Slovakia: interesting information about Slovakia - a country of magical castles. Slovakia is an inconspicuous country in the center of Europe, but very attractive for tourists. What is Slovakia famous for?

Slovakia is a very beautiful small country in the very center of Europe. Slovakia is the heart of Europe, a land of hillocks and hills, a state washed by the majestic Danube with its own waters. The main part of the country's terrain is located at an altitude of more than 750 meters above sea level, and in its very center there is a magnificent mountain range - the Tatras. Its landscape varies strikingly from lowlands to mountain ranges. Almost half of the country is occupied by the Carpathian Arc - a chain of mountains running in the north. Other mountains include the Little Carpathians, White Carpathians, High Tatras, Low Tatras and Slovenske Rudohorie Mountains.

Despite more than 70 years of shared statehood with the Czech Republic, not to mention centuries lived under the rule of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Habsburgs, Slovakia has developed its own, distinctive image. The country's culture is extremely rich and full of folk traditions, and Slovaks have a strong sense of national identity.

In the 9th century, the Slovaks and Czechs were part of the Great Moravian Empire; a century later, Slovakia was conquered by the Hungarians and remained under their rule until 1918. But the Hungarians were not the only people who influenced the country over this huge period of time. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the 13th century, the time came for German colonization, and in the 15th and 16th centuries, Romanian shepherds migrated from Wallachia to Slovakia. The interaction of these different ethnic groups and local population only enriched the culture of the Slovaks. This country has real spiritual wealth, because... folk traditions successfully survived foreign domination. The abundance of castles and palaces and ruins illustrate a history of hidden wars and civil conflicts, but the Slovak people have retained their hospitable character intact.

The small country of Slovakia, although not noticeable on the map, is actually an unexplored world full of amazing discoveries. Holidays in Slovakia will not allow guests of the country to sit within the walls of hotels; the restlessness of mountain slopes, flights over valleys, and the slow magical waters of the Danube will confidently attract them. You will have to take many impressions home, and they will be provided with a wonderful holiday in Slovakia.

Holidays in Slovakia are magnificent ski slopes, attracting a huge number of lovers of active ski holiday. Ski season lasts from November to March. And from May to September, lovers of architectural monuments and recreation in the lap of nature come to the country. They say that holidays in Slovakia are full of amazing discoveries, even when you are visiting the country not for the first time. And it is impossible to list all the architectural monuments that tell the history of the country better than any words. And each of them is a real masterpiece.

In summer, a holiday in Slovakia is unthinkable without visiting numerous reservoirs, crystal clear mountain rivers and waterfalls. There are more than 200 tourist centers in Slovakia, where all conditions for active rest and playing sports. Those who prefer a holiday in Slovakia will certainly enjoy local entertainment: air flights over the Tatras, horseback riding, rafting and catamarans, paragliding, mountaineering, classes aquatic species sports, and, of course, fishing.

Slovakia is famous for its famous throughout Europe mountain peaks, plains, unusual clean air and healing springs, ice caves and geysers, comfortable hotels and cozy boarding houses. Slovakia can offer its guests favorable conditions for summer and winter holiday, unique cultural and historical monuments, interesting fortresses, castles, estates, unique folk architecture, as well as folk art and folklore.

In general, the natural beauty of Slovakia lingers in the soul for a long time. One of the most popular destinations countries - the High Tatras - the most compact mountains of the alpine type, located on the northern border of Slovakia. The High Tatras primarily attract lovers of an active lifestyle - hikers and ski enthusiasts. Among other things, the mountain climate gives visitors new strength and energy, especially those who go to one of the many spa resorts in these places.

It is very widely developed here winter views sports According to many experts, Slovakia has created the best conditions for skiing alpine skiing in Eastern Europe. At the same time, prices in Slovakia are quite moderate, so ski resorts Slovakia has long been chosen by Russian alpine skiing enthusiasts.

Resorts in Slovakia will allow you not only to have a great time, but also to improve your health. A huge number of thermal resorts, healing springs, natural mineral waters and climatic resorts will have a healing effect on the entire body.

For example, the Bardejovske kupele resort, founded in the thirteenth century, helps to cure stomach upsets and breathing problems with its healing waters. The well-known Dudins spring has a beneficial effect on the treatment of internal organs, vascular and neurological diseases due to the mineral composition of its waters.

In the picturesque valley of the Váh River, just 80 km from Bratislava, lies the peaceful spa resort of Piestany, founded back in 1889. Many types of procedures are based on excellent therapeutic effects thermal springs and mud, especially beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. In addition, Piestany offers excellent parks and sports opportunities. In summer it is held here music Festival, and entertainment events are organized throughout the year. Foot treatment is best done in Trenciansk.

Slovakia provides holidays for the whole family. Each of its members will be satisfied with the trip and will take something away for themselves. Family visit historical places will unite and strengthen relationships, and the knowledge of the new and unknown will be remembered for a long time by each of those who arrived in this country. Today, holidays in Slovakia, the prices of which are not exorbitant, but remain as affordable as before the economic crisis, even large families can afford.

A holiday in Slovakia should definitely be combined with a visit to the city of Nitra. Previously, it was the center of the principality, where Slavic settlements took refuge. Its attractions are the Franciscan Church, the Castle Complex, the 18th-century Library of the Abbey of the Old Seminary, the monastery, the Column and the Palace.

This country is famous for its gothic buildings. There are many such structures in the city of Kosice, which is located in eastern Slovakia. The main attraction is St. Elizabeth's Cathedral, which is one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in the world.

The city of Poprad, where the airport is located and Train Station, is the transport gateway to the mountains, and is also home to Aquacity, a water park and health center built near a huge geothermal lake.

The name of one of the most beautiful regions of the country “Slovenian Paradise” (Slovensky raj) speaks for itself. This national park is truly a paradise. The relatively small area is rich in diverse landscape: here you will see lowlands, ravines, narrow gorges, canyons, plateaus, caves and waterfalls. The most significant cave system here is Stratena jaskyna, containing in particular the Dobsinska Ice Cave.

The capital of the country, Bratislava, in last years is becoming increasingly popular among tourists. This was partly due to the restoration of the old city center, full of picturesque streets, Gothic churches and historical monuments. Almost all Old city is now closed to car traffic, which makes walking around it even more enjoyable. At the same time, Bratislava is a rapidly developing political and business center of the country. The second largest city in Slovakia, Kosice is a center of heavy industry, but it is also rich in architectural monuments and cultural diversity.

It is also worth visiting the oldest region of Slovakia - Spiš, which is not inferior to others in beauty and splendor. The ancient castles of these places stood guard over trade routes. The most significant of them is Spišský Hrad, a Romanesque and Gothic architecture which remained virtually unchanged.

Guests of the country are surprised not only by the beauty of local attractions, but also by the unique local cuisine. When going to a restaurant, you should definitely try some of the national dishes and wine

Slovakia - small beautiful country in the very center of Europe. Two mountain ranges - the Low and High Tatras - have been ski centers for more than a century. Excellent infrastructure and reasonable prices make tours to Slovakia very attractive. Slovakia is known for its unique cultural and historical monuments: fortresses, castles, manors with unique architecture, as well as folk art and folklore.

General information about Slovakia

On January 1, 1993, after the division of Czechoslovakia, a new state appeared - Slovakia. Every year this small country in the very center of Europe attracts everyone more tourists. With some of the most impressive views in Europe, historical cities, fairytale castles, health resorts and great entertainment opportunities, Slovakia seems to have something for everyone.

The Slovak Tatras, of course, are shorter in height than the Alps. However, every year the flow of our compatriots to local resorts is only increasing.
Slovaks are well aware that it is possible to break into the leadership of European ski tourism only by offering tourists a vacation of “Austrian” or “Swiss” quality at a “Slovak” price. And so far it’s working out. With all this - and this is reason number two - the level of technical equipment and service in Slovak ski centers today is very close to Austrian or French. And if ten years ago snow groomers on the slopes of local mountains were still a rarity, now an extensive network of lifts of the latest designs at Slovak ski resorts is commonplace. And an important addition: the Tatras are deservedly considered one of the few absolutely environmentally friendly corners of Europe. Summarizing everything, you will understand why not only Russian, but also German, Polish, and Hungarian skiers are increasingly choosing Slovakia.

Amazing towns - both larger ones, like the capital of Eastern Slovakia, Kosice, and very tiny ones, like Kremnica or Banska Stiavnica. Clean, comfortable, filled with architectural monuments that Rome or Amsterdam would sometimes envy. And each has something different. In Kremnica (where the center of Europe is supposedly located) there is a colossal baroque monument and a powerful castle. Banska Stiavnica has Renaissance houses and one of the best geological museums in Europe. The entire town of Bardejov is built up with amazingly preserved medieval houses - you walk along the cobblestones of its square and don’t know what century you are in.

Anthem of Slovakia

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Ski country

Slovakia has created the best conditions for skiing in Eastern Europe. The ski resorts of Slovakia are the two main mountain ranges of this country - the Low and High Tatras. The High Tatras are the oldest skiing area in Slovakia. The first hotels for alpine skiers in Slovakia appeared here at the end of the last century, when the nobility of noble Slovakia became interested in alpine skiing.

To this day, these ski hotels in Slovakia amaze tourists with their traditional European architecture! Slovakia is a small and very beautiful country in the heart of Europe. This is a country that is famous for both its natural beauty and endless tourism opportunities. Slovakia is one of the best in Europe ski resorts with a combination of decent service and reasonable prices.
Developed in Slovakia ski infrastructure, prepared trails, decent living conditions and a high level of service, at very reasonable prices. Wonderful nature and wonderful snow cover make Slovakia - the High and Low Tatras - one of the most pleasant resorts for a ski holiday.
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Slovakia on video

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Slovak attractions

Slovakia has many natural attractions: ice caves; more than 1300 mineral and thermal springs, geysers, the high Tatra mountain range. The mountains, forests and lakes enchant with their beauty and are ideal for relaxation and summer and winter sports. Europe's longest cycling route passes through this country. There are popular winter sports centers in the mountainous regions, of which the Tatras are the best.

There are 5 national parks and 16 protected ones in Slovakia natural areas. These places are practically untouched by humans. National Park Low Tatras covers the second, highest mountain range of the Western Carpathians. Within borders national park There are several ski resorts.

There are also numerous lakes and rivers amid the glacial landscape, offering excellent fishing, boating and swimming.

You, of course, have already realized that Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. But, still, how much do you know about this country?!

Why not go on a not so far journey and have a lot of fun along the way?!

How to get to Slovakia from Moscow

You can get to Slovakia by direct train 15B, which runs every day from Kievsky railway station to Bratislava. Travel time is forty-two hours. Residents of Kyiv can also count on this train. In addition to this train, residents of Kyiv have the opportunity to get to the capital of Slovakia by train, which goes to Vienna. This train has been on the road for more than a day.

Slovakia visa for Russians

In order to visit Slovakia, citizens Russian Federation, as well as CIS countries, you need to obtain a Schengen visa.

Slovakia customs

You can import and export currency in any quantity. When entering representatives of countries that are not members of the EU, an amount exceeding 10,000 EUR must be declared.

To Slovakia you can freely bring with you two hundred cigarettes, one hundred cigarillos, or 50 ordinary cigars, or 250 grams of smoking tobacco, two liters of wine, fifty ml of perfume, 250 ml. toilet water, as well as personal items with a total value of no more than 430 EUR. Tobacco products can be brought into the country by citizens who are already 16 years old, and alcoholic products by 18 years old. Various medications and drugs are allowed only in the quantities necessary for personal needs.

The laws of Slovakia strictly prohibit the import and export of various types of explosives, weapons, pornographic products, drugs, things that represent cultural and historical values ​​and do not have documents that can confirm the legality of their acquisition.

European Union countries prohibit the import into their territories of products containing milk or meat. This applies to sausage, canned food, lard and even chocolates. Exceptions are food for children, as well as special medications that are vital for sick people. Such products must be packaged very well. Their weight should not be more than two kilograms. In case of violation, the passenger will be fined and the products will be confiscated.

Slovakia transport

Slovakia - not so much big country, so most transportation is carried out by bus or train. The most important railway line is Kosice - Bratislava, which passes through Spisska Nova Ves, Zilina, Poprad and Trencin. I recommend traveling between cities by train, as it is cheaper than by bus.

Travel within cities occurs by trams, buses and trolleybuses. Fare payments are made using special tickets, which can be purchased from orange machines located at bus stops. These tickets have an expiration date, so I advise you to buy them right before your trip. One ticket - one trip. The cost of such a ticket is 0.3 EUR.

Taxis in this country are quite cheap. They have counters. However, due to the small size of the cities, they did not gain much popularity.

A system of student and youth discounts has been created in Slovakia. In addition, on weekends the cost of moving to intercity bus much lower.

Renting a car

You can rent a car in Slovakia if you have a driver’s license, passport and credit card with you. You can pay in cash, but the credit card serves as collateral if the car is not returned. The amount of money paid for renting a car is directly dependent on the day of the week, the make of the car and the rental period. The driver must be over 21 years old and have more than one year of driving experience.

Czech car brands are much cheaper than all others.

Traveler Safety

Do not exchange money on the street; do not leave valuables, cameras and bags in visible places in cars. In addition, it is not recommended to carry large amounts of cash with you. Money, because they can be kept quite safely in a hotel safe. Stay away from "fortune bandits" and other supplicants.


Continental temperate, there is a pronounced altitudinal zonation. The average temperature in July in flat areas is +19..+21°C, in mountains - +8..+12°C, in January in flat areas +1..+4°C, in mountains - up to -10°C. The coldest month is January, the warmest are July and August. Autumn is usually rainy. It is often windy in the mountains in the winter. The ski season in Slovakia begins in November and ends in March. The most best time for treatment, as well as broadening one’s horizons in Slovakia - May - September. In the evening on thermal resorts It can get quite chilly, so bring a sweater.


There are very few 5* hotels in Slovakia. Most of them are located in Bratislava. Mostly in this country there are “fours” and “threes”. 5*, as a rule, belong to world hotels. Most of the leisure opportunities are located in the hotel.

Exchange offices, banks and tips

The official currency of Slovakia is the EUR.

You can exchange currency in various exchange offices(zmenaren), hotels, transport agencies, banks, post offices. As a rule, it is much more profitable to exchange at exchange offices than at banks.

Banks are open every day except Sunday. As a rule, exchange offices are open daily, seven days a week.

Almost all banks, many large hotels, gas stations, large stores and restaurants accept credit cards for payment.

The tip is about 10% of the total bill.

The commission can vary greatly even at exchange offices that are located next to each other. Therefore, tourists and travelers need to study the terms of exchange very carefully before making a decision.

Shops and shopping Slovakia

Most shops are open every day except Sunday. On Thursday shopping centers and large department stores are open longer than usual.

In Slovakia you can buy and bring home decorated Easter eggs, figurines made from various grains, ceramics, jugs and figurines made of wood, dolls self made“supolka”, Slovak woodwind instrument “Fujara”. The country has a unified retail chain selling handicrafts - ULUV. There are stores of this chain in almost all big cities. Their prices are fixed.

Cuisine and restaurants

Local cuisine is a combination of national components and features of European schools. The most popular sheep cheeses in Slovakia are parenice and štepki. Business card The cuisines of these places include vegetable soups, broths, as well as meat soups with vegetables, dumplings with cheese, dumplings from cheese, potato dumplings and poultry dishes. Be sure to try Segedin goulash and national cabbage soup. Slovakia also produces wine. The most popular strong alcoholic drinks are “borovichka” and “slivovitz”, as well as various herbal tinctures.

Excursions, activities and attractions

Bratislava Castle, St. Martin's Cathedral, where most of the kings were crowned, the ruins of the Devin fortress, the Primatial (Archbishop's) Palace, the Michal Tower, the Grassalkovich Palace, where the world-famous Hall of Mirrors and the Fountain of St. George were located. In addition, the Slovak National Gallery, the Museum of the Old City Hall, the Municipal Museum, the Milan Dobes Museum dedicated to winemaking.

Particular attention should be paid to ancient Slovak castles.

National parks

The country has about nine national parks, as well as 16 natural areas that are strictly protected. The most popular among tourists and travelers are the Tatra National Park, the Pieniny National Park, the Low Tatras National Park, the Slovensky Paradise National Park, and the Mala Fatra National Park. Most parks have ski resorts. Here you can easily combine winter sports and summer recreation.

The High Tatras National Park is considered the most beautiful park in all of Slovakia. More than half of its area is covered with spruce and spruce-fir forests, in which a huge number of lakes are hidden.


You can travel along the rivers of this area by boats, kayaks, kayaks and canoes. In the east of Slovakia, the following rivers are considered the most popular: Poprad, Torisa, Gornad, Toplya, Laborec, Ondava, in the center - Hron, Slana, Orava, in the west - Vah, Small Danube, Danube, Nitra.

The wildest Slovak river is the Bela.

Speleology in Slovakia

This country is home to about 4,000 caves of various types: ice, stone and aragonite. The most interesting caves are included in the UNESCO list. These are the Dobshinskaya ice cave, the Domitsa cave, the Yasovskaya and Gombasetskaya caves, and the cave in Okhtina.


The Senets Lakes, as well as Lake Gulashka, provide excellent conditions for diving. In addition, diving can be done on the Danube Island, the Liptovska Mara reservoir, the Ruzhin and Dedinki dams.


Fish from the salmon and carp families are caught in Slovak lakes and rivers. The most popular rivers among fishermen are the following: Danube, Hron, Vah, Turiec, Gornad, Orava, Ondava, Laborets, Latoritsa, Nitra, Dunajec, Ipel

So, albeit briefly, we still talked about the main features of a country little visited by our compatriots.

See you on the pages of the site!!!

Slovakia is the youngest country in Europe. The state received complete independence only in the early 90s of the 20th century. For a long time, being in the shadow of other powers (Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, etc.), Slovakia does not seem to want to play an important role in the economy or politics of the continent. Remaining a “thing in itself”, the country has preserved all tourism infrastructure, which has been cherished for a century.

They come here for the amazing nature, miraculous mineral springs, clean mountain air, the cheerful character of the Slovaks and excellent cuisine, which has absorbed the best traditions of several peoples at once, while maintaining its originality. Despite the fact that it is difficult to find masterpieces of architecture or painting that would be known throughout the world in Slovakia, every city and every village here is filled with a cozy and warm atmosphere and unique European charm.

The undoubted advantages of traveling to one of the most inconspicuous countries in Europe include very modest prices at high level service. Domestic travel companies Most often they sell winter ones, ski tours to Slovakia. And the country offers tourists the most vibrant and memorable beauty all year round.


The bus takes 3 hours and the ticket costs 9 euros. Excursion bus- 16 euros. Not everywhere there is an audio guide in Russian. It’s better to stock up on a printed guide – 9 euros.


If you don't mind long bus journeys, then from Bratislava you can easily get to Krakow. The trip costs from 34 euros one way, the journey, including all stops in Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava and Katowice, takes at least 9 hours. It is better to take a night bus and start exploring the ancient capital early in the morning.

Overnight in an inexpensive Krakow hotel - from 17 euros. Sightseeing bus with audio guide - 14 euros.

A visit to Slovakia is not only about impressions of a new country, natural beauty, castles, museums and ski slopes. The location of the country guarantees you impressions of other European cities that you may not have intended to visit. An inconspicuous and “modest” country conceals vast opportunities for those who have not yet “discovered” old light for myself. Forward!

Slovakia is one of the youngest countries in Europe. The capital, Bratislava, is a small and attractive city with a busy cultural life; The High Tatras here are like any other mountains in Eastern Europe, and peasant traditions are still strong in the villages of Slovakia. Slovakia is home to unusually clean air and healing springs, ice caves, comfortable hotels and cozy boarding houses, unique cultural and historical monuments, interesting fortresses, castles, manors, unique architecture, as well as folk art and folklore. Slovaks are very friendly and warm towards visitors, and they are always ready to help you get to know their country better.


Slovakia is a state in Central Europe within the Western Carpathians. It borders on Poland in the north, Ukraine in the east, Hungary in the south, and Austria and the Czech Republic in the west. It is a predominantly mountainous landlocked country. The territory of Slovakia is 49,035 km². The highest mountainous part of the Carpathians is the High Tatras, which are popular ski destinations, with many picturesque lakes and valleys, and are also home to highest point Slovakia and all the Carpathians Gerlachovský Štit with an altitude of 2655 m.

The lowlands are located in the southwestern (along the Danube) and southeastern parts of Slovakia. The main rivers of Slovakia, in addition to the Danube, are also the Váh and the Hron. Closer to the Danube in the region of Bratislava and Komárno is the Central Danube Lowland - the breadbasket of Slovakia.


The time difference with Moscow is minus 2 hours.


Slovakia is located in a temperate zone with a continental climate and a pronounced alternation of four seasons. It is warmest in the Danube Lowland, which is located east of Bratislava. In July and August, daytime temperatures here reach +27 degrees, and at night the temperature is about 15 degrees. In winter, light frosts occur at night - up to -4 degrees, and during the day the temperature is above 0 (+2..+4 degrees). Average temperatures in January on the plains are from -1 C to -4 C, in July - from +19 C to +21 C. Precipitation on the plains ranges from 450 to 700 mm. per year (mainly in winter and off-season). At altitude in the mountains during the ski season, the air temperature during the day can be from -6 to -4 degrees, but at night it drops to -10 degrees. The highest amount of precipitation is also observed here - 1600-2100 mm per year with a maximum in the summer (about 200 mm per month), and snow cover persists for up to 4-5 months.


Official official language- Slovak, belonging to the group of Slavic languages, is a bit similar to Russian. Czech, Hungarian, German, English and, in their places of residence, the languages ​​of ethnic groups are widely spoken. In tourist areas - English and German.


In general, Slovakia is a fairly religious country, especially compared to the neighboring Czech Republic. The Slovak constitution guarantees freedom of religion. The majority of the population of Slovakia is Catholic - 60%, and only 0.7% are Orthodox, the rest are small communities of other faiths. There is also a Jewish religious community. A total of 13 churches and religious societies, 28 women's and men's orders are registered. Moreover, about 10% of the population consider themselves atheists.


The population of Slovakia is about 5.4 million people. The average population density is 110 people. per 1 sq. km. Urban population 57%, rural 43%. The majority of residents of Slovakia are ethnic Slovaks (86%). Hungarians are the largest minority (10%), living mainly in the southern and eastern regions of the country. Other ethnic groups include Roma, Czechs, Rusyns, Ukrainians, Germans and Poles.


Mains voltage 220 V, current frequency 50 Hz. Plugs and sockets of Russian and European standard.

Emergency numbers

Emergency and ambulance system on roads - 154

Fire service - 150

Ambulance - 155

Information and inquiries - 120 (0120)

Telegrams by phone - 127(0127)

Information about international telephone numbers - 0149

Information about fax numbers - 252083

International telegraph, telephone conversations, faxes - 01325

Bratislava information Center - 277-21-95


Telephone. The international dialing code for Slovakia is +421. Telephone codes cities: Banska Bystrica - 88, Bratislava - 7, Kosice - 95, Levoca - 966, Martin - 842, Nitra - 87, Poprad - 92, Trencin - 831. Payphones work with telephone cards (sold in newsstands and branches communications, 150 and 200 Sk) and coins (starting from 1 Sk). You can call abroad from a payphone, as well as from a call center (the tariff is 10-15% more expensive) or a hotel (about 30% more expensive). To access international communication, you need to dial 00 - country code - city code - number of the called subscriber. To call to the country you need to dial 8 - dial tone - 10 - 421 - city code - number of the called subscriber.

There are two largest GSM 900/1800 operators in the country - Orange Slovensko (formerly globtel) and eurotel. The network is deployed throughout the country. Communication problems may occur in the mountains.

Of the Russian cellular operators, MTS and Beeline work without problems. However, to call Russia, it is more profitable to purchase a contract with EuroTel.

Internet access can be obtained at Internet cafes located in major cities. There are Wi-Fi access points in Bratislava and some other large cities.

Currency exchange

On the territory of Slovakia the Slovak koruna (Sk) is valid.1Sk = 100 hellers (h). Banknotes in denominations of 5000, 1000, 500, 200,100, 50,20 Sk. Coins in denominations of 10, 5, 2 and 1Sk; 50, 20 and 10 hellers. Since January 1, 2009, the official currency of Slovakia is the euro. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, coins in denominations of 1 and 2 euros, as well as 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.

You can exchange currency in Slovakia in banks, specialized exchange offices, hotels, and post offices. The most favorable exchange rate at exchange offices. There is a fee associated with the exchange, which can vary greatly depending on the location of the exchange. Reverse exchange of kroons into foreign currency is possible only in large banks if you have a passport and a receipt for the initial exchange of foreign currency into kroons.

EuroCard and MasterCard credit cards are accepted in almost all banks, as well as VISA, American Express and Eurocheque. They are accepted in most large hotels, gas stations, and less commonly in restaurants and shops. ATMs are becoming increasingly common in Slovakia, although outside major cities It’s better not to count on them. Slovak ATMs are usually connected to the international payment systems MasterCard, VISA, Plus, Maestro, Cirrus.


Citizens of Russia and the CIS require a visa to visit Slovakia. To enter Slovakia, Russian citizens must have a valid international passport, the validity of which should not be less than 3 months from the date of expected expiration of the visa to stay in Slovakia, and a Slovak visa.

Slovakia is a member of the Schengen agreement. Schengen visas are issued by the consular department of the Slovak Embassy and Consulate General Slovakia in the Russian Federation.

If a child under 18 years of age travels not with two, but with one of the parents, other relatives or accompanying persons, a notarized permission from the remaining parent (parents) for the child to travel abroad is required, in Russian.

Types of visas:

Short-term Schengen visa category "C"

Issued to persons whose purpose of stay is tourism, transit, business visit, visiting friends or relatives living in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Issued to persons who are permitted long-term stay (over 3 months) in the territory of Slovakia for the purpose of work, study, temporary residence, etc.

Customs regulations

In Slovakia there are customs regulations European Union.

The import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited (a declaration is required if the amount exceeds 150 thousand crowns or its equivalent in currency). When exporting currency, you must provide a document of its origin. To enter Slovakia, you must have with you the amount of currency established by the legislation of the country (at least 50 US dollars for each day of stay) or the obligation of the inviting party to pay all expenses associated with the stay in the Slovak Republic.

The import of cigarettes is allowed - 200 pcs., strong alcoholic drinks - 1 liter, wine - 2 liters. Import and export of local currency is not permitted. There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. Duty-free import of cigarettes is allowed - 200 pcs., strong alcoholic drinks - 1 liter, wine - 2 liters, personal items worth no more than 30,000 crowns (approximately 1 thousand US dollars).

The import and export of weapons, explosives, pornographic products, narcotic substances, as well as cultural and historical values ​​that do not have documentary evidence of the legality of their acquisition are prohibited. Personal jewelry made of precious metals is not subject to duty, but if their quantity is recognized by customs authorities as “commercial”, they are subject to a tax of 7% of the value and are subject to certification.

Motor vehicles imported into the territory of Slovakia must be declared at customs when crossing the Slovak border as used in the territory of Slovakia. At the border, transit numbers are issued and the period during which the car must be registered at the relevant branch of the Slovak Customs Administration is determined (usually 3 days). The Customs Department determines the amount of the customs deposit for the car (about 49% of the cost), which is repaid within 12-36 months at 3% per month, after which the car is considered customs cleared and can be exported outside of Slovakia. Personal jewelry made from precious metals is not subject to duty.

Since May 1, 2009, it is prohibited to import products containing meat or milk into the territory of the European Union, including sausage, canned food, lard and even chocolates. The ban does not apply to baby food and special medications needed for people with certain chronic diseases (in this case, the products must be carefully packaged and their weight should not exceed 2 kilograms). If meat and dairy products are found, they will be confiscated and the passenger will have to pay a fine.

There are age restrictions for importing goods: tobacco - over 16 years, alcohol - over 18 years.

Medicines are carried in quantities necessary for their own use.

Holidays and non-working days

January 6 - Revelation of the Lord / Epiphany (Day of the Three Magi Kings) and Orthodox Holy Supper

Public holidays are non-working days and almost all shops and establishments are closed.


The size of the country is very small, so most of Passenger transportation is carried out by trains and vehicles.

The main type of urban transport is trams; buses and trolleybuses are also common. Tickets can be purchased from orange machines located at bus stops.

All taxis in Bratislava have meters. The trip to the airport costs about $6. One kilometer ride by taxi costs 20-30 CZK.

Traveling by car around the country is not a cheap pleasure due to the high cost of fuel: one liter of gasoline in Slovakia costs about $1. Renting a car in Slovakia is easy. However, this service is offered only by local companies. Famous international companies such as Avis or Buget do not work in Slovakia. They usually offer Skoda Felicia or Skoda Octavia at the rate of $35 per day. Cash is accepted for payment, but a credit card must be left as a deposit.

Length railways Slovakia - 3662 km. The train is the most comfortable and fastest way to travel around the country. There are two types of trains: fast and slower (they stop at almost every stop). Tickets are sold at the box office, as well as on the train from the conductor, which is somewhat more expensive. The ticket price also depends on the distance and class of carriage (general and first). You will not be allowed into a 1st class carriage with a ticket to the general carriage, even if in general there is nowhere for an apple to fall, and the 1st class carriage is half empty. Sleeping cars are only available on night trains long distance, which are used on international routes. The rest of the trains have seats, since the distances in Europe are short.

Aeroflot - Russian Airlines makes regular flights to Slovakia on the Moscow-Bratislava route.

ČSA airlines fly between Moscow and Bratislava twice a week.

Buses run from the airport and to the airport from the ČSA office three or four times a day (fare $0.2). You can also get there by city bus No. 24. In the city he stops at the railway station.

Bus services are well developed, but it is worth considering that buses in Slovakia are a more expensive form of transport than trains. On weekends, the discount on the bus is greater than on the train. There are three types of buses: express (used for long distances), local city. Some local routes are congested, so it's best to arrive early and grab a seat to avoid standing all the way.


In a restaurant, it is customary to leave a tip of 5-10%. When you pay your bill, tell the waiter exactly how much you are paying including tip.

The shops

Bratislava has everything a European capital should have, and prices are much lower than in Moscow.

The food market in Bratislava is located on the corner of Hviezdoslavovo nbmestiie and Rybbrska brbna. It is open daily from 9.00 to 22.00 hours. Here you can even try dishes from a dozen cuisines while standing, or sit down at a table and order spaghetti or pizza in a nearby restaurant.

Most stores are open every day, except Sunday, from 9:00 to 18:00 (large department stores and shopping centers are usually open until 19:00-21:00 on Thursday). Grocery stores are usually open from 7:00-9:00 to 18:00-19:00 (often with an hour-long lunch break). On Saturday, most shops are open from 8:00 to 12:00.

Between 20:00 and 5:00, food can be purchased in stores marked “vecierka”.

Smaller shops usually close at lunchtime. In many stores you can only pay with a credit card for purchases over 1 thousand CZK.

National cuisine

Slovak cuisine is varied, tasty, filling and very intricate. It has absorbed all the best traditions of Slavic cuisine, as well as the culinary traditions of its closest neighbors. When preparing dishes, absolutely the entire range of products is used - meat, vegetables, fish, cereals, but dairy products still occupy a special place. Dishes can be fried, stewed, or boiled. You should definitely try such dishes as dumplings with cheese, potatoes and cracklings, pork with potato salad, smoked ham, brawn, fried cheese, smoked sheep cheese, roast goose, duck with sauerkraut. Slovak spirits are also very diverse - wine, beer, plum and juniper vodka.

The hallmark of the local cuisine are vegetable soups, broths and various complex soups made from meat and vegetables, as well as poultry dishes - a kind of goulash with champignons and potato pancakes - "Spišská pohutka", roast goose with dumplings, duck with sauerkraut, stewed in chicken or baked turkey, stuffed chicken with paprika, etc.

Fish plays an important role on the Slovak table. The abundance of mountain rivers and clean lakes makes it possible to breed one of the most valuable freshwater fish species in the country - trout. And of course cheeses, which even have a special holiday in Slovakia. The Cheese Festival is celebrated annually in May in the town of Lipovsky Mikulas. The central active “piece” of the festival is feta cheese - sheep cheese, which is known for its quality throughout Europe.

Beer in Slovakia is appreciated by everyone who comes here on vacation. While not having such wide fame as beer from the neighboring Czech Republic, the Slovak intoxicated drink is not inferior in quality one iota. The traditions of brewing in Slovakia are almost as old as the first Slovak cities. In the 10th century, a special decree was even issued allowing Slovaks to brew beer in private farmsteads. Nowadays, the best varieties of beer in Slovakia are considered Topvar (factory in the city of Topolčany) and “Šarish” (factory in the city of Velký Šariš).

Slovak wine is good and cheap. The best varieties are quite competitive in international market, - “Vlašskiy Riesling”, “Green Velteliner” and “Račenska Frankovka”. Slovakia also produces several excellent varieties of sparkling wine.


Slovakia, despite its modest size, can boast an abundance of natural beauty and wonderful opportunities for active recreation. The mountain systems of the Small and White Carpathians, Tatras, Mala Fatra, Ore Mountains and Javornik, known throughout Europe, are complemented here by an abundance of karst areas, caves, hot springs and vast forest areas, and the ancient cities of the country are of undoubted interest for history buffs. The country's tourism opportunities are very large and have not yet been sufficiently appreciated - in winter it is one of the best ski resorts in Eastern Europe, in summer it is a beautiful historical area, which also has all the opportunities for active recreation, and more than 1,400 mineral springs in the country allow for therapeutic procedures in any time of the year.

Slovakia has many natural attractions: ice caves; more than 1300 mineral and thermal springs, geysers, the high Tatra mountain range. The mountains, forests and lakes enchant with their beauty and are ideal for relaxation and summer and winter sports. Europe's longest cycling route passes through this country. There are popular winter sports centers in the mountainous regions, of which the Tatras are the best.

There are 5 national parks and 16 protected natural areas in Slovakia. These places are practically untouched by humans. The Low Tatras National Park covers the second and highest mountain range of the Western Carpathians. There are several ski resorts within the boundaries of the national park.

Bratislava- one of the most historically interesting cities of Eastern Europe. Located in the picturesque spurs of the Carpathians, near the border with Austria, it was founded in 907 and has been known as a city since 1291, and since 1541 it was even the capital of Hungary. The city is quite small in size, so all the main attractions are located compactly and can be explored even on foot. The most interesting are Stara Radnica (Old Town Hall, XIII century), the Primate's Palace (1778-1781) with the famous Hall of Mirrors and the fountain of St. George, the place of coronation of many Hungarian monarchs - St. Martin's Cathedral (XIV-XV centuries), Reduta Palace (1914, now the Bratislava concert hall), Grassalkovich Palace (1760), Main Square ("Glavni Namestje") with the Roland Fountain (1572), Franciscan Church (1297) opposite Mirbach Palace (1770), Church of the Holy Trinity (1725 ), former building Hungarian Parliament - Royal Chambers (1756), Bratislava Royal Castle (Bratislava Castle, 9th-19th centuries), Presidential Palace (17th century), Segner Mansion (17th century), the most colorful streets of Zamoska, Žižkova, Kapitulska, Klariska , Laurinska and Panska, the building of the Slovak National Theater (1886), Janka Kral's garden, etc.

Nitra- the center of the principality of the same name - was an old Slavic fortified settlement. City attractions: Castle complex, monastery, Franciscan church, Palace (1779), Column (1739) and the Abbey Library, housed in the Old Seminary of the 18th century.

Thermal water park in the High Tatras was opened in July 2004. There are 3 outdoor swimming pools, one Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool and one relaxation pool. The pools are equipped with water attractions: beaded seats and beds, geyser, water mushroom, water whirlwinds, massage jets, swinging bell, etc. The water temperature ranges from 28°C - 36°C. A variety of traditional as well as modern spa treatments are offered, relaxation in water caves, rooms with steam, snow, saunas and solariums.

The entrance to the Cave of Dead Bats is located in the central part of the Low Tatras ridge in the Dymbier high-mountain karst at an altitude of 1750 m. Compared to other caves, it is practically unaffected by human and technological intervention. Most noteworthy, of course, is the presence of a huge number of bat bones, which are approximately 6,000 years old. The temperature of the cave does not exceed +3.6 °C.


In terms of the number of thermal springs, the country is one of the richest in Europe; the quality of mineral waters here is also high. Hydropathic baths are scattered throughout the country, most of them are located near the mountains - Smrdaky, Piestany, Sliac, Trencianske Teplice, Dudince, Rajecke Teplice, Turcianske Teplice, Ruzbachy, Bardeevke Kupel, Czyz, Sklene Teplice, Lucivna, Nimnica, Lubochnia. Respiratory treatment centers are located in the High Tatras (Strebske Pleso), these resorts specialize in the treatment of allergic and asmatic diseases. One important detail: the staff at the resorts understand Russian, in principle our languages ​​are similar... So you won’t have to feel a strong language barrier. As for medical procedures in sanatoriums in Slovakia, if you start listing them, you will get a rather impressive list. These include therapeutic thermal baths, baths with sulfur-containing mud, underwater massage, hydroturbulence baths, Charcot showers, jacuzzi, magnetic resonance therapy, pearl baths, iodine-salt caves. I would especially like to note the Slovak resort of Piestany, which specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system; treatment here can be quite effective and improve your health.

High Tatras: In the High Tatras there is a National Park with more than 300 peaks and mountain lakes. 26 peaks rise to a height of 2500 m above sea level. Of the High Tatras resorts, the most famous are Strbske Pleso (the highest mountain resort in Slovakia), Tatranská Lomnica ( the best choice pistes), Smokovec (small and inexpensive resort) and Podbanske (various trails). The High Tatras are great for relaxing family vacation with kids.

One of the most environmentally friendly corners of Europe is considered Low Tatras, the territory of which is almost entirely a national park. Despite the lower altitudes, there is always a lot of snow in the Low Tatras. The resorts have over 20 km of prepared trails and developed tourist infrastructure.

"Pearl on the Danube" Bratislava- capital of Slovakia. Ancient architecture Baroque palaces, fortresses, the silence of parks and gardens, in the picturesque streets of the old city you can feel the breath of history - this special atmosphere of mixing quiet antiquity and modern bustling life perfectly characterizes the youngest capital of Europe. Bratislava is the most Big City Slovakia, picturesquely spread out on the spurs Carpathian Mountains and on the banks of the majestic Danube. The capital is located in the heart of Europe - only 16 km separate Bratislava from the Austrian border, 50 km from Vienna and 160 km from Budapest. The history of the city goes back more than a thousand years. It arose in 907 as a stone fortress on the Danube at an important crossroads of trade routes.

Vysne Ruzbachy- the resort is located 390 km from Bratislava, at an altitude of 623 m above sea level, on the south-eastern slopes of the Spisska Magura mountain range, near the Polish border. The basis of treatment is a natural source of low-mineralized hydrogen carbonate calcium-magnesium hypotonic carbon dioxide water with a temperature of 21C. In total, the resort has 14 mineral springs from 20 to 24C.

This is an ancient resort with clean air, magnificent nature, silence, healing springs with exceptional properties. Bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium-magnesium bicarbonate healing springs and a favorable climate make it possible to treat oncological diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system, menopausal syndrome and some occupational diseases. Therapeutic procedures - hydrotherapy (including hyperthermal pool 36C), physiotherapy, electrotherapy, physical therapy, paraffin therapy, gas injections, etc.

The beneficial effects of the healing waters of the Rajecke Teplice spa have been known since the 14th century. Acrotherm type springs /hot springs/ with a thermal water temperature of 38C are used in the balneological center in the Resort Center for the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, spine, nervous diseases, non-tuberculous respiratory diseases and occupational diseases

Bardejovsky resort located in the north-eastern part of Slovakia, close to the historically significant medieval city Bardejov, which lies on the southern slopes of the Low Beskids (Carpathian system), at an altitude of 325 meters above sea level. The real wealth of the resort are rare natural healing waters such as alkaline-salty ferrous acidic waters, which in their balneological riches reach the quality of world-class mineral waters of this type and are among the most famous in Europe. Indications for the resort: diseases of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, nonspecific respiratory diseases.

Luchki Resort lies in the central region of Slovakia in the mountainous region, on the southern slopes of the Low Tatras, at an altitude of 621 meters above sea level. The resort's profile is gynecological. The main resort healing factor is natural mineral water with a temperature of 32-33 degrees. Celsius, low-mineralized, sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-magnesium, as well as silt mud.