The child won’t be bored either; in the city center there are excellent entertainment centers - “Fidget” and “Treasure Island”. Lots of board games, trampolines, cafes, slides, swings and children's attractions - all this entertainment is collected in one place. Every child will find something exciting and interesting for themselves.

Idea! And after all the active games, you can sit in the children's cafe and enjoy delicious desserts.


Beach holidays at the resort have been offering the services of professional windsurfing coaches for several years. Competitions in this sport take place on the city beach and end with grand concerts and discos.

The aviation sports club organizes parachute jumps for tourists. Even though this service is quite expensive, there are more and more people who want to see these places from a bird’s eye view every season.

Fans of hunting and fishing come here to enjoy their favorite activity. These areas are rich in game, with otters, muskrats, ducks and wild geese.

Where to stay?

Luxurious hotels, modern hotels and boarding houses will hospitably welcome every tourist. Here you will be offered clean rooms with all amenities, good food and a number of additional services. Every tourist will be able to find a cozy place where they can spend their entire vacation.

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Hotel "AkhtariSurf"

The famous hotel is also a windsurfing station, which is located on the coast of the Azov Sea. Here you can not only study, but also live. For accommodation, guests are offered 6 rooms of varying degrees of comfort.

The club also has a section for children - this is an excellent opportunity to get your child interested in windsurfing. There is an excellent cafe on site where everyone can have a tasty and inexpensive meal. Guests can use: bar, table tennis, sauna, bathhouse.

Attention! When checking into the hotel, read the general rules and strictly follow them.

Hotel Volna

Surrounded by beautiful pine trees, the modern Volna Hotel is located. The complex is ready to accommodate 80 people. Each room is decorated in an individual style, equipped with appliances and comfortable furniture. The entire city infrastructure is within walking distance: shops, pharmacies, ATMs.

Hotel MariSol

A modern, cozy hotel is located on the shores of the Azov Sea. Friendly staff, comfortable rooms, various entertainment will make your stay unforgettable. Guests can enjoy an indoor swimming pool, a bowling alley, and a spacious terrace with tables where they can enjoy the picturesque sea views.

Apartment "Victoria"

Here you will truly plunge into the royal atmosphere of wealth and luxury. The exquisite interior of each room will make vacationers forget about all their worries and problems. Sandy beach 5 minutes walk from the hotel. Shops, parks and city attractions are within walking distance.

Reference! When booking a room, no prepayment is required, everything is paid on the spot.

Private sector

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You can save your budget significantly if you stay in the private sector. The owners of guest houses and mini-hotels will warmly welcome every vacationer and offer wonderful living conditions that are as close as possible to home.

Guest House "On Boulevard"

The mini-hotel is a two-story building with rooms of different price categories. Each room has everything you need for a comfortable stay: air conditioning, bathroom, refrigerator, LCD TV. There is a shared kitchen in the courtyard for self-catering. The guest house has a recreation area: gazebo, swing, barbecue. The beach is a 7 minute walk.

"The Little Mermaid of Azov"

Everything here is created for a comfortable family holiday.. A great place where you will enjoy your holiday. There is a large swimming pool in the courtyard of the guest house. There is a children's play area with a trampoline, swings and slides on site.

Guests are offered standard rooms with comfortable furniture and a bathroom. You can cook your own food in the shared kitchen or eat in the cafe. The shell-sand beach is 100 meters from the hotel.

Peculiarities! Pets are allowed.

"English Channel"

A small cozy mini-hotel located near the sea. It offers 7 rooms of different price categories. The hotel has a cafe where you will be offered a wide selection of dishes. In the courtyard there is a children's playground and a recreation area with a barbecue.

Mini-hotel “Sari-Yal”

A small hotel is located on the coast of the Azov Sea. Guests are provided with standard rooms with furniture, LCD TV and air conditioning. There is a shared kitchen on site for self-catering. In the courtyard there is an open terrace with tables where you can enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee.

Recreation centers

Some tourists prefer to relax in wooden houses without amenities in the wilderness. But you can have a great time at recreation centers, enjoying the proximity and natural beauty of these places, without giving up all the benefits of civilization.

Recreation center "Lotus"

This modern recreation center is located in a picturesque location not far from the city. You can come here at any time. Guests are offered accommodation in multi-storey buildings with cozy rooms and separate wooden houses. Three meals a day for an additional fee.

The base has its own beach, which is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Guests can enjoy billiards, table tennis, and a football field. Excursions to local attractions are regularly organized.

Fishing and hunting base "Aquarius"

Every hunter and fisherman who comes to these parts knows this cozy, quiet place. This is a real paradise for vacationers. The camp site is equipped with everything necessary for the convenience and comfort of tourists. The entire area is surrounded by greenery and flowers. In the courtyard there are spacious gazebos, a terrace, a barbecue and a shared kitchen. Each room has modern furniture and necessary equipment, and its own bathroom.

Important! Base personnel are not responsible for the loss of valuables. It’s worth worrying in advance and storing them in a safe.


The camp site is located on the shore of the Akhtarsky estuary. Mostly fishermen and hunters relax here, but nature lovers do not deny themselves such pleasure. It is possible to rent a boat and other necessary equipment. For the convenience of vacationers, there is an excellent Russian bathhouse on the territory of the base. Guests are accommodated in comfortable rooms.


The resort has a small selection of good places for a beach holiday. Some tourists prefer to bask on the central beach, while others seek privacy.


The Sea of ​​Azov is considered “children’s” due to the fact that the sea is very warm and shallow. In summer, the water in it warms up to + 30C.

The main city beach is pebble and sand, well maintained and well equipped. There are always quite a lot of children on the beach; they love to splash in the shallow sea and build sand castles. On the shore there are many different attractions and entertainment, water equipment rental points, cafes and restaurants.

Interesting! Every year an enchanting festival is held here, which attracts windsurfers from all cities of Russia. The event is exciting and very spectacular, which ends with a disco.


There are many “wild” beaches in the Primorsko-Akhtarsk area. Along the coast you can find enough places where you can hide from prying eyes, enjoy the silence and relax in the lap of nature. Almost all beaches are sandy, but the bottom is muddy.

Do not be upset, as this silt is healing. There are many sources of mineral mud in these places, some of them are located directly in the open sea. So take a swim and improve your health at the same time.

How to get there?

By train

The nearest airports are in (under reconstruction) and Krasnodar. And from there you can easily get to Primorsko-Akhtarsk by regular bus.

On average, air tickets will cost about 6,000 rubles.

Note! If you're traveling with a child, be sure to bring snacks, medications, and toys with you on the plane.