Ai Petri hiking trails. Ascent to Ai-Petri: by lift, car or on foot. Eagle Zalet rock

Mount Ai-Petri is one of the most popular places in Crimea and one of its business cards... Just like the famous cable car"Miskhor - Ai-Petri", which makes visiting the mountain easily accessible. The name of the mountain has Greek roots and means "Saint Peter". The height of Mount Ai-Petri at 1234 m will give you the opportunity to enjoy excellent panoramas and feel the difference between subtropical and mountainous climates.

How to get to Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri is one of the peaks of the Ai-Petri yayla, located above the city of Alupka and the urban-type settlement Koreiz (Mishor is not a separate settlement, but is included in Koreiz).

Cable car to Ai-Petri

The official name of the cable car on Ai-Petri is "Miskhor - Ai-Petri". The cable car can be considered a separate attraction. Opening hours from 9:00 to 17:00 on the rise and until 18:00 on the descent. Without a break and days off. Only in spring it is closed for maintenance work. Current prices and news can be viewed on the official website of the cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri".
The cable car consists of three stations: "Miskhor" (located at an altitude of 86 m above sea level) - the lower station, " Pinery"(304 m) - middle transfer station and upper station" Ai-Petri "(1152 m).
The cable car journey starts from the Miskhor lower station.

The name is from the village of the same name Miskhor, which is not independent now and is included in the urban-type settlement Koreiz. Now Koreiz, Gaspra, Alupka, Semeiz are located so tightly to each other that it is difficult to visually distinguish one from the other. And all of them, by the way, are part of the Yalta urban district. Therefore, when we left Alupka, it was not clear whether we left it and entered Koreiz, there was a feeling of a single settlement. It's time to answer the question:

How to get to the cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri"

  • By car. From the Yuzhnoberezhnoe highway, it is necessary near the concrete sign "72. Sevastopol. Yalta." and the petrol station turn towards Koreiz (Miskhor) on the branch of the road to the Sevastopol highway. Further along the ring we go to Koreizskoe highway, and from it - to Alupkinskoe highway. After a short drive, you will see the stand "Miskhor - Ai-Petri Cable Car". There is a paid parking lot right next to the lower Miskhor station. Maybe we could park the car on the side of the road, but the road there is very narrow and we were scared.
  • By public transport. The bus stop "Kanatnaya doroga" is located directly at the lower station "Miskhor" and belongs to Koreiz. Buses of routes No. 102 (Yalta Bus Station - Vorontsovsky Park Alupka) and No. 132 (Yalta Clothing Market - Vorontsov Palace Alupka). Movement intervals: 15-30 min.

The length of the cable car is 2980 m. The distance between the lower station "Miskhor" and the middle station "Sosnovy Bor" is 1310 m. But the distance between the middle station and the upper "Ai-Petri" is already 1670 m, and there is not a single support tower. There is often information that this is the longest unsupported flight in Europe, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There is also information (Wikipedia) that there is a cable car Reiteralpe that overtakes the cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri" for this indicator. At the expense of the Guinness Book of Records, it was not possible to verify the information for certain, but the Reiteralpe cable car really exists and is located in Germany in locality Oberjettenberg. The length of the Reiteralpe cable car is 2100 m, and the length of its unsupported span is 1980 m, and it was put into operation in 1965.

While the cable car "Miskhor - Ai-Petri" in 1967 only began to be built, in 1987 the first passengers were the admissions committee, and it was commissioned only in 1988. It turns out that at the time when the cable car was built in Crimea, Reiteralpe was already in Germany. Another thing is that the Reiteralpe cable car is used by the technical center of the Bundeswehr, it is a military-technical facility, therefore, I am not sure that ordinary tourists will be able to ride this cable car. Its little-knownness is probably connected with this. Accordingly, we can say unequivocally that the cable car in Crimea "Miskhor - Ai-Petri" really has one of the longest unsupported spans in Europe and certainly in first place in this indicator from the public.

We arrived at the lower station at 14:00 and went to boarding rather quickly, but sometimes there are long queues, especially during the season. The ascent takes an average of 15 minutes. At the Sosnovy Bor station, we change to the next booth. From here, the operators operate the cable car.

Pendulum cable car, 4 cabins run in antiphase. The angle of elevation of the cabin near the mountain is 46 degrees. And this is one of the most exciting moments when the cabin slows down and comes close to the mountain wall.

The path to the rocks "Zubtsy"

After leaving the upper station, without hesitation, we went to the main attractions, to the top and to the rocks "Zubtsy".

On the way, there is another attraction - the Steven maple. This tree is about 250 years old. These trees are endemic to Crimea, that is, they are found only on the territory of the southern coast of Crimea. This species was discovered by Steven Christian Christianovich, a Russian botanist of Swedish origin, the first director of the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden.

It is not far to the top, only 500 m, periodically encouraging signs come across.

We leave to the top.

Suspension bridges on the rock "Zubtsy"

The most famous symbol of Ai-Petri is the Zubtsy rocks. This group of rocks 60-80 meters high is an ancient reef. The rocks are formed by the weathering of unstable limestone rocks.

To one of the rocks on summer time make suspension bridges that can be crossed with insurance. Naturally, this entertainment is paid - 500 rubles. In winter, the suspension bridges are removed, they can simply be blown off by a gust of wind. Mount Ai-Petri is famous for its strong, gusty winds and is the most windy in Crimea. The maximum recorded speed is 50 m / s.

In addition, for lovers of air procedures and adventures at the top of Ai-Petri, a troll track is organized.

The top of Mount Ai-Petri

The height of Mount Ai-Petri is 1234 m, and it is not the most high mountain Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. The highest is Mount Roca (1346 m).

And of course, the most important thing why everyone climbs Mount Ai-Petri is magnificent panoramas and views.

And the big plus of Ai-Petri is that you do not need to have the skills of a climber or go on a long and difficult hike for everyone, or even take an expensive excursion with an off-road vehicle (horses) to be at such a height with such beauties. Mount Ai-Petri is available to everyone. Of course, this has its own peculiarities: the attendance of Ai-Petri is very high. But without this there is no way: either one or the other. Those who were inspired by the high-rise beauties can visit other peaks of the Crimea. For example, a peak with a height of 1239 m, which we also visited as part of a short hike.

Some photographs can already be called historical. They were made in early October 2016. The area near the upper station is cleared of shopping arcades and numerous cafes; how it will be arranged in the future - time will show. We hope that it is beautiful and reasonable in terms of preserving natural objects. They also deliberately did not write about the cost of walking the path to the battlements. This trail is included in the list of objects of the Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve... Previously, the passage was paid, as it will be organized in the future, time will also show.

Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila

Looking back, we will see the panorama of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla.

The area of ​​the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla is about 300 km2. The climate differs sharply from the subtropical climate of Yalta. When climbing the Ai-Petri, you need to take this into account, the temperature can be 6-10 degrees lower than by the sea, you must take appropriate clothes with you. Winters are full here, snowy and frosts down to -25. Accordingly, this is one of the few places in Crimea where skiing on alpine skiing, snowboarding and other things. Ski resort is located not far from the radio engineering battalion, which is impossible not to notice, these are white balls that look like an observatory.

Since Mount Ai-Petri is composed of limestones, a strong karsting process is widespread. Simply put, there are many caves and sinkholes on Ai-Petri. One kilometer from the summit, and even closer from the site, there are three caves equipped for visiting: Yalta, Geofizicheskaya and Trekhglazka. If you have time, we advise you to visit them. We were in a hurry, we decided to visit them next time, since this time we were going to the caves and located on the Chatyr-Dag plateau. But to visit them, you need to go on a separate excursion, and the three mentioned above are nearby, this is their undoubted plus. And for the first acquaintance with the cave beauties will come in handy.

Ai-Petrinskaya yayla is rich in natural and historical sights, and, in an amicable way, requires a separate study and inspection. Our walk ends here. We also went down on the cable car, although it was possible to go down the serpentine and see a few more sights along the way. This, by the way, great option if there is a long queue for the cable car, and it has already finished its work (by 18:00).

I have already walked along the Taraktash trail, and this weekend we decided to walk along Koreiz trail... Descend from Ai-Petri. I didn't want to go up on foot. The car was left below. There are two options for climbing to the top of Ai-Petri from Miskhor: a cable car and along a serpentine on a sightseeing bus. Numerous barkers at the beginning of the cable car offered to see Uchan-Su, observation platforms and climb with them, but we chose the cable car. 350 rubles per person, just a few minutes and we are at the top.

We were lucky, there was also an excursion group in the booth with an excellent guide, who told all of us: why is the Cat Mountain so called, what is the "hare trail", where the Bear drinks water and much more to learn.

The Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car was built in 1988 and consists of three stations. To get off at the Upper, we entered the trailer at the Lower, and made a change to the Srednyaya.

In the photo: The middle station of the cable car Mishor-Ai-Petri

The difference in elevation from the Sredny station to the Upper station is about a kilometer. Climbing angle 45 degrees. The total lifting length of the trailer is more than 3 kilometers. Travel time is 20 minutes. The capacity of the trailer is 25-30 people. Although, during peak periods, the number is increased. In 2013, 76 people were stuck in two trailers. The rescue operation lasted 10 hours. I hope this does not happen again.

There is some disorder at the top of the plateau, a sign warns of construction and installation work. We saw only construction and dismantling and a rather large souvenir market.

The beginning of the trail is very close to the cable car station. The guy who offered to ride a horse or ATV showed us the beginning of the Koreiz trail. If you stand near the Verhnnee cafe facing the sea, then the Koreiz trail starts on the left. We were told that there were plans to demolish all the cafes on the plateau, except for this one, and that even the village that had arisen not far from this market would seem to be demolished as well.

Photo: Ai-Petri beginning of the Koreiz trail

In the meantime, we admire the views of the sea

Here in the photo I don't know what it is: what will be demolished, or is it a new one that was built

June is already summer, there are a lot of people on the Ai-Petri plateau, but they mostly buy souvenirs, sit in cafes, take selfies against the backdrop of the panorama of the southern coast of Crimea. And some of the "wildest" ones tie rags in the trees, hang locks, someone has managed to hang a padlock on one of the branches of a pine-plane.

The Koreiz trail is easy to walk, with magnificent air, birds, grasses and trees. If you have a few hours of free time, I recommend taking a walk.

A bright attraction on our way Pine-Airplane. This pine tree is estimated to be 300 years old. The crown formed by hurricane winter winds made this pine a unique natural monument

Sea view from a pine-plane

All the way along the Korean trail we were accompanied by the smells of herbs

Picturesque slopes decorated with pine trees

The cable car is moving behind us. The wires are not visible and it seems to fly along the rocks

Below us are the high-rise buildings of Alupka, Koreiz, Miskhor

Video of our walk along the Taraktash trail

Mount Ai-Petri, one of the most visited and famous sights of the Crimean peninsula. The beauty of these mountain landscapes is difficult to describe in words. Is it possible for an artist, with a brush in hand, to do this? Well, at worst, a good photographer. Better yet, come here, and experience all the charm and breathtaking views for yourself.
The name of Mount Ai-Petri is translated as Saint Peter. Before the conquest of Crimea by the Tatars, the mountain was located christian temple St. Peter, in honor of him the mountain and the plateau were named.

Massive tourists flocked here at the end of the 19th century, after the road section connecting the village of Sokolinoye and Yalta, through the Ai-Petri mountain, was completed. The road was completed in 1894 and connected the South and central Crimea... As a result, two major cities Yalta and Bakhchisarai received a direct message. The construction of the stone road took almost 30 years, and is still one of the most complex engineering projects in Crimea.

Sights of Mount Ai-Petri:

How to get to Ai-Petri by car

If you decide to get to Mount Ai-Petri by car, you should get to the Ai-Petrinsky plateau, and from there to the cable car station Ai-Petri. It is from her that the ascent to the very peak of the mountain begins - to its teeth.
A pedestrian road leads to the Ai-Petri teeth from the cable car station. The duration of the route is about 30 minutes, without large differences in altitude. The cost of climbing to the teeth on foot is 100 rubles. Payment - at the entrance to the trail.

Ai-Petri summit

The top of Mount Ai-Petri The Cogs are considered, their height from the base to the top is 1234 meters. In addition to the beautiful views, there are two extreme entertainment that can tickle your nerves, but are absolutely safe. All safety rules are followed and almost every element of extreme entertainment has two levels of insurance.

The most interesting, for my taste, is the cableway between the teeth. The passage along it very tickles the nerves, underfoot through the cracks you can see a huge gap, with sharp rocks and tree tops. After passing the cable car to Ai-Petri, you can safely add yourself to the category of extreme lovers. The price of the walk is 500 rubles. The average duration of the crossing is 10-15 minutes.
If you do decide to go for a walk, then it is best to do it in pairs, one walks along the path, the second from the end point of the route takes a photo and video, and then change. This is how you will get more successful pictures as a keepsake.
Although it is a little longer in time than walking one after another, you can save a little time - by taking the queue for the first person, immediately take the queue for the second. In order to have time for the first to go through, and the second to take pictures and be in line back, you should make a gap between people of 6-7 people.

The second extreme route is a descent to the cable car station, on a suspended cable. The descent is very fast and fun, the cost of the descent is 1000 rubles. The safety of the route is also top notch. Both extreme attractions are open from April to September inclusive.

Descending from the battlements, you find yourself on the busiest part of the plateau, the market and a large number of cafes, canteens and restaurants. The food on the plateau is mainly Tatar: pilaf, chebureks, lagman, lamb shashlik and so on. Also, if you want, you can find European cuisine. The prices in catering establishments are very different. Therefore, if you take a walk and look around a little, you can pick up both the menu and the price tag acceptable to you. Due to the large number of tourists, food is almost always fresh and tasty, but quite fatty, although the choice of dishes is quite large and everyone can find something acceptable for themselves. Almost all cafes and restaurants offer wine tasting. Almost all the wine is either homemade or bought at Crimean wineries. In most establishments, the wine is of rather poor quality, with a lot of dyes. Therefore, if you want a high-quality drink, ask them to bring you wine bottled at the factory, with an excise stamp. This option will be the best for your body.

A little below the gazebo of the winds is the Uchan-Su Waterfall, it is the highest Crimean waterfall and one of the most high waterfalls in Europe. Literally translated from Turkic, the name is translated as "Flying water". The height of Uchan-Su is about 99 meters, the maximum peak of the waterfall's activity occurs in the spring, from early March to mid-April. In summer, Uchan-Su turns into a relatively small stream, but this does not prevent it from looking graceful and attractive. More details

In addition to all the above-described sights of Ai-Petri, I should also point out one of the most beautiful mountain roads, the Shtangeevskaya trail. The trail starts just below the Uchan-Su waterfall, but the most convenient way is to climb to the waterfall, from it you walk 120 meters along the road upward and, you are at the big sign - the Shtangeevskaya trail, with a description of the route. The route of the Shtangeevskaya trail passes over the Uchan-Su waterfall (you can approach the waterfall) along the picturesque valleys of Ai-Petri and gradually the Shtangeevskaya trail turns into the Botkin trail and smoothly goes down through the coniferous forests to Yalta, namely to the Skazka zoo. The average walking time along the Shtangeevskaya and Botkin trails is 4-6 hours. The entire route is marked with colored markers, it is very difficult to go astray. All along the route there will be people, the trails are very popular and well trodden by thousands of tourists.

Climbing the plateau-Ai-Petri on the cable car, you have a choice of how to go back down. You can go down the same way as you went up, but in the summer, the queues are very long and you can stand in them for several hours. Therefore, as options, you can go down by bus or shuttle taxi... But it should be borne in mind that the driver is directly interested in going down and up as quickly as possible. Their earnings directly depend on this. In general, this is also a kind of extreme walk. But, despite this, all drivers always stop at the Silver Gazebo and the Uchan-Su waterfall.

How to properly plan your visit to Ai-Petri

Planning a route for visiting Ai-Petri by car - in my opinion, it is better to start with a visit to the Grand Canyon, the cost of entry is 100 rubles. You may also be offered a guide - from 1000 rubles. The guys are very funny, but in fact, practically useless. It is very difficult to get off the route. There are only two paths along which people ply all the time, even in winter. The walk takes about 2-3 hours together with a bath in the Youth bath.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is located at the very beginning of the ascent to Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. If you are driving from the southern coast of Crimea, you have several options: bypass Ai-Petri, through Sevastopol, then turn to Bakhchisarai, and go to Ai-Petri in front of him. Or climb through the Ai-Petrinskoe plateau to the top of Ai-petri, cross the entire plateau and go down to the foot from the side of Bakhchisarai. From Yalta to the Grand Canyon, about 2 hours drive, if you go around, it will be about the same

Further, after visiting the Grand Canyon, you need to climb the plateau again, walk to the battlements, go down to eat in a cafe. After the cafe, you can choose a horse ride or a visit to the Trekhglazka cave. Horseback riding on average costs from 800 rubles. in hour. Also, you will be offered a walk on ATVs and other entertainments, the cost is approximately the same everywhere.

Going down from Ai-Petri towards Yalta. The first stop on your way will be the Silver Gazebo. Visit - 100 rubles. Then the waterfall is a little lower, about 15-17 km., Uchan-Su waterfall. Also 100 rubles.
The whole walk is calculated with the departure from Yalta at 9:00 for the whole day, if you go along the proposed route, then by 20: 00- 21:00 you will return to Yalta again.

If you are going to visit Ai-Petri, then you need to pay attention to comfortable shoes, sneakers or sneakers, take warm clothes, because the temperature difference between Yalta - Ai-Petri can be up to 10 -15 C and be sure to take water with you. If you get seasick on the serpentine, you can get motion sickness pills at the pharmacy. Their cost is very low and the effect is quite good.

In winter on Ai-Petri life does not stop. In winter, the Ai-Petri hat is usually covered with snow from January to February. And on this basis, winter sports were born: skiing, boarding and sledging. Almost all winter trails in Crimea are located on the Ai-Petrensky plateau. The most popular tracks are 25.26, 27 kilometers, laboratory. All tracks are located almost in the middle of the plateau, you can get to them along the Yalta-Bakhchisarai road. There is only one road and it is impossible to "miss". Only it is cleared of snow in winter. In winter, climbing the mountain is mainly open only to cars with all-wheel drive and on winter tires. During snowfalls, the passage to Ai-Petri is partially closed for a short time from the side of Yalta and from Bakhchisarai.
If you are planning a vacation in Crimea, no matter what time of year, be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, it is one of the most beautiful.

Ai-Petri and its attractions on the map of Crimea

One of the fascinating tourist routes in the mountainous Crimea consists of an ascent to the Ai-Petrinskoe plateau and Mount Ai-Petri along the Koreiz trail, the passage along the yayla and descent to Yalta along the Taraktash trail.

It is difficult to find a faster and more affordable way to get to the Ai-Petrinskoye plateau in general, and Mount Ai-Petri in particular, than the Koreiz trail. In Crimea, this is rarely seen when the ascent to the top begins right from the Yalta-Sevastopol highway. The Koreiz Trail is widely known among hikers and is marked on more or less detailed maps Southern coast of Crimea.

Route scheme:

It is not difficult to find the beginning of the route. There is a stop at the place where the highway and the road rising from Alupka intersect public transport, which is popularly called Samota... As a reference point, you can use the sign "72 - Sevastopol, Yalta - 9".

Koreiz trail: route map at the beginning of the trail

Before you climb, look at the vista before you. There are two main landmarks - Ai-Petri itself (if you do not know what it looks like, look for the cable car station at the top of the ridge - it is clearly visible from the track) and the triangle of the Small Ai-Petri rock (Crow Rock). Both points have to be passed.

So, let's start the ascent. The road going up and slightly to the left is exactly what we need.

The climb is small, the trail passes through a rare pine forest and a number of small unfinished houses.

It must be said that the Koreiz trail is well marked, there are painted signs on the stones along the road. Therefore, at first it is worth being careful, choosing the marked trails and preferably keeping to the right direction. In addition to the main paths, the forest is dotted with abbreviations or, as they are called here - "Socrates". Almost all of them will lead to the goal, but it is still better to use the markings for the first time, holding the Maly Ai-Petri rock as a landmark, if, of course, visibility allows.

The next notable point on our way along the Koreiz trail will be a gazebo where you can relax and have a snack. After all, the second, most difficult part of the path lies ahead.

As is often the case on mountain routes, there are two options for the path: hard, but fast, or easier, but longer. Choosing the first option, you will storm the ascent head-on, straight from the gazebo, rushing up and slightly to the left. The steepness of the ascent will not allow you to linger on the path for a long time, the stones under the sole slip treacherously. On this trail you will see the bridges, which are installed here by fans of mountain biking - downhill descent from the mountain. The bridges, by the way, are a good landmark.

By the way, along the entire length of the upper half of the route, be careful, because extreme people rush down at a breakneck speed, risking not only their own, but also your health.

If you prefer an easier route, then take the right from the gazebo and along a wide arc you will end up in the same place where the difficult path leads - to the Crow Rock or Maly Ai-Petri, from which stunning views open.

Having amused ourselves with photographing and having rested, we will begin the third stage of the ascent. Medium weight, it will thank you with wonderful views of the Yalta mountain amphitheater and a panorama of the coast.

I must say that most the path along the Koreiz trail will be brightened up by a dense pine forest, it will be easy to breathe, the beginner will not have time to turn his head from side to side. The higher, the thicker the pines, some of them cannot be covered even by two adults at the same time.

The top of Ai-Petri is already close. The forest is thinning, the soil becomes stony, at the very top the surface of the mountain looks like a yayla, which you will soon get to. Stones - of different sizes - seem to be everywhere. There is also a space for amateur photographers.

Well, that's the top. The last effort - and you are on Ai-Petri. If you plan to go back the same way, remember the place where you left, then it will not be easy to find the way back. Take a plane-pine as a guide, which, due to its unusual shape, can be clung to by tourists like flies.

Pine plane at the exit from the Koreiz trail
to the top of Ai-Petri

The entire ascent, depending on the degree of preparedness, will take 2.5 - 3.5 hours.

If you were not tempted by the barkers of a huge number of eateries, and you are determined to continue your journey, then you should turn right from the bazaar. Check the availability of water, if necessary - purchase.

A completely convenient road through a beautiful open area will lead you to the village of Okhotnichye.

On the way to it, you will pass antennas and an unfinished wind farm.

In the village itself, be sure to visit observation deck- all Yalta will be in full view.

Do not miss the lonely standing benchmark, which was placed here in the pre-revolutionary era (1913), on which there is a plate with information about the altitude, longitude and latitude of this geographical point.

Hunting - the last point until the very descent, where you can still buy something from provisions. In the village you will not miss the road, following which you will reach the turn to the right, to the ai-petrinskoe forestry.

Another landmark will be several pieces of construction equipment abandoned in the open air many years ago.

Yayla ends, the forest begins, the road through which will lead you to a clearing at the edge of the mountains, where you will find a map of the routes passing in these parts.

However, all the difficulties of the path will be forgotten when you see this miracle of nature with your own eyes, from a distance of ten meters. The work of the wind, which lasted for millennia, turned the faceless mountains into a grandiose and beautiful monument to the forces of nature. Take a closer look, the rock of the Taraktash stone is layered like a cake, you can take out fragile plates directly from the rocks with your hands. Heaps of broken thin stone underfoot. The Taraktash trail passes through a shady gorge, where the camera works tirelessly, and the memory tries to capture all this splendor. From the numerous "vents" and breaks you can admire the panorama of Yalta and the Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve.

But now a small gorge ends and you will have a long descent down the Taraktash trail. It will not be fast and easy, you will have to constantly change direction, winding along the serpentine and stepping over the fallen trees. But the breathtaking scenery of the mountains covered with pine forest will not let you lose heart.

After an hour and a half of descent, a flat road will finally appear and you will again make your choice: go back a little and visit the Uchan-Su waterfall, or keep your own, passing which you can once again enjoy the view of the Yalta mountains. Here comes the track, you drive home with unforgettable impressions about the route traveled, and the fatigue from the hike will quickly pass.

It remains to add that for an unprepared tourist, the entire route with halts and photo sessions will take about 9 hours.


Closer to us, the spur of Iograf departs from the Main mountain range. Its continuation within the boundaries of Yalta is the Darsan Hill, the watershed of the Vodopadnaya (Uchan-Su) and Bystraya (Derekoiki) river valleys. Walking around Yalta, you have crossed these rivers more than once.

Directly under our feet is the cone-shaped mountain Mogabi, along which we traveled, climbing Ai-Petri. Its summit is almost 400 m below the Shishko rock. For some reason, many people think that Mogabi - dormant volcano; obviously, its correct conical shape suggests this idea. In reality, it is a renegade of a mountain range, of which there are quite a few on South Bank... Mogabi hides from us that part of the coast where Livadia and Oreanda are located. To the west of this mountain there is a view of the Miskhor resort area. From behind the slope of Mogabi, Cape Ai-Todor with the Swallow's Nest is visible.

Alupka is spread out at your bench feet below Ai-petri, and if you look closely, you can even see the Vorontsov Palace and the park. And even to the east is our favorite resort Simeiz, headed by Mount Cat and Rock Diva.

Turning to the north, you will see in the distance the Bedene-Kyr mountain with white domes - this is a military base. Well, below you can see the upper station of the Ai-petri cable car, an oriental bazaar, and countless cafes with oriental cuisine ...

But we are more interested in the panorama of the sunny south coast, which attracts attention for a long time ... But then a small cloud covered the sun for a minute, and everything changed at once: otherwise shadows from the mountains fell, the sea turned green, bright colors faded. The panorama is the same, but you see it completely different ...

From Ai-Petri, you can observe a magnificent picture of the sunrise. But usually an excursion to Ai-Petri is designed for one day, and you can only see the sunset on Ai-Petri ... And in order to fully complement the picture of the Crimean mountains, visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, it is better in the excursion program New Crimean Switzerland is an exclusive ...

About the Ai-Petri teeth and the red flag

In the summer of 1950, Nikolai Pavlovich Antsiferov, a researcher at the Moscow Literary Museum, came to the Yalta Museum of Local Lore. He said that in 1907, as a young man, together with his friend, he made an ascent to the Ai-Petri teeth and on one of these teeth he saw the remains of the inscription “Down with tsarism” dug with bullet holes. Young people took pictures of her. After 43 years, Nikolai Pavlovich found an interesting photograph and now he was giving it to the museum.

Several years passed until the museum staff managed to find out the origin of this amazing inscription. And it was like this. On an autumn morning in 1905, a scarlet banner fluttered on the top of Ai-Petri, and under it everyone saw the inscription “Down with tsarism”. This was the time when the first Russian revolution was on the rise. And here, in the "blessed Taurida", so far from the working centers of Russia, next to the summer cottage of the tsar in Livadia, the specter of revolution also appeared. The police did not find hunters to climb the cliff to tear down the banner. Then they decided ... to shoot the banner and seditious words carved in stone. A machine-gun platoon went to Ai-Petri. The flagstaff, beveled by the burst, fell, but did not fall into the abyss: the red banner caught on the crevices of the rock. Again and again the leaden rain poured on him and tore him to shreds. Every centimeter of the inscription on the rock was carefully knocked out with bullets. But for a long time, fragments of the banner in the crevices of the Ai-Petrinsky spire were reddening, for a long time it was still possible to distinguish the inscription ...

Who climbed to the top of the prong, in one night managed to strengthen the banner and make an inscription, each letter of which was as tall as a man?

After a long search, the museum workers managed to find one of the participants in this daring demonstration. In 1957 they met him in Moscow: A. A. Teodorovich worked as an employee of the Institute of Medicinal Plants. Here's what he said.

One day, a small group of Swedish tourists appeared on the South Bank, who spoke Russian surprisingly well. In Miskhor they found a guide, whom! led them to the foot of the battlements. Having cut several steps in the rock and attaching a hanging cradle, the "Swedes" erected a red banner and made an inscription.

The conductor of this dangerous expedition was I. D. Ananiev, a bricklayer from Miskhor (he died in 1947), and the "Swedes" turned out to be members of the RSDLP (b) who emigrated abroad and came to Russia illegally in 1905 ...