Where to go with your child for autumn holidays? Where to go for autumn holidays - rating of Russian cities for traveling with children Where to fly with children for autumn holidays

To change the environment, I want to relax not only in the summer. November is approaching and the question arises: “Where to go to autumn vacation with kids?" You can consider in advance several options for traveling in your own country or traveling to other states. Usually the vacation period is short, and this should also be taken into account. You can choose a seaside vacation or plan a visit to one interesting object. Let's try to consider all possible options.

With a visa

Of course, if you and your child have a Schengen visa, it will be a nice gift. This time is good because there are not many tourists, and the weather during this period is usually sunny and velvety. Let's start with the capital of the Czech Republic, beloved by many Russians.

Fabulous Prague

This incredibly attractive city will be interesting for a child too. If the weather permits, you should definitely take a ride on the old tram number 91, which is already 100 years old. Perhaps the adult generation also remembers such trailers. Ponastalgi ... Along the wall, along the entire length, there are wooden benches. And the ticket is sold by a conductor in uniform. He will validate the ticket, and you need to keep it until the end of the trip.

You can get off at any stop, take a walk and get on the next tram with the same ticket again. It is interesting for a child to see the famous chime clock on the Old Town Square.

In any weather, be sure to bring your child to the Kingdom of Railways. For two hours, both adults and children will be interested in making a virtual trip along the railways of the country. The layout displays very accurately historical places, roads, stations. You can see some landscapes, scenes from life. Miniature trains with carriages and locomotives run along the roads. And when dusk descends, lights come on in the windows. The video cameras installed on the trains allow you to feel each passenger of this fabulous train.

The cost of a ticket for children up to a meter tall is 50 kroons, up to 15 years old - 160 kroons, for adults - 260 kroons.

The Prague Zoo is considered one of the best in the world. If the weather permits, be sure to do it " trip around the world". Walking along the paths of the park, you will meet more than 600 species of animals from different parts of the world. The zoo area is large, so you can ride small train... Children can pet a goat and ride a pony. Child ticket - 150, adult - 200 CZK.

It is definitely worth going up Petřín Hill by funicular. Finding a way out of the Mirror Maze or the opportunity to "fall" with laughter in the "room of laughter" will be wonderful entertainment for children. In addition, there is an observatory and wonderful gardens on the hill. Entrance price: for children under 6 years old - 20, up to 15 years old - 50, for adults - 70 CZK.

In Prague for children there are: toys, legos, alchemists and magicians. For active rest there is a bobsleigh track and rope park, in which children can try themselves on a special track and receive a gift. Dinopark is located nearby.

Meeting with a polar bear in Vienna

For relaxation, sophisticated, classic will appeal not only to an adult, but also to a child. After all, here, in the best children's museum Zoom, you can try yourself as a real designer and director.

Schönbrunn Zoo, which is more than 200 years old, has been interesting for its unusual presentation of some animals. For example, crawling in a pipe under a hill, you can see a rabbit hole through the glass.

And to meet a polar bear, you may have to come to the zoo more than once. After all, on the glass of their enclosure there is an inscription that the animals really live here, but the administration values ​​their privacy, and they have the opportunity to hide. And there are pandas in the zoo. Children will be delighted, because there are so many interesting things! entrance fee: Up to 6 years old children can admire animals for free, young people under 19 years old and disabled people - 9 euros, adults - 18.5 euros.

Autumn in Paris

Of course, every child dreams of visiting Disneyland. There is such a possibility. The weather may let down, but there is also a plus - at this time of the year the park is not crowded. Children under 3 years old visit the park for free, up to 11 years old children's tickets - from 59 euros to 189, adults - from 65 to 209 euros. The cost depends on the number of days of visit.

The complex of scientific and entertainment attractions will attract children of any age. Here you can visit a real submarine, become a participant in an experiment, visit a planetarium and see many amazing things. The ticket price is 9-12 euros.

Favorite Baltics and not only

Perhaps you would like to bring winter closer? You can go to Lillehamer, where the ski school is located and children's park entertainment. Indeed, in November, the season already begins there. The Norwegian ski resorts Trysil and Hemsedal also offer fun activities for children.

The Baltic countries can also be considered as interesting excursion places:, Latvia, Lithuania. The architecture of the cities of these countries in the autumn months becomes especially cozy: narrow streets with sights and many cafes.

In Tallinn, you can take a walk over the city on hot-air balloon... In Lithuania in Klaipeda there is a Maritime Museum and a Dolphinarium, in Kaunas there is a museum of devils and a zoo.

Countries without a visa

Let's extend the summer in Israel

Why not visit? At this time, the weather is pleasant and warm there. In Jerusalem, there is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the country almost "live". This is a "time elevator" - a 5D walk through the Jewish history of Jerusalem for half an hour. The effect of presence is created with the help of sounds, video, you can feel the gusts of wind and splashes of water.

Tel Aviv has a seawater water park, and at Luna Park, kids can even get a children's driver's license. To do this, they will take a course on rules. road traffic and pass the exam. In Eilat, you can observe dolphins in the wild.

On the sea

TO warm sea you can also get there. For this there is and. In Dubai Mall, you can swim among the sharks and visit the Adventure Water Park. There is also ski resort Ski Dubai with 400m slope. Only there you can see live trees and snow-white snow in the middle of the desert.

The indescribable atmosphere of Ski Dubai in the video in English, but words are superfluous here:

In Thailand, the dry season begins in early November. You can go there without a visa for 30 days.

Always warm sea, sun and fruit, and a visa is also not needed.

Let's look at friends

Let's not forget about hospitable Belarus. There is something to see in Minsk. Boys are interested in the Aviation Museum, where you can try on a pilot's costume, sit in a real plane or helicopter.

The Open Ocean Oceanography Center will introduce not only its inhabitants, but also provide young visitors with the opportunity to visit the Arctic together with Belarusian submariners, see and even try on a diving suit, and also make a trip across 5 oceans.

There is a circus in the capital of Belarus, where artists from different countries... In the zoo, in addition to exotic animals, you need to visit the dolphinarium. Sea animals will give positive emotions to adults and children. No one will be bored in the Chelyuskintsev Park with many attractions, food shops and a water park.

Immense Russia

Two capitals

If your child has never been to the capital, then he must be taken there. because lately it has turned into beautiful city the world. And how to entertain an adult and a child is not a question. In short, it is impossible to list what to see, where to go in a metropolis.

During school holidays, all federal for children under 18 work free of charge. In the Central children's store(at Lubyanka) you can see and take part in the dinosaur show. There is an opportunity to get acquainted with the world of animation in the children's center "Soyuzmultfilm". In many amusement parks with unique attractions, water parks.

Of course you can spend the day at VDNKh. There are many thematic pavilions, in the "Moskvarium" children and adults will visit marine life, there is an opportunity to get free lessons of English language, which are held every Saturday for children from 4 to 13 years old, to get acquainted with the "smart home" and much more interesting and informative. Many exhibitions are free for children.

Intelligent is a city for the soul. Just admire the stone vignettes on the ancient facades of Nevsky, drown in the dark water of the canals, breathe in the moist, cool air, and then drink hot coffee in a cozy cafe. Rest assured, older children like it too.

If you suddenly find yourself in the city in rainy weather, then you can pay 350 rubles. ride the City-Tour excursion bus all day long. Disembark at any stop, take a walk, and take the next one.

Visit the Aquarium, one of the largest in the country, and the Chocolate Museum. Little kids will love Kidburg - a city of professions. The kid can try himself in different professions, earn money and immediately spend it, his parents will buy him a work book, where his activities will be recorded.

Water parks will also help to hide from bad weather. In Peterland: extreme slides, artificial waves and a wonderful playground for children.

Mouse Kingdom, real felt boots and unique dolls

And St. Petersburg will always be among the leaders of excursion programs. But our country is so huge and there are many places to see. For example, there is in Yaroslavl region wonderful provincial town Myshkin. Why is the city named so? What did a simple mouse do to be immortalized?

In Myshkin, they make real Russian felt boots, which you can't buy anywhere. At the Mouse Museum, each visitor is given a ticket with the seal of the Mouse Kingdom. Residents of a large metropolis will rest their souls in an atmosphere of provincial comfort.

In the complex "Myshkin Chambers" you will be welcomed by the mouse king, you will see the zoo, the mouse railroad and a special show for children. Adults 200, children 150 rubles.

You should definitely visit Olga Pavlycheva's doll gallery. For some reason, it is not included in any excursion program. And this is undeserved, the gallery is a private collection, but they know about it outside our country. The dolls are made according to the author's technology, a whole doll kingdom with real miniature houses, an interior: dishes, carpets and so on. Describing a thankless job: you need to see, admire and be surprised!

You can buy a one-day voucher, it costs about 2,000 rubles. But maybe it's better to plan such a trip yourself?

To Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and crystal lakes

Beautiful lakes with ecologically clean forests surrounded - this is Karelia. For family vacation tourist centers and guest houses organize interesting leisure activities with children. All together you can go fishing on the local lake, ride an ATV. For the family, the owner is usually given a discount.

There are sights in Karelia that you may have never heard of. For example, nature reserve Is a former marble quarry flooded with groundwater. The ticket price for a student is 200 rubles, for students - 300, for adults - 500 rubles. The most daring can test themselves in the extreme park.

Among the favorites of rest is the ancient Kostroma, the birthplace of the Snow Maiden. She receives guests in the tower all year round. In an ecologically clean region, there is a moose farm and the state reserve "Kologrivsky forest".

You need to plan a trip to Santa Claus in advance. Even adults who have visited his residence begin to doubt that Santa Claus is a fairytale character.

Cities deserve that children get to know Russian history and architecture as early as possible. For a comfortable stay in these cities, everything is done at the highest level.

When planning a program for the autumn holidays, it is necessary to decide what the child needs: an educational, excursion program or a regular rest. We have a huge number of beautiful in our country, amazing places... And a foreign vacation or a trip to the sea, if the budget allows, will become an unforgettable journey... The choice is yours!

Fall break lasts only a week, and this is far from the best week of the year. It's slush on the street, the mood is so-so, I want to sleep until lunchtime, bury myself in the TV and watch cartoons.

But the best rest is a change of activity, so don't waste time and take the holidays into your own hands.

A few rules for a good vacation:

  • In the first two or three days, which fall on the weekend, allow your child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck in a tablet, take a walk to the nearest movie - that's all right. Fall break is needed for respite. A few days of seal rest will be just right.
  • Then you need to do your homework in order to forget about them, like about a nightmare, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the lessons have not been done, but time is ticking by.
  • And only then come to grips with entertainment.

Where to go on vacation

Don't sit at home. If you can't get out for a week and go to, spend more time outdoors. When you get tired of collecting leaves and acorns for crafts, think of something more exciting.

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for the fall holidays. In just 10 minutes spent looking at the posters, you will create a program for the entire vacation.

Allow your child to choose what events he wants to attend, so as not to drag him out of the house against his wishes.

2. Go to another city


A good way to spend your holidays when in hometown everything has already been examined. The main thing is not to choose an excursion at a travel agency, but to go on your own.

Choose one of the neighboring cities, find the sights you want to visit, book a hotel for a couple of days and go.

Explain to your child how to use city maps, how to navigate unfamiliar streets, how to politely ask for directions and specify where the bus is going. These are even more interesting to study than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, you will show the children how to plan a trip correctly, where and how to buy tickets, what services to use to find a hotel. It will be useful for high school students, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

To fight with bad weather is useless, so use it. Fun for younger students: Bring rubber boots, a stick, a marker and a ruler. Mark the stick and go measure the depth of the surrounding puddles. Write down the results in a special notebook. In this case, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day for a week, you will get a ready-made project that will be useful in school. This will help to look at the slush from a different angle and spur interest in research.

4. Lay out a maze of leaves


On a walk in the park, take advantage of what nature has given, and lay out a maze of leaves. At first, you will work hard to make an interesting track. Then the children will play it perfectly.

5. Ride a horse

This is not a five-minute ride in the park, but a full-fledged lesson in an equestrian club. Horse riding is an active sport with which you will not freeze in any weather. And acquaintance with horses will cheer up: horses are warm, huge, each with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charity event

Volunteer with older students: help organizers of a charity event, spend a day at an animal shelter, plant a tree, or help clean up the playground. Socially useful work ennobles and gives a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When rain and wind are kept out, find activities that are warm and cozy. Someone also likes quiet activities, but someone does not want to sit at the table and collect another craft from leaves and cones. For such people, there is more interesting entertainment.

7. Arrange a board game championship


Bring out a new board game every night to keep the whole family busy. Record the results in a table in order to sum up the results and give out prizes at the end of the holidays.

Aerobatics - come up with your own board, draw cards and write down the rules.

8. Start Exercising

During the fall holidays, you should not get too far out of the regime. After the first days of unrestrained rest, you need to return to your work rhythm so as not to go to school completely overwhelmed.

But try waking your child up early on vacation. It's high time to introduce family to the daily routine with some funny music.

9. Throw a pajama party

At school, children communicate a lot with their classmates, so there may not be enough team during the holidays, especially towards the end of the week. Invite your child to invite friends to a pajama party with cartoons (or movies, depending on the child's age), funny and not entirely healthy snacks and horror stories.

10. Get a pet


If you wanted, then fall vacation is the right time. The child will have a lot of free time, which he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home in a week.

During the holidays, the child will learn the basic rules of caring for an animal and will be able to integrate communication with him into his schedule.

11. Have a dress up marathon

It takes a little more imagination than the rest of the activities, but the end result is more fun.

Think about what each new day will be dedicated to. For example, Monday for the sea, Tuesday for the sky, and so on. On Monday, put on a vest or something striped, assign roles (who is the captain, who is the boatswain) and until the end of the day communicate as if you were on a sailing ship. During the day, have time to polish the deck, load supplies into the hold (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell your child everything that is connected with "sea" affairs: why watch is needed, what is a compass for, how to navigate by the stars, and so on.

This marathon can be combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games on a given topic.

Make costumes from scrap materials. Dressing up helps you get into the topic faster. Do not forget to take pictures in images.

12. Make new sweets every day

Cookies, pies and anything that will help you get more warmth and energy on autumn evenings. At the same time, teach your child to cook.

13. Make a feeder


It will get quite cold soon, but you will have time to make a bird feeder out of anything: wood, tin can or plastic bottle. Perhaps it is useful not only for birds.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 15 minutes


We present to you seven best places the world for a holiday with a child during the autumn holidays:

Thailand for November holidays with a child

Trip to Chiang Mai- this is a great opportunity to show your child that cows do not give milk in bottles, and bread does not grow on trees. In ancient times, these places were located kingdom Lanna- the land of rice fields. In this country, to this day they are engaged in growing rice, grazing animals and painting fabrics by hand. And all this traditional way of life makes Chiang Mai an incredibly popular destination for tourists with children.

For guests is open here cooking school, in which they teach how to cook a delicious tom yam.

You can also visit the villa Maesa elephant camp where you and your child can ride an elephant and watch how these animals paint magnificent pictures.

When you arrive Chiang Mai, visit the city zoo, go down the Ping River and take a trip to Bong San village... There, for tourists, silk is woven by hand and umbrellas are painted.

Be sure to see temple Wat Chedi Luang, where the statue of the golden Buddha is located, and the local pagoda is the oldest in Thailand.

Malta on vacation with a child in November

All children love to play knights.
Trip to Valletta is a great solution for lovers of the Middle Ages. On November 6 at Fort St. Elmo at 11 am there will be a military parade from the distant times of St. John ... Changing of the guard, fencing of knights, shooting from muskets and cannons - this loud and colorful show will delight your child.

Also on the island you can visit the Aviation Museum, where you can see the aircraft that took part in the Second World War.

During the rest of your vacation, take a walk along Republic Street, where the main attractions of the island are located, for example St. John's Cathedral.

Be sure to take a trip to city ​​of Mdina, which was built 1000 years before the birth of Christ. And if architectural monuments tire you, take your child to Dinosaur Park or in Rinella Movie Center, where scenes from films that were once filmed on the island are played daily.

One of the most interesting sights of Malta is underground temple Hal Safleni... Many historians believe that it is much older than British Stonehenge.

Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta

France on vacation with a child in November

If your child loves intricate construction sets and constantly disassembles home appliances, then a trip to Parisian park La Villette, he will undoubtedly please. The park covers an area of ​​about 55 hectares. Here you can find your own ball-shaped cinema, planetarium, exhibition hall and the City of Music. But the science town will be the most interesting for children. Here your little one can become a pilot of an airplane, see how a movie is made, learn how the weather forecast is made, and touch all the details of the TV. The most popular are the Argonaut halls, where children can visit the submarine and stand at the helm, and the Sinax, where they can become a participant in an almost real intergalactic flight. The creators of La Villette Park have not forgotten about the smallest guests, for them there are such attractions as "Robot Russi" or "Sound Ball".

And, of course, when you come to Paris, do not forget to visit the famous amusement park "Disneyland", where the child can visit the castle of the princess, and the mine of Big Thunder Mountain, and survive the earthquake in the Catastrophe canyon.

Egypt on vacation with a child in November

For nature lovers, a trip to Egypt is ideal. Here you can take a very close look at the Red Sea. This resort is known for its rich water world: reefs and many marine life. Swimming in a mask and with a snorkel, the child will be able to get acquainted with the stingray, the napoleon fish, the imperial angels.

Despite the fact that the political situation in Egypt is still not stable and the embassy does not recommend visiting Cairo and the pyramids of Giza, resorts on the Red Sea are open for tourists.

Arriving here, be sure to visit the water park near Hurghada. The bravest will find the incredibly steep Kin-Kong and Shrek slides here, and for the little ones there are safe carousels and shallow pools.

Singapore on vacation with a child in November

Sentosa Island
Is one of the most hectic places in Singapore. There is an incredible number of interesting places here:

  • Oceanarium "Underworld";
  • Gardens "How Par Villa Tyler Balm", where you can see the statues of the heroes of ancient Chinese myths;
  • The Wax Museum, which illustrates the history of this country;
  • Observation tower Tiger Sky tower, the tallest structure in Singapore;
  • The world's largest artificial waterfall;
  • Butterfly park and much more.

And the laser show of musical fountains will delight not only any child, but also adults. Also be sure to visit Fantasy Island Singapore Water Park where you can go rafting and travel through the Black Hole high-speed tube.

Norway on vacation with a child in November

In November in this country ski season already in full swing, because the snow in the mountains of Norway falls at the end of October and lies until April.

The ideal place to relax is the picturesque Lillehammer, which is located on the shores of Lake Mjosa. It was here that the 1994 Winter Olympics were held. Therefore, in this resort you will find great slopes of various difficulty levels.

In Lillehammer, ski schools are open for children, where in a few days your child will be taught to ski and even. And if you get tired of skiing, you can go Hunderfossen park.

Hunderfossen amusement park

There is a lot of entertainment for children: bowling, round dances with a fifteen-meter Troll, dog sledding.

Arriving in Norway, be sure to visit Olympic Museum... The feeling of pride for our country will not leave you here, because in 1994. the Russian team took first place.

Mexico on vacation with a child in November

On the shores of the Gulf of Mexico is the famous Cancun resort, where the Yankees bring their children during school holidays. And for good reason! Here you will find clear sea, white beaches, luxury hotels and a lot of entertainment.

Park Shkaret. Mexico.

Trip to Shkaret park every child will like it. Here you can ride dolphins, raft down an underground river, watch jaguars. And young history lovers can visit the ancient Mayan cities, which are located in the vicinity of Cancun.
For example by visiting Chichen Itza, you will see famous pyramid Kukulkan, and in Tulum you can see Temple of Frescoes.

Tulum. Temple of frescoes.

V ancient city Koba you will be able to see the stele on which historians read about the end of the world in December 2012. And at the end of this train you are expected to swim in cenotes - very deep wells with warm transparent water.

Having visited one of these countries, your child will not only have a rest, but also spend the autumn holidays with a meaning: learn something new, get to know people, and get positive emotions. After such an exciting holiday, your child can easily write an essay on the topic "How I spent the autumn holidays."

Sergiev Posad district, Abramtsevo

For kids: playgrounds and playgrounds (rockers and sandpit, swings, hanging bridges, rakkhod, slide and labyrinth), kids club, mini-farm, poultry yard, swimming pool and restaurant with a children's menu. Provide everything you need for babies. The family club offers tennis and swimming, dancing and fitness.
For parents: billiards, bar, bowling, saunas, steam bath, swimming pool, SPA programs, massage, as well as the Theater Lounge.
Bonus: Opposite the hotel is the Abramtsevo Estate Museum. Also from here you can go on excursions to Radonezh, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Chernigov Skete, Gremyachiy Klyuch.

8. Resort-hotel "Tsargrad"
Serpukhov district

For kids: Games room with labyrinth, living area and dry pool, kids club and outdoor playgrounds. The restaurant has a children's menu and animation. Babysitting and educator services. You can celebrate a children's birthday.
For parents: Wellness and SPA programs. Program "Mother and Child".
Bonus: Bank of the Oka, near the Prioksky nature reserve.

9. Hotel Heliopark Thalasso

For kids: Children's club with dance lessons and a theater studio, children's and sports grounds, sledges, skis, snow-scooters and skates for rent. Healing herbal baths in the SPA center. Pony riding lessons. Animation. Children's menu in the restaurant.
For parents: SPA center with a speleo-cave, a cedar mini-sauna and a phyto barrel.

10. Hotel-resort "Yakhonty"
Solnechnogorsk district

For kids: Zoo "Russian Compound", where you can pet and feed the animals. Mini-club “Yakhontenok, animation. A skating rink is open in winter. Children's menu in the restaurant, children's parties.
For parents: Restaurants and karaoke, horse riding courses and aquatic center, center extreme sports and a modern SPA-salon. In the summer you can go quad biking or wakeboarding, there is a beach.
Bonus: Children under 6 years old live in the hotel for free (no extra bed).

11. Hotel "Avantel Club Istra"
Istra district

For kids: Baby cot rental. Children's animation, mini-club for the little ones. You can take windsurfing, fkhting or tennis lessons, learn to bead and origami, or sign up for an acting course. The ice rink is open in winter. In the summer, the rope town "Panda-Park" is open.
For parents: In winter - ski trails and tubing, snowmobiles. Summer - big sand beach, tennis court, sports grounds. Bath complex, SPA, bowling, billiards, outdoor court, horse riding.
Bonus: The New Jerusalem Monastery (17th century) in Istra, the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery (14th century) in Zvenigorod, and the famous "wonder of the world near Moscow" - a 44-meter pyramid on the 38th km of the Moscow-Riga highway.

12. Hotel "Istra Holiday"
Solnechnogorsk district

For kids: Children's rooms with a teacher and playgrounds with slides, ladders and swings, a children's menu in the restaurant. Baby cot (on request). On weekends, holidays and during school holidays, the hotel has a children's club "Merry Ant". In the summer - a rope town, in the winter - a skating rink.
For parents: Fitness center with a swimming pool with hydromassage, solarium, relaxation rooms and a Finnish sauna. Sports grounds for football, volleyball, basketball and mini golf. Climbing wall, horseback riding.

13. Resort "Drakino"
Serpukhov district

For kids: Baby cots and strollers for rent. Mini zoo. Children's menu in the restaurant. Excursions in the horse yard, where you can ride a pony or horse, and in winter - walks in Russian sleighs.
For parents: In winter - skis and skating rink, in summer - football, volleyball or badminton. Paintball and equestrian clubs and a sports airfield, a go-kart track, bike, ATV, snowmobile and Segway electric scooter rental. Your own beach.

14. Hotel Foresta Festival Park
Chekhovsky district

For kids: Children's menu in the restaurant, rent of a baby cot and bathtub. Babysitting services for babies. Playroom with tutors. Children can play tennis or water games, play paintball or golf, shoot at the shooting range, go to the mini-disco or ride an ATV on a special children's track. The hotel has a Children's Academy of Magic and an Art Studio for teenagers. Children holidays.
For parents: P Restaurants and bars, swimming pools and saunas. SPA-complex, paintball club "7.62". You can rent sports equipment, go fishing or horse riding.

15. Hotel Tropicana
20 km along Pyatnitskoe highway

For kids: School of Magic and mini-club "Mowgli". Children's pool with inflatable toys and a water slide. Animation, dance lessons, theater workshop, air hockey and interactive shooting range. The hotel has a children's cafe "Captain Nemo". Babysitting and tutor services. Children's procedures in the SPA center.
For parents: SPA center, fishing, outdoor walks.

Other hotels in the Moscow region can be found in