The deadliest places on earth. Five of the deadliest places on earth. Troll Tongue, Norway

Mountains and rock, gorge and... pit

Hell Gate. This is the name of the ice gorge near Ingley Bay in Antarctica. Its peculiarity is that the air temperature drops to 90 degrees below zero and gusty winds constantly blow at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. Under these gusts, small pieces of ice breaking off from the blocks tear the clothes of visitors to shreds. Agree that it is very difficult to survive in such conditions.

Mount Bo-Dzhausa is a Far Eastern hill, part of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, and it is one of the largest in Primorye: its height is 1637 meters above sea level. The hill is notorious: a plane crash occurred at its foot, killing 98 people. Moreover, as a result of the search for the crashed airliner, the wreckage of about a dozen more aircraft was discovered.

Krasny Greben is a rock near Krasnoyarsk, which offers a beautiful view of the valley of the Bazaikha River. Gravitational anomalies have been noted there more than once. In particular, there is evidence that, having climbed a rock, one can encounter the manifestation of a mysterious force that can lift a person into the air, immobilize, hit the chest, etc.

Blue Mountain is located in the Volgograd region and has a height of 293 meters. Eyewitnesses claim that it attracts thunderclouds, affects the well-being of people and the behavior of animals, and drowns out the engines of passing cars and flying helicopters.

The Medveditskaya ridge in the same Volgograd region became famous for its ability to turn off tractor engines, and also for the fact that there is a lot of ball lightning in this area. Under the ground along the Medveditskaya ridge there are mysterious tunnels of a round or round-oval shape and a passage diameter of 7 to 20 meters.

The Devil's Hole is a unique formation located in the desert area of ​​the American state of Nevada. It is a hole in the ground with dimensions at the surface of approximately 9 by 12 meters and a distance to the groundwater level of about 120 meters. According to legend, through this hole a certain underground spirit penetrates into our world to cause evil to people. And at the bottom of the “hole” there live fish, and of rare species. Scientists are interested in the anomalous content of heavy hydrogen present in the deposits on the walls of the failure.

Forests and valleys

The Valley of Black Bamboo (another name is Death Valley) is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan. People disappear there every year, sometimes in whole groups. For example, an expedition of military cartographers and forest inspectors. Finally, a commission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was sent there. It turned out that toxic fumes were reaching from the soil to the surface. However, the remains of none of the disappeared were found. Those lucky ones who managed to get out of the forest spoke about a sudden fog, accompanied by unusual sounds, in which the sense of time was completely lost.

The Zone of Silence (Zone of Silence, “Sea of ​​Tethys”) includes the territory on the border of the Mexican states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila, 400 miles from the American city of El Paso. While in it, it is impossible to watch TV or listen to the radio. The compass will act up, the radio will fail, the clock will stop.

The Perm Triangle (or Molebsky) is a geoanomalous zone 7 kilometers from the village of Molebka, on the left bank of the Sylva River. Scientists believe that the reason for its formation is the geological and magnetic situation in this area: numerous cracks have formed in the network of deep faults of the Ural ridge with weathered rocks, which, in turn, contribute to the appearance of electrostatic charges. Electrons emitted to the surface affect physical and chemical processes that cause unusual body reactions and special sensations in people. In addition, underground gases escape.

Residents of villages near Bratsk dubbed the devil's cemetery a round forest clearing with bare, scorched earth and charred animal bones. The dogs, once on it, immediately rush away with a squeal, but then still do not live long. It is believed that the cause is evaporation from the ground.

The Shushmor tract is located in the Moscow region, on the border with the Vladimir region. It was nicknamed the Bermuda Triangle because strange phenomena occur in it, such as optical anomalies, gigantism of plants, bizarre shapes of trees, the periodic appearance of snakes and grass snakes of incredible sizes for these places, and the disappearance of people without a trace.

Thunder patches are those places where a lightning discharge has gone into the ground. As a result, high voltage arises for several minutes, dangerous for any living organism. According to ancient legends, such a place is marked by the “fiery finger of Perun.”

Thunder nests are places where lightning strikes “precisely” over and over again. Our distant ancestors believed that such blows had a special magical meaning, and surrounded these places with structures made of huge boulders. African sorcerers still draw a circle around the thunder nest and begin to perform ritual dances until lightning strikes the ground. Scientists explain the mystery of thunder nests by the reduced electrical resistance of such places: the presence of hidden waters and metal deposits.

Lakes and island

The island of Barsakelmes, very small - 27x12 km - is located in the Aral Sea, and its name is translated from Kazakh as “If you go, you won’t come back.” Many folk tales are dedicated to it, telling that the feeling of the normal course of physical time disappears there.

They say that in former times fugitives sat on the island, and when they returned, it turned out that not several years had passed, but several decades. People allegedly disappeared here, dying from the teeth of a flying lizard. Modern expeditions also disappeared. And if they didn’t disappear, it turned out that the half-hour walk actually lasted a whole day.

In the same Kazakhstan there is the Dead Lake (100 by 60 meters), famous for the fact that it never dries up, and the water in it is icy. There is no fish or even algae in it. This is believed to be due to poisonous gases escaping from crevices at the bottom. Those reckless heads who dare to swim in the Dead Lake often drown, and do not float to the surface, but stand vertically at the bottom.

Smerdyache Lake is located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. Since it is peat, the water in it has an unusual color, reddish-brown. There is no trace of fish in it, people often drown. As you approach the shore, your general well-being worsens and a feeling of anxiety appears.

Shaitan Lake, 7 km from the village of Okunevo, which, according to legend, stores some kind of magic crystal in the Omsk region. The population of the surrounding villages considers this place to be disastrous, because even horses refuse to approach it, and in general it has a double bottom, so it is impossible to swim.

The Devil's Lake in Latvia also enjoys a bad reputation, because if you stay near it for a long time, a person experiences an inexplicable horror. Those visitors who do not believe such stories sit on the shore for half an hour, or at most an hour, and then run away. People often drown here, too, and their bodies are never found later. And no one has ever managed to swim across the lake.

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, naturally, is silent about a lot of things. Mysterious places raise a huge number of questions among scientists, confusing them with anomalous phenomena and the unknown.

1. Devils Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually a natural rock of amazingly regular shape and consists of columns with sharp corners. This truly mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, is located in the USA, in the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops Pyramid and from the outside resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to its unrealistic size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Cahokia Mounds, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminiscent of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. The ancient city is striking in its scale; a network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved on its territory.

It is still unknown why a society of almost 40 thousand people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the Cahokia mounds are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chawinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to Aboriginal beliefs, is the center of intersection of the real and other worlds. That is why incredible things happen here that are difficult for modern people to understand.

Chawinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to find the treasure. Would-be treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but scientists have not yet been able to determine for whom.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five thousand years was not only lucky enough to survive, maintaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island of Yonaguni are causing a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient man.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonagun monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot say unambiguously what the ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others claim that they are giant lunar calendars. In any case, the Nazca rock paintings are proof of the existence on the territory of modern Peru of an ancient and mysterious civilization that lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. Local residents have nicknamed it the Valley of Death, and they do not even want to get close to it at any cost. Just the memory of the ravine fills them with great horror.

They say that children and pets disappear here without a trace, and there is a lot of documentary evidence of this. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for decades; they have been able to prove that the valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan is an anomalous area with a harsh climate and sharply changing weather conditions, which together provoke soil subsidence, which, according to scientists, is the cause of missing people .

8. Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway, or Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland is an amazing coastal area formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of approximately 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

The natural attraction is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This place deserves admiration, which is why more than one thousand tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

9. Goseck Circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was restored only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied cosmic bodies, their movements and kept track of time.

10. Moai monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is famous throughout the world for the giant Moai statues located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1,000 remains of such man-made monuments were discovered on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are once again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to greet visitors to the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these spaces.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11. Georgia Tablets, USA

The Georgia Tablets are 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions represent commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was erected in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is just over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see the North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. Several years ago, the monument was vandalized and was damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Rishat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or the Eye of the Sahara.

This object is incredibly huge (up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. “Gateway to Hell” – Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen Karakum desert there is the Darvaza gas crater, which in appearance resembles a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn for no more than 5 days, is still burning, bringing fear to everyone who approaches it.

Brave people are ready to take selfies at the Gates of Hell

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only a unique architectural monument with a thousand-year history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginnings. Stonehenge is a megalithic structure up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located on Salisbury Plain. Territory of mysteries. Stonehenge

16. Loch Ness, Scotland

Loch Ness in Scotland is one of the deepest lakes on the European continent. It hides many mysteries. Eyewitnesses claim that a prehistoric animal named Nessie lives in the lake, which in appearance resembles a plesiosaur (a type of dinosaur that went extinct about 65 million years ago).

To date, scientists have not been able to obtain evidence of the existence of the Loch Ness monster, but photographs of it taken by Nessie hunters periodically appear in the press.

Is this a photo montage or not? Experts are engaged in clarifying such issues.

17. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is the mystery of human lives tragically cut short under unclear circumstances. It is located in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Modern history includes about a hundred mystical disappearances of people, planes and even ships in this anomalous zone. Here, equipment periodically fails, aircraft simply disappear from radar in clear, calm weather, and ships go off course. At the same time, it is not possible to find any evidence of the crash of the latter: no wreckage, no sunken parts of the ships.

18. Egyptian pyramids, Giza Valley, Egypt

One of the 7 wonders of the world, the Egyptian pyramids are majestic and mysterious structures with a thousand-year history. Currently, this is one of the main attractions in the world, which millions of tourists want to see. The mystery of the construction of the pyramids, as well as their history, purpose and durability, is the subject of debate among more than a dozen scientists.

There have always been discussions around the existence of pyramids, based both on real facts and on myths and legends. One thing is for sure, the pyramids in Giza are proof of the greatness and power of the pharaonic empire, which lasted for hundreds of years and left a significant imprint on the entire history of mankind.

A ranking of unexplained or poorly explained natural evil spots on the planet that exist in the world in a variety of forms and are constantly noted for their negative effects. There are a huge number of them. Many do not believe in them, but they still exist and do not stop doing their job.

It is clear that it is quite difficult to be as accurate as possible in compiling this rating. I was guided by the fame and degree of danger of the lost places. It may well be that the most dangerous places were not included in the ranking... It is easy to assume that no one has yet been able to tell about the place where everyone dies...

Moreover, it is not always easy to understand exactly which place can be considered dead. The rating was compiled on the basis of the consistency of the deaths of victims in a particular place and the degree of their unusualness.

1. Antarctica

There is perhaps no other place on Earth that would claim so few lives and would be considered unconditionally the deadliest of all possible places by people. Moreover, this is the largest. While these can often be limited to areas up to 1 km in diameter, the area of ​​the southernmost continent is more than 14 million square meters. km. No one would want to be accidentally abandoned in this terrible cold, because death will overtake an unprepared person literally in a matter of hours, even if you are dressed as warmly as possible.

Let us highlight several reasons why Antarctica is the deadliest place on Earth. Firstly, it is the coldest. At the Vostok station, an absolute cold record on Earth was recorded: –89.2° C. Secondly, in the center of the continent there are no life support conditions at all. There is absolutely no vegetation or food there. Thirdly, if something happens, it’s unlikely that anyone will help you. In winter, throughout the vast area of ​​Antarctica there are no more than 1000 people, who huddle in several stations. Fourthly, this is the most remote piece of land. The closest countries to it are countries that are out of touch with humanity, such as Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. Additional difficulties are created by katabatic winds that continuously blow from all slopes.

Surprisingly, Antarctica is becoming an increasingly terrible place to live every year. Unlike the rest of the world, which is caught up in global warming hysteria, the very south of the planet is getting colder by 0.7° C every 10 years. This is huge speed. One of the consequences of global warming is considered to be the melting of ice in Antarctica, which contains more than 90% of all land ice, but this does not seem to threaten us.

2. "Golden Gate"

One of the most famous lost places is the famous bridge in San Francisco Golden gate. Although the creation of this miracle was the work of exclusively human hands, the reasons for its destruction lie on a completely different plane, therefore the bridge must be classified as a natural pathogenic zone. If the bridge “by itself” killed people, then it would be an artificial reason. When people themselves are “attracted” to him in order to, this is a completely different story.

The mechanisms of suicide lie in deep motives that are characteristic not only of humans, contrary to popular belief, but also of many other animals. Therefore, the bridge is only an attractive point due to its “conveniences” for settling accounts with life. Since its construction in 1937, the number of sad stories is already approaching 1,500. It is safe to say that as long as the Golden Gate exists, it will always be one of the most extravagant and obvious lost places.

3. Lake Nyos

Along with the possibility of drowning, water can bring many other surprises, the most significant of which occurred on August 21, 1986, when carbon dioxide from the bottom of Cameroon's Lake Nyos killed almost 2,000 people. It has already been established that the volcano, near which this lake is located, is to blame. It is he who enriches its waters with carbon dioxide in huge volumes every day.

But understanding the situation is unlikely to help people get rid of this bad place. Of course, now they try not to settle on its outskirts, but at any moment a random onlooker can unexpectedly die. Moreover, due to the area being too far from civilization, we can only imagine what victims Lake Nyos collected over the previous millennia.

Scientists estimate that a sudden eruption of large volumes of deadly gas from the bottom occurs every few hundred years. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions serve as detonators. But local emissions occur very often. It is possible to believe with confidence that Lake Nyos is one of the most disastrous places on the planet. It's good that we know why this happens. There are two more similar lakes in the world, which contain large reserves of CO 2, but in modern history they have not yet shown their frightening ability in full force.

4. Death Valley (USA)

Officially considered one of the deadliest places on the planet. This desert is located near the American gaming center of Las Vegas (California). Meteorologists identified the desert as the hottest place on our planet a very long time ago, fortunately, you do not need to have any special instruments for this.

Sand in Death Valley ( Death Valley) heats up to almost 100° C, and the air temperature often exceeds 50 degrees. But this part of the Mojave Desert received its terrible name only in 1849. Then several dozen gold miners died in it, who ran out of water and could not find it. In total, thousands of people died in the desert. Once in the Valley of Death, any unprepared person will not survive even two days, passing away due to extreme heat and lack of moisture.

In addition to the terrible heat, there are other ruinous sights in the desert. For example, this is the abandoned city of Riolight, which was once home to about 15,000 miners and gold miners. Now it's supposedly haunted.

5. Bermuda Triangle

The most tragic of the lost places on the planet. There is perhaps no more famous anomaly than the famous “” located between the tip of Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. One of the first to mention the bloodthirstiness of this water area in 1950 was the American journalist E. Jones in a brochure Bermuda Triangle, in which he also introduced the name of this place. However, hysteria about a strange place was raised even earlier (1946) by V. Gaddis, who wrote a long article entitled “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle.” And from then on, everything began to develop, gradually fading away only with the advent of the 21st century. In total, about a hundred books about this phenomenon have been published in all countries of the world. The most famous belong to the authors C. Berlitz and L. Kusche, who created real bestsellers in the 1970s.

It is believed that more than 100 large ships and aircraft crashed in the triangle. More than 1,000 people died under unclear circumstances and many more under certain circumstances. The most famous cases of many: the disappearance of the cargo ship "Cyclops" and with it 309 people on board on March 4, 1918; the discovery of the empty ghost ship La Dajama in 1935; the disappearance of five bombers at once on December 5, 1945; the disappearance of the ship Sandra in June 1950; the appearance of the ghost yacht Connerman 4 in 1955; loss of the cargo ship Marine Sulfur Queen on February 4, 1963; disappearance of the C-119 aircraft June 6, 1965; disappearance of the Scorpion nuclear submarine in May 1968

Naturally, no one can accurately determine the reasons for the mass and regular death in that place. There are the most paradoxical and daring theories. Some of them are worthy of attention, but some are closer to those science fiction films that were dedicated to the anomalous place. Here are the main hypotheses: sudden storms, wandering huge waves, the release of methane and foaming of water, the generation of unusual radiation by water, and the Atlanteans, holes in time and space.

But it should be noted that the supposedly increased risks in the Bermuda Triangle are in fact fiction. The fact is that statistics clearly say: ships and planes crash in this place no more often than in others. The increased number of disasters can be explained by the high activity of communication routes between the islands, as reported by the US Coast Guard. It is in this water area that there are many sea and air routes that thousands of people use every day, and nothing happens to them.

6. Cape of Storms (Good Hope)

Among sailors, the Cape of Good Hope, located at the southernmost tip of Africa, is definitely considered the deadliest place. It’s absolutely not for nothing that it was originally called the Cape of Storms. It was discovered by the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias in 1488, when he was the first to circumnavigate the African continent. It was he who christened the windy and restless place. A few years later, in 1500, Dias died near the cape, as if justifying the name he had invented. Over time, the cape was renamed - the new name expressed the hope of the sailors to quickly reach the shores of India.

At one time, they wanted to officially call this place “cursed,” “fatal,” or “deadly.” Even ancient travelers created a large number of unpleasant legends and stories about the cape, in which it claimed many lives, and with them countless ships. However, the situation changed little during the era of European colonization wars. Ships continued to die. The sailors experienced a real superstitious horror of this cape and tried to stay away from it as much as possible, which did not always work out, especially at night, due to some of the features of the place.

Why does the Cape of Good Hope bring death within itself? Everything is very simple. In fact, two oceans touch there: the Indian and the Atlantic. In the relatively narrow strait, a variety of underwater currents and air currents intersect, which every now and then strive to overturn the unstable ship or throw it onto the rocks, of which there are plenty.

7. Devil's Cemetery (Devil's Polyana)

One of the most dangerous and deadly places on the planet. Unlike many other cases, the nature of the local incidents has not been determined to this day. This clearing is located near the Angara River, not far from the confluence of the Kova tributary in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Devil's Cemetery acquired notoriety somewhere in the middle of the 20th century. But the first cases date back to 1908, when it happened nearby.

The article that caused the most noise was a 1983 article in the popular magazine “Technology for Youth” (1983, No. 8), after which several expeditions were sent to the site of the supposed location of the Devil’s Cemetery. According to unconfirmed reports, a total of more than 50 researchers of this phenomenon died here. Many of the deaths were unexplained, and in some cases troops simply went missing. If we also add to these data the deaths among the local population who discovered the ruined clearing, it turns out that it brought a lot of grief. Livestock were especially affected, as they accidentally entered this area and soon died.

According to the stories of those who visited the Devil's Cemetery and were able to survive, it is a wasteland in a forest with a diameter of about 200 meters. There are lifeless trees around. There is almost no vegetation. The entire nearby area is strewn with animal corpses. Being in the vicinity, everyone, without exception, begins to feel unwell and have a headache. The compass is completely lost. The devices show the strongest electromagnetic radiation. But this lost place has not been found by new expeditions for a very long time, which nevertheless regularly go on searches. There is no new or verified information.

There are many versions about the mortality of the Devil's Cemetery. For example, carbon monoxide from constant fires in the taiga can accumulate in a clearing. But it is very difficult to believe in this, since then there would be a lot of such places on our planet. It is believed that pronounced geopathogenic anomalies are observed here, which manifest themselves in strong fluctuations in the magnetic field, and living beings are not able to withstand them.

Since the “cemetery” is located approximately 400–500 km from the supposed site of the Tunguska meteorite, naturally, most of the theories regarding unexplained tragic incidents are associated with this celestial body. They even say that just at that moment a kind of bottomless hole appeared in the Devil’s Cemetery, which gradually filled with soil and carcasses of wild animals. In this regard, there are theories that link the death of animals with certain gases from a space object or coming from the deep layers of the subsoil, due to a broken crack. There is even an assumption that bacteria that could fly to us from space have a disastrous effect on living organisms on earth...

8. Lake Whitney

The name of this seemingly unremarkable lake in the north of Texas (USA) began to appear in the American press in the second half of the 20th century. At first there were regular registrations of UFOs in its vicinity. Then a series of mysterious phenomena arose, which gave the lake the right to bear the title of the most disastrous place in America. In general, no particularly bloody events occurred there. People were alarmed by the fact that in the muddy waters of Whitney, cars are constantly being found that do not contain the remains of their owners. No one can understand exactly how these cars end up in the water. Sometimes they spontaneously roll down there, even if they are at a distance and stand on the handbrake. Ufologists believe that aliens are to blame for this, as evidence of which there are supposedly obvious UFO landing sites here. However, it should be noted that the whole mystique of the area is quite controversial.

9. Lovozero tundra

One of the most disastrous places on the territory of modern Russia. This is a mountain range on the Kola Peninsula between the large lakes Umb and Lov. In the very center of the Lovozero tundra is the Sacred Lake. Since ancient times, this remote place was considered unkind and people were wary of it. It is believed that it all started with a certain monster - the giant Kuiva, who lived in these parts many centuries ago and only the gods worshiped by the pagans could defeat him. Over time, the inexplicable fear was inherited by modern generations.

It can be argued that local peoples experienced a kind of hysteria in this regard. Hunters and reindeer herders continued to be wary of a certain creature and tried to avoid the tundra. Already in Soviet times, a number of attempts were made to debunk superstitions. At first it was done by journalists. Then there was an expedition in 1921 under the leadership of Professor A. Barchenko. The scientist became interested in mass psychoses while studying this phenomenon, but little is known about the results of his work - 17 years later he was shot along with other expedition members as a “pest.” In the 50s of the 20th century, despite local superstitions, tourists and climbers began to travel across the tundra. From that time on, mass death of people began.

According to official data, several dozen people disappeared in the valley. But there is evidence that this number is actually closer to a hundred. As for theories about the causes of deaths, there are four of them: Bigfoot, hallucinogenic gas, extraterrestrial organisms and thermal energy. The Yeti theory fits perfectly with the fears of the local population, who persistently talk about some huge hairy monster. Gas may well be released from the depths or lake and cause inexplicable visions. Extraterrestrial organisms could have been transported to this area through meteorites, which are often found here. Perhaps they could affect the local nature and humans. As for thermal energy, there are a number of versions that imply the presence of incomprehensible radiation. They say that A. Barchenko’s expedition was secretly engaged in its search, and not in the study of mass psychoses.

10. Death Valley (Russia)

One of the most famous in Russia. Massive animal deaths occur here. There is no information about human casualties. The valley is located in Kamchatka near the Geysernaya River near the active Kikhpinych volcano. The danger zone was discovered in the first third of the 20th century by hunters who accidentally wandered into it. It extends for 1.5–2 km and is about 0.5 km wide. This entire area is dotted with skeletons of animals and birds of various types and sizes.

Everyone who had ever been there soon noted a sharp deterioration in their health and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Mystics immediately associated this phenomenon with “black energy” and similar phenomena that supposedly take away the life-giving force from organisms. Ufologists consider the Valley of Death, through which UFOs travel, in the process of which all living beings die.

But scientific opinion is more prosaic. At first it was believed that large emissions of carbon dioxide from the Kikhpinych volcano were to blame. However, it later became known that the gases it emitted contained highly toxic cyanide compounds that could cause instant death.

What could be hidden behind the strange deaths occurring in the “sinister places” of our huge and strange planet? There really are so-called “cursed” places on Earth. Strange things happen to people who get there. Perhaps it has always been this way, but there are places where people feel especially bad...

Yamanashi Prefecture. Japan

Here, 95 km southwest of Tokyo, at the foot of Mount Fuji, lies the Aokigahara Forest. Every year, about a hundred Japanese come to this lush forest not to take a walk, but to commit suicide...

Mount Fuji is visible from almost anywhere in central Japan: no matter where you look, it is always visible somewhere in the distance.

But, when approaching this place by train or car, a bad feeling does not leave you. Entering the forest at the foot of the mountain, you hear how quiet it is there. It's so quiet it's eerie. Locals call it the “Suicide Forest,” and authorities have long placed signs for those going into the forest, with an optimistic call to return and ask for help. There's a car here that was abandoned a few months ago. The owner went into the forest and never returned. It seems that he entered the forest with disturbing thoughts...

The Japanese are closely connected with nature. Many went to this ominous place without making a final decision. They have tapes to find their way back. There is something attractive about this forest: it seems so strong, but in the end you always find someone's bag, someone's tent or someone who has been trying to figure out what to do with life for a long time...

Here, authorities carry out an annual cleanup and discover between 70 and 150 corpses. Their number is growing every year.

Suicides cannot die a heroic death. Most suicides are committed by hanging. People who decide to hang themselves come here, throw a rope over a tree and quickly commit suicide. Sometimes farewell notes are found here. When the letter is signed, it becomes creepy. There is no doubt that, according to tradition, some places have become sinister over time. There is some mysticism in this. According to local legends, the Aokigahara forest has been attracting people who want to commit suicide for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Why is this so? What is it about this area of ​​Japan that leads to such strange unhealthy behavior?

Anomalous zones of the world are mysterious and frightening, disastrous places on the planet that terrify and attract attention. What are these places and where are they located? Read about it all in our article.

In the article:

Anomalous zones of the world

We have previously written about, but now we want to talk about anomalous places in other parts of our planet, where desperate travelers strive to get to every year. Local residents and experienced tourists claim that visiting many of these areas is extremely dangerous for humans. However, the danger does not deter many travelers.

Devil's Tower in Wyoming

In one of the American states there is a rather unusual mountain, which is a collection of stone sculptures, which is called the “Devil's Tower”. According to experts, it was formed about 200 million years ago. Surprisingly, the tower is of natural origin.

In terms of its dimensions, the structure is two and a half times higher than the famous Pyramid of Cheops. There are several stories where climbers tried to conquer the top of the mountain, but only Jake Durance succeeded. Often the Devil's Tower kept tourists captive for more than one day. Therefore, climbing it is extremely dangerous.

White gods

A small town in the northeast of the Moscow region has a bad reputation. This place is the White Gods. In the thicket of the forest at the edge there is an absolutely regular hemisphere of stone 3 meters high and 6 meters in diameter.

Legend has it that pagans made sacrifices here in the twelfth century. This suggests that the “white gods” are a place of power, since our ancestors never built their altars anywhere.


Cape Hatteras is an amazing area in the Atlantic. Some people also call it the “Southern Cemetery.” There are too many storms, hurricanes and rashes here. Navigation here is unsafe and even fatal. Witnesses claim that even during an 8-mile storm, the waves here rise up to 15 meters in height. Also, only in this area there is an amazing sight.

During a storm, waves collide with each other, and shells, sand and sea foam are thrown up more than 30 meters. Anyone who saw this picture will be very lucky if he can get out alive. It is believed that death will follow such a person on his heels, since the cape already wanted to take his soul.

Czech catacombs

This anomalous zone was created by human hands and is located in the city of Jihlava. The catacombs were created in the Middle Ages. There they often saw a ghost and heard the sounds of an organ. Archaeologists tried their best to explain this phenomenon; in 1996, a study of the catacombs was carried out.

Scientists actually recorded a sound reminiscent of an organ, but the catacombs are located at a depth of 10 meters, and there is not a single building around where an organ could be located. In one of the secret tunnels there is also some kind of glowing staircase. Researchers have found that there is no phosphorus in the material from which it is made, but the steps do glow with a strange red light.

Moleb triangle

On the coast of Sylva, between the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions, there is an anomalous place. It was opened in the winter of 1983. Researcher Bachurin discerned a shining hemisphere between the trees. This was the first anomaly to occur in this place. After this, tourists saw here strange dark figures, luminous spheres, and various bodies of unknown origin.

The strange thing was that the objects lined up in geometric shapes and disappeared as soon as the people with him approached. A research expedition was carried out in 1999, scientists more than once heard strange sounds and incomprehensible figures, however, science was unable to explain the reason for what was happening.


This anomalous zone is located in Mexico. If you believe the locals, this is where the worlds intersect. What made Chavinda famous was a story that happened in the nineties of the 20th century.

It was a bright night, the treasure hunters gathered around the fire, but suddenly they heard a rider approaching them. The man explained to the Mexicans that he was at the top of the hill, saw them and rode up in just 5 minutes. It was clear to anyone that this was physically unrealistic.

The men ran away in fear, leaving all their belongings behind. When the Mexicans came to their senses, they returned to the campsite and saw strange things. Their cars began to break down and within a day were beyond repair.

It was still possible to drive one car onto the road, however, it seemed to become invisible to others. They say that the strange things stopped as soon as the Mexicans abandoned the excavation of the treasure they were looking for in this place.

Anomalous zones of Kazakhstan

Every traveler looking for interesting routes and adventures cannot ignore Kazakhstan. There are more than several dozen amazing zones here; old-timers constantly talk about inexplicable phenomena occurring and contacts with unidentified flying objects.

Akyrtas ancient settlement

This place is rightly called the Kazakhstan Bermuda Triangle. It is located in the Zhambyl region. There are many legends regarding how this place appeared. The most common story is about the construction of the Settlement by the Huns. Today, the anomalous zone looks like stone ruins the size of a football field.

This is where people most often see UFOs and even come into contact with the unidentified. According to many travelers, it is enough for a person to touch the stones of the ancient settlement in order to fully restore his strength. The Akyrtas plan is an absolutely regular rectangle, which is larger in size than the ancient Roman Colosseum. In turn, the volume of the building is equal to the Egyptian pyramids.

Dead Sea

In the Taldykurgan region there is a terrible and mysterious dead lake. Many legends are associated with him. The surprising thing is that in hot weather the water in the lake is simply icy.

The reservoir lacks any flora and fauna, which frightens the local population and attracts travelers. Tourists often die in the reservoir, but corpses never appear on the surface. Local residents claim that they saw the bodies of people standing level at the bottom.

Ustyur Plateau

This plateau is an ideal place for those who dream of meeting alien life forms. It is located between the northern part of the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea. It was there that eyewitnesses more than once saw strange rays of light, translucent luminous balls. However, modern science cannot explain the appearance of these phenomena.

Lake Kok-kol

In the Dzhambul region there is the mysterious Lake Kok-Kol. An ancient legend says that the reservoir has no bottom. Old-timers also believe that the lake spirit Idahor lives in the lake.

Local historian A. Pechersky insists that there really is a strange creature living in the lake, which he himself saw. From the description it becomes clear that this is a huge snake about 20 meters long. The monster emits a prolonged roar, similar to a whistle.

The deadliest places on the planet

What zones on the planet can be called the most disastrous? Of course these are valleys of death and damn cemeteries. There are more than 10 of them around the globe and each of them has its own riddle. Such gorges of death, hills of the dead and swamps of the devil still attract curious tourists. However, it is worth realizing that it is very dangerous for an unprepared traveler to appear there.

Kholat Syakhyl

This mountain of the dead is located in the Northern Urals. This one really lives up to its name. Locals are still frightened by the incident that occurred in these parts on February 2, 1959.

That day, travelers from the Ural Polytechnic Institute set up a small camp at the ill-fated site. It is worth noting that these were experienced travelers, so the strange place did not frighten them. Less than a week later, all members of the expedition were found dead.

No one still knows what happened to them. They tried to explain the death of 9 people with different versions. Some insisted that it was a virus, others insisted that ball lightning had flown into the camp, 3 suggested that tourists entered an area where secret research on vacuum weapons was being conducted.

All the dead had red skin, extensive damage to internal organs and bleeding. However, none of the theories ever became an official fact.

Damn cemetery

Near the Kova River there is the famous Devil's Cemetery, which all local residents have been visiting for a long time. Seasoned travelers believe that this place is alive, so you should only disturb it if there is a really good reason to take a shortcut and go through this area.

Experienced hunters assure that you cannot go to the Devil’s Cemetery; if you stand in a scorched clearing, then death will overtake you. The terrifying thing is that the entire clearing with a diameter of about 200-250 meters is absolutely deserted.

Here and there you can see the bones of small animals and even birds. All branches of plants surrounding the area are charred. Dogs that run into the cursed place soon stop eating, become lethargic and die. Scientists still cannot find the reason for this phenomenon.

However, some believe that this is due to the fact that 400 kilometers to the north begins the area where in 1908 all life was destroyed by the Tunguska meteorite. Probably, part of this energy was transferred to this place, turning it into the Devil's Cemetery.

Yakut Death Valley

Scientists have also been unable to find explanations for the incidents that happen in the Yakut Valley of Death for many years. For many centuries, local residents have been passing down from generation to generation a terrible story about the cursed city of the devil, which is located underground.

Locals claim that no one returns from those places alive. One of the myths also says that once every 100 years a pillar of fire bursts out of the ground and burns everything around.

Scientists in this area discovered various hemispheres made of metal (diameter - 10 meters). According to myths, if a traveler spends the night near such a cauldron, he will definitely die. Today we can say that such a death is possible from severe radioactive damage, however, geologists do not confirm the presence of such powerful radiation in this area.

There is also a legend that says that somewhere in the middle of the Valley of Death there is a large arch made of the same metal from which the cauldrons are made.

Only local residents saw her. Legend has it that the arch protrudes 4 meters from the ground, and next to it there is a bunker where black men in iron suits are buried.

It is worth noting that the study of cauldrons is almost impossible, since even when they are near 1 small object, people begin to lose all vitality, feel dizzy, lose hair and become covered in a strange rash.

Death Valley in Sichuan Province

One of the Chinese provinces also has its own death valley. In 1950, more than 100 people died there and the plane exploded under mysterious circumstances. 12 years later, approximately the same number of people died in this valley again.

Only 1 tourist survived; after the incident, he said that in the valley of death a dense fog began to envelop him. And when the air became clear again, there was no one around.

Scientists are trying to explain the horrors happening in the Valley of Death and claim that the saturated fumes of rotting plants are to blame. However, other researchers believe that this is a false assumption, since this phenomenon is caused by the strong magnetic field of this zone.

In the Valley of Death it is also impossible to use a compass; people often lose their memory and orientation. They say that travelers there are constantly spinning in one place and cannot find the right path.

Strange, frightening, enchanting and alluring mysterious places on the planet often pose a danger to inquisitive travelers. Therefore, if you have already taken the risk of visiting an “exotic” vacation spot, then remember what consequences such a trip may entail.

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