Sketch and template of winter spinners. Winter lures for perch. Types of profiles used

The winter spinner Maropedka is a vertical type bait for catching perch and other predatory fish from the ice in a vertical position. Since 2014, after information about the catchability of the spinner was leaked, the popularity of the spoon has only grown every year.

The Maroped has everything it needs to gain popularity among fishermen who are interested in winter fishing:

  • a strange but memorable name - “maropedka”;
  • simple design that allows you to make a spinner at home;
  • catchability for perch, both pike and pike perch are caught;

As we have already said, the Maroped is an incredibly simple, but very catchy spinner that collects fish like a “vacuum cleaner.”

The author of the spinner and the very name “maropedka” is a fisherman-sportsman, the Champion of Russia in winter spinners - Alexander Vorobyov, aka “Technologist” on the Internet. Taking as a basis the spinner of Vladimir Matveychikov, the elements of the spinner “rhombus” and “torpedo”, and combining the names of these spinners, we got “MaRoPedka”.

Winter maropeds are made in sizes from 30 mm in length, with wings turned at angles from 90 to 120 degrees. For catching perch at shallow depths, the most catchy ones are 35 - 40 mm long with wings bent at an angle of 90 degrees. For fishing at greater depths, more weight of the spoon is required, and for this, the length of the spinner and some proportions must be changed.

Maropedic is easy to make with your own hands. Thanks to its simple shape, this lure is quite easy to manufacture; no special metalworking skills are required. Below we will show a drawing of a maroped, sketches of this spinner and what the result is. In addition, all the dimensions and manufacturing process of the spinner can be seen in the video.

To make a spinner we will need some tools and materials.


  1. Soldering iron;
  2. Bench vice;
  3. Metal scissors;
  4. Pliers;
  5. Metal file, needle files;
  6. Sandpaper;
  7. Ruler and caliper.

Manufacturing materials:

  • Sheet metal with a thickness of 0.1 – 0.5 mm (copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel);
  • Lead-tin solder grade POS-60 or other;
  • Phosphoric acid or other flux for etching during soldering;
  • A pair of hooks for the eyes of the spinner. Instead of hooks, you can use nichrome wire or stainless steel. Wire ears are formed using pliers.

The process of making a maropedka

The progress of the work may be different at some points; different people make the maropedka in different ways. Here is one of the manufacturing schemes:

  1. Crown preparation. From sheet metal we cut out a rectangular blank of the required length and width, which will be the crown of the spinner.
  2. Marking. We apply markings on the metal plate - the center for bending and the widest part of the spoon, and draw cut lines. You can immediately cut off the tail part of the workpiece, the plate will become trapezoidal in shape.

  3. The bend of the spinner. We clamp the plate in a vice exactly in the center. Lightly hit the base with a hammer and bend the plate until it stops in a vice - 90 degrees. Turning the plate over to the other side, we repeat the operation. If the metal is thick, to avoid unnecessary deformation of the plate from hammer blows, you can use something wooden as an intermediary. A thin plate can be bent using the force of your fingers and finished with hammer blows. The thinner the metal, the more distinct the edge of the crown will be.

  4. Trimming and straightening. Using metal scissors or strong regular scissors, cut the plate according to the markings, leaving a margin for rounding in the head part. We remove the unevenness with a file and bring it almost to an exact match to the template. The final part of the adjustment will be after soldering.

  5. Tinning the crown. We heat the crown with a soldering iron and apply a thin layer of solder on the inside using acid or other flux.

  6. Soldering maropedka. We solder the ears and fill the crown with tin. Before soldering, the crown must be conveniently positioned. This can be done in a wooden block with a cut for the sharp edge of the spoon. We press the workpiece against the block with something heavy and begin soldering the ears from the tail and head of the spinner. After fixing the ears, completely fill the crown of the spinner with solder.

  7. Final processing. Using a file or needle file, remove excess solder, align all edges of the spinner, and sand with sandpaper.

  8. Installation of a tee. Through the winding ring we install a tee with a droplet or decorated with pieces of colored cambric.

It is better to watch the process of making spinners of the “maroped” type in the video. The first video from this list shows how the author of the spinner, “Technologist,” makes this spinner.

  • For precision in manufacturing, especially if you need to make many identical lures, you can use a paper template. It is glued onto the plate and, guided by it, they are trimmed and finished with a file. It is more convenient to use paper with adhesive backing.
  • If the metal plate from which the maroped is made is thin and the metal is plastic, you can bend it in half and then cut it along the contour. File the edges. Bend the plate to 90 degrees using a vice. This results in complete symmetry.
  • The short and long parts of the spoon from the widest part can be calculated as the golden ratio of the total length. The approximate ratio is 0.62 on the larger side and 0.38 on the smaller side - from the head of the spoon. Accurate calculation of the golden ratio - calculator.
  • The narrower the wings of a spinner spoon, the lighter it is, the smoother and more stable the game, and the more diving to the side.
  • The smaller the spinner, the heavier the solder should be; large spinners use pure tin.
  • Copper and brass quickly oxidize, and the spoon loses its metallic luster; to prevent this from happening, it can be coated with a thin film of waterproof, colorless varnish.

Spinner setup and refinement

After the spinner is made, you need to check its operation in the water and, if necessary, adjust its play. The game of the spinner can be fast or smooth, it depends on the weight of the spoon. The maropedic woman can glide, but must not fall flat. If the spinner does not work properly, it needs to be modified.

The instability of the maropadic game may be due to its sphericity on the solder side (D). In this form, the spinner works normally only with a certain wiring - at the lowest point it will move a short distance from the center (2). If you remove excess tin (D) and make this edge flatter, the play of the spinner will become more stable.

Achieving complete repeatability of the desired game from a homemade spinner is easier than from some other spinners, but this is achieved with experience. Simplification of the already simple shape of the bait allows you to achieve the desired result in almost every lure.

Maropedka 40 mm or more

Initially, the maroped spinner was designed for catching medium-sized perch in winter spinner competitions and had dimensions ranging from 30 to 40 mm. Then, attempts were made to adapt the spoon to catch larger perch at greater depths.

Experiments with larger lures have shown that the spoon becomes too heavy. As the length of the spoon increases, the spinner gains weight disproportionately faster, and the nature of its play and catchability changes. Therefore, with an increase in the size of the spinner, when making a spinner, lighter solders are used that do not extend beyond the cut of the crown, and the longitudinal center of gravity shifts closer to the middle.

Carnation spinner for perch is the most common type of artificial bait. Thanks to its versatility, it allows you to catch both large and small fish, forcing them to instinctively react to the behavior of the structure in the water.

The presented spinner is oscillating - Products of this type have several rings located between the plate and the hook. With their help, natural vibrations of the bait are ensured, attracting living creatures. Sometimes the device is made in monolithic form.

Dimensions of carnation spoons for perch in winter

Experienced anglers almost always have Gvozdik in their arsenal. The standard size of this spoon is 30-35 mm. In this format, it is suitable for fish of different sizes, but most lovers of catching underwater inhabitants select the dimensions for certain conditions. Take a closer look at the possible variations:

  • 15-20 mm - it is good for any type of perch, but one should take into account the relatively low weight of the product, which forces the use of fishing lines with a thickness of up to 0.12 mm;
  • 25-35 mm - the best option, reducing the number of bites due to the fact that small fish stop paying attention to the bait. If you want to “hunt” large animals without sacrificing too much time, these are the sizes that are recommended;
  • 35 mm and above - As you can guess from what was said earlier, a large bait will be useful exclusively to connoisseurs of large fish.

Please note that if there is a chain, the number of small individuals encroaching on the spoon will increase. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the most versatile tools.

Winter lure for carnation perch - preparation, use

The “carnation” should be attached to the fishing line using a loop threaded through the ring. The knot in this case will be less appropriate.

Another advantage of the presented product is the absence of the need to create continuous high-frequency oscillations - it allows you to achieve results in almost all conditions.

Spinner of studs for perch drawing

Carnation spinner for perch photo, types

Today, fishermen give the Gvozdik a different look. Most often, it is a metal base that does not have any design. The shape of the product can be triangular with sharp edges, flat or oval. Store-bought versions are made in the form of fry. In practice there is not much difference.

DIY spinner for perch

To make your own fishing bait you will need the following components:

  • Copper sheet (approx: 8x2.4 cm and 0.5 mm thick);
  • Hook - you can choose tee No. 3;
  • Solder (20 g) and soldering acid;
  • Wire up to 0.8 mm (1.5-2 cm);
  • Grinding paste;
  • Sandpaper.

Points are knocked out on the copper sheet, which must be connected to each other in order to obtain a finished drawing, according to which we will cut out two parts of the product. The hook fastening is made from wire. Its base is coated with acid and soldered to the base of a smaller workpiece. We bend the second part and connect it to the resulting structure. “Fill” the remaining voids. We make holes for the fishing line. Remove all excess drops with a file.

All that remains is to thoroughly polish the spoon and, if necessary, knock off sharp corners. Finally, treatment is carried out with GOI paste, hooks are hung - your “Carnation” is ready.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

Fish Megabomb gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! A 50% discount on your order is a great bonus!

Find out more about the bait!

Do-it-yourself spinners, choosing the most catchy spinner - a chapter from Viktor Andreev’s book “Spoons and Wobblers for Spinning.” Fishing with spinners - review, types, models, game, fishing, selection of catchy spinners, tips for beginning spinners.

The most catchy spoon

Once upon a time I literally prayed for “branded” baits and thought that it couldn’t get any better. However, with age, I began to understand that even today’s ideal can be improved tomorrow.

After all, there is no absolute bait that is suitable always and everywhere. Each spoon is created for its own fish, its own fishing, its own depth - and for these conditions it can be ideal (although even here different colors will make a noticeable difference in the bite).

Therefore, it is always useful to remember that a good spinner is the one that best suits today's fishing conditions.

I remember an anecdotal incident when three “packed” spinners arrived at a pond where, as they were told, “there are a lot of pike!” They catch one hour, the second - empty. They played it, they think. But a local guy comes and starts dragging kilogram pike onto a rusty spoon.

How??? Why???

It turned out that only decent pikes and sleepers live in this pond. And the local “toothy” one was so accustomed to slowly swimming dark prey that it did not even react to any shiny “toys”. And our branded spinners were also generously covered with the newly appeared “flex”.

I had to urgently rip off the stickers and “smoke” the vibrators over a fire. Only then did we start getting bites.

So which spoon is the most catchy?

Homemade spinners - is it necessary to “reinvent the wheel”?

I'm actually a big fan of DIYs. And the village grandfather had his own spinner, ideally adapted to local conditions. True, already on the neighboring river it was useless.

But making an oscillating spoon yourself is not easy - and, perhaps, it is not necessary. But choosing the most successful samples and, if necessary, modifying them to suit local conditions is within the power of everyone.

The most catchy do-it-yourself oscillating spoon

When buying an oscillating spoon, you must first evaluate the body of the bait itself. Everything else is easy to replace. You can only take blanks from craftsmen and equip them yourself. By the way, it is much easier to work with such blanks, because they are usually stamped from sheet brass and are subsequently easily processed.


Let's start with the fact that you can often find spinners of a good shape, but put together somehow.

Sometimes when stamping, burrs remain - we grind them off, and at the same time round off the sharp edges. Then we will work on the holes for the winding rings. For free play, it is desirable that the diameter of these holes is at least twice the height of the winding rings. If necessary, drill holes and countersink their edges.

The sizes of all elements must be harmonious. Let's pay special attention to the hooks. Not only are they of high quality and the right size, but it is advisable to have dark hooks. After all, a light anti-corrosion coating is made for salt water, and in fresh water, excess shine can only alert the fish.

Changing shape

The easiest way to change the action of a spinner is to reduce the curve of the spinner. Once upon a time, I “ruled” an overly active “wave” with a cobblestone while fishing. If, on the contrary, the “wave” played sluggishly, it was necessary to additionally bend its front and back parts.

But the spoon bait behaves differently. Here, the flatter model, on the contrary, activates the game - the vibrator moves even further to the sides and even begins to rotate.

If necessary, you can change not only the convexity, but even the very shape of the spoon. True, it is difficult to predict in advance what will happen later. But if the bait doesn’t suit us in some way, why not try it? After all, for filing you only need a file or an emery wheel.

For example, let's take a wide S-shaped vibrator and see what can come out of it (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Filing of the spoon: a) symmetrical, b) front, c) rear, d) asymmetrical.

If you evenly remove the metal from the top and bottom edges of the spoon, you will get a similar, but narrower model (Fig. 1a). The new bait will not oscillate as actively, but more steadily, which means this modification is useful for faster retrieval or for fishing in the current.

If you “cut” the top and bottom only on the front part of the spoon, then the frequency of its oscillations will increase and the amplitude will decrease (Fig. 1b). And vice versa, if we “cut” the back part, we get a vibrator with wide slow play (Fig. 1c).

To give the spinner game an unstable, “hunting” character, you can remove part of the metal only from the top (Fig. 1d).

If you want to leave the shape of the bait unchanged, then you can adjust the activity of the game within small limits by changing the bevels (Fig. 2).

Another way to change the game is to make your lure lighter or heavier. In the first case, part of the metal is ground off from the surface, in the second, it is soldered. If at the same time different “pairs” appear, then a bimetallic spinner with its own electric field is obtained.

Soldering is often useful for giving the vibrator better planning properties.

Additional items

To give the spoon new properties, you can experiment with various additional elements.

First of all, these can be acoustic holes and channels, both transverse and inclined. They are made on some “cut” spoons, but they can also be justified on ordinary spoons.

A faceted glass eye is considered a very useful element, and drilling three holes and inserting the desired bead on a wire is not difficult.

Why, for example, not try adding one or two additional petals to the vibrator?

If there are no hooks and the fish takes sluggishly, an additional hook installed in front or in the middle of the spoon will help.

And finally, you can make a non-snagging lure out of your favorite spoon by replacing the “standard” tee with a hook with a safety mustache.

Hook attachment

A bright additional element on the tee not only camouflages the hook itself, but also attracts the attention of the predator and serves as a “sight” for it. Usually a bright cambric or a thin plastic tail is used for this (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Additional element on the hook: a) cambric, b) plate.

For brightness, the tail can be covered with orange or acid-green “flex” - sometimes this significantly revives the bite.

An even greater effect can be obtained if you put a twister on the tee of the spinner (Fig. 4a).

Fig.4. Additional bait on the hook: a) twister, b) rubber tail.

However, it makes the tee heavier and can negatively affect the performance of the entire bait, so the rubber nozzle must be used selectively.

You can cut a twister yourself from thin rubber gloves (Fig. 4b) and put it on the forend. The lighter version has less influence on the spinner’s own play, and has the same attractive effect on the fish.

Color change

Even the most proven model can misfire if its color does not match specific conditions. For example, the spoon is white and shiny, and there is a bright sun in the sky. Even if a predator comes to such bait, it does not want to peck.

I used to take coarse sandpaper and scratch overly shiny surfaces. Now I prefer to reduce the “shine” of the spinner by applying a design with paints or waterproof felt-tip pens (Fig. 5).

By the way, this is not a waste of time at all, but a completely justified action. I have had repeated cases when only painting the spoon “like a perch” made the pike still take the bait. And try to guess which fish ended up in her stomach during cleaning?

But the lure can not only be painted.

Reflective stickers sometimes double or triple our catch. The most typical options for using “flex” are shown in Fig. 6.

Flex is especially effective on an active and aggressive predator. In this case, a bright sticker will attract the fish’s attention to the spoon much faster.

Once on the Kola Peninsula I saw an incredibly decorated fiddler. However, it was with this that a local angler caught a one-kilogram brown trout on a sunny day in clear water. Rather, for fun, I covered my entire lure with the four brightest segments of yellow, green, orange and red “flex” - and three spotted beautiful fish became a “valuable gift” for the invention. It seems that at that time the northern fish was let down by its aggressiveness.

To the south, the picture is the opposite - in good light, muted colors work better: pink, gray, bronze. They are also preferable for a cautious predator.

Small contrasting details are always useful on a spinner. For example, I like to stick on diamonds, circles or thin strips of “flex”. It seems to me that when the bite is good, silver and red elements are more effective, and when the bite is bad, golden and pink elements are more effective.

Small parts are glued to the convex side without problems, but large parts sometimes become puffy. In this case, we will cut out several narrow side “wedges” on the sticker in advance. And so that the “flex” does not lag behind, we first degrease the surface of the spoon and lightly heat it with a hairdryer. Now all the fish are ours!

In the world of sport fishing, this is one of the most famous types of spinners. Its inventor is Vladimir Matveychikov, whose name it bears. Although its form looks very simple, its stable performance will not disappoint you. Designed for winter perch fishing at a depth of one and a half to five meters.

Let's dwell on what kind of wiring should be here. The main method is a combination of a sharp rise and a free release. There are small-frequency oscillations here, which are combined with a smooth falling game. This game is effective not only with a good bite, but also in the dead of winter. To increase efficiency, you can vary the height of the swing or toss, you can get different styles of play from glider to nail.

It is designed for fishing in weak or no currents. Its enormous popularity is due to both its high catchability and the ease with which it can be made yourself. This spoon was originally created for sport fishing.

It’s quite possible to do it yourself. Here we will look at making a spinner weighing three grams. First, let's look at its drawing.

As we can see, the form is quite simple and does not seem to raise any questions

We list the materials that we will need in the manufacturing process:

  • Copper sheet half a millimeter thick. Its dimensions should be sufficient to cut a part two centimeters wide and four meters long.
  • The hook we are using here is Owner no.
  • A piece of thin steel wire two centimeters long or the eye of a pin. This is necessary to make a loop to which the fishing line will be tied.
  • Solder POS-40 and soldering acid. We will attach both the hook and the fastening loop to the tackle using a soldering iron.
  • Sandpaper. You will also need GOI polishing paste. The fully manufactured product must be processed in this manner.

Step by step guides

Now we will describe in detail each step of making the Matveychikov spinner:

First you need to prepare a copper sheet for work.

To do this, draw a straight line along its middle with a sharp object. Now you will need to measure 13 millimeters from the edge of the line and draw a perpendicular segment.

We will make notches at a distance of 5 millimeters from the center line. It will look like this.

Now let's bend the sheet at a right angle along the original straight line. Let's step back 1 millimeter from the center line and draw a straight line through the previously marked notch.

How to catch more fish?

Over 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the appropriate manuals for the specific type of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Let's make the other three cuts in the same way. We get the following.

Now we need to process our workpiece using a file and a needle file. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully round off the sharp corners. Approximately at a distance of a third of the length from the side of the short part of the product, you need to slightly bend it towards the fold.

Now you need to treat the surface of its inner part. The result of our work must be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

Next we will work on the crochet. First you need to use wire cutters to bite off the loop. The hook shank must be cleaned with sandpaper. After that it needs to be tinned. Having done this, let's put it aside for now.

Now let's start attaching the loop to the spoon. Here one of two main options is usually used. To do this, you can use the eye of a pin or take a small piece of wire from a steel cable. In our case, we will use the second option. Let's twist the eyelet out of the wire core. It looks like this.

The fastening will need to be tinned using solder. Solder a loop on the inside of the long and narrow part. Now take the previously prepared hook and solder it on the inside of the short part of the spinner. Let's add some more solder here. We'll get something like this.

Everything is almost ready. You just need to sand the edges and the entire surface of the product with sandpaper. After this treatment, all that remains is to apply the GOI polishing paste.

This is what a fully manufactured Matveychikov spinner will look like.


The manufacturer GOA offers a classic version of this spinner for 300 rubles. There are several options on sale to choose from.

  • Options for the material from which it is made.
    • Cupronickel-brass.
    • Cupronickel-copper.
    • Nickel.
    • Brass.
    • Copper.
  • Options based on the type of hook offered.
    • Single soldered hook.
    • Tee hook.
  • From the manufacturers "Samovar and Co" or "KIT" a classic variety is offered, 40 millimeters long and weighing two and a half grams. The “Mustard” tee was used as a hook. It can be made from cupronickel, bronze, brass or copper. Can be made from silver by agreement.
  • From RB the “Optima” is offered. In various delivery options, the price can range from 166 rubles to 350 rubles. The classic Matveychikov spinner is sold under this brand. It is suggested to use a treble hook, the weight of different options can be from two to six grams.


"Thank you! It works, I'm convinced. The ice thickness was seven centimeters, I caught perch at a depth of two meters.”

“It works great. Depth 2.5 meters, channel edge. The pressure was 730 mmHg. Two degrees warm. It sleets. I took Matvey - and it started pecking. A few from each hole, but they bite constantly. In an hour and a half I have thirty fish. A dozen of them weigh about three hundred grams.”

Alternatives to Matveychikov's spinner

This spoon is designed for winter fishing. It is very effective, but this option is not the only one. Let's talk about what other options there are for winter fishing. Let's talk about those spinners that you can make yourself and that have proven themselves well.

Oscillating spoons, or simply spinners, are a type of artificial bait for catching predatory fish. It is a piece of metal plate bent into a bizarre shape (although there are exceptions) with a tee hook on one side and a ring for attaching a fishing line on the other. It is believed that any self-respecting fisherman should have a set of the most common types of spoons in his arsenal.

Oscillating spoons are used when fishing both with spinning and trolling, and with vertical lures. The first method is, of course, more common. The main models of oscillators include:

Along with the Prokhorovka, it is used by fishermen for catching salmon species, but it can also perform well when fishing for pike.

Classic salmon bait. It has been used for quite a long time and successfully on the rivers of Siberia and the Kola Peninsula. The game is active, sweeping, with good amplitude.

The basis of this spoon is a classic Swedish model from AVU. It is distinguished by embossing on both sides, reminiscent of crocodile skin. It performs well at various depths when catching all types of predatory fish.

A small spinner with a high range and flight accuracy. The game of this spinner resembles the game of fry. Excellent for catching asp in the hunt.

Russian development. At different wiring speeds it plays differently. Slow retrieving makes it oscillate smoothly and harmoniously, while fast retrieving encourages active play. An excellent option for pike fishing.

These are just the main types of baits that can be found in stores. Unfortunately, the dominance of various manufacturers on the fishing lure market has completely killed some types of spoons and they have lost their former catchability.

The advantages of oscillators include the following:

  1. Long cast. This allows you to hunt wary fish or expand the fishing area of ​​the reservoir.
  2. They do not twist the line, unlike rotating ones.
  3. Their behavior and shape resemble fish, which provokes the interest of a predator.

Making oscillating spinners with your own hands can have several positive aspects. This is the necessary material and shape of the spoon, its size and weight. For some reason, homemade spinners perform better than purchased ones. Well, in the end, making these artificial baits at home is an interesting and not as expensive process as buying them in a store.

Making a vibrator from scrap materials

You can even make a catchy spoon from scrap materials. Ideal material for:

  1. An aluminum container that can be cut into a mass of pieces.
  2. Several coins of different sizes.
  3. Beer bottle cap.
  4. A rod sawn off at an angle (you'll get an analogue of Castmaster).

Of course, these are not all the materials from which you can make your own bait. The list is much wider and is limited only by human imagination.

To make your own bait from improvised means, we will need:

  1. The material from which the production will be made.
  2. Tool (it will be different in different cases).
  3. Rings in quantity from two pieces.
  4. Swivel.
  5. Hook or tee.

Let us describe all the steps using the example of making an oscillating spoon from coins - the most accessible material in everyday life. This spoon performs well when catching pike and large perch. Its peculiarity is that due to the use of two coins in each section, noise vibration is created even with slow wiring.

For production we will need:

  1. Six small coins and two large ones. The size can be varied. For example, let’s take coins in denominations of 1 ruble and 5 rubles.
  2. Five rings of suitable diameter (usually 5-6 mm).
  3. A swivel to minimize the rotation of the spoon transmitted to the fishing line.
  4. Tee No. 10 in Russian numbering.
  5. Drill with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm for making holes.
  6. Hammer and tap.

Step No. 1 – marking coins and drilling. This will allow you to avoid mistakes during the drilling process. To mark, you need a tap and a hammer, but a nail will work just fine. It is enough to place it in the right place and hit it with a hammer. After this, use a small drill to make two holes opposite each other. They will serve as attachment points. It is most convenient to drill by holding the coin in a vice or holding it with pliers. Don't forget to make two holes in all coins.

Step #2 – assembly. First you need to arrange the coins in the way they will be collected. The order is: swivel, small, large, then two small ones and a hook. After this, we fasten one section to another using rings. The result is a rather weighty spoon, which can be made lighter by using smaller coins or fewer of them. That’s it, you can carry out tests “in the field”.

Metal lures

Making a vibrator from sheet metal requires a little more effort, but the result can be impressive. The first step is to prepare materials and tools. We will need:

  1. Metal up to 3 mm thick. It can be copper (annealed), aluminum, stainless steel, brass (annealed), etc.
  2. The same accessories - rings, swivel and tee(provided that if you do not solder the hook to the bait itself, then you need a single one).
  3. Matrix. This is a wooden block made of oak, beech and other durable woods.
  4. Semicircular wood chisels. With the help of them the matrix of the future spinner will be made.
  5. Round nose hammer or similar hammer. It is recommended to use several sizes of strikers. You can make them from a steel rod by rounding it at one end.

Having collected everything, you can proceed directly to production. The most difficult and time-consuming part is making a recess in the block in the shape of the future spinner. The approach must be precise and painstaking; at intermediate stages it is necessary to check by making impressions using plasticine. It will be necessary to make not only the recess itself to give the shape of the petal, but also to create an edge curved in the opposite direction.

Having finished with the matrix, we move on to the production of blanks. Their size should be larger than the finished product - the excess should still be trimmed and smoothed. When laying the workpiece on the matrix, it is worth securing it around the perimeter with small nails.

Then a large striker or hammer is taken and pressed into the matrix with a strong movement. The final shape of the future vibrator is given by smaller strikers. The finished base is taken out of the matrix, the edges are filed, holes are drilled and sanded. After which, if necessary, it is polished or painted.

The disadvantages of this method include the low accuracy of matrix creation. This can be corrected by casting a mold from liquid plastic. The desired lure is coated with paraffin, the plastic is diluted according to the instructions and poured into the mold.

After that, the original spinner is lowered into a container with plastic and kept for the required time. The finished print is accurate. This method also has difficulties: it is not so easy to find liquid plastic on sale and you need to have the desired lure on hand.

Making a vibrator in a mold

Another method of making bait is casting. For casting, you will need to make a mold and material (lead or tin). Simple oscillators are suitable for casting, because a curved shape is easier to achieve using the method described above.

Let's look at the manufacturing process using the example of the same Castmaster. Let's take lead as a basis:

  • Step #1 – preparing the form. The mold will require three parts: a piece of pipe, a metal sheet and wire. First, we cut out a fragment resembling a petal in shape at a large angle. We clean the edge - it is necessary to ensure an exact fit to the sheet of iron. Then we fasten it with wire. The form is ready.
  • Step No. 2 – filling. Having melted the lead (it’s better to do this outside, although you can do it at home) in a container, carefully pour it into the mold. It should completely cover it. Let it cool in the air, take it out and process the edges. The result should be a blank spoon. If the shape and weight are satisfactory, all that remains is to drill the holes, polish or paint and equip it with a swivel and tee. And you can try out the tackle.

You can also cast a mold from plaster, using the original Kastmaster spinner as a basis. After making the plaster mold, we repeat step No. 2 and at the end we get a similar result. The advantages of a plaster mold include the fact that such production allows you to preserve the shape and reuse it. In addition, the size and appearance of the spinner are as close as possible to the original.

Final stage

Let's take a closer look at polishing and painting, because... Not only the sound, but also the visual design of the bait is important for successful fishing. To polish spinners, you can use GOI paste, which is familiar to many, but it will be more convenient to make a polishing wheel from scrap materials.

For this you will need:

  1. Drill or dremel. They will act as a motor, simplifying the work. It really helps when you need to polish several workpieces and you don’t want to sit over them for hours.
  2. A piece of felt. An old felt boot or “goodbye to youth” type boot is perfect as a donor. Two or three circles are made and a small hole is drilled in the middle.
  3. A screw, a nut and a pair of wide washers(slightly smaller in size than a felt circle). We assemble the structure - put a washer on the screw, then felt circles, again a washer and tighten it all with a nut. If necessary, we trim the structure.

It turns out to be an excellent felt circle, with which you can polish a lot of spinner blanks in a short time. Similar circles are also sold in stores, but they are not much inferior to homemade ones.

Painting spinners is a simple matter. The easiest way to do this is to use a can of paint from a car dealership. This allows you to quickly and efficiently paint workpieces. The stages of applying paint are as follows:

  1. Polishing the workpiece, the so-called matting. Removes minor irregularities and creates the correct texture of the painted surface.
  2. Primer. Allows the paint to adhere more firmly to the metal.
  3. Coloring. It is recommended to apply the paint in thin layers, observing the required interval between them.
  4. Varnish coating. Protects the paint and also gives the desired effect. There are matte and glossy with sparkles and pearlescent, transparent and colored.

To further refine the color scheme and pattern of the resulting lure, you can use multi-colored permanent markers, nail polishes, etc. Everything is limited only by imagination.